Orange jam is the best. Unusual jam Curls from orange peels - a recipe with video instructions

Winter came, it became cool at home, and I very often began to warm myself with hot teas. For tea, I really like to eat a spoonful of jam. And, not just jam, but something very tasty and fragrant. Well, preferably low-calorie.

And you know I found great option such yummy - jam from oranges with zest. It is beautiful, tasty, interesting and insanely fragrant! I especially like the taste of candied zest. It becomes similar to candied fruits, but completely natural.

Difficulty of preparation: average

Time for preparing: 1.5 hours (and 2 days for soaking orange peel).

To prepare a 300-gram jar of delicious and fragrant jam from oranges with zest we need:

    sugar - 150 g

    water - 150 ml


Wash oranges well with a washcloth or brush. Pour boiling water over to get rid of all the harmful substances that oranges are processed for better storage.

There are two options for preparing the pulp of oranges and zest for making jam.

Option number 1

Cut the orange into two quarters. Each quarter into two more parts.

Cut off the pulp, and cut the skins into two more parts.
This option is simpler and faster, but the pulp extracted in this way is extremely difficult to free from white films, which can be bitter and give the jam the most appetizing look.

Option number 2

Remove the orange peel with a paring knife. He will do it subtly and accurately. And the remaining orange can be carefully divided into slices.
Which are then easy to clean from films.
To be honest, I got the zest in the first way, and the pulp in the second. It so happened that the pulp from the first option was noticed by the child and quickly eaten. I had to go again for oranges.

So, we got the zest. Now you need to cut it into thin slices 0.5-0.7 cm wide and soak in water in a jar or bowl. The main thing is that the water completely covers the zest.
Soak the zest for 1-2 days, regularly changing the water (5 times a day). This will help get rid of excess bitterness and make the zest more pliable.

After soaking, remove excess from the zest white layer. This is easy to do with a sharp knife.
And twist the zest into a spiral. Immediately stringing it on a thread.
Grind the pulp of an orange into pieces. I chopped it into pieces 0.5x0.5 cm in size. But I didn’t really like the slightly fibrous structure of the jam. Next time I will try to grind the pulp with a blender.

We put crushed oranges, beads from zest spirals, sugar, water into a saucepan with a thick bottom and put on fire.
As soon as our mass boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then we let it cool and brew for several hours (you can overnight) and repeat the procedure. For the second time, add the juice of half a lemon to the jam.
We let it cool, carefully removes the thread, we don’t need it anymore, the zest has boiled down and keeps its shape perfectly. We put it in a jar and enjoy. Bon appetit!

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The uniqueness of orange blanks is manifested not only in their fresh citrus taste, but also in the fact that they can be closed at any time of the year. In order not to worry about the quality of the final product, you need to select juicy fruits without defects. In this case, it will be possible to put on jam not only the pulp of the fruit, but also its peel, dried crusts, fragrant zest. The process of working with oranges has its own specifics, but is not particularly difficult. You just need to learn the basic rules of approaches, choose suitable recipe and you can safely cook an unusual delicacy.

It is quite difficult to spoil orange jam, especially if you follow the sequence of manipulations. But still there are a number of points, the implementation of which will allow you to get the highest quality and tasty product:

  1. The sweet mass will become more fragrant and fragrant if you add a little citrus zest to it during the cooking process (even if this is not mentioned in the recipe).
  2. Before you start cooking the product, you need to taste the oranges (preferably each). This will allow you to weed out illiquid goods and give you an idea of ​​​​in which direction to adjust the amount of sugar.
  3. We carefully check the pulp of the fruit for the presence of seeds. Even the smallest elements can give the composition unnecessary bitterness.

Depending on the type of approach, the main ingredient should be subjected to one of the following types of processing:

  • When using oranges along with the skin, we must pre-blanch the fruits to remove bitterness. Only after that we cut the fruit into very thin slices, removing the seeds. This must be done over a deep container so as not to lose the precious juice.
  • To obtain pulp for jam, we clean the fruits, divide them into slices, remove all films, and tear the final product into pieces of the desired size with our hands.
  • To cook the product on dry crusts, they need to be poured with warm water for at least half an hour. boiled water and then cut into thin slices.
  • You can remove the zest from the orange special device, but in last resort a regular coarse grater will do. No need to be afraid to cut off the white parts, they also have a lot of necessary components.

