Products to cook mouth-watering lush pancakes. Chocolate-nut pancakes on kefir dough

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Pancakes - this word is associated with distant childhood and mother's pancakes, lush and tasty, with sour cream. Yes, time flew by quickly, and here I am, already the grandmother of six grandchildren who also love pancakes and have to experiment, cook according to new recipes, something more modern, for example, but our pancakes always take priority.

Today, I offer a selection of 9 proven recipes for pancakes on kefir, on milk, on water and yeast pancakes.

Lush pancakes on kefir

We need:

  • 7 tbsp with a large slide (230 g) flour
  • 1 tbsp heaping sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 250 ml kefir 1%
  • 1 tsp without a slide
  • 1 pc egg


1. Pour kefir into a bowl, beat in an egg, add salt and soda, mix with a whisk or whatever is convenient: a fork, a spoon.

2. We begin to introduce the sifted flour into the liquid mixture: first, 2 tablespoons with a slide, mix; two more times 2 tbsp. and stir each time last time 1 tbsp mix.

The dough does not need to be mixed for a long time, it should be the consistency of thick sour cream. Let the dough rest for 5-7 minutes.

3. Heat the pan with oil, spread the dough with a spoon and fry over medium heat. When bubbles appear, flip to the other side and cover and fry until browned.

Tip: To keep the dough well behind the spoon, keep the spoon in a glass of plain water or vegetable oil.

Serve with honey, sour cream or condensed milk.

Pancakes on kefir with green onions

We need:

  • 200 g sifted flour
  • 1 glass of kefir
  • 1/2 tsp soda
  • 2 eggs (use 1 whole egg and yolk)
  • 1 bunch green onions
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • vegetable oil


1. Mix kefir, soda, salt, 1 egg and yolk in a bowl, mix well until smooth.

2. We begin to introduce flour in small portions, after each addition, mix so that lumps do not form.

3. Finely chop the onion and combine with the dough, mix gently

4. We heat the pan, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and spread the dough with a spoon. Fry over low heat on both sides. The main thing is not to overheat the pan so that the pancakes are fried evenly.

Lush pancakes on kefir with apples

This recipe will make 12 pancakes.

We need:

  • 7-8 tbsp sifted flour
  • 1 st. kefir 1%
  • 1 pc apple, large
  • 1 pc egg
  • 1-3 tbsp soda with a slide
  • pinch of salt
  • vegetable oil


1. Combine kefir with soda, add a stirred egg with sugar and salt, mix well.

2. Add flour in batches, first 5 tbsp. with a large slide, then 2 tbsp. flour and 1 more tbsp. without a slide, each time, after adding flour, mix. The dough should gather behind a spoon or fork, than interfere. If the dough does not reach for a spoon, add another 1 tbsp. flour without a slide and mix. Leave aside for rest. More dough don't interfere.

3. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into 6 parts. We cut each part into thin slices, if desired, you can grate it on coarse grater but squeeze out the juice. Stir the apples into the dough, slowly. We leave for 5 minutes.

4. Pour 1 tbsp into the pan. vegetable oil, warm up and spread the dough with a spoon, fry over medium heat from 2 sides.

Serve with condensed milk and honey.

Pancakes on kefir from pumpkin and apple

We need:

  • 200 g pumpkin
  • 1 piece apple
  • 150 g kefir
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 130 g flour, sifted
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt


1. We clean the pumpkin from seeds and peel, rub it on a fine grater.

2. We also rub the peeled apple on a grater and combine it with a pumpkin, put it aside.

3. In another bowl, beat in eggs, add sugar, vanillin, kefir and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Mix the flour with the baking powder and add to the liquid mixture, mix. With the resulting mixture, pour the pumpkin with apples.

5. Heat the pan with oil, spread the dough and fry over low heat, under the lid. Turn over and fry on the other side, without a lid. Lay the fritters on a paper towel and then on a plate.

Serve sprinkled with icing sugar or sprinkle with honey.

Delicious tender pancakes on kefir

We need:

  • 1 pc egg
  • 230 g kefir
  • 5 g soda
  • 40 g (1.5 tablespoons) sugar
  • 200 g flour
  • vegetable oil for frying


1. Break the egg and beat lightly. Pour in kefir, add soda, sugar, salt and mix after each ingredient.

2. Sifted flour, add in small portions, and mix after each addition.

The secret to the splendor of pancakes depends on the density of the dough. The dough should be thick and stick to the spoon.

