Hot drinks: types, recipes with photos.

Everyone knows that drink It is nothing more than a liquid meant to be drunk. The basis of most drinks consumed by humans is water. She herself is a drink and is used both in pure and in carbonated or mineralized form (both extracted from natural mineral sources, and with additions). Drinks are usually divided into three large groups - alcoholic drinks , carbonated drinks And soft drinks.

Alcoholic drinks called drinks containing at least 1.5% ethyl alcohol obtained from alcohol, carbohydrate-containing raw materials. Since ancient times, they have been prepared by fermentation (fermentation is the metabolic breakdown of nutrient molecules, such as glucose, that occurs without the participation of oxygen). Alcoholic drinks include:
Wine- an alcoholic beverage obtained by complete or partial alcoholic fermentation of grape juice.
Beer - low alcohol drink, obtained by alcoholic fermentation of malt wort with brewer's yeast, usually with the addition of hops.
Cider- a low-alcohol drink, usually champagne, obtained by fermenting apple, less often pear or other fruit juice without the addition of yeast.
mead- an alcoholic drink made from water, honey and yeast with various flavors.



Another large subgroup of alcoholic beverages is the so-called hard liquor. Strong liquor prepared using distillation apparatus, distillation column apparatus or other ways to increase the strength without the involvement of microorganisms. Hard liquor includes:
Absinthe- an alcoholic drink, the most important component of which is an extract of bitter wormwood, the essential oils of which contain a large amount of thujone.
Brandy- alcoholic beverage, a general term for products of distillation grape wine, fruit or berry mash.
Calvados- apple or pear brandy, obtained by distillation of cider, from the French region of Lower Normandy.
Whiskey- an aromatic alcoholic drink obtained from various kinds grains using the processes of malting, distillation and long-term aging in oak barrels.
Vodka- a colorless water-alcohol solution with a characteristic odor. The strength of vodka can be different: 40.0-45.0; 50.0 or 56.0% vol.
Grappa- Italian grape alcoholic drink. It is made by distillation of grapes after their pressing in the course of production of wine.
Gin- made by distilling wheat alcohol with the addition of juniper, which gives the gin its characteristic taste.
Cognac- Produced from certain grape varieties using a special technology.
Liquor- fragrant, usually sweet alcoholic drink from alcoholized fruit and berry juices, infusions fragrant herbs with the addition of roots, spices.
Rum- made by fermentation and distillation from by-products of sugar cane production, such as molasses and cane syrup.
Moonshine- produced by distillation through home-made or factory-made apparatuses of an alcohol-containing mass (mash) obtained as a result of fermentation sugar syrup, saccharified cereals, potatoes, beets, fruits or other products containing sugar and saccharified starch substances.
Tequila- made from the heart of the blue agave (asparagus family), a plant traditional for Mexico, by distillation.




Rum from Jamaica


The second large group of drinks - carbonated are carbonated beverages. They, in turn, are divided into two subgroups: fermented carbonated drinks (for example, champagne or sour cabbage soup) and carbonated drinks made with modern technology (cola, tonic, carbonated lemonade, sparkling water).
Champagne- sparkling wine produced in the French region of Champagne from established grape varieties by the method of secondary fermentation of wine in the bottle.
Sour shchi (sour shti)- old Russian honey-malt highly carbonated soft drink. The main technological difference from kvass is the infusion of the original wort and after-fermentation in sealed bottles.
Drink cola A type of carbonated sugary drink often containing caffeine. The name comes from kola nuts, originally used by beverage manufacturers as a source of caffeine.
Tonic(from the English. tonic - tonic) - a bitter-sour non-alcoholic carbonated drink. Often used to dilute alcoholic beverages, especially gin, cocktails.

Tonic water is often used to dilute spirits, especially gin.

And finally, the third major group of drinks - the so-called soft drinks. Like carbonated drinks, they do not contain alcohol, but they also contain virtually no carbon dioxide. These drinks include:
Kvass- traditional Slavic sour drink, which is prepared on the basis of fermentation from flour and malt (wheat, barley) or from dry rye bread, sometimes with the addition of odorous herbs, honey, foundation; also prepared from beets, fruits, berries.
Compote(fr. compote) - a dessert drink made from fruits or berries, or a decoction of fruits in syrup, as well as a mixture of dried fruits or dried berries and fruits, or fruit or berry preserves.
Morse- a non-carbonated soft drink traditional for Russian cuisine, which, as a rule, is prepared from wild northern berries, mainly lingonberries and cranberries.

Cranberry juice

Also, non-alcoholic beverages include various juices from fruits, berries and vegetables, or drinks with their addition. Birch sap is also common in Russia.