After preparation, you can begin to create blanks from oranges. Apart from classic recipes such desserts are worth trying interesting mixes, including those with vegetables.

Classic Orange Jam

If you don’t want to improve what is already so good, you can adopt a couple of recipes that have been used to cook a traditional one-component product for many years:

  • Fresh citrus preparation. For 1 kg of oranges we take 1.5 kg of sugar (if the fruits are sweet, then a little less) and 2 glasses of water. Wash the fruits, dry, cut into thin slices, clean from seeds. We make syrup from sugar and water. We spread the fruit in it, mix the mass and bring to a boil. We cook the jam on low heat for 2 hours, stirring the composition regularly and removing the foam from it.

Tip: Lovers of fragrant fruits should not throw away orange peels. They can be collected over several months and stored in freezer. When you want jam, the elements will only need to be thawed and used in one of the recipes.

  • Variant with orange peels. For a kilogram of crusts or zest, we take two glasses of water, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, a lemon for sourness. Pour the crusts (soaked, fresh or thawed) with water, put on fire, cook them for at least half an hour after boiling. Add sugar, mix and cook for another 1.5 hours. In already finished product We introduce the juice of one lemon, once again bring the mass to a boil and pour into jars.

If desired, these products can be added fragrant spices, but these are options for an amateur. The taste and aroma of the products are already rich and spicy.

How to cook orange jam with other fruits?

Oranges can be combined with a variety of fruits, you just need to maintain the proportions of the components. For this, it is not always necessary to follow the rules of the recipe, sometimes it is better to be based on your own preferences. by the most popular recipes jams from oranges among housewives are as follows:

  • Jam with oranges and lemons. We take oranges and lemons in equal quantities, in addition, only sugar and water are needed. My citruses (set four lemons aside), dry, cut into thin slices, clean from stones. Pour the fruits with water, which we take three times more than the dense mass, and insist for about 12 hours. We put the container on the fire, bring to a boil and leave to cook for 20 minutes. We insist the workpiece for a day, after which we add the juice of four lemons and sugar, taken in the same amount as the juice. We cook the product for another half hour and lay it out in containers.

  • Orange jam with ginger and lemon. For 3 oranges we take a couple of lemons, two glasses of sugar, a glass of water and two-thirds of a glass of grated ginger. Wash oranges and lemons, cut into slices, peel and grind in a blender. Pour the resulting mass with water and put on fire. A couple of minutes after boiling, add sugar, stir and keep the jam for another 15 minutes. We introduce the grated ginger, carefully knead the composition and remove from the stove.

  • We take half a kilogram of oranges and tangerines, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, a quarter of a juicy lemon and two glasses of water. We get orange and tangerine pulp. We cook syrup from sugar and water, with which we pour fruit blanks. We pour it there lemon juice, mix and infuse for two hours. We put the resulting mass on fire, it should be cooked no more than 10 minutes after boiling. Cool and boil for another 15 minutes. We do two more of the same approaches, after which the jam can be poured into jars.

If you are not sure about the proportions used, it is not worth the risk. It is better to spend a little time preparing just one jar of the product and making sure that everything is matched correctly.

Is it possible to cook orange jam with vegetables?

Orange preparations combined with vegetables are becoming more and more popular. They have a sweet, but not cloying taste, which is appropriate not only for cold winter evenings but also on a sunny summer morning. Experiments should start with the following recipes:

  • Orange and carrot jam. We take 0.5 kg of oranges and young carrots, 3 cups of sugar and a couple of lemons. My lemons, remove the zest, squeeze the juice and collect the seeds, which we put in a gauze bag. We also squeeze juice from oranges, and add the seeds to the lemon seeds. Carrot cut into thin circles. Place in a cooking container lemon peel, carrots, add citrus juices, put a bag with seeds. We cook all this over low heat, stirring regularly, until the zest softens. Then we remove the bag, add sugar and boil over low heat for an hour.