3. Heat the pan with oil, put the dough and fry over medium heat from 2 sides.

Tip: So that the dough does not stick to the spoon, moisten it in hot oil in a pan.

4. Remove from fire. The pancakes are fluffy, tender and tasty.

Secret: Spread the dough, small dessert spoon so that the pancakes are small and better fried.

Delicious fritters with yeast with a delicate taste

We need:

  • 400-450 g flour, sifted
  • 10 g fresh or 1 tsp. dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 pc medium, egg
  • 1-1.5 tbsp Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil (for dough)
  • vegetable oil for frying


1. Mix yeast with sugar and pour warm milk, salt and 1 glass of flour. Mix and leave for 30 minutes.

2. Pour a glass of milk into the broken egg, stir, pour into the dough, add gradually the remaining flour, leave for 40 minutes to rest and rise.

3. Fry the pancakes over medium heat, you can with a lid, but you can without it.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pancakes - buns in milk without eggs in a pan

We need:

  • 300 ml milk
  • 30 g fresh yeast(10 dry)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 500 g flour, sifted
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil


1. Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm milk, put in a warm place, covered with a towel, until the yeast dissolves.

2. In the sifted flour, add salt, mix, make a hole and pour the yeast, knead the dough, without eggs. At the end, put vegetable oil in the dough and leave to approach. Do not knead the dough; it must be fried immediately.

3. We put the pan on a low fire, heat it up, but not much. We make koloboks and fry under the lid on one side, turn over and bake without a lid on the other.

Important: So that the dough does not stick to your hands, dip your hands in water.

Tip: For this recipe, instead of milk, you can use warm water and fry without a lid, in the form of rings, pour glaze on top, then you get donuts.

Lush lean pancakes without eggs and milk on the water

Fried pancakes according to this recipe retain splendor on the second day.

We need:

  • 2 tbsp. boiled warm water (1 tbsp = 200 ml)
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 pack (10 11 g) dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 3 -3.5 st. flour, look at the consistency of the dough


1.B warm water Dilute the yeast, add salt, sugar and stir until the yeast dissolves. Add vegetable oil to the resulting mixture.

2. We introduce flour in portions. mix well, the dough should be thick. Cover it and move it to a warm place for 30-40 minutes.

3. Do not lower the risen dough and do not mix. We take with a spoon and carefully put it on a preheated pan with oil. You can fry with a lid, or without, over low heat.

Kefir pancakes are lush and tender, we have known this dish since early childhood. However, most of us ate them with pleasure (and more than once), but we never cooked them.

We will dispel all doubts and try to change this injustice, and therefore today we have simple pancakes on kefir with various additions; with apples, green onions, as well as with minor changes in recipes.

What are pancakes made of? Very popular, with the addition various fillings. But now we will have simple, but no less delicious pancakes, just out of flour.

Delicate and delicious pancakes on kefir - a simple recipe without yeast

In order for the dough to be tender, and ultimately lush, it is not necessary to use yeast in the recipe.

Ingredients to make delicious kefir pancakes:

  • wheat flour - 200 grams;
  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 25 grams;
  • salt and soda - one pinch each;
  • one chicken egg;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

You will need the following utensils:

  • container for mixing;
  • spoon with a long handle;
  • frying pan;
  • spatula for turning over;
  • hand whisk, mixer or blender.

As you can see for yourself, there is nothing exotic, all this is in an ordinary kitchen, so we immediately start cooking. Moreover, the recipe for these kefir fritters is very, very easy, and just as fast.

Stage 1 - dough.

It is very simple and takes just a minute to prepare. For this, in flour,

Pour sugar, soda, salt and knead everything together until smooth.

If the dough turns out to be very liquid, like on pancakes, then you can add a couple more ... three tablespoons of flour. But do not get carried away, otherwise our kefir pancakes will turn out to be dryish.

Frying fritters:

Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and put it on the fire to warm up. After a minute ... two, with a tablespoon (an ideal measure for making pancakes on kefir), pour the dough,

After a minute, turn them over and fry on the other side for another minute.

