How to close a whole lemon pear. Fruit recipes for the winter: canning pears in their own juice

Pears for the winter without sterilization is one of the easiest ways to spin the fruits by the period winter cold. In addition to delicious pears, you will also find delicious and healthiest drink, which will easily become a replacement for juice from stores. Since pears do not contain a lot of acid, it is not easy to keep them until winter.

We offer a recipe that does not require long-term sterilization, but guarantees the safety of the product for a long period. Harvesting pears begins with the selection of fruits. Let's share a secret: always send hard pears to make compote, but you can make jam or mashed potatoes from soft pears.

To finished product was not only tasty, but also fragrant, we advise you to add a mint leaf and a pinch of vanillin to each jar.

Pears for the winter without sterilization ingredients

  • Hard pears - 1.3 kilograms;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Citric acid - 4 grams;
  • Sugar - 300 grams.

Pears for the winter without sterilization cooking

My fruits. If they are small, we put them whole in a jar. We cut the large ones into pieces and also stack them. After that we prepare the syrup.

Dissolve sugar in water, bring to enamelware to a boil. Pour boiling syrup into a jar, cover with a lid. We are waiting 5 minutes. We drain the syrup, boil again, and again fill the jar with it. We wait again for 5 minutes. For the second time, we pour it into the same bowl, dissolve citric acid in the syrup, boil, and fill the jars again.

It remains only to roll up and turn over. Ready!

How to quickly preserve pears so that they come out firm and tasty? - Easily!

This recipe was passed down to me from my grandmother. I spent all my childhood in her village, and I simply adored her canned pears. They turned out so juicy and crispy that I could eat the whole jar at once.

Now I am already preparing for the winter and when the pear season comes, I always roll up 10-15 cans.

whole canned pears recipe

Pears - how much will fit in one jar

Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons for 1 jar

Lemon acid- at the tip of a knife

For this piece you will need hard varieties pears, and it is best to take unripe fruits. They should be thoroughly washed under running water.

Then carefully prepare 3 liter jars and fill them with pears.

Add sugar and citric acid to each jar, then pour boiling water over them and cover with a lid.

Now each jar should be placed in a saucepan with hot water so that it covers most of the jar, almost to the top and sterilize them for 15 minutes.

It remains only to roll them up, check that they do not let liquid through and cover them with a blanket for a day.

According to this recipe, pears, canned whole, cook quickly, remain firm, have a non-sweet taste and wonderful juice.

Whole canned pears, harvesting for the winter

Whole canned pears great dessert, which can be enjoyed at any time of the year, but it will be especially relevant in winter.

Whole canned pears - the taste comes from childhood!

Summer is everyone's favorite time to relax, in which it would be useful to think about preparations for the winter. Whole canned pears are not only tasty, but also healthy. How to cook them different ways, we will tell in the article.

1 Pear - the record for the content of potassium

This fruit, beloved by many, is rightfully considered one of the most desirable, due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value. In addition, it is rich in vitamins:

  • Vitamin C ensures the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • folic acid (B 9) is involved in blood formation;
  • vitamin K prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Pears have a record amount of potassium needed for cell regeneration and good heart muscle function. It tastes much sweeter than an apple but the sugar content is less. There is more fructose in this fruit than glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the pancreas. Since the body does not need insulin for the absorption of fructose, sweet and sour fruits are recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

In addition, it contains organic acids that have a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism. Due essential oils the use of this fruit will strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation, increase the protective properties of the body. One pear a day will provide the body with the necessary daily allowance cobalt, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

2 Quick ways to preserve - in syrup and without sugar

Preservation of whole pears - great option preparations for the winter, because the fruits are very appetizing and sweet. In winter, they can be used as a separate dish for dessert, as well as create cuts from fresh fruit, supplementing them canned plums, peaches.

