Men's breakfast is fast and tasty. Healthy breakfasts for men: simple recipes

Breakfast is important for both men and women. This meal helps to get the necessary substances for the body, and also energizes for half a day. Therefore, breakfast recipes must be chosen carefully. As for men, it must be borne in mind that breakfast for the strong half should be hearty and healthy.

They should be satisfying, high-calorie enough, but at the same time not be harmful to health. What are the perfect recipes? These are various omelettes, cereals or cereal dishes, cottage cheese and vegetable dishes, healthy sandwiches, meat dishes(meat, of course, should be lean). Why recipes from these products?

Eggs and cottage cheese are very nutritious foods. Cottage cheese supplies protein and calcium to the body, namely protein is necessary for the normal state of the muscles, which is very important for men. As for eggs, they are also a protein product. But you need to cook them correctly, you should not fry eggs. It is best to boil or make an omelette. The latter can be prepared with different vegetables and herbs. Tomatoes go well with eggs, bell pepper, spinach, onions, but you can take any other vegetables and herbs. As for cottage cheese, it can also be consumed with additives. It can be dried fruits, berries, fruits, herbs or vegetables.

Cereals, that is, cereals and whole grain or rye bread, contain complex carbohydrates. It is these carbohydrates that provide a gradual release of energy throughout the day. This means they last for a long time. Therefore, between breakfast and lunch, you will not want to have a snack, or hunger will be insignificant, therefore, there will be enough fruit (and you will not want to eat a bun). You can cook any porridge, and add berries or dried fruits to them. As for bread, you can eat a whole grain bun or make a healthy sandwich. For a healthy sandwich, cheese or a slice of meat with vegetables and herbs is suitable.

As for meat, it is generally considered that it should not be eaten for breakfast, but is better left for lunch. But in fact, lean meat that has been boiled or baked is great for a morning meal, especially for men. Meat can be eaten with vegetables or made into a sandwich.

So, there are quite a few healthy breakfast options for men. You can choose recipes for those dishes that a man likes the most. However, diversity must be present in any case.

What can't you eat in the morning? First of all, you can not do with one coffee or tea. A hearty breakfast is essential, especially for men. After all, it is the first meal that gives strength and energy. If you don’t feel like breakfast at all, you can drink a glass of water 20 minutes before eating, this will help improve your appetite. Even if there is no appetite, it is worth eating at least a vegetable salad, otherwise, not only will hunger begin to torment you in an hour, but your strength will not work. And skipping breakfast threatens to be overweight.

Also, don't eat following products food: fast food, fried meat and potatoes, smoked meat or fish, sweets, muffins, canned food, sandwiches with large quantity oils and sausages. As for fatty and fried foods, it makes digestion difficult. So, after the plate fried potatoes there will be heartburn, and over time, gastritis or an ulcer may develop.

Smoked food contains many carcinogens. They poison the body and naturally, this leads to digestive problems, as well as increased fatigue and irritability.

Sweets and muffins quickly raise blood sugar, and then it falls just as quickly. As a result, you want to eat in an hour. In addition, when blood sugar levels rise, the body stores the excess as fat. This may lead not only to overweight but also hypertension diabetes. Therefore, food for breakfast (as well as for any other meal) must be chosen carefully.

What exactly to cook for your man? Recipes are varied, because the set of products is quite large. We offer several useful recipes.

Oatmeal with apple and cinnamon

Pour half a glass of oatmeal into 500 ml of milk, add salt and sugar. When the porridge is cooked, add the grated apple and cinnamon. You can replace the apple with a pear if desired. In general, healthy cereal recipes can be both sweet and savory. If you do not like sweet cereals, try adding greens to the cereal, vegetable stew(carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, bell pepper).

A cheese sandwich

For a piece rye bread lay out a slice curd cheese, lettuce and sliced ​​tomato.

Meat sandwich

Boil chicken breast with herbs and salt, cut into thin slices. per slice whole grain bread put the chicken, two circles of cucumber and three circles of radish, garnish with a sprig of parsley.

How to cook meat that is suitable for sandwiches? Everything is very simple. The most useful recipes are baked meat. You can bake with different spices and herbs, but you should try not to salt too much.

Omelet with spinach

Beat three eggs with milk, salt and pepper. Finely chop the spinach. Put the spinach in the pan and stew a little (two minutes), pour the egg-milk mixture and cook over low heat.