A large subgroup of soft drinks are - milk drinks, i.e. drinks based on milk, mainly cow's:
Samo milk.
Kefir- fermented milk drink obtained from whole or skimmed milk cow's milk by sour-milk and alcoholic fermentation using kefir "fungi" - a symbiosis of several types of microorganisms: lactic acid streptococci and bacilli, acetic acid bacteria and yeast (about two dozen in total). Homogeneous, white in color, slight emission of carbon dioxide is possible.
Katyk- a fermented milk drink common among the Turkic peoples and in Bulgaria. Produced from natural milk by fermenting it with special bacterial cultures. Katyk differs from all other types of curdled milk in its preparation from boiled milk which results in higher fat content.
Airan- a kind of Turkic fermented milk drink based on katyk or a kind of kefir among the Turkic, North Caucasian, South Caucasian and Balkan peoples. In different languages ​​and among different peoples, the exact meaning of the name and the cooking technology differ slightly, but the common thing is that this milk product produced by lactic acid bacteria. At the same time, among sedentary peoples it is liquid and quenches thirst well, while among nomadic peoples it is thick like liquid sour cream, which is very convenient for storage and transportation. However, to quench your thirst, thick ayran requires dilution with water, milk or koumiss.

Fresh ayran (Istanbul, Türkiye)

acidophilus - fermented milk product, which is made by fermenting pasteurized cow's milk with the help of special bacteria (acidophilus bacillus, kefir fungi, lactic streptococcus).
liquid yogurt. Yoghurt is a fermented milk product with a high content of skimmed milk substances, produced by fermentation with a protosymbiotic mixture of pure cultures - Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. It is allowed to add food additives, fruits, vegetables and products of their processing
Ryazhenka- fermented milk drink obtained from cow baked milk lactic fermentation. Fermentation is carried out by thermophilic lactic streptococci and pure cultures of the Bulgarian stick, fermented for 3-6 hours. It has a yellowish-brownish tint and a traditional sour-milk taste. In fact, it is one of the varieties of yogurt without flavorings.


Of course, that's not all existing species non-alcoholic milk drinks, but the most famous and common. In addition, it should be noted that although milk drinks are classified as non-alcoholic, there are also milk-based alcoholic drinks. This, for example, koumiss(prepared from mare's milk, may contain 5-6% alcohol or bilk(an alcoholic drink from the Abashiri brewery on the island of Hokkaido (Japan), which is a beer made from milk).


Before that, we talked about drinks that are usually drunk chilled or at least not warmed up. But we all know hot drinks, which can be both non-alcoholic (most of them) and alcoholic. These include:
Cocoa- a drink, which necessarily includes cocoa (ground seeds of the cocoa plant ( chocolate tree)), as well as milk (or water) and sugar. The drink is usually non-alcoholic. In the modern world, two main varieties of the drink are common: hot chocolate and ordinary cocoa, which is boiled in water or milk from cocoa powder.
Tea- a drink obtained by boiling, brewing and / or infusing a leaf of a tea bush, which is previously prepared in a special way.
Hibiscus- sweet-sour taste tea drink bright red or burgundy, made from dried bracts of Sudanese rose flowers from the genus Hibiscus.


Coffee- a drink made from roasted seeds (grains) of several plant species belonging to the genus Coffee (Coffea) of the Rubiaceae family.
Mate- tonic drink high content mateina, prepared from the dried crushed leaves and young shoots of the Paraguayan holly. An integral part of the culture of Argentina and a number of neighboring countries of South America.

This is how it is customary to drink the brewed mate drink.

Mulled wine- a hot alcoholic drink based on red wine heated to 70-80 degrees with sugar and spices (spices). Traditionally consumed in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the Czech Republic at Christmas markets and outdoor festivals.
Sbiten- an old East Slavic drink made from water, honey and spices, which often included medicinal herbal preparations. hot sbiten has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, so they drank it mainly in winter period. True, cold sbiten was no less popular drink when quenching thirst in a bathhouse or on a hot day in summer.

Sbiten - an old East Slavic drink made from water, honey and spices, which often included medicinal herbal preparations

Hot decoctions- liquid dosage form, which is an aqueous extract from medicinal plant materials by boiling in water and infusion. Have a similar property and infusions without boiling in water.

Decoction of St. John's wort

Sbiten is a drink served hot without fail, the recipe of which was invented many centuries ago in Russia. It consists of the following ingredients: honey, all kinds of spices, water and medicinal herbal preparations. Warmers appeared in ancient Rus' earlier than the well-known tea. References to Sbiten were found in Slavic chronicles dated 1128. This drink was made in a samovar. It is believed that sbiten got its name from the word "shoot down". During its preparation, herbs and honey were infused separately, and both drinks were thoroughly mixed before drinking.

As such, there was no single recipe for making this strong drink. Each inhabitant of ancient Rus' prepared it according to his own special technology. The only thing that has always remained unchanged is the high temperature of the drink, its burning spice, medicinal properties and the sweet taste of honey. Most often, sbiten was drunk in cold, dank weather, as well as in case of illness and depressive mood. Currently, you can prepare this ancient Russian drink for yourself.
In order to prepare sbiten, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 teaspoons mint;
  • 150 grams of natural honey;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • ¼ teaspoon ginger powder;
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • 3 teaspoons of dried St. John's wort;
  • 2 cloves.