  • Pear recipe in own syrup

For preservation of whole pears, three-liter jars are better suited. So, you need: pears 1.5 kg, 0.5 kg of sugar (the amount depends on the sweetness of the fruit itself), 2 liters of water and citric acid (a teaspoon). Let's start by preparing the pears, wash them and remove the tails. Now start preparing sweet syrup: pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, bring to a boil so that granulated sugar dissolves. Put the pears in jars and pour the prepared syrup, leave to brew for 10 minutes, then pour the syrup back into the pan and bring to a boil. After pouring the fruit again, repeat the action a total of three times. Before you roll up jars of pears, add citric acid.

Pears in own juice

To preserve fruits according to this recipe, choose unripe fruits that should be washed and peeled in a thin layer. Pears should be blanched in boiling water for about 10 minutes, and then cooled and placed in sterilized jars. Be sure to add citric acid per 1 liter 1 gr. Cover with a lid and you can sterilize for 15-20 minutes for jars with a capacity of 1 liter. Cap and refrigerate after processing.

Choose ripe pears, but not overripe ones. They should be washed and peeled off in a thin layer. Of course, if the pears are small, then it is better to marinate whole, but you can also cut into quarters, while removing the core. Those who love pears and have decided to preserve this fruit should know little secret: so that they do not darken, you should hold them for a couple of minutes in a solution of citric acid (1 g per liter of water). Pears need to be blanched on fire for no more than 40 minutes after boiling, then cool under running water. cold water. Then the water in which the pears were blanched is used to prepare the marinade.

For a two-liter jar you will need: 300 ml of water, 250 g of granulated sugar, acetic acid 17 g. Boil water with sugar for 10-15 minutes, then filter and add acetic acid. In a 2-liter jar put allspice 8-10 peas, cinnamon, cloves 8 things, and then pears and pour hot marinade. Cover the jar with a lid and pasteurize in a pot of hot water for 25-30 minutes. After processing, twist the jars and leave to cool until morning. Such a preparation will surely appeal to lovers of juicy pears. It can be used as an original garnish, added to meat dishes or salads.

3 Pear compote - recipes with fruits and berries

All kinds of compotes can also be prepared from whole pears. In this form, the fruits of any variety are much juicier and retain their integrity much better. If you want to prepare compote as a drink, then you should add minimal amount fruits (5-8 pieces). Thanks to delicate taste pears, compote is quite light and fragrant.

So, to make such a drink for the winter, you will need: a glass of sugar, pears 0.5 kg, you can also add a couple of plums or, for example, Asterisk apples if you wish. We prepare fruits and put them in sterilized jars, boil water. After the water boils, pour it into jars and leave for 30 minutes, then drain it back, leaving the fruit in the jar, add sugar to the water and cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes after boiling. Now fill the pears with syrup and twist. For those who prefer sour compotes, we recommend adding a little citric acid.

Since any kind of pear is always sweet, and this fruit does not have natural acid, for those who do not like sugary drinks, we recommend adding fruits or berries - cherries, red currants or lemons. So, necessary ingredients: pears 0.5 kg, sugar 100 g, 1.5 l of water, vanillin, mint (optional), and fruits or berries chosen according to your taste. You can make compote from whole pears if they are small, or cut them into halves. Put all the fruits in a jar, preferably a 3-liter jar, sprinkle with sugar and pour boiling water. Everything is ready - tighten the lids and leave to cool.

Pear drink has antimicrobial properties, which is especially valuable in the autumn-winter period. Such a compote will help maintain immunity and resist viral diseases. Therefore, take a couple of hours to prepare the blanks using our simple recipes.

Whole canned pears with sugar, fruit compote video

If you love pears and want to enjoy their taste in winter, then our recipes and video tutorials will help you diversify preservation and prepare whole pears.

Whole canned pears. Excellent recipes

- citric acid - ½ teaspoon

- granulated sugar - 455 g

- citric acid - 1.5 g

Whole canned pears.

- ripe, fresh rosaceous - 2 kg

- granulated sugar - ½ kg

2. Boil the water, dip the pears into it, after blanching them for five minutes in boiling water. After that, pour them over with low temperature water.