Mix one egg with sugar to taste and 1.5 cups of flour. From the resulting dough, make a sausage, then divide it into equal parts. Cut out circles, put cottage cheese on each circle (you can add sugar beforehand) and make dumplings. Boil for 15 minutes in salted water.

Pancakes from bran

Make dough from one egg a small amount sugar, 150 g of milk and oat bran (about three tablespoons). The dough should not be very thick. Add a handful of berries to the dough and bake in a pan with a little oil.

A man's diet should be varied, balanced and healthy. As for breakfast, it should be hearty.

To start the day well and continue even better, a nutritious full breakfast is important. You should not repeat the well-known saying that breakfast should be eaten whole, while dinner, for example, should be given to the enemy. What to cook for breakfast will be discussed in this article.

When a person lives alone, he rarely thinks about the variety of his breakfasts. When a family appears, women are increasingly thinking about what to cook for breakfast for anyone. Our simple, affordable and relevant recipes will help make every morning delicious and unforgettable.

Breakfast Dishes for Husband: Recipes

Can't name an omelet original dish one of those that you can cook for your husband for breakfast. But, the dish is good because it allows you to experiment. We offer such a marine option, the implementation of which will require four eggs, 100 grams of milk and crab sticks, three green onion feathers, 40 grams hard cheese. Crack eggs into a bowl, add milk and beat with a whisk. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat up. Then pour the eggs with milk and reduce the heat. Finely chop the onion and crab sticks, and grate the cheese. When the bottom of the omelet is formed, you can sprinkle it on top with onions, crab sticks and cheese. Cover and cook for about three more minutes.

Many people eat sandwiches for breakfast. But even this simple dish can be turned into cooking masterpiece. You will need two buns for hot dogs, 150 grams boiled beef, half an onion, 70 grams of champignons, a tablespoon of flour, 70 grams of hard cheese. Rolls cut into two parts and free from the crumb. Fry finely chopped onions and mushrooms in a pan. Add finely chopped beef to them, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water and simmer for five minutes. Dilute flour in 50 ml of water and pour over meat with mushrooms. Stir and bring to a boil. Add grated cheese and keep on fire until it is completely melted. Now the filling can be put in buns and serve breakfast to the table.

Perhaps this is not the most non-standard idea of ​​​​what to cook for my husband tomorrow, but the presentation is very extravagant. You will need one large bell pepper, three chicken eggs, spices to taste. Pepper cut into rings of medium thickness. On the hot pan Melt butter and add pepper slices. Crack an egg into each circle. Cover with a lid and just fry the scrambled eggs until fully cooked.

And we offer loving wives to cook for their husbands.

Hearty and very good breakfast. By the way, these cakes can also be given to your husband with you to work for a snack. To prepare the dough, you will need 200 grams of cottage cheese, 70 grams of butter, one chicken egg, 200 grams of flour, one and a half teaspoons of baking powder. For filling 200 grams boiled meat, half an onion, two tomatoes, four teaspoons of tomato paste, 50 grams of hard cheese, half a bunch of spinach and dried herbs.
Mash the cottage cheese together with the egg and soft butter. Combine flour with baking powder, add to curd mass and knead the dough. Divide into six parts and roll out a circle of five millimeter thickness. Put the cakes on a baking sheet, grease tomato paste, put spinach and thin circles of tomato. Chop the onion and meat very finely, spread the mass into cakes. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake literally twenty minutes.

Curd workers will also help in how to cook tasty breakfast husband. In addition, these orange cheesecakes will cheer you up with their unusual color. For cooking, you will need three-quarters of a glass of grated carrots, 250 grams of cottage cheese, 200 grams of flour, a tablespoon of sour cream, one egg.

Using a combine, knead the dough from cottage cheese, carrots, eggs and flour well. The dough should be soft. Separate small balls from the dough and make small cakes with a fork. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Be sure to pre-lay out on a paper towel to get rid of excess fat. Now you can serve with sour cream. If the husband loves sweets, then these curds are also delicious served with grated carrots mixed with honey.

And they will also be an excellent breakfast for a sweet tooth husband.