Pancakes on kefir are cooked really very quickly, and you yourself, depending on the thickness of your pan and on which burner you fry them, will adjust this time.

Our pancakes on kefir cool very quickly, which means serve and eat them right away.

Enjoy your meal.

So, easily and uncomplicatedly, we prepared a whole bowl of pancakes on kefir. And as you can see, in just 12 minutes. Now it's your turn to repeat these theoretical skills in practice.

Lush pancakes on kefir with apples, tender with sourness

Cooking lush pancakes on kefir with apples. This is done as easy as shelling pears, it is the fastest and easy way enjoy delicious pancakes. The cooked dish is so airy and tender that it just melts in your mouth. Believe me, it is.


  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • water - 40 ml;
  • a large apple - a variety at the discretion (I like it sour);
  • chicken egg - one;
  • flour - 220 - 250 gr.;
  • sugar - three tablespoons;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp;
  • soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - to fry.

Let's start cooking lush pancakes with apples

Pour 250 ml. kefir in a bowl, there is also 40 ml of water and mix. This liquid must be warmed up a little, so we put the bowl on the stove, turn on a small fire and heat up to 35 degrees.

We take another dish and break it into it a raw egg, pour about a quarter teaspoon of salt, three large spoons of sugar. Pour the warmed liquid kefir with water here and stir thoroughly until foam appears.

Gradually, little by little, pour flour through a sieve. Then we interfere, getting rid of lumps, it is necessary to ensure that the dough turns out to be quite thick, it should not drain from the spoon, it should slide off it with a viscous mass.

If the proportions are not calculated, and the dough turns out to be liquid, just add flour gradually and mix. Or if on the contrary it turned out to be a very thick mass, pour in water.

The next step, pour the soda according to the recipe and stir the mixture well, do not miss this moment, this is one of the conditions for the pancakes to turn out tender and fluffy.

Grate on a coarse grater or chop an apple with a special device directly into ready dough. Mix well.

The only thing left is to fry the pancakes themselves in a pan. Pour vegetable oil and heat well. We take a portion of the dough with a tablespoon and put it on the pan, how many cakes, how many will fit.

It is important to note that in the process of frying the next portion of pancakes, do not get in the habit of mixing the remaining dough. I don’t know why, but the next batch of products in this case may turn out to be not quite magnificent (this is a personal experience).

We fry the pancakes on both sides, every two to three minutes, set the fire to a small one, it is important here that the pancakes are well baked but not burnt.

That's all, put the pancakes on a plate, you can immediately serve them on the table. Pancakes on kefir with apples, tender, lush, airy, piping hot - it's very, very tasty.

We eat this dish with sour cream, butter, tea, or even just eat “naked”. Enjoy your meal!

Delicious pancakes on kefir with green onions - you will lick your fingers

This is really one of the options when you eat, eat and you want everything and want more, this recipe for kefir fritters with green onions is so successful that it’s impossible not to write a way to cook it.

Would need:

  • flour - two hundred grams;
  • kefir - two hundred grams;
  • green onions, fresh or frozen - see for yourself how much;
  • egg - one;
  • salt - a quarter or half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - optional;
  • soda - half a teaspoon.

How to cook pancakes on kefir with onions

Finely chop the green onion into a saucepan or small bowl. Pour kefir into it. If it is not greasy, it would be necessary to pour in a little vegetable oil, a tablespoon will be enough.

Immediately break the egg, salt, soda into it.

Gradually add flour and mix thoroughly. Spread the resulting mass with a spoon on a heated frying pan with oil and fry on both sides.

Everything is simple and inexpensive. And the taste, I assure you, is admirable. Be sure to cook such delicious pancakes.

I used to experiment and add dill and parsley to pancakes with green onions on kefir, but I came to the conclusion that it just tastes better with onions, or even not so, the option with dill and parsley is not for everyone.

Try it yourself, maybe you have ideas, recipes? Cook, share in the comments.

And one more recipe:

Super-fluffy pancakes (pancakes) on kefir without eggs. Revealing secrets

And the last thing about pancakes, note

100 grams of kefir fritters contains:

  • Fat - 5.2 grams;
  • Proteins - 5.7 grams;
  • Carbohydrates - 42.2 grams;
  • The calorie content of the dish is 237 kilocalories.