3. Remove the peel from the lemon and orange, place inside each pear in the place where the core was.

4. Fruits stuffed with citrus, place in three-liter jars, pour hot syrup, set for 20 minutes. for sterilization.

5. Roll up the containers with lids, set to cool.

Canned whole juicy pears

Home preservation, of course, cannot be compared with store-bought counterparts, especially for fruits. The special taste and juiciness can be preserved if the whole pears can be preserved. There are many recipes for such blanks for the winter, each of them has a twist.

Elastic and delicious fruits with a light aroma of citrus fruits, spices or vanilla can conquer with their exquisite taste even a foodie. The selection of recipes below will help every housewife prepare wonderful fruits for the winter that will delight the whole family with a wealth of flavors.

Canned whole fruits with citric acid: a simple recipe for the winter

Preserving this recipe won't take too long. You will be able to cook the same fruits that you tried as a child.

Ingredients for 1 jar of 3 liters:

  • 2 kilograms of dense pears;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 4 grams of citric acid;
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar.

  1. First you need to prepare the fruit for subsequent preservation.
  2. To do this, rinse the fruits thoroughly, and then carefully remove the tails.
  3. Now the pears must be placed in a three-liter jar. This way you can determine their number.
  4. Transfer fruit to large saucepan, pour out the required amount of sugar and fill with water.
  5. Place the filled pot on the fire.
  6. After the first bubbles appear, indicating boiling water, transfer the fruit inside the sterilized glass containers, add citric acid.
  7. Pour in boiled sugar syrup.
  8. Next, you can start rolling cans.

When the canning is completed, you should turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave them to cool.

Delicious spicy pears

To make preservation excellent, you should choose only dense, not overripe fruits. canned pears retain their shape and excellent taste.

  • 2 kilograms of hard pears;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters table vinegar (9%);
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 10 cloves;
  • 5 grams of coriander;
  • 3 grams ground ginger, nutmeg and cardamom.

Cooking process of delicious spicy fruits:

  1. Dense, but not overripe fruits must be washed under running water, remove the core.
  2. Then you need to weld sugar syrup, prepared on the basis of water, granulated sugar, as well as table vinegar.
  3. After the sugar is completely dissolved in the liquid, transfer the prepared fruits to the syrup, add all the spices necessary for the recipe.
  4. Pears in syrup should boil for 40 minutes, set the minimum flame power.
  5. Throughout the cooking time, the fruits should be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon.
  6. The readiness of fruits after cooking can be checked with a toothpick, they should be pierced well, but at the same time keep their original shape.
  7. Now we can preserve fruit. After sterilizing the jars, you can stack the pears and pour them with spicy syrup.
  8. Roll up jars sterile tin lids. After complete cooling, store the preservation in a cold place.

If the pear skin is too dense, you can pre-cut it.

Unusual orange recipe

A simple and at the same time original way of harvesting will allow you to enjoy an easy, low calorie dessert cold winter evenings.

  • 2 kilograms of dense seasonal pears;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 small lime or lemon;
  • 1 medium orange

  1. Rinse the pears along with the orange, lime or lemon.
  2. Now you need to do the removal of the core of the fruit, as well as cutting the tails.
  3. If desired, the tails can be left uncut, so the fruit in the jar will look like fresh.
  4. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, put the prepared fruits there.
  5. Boil the fruit for 5 minutes, put them out of the pan, and then pour cold water over them.
  6. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange with a vegetable peeler, stuff each blanched fruit with it.
  7. Place pears with zest in a three-liter jar. Pour the fruits with syrup prepared on the basis of two liters of water and required amount Sahara.
  8. The jar sterilization process will take about 20 minutes.
  9. Further, canning is completed by rolling fruits in jars.

Wrap the preservation with a towel, wait until it cools completely.

Preservation of whole fruits without sterilization

A wonderful recipe that should appear in every housewife's notebook, because it will take only a few minutes to prepare fragrant preservation. Vanillin will emphasize the delicate aroma of the fruit and give a pleasant note to the workpiece. The ingredients are given for 1 glass jar (3 liter).