Pour honey with one glass of clean water and boil. Remove the foam formed during the boiling process with a spoon. In another bowl, pour sugar with one glass of water and add boiled honey there. Put the resulting mixture on fire and cook over low heat. Make sure the liquid doesn't boil. Pour the spices with the remaining amount of water, close the lid and leave to stand for half an hour. After that, strain the infusion and add it to the honey-sugar mixture. Heat the sbiten, but do not bring it to a boil. The drink is ready.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine

At the heart of such a drink as mulled wine is grape juice. In addition to it, the composition also includes the following ingredients: ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, lemon peel, pieces of kiwi, apple, orange peel. Preparing mulled wine is not difficult at all. To prepare this drink, you need to pour these spices with water and boil them. Then add juice and fruit. Boil the drink again and you can pour it into glasses specially designed for serving mulled wine. Each of them is decorated with a slice of lime and a mint leaf. Mulled wine will help you not to freeze in winter, when there is a snowstorm and bitter frosts outside the window.

Indian tea

Real Indian tea is made from milk, spices and strong brew. In another way, such warming drinks are called "masala". Translated from the Indian language, this term means "a mixture of spices." Residents of different regions of India prepare "masala" in their own way, special recipe. To prepare this drink, you need to take cardamom, star anise, cloves, cinnamon and ginger and grind these spices in a blender. After that, pour the spices with water and bring to a boil. Add a small amount of milk, a little black tea and boil the drink again. Before drinking the prepared masala, let it stand for a while.

Ginger tea

Ginger gained particular popularity during the fashion for vegetarianism. This tonic drink has a tart and slightly burning taste. Besides that ginger tea able to warm the body well, it can also be used to prevent both colds and viral diseases. This drink is very easy to prepare.

To make ginger tea you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 1 centimeter of ginger root;
  • a small slice of lemon.


Peel the skin off the ginger root and cut it into small pieces. Put chopped ginger into boiling water, turn off the heat and leave to stand for seven minutes. Add honey and lemon. It is preferable to drink ginger tea before meals, as it can reduce appetite and help the body digest food. Do not drink ginger tea before bed, as it has a stimulating effect on the body.

Chinese tea

A real tea with an unforgettable taste can only be born in China. For many hundreds of years in this country, this drink has been treated as a shrine. Even the ceremony dedicated to drinking tea is like some kind of sacred rite. By their own palatability Chinese tea surpasses all other types of tea (Indonesian, Kenyan, Ceylon tea). Tea, born in the Yunnan province of China, is a versatile drink. It has a smoky aroma. You can use this tea as a basis for preparing warming drinks with all kinds of additives. An excellent example of such teas are such drinks as Puer and oolong teas.

Hot chocolate

Hot chocolate - great way warm up in bad weather and cheer yourself up. Such a drink is able to be quickly absorbed by the body and give a feeling of warmth and satiety. Hot food contains the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. Also, the drink will help to make coughing fits weaker. If you want to make hot chocolate yourself, take 300 milliliters of milk and pour 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder into it. Add about 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 50 milliliters of water, a little salt and bring to a boil. Ready hot chocolate can be poured into a large deep mug and topped with whipped cream or grated white or bitter chocolate.

Warming drinks - non-alcoholic delicious hot drinks recipes! was last modified: January 21st, 2013 by admin

Alcoholic drink with a strength of 25 to 51 vol. used as an aperitif before meals. Anise tincture is made by infusing anise seeds with vodka. In the process of aging, the anise gives the drink its essential oils. This drink appeared on the modern territory of Russia and Europe in the 16-17 centuries. along with caravans of spices from the Far East. Due to its unique aroma, it was used in baking and, of course, in the production of vodka.


English arak or araq
alcoholic drink, with a strength of 30 to 60 vol. widespread in the East, Central Asia, Europe, India, on the islands of Sri Lanka and Java. The prerequisite for the creation of arak was the need for the beneficial use of grape processing products. Now, depending on the region, arak is made from rice, grapes, figs, dates, molasses, plums and other fruits.


fr. aygue ardente- water of life
Alcoholic drink with a strength of 55-65 vol. in terms of taste and appearance, it is very close to cognac. It is produced in the southeastern part of France in the province of Gascony. By origin, Armagnac is almost 100 years older than cognac. It was first mentioned in the 15th century. The production of Armagnac is very similar to the production technology of cognac. The only difference is in the distillation process.


Greek Balsamon - remedy
Alcoholic drink with a strength of 40-45 vol. (some up to 65 vol.), infused with medicinal herbs, is used exclusively for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Traditionally, the balsam has a brown color due to a variety of herbs, roots and fruits.


fr. Benedictine- blessed
And an alcoholic drink based on the collection of about 27 types of herbs, honey and cognac of local production, with a strength of 40-45 vol., belonging to the class of liqueurs. For the first time this drink appeared in 1510 in France in the monastery of St. Benedict in the Abbey of Fecamp. The composition of the created drink included about 75 types of herbs. However, the original recipe of Benedictine was lost. The drink was revived with some improvement in 1863.