  • For three large oranges, we take a medium-sized zucchini, 1 kg of sugar and a few crystals of citric acid. Peel the zucchini, cut out the central part with seeds, and rub the flesh on a coarse grater. Add sugar and infuse the mass for 4-5 hours. The resulting composition is brought to a boil over medium heat, immediately turned off and insisted for another 4 hours. During this time, we cut the oranges, remove the seeds and pass through a meat grinder along with the peel. fruit puree add to the zucchini, bring the mixture to a boil and again remove for 4 hours. Next, we carry out the last boil, adding a little citric acid at the very end.

Orange jam can be prepared without heat treatment. A very popular harvesting option, in which the pulp of an orange is mixed with ground gooseberries and all this is ground with sugar. The mass is placed in glass jars with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

It is hard to imagine a person who would not love orange jam, its fragrance spreads throughout the rooms and reminds of the warm sunny days of summer. Orange jam cannot be called characteristic of Russia, but in last years, thanks to amazing taste, it has become actively prepared by our hostesses. There are many options for creating a dessert, it is cooked from peeled fruits, peeled oranges, peels, zest, with the addition of vegetables and fruits.

Orange jam - preparing dishes

When cooking orange jam the same utensils are used as when cooking other types of sweet dessert. Perfect option- an enamel basin or large saucepan, stainless steel cookware is suitable. Before use, the container must be thoroughly washed, while making sure that no drops of cleaning agent remain on the walls. Orange jam is rolled into pre-sterilized glass jars (the recipe is familiar to every housewife).

Orange jam - fruit preparation

The principle of preparing fruits for jam depends on what the dessert is made from - peeled oranges, oranges with peel, peels or grated zest.

Oranges with peel are prepared as follows: the fruits are blanched in boiling water for several minutes (this procedure helps to remove bitterness), then they are cut into pieces, bones are taken from the pulp, it is better to carry out this procedure over a saucepan so as not to lose juice, it is he who is the basis of jam .

If the jam is made from peeled oranges, you should remove the peel, divide the fruit into slices, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces.

Dry crusts for jam should be poured with water for 30 minutes, then cut into thin slices.
Prepared for cooking oranges or crusts should be poured with hot sugar syrup, the recipe of which depends on the type of jam.

Orange Lemon Jam

- 2 kilograms of oranges;
- 1.5 kilograms of lemons;
- juice of 4 lemons;
- sugar (the amount depends on the juiciness of the lemons).

Cut the oranges and lemons together with the zest into small pieces, remove the seeds so that the jam does not acquire additional bitterness. Easiest to do this process on a special board, in which case the juice will not “run away” and the jam will be more saturated and fragrant.

Sliced ​​citrus fruits should be soaked in cold water in a ratio of 1:3 (1 part citrus to 3 parts water). Let the fruit brew for 12 hours.

Put the base of the future jam on the stove and cook for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and place in a cool place for another day.

Add the juice of 4 lemons to the jam, the same amount of sugar and boil the orange dessert for 30 minutes.
Spill ready jam on the banks and roll up the lids. Don't Worry What Dessert Has liquid consistency, after cooling it will turn into jelly.

Orange peel jam

- 1 kg orange peels(you can take the zest);
- 1/2 liter of water;
- 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
- 1 lemon (if desired).
Frozen orange peels slightly defrosted, cut into small pieces. Pour the jam base with water and cook for half an hour, add sugar and cook for 1.5 hours. After the jam is ready, you can add the juice of one lemon to it.

Orange and zucchini jam

— 1 large zucchini;
- 3 oranges;
- 1 kilogram of sugar;
- lemon acid.
Zucchini must be peeled and pitted, grated on a coarse grater, add sugar and leave to stand for 4 hours. Bring the jam base to a boil and leave again for 4 hours. Twist the oranges in a meat grinder along with the peel, add to the zucchini and bring to a boil, leave for 4 hours. Boil the dessert again, add a little “lemon”, put it in glass jars and roll it up.