  • 1400 g pears (strong, with elastic skin);
  • 380 g of sugar sand;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 15 g of citric acid.
  1. Wash the pears well, if the tails are too long, shorten them a little.
  2. Fill a sterile clean container with fruits, leaving a free part of the jar from narrowing the neck.
  3. Bring sweet syrup to a boil (do not add vanilla sugar and citric acid!), Pour the contents of glass containers.
  4. Drain the fragrant liquid after 4-6 minutes, repeat the steps.
  5. syrup in last time boil, add the remaining ingredients and pour over the pears (which have already greatly reduced in volume). If necessary, add clean boiling water.
  6. Seal the container filled with pears with tin lids, check the tightness with your fingers (by scrolling the lid in different directions), turn it over on a flat surface to cool.
  7. Be sure to wrap the containers warmly, removing the blanket only after two days.

Whole marinated pears

Small pickled fruits with spicy notes will be a godsend for those housewives who want to please their loved ones with something special and original.

  • 600 grams of small pears;
  • 2 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar 9%;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 4 cloves.

  1. Rinse small pears thoroughly, and then blanch for 5 minutes, refrigerate.
  2. Place peppercorns in jars ground cinnamon, clove buds.
  3. Place blanched fruits in a glass container with spices.
  4. Prepare the marinade filling using water, granulated sugar, cinnamon and vinegar.
  5. Cool the filling and strain, immediately pour into jars.
  6. Place the fruit jars in a saucepan, fill with water, and then cover with tin lids.
  7. The duration of sterilization is the same for jars of different sizes and is 3 minutes.
  8. Remove the can from the water, seal immediately and place upside down on a flat surface.

You can store the workpiece in the pantry or cellar, serve pickled fruits on the table - as an addition to dessert.

Whole pears in wine

It is quite possible to prepare a restaurant-style dessert from small sweet fruits. There are no special difficulties in canning, but the result will pleasantly surprise everyone.

Ingredients for 2 liter jars:

  • 1.5 kilograms of small pears;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 500 milliliters of water and cider;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • a handful of clove buds.

  1. First preheat the oven to 150°C.
  2. Next, you can start making cider-based syrup. To do this, pour the required amount of water into the pan, add granulated sugar and bring the mixture to a boil so that the sugar is completely dispersed.
  3. Remove the pan with syrup from the stove, pour in the cider. Cover the dish with a lid, leave in a warm place.
  4. Gently peel the pears without removing the stalks.
  5. Place the fruits in slightly salted water, so they will not lose their original color.
  6. Cut the pears lengthwise, stick 2 cloves into each slice.
  7. Arrange the fruits in prepared sterile jars, adding a cinnamon stick.
  8. Bring the cider-based syrup to a boil and pour over the fruit.
  9. Close each jar with a lid without fixing it with clips.
  10. Place the jars in the preheated oven, keeping a distance of 5 centimeters between them, for 1 hour.
  11. After the specified time, remove the jars from oven, close with clips, put on a wooden board. Check the tightness of the refrigerated preservation.

In applesauce

This way of canning may seem strange, but believe me, the result is worth it. Pears in puree acquire extraordinary tenderness, are filled with a new taste and aroma.

  • 1 kilogram of sweet apples;
  • 1 kilogram of hard pears;
  • sugar;
  • 3 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 2 grams of citric acid.

  1. Prepare sweet apple puree, add granulated sugar to your own taste, add cinnamon and citric acid, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. hotter applesauce pour into jars, they should be half filled.
  3. Cut the skin off the pears, cut into 4 parts, removing the core.
  4. Place the prepared fruits in jars, the puree should completely cover the pears.
  5. Sterilization of fruit jars depends on their volume. For a half-liter glass container, 30 minutes will be enough, jars with a volume of 1 liter and 2 liters should be sterilized for 40 minutes.

After the preservation has completely cooled, you can transfer it to the pantry for further storage.

Simple and original ways canning, which are presented above, will help to prepare for the winter delicious fruit. Exquisite, unforgettable taste will conquer even those who are not too fond of conservation.