A lot, so it's best to cook them for breakfast, which is what 99% of all housewives do.

Good luck and all the best!

Looking for suitable recipe for your first fluffy pancakes? Check us out! We have the most delicious and simplest fluffy pancakes on kefir. Recipe with photo step by step, especially for beginners. Take out the yogurt from the refrigerator as soon as possible, and take the flour and the mixer out of the cabinet and let's knead the dough for the pancakes. Wondering why a mixer? I know, I know, there is a well-known opinion that pancakes turn out lush only if the dough is not stirred too hard so that lumps are sure to remain. Today we will refute this “rule” and prepare high pancakes from an even, smooth dough that looks like condensed milk. Delicate in taste and attractive in appearance, small in size, as they say, “for one tooth”. Everyone who sees them has only one desire - to try them as soon as possible. Bake your first fluffy pancakes together with us!


  • 1 egg;
  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 1.5 cups flour (glass volume 250 ml);
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil in the dough;
  • 40 ml sunflower oil for frying

How to cook fluffy pancakes on kefir

To begin with, let's choose suitable dishes for making fritters. This is a deep bowl for dough and a large frying pan. Definitely with a lid!

Now you can get started. Then we take an egg, break it over a bowl. Add sugar and stir.

Can be slightly whipped.

Next in line is kefir. Pour into bowl with beaten egg. Salt, pour soda. No need to put out the soda this case it is quenched by the acid contained in kefir. We mix.

Then flour. We will not add it all at once, but in two steps. First, add 1 cup of flour. Whisk for 2-3 minutes. And then add the rest of the flour. Continue whisking until all flour lumps are gone. Add sunflower oil and beat for another minute.

The result should be completely homogeneous dough, in structure and density reminiscent of condensed milk or even condensed cream.

Let's move on to frying pancakes. We take the most large frying pan, which is found in the house, and heat it up to the maximum (about 3 minutes). Add 20 ml of sunflower oil (about three tablespoons). We scoop up the dough with a tablespoon and put it on the pan, retreating about one and a half centimeters from each other. My frying pan fits 5-6 pancakes at a time.

Immediately cover the pan with a lid and fry the pancakes over medium heat for 2 minutes. Then turn them over and fry for another 1.5 minutes (also under the lid).

Similarly, we spend all the remaining dough, turning it into lush pancakes.

We serve the finished dish to the table while still warm with sour cream or condensed milk (as in the photo), and also with hot tea. This is delicious!

Fritters are a win-win option when you need to quickly feed your family. Especially if you have little kids growing up, you can put anything in these donuts. Children do not eat pumpkin - put it in the dough, do not eat zucchini - bake pancakes with it. And dessert options with fruit, as if eaten piping hot.

I wrote about lush, and now I want to continue and give you some recipes with a milk base.

In order for the pancakes to turn out delicious, and the process of their preparation did not upset you, you need to observe a few important points:

  1. The dough should not be very liquid, otherwise they will rise worse and spread heavily in the pan.
  2. We take a little more flour than milk. The difference is about 50 grams.
  3. Milk and eggs should be warm, then the mass will rise better.
  4. Our donuts are fried on low or medium heat. If you use a weak mode, then cover them with a lid so that moisture does not evaporate much.
  5. Yeast dough is no longer stirred before frying, otherwise it will fall off.

To make the mass rise well, use soda, baking powder or yeast. In this recipe, we need soda. Moreover, if in the recipe for kefir, we did not extinguish it, then in this case we cannot do without vinegar.

We take the milk and eggs out of the refrigerator in advance. Warm foods have a better effect on the splendor of the dough and the final result.

We use a mixer to mix the products, because with it the mass turns out to be homogeneous faster.
But you can do with a fork or whisk.


  • 1 egg
  • A glass of milk
  • 1 st. l. sugar
  • 2/3 tsp soda
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vinegar
  • A glass of flour

Mix the egg with flour in a bowl and mix with a mixer at the lowest speed.

Then add salt, sugar and flour. The mixer perfectly breaks up lumps, and the mass is homogeneous.

As soon as we got a viscous consistency, we extinguish the soda with a couple of drops of vinegar.