Salad with fried sausage

A truly masculine composition of such a feminine dish as a salad. To translate the recipe into reality, you will need one hundred grams of boiled sausage, cucumbers and cheese, five quail eggs, six lettuce leaves, green onion. boiled sausage cut into small squares and fry in a hot pan with oil until golden brown. Boil quail eggs until fully cooked and cut into slices. Cucumbers and cheese cut into cubes. Wash the lettuce leaves and tear them with your hands, finely chop the lek. Mix all ingredients except eggs in a bowl and season vegetable oil. Lay the quail egg slices on top of the salad.

If your husband likes to have a lot of food for breakfast, this recipe will come in handy. Required Products: 500 grams of cottage cheese, three tablespoons of sour cream, an egg, a glass of flour, a tablespoon of butter, greens as desired.

To get a homogeneous curd mass, mix cottage cheese, sour cream, egg, half the butter. Add flour and knead for another five minutes. Put the dough on a table sprinkled with flour and divide into four equal parts. Roll out each part in the form of sausages. Cut into small dumplings. Boil in boiling salted water until they float. Put on a plate, pour with butter and sprinkle with herbs. You can also bake boiled dumplings in the oven. To do this, put them on a baking sheet, pour sour cream and bake until golden brown.

In this article, you learned what to cook for breakfast for your husband quickly and easily. Each recipe is individual, even if it is a regular scrambled egg. Don't be afraid to invent interesting pitches even banal breakfasts. Your man will definitely appreciate such a creative approach.

A healthy breakfast for men should be hearty and balanced. The meal in the morning should be matched with a number of mandatory conditions. The benefits of morning eating are undeniable. Many nutritionists believe that it is better to eat in the morning than to overeat at night. Breakfast will help start the gastrointestinal tract and prepare it for the next meal.

Mandatory requirements for food

Breakfast is playing important role in the further digestion of food. Products for the morning meal are selected with the following conditions:

  • High nutritional value;
  • Easy digestion;
  • Energy.

A high nutritional value of breakfast is the key to a healthy weight. How more satisfying product the longer a person does not feel hungry. Such food should contain a large number of"fast glucose". Glucose, when it enters the human bloodstream, causes a feeling of satiety. If glucose levels are maintained at high level long time, the person does not feel hungry for a long time.

Easy digestion is another breakfast condition. Food consumed in the morning should be easily broken down in the stomach and quickly absorbed in the intestines. If the food is fatty and high-calorie, then the man will experience heaviness in the stomach during the day. Some types of foods cause heartburn and bloating. These phenomena do not allow a man to lead a full life.

The energy of food lies in the amount of active heat that is produced in the body of a man during the digestion of food. A high energy level of food is very important for muscle work. Muscles need to consume energy to fully perform their functions. If it is not enough, then the muscular frame cannot fully perform its work. A man feels tired, quickly gets tired, cannot fully perform his duties.

What vitamins should food contain

Breakfast should have the right vitamin and mineral complex. This is very important for the performance and observance of the sexual health of a man. The products should contain vitamins and minerals such as:

Calcium has an undeniable benefit for the bone frame of a man. If you consume a sufficient amount of calcium per day, then the bones will retain integrity for a long time. Calcium helps to repair small cracks in bones and joints, protects against destruction of joints and intervertebral discs.

B vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of the muscle frame and nervous system men. Many doctors prescribe an additional intake of these vitamins to patients suffering from neurological diseases. food intake, rich in vitamins B, helps to stabilize nervous tension throughout the working day.

Potassium and magnesium are needed by the body for of cardio-vascular system. The muscle tissue of the heart may not always function normally. Various irritating environmental factors pernicious influence to her condition. A long stay in a sitting position disrupts blood circulation in the male pelvic organs. Taking potassium and magnesium helps prevent such pathologies. For heart patients and patients suffering from diseases genitourinary system, it is especially recommended to take these substances.

Iron plays an important role in the health of the hematopoietic system. This microelement helps to produce red blood cells in the spinal cord. These cells are necessary for the body to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues. The erythrocyte is shaped like a button. In the middle of the cell there is a small depression into which an oxygen molecule is captured. Oxygen is transferred to the tissues with the help of an erythrocyte, their trophic nutrition is normalized. This is important for sexual health. The better the trophism of the pelvic organs, the higher the sexual activity.

Tocopherol and retinol are necessary for a man to be fertile. Retinol and tocopherol stimulate spermatogenesis and restore the elasticity of vessel walls. In order for a man to conceive a healthy child, he must consume enough vitamin E.