We preserve whole pears: a recipe for the winter without sterilization, canned whole

The special taste and juiciness can be preserved if the whole pears can be preserved. There are many recipes for such blanks for the winter, each of them has a twist. Elastic and delicious pears with a light aroma of citrus fruits, spices or vanilla, they can subdue even a gourmet with their exquisite taste.

When the first garden pears ripen, this inevitably means that summer is coming to an end and you need to have time to do delicious preparations from a pear for the winter to keep a piece of summer and enjoy delicious desserts in winter. Recipes for pear preparations for the winter are striking in their diversity, and in this article I will try to show you what classic blanks from pears like five-minute jam or pears in syrup, this is far from all that can be prepared from pears for the winter.

Almost all preparations for the winter are made from pears without sterilization, which greatly simplifies the preservation of pears in general. So if you value simple ways pear blanks for the winter, or to your taste unusual blanks from garden pears for the winter - I recommend adding a page with "golden recipes" from pears for the winter to your bookmarks.

All homemade pear preparations presented on the site are prepared personally by me, and are accompanied by detailed description process and high-quality photographs. Therefore, if you are looking for what to cook from pears, and you want proven recipes for pear blanks without sterilization, you have come to the right page. My collection of pear blanks for the winter will be replenished every year, and if you have your favorite and proven recipes for pear blanks, please write in the comments.

Pears in syrup for the winter

Pears in syrup for the winter are a cross between pear compote and jam. I really liked the result, and I immediately set myself a plan to close a few more of these jars. A big plus is that such pears are prepared in syrup for the winter without sterilization, so the process itself is short and not at all tiring. I like this recipe more than jam - there is less work with it, and tender pear slices in syrup for the winter are loved by all my household, without exception. See how to cook.

Pear jam with white vermouth

Pear jam for the winter with white vermouth is a real delicacy for gourmets with a sweet tooth, which can be served with cheeses, desserts, or used as a filling for gourmet pastries. Pear jam with white vermouth can be an original and desirable gift for your dear people for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Are you intrigued? Recipe with photo.

Pear jam for the winter with poppy seeds

If you like non-standard and unusual sweet blanks, then my today's recipe deserves your attention. The recipe for pear jam with poppy seeds is not complicated, and is prepared in one go. And at the exit we get branded pear jam for the winter, which in taste and appearance is more like gourmet dessert. Small pear pieces are boiled down to transparency, the syrup thickens and is saturated with the seductive aroma of star anise, and poppy seeds retain their hardness and soar as a contrast interspersed without settling to the bottom. Recipe with photo.

Pear compote for the winter with dogwood

The idea is very simple, but very effective: if you don’t know how to close pear compote for the winter so that it sparkles with bright colors (not only externally, but also in content) - add dogwood to it. And you will get a very tasty and appetizing drink that will appeal to both adults and children. Pear compote for the winter is a simple recipe, and at the same time very affordable. See recipe with photo.

Pear compote for the winter with grapes

This week I was just closing pear compote for the winter with grapes and was very pleased with the result. Firstly, I liked the taste of such a compote: the sweetness of pears was successfully complemented by the unobtrusive tartness of grapes. Secondly, such a drink has an appetizing appearance and a beautiful color (depending on the grape variety, it can be pale pink or rich, almost ruby). Well, and thirdly, the recipe for pear compote for the winter with grapes is very simple, it is easy and quick to prepare. Recipe with photo.

Pear jam with lemon in a pan

I have several in my cookbook. good recipes pear jam in slices, but, in addition to the traditional proven ones, I decided to cook a new one - fried pear jam with lemon. Why fried? Yes, because it is prepared in a not quite familiar way - in a frying pan. That is, you do not cook it for a painfully long time, but quickly fry it in a pan. It turns out very delicious jam from pears in just half an hour. See recipe with photo.

Pear jam with orange

Very tender, sweet pear jam is good on its own, and even more so in the company of an orange, which gives it a special charm. Try to prepare such a dessert for the winter, while the autumn pear season is in full swing, you will not regret it, I promise! How to cook pear jam with orange, you can see.