Difficult to put into words brandy"a certain drink, rather it is a way of its production. We can say that brandy is a concentrated wine. Initially, it was supposed to be diluted with water before drinking, but the drink turned out to be so good that over time it became an independent product of the distillation of wines.


English in ourbon
The original American alcoholic drink is one of the types of whiskey, but it is made from corn. The strength of the drink is 40-45 vol., but most often the drink has 43 vol. For the first time this drink appeared in the late 18th - early 19th century. in the small town of Paris, Kentucky. The name of the drink was given to the eponymous district of the state of Bourbon, in which the founding city is located. During the Civil War, bourbon was issued to soldiers without fail, as an antiseptic for washing wounds.


German wermut- wormwood
Alcoholic drink flavored with spices, spices and medicinal herbs with a strength of 15 to 20 vol. Belongs to the class of fortified wines. For the first time, the recipe for making vermouth is mentioned in the sources of the 10th-9th centuries. BC in the works of Hippocrates. The first mass production began in 1786 in Turin by winemaker Antonio Benedett Capran. At that time, only white wines were used as the basis of the drink, now any are used.


lat. Vinum
An alcoholic drink created as a result natural fermentation grapes or any other fruit juice. The strength of the wine after fermentation is 9-16 vol. In the manufacture of fortified wines, high strength is achieved by diluting the wine with alcohol to the desired percentage. Wine is the most ancient drink. There are many legends of the first appearance of the drink, which are reflected in the epics of Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman and Persian mythology.


Celt. uisge baugh- water of life
A strong alcoholic drink (40-60 volumes), obtained by distillation of malted grains of wheat, barley and rye. It is not possible to determine the exact place of origin of the drink. The dispute is between two countries - Ireland and Scotland. However, the first mentions are preserved in Scottish documents from 1494. These are the records of the monks who first produced the drink. From its inception to the 17th century. Whiskey was produced nationally by virtually every farmer, jeopardizing the production of enough bread for the population.

cherry liqueur

eng. cherry liqueur
A alcoholic drink infused with cherry fruits and leaves based on grape brandy with added sugar. The strength of the drink is 25-30 vol. Cherry liqueur was invented in England by Thomas Grant from the town of Kent. Liquor was made from one variety of black cherries - morel. However, almost all varieties are now used. In addition to England, cherry liqueurs are also produced in Germany, France and Switzerland.

Still water

Liquid, in small volumes, odorless and tasteless, colorless under normal environmental conditions. Contains dissolved mineral salts and various chemical elements. Has a vital function in development and life human body. Still water acts as a universal solvent, thanks to which all biochemical processes take place.

Carbonated water

It is a natural mineral or non-carbonated drinking water enriched with carbon dioxide (CO2), flavored and sweetened to increase its shelf life. Due to carbon, carbonated water is purified from possible microbes. Filling water with carbon dioxide is carried out on special industrial equipment. There are three types of carbonated water according to the level of saturation with carbon dioxide.


An alcoholic beverage that is colorless and has a characteristic alcoholic odor. It is the most widely used drink in the world. In most countries, vodka is used as a neutral alcohol for creating cocktails; in Slavic countries and countries of the former Soviet Union, it is consumed as an independent drink. Fortress in different countries can vary from 32 to 56 vol., it all depends on the state documents regulating the production of vodka.

Mulled wine

German Gluhender Wein- hot, flaming wine
This is a very tasty alcoholic hot drink based on red wine heated to 70-80°C with sugar and spices. It is traditionally consumed in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic during mass Christmas celebrations.


English hoog mug- hash
Non-alcoholic drink based on raw chicken eggs and sugar. Belongs to the class of desserts. There are several legends from different countries where the eggnog originated. So in Germany, the creation of the eggnog is attributed to the confectioner Manfred Keukenbauer. In Poland, to the singer of the choir at the synagogue in the city of Mogelev, Gogel, who, having lost his voice, took the advice to drink a shaken raw egg. Subsequently, various ingredients were added to the main components, creating more and more new variations of the drink.


ital. Grappa- grape pomace
An alcoholic drink made by distilling grape pomace. Belongs to the class of brandy and has a strength of 40-50 vol. In accordance with an international decree of 1997, only those drinks that are produced on Italian territory and from Italian raw materials can be called grappa. Also, this decree strictly regulates the quality of the drink and the standards for its production.


English grog
Alcoholic drink based on rum or cognac, diluted hot water with the addition of sugar, lime or lemon juice, as well as spices: cinnamon, vanillin, coriander, nutmeg and others. Grog is a true sea drink. It was first used in the 18th century. after the order of Admiral Edward Vernon to dilute the rum with water because of the sailors' excessive enthusiasm for it.