Orange jam without cooking

- 1 kilogram of gooseberries;
- 1 large orange (pitted)
- 1 kilogram of sugar.
Pass oranges and gooseberries through a meat grinder, mix with sugar, put in soda-washed and scalded jars. Do not roll filled glassware, but close it with plastic lids. It is best to store such a delicacy in a cool, darkened room or in the refrigerator, so the hostess will be sure that there is a tasty and fragrant treat in her bins.

If you are preparing jam from peeled oranges, be sure to add the fruit zest passed through a meat grinder (no more than a few teaspoons), the dessert will become more fragrant and fragrant.

Before adding oranges to the future jam, cut and try each of them, if you get a bitter one, immediately sort it to the side, if a poor-quality product gets into the jam, it will get an unpleasant shade, if there is a bad orange in the jam, the dessert will not be stored for a long time .

Always get rid of the orange pits, otherwise the jam will taste bitter.

It is not necessary to suffer with the zest for a long time, it can be removed using an ordinary coarse grater, do not be afraid that it is large, it is suitable for zest.

Noble and refined orange jam surprises with its unusual jelly-like texture and pronounced citrus aroma.

Increasingly common in the preparations of modern housewives. With such an amazing dish, it is easy to surprise the most sophisticated gourmets, to please friends and relatives. Despite the fact that citrus fruits are not typical fruits for our latitudes, many have already appreciated the extraordinary taste characteristics of jams and jams, which are quite easy to make from them. Opening a jar of this bright and healthy treats on cold winter days, sunny mood You are guaranteed. Orange fruit gives a huge field for imagination to high-class cooks and novice housewives. By choosing the jam recipe that suits you, you can be sure of an unsurpassed result. Thanks to detailed instructions, even a beginner will easily understand how to cook this wonderful dessert.

Various variations of this dish suggest making jam from citrus pulp or orange peels. In addition, the orange is in perfect harmony with a number of spices and spices, which are often added to jam. The most common additional ingredients, which are found in a duet with citrus fruits and give the dish a bright spicy aroma, are cinnamon and ginger.

7 orange jam recipes

Recipe 1. Classic orange jam

Ingredients: 1100 g oranges, 1250 g sugar, 260 ml water.

Wash citruses. Several fruits are used to separate the zest. Finely chop only its yellow part, trying not to affect the inner white, in the amount of 25 g. We clean the fruits, divide them into pieces, taking out the seeds in the process. Cut citrus slices in half. We transfer sugar into an enameled container for cooking, add water. Heat it up to dissolve it. Lay out the oranges. Boil 1 minute. Let cool down. After a couple of hours, boil again for 2 minutes. Refrigerate for 3 hours. Heat again, let stand until thickened. Pour boiling water over the zest, then transfer to the jam. We stir. After a couple of minutes, pour into a sterile container, cork.

Recipe 2. Orange and lemon jam

Ingredients: 620 g oranges, 140 g lemon, 430 g sugar, 55 g ginger root, 280 ml water.

Wash citrus. Remove the zest from the lemons with a grater, without rubbing the white part of it. We clean the oranges, cut their skin as small as possible. We remove white veins from lemons, you can leave them on oranges, because thanks to the pectin contained in this part of the zest, the jam will thicken faster. Peeled fruits are cut into pieces of arbitrary shape of a small size. Rub the ginger root. We transfer water to the bottom of the container covered with enamel. We spread the oranges, sprinkle with a third of the sugar. Next, put in layers: lemon zest, ginger, 1/3 sugar, lemon, orange peel, remaining sugar. We heat up slowly. Cook for 60 - 75 minutes, stirring until the jam thickens. Pour into sterilized jars. From parchment we form circles commensurate with the diameter of the neck. We moisten them with vodka, cover them with jars, and then with plastic lids. We keep cold.

Recipe 3. Apple and orange jam

Ingredients: 960 g apples, 480 g orange, 960 g sugar, 420 ml water, 7 g cinnamon.