Pear jam with lemon "Delicacy for angels"

Someone is crazy about apples, someone prefers pears, and I love both. But if it's not about fresh fruit, but about jam, I’ll rather choose pear - it seems to me brighter and more interesting. And if you add lemon to the pears, you get a fabulous dessert in general! How to make pear jam with lemon, see.

Pear-apple jam with orange "Fruit mix"

It turned out very tender, unsweetened jam, appetizing, with an unusual, but pleasant and bright taste. Pear-apple jam is cooked quickly and without hassle, so you don’t have to worry that something will not work out. Stock up on fruit and hurry to the kitchen to cook! How to cook pear-apple jam with orange Fruit mix", you can see

This fruit, beloved by many, is rightfully considered one of the most desirable, due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value. In addition, it is rich in vitamins:

  • Vitamin C ensures the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • folic acid (B 9) is involved in blood formation;
  • vitamin K prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Useful pear fruits

Pears have a record amount of potassium needed for cell regeneration and good heart muscle function. It tastes much sweeter than an apple, but contains less sugar. There is more fructose in this fruit than glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the pancreas. Since the body does not need insulin for the absorption of fructose, sweet and sour fruits are recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

In addition, it contains organic acids that have a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism. Due to essential oils, the use of this fruit will strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation, increase the protective properties of the body. One pear a day will provide the body with the necessary daily intake of cobalt, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Preservation of pears whole is an excellent option for harvesting for the winter, because the fruits are very appetizing and sweet. In winter, they can be used as a separate dish for dessert, as well as create cuts from fresh fruits, supplementing them with canned plums and peaches.

  • Pear recipe in own syrup

For preservation of whole pears, three-liter jars are better suited. So, you need: pears 1.5 kg, 0.5 kg of sugar (the amount depends on the sweetness of the fruit itself), 2 liters of water and citric acid (a teaspoon). Let's start by preparing the pears, wash them and remove the tails. Now start preparing sweet syrup: pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, bring to a boil so that granulated sugar dissolves. Put the pears in jars and pour the prepared syrup, leave to brew for 10 minutes, then pour the syrup back into the pan and bring to a boil. After pouring the fruit again, repeat the action a total of three times. Before you roll up jars of pears, add citric acid.

Pears in own juice

  • sugar free recipe

To preserve fruits according to this recipe, choose unripe fruits that should be washed and peeled in a thin layer. Pears should be blanched in boiling water for about 10 minutes, and then cooled and placed in sterilized jars. Be sure to add citric acid per 1 liter 1 gr. Cover with a lid and you can sterilize for 15-20 minutes for jars with a capacity of 1 liter. Cap and refrigerate after processing.

  • Pickled Pears Recipe

Choose ripe pears, but not overripe ones. They should be washed and peeled off in a thin layer. Of course, if the pears are small, then it is better to marinate whole, but you can also cut into quarters, while removing the core. Those who love pears and decide to preserve this fruit should know a little secret: so that they do not darken, you should keep them in a solution of citric acid for a couple of minutes (1 g per liter of water). Pears should be blanched on fire for no more than 40 minutes after boiling, then cooled under running cold water. Then the water in which the pears were blanched is used to prepare the marinade.

For a two-liter jar you will need: 300 ml of water, 250 g of granulated sugar, acetic acid 17 g. Boil water with sugar for 10-15 minutes, then filter and add acetic acid. In a 2-liter jar put allspice 8-10 peas, cinnamon, cloves 8 things, and then pears and pour hot marinade. Cover the jar with a lid and pasteurize in a pot of hot water for 25-30 minutes. After processing, twist the jars and leave to cool until morning. Such a preparation will surely appeal to lovers of juicy pears. It can be used as an original side dish, added to meat dishes or salads.

All kinds of compotes can also be prepared from whole pears. In this form, the fruits of any variety are much juicier and retain their integrity much better. If you want to prepare compote as a drink, then you should add a minimum amount of fruit (5-8 pieces). Due to the delicate taste of the pear, the compote is quite light and fragrant.