A An English alcoholic drink originating from the Netherlands. Gin production began in the middle of the 17th century. in the Netherlands, and after the "Glorious Revolution" it spread to England. Over time, the process of making gin has not changed much. Its main component is wheat alcohol, which, in the process of vertical distillation and the addition of juniper berries, acquires its unique dry taste.


Arab. julab- pink water
Chilled cocktail, the main component of which is fresh mint. In its preparation, the following components are used: alcoholic beverages, syrups, canteen mineral water, fresh fruits and berries. Initially, julep, like water with sugar, was used to dilute bitter medicines, potions and tinctures in it.


fr. Calvados
An alcoholic drink based on pear or apple cider produced in the French province of Lower Normandy. The drink belongs to the class of brandy and has a strength of 40-50 vol. Only drinks produced in the French departments of Calvados (74% of the total production of Calvados), Orne, Manche, Eure, Sarthe and Mayenne can be called Calvados.


lat. theobroma cacao- food of the gods
Tonic and aromatic soft drink based on milk or water, cocoa powder and sugar. Powder for making cocoa for the first time (about 3000 years ago) began to be used by the ancient tribes of the Aztecs. Only men and shamans enjoyed the privilege of drinking this drink. Ripe cocoa beans were ground into powder and diluted cold water, they also added hot peppers, vanilla and other spices.


port. cachaca
An alcoholic drink made from the distillation of sugar cane. The strength of the drink can vary from 38 to 54 vol. Cachaça is national drink Brazil, and its production is strictly regulated by law. The word cachaca is a common noun for the commercial name of the drink in Brazil. So in the state of Rio Grandido, cachaca is included in the food basket of citizens.


A low-alcohol drink obtained by incomplete fermentation of milk or bread sourdough. The strength of the drink does not exceed 2.6 vol. Slavic peoples traditionally make kvass. According to the international classification, kvass belongs to the category of beer; in Russia and Ukraine, it is also considered an independent drink.


from tour. kef- health
A nutritious drink obtained from milk by fermentation of lactic acid bacteria: coli, streptococci, yeast, acetic bacteria and about 16 other species. Their number should be at least 107 per liter. The drink has a white color, a homogeneous texture, a sour-milk smell and a small proportion of carbon dioxide. The most widespread kefir was among the inhabitants of the Slavic countries and the Middle East.


A sweet dessert drink with a jelly-like structure. It is prepared on the basis of fruit and berry compotes, uzvars, juices, syrups, milk, jam diluted in water with the addition of corn or potato starch, as well as grain sourdough. Sugar is included as a sweetener.


English cobbler- tavern owner, brewer
Cocktail dessert drink consisting of a variety of fruits, syrups, juices, alcoholic beverages and crushed ice. Cobbler was first made in America in 1809. It was made by the owner of the tavern as a sign of reconciliation after a quarrel with his wife, which made her completely delighted, and the whole world received a new drink.


English cock's tail- cock's tail
A drink obtained by mixing (mixing) various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The volume of one portion of the cocktail does not exceed 150 ml. Also, the cocktail recipe clearly spells out the proportions of the components, the violation of which can irreparably spoil the drink or lead to the creation of its new look.


lat. cola
Tonic sweet carbonated drink, which includes caffeine. The drink got its name from kola nuts, which were used in the original recipe as a source of caffeine. The drink was first produced by the American chemist John Stith Pemberton in 1886 as a medicinal syrup. The drink was sold in portions of 200 ml. in pharmacies as a remedy for "nervous disorders". After a while, the drink began to be carbonated and sold in vending machines.


fr. compote- compose, mix
Dessert soft drink made from one type or mixture of fruits and berries based on water and sugar. Compote is made from fresh, frozen or dried ingredients. This drink is very popular chilled in the summer, and in cold weather, compotes go well warm as a source of vitamins. Compotes are also prepared for the winter for future use.


fr. cognac
A alcoholic drink produced in the city of the same name Cognac (France). It is produced from special kind grapes using special technology. Cognac is made from white grapes. The main share of them is the variety uni blanc. Full ripening of grapes occurs in mid-October, therefore the process of creating such noble drink starts in late autumn.


Arab. qahwa- energizing drink
Tonic non-alcoholic drink prepared on the basis of roasted coffee beans. Coffee is a heat-loving plant, so it is grown on highland plantations. There are two types of coffee used to make coffee. coffee tree: Arabica and Robusta. According to consumer properties, Arabica is less strong, but more fragrant, while Robusta is vice versa. Therefore, often a mixture of these two varieties in different proportions is on sale. The history of the appearance of coffee is shrouded huge amount legends.


fr. cruchon- jug
Refreshing cold drink, as a rule, alcoholic, consisting of fresh and canned fruits and berries and a mixture of wines. To enrich the drink with bubbles of carbon dioxide, champagne or carbonated mineral water is usually added to the jar. Kruchon due to a slight similarity in the preparation scheme, one can say "punch brother" and "distant relative of the cocktail." Before serving, the drink must be cooled to a temperature of 8-10 ° C and a small amount of ice is added.