We wash the fruits. We cut the citruses into four parts and finely chop each one together with the peel, removing the seeds in the process. We boil water. We put the chopped oranges in a container for cooking jam, pour 190 ml of boiling water. Cook until the zest is soft. We transfer sugar to the citrus mass, boil until thick. We clean the apples, cut into small slices. We put apples in a separate container, pour in the remaining water. Cook for 6 minutes. Add to citrus stewed apples, boil until the latter are ready. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add cinnamon, stir. Pour the hot jam into the prepared container, roll up.

Recipe 4. Peach jam with oranges

Ingredients: 1550 g peaches, 960 g orange, 1300 g sugar, 420 ml water, 4 g vanilla.

We wash the fruits. Immerse the peaches in boiling water, peel, remove the pits. Remove peel from citrus. We cut the fruit into medium-sized pieces, if possible, remove the orange seeds. In a container covered with enamel, boil water, transfer sugar. Boil the syrup for 6 minutes. We add fruits. After boiling, boil, stirring, for about 40 minutes. We add vanilla. We transfer the boiling jam into sterile jars of a small volume. Seal hermetically.

Recipe 5. Orange peel jam

Ingredients: 600 g orange, 320 g sugar, 450 ml water, 3 g citric acid.

Citrus fruits are washed, scalded with boiling water. Carefully separate the zest so that two even halves are formed from each fruit. We cut all halves of the peel into 6 parts. Lightly peel off the white part of the zest so that it is thinner. We turn all the pieces of the skin in turn into tight rolls. We fix the edges by piercing through with a needle and thread, with which all the rolls are connected together. We tighten the ends of the thread well, we tie. We place the cross-linked parts of the zest in cold water, stand for 4 days, regularly changing the liquid - 3 times a day. Cook the soaked zest in 4 sets of 18 minutes. After each cooking, we replace the water, rinse the zest. Weigh the boiled peel. For every 50 g of zest we take 150 g of granulated sugar, 100 ml of water. We put all these ingredients in a container, slightly boil until the consistency of liquid honey. falling asleep citric acid, cool. We remove the thread. We spread the jam in a clean, dried container. We keep cold.

Recipe 6. Moroccan orange jam

Ingredients: 960 g red oranges, 1470 g sugar, 410 ml water, 3 cloves.

We wash the citruses using a brush to remove wax from the surface. Dry, cut into thin even rings, without peeling. We take out the seeds. Pour granulated sugar into an enameled cooking container. Add water, boil for 6 minutes. Immerse the citrus rings in the syrup. We remove the foam formed after boiling. Boil for about two hours, stirring, without a lid. Add cloves 15 minutes before the end of cooking and remove at the end. We check the thickened jam for readiness by dropping a drop on a plate. When it stops spreading, cool the jam. We pack in clean jars.

Recipe 7. Orange mix with raisins, nuts and pears

Ingredients: 950 g pears, 620 g oranges, 1250 g sugar, 180 g raisins, 340 g walnuts.

We wash the fruits. Pears cut into quarters, remove the core. Citruses are scalded with boiling water. Cut into rings. We extract the seeds. We combine all the fruits, turn them into a puree state with a blender or by passing through a meat grinder. The weight of the pear-orange mass should be equal to the weight of the sugar with which we combine it in a deep container. We stand 11 hours. Soak raisins in boiling water until completely cooled. Pour the swollen raisins to the fruit. Heat quickly, stirring, until boiling. We cook for about 45 minutes. We clean the nuts, finely chop. We put in thickened jam a couple of minutes before the end of the cooking process. We transfer the fruit and nut mix into a sterile container. We cork.

You can make amazing citrus jam from oranges alone, or by combining them with any other berries or fruits. If using a sour orange, or if the recipe includes lemon, increase the amount of sugar. Density ready meal depends not only on the duration of cooking, but also on the presence of the white part of the orange peel in the jam. So, it is recommended to add it if you are going to cook a thick jelly-like treat. When preparing jam with zest or from orange peels alone, you need to thoroughly rinse the citrus fruits using a brush. To avoid a bitter aftertaste, be sure to remove the citrus pits.