Vitamin C helps strengthen immune system human, stimulates cerebral circulation. The brain activity of a man increases from 6 to 11 am. Further, this process is reduced. Vitamin C activates the work of the brain and keeps it until the evening.

Products that a person needs in the morning

Breakfast should consist of a small amount nutritious foods. There are a number of products that are recommended by experts for consumption in the morning:

In England, every resident considers eating oatmeal for breakfast to be the norm. Porridge contains fiber and fiber. Fiber helps to clean the walls of the intestines, improves its absorption capacity. Human peristalsis is normalized. Fibers line the walls of the intestines. Further consumption of food does not lead to stagnation. Bowel emptying occurs in a timely manner.

Turkey meat does not have a high calorie content, is rich in magnesium and potassium, and is easily digested. Turkey for breakfast should not be fried, but boiled. This method of preparation allows you to save it beneficial features improves its absorption in the body.

For breakfast, many nutritionists recommend eating vegetable salads with herbs and olive oil. Here, all the components of the dish are useful. Vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, greens are of great benefit to men's health, olive oil facilitates digestion.

Various vegetables are suitable for preparing salads for breakfast. The exception is potatoes. Salad can be prepared from cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, parsley. Some men add pickled cabbage, green peas and olives to it. This method is also effective. Cucumbers contain a lot of water and are easy to digest. Tomato contains pulp, which makes a man feel full for a long time and contains vitamin K. Parsley is the leader among useful greens for healthy potency. It should be consumed not only for breakfast, but throughout the day. Pickled cabbage contains vitamin C. According to the content of this trace element, it overtakes various citrus fruits. Green pea helps to activate the digestion process, relieves the body of heartburn and bloating.

Foods rich in protein help you not feel hungry for a long time. Many protein meals contain “fast” glucose in their composition. This causes the body to saturate long term. The most famous protein breakfast is the omelet. When preparing it, it is necessary to avoid frying in vegetable or butter. This method of cooking increases the calorie content of the dish and does not allow the stomach to absorb it well.

For cooking, you need one tablespoon olive oil, two chicken eggs, half a glass cow's milk. Milk should have a fat content of no more than 3.2%. Eggs should be broken and thoroughly beaten with a mixer. Milk is added to the resulting mixture and mixed again. Raw omelette poured into a hot frying pan, cooked for five minutes. If you cook an omelette in a cold pan, it will burn and lose all its useful qualities.

Dairy products are most suitable for breakfast. Nutritionists recommend consuming one glass of kefir or bifidok in the morning before meals. These drinks contain lactic acid bacteria. These microorganisms, when they enter the intestines, activate its work and help improve the absorption of food.

Morning drinks

Modern nutritionists have come to the conclusion that breakfast should start with water. Water should be boiled and chilled. A man should drink a glass of liquid on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Such use of water helps to save a person from excessive overeating and activates the work of the stomach. After that, the man can eat a regular breakfast.

Many men start their mornings with coffee. This drink helps to activate the brain. But this phenomenon is short-lived. Nutritionists recommend eating green tea with honey. green drink contains a large amount of caffeine. Tea helps a man to wake up quickly and restore his efficiency.

Honey, unlike sugar, has huge health benefits for men. It contains various vitamins and minerals. People who eat one tablespoon of honey for breakfast can save on buying additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

In the 80s, doctors recommended eating various freshly squeezed juices for breakfast. But this theory has not been confirmed. Scientists of the 21st century have proven that pure undiluted juice can cause various liver hepatoses. Before use natural juice it is recommended to dilute with water. This will reduce its concentricity, help to avoid side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

What foods are harmful

Many men are in a hurry to get ready for work and reheat food left over from last night's dinner. This is the main mistake. After work, people eat fried and fatty foods that are harmful to human health. Doctors identify a number of dishes that are forbidden to eat for breakfast:

  1. Fried meat and potatoes;
  2. Smoked products;
  3. Sandwiches and fast food;
  4. Mayonnaise.

Fried meat or potatoes are favorites among men's dishes. Many of them prefer pork or bacon. These foods are very poorly digested in the stomach and can cause a feeling of heaviness. Prolonged stay of food in the gastrointestinal tract causes nausea, heartburn or vomiting. If you eat such dishes for breakfast, then a man may develop gastritis or an ulcer, constipation appears.