Turks. kymyk- fermented mare's milk
An alcoholic drink based on mare's milk, obtained by fermentation under the influence of acidophilus and Bulgarian bacillus and yeast. The drink has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, white color with a slight foam on the surface. Koumiss made from various types of starter cultures may contain different amount alcohol. Its content can vary from 0.2 to 2.5 vol. and sometimes reach 4.5 vol.


lat. liguefacere- dissolve
C is a sweet alcoholic drink infused with fruits, berries and herbs and spices. Its fortress fluctuates from 16 to 50 about. The date of creation of the drink is unknown, but it is believed that the first prototype of modern liqueurs was the Elixir of Benedictine, created in the 16th century. monk Bernardo Vinzelli in Fecamp. This liquor, many monks and liquor manufacturers have tried to repeat or improve. As a result, new, no less tasty, types were obtained.


fr. lemonade– lemonized
Refreshing soft drink based on lemon juice, sugar and water. It has a light yellow color, lemon aroma and refreshing taste. First appeared in France in the 17th century. during the reign of Louis I. According to legend, the appearance of the drink is associated with an almost fatal mistake of the court cupbearer. By negligence, instead of wine, he scooped lemon juice into the monarch's glass in order to somehow correct this reckless act, he added water and sugar to the glass.


A alcoholic drink with a strength of 5-16 volumes, made on the basis of honey. The percentage of sugar ranges from 8 to 10%. The most ancient archaeological excavations on the territory of Russia, dating back to the 7th-6th centuries. BC, find evidence of the production of a drink based on honey by local peoples. Therefore, mead is one of the most ancient alcoholic drinks in Rus'.


ital. Martini
alcoholic drink, strength 16-18 vol. infused with herbs. The composition of the herbal collection usually includes more than 35 plants, including: yarrow, mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, coriander, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, wormwood, immortelle and others. In addition to leaves and stems, flowers and seeds rich in essential oils are also used. The drink belongs to the class of vermouth.


Fluid produced by the mammary glands of humans and mammals. It contains a large amount useful substances necessary for the growth and development of the organism. Milk contains fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The color of milk can vary from white to blue-yellow. It depends on its fat content. Due to the content of lactose, it has a slightly sweet taste. Milk includes in its composition more than 100 useful components, of which about 20 are balanced and fatty amino acids, lactose, and minerals.


Art. Russian mursa- water with honey
Soft drink, in most cases non-alcoholic, based on fruit juice, water and sugar or honey. Also, for piquancy and additional flavor, zest of citrus fruits, spices (cinnamon, cloves, coriander) and tinctures on medicinal herbs (St.


Hindi punch- five
This is a whole group of hot, burning or chilled alcoholic cocktails containing fresh or canned fruits and juice. Of the alcoholic drinks in the preparation of punch, rum, wine, grappa, brandy, arak, claret, alcohol and vodka are used. Traditionally, the drink is prepared in large containers (punches) and served at receptions and parties. The strength of the drink varies from 15 to 20 vol. and sugar content - from 30 to 40%. Most famous recipes punch are Caribbean Rum Punch, Barbados Punch and Planter Punch.


An alcoholic drink made by fermenting malt wort with yeast and hops. Most often, barley is used as malted grains. Depending on the type of beer, the strength of the drink can vary from 3 to 14 vol. Beer is the most popular among alcoholic beverages and ranks third in the world in the total list of drinks after water and tea. There are more than 1000 different types of beer. They differ in color, taste, alcohol content, raw materials used and cooking traditions in different countries.


from an Indian dialect pisco- flying bird
An alcoholic drink made from Muscat grapes. Pisco belongs to the class of brandy and is the national drink of Peru and Chile. The strength of the drink is 35-50 vol.


English rum
An alcoholic beverage produced by the fermentation and distillation of cane molasses and syrup resulting from the manufacture of cane sugar. At the exit, the drink has a transparent color, and after aging in wooden barrels acquires an amber color. The strength of the drink, depending on the variety, can vary from 40 to 75 vol.


National low-alcohol drink of the Japanese, produced by fermenting rice. The taste of sake can have notes of sherry, apples, grapes, bananas, spices, spices. The color of the drink is usually transparent, but a change in color towards amber, yellow, green and lemon shades is allowed. The strength of the drink varies from 14.5 to 20 vol.


Alcoholic drink, which is produced on home-made equipment from mash alcohol-containing products. Sugar, potatoes, grain, berries, fruits, sugar beets and others are used as raw materials for production. The choice of raw materials depends on the locality and financial availability. The quality of the drink largely depends on the quality of the raw materials. The strength of the drink can vary between 30-40 rpm and above. In most countries, the production and sale of moonshine is punishable by law.

10 photos. In order for people not only to keep warm in winter, but also to have fun, a long time ago they were invented hot alcoholic drinks. Actually, there is not very much alcohol in all of them and the degree is low, but these drinks warm up much better than regular tea or coffee. However, in order not to order a cocktail that you will not like, it is better to understand its components in advance. For example, what is the difference between mulled wine and punch, and both of them - from the Swedish Christmas drink? What drinks did the cunning French come up with, and what will delight gourmets with a higher degree?