  • Compote recipe without sterilization

So, to make such a drink for the winter, you will need: a glass of sugar, pears 0.5 kg, you can also add a couple of plums if you wish, or, for example,. We prepare fruits and put them in sterilized jars, boil water. After the water boils, pour it into jars and leave for 30 minutes, then drain it back, leaving the fruit in the jar, add sugar to the water and cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes after boiling. Now fill the pears with syrup and twist. For those who prefer sour compotes, we recommend adding a little citric acid.

Pear compote

  • Compote with sourness: a simple recipe

Since any kind of pear is always sweet, and this fruit does not have natural acid, for those who do not like sugary drinks, we recommend adding fruits or berries - cherries or lemons. So, the necessary ingredients are: pears 0.5 kg, sugar 100 g, 1.5 l of water, vanillin, mint (optional), and fruits or berries chosen according to your taste. You can make compote from whole pears if they are small, or cut them into halves. Put all the fruits in a jar, preferably a 3-liter jar, sprinkle with sugar and pour boiling water. Everything is ready - tighten the lids and leave to cool.

Pear drink has antimicrobial properties, which is especially valuable in the autumn-winter period. Such a compote will help maintain immunity and resist viral diseases. Therefore, take a couple of hours to prepare the blanks using our simple recipes.

Canned pears lose only 20-30 percent of vitamins during heat treatment, while maintaining a large number of useful fiber and pectin, which help the digestive tract. The delicacy will surely appeal to the whole family, which means it's time to learn how to preserve pears at home.


Pears 2 kilograms Sugar 2 stack Vanilla sugar 1 sachet Water 7 stack Lemon acid 0 tbsp

  • Servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

How to properly preserve pears: the recipe for "Halves"

This preparation is suitable for cooking delicious pies or serve as a decoration for pancakes, fritters and other home baking. Pears also go well with whipped cream, jam and caramel. When choosing fruits, pay attention to their size. Small pears may break or deform during preservation. It is better to use medium-sized fruits.

This recipe is for harvesting in a three-liter jar. You will need:

  • 2 kg. fresh ripe pears;
  • 2 faceted glasses of sugar;
  • standard sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 7-8 Art. water (the proportions of water may vary slightly);
  • ½ st. l. citric acid.

Wash the pears thoroughly, cut off the tails and cut into halves. Carefully remove the seeds with a small knife, being careful not to damage the fruit pulp.

  1. In the microwave. Pour 3-4 centimeters of water into clean jars and place in the microwave for 5-7 minutes. The processing temperature must be at least 800 watts. If the can does not fit vertically, it can be processed horizontally.
  2. In a saucepan. For this method, you need a wide pan. We put the jars in the container and fill them with water to the beginning of the neck. We also fill a wide pan with water and turn on the fire. The duration of sterilization is from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the jars. For three-liter jar maximum amount of time is needed.

In a dry, sterilized jar, place the halves of the pears, leaving 4-6 centimeters to the neck. Fill the vessel with boiling water and leave for about 10-15 minutes (so that the fruit releases the juice), and then pour the water into the saucepan. Add sugar, wait for it to boil and remove from heat.

Pour the pears again with syrup and leave again, but for 15-20 minutes. Then we repeat the procedure for preparing the syrup, adding vanillin and citric acid this time.

Pears are ready for canning! Pour the fruit with syrup and tightly screw the lid with a special seaming tool. After complete cooling, place the jar in a dark cabinet. Ready!

Whole canned pears

The same recipe is used to preserve whole fruits. It is better to choose small pears that fit very easily in a jar. When it comes to pear varieties, there are no hard and fast rules, choose the ones available in your area.

You can store the finished preservation at room temperature However, after opening, it is recommended to place the pears in the refrigerator or cellar.

Experiment with the recipe, add cinnamon or a sprig of cloves - sweet dessert it will be even more spicy and tasty. Bon appetit!