Pear jam with ginger and lemon. Simple and delicious pear jam with ginger

Pear jam in winter will be a great treat with warm tea. Will serve delicious stuffing for a pie or just to be spread on a slice white bread. Preparing pear jam is simple and does not take much time. You can cook while there is a pear, from different varieties turn out differently delicious jam. The highlight of this pear jam recipe will be ginger root and lemon juice.

Ginger will give the jam a piquant freshness, and lemon will add sourness and citrus flavor. My family really liked this combination, although everyone treats ginger differently.



ginger root-50g,



How to make pear jam for the winter with lemon and ginger

Wash the pears, remove the middle and ponytails.

Cut into medium sized pieces.

Peel the ginger root, it is very convenient to do it with a special knife for vegetables. Grate on the smallest grater.

Wash the lemon, squeeze out all the juice.

Put the chopped pear in a bowl or basin, add the grated ginger root and lemon juice. Cut half a lemon into pieces and also add to the bowl with the pear. Pour in sugar, mix and leave for 30-40 minutes until the pear releases juice.

Put the jam to boil, when the pear boils, turn down the fire and then simmer for 20 minutes. Switch off and let cool.

Repeat cooking, when the syrup in the pear jam begins to thicken, then you can roll it into jars.

This is needed for durum varieties pears. If your fruits are soft, then just cook until the syrup is thick in jam.

In prepared jars, washed and sterilized, pour the jam with a spoon and roll up the lid. Put on the lid until the jam has completely cooled.

You can store in the basement, pantry or refrigerator.

It turns out 2 half liter jars of pear jam for the winter, but you can safely increase the volume, because until they try all the jam, there will be nothing to roll up.

Sugar can be put up to 1 kilogram per 1 kilogram of pears, but with this amount, for my taste, it turned out sweet.

Pear jam with ginger will appeal to all lovers of spicy, slightly burning taste in desserts. It seems to me like some kind of oriental delicacy - I remember the aromas and music of the East, the same Turkey, it’s worth tasting at least a spoonful of this fragrant jam. By the way, I take fresh ginger and do not add any more spices. Only pears, sugar, some water. Ginger root replaces everything - pear jam turns out to be incendiary, with a twist and a pleasant smell.

What else pleases? Long multi-stage cooking is not required. The preparation is based on sugar syrup in one step, after which it is laid out in sterile jars. The total cooking time from slicing pears to seaming is an hour and a half. You can roll pear-ginger jam for the winter as tin lids(using a seaming key), and screw. If you use screw caps, be sure to tighten them well so that the jars are airtight. This determines the shelf life of the jam.


  • 1 kg pears, better varieties"Lemon";
  • 2 cm fresh ginger root;
  • 900 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 180 ml of water.

Note: if you don’t have lemon pears, take any yellow ones with tender pulp. Definitely summer varieties. Dense late-ripening will not work.


Wash the pears under running water, cut into medium slices, cutting off and removing the middle with seeds and ponytails. Leave the peel on pears, as the Limonka variety is very tender and soft. Also, this variety of pears has the richest taste and aroma, which is why "Lemonka" is famous as the most tasty pear for conservation. Since the mother-in-law has several such trees in the country, we get a big harvest, so we have enough to eat and do all sorts of things.

Put the pieces of fruit in a bowl for cooking. It is best to use a deep enameled bowl without cracks and chips of enamel as such dishes. Add peeled ginger cloves, sprinkle a small amount sugar to keep the pears from browning. Take about a quarter of the available granulated sugar and sprinkle it in an even layer.

Boil the syrup in a separate container. Pour granulated sugar into boiling water and stir until dissolved, without turning off the heat. Pour . Boil the pear jam for 1 hour over low heat, stirring occasionally and removing the foam, if any. Thus, the pears will become soft, but will not fall apart, but rather retain their shape. The syrup will remain clear, while becoming thick and slightly viscous. Ginger during this time will give all its flavor to the pears and make the jam surprisingly appetizing.

Lay out the finished hot jam with ginger in pre-processed jars. Roll up and wrap in a warm blanket for extra sterilization.

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I still remember from childhood how in winter my grandmother poured me a mug of milk, cut off a piece of freshly baked bread, which I generously smeared with pear jam. It was pear jam that I liked so much that I was ready to eat it all day. And to date, pear jam remains my favorite jam. But somehow I decided to dream up and add a piece of ginger to it. The result exceeded all my expectations. Now I cook pear jam with ginger for the winter often, a simple recipe with a photo will help you cook this wonderful delicacy.

- pears "Limonka" - 800 grams;
- fresh ginger root - 2 centimeters of root;
- granulated sugar - 500 grams;
- water - 180 ml.

Pears cut into medium slices, cutting off and removing the middle with seeds and ponytails. Leave the peel on pears, as the Limonka variety is very tender and soft. Also, this variety of pears has the most intense taste and aroma, which is why "Limonka" is famous as the most delicious canning pear. But just eating such a pear will be very tasty. Since we have several such trees in our garden, we get a large harvest, so we have enough to eat and prepare all sorts of recipes for the winter from such a pear.

Put them in a bowl for cooking. Add peeled ginger slices.

Boil syrup. Pour granulated sugar into boiling water and boil the syrup.