(German flaming wine, hot wine). This is the most famous and popular of the hot alcoholic drinks, which is prepared almost everywhere in winter with minor national differences. Mulled wine is red wine boiled with sugar and spices; very often fruits are added there. It appeared in the Middle Ages in Europe, was originally made on the basis of Bordeaux and claret. Now red dry and semi-dry wines are used for preparation. Mulled wine is prepared in winter in almost all European countries, sold from stalls at Christmas markets, and in many cities such stalls are open from December to February - you can have a glass, stopping for a minute on the street. However, there are slight differences between countries. For example, in Germany, a little rum and agave syrup are added to wine, in England - gin, honey and rosehip syrup. There is even white mulled wine for those who do not like red wine.

In France there are many original drinks, which are produced only in this country, and Calvados is one of them. It is obtained by distilling apple cider, and with the onset of the cold season in Normandy, they begin to prepare a hot cocktail based on Calvados. No wonder they make it here! The classic local recipe suggests the presence of Calvados, apple juice and ginger. The mixture should be quite hot, but not scalding, and is usually served in clear glasses. This is a fragrant, warming and very healthy drink.

(English grog). The spiced rum diluted with water was invented by Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog, Vice Admiral of the British Navy, back in the 18th century. In order to save money, he ordered the sailors to distribute rum diluted with hot or cold water, and the crew suddenly liked it. The drink took root, over time, spices were added there, and now it is one of the most popular hot cocktails. Grog - quick and easy to prepare winter drink, since you need a little spices here (usually cinnamon, ginger and cloves, and even then if desired), you only need strong alcohol and lemon juice. Sometimes milk, honey or coffee infusion is added and the resulting drink is served in porcelain cups. Traditional rum-based grog is served either in Irish coffee glasses or in warmed glasses with glass holders.

In the north of Europe, mainly in Germany, Poland and Sweden, they came up with a drink with hot beer. Its taste is rather peculiar, although this does not negate the warming properties. Beer is a tricky thing, and you have to be very careful when heating it, so the "hot beer" recipe also includes eggs, sugar, and lemon, plus some nutmeg. Light wheat beer is used for preparation. Sometimes there is also a "dark" version - then brandy and coffee liqueur are added to the beer. To complete the picture and an interesting combination of flavors, whipped cream is also added on top. This cocktail is a must-try if you see it on the menu! Mulled wine is sold on every corner, and such exotics are prepared only for true gourmets.

(English punch)- the collective name of cocktails. A cheerful collective drink, which is so pleasant to prepare for a large company. Now this name is collective: if in England, which got the idea of ​​punch in colonial India, it is still a drink with rum, then, for example, in Germany, punch is usually called a mixture of fruit juices with spices and the addition of wine or liquor. Everyone agrees on one thing: fruit must be present in a punch. Usually these are apples, lemons, oranges, pears. Prone to originality, the French add melon, strawberries and bourbon vanilla to their version of punch.

Cocktail" Old Tom". It's time to warm up those who prefer whiskey. The Old Tom cocktail is very fond of conservative Englishmen: apparently, the name and composition resemble the patriarchal atmosphere of closed clubs, the soft light of table lamps and the invariable cigar smoking in an ashtray. The composition includes whiskey, water (which must be hot), honey and a little lemon juice. It also happens that cinnamon stick and cloves are first boiled in boiling water, and then whiskey, sugar, lemon and honey are added. Couple lemon wedges be sure to put in the glass itself. You will not find this cocktail at street vendors, but in most cafes it is served quite often in winter.

Invented over a hundred years ago in Ireland, Irish coffee is made up of hot black coffee, Irish whiskey, brown sugar and whipped cream. According to the main version, its author is the bartender of the Irish international airport "Shannon" Joseph Sheridan, who figured out adding whiskey to the coffee of frozen Americans and called this mixture Irish coffee. The highlight of this cocktail is not only the contrast of coffee and whiskey, but also the combination of a hot drink and cold whipped cream.

The sweetest drink is, of course, hot chocolate. And if you add rum to it, as they do in winter time in many European countries, it turns into an incredibly warming one. Sometimes not thick hot chocolate is used for cooking, but cocoa, but this does not interfere with the taste. To prepare the drink, you need dark Cuban or Jamaican rum, from the Dominican Republic it is also suitable. Vanilla, grated coconut, or even chili peppers are sometimes added for flavor. It happens that rum is replaced by liquor or vodka (then the drink, like many mixtures with vodka, is called "Russian" - we are not forgotten in Europe). In addition to being warming, this drink is also highly nutritious and will keep you going until your next meal.