Mix and go to the stove.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil and heat it up. These donuts cook very quickly. It turns out not as lush as on kefir, but not very greasy.

How to cook fluffy pancakes with milk and yeast

The following recipe is also made on a milk basis, but with the addition of pressed yeast. You can use instant bakers, which are stored for a long time and quickly dissolve in water for a dough.


  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tsp with a hill of salt
  • 1 tsp with a slide of dry yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 1.5 cups flour

First, dilute the yeast in milk. As soon as the yeast dissolves in milk, pour out the sugar and flour.

Leave the mass for 10 minutes, it will become loose, as in the photo.

Add salt and egg, mix so that there are no lumps. Now leave the dough to rise, it will triple in volume.

Take a frying pan with a thick bottom and pour in a little vegetable oil. We do not mix the dough, we collect it with a teaspoon.

The fire must be reduced to medium.

eggless dough recipe

If there was suddenly not a single egg in the refrigerator, then we can do without it. The main thing is to warm the milk, otherwise the yeast in it will not begin to act.

It is better to sift the flour so that all its grains are saturated with oxygen, then the dough will become even more tender and fluffy.


  • 300 ml milk
  • 30 gr live pressed yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 400 gr flour
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil

We heat the milk with sugar so that it is warm, put a piece of yeast into it and wait for their complete dissolution.

As soon as the yeast comes up, we mix it with flour. Knead a tight dough.

Pour vegetable oil into it. Now the mass should rise. It is very fluffy and airy.

We fry our buns in vegetable oil. Necessarily on low heat and under the lid. Otherwise, moisture will evaporate from the dough.

The fritters are very fluffy.

Serve them with sour cream.

Dough for pancakes in milk with apples

Finally, it's time for dessert. Most often they are prepared for kids, but adults will not refuse fragrant treats with jam or jam.

Add a pinch of cinnamon and the aroma will quickly whet the appetite of all family members.


  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 apple
  • 1 tsp soda
  • A little salt and sugar

First of all, we need to beat the egg with sugar until a slight foam forms.

Pour milk and pour soda.

Sift flour into a bowl with dough.

Apples are peeled and grated. You can also cut them into cubes or plates.

Heat the pan with oil well and on low heat, you can start frying the pancakes.

If you add cinnamon or vanillin to the mass before frying, you get delicious dessert. You can also decorate with powdered sugar and fruits or fresh berries.

Lush pancakes with banana

Bananas will also go as an addition to dessert. You need to work with them very quickly so that they do not turn black, otherwise the dough will turn brown.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 12 pieces are obtained. This is 4 servings.


  • 1 egg
  • 4 tbsp flour
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 65 ml milk (1/4) cup
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil

We clean the bananas and grind the pulp into a puree.

In the puree we drive in the egg, pour out the sugar, salt and pour the milk. Mix until smooth.

Sift flour into the dough and pour a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

We also bake on low fire.

Enjoy your meal.

Fritters with doctor's sausage

This variant of fritters resembles the well-known sausage in dough or a sausage pie. Absolutely everyone loves this snack. They even leave faster than sandwiches and pies, but they are made much faster.


  • 250 g flour
  • 3 g fast yeast
  • A glass of warm water
  • 1 egg
  • Sugar
  • Sausage - 100 gr

Yeast must first be diluted. This must be done in warm sweet water to start the fermentation process.

Sift the flour to the yeast and wait for the dough to rise. Then we drive in the egg and wait again for the dough to come up.

If you take a round slice of sausage, then you need to roll it in flour and dip it into the dough.

If you decide to cut the sausage into cubes or strips, then immediately mix it with the dough and send it to the pan.

If you liked the selection of recipes, add the article to your bookmarks.

Often on weekends I want to cook something tasty and quick for my family. Fritters are great for hearty and quick breakfast. The most important thing is that there are very few people who do not eat them and the total cost of this product is very budgetary. And at home, all the ingredients are always there. They are prepared on a different basis.

And today I will tell you how to make dough on kefir, so that you get pancakes like grandma's - lush and tender. Interestingly, this dish is prepared all over the world, called, of course, in different ways.

There are a lot of pancake recipes, but they do not always turn out lush. Let me first talk about the nuances that will help you get airy and tender donuts every time.