Smoked products contain a large amount of carcinogens. Substances, when released into the human bloodstream, cause poisoning of the body. The use of smoked meats leads to increased irritability and fatigue.

Doctors have identified a relationship between the intake of smoked foods and cancer. Oncology is most often detected in lovers of this type of food.

Sandwiches, various fast food cause various dyspeptic disorders of the body of a man. Such food should be completely excluded from the human diet.

Proper nutrition in the morning helps a man activate the work of the stomach and brain. A person can independently maintain the health of his body with a healthy breakfast.

There are constant discussions and studies about the most useful and satisfying breakfast for a man and a woman.

American scientists have shown that perfect breakfast for a woman it consists of yogurt, cereal with milk and canned peaches. The ideal male matinee looks different. For men the best breakfast it is considered scrambled eggs, consisting of exactly three eggs or any other recipes.

Why scrambled eggs? Because any egg dish is a great recipe for weight loss, since it is such a set of products that reduces the level of the “hunger hormone”. A man does not feel hungry for a long time, until dinner for sure.

As a result of numerous studies, a lot of information has appeared about the so-called "egg diet". In the morning, you can make an omelet from two eggs with tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, sweet peppers or other vegetables and sprinkle it with grated low-fat cheese. Omelet is recommended to eat with whole wheat bread. Everyone knows these recipes.

For those who are constantly in a hurry, you need to have eggs boiled for breakfast in the refrigerator. Them with the addition of curry and vegetable salad can be wrapped in pita bread. Lovely full and healthy recipe for breakfast.

Easy breakfast recipes for your loved one!

14-08-2014, 21:30

What can be cooked from eggs? Of course, scrambled eggs are the first thing that comes to mind. I offer you beautiful recipe called scrambled eggs “Hot Heart”

15-08-2014, 11:15

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and grease the molds with butter. Cut the smoked salmon into small pieces, finely chop the dill. At the bottom of the molds we put 2 tsp. sour cream, evenly distribute salmon and dill on it, drive in an egg on top. Bake for 12-15 minutes in a water bath. These baked eggs are best served with toast.

22-08-2014, 11:06

Many girls wake up in the morning in a hurry what to cook for their lover while he is still going, quickly tasty and most importantly simple! One of the quick options is an omelette with crab sticks and cheese.

Very tasty and tender pancakes"Lush". Highly recommend kefir fritters for breakfast. Any man will be happy with such a menu for the morning, which can be a variety of many flavors of sweet honey. preserves, jams and condensed milk. Moreover, this will not add extra kilos to you, in the morning the body should get the maximum calories so that your body is vigorous all day!

3-09-2014, 15:31

To make cottage cheese pancakes delicious, you need to put cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add sifted flour, salt, sugar, vanillin and add a raw egg. All products are thoroughly mixed. After that, you can proceed to the formation of cheesecakes. Formed cheesecakes from cottage cheese should be rolled in flour and put on heated oil.

29-08-2014, 00:14

Recipe for making morning oatmeal for your beloved man with fruit

3-09-2014, 19:41

It is so accepted that pasta, or from Italian. - pasta (pasta), in everyday life is usually called simply pasta, regardless of their shape. Diverse pieces of dried dough of different shapes and sizes, from wheat flour or rice, buckwheat, legume flour, or simply starch. Quite often, various natural dyes and fillers. The most common group of pasta is the long one. Without going into the subtleties that distinguish one type of long pasta from another, the most famous is spaghetti. Whole, not tubular, thin and long pieces of cylindrical dough. Length not less than 15 cm, with a diameter

3-09-2014, 22:53

Farfalle is an Italian figured pasta in the form of bows or butterflies, which is very popular in the northern Italian provinces. According to various sources, the appearance of this pasta is no less than 5 centuries old. Farfalle means butterfly in Italian. Farfalle are small, large, multi-colored, plain. Be that as it may, farfalle is very fond of children. In any case, it is always easier to come up with a story for children to have breakfast farfalle.

4-09-2014, 23:22

Nigel Slater, world-famous from the movie "TOAST", in this recipe Slater focuses on a lemon cut into cubes. In this way, tender pieces peeled lemons become an independent part of the seasoning, and of the whole dish. You are using the lemon as a fruit instead of converting it to lemon juice as usual.