Boil the jam for 1 hour over low heat. Thus, the pears will become soft, but will not fall apart, but rather retain their shape. Ginger during this time will give all its flavor to the pears and make the jam surprisingly fragrant. Arrange the finished hot pear jam with ginger in jars.

Roll up jars with lids.

Bon Appetite!
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The medicinal properties of pears have been known since ancient times. This fruit is a storehouse of vitamins. pear jam useful for people with pancreatic diseases. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and heart.

Our ancestors used it as an antipyretic. Today our medicine advises to use this sweet dessert strong half of humanity suffering from prostatitis.

By the way, sweet pear jam can be cooked without sugar. Usually such blanks are made for diabetics. There are many varieties of recipes for jam preparations, jams, marmalades and pear confitures. Here is one of the most popular recipes.

  1. Pears 3 kg.
  2. Granulated sugar 2.5 kg.
  3. Ginger 250 gr.
  4. Lemons 3 pcs.
  5. Water 3 liters.
  6. Lemon acid 3 gr.

In order to cook pear jam for the winter, you need firm fruit. Then during cooking, the pieces will not lose their shape.

Thoroughly wash the fruit, cut it in half, cleaning the middle, cut into slices. So that the pears do not turn black, they need before blanching, soak in water with the addition of citric acid. After a few minutes, take out the pears.

Thoroughly wash the fruit, cut it in half, cleaning the middle, cut into slices.

Boil water, add prepared pear slices to it, leave to blanch for 15 minutes. Then the fruit must be taken out and allowed to drain.


Pear jam with ginger and lemon requires the preparation of syrup.

2.5 kilograms of granulated sugar are added to three liters of water. syrup with put on a tiny fire, bring to a boil, stirring wooden spoon. When the syrup boils, leave languish for another 15 minutes .

Then into it add peeled, finely grated ginger root. Ginger can be simply cut into thin strips.

Also, those who like to experiment throw 4 cloves and 3-4 cinnamon sticks into the syrup. These seasonings are added with pear jam with ginger and lemon delicacy. In this composition, the syrup should be simmered over a tiny fire until thick, all the time, stirring with a wooden spoon. Stirring will prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Then add peeled, grated ginger root.

With the suggested amount of sugar for this recipe, the jam is too sweet. For those who follow the figure or simply do not like the oversaturated sweet taste, sugar can be reduced. By the way, if the pear variety intended for jam is sweet, then the syrup can be prepared from one kilogram of sugar.

When the syrup is ready, you need to remove the cloves and cinnamon from it. Pour fruit ingredients with syrup, leave to soak overnight. In the morning, jam can be put on slow fire Bring to a boil while stirring, cook for 10 minutes. After cooking, set aside the jam and let cool. Yes, do it three times.

Wash the lemons, peel them in a separate bowl, squeeze all the juice out of them.

The fourth time, the jam is cooked until tender. Full readiness of jam is determined by transparency fruit pieces. They should be translucent, and the syrup should be amber in color.

The complete readiness of the jam is determined by the transparency of the fruit pieces. They should be translucent, and the syrup should be amber in color.

3 minutes before turning off, add the prepared lemon juice to the pan. Cooking is over.

Prepare 10-12 half-liter jars, wash well with soda and sterilize. Jam, in finished form, should turn out 5-6 liters. The volume may differ from how juicy the pears were. spill ready jam in jars and roll up. It is good to wrap with a blanket or an old blanket, leave to cool completely slowly.

This pear jam with ginger and lemon will please all family members and guests who join a cup of tea. This jam has an unsurpassed taste and aroma, as well as healing properties for a speedy recovery from colds and viral diseases.

Homemade cakes made with pear jam are especially tasty and fragrant. Sunday cake will fill the house with warmth, comfort and delicious aroma summer notes.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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I still remember from childhood how in winter my grandmother poured me a mug of milk, cut off a piece of freshly baked bread, which I generously smeared with pear jam. It was pear jam that I liked so much that I was ready to eat it all day. And to date, pear jam remains my favorite jam. But somehow I decided to dream up and add a piece of ginger to it. The result exceeded all my expectations. Now I cook pear jam with ginger for the winter often, a simple recipe with a photo will help you cook this wonderful delicacy.

- pears "Limonka" - 800 grams;
- fresh ginger root - 2 centimeters of root;
- granulated sugar - 500 grams;
- water - 180 ml.

Pears cut into medium slices, cutting off and removing the middle with seeds and ponytails. Leave the peel on pears, as the Limonka variety is very tender and soft. Also, this variety of pears has the most intense taste and aroma, which is why "Limonka" is famous as the most delicious canning pear. But just eating such a pear will be very tasty. Since we have several such trees in our garden, we get a large harvest, so we have enough to eat and prepare all sorts of recipes for the winter from such a pear.

Put them in a bowl for cooking. Add peeled ginger slices.

Boil syrup. Pour granulated sugar into boiling water and boil the syrup.

Boil the jam for 1 hour over low heat. Thus, the pears will become soft, but will not fall apart, but rather retain their shape. Ginger during this time will give all its flavor to the pears and make the jam surprisingly fragrant. Arrange the finished hot pear jam with ginger in jars.

Roll up jars with lids.

Bon Appetite!
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