So, before choosing the right recipe, check out the nuances that must be observed so as not to spoil such a tasty and simple dish. And get exactly lush, porous and tender pancakes not thick pancakes.

  • We make the dough thicker. Ideally, an equal part of the liquid component (kefir) and flour is taken.
  • We fry gourmets as soon as we get the desired dough consistency.
  • We add some sugar. If there is a lot of sugar, then the splendor will fall off very quickly.
  • Heat the oil well in a frying pan. If you put the dough immediately into unheated oil, then it will not be easily separated, but will be baked from the surface of the pan.
  • Eggs and kefir should be room temperature Take care to take them out of the refrigerator in advance.
  • Spread the donuts on parchment paper, napkin or paper towel so that the paper has absorbed excess grease.
  • Kefir is better suited not fresh, it has more acid and it reacts more easily with baking powder and soda.
  • Flour must be sifted to saturate it with oxygen. Usually two or three times is enough.

Each hostess has prepared such a breakfast more than once, and many have deduced their ratio and proportions of products. But there are recipes according to which pancakes succeed in most cases. Basically they are called traditional or classical.


  • 300 ml kefir
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 250 gr flour
  • some salt
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Pour kefir into the bowl and add soda (not slaked) there, mix. The acid in kefir, meeting with soda, will give a reaction. Let this mixture sit for five minutes.

Before pouring out the prepared amount of flour, sift it a couple of times. It has a loose structure and is easily saturated with oxygen in this way, which will add extra splendor to pancakes. Just one sifting may not be enough.

There is no need to beat the dough, just mix to crush any lumps.

By density, it should turn out viscous, and not drain from a spoon.

We start baking immediately, do not leave the dough to reach.

Heat up a frying pan, pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil and immediately lower the heat to medium.

Put a tablespoon of batter into the hot oil. We make sure that it does not connect with each other, then you will get even individual rounds.

Can be served with sour cream or jam.

This is how they look inside.

If you add a lot of sugar, the donuts will quickly fall off.

How to cook pancakes like fluff (secret trick)

Remember, in the school cafeteria, they served pancakes that simply melted in your mouth. True, hot they are always tastier than cooled.

There are several features, following which you can get just airy donuts.

It was revealed as a result of culinary experiments that cold kefir will not allow the dough to rise and you will not get splendor. Therefore, in this recipe, we not only bring it to room temperature, but also heat it up.


  • Kefir - 250 ml
  • Water - 40 ml
  • 1 egg
  • Flour - 240 gr
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil

We combine kefir with water and heat it on the stove. This is a prerequisite.

Separately, mix the egg and sugar, pour kefir there and knead until a light foam appears.

The final step is to sift the flour in several stages. We make sure that no lumps form.

We achieve ductility in the consistency of the dough.

And just before the hottest, add soda to the mass and mix.

Both sides need to be fried. It's about two, three minutes on each side. It is important to reduce the fire in time, otherwise the cakes may not be baked.

During the frying period, do not mix the dough, but simply scoop it with a spoon. Otherwise, gourmets will not be so lush.

This is how they look in a section: elastic and porous.

soda dough recipe

The baking soda allows the dough to rise. Usually, the acid contained in kefir is enough to react with it. Therefore, we do not use vinegar here.

By the way, they say that soda and baking powder should be used together, and not give preference to one of them. But we don’t do that at home, we take one thing.


  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 cups kefir 2.5% fat
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tsp salt

Pour soda into flour and mix. Pour prepared kefir to this mixture.

Separately, grind the eggs with salt and sugar. And we combine this mixture with kefir flour mass.

We start the frying process, as always, in heated vegetable oil.

Soda makes the fattest pancakes, so you need to monitor the amount of oil.

Also in this recipe we use eggs, which give density to the dough, and it does not absorb fat so much.

Lush pancakes on kefir without eggs

But you can do without eggs. Moreover, there are recipes where they are not even provided. We take the classic basis, but change the proportions of the products.


  • 200 ml kefir
  • 160 g flour
  • 1 tsp powdered sugar or brown sugar
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • Salt on the tip of a knife
  • Fry in vegetable oil

Kefir is taken out of the refrigerator for a couple of hours and let it warm up. Pour salt with powder and sifted flour into it.