7-10-2014, 22:28

Surprisingly light and fast food both for a lunch box for a child at school and in nature. Variations on the theme of the filling are varied, you can put banana and cheese and pickle only the bacon wrap is invariable. Sausages can also be fried in a pan on the grill for 3-4 minutes. Ordinary sausages can be great hot snack if you bake them with cheese and bacon.

11-10-2014, 23:32

We will cook interesting dish you can say vegetable dish with sausage and bacon. Which can be eaten both hot and cold, the taste is unique in both cases. And most importantly, it can serve as a pre-cooked dish for nature and tasty and healthy lunch for your child in a school lunch box.

24-10-2014, 14:22

Soup Laksa is a dish of Peranakan cuisine, common in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, which is spicy soup with noodles. The etymology of the name "laksa" is unknown. We present to you one of great recipes from the famous English chef Nigella Lawson.

The opinion of nutritionists

Women are mistaken if they think that all men prefer something satisfying and high-calorie in the morning on an empty stomach. Not all men are accustomed to gorging themselves in the morning. Many are able to confine themselves to just a cup of coffee.

Naturally, it all depends on individual preferences. Among men, for sure, there are those who like to eat something meat in the morning, those who do not refuse fruits or sweets. But men who start their day with dairy products are not so easy to find.

If a man likes to eat tightly in the morning, for example, fish or meat recipes breakfast, then perfect side dish in this case, there will be buckwheat or oatmeal. According to nutritionists, oatmeal is very important product for men, because it is one of the richest sources of protein and acids necessary for the body.

Periodically it is useful to include in male breakfast blueberries, which improves memory and vision. If blueberries can be obtained mainly only in summer, then the usual White cabbage always available. It perfectly reduces the risk of lung cancer and due to the presence of potassium, cabbage improves muscle function and especially myocardial muscles. If you feed men correctly, then they can become a real support.

In our unstoppable age, little attention is paid to such "little things" as rest, sleep, proper nutrition, timely, healthy breakfast for a man. Often the only thing for breakfast for men is smoking a cigarette. And if you still drink a cup of strong coffee, then this is a full breakfast! True, no one thinks that in a few hours absent-mindedness will come, nervousness will appear, a feeling of weakness and inability to concentrate will appear. What do we have as a result? Extinction of business activity loss of the first half of the working day. And what gives a full breakfast for a man? Let's find out.

As a rule, having skipped breakfast, a man has a hearty lunch, after which he wants to rest for another hour and only after that he will be able to return to work. What we have? Having saved 30 minutes on breakfast, he then loses 5 hours of normal working time. In doing so, we deal a devastating blow to our health. Sometimes a man does not have time to have a proper breakfast and snacks on the go, but this is better than starting your day with an empty stomach.

Many men ignore breakfast, explaining that in the morning, they don’t get a piece in their throat. In fact, the main reason lies in the fact that a person does not have the habit of eating in the morning. If you decide to start eating right, then developing this habit will not be difficult. If at first you will do it “through force”, then after a few weeks, the body itself will require a full breakfast. He will begin to produce digestive juice and if a man does not have breakfast, then the rumbling of the stomach and the feeling of hunger will haunt him until he eats.

In the course of the studies, American nutritionists came to the following conclusion:
a person who had breakfast is better coordinated, copes with intellectual tests faster, he has a clearer concentration of attention, greater physical endurance than those who skipped breakfast.

Choosing a healthy breakfast for a man

Let's not reveal a big secret that not all breakfasts are equally useful for the stronger sex. It is not hard to imagine a person of the opposite sex when a man is served yogurt, fruit or muesli for breakfast. Without a doubt, this food is very useful, but it is unlikely that it will cause the same joy as in women. The first meal for a man should be not so much tasty as healthy. A proper breakfast includes as much protein as possible and as little fat as possible. It’s good to have an omelet for breakfast, a sandwich with low-fat ham and cheese, oatmeal, salmon with a slice of bread, lean meat, low-fat milk, or boiled egg. Thanks to such a breakfast, a person will not be very hungry for dinner and this will keep him from overeating.

Morning meal is a natural factor. Having received a natural vitamin-mineral complex, a man provides an intensive metabolism, protection of the liver, heart, improves his immunity, which will help him overcome all trials. It is worth paying attention to the entire biocomplex, consisting of dozens of trace elements and vitamins. But this is only a small part of everything you need, because the assimilation useful substances entering the body is assigned to fats, proteins and carbohydrates. We get them thanks to a full breakfast.