Great treat for kids and adults orange jam conquers tasters with its interesting taste, attractive appearance and a bright aroma that can be successfully emphasized with the help of spices. By adjusting the duration of cooking, it is possible to change the consistency of the dish - from slightly thickened to thick, viscous. Another advantage of this type of blanks is that its production is not limited to any particular season. If it so happened that in the middle of winter all summer preparations from other fruits suddenly ended, it is very easy to prepare delicious orange jam, which is served with tea, or will become part of home baking.

Making orange jam is available at any time of the year, as you can buy the ingredients necessary for jam at any time. You can cook at any time fresh jam and please your loved ones.

Orange jam can be prepared according to several recipes. This recipe is considered the easiest, where the main ingredients are the oranges themselves.

To make regular orange jam, we need:

  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 3 art. l. orange zest.

Before you start cooking, you need to thoroughly wash all the oranges, wipe, dry, peel and divide into slices. So that the bones do not interfere with the jam when consumed, it is advisable to remove them. We also remove hard veins. After the oranges have been prepared, cut each slice into 2 parts.

For the base of the jam, you need to cook sugar syrup. It is cooked in an enamel pan with water and sugar, boiled until the sugar dissolves and the syrup thickens.

After the syrup has been prepared, dip the chopped orange slices and chopped zest into the pan. When the jam begins to boil, remove the film. Then cook for about two more hours without a lid, over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Remove the jam from the stove, cool and two more times we perform the operation with cooking. As soon as they boiled for the third time, remove the jam from the stove, cool well and pour into pre-prepared sterilized jars and seal with lids.

You can add spices to this jam: cloves, black pepper, cinnamon or cardamom. BUT refined taste it will be given by the addition of nuts, mainly almonds, but any others can be used.

Just before adding nuts to the mass during cooking, they should be washed and soaked overnight in cold water so that they become a little softer, and in the jam itself you can feel pleasant taste and extra flavor. Nuts can be finely chopped, grated or chopped in a blender.

Such a jam turns out to be quite thick and is used as a filling for products made from text. It will also become tasty addition to cottage cheese and cereals.

From the remaining oranges, you can cook delicious home cooking which will give cheerfulness and good mood even on a cold winter day.

Orange jam with ginger

Ginger is very beneficial for our body. It contains a large number of useful substances and vitamins that saturate the body and make it resistant to various colds. Therefore, making orange jam with the addition of ginger will not only be healthy, but also very tasty.

Preparation of the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 2 medium lemons;
  • 300 gr of ginger root;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 2 cups of water, then the jam will not be too thick. For those who like a thicker consistency, one glass of water will suffice.

First, prepare oranges, lemons and ginger root. We thoroughly wash and dry everything. The zest is removed from oranges with a vegetable peeler, the most fast way. It is most convenient to remove the zest from lemons with a regular grater. It is advisable not to remove the white pulp from oranges, because thanks to it, the jam turns out to be the thickest, but this pulp must be removed from lemons, as it is quite bitter and can ruin all the jam for you. Ginger is peeled and finely rubbed on the same grater.

Finely chop oranges, zest and lemons, and if you want jam instead of jam, use a blender to grind.

Pour water into enamel pan. Layer oranges, lemons and ginger, sprinkling sugar on each layer. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat. Then spread the resulting thick into sterilized jars and tighten the lids.

This jam will be perfectly used to strengthen immunity in winter and seasonal seasons, as well as in the prevention and treatment of colds.

Not less than effective tool to improve well-being and increase immunity in winter, it serves, which can be simply and quickly prepared at home.

Orange jam with gooseberries

There are two types of orange gooseberry jam. The first, the so-called raw jam, does not require cooking. The second is subjected to heat treatment. We suggest experimenting and making jam according to one and another recipe.

To make raw jam you will need:

  • 1 orange;
  • 1 kg of gooseberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking process:

Rinse and dry the oranges, peel and remove any pits. Rinse the gooseberries, removing the stalk. Grind the prepared ingredients with a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Transfer the crushed gruel to a deep dish, cover with sugar and mix thoroughly until the sugar dissolves.