Soda goes to the very last line, when the whole mass is already mixed.

After kneading the dough of the desired thick consistency, we don’t touch it anymore, we leave it alone.

Pour a little oil into a hot pan, do not need them to float in it.

And from the bowl we take the dough with a spoon, without stirring it! It is important.

It is better to make a little dough so that hot pancakes have time to eat, cold ones are not so tasty anymore.

Thick and fluffy pancakes with yeast

Yeast is a great substitute for baking soda or baking powder. And donuts do not fall until the evening, if you have prepared a large batch and did not have time to eat everything at once. The cooking process is somewhat longer than without yeast dough, but it will turn out to be a very delicate texture.

In the recipe, we use live pressed yeast, but you can use dry, only pre-filled with warm sweetened water.


  • 20 gr pressed yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 400 ml kefir
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • A pinch of salt

400 ml of kefir must be heated. We look so that the whey does not begin to separate, otherwise we will get cottage cheese.

Add yeast, sugar and salt to it.

Then add flour and beat in the egg. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for an hour in a warm place.

As soon as you see that the dough seems to settle down, start frying.

How do you know when the dough is ready? Scoop some of it into the spoon and let it fall back into the bowl. It shouldn't spread.

Dough for low-fat pancakes so that they do not absorb oil

I have had a chance to treat myself to a culinary miracle, from which the fat from the pancakes flowed down my hands, so I perfectly understand that there are lovers of drier crumpets.

Let's start with the fact that the dough itself is not greasy. Vegetable oil is limited and only lubricates the surface of the pan.


  • A glass of kefir
  • 1 egg
  • A pinch of salt
  • teaspoon of soda
  • 0.5 cup flour
  • 0.5 tsp vegetable oil

Add egg, salt and soda to kefir. Mix thoroughly. Then gradually add flour and continue mixing. Add half a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mass.

If the dough is very liquid, then add flour with a tablespoon.

Flour can be of different quality (grading depends on the amount of gluten), so one recipe for one hostess can get a different result.

Set the fire mode to medium or slightly less than medium.

Just grease the pan with oil.

As soon as the first side is browned, close the pan with a lid.

If you have a good Teflon coating, you can do without oil at all. Of course, they will not look as appetizing, but you will get a healthier and less high-calorie breakfast.

They are greasy because we put soda in the dough, it creates a looser structure, where the oil is absorbed, like in a sponge.

Also pancakes mixed with batter will turn out fatter than thick.

Well, and advice for those who cannot do without frying, but want to get a not very fatty product: spread from the pan on a paper towel.

By the way, so that they easily move away from the pan, it is better to add oil to the dough itself, and not pour it into a frying container.

How to bake pancakes on kefir with apples

Most often they are served for breakfast with jam, fruit or jam. Bananas, cinnamon or apples can go into the dough. And the very combination of apples and cinnamon is always fragrant and appetizing, even in fresh fruit salad even in baking.


  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 3 apples
  • 250 ml of kefir - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Vanillin
  • Cinnamon
  • 0.5 tsp soda or baking powder

We take out kefir and apples from the refrigerator in advance.

Pour sugar, spices and flour to kefir.

Then add baking soda or baking powder.

Preparing apples. Remove the core and cut the fruit into slices.

Then heat up a frying pan with oil and start frying the dough.

We do this: Take an apple slice, dip it in the dough and put it in oil.

So that the dough does not run off the apples, you need to achieve its correct consistency. We don't make it liquid. On the contrary, add more flour for density.

It turns out an unusually rich taste.

Apple fruits can be added differently. For example, peel them and cut them into pieces. Mix with dough mass and bake traditional way to which you are accustomed.

Pancakes with egg and green onions are very tasty, a kind of “lazy pies”. The cooking process is the same as with apples. The dough is kneaded, eggs are boiled in advance. And the filling is prepared separately: we cut the eggs, mix with salt and onion and put them in a common bowl. Bake in a hot pan.

Always turn on a low fire so that the inside of the donut is also baked. If you cook on low mode, then the dough cannot be fried until crispy and the cakes themselves will resemble rubber. Because with this mode of frying, more water is evaporated.

That's the whole science of how to bake delicious pancakes for breakfast. Write your questions in the comments.