After the sugar dissolves, the jam obtained in this way is poured into sterilized jars, closed with plastic lids and placed in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of such a jam is not long, so sweet tooth will have to use it first.

Also, no doubt, your family and friends will like it.

Jam for long-term storage

For long-term storage The jam must still be cooked. Therefore, the second version of the recipe is more convenient and practical.

The following products will be needed:

  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 1.5 kg of gooseberries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;

Cooking process:

Rinse the oranges, cut into 4 parts, remove the seeds and grind together with the peel with a meat grinder. Also pass gooseberries through a meat grinder. Put everything in a saucepan, cover with sugar and put on fire. It is necessary to stir periodically. As soon as the mass of jam boils, reduce the heat, cook for another 10 minutes and remove from the stove.

The jam should be infused, and then you can continue to cook a second time for only 15 minutes.

Pour hot into jars. The jam will turn out delicious and fragrant!

Orange jam with apricots

The apricot itself is a very juicy, sweet and fragrant fruit. As a companion in orange jam, he gains even more bright aroma and indescribable taste.

To make this jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 kg of apricots;
  • 0.5 kg of oranges;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

For jam, you need to purchase ripe, but not overripe apricots. The bones should separate well.

Cooking process:

Rinse and dry the apricots on a towel, then divide into two parts and remove the seeds. Do not discard the bones, as they will also be used to make jam. Lay the apricots on the bottom of the pan and cover with sugar.

Wash the oranges thoroughly and cut into rings together with the peel, removing the seeds. Put the oranges on top of the apricots and sprinkle with sugar as well.

Chop all the pits from the apricots and remove the kernels. Despite the fact that the kernels are bitter when raw, when they are cooked, they will give the jam a unique taste. Grind the apricot kernels and add to the rest of the ingredients in the pan.

Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a towel and leave for half an hour so that the sugar begins to dissolve and soak the apricots and oranges.

When the apricots give juice, put the pan on moderate heat and stir occasionally, not forgetting to remove the foam. The foam must be removed with a wooden slotted spoon.

As soon as the foam disappears, and the jam begins to boil - remove from the stove and cool.

Again, after 5 hours, put the pan on the stove. Cook on low heat for exactly an hour, remove from the stove.

Pour the jam into jars, cork and turn the lid down until it cools completely.

The jam is very tasty. It will become wonderful addition to cereals, cottage cheese, sandwiches, you can also use it as a filling for sweet pies.

Orange jam with young carrots

To prepare such an unusual jam, you need to prepare:

  • 750 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 600 gr. oranges;
  • 500 gr. young carrots;
  • 2 lemons;

Cooking process:

Rinse the lemons well, dry on a towel. Cut off the zest from them and grind in a blender or with a meat grinder. Divide the lemons for convenience into several parts. Remove all bones from the slices. Fold the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwedges into a bag made of gauze and carefully squeeze the lemon juice out of them.

Rinse the oranges thoroughly, dry, peel, cut into slices, remove the seeds. Using a gauze bag, also squeeze out the juice, as was done with a lemon.

Do not throw away the seeds from lemons and oranges. Put in the same gauze bag.

Take young carrots, rinse under running water, peel and cut into thin circles. If desired, carrots can be chopped by passing it through a meat grinder or using a blender. This moment is a matter of taste.

After the carrots are cut, place them in an enamel pan along with the lemon zest.

Pour lemon juice on top orange juice. Place the bag of bones in a saucepan. Put everything on moderate heat and do not forget to stir constantly so that nothing burns. Cook until the lemon peel softens. Then take out the bag with the bones, and pour sugar.

Continue to cook for about an hour, stirring, not forgetting to remove the foam.

As a result, the resulting delicious hot delicacy is poured into jars. Seal with lids and place upside down in a dark place to cool completely.

In terms of costs, such jam turns out to be less budgetary, but at the same time, other types of jam are not inferior in taste to other types of jam.

We will be happy to answer any of your questions in the comments.