(Swedish Christmas drink). This Scandinavian version of mulled wine is definitely worth a try in Sweden, Denmark or Norway. It resembles the German version, but tastes much sweeter due to the addition of raisins to the wine. The recipe also includes apples, lemon, cloves, cinnamon and almonds. In Denmark, ginger is added to this, and Sweden generally pours vodka and pours cardamom into it. The result is warm for a long time. To make the taste sensation even better, it is recommended to have a snack Glögg gingerbread, oranges and tangerines. In cafes and restaurants, it is served in glasses and glasses, on the street it is poured into simple plastic cups and cooked in vats. And according to the Glögg tradition, you must first smell it, inhaling the aroma deeply, and then drink it.

Vin chaud is a specific French version of mulled wine, which is served on special occasions. This is the gourmet's favorite when it comes to winter cocktails. It is served in glasses, and added to the warmed wine. lemon oil, Provencal rosemary and almonds. The traditional components of mulled wine - all these citrus fruits, apples, cinnamon, cloves, ginger - are not welcome: it is believed that they will spoil the noble taste of the drink. But families and simpler restaurants do not hesitate to add all this. In the south of France, you can’t do without an orange at all. In vain there are, perhaps, so many of them - the good does not disappear. And with orange, the wine becomes even more aromatic.

Hot drinks are a great occasion to get together in a cozy house in the evening, inviting friends and family to have heartfelt warm conversations. There are so many in the world incredible recipes that everyone present will be delighted. You can prepare tonic, and warming, and alcoholic, and chocolate drinks, and even spicy with black pepper. In this article you will find best recipes hot drinks.

Warming milk tea

This drink is incredibly easy to make. All you have to do is bring the milk with the listed spices to a boil, then add a regular black tea bag. Infuse the drink for 10 minutes before pouring into mugs and proceeding to enjoy.


  1. Cardamom - 8 seeds.
  2. Cloves - 8 pieces.
  3. Black pepper - 4 peas.
  4. Cinnamon - 2 sticks (can be used ground).
  5. Ginger - 1 small piece.
  6. Milk - 2 cups (fat content not more than 2.5%).
  7. Black tea - 4 bags (preferably without any flavors and flavors).
  8. Sugar - 8 teaspoons (can be replaced with honey, sweetener, or change the dosage up or down).

Mulled wine

Another option for a hot drink, which can be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. It all depends on what basis you take for making mulled wine - either apple cider, or red wine, or natural pomegranate or cherry juice. This is a recipe for making a hot drink based on alcohol.

What do you need:

  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Apple cider - 1 liter.
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  • Black pepper - 5 peas.
  • Cloves - 6 pieces.
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch.
  • Ginger root - a few pieces (varie to taste, depending on personal preference).
  • Cinnamon - 4 sticks.

How to do it:

  1. Peel the orange zest using a vegetable peeler to get long strips.
  2. In a medium saucepan bring the cider, honey, allspice, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and orange zest. Then immediately reduce the heat and cook for 30 minutes without covering the dishes with a lid.
  3. Pour into glasses ready drink, after adding one cinnamon stick at a time. In general, you should get four servings of 200 milliliters.

Mexican hot cocoa with spices

Among general assortment hot drink is different interesting presentation. We present to your attention a real recipe for spicy cocoa from hot Mexico.

How to cook:

  • Take 1 liter of milk and 4-6 tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • Add 1 pinch ground pepper chili and the same amount of chopped cinnamon. Instead of classic pepper you can use chipotle - smoked red jalapeno pods.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, then pour into glasses.
  • Garnish the hot drink with whipped cream and garnish with another pinch of pepper and cinnamon.

whipped eggnog

To save time (without sacrificing taste), use a blender to make a hot alcoholic drink that is often made around the holidays. enjoy it classic cocktail under a warm blanket, next to a crackling fire, or on a comfortable sofa watching your favorite series.

What you need:

  • 2 cups heavy cream.
  • 1/2 cup sugar.
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.
  • 4 large eggs.
  • 3/4 cognac or brandy.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take a medium sized saucepan. Add cream, sugar and nutmeg to it.
  2. In a blender, beat only the yolks on low speed for 1 minute. With the appliance on, slowly pour in the hot cream mixture.
  3. Achieve a foamy state for 30 seconds, and then add brandy. You can prepare this hot drink with rum, cognac or bourbon.
  4. Serve warm. You can decorate the glass with a savoiardi stick (a cookie that is often used to make tiramisu dessert).

Cranberry mulled wine

Enjoy a fragrant and warming drink at any time of the year, because you will spend no more than 15 minutes preparing it. Just add all the spices mentioned to the pan, mix with cranberry juice, honey and wine, let the mulled wine boil, and then simmer it over low heat. This hot drink made from wine normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the emotional state and is ideal for any event.

What do you need:

  • To prepare a cocktail, you need to take 1/2 cup cranberry juice, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 star anise, 3 cups dry red wine and 1/2 cup fresh cranberries.

Malted cocoa with toasted marshmallows

You will be delighted with such a hot drink, because its taste and appearance unique. To prepare, take 1 serving of hot cocoa mixture (milk and cocoa powder), 3 heat-resistant marshmallows (large marshmallows), 3 tablespoons of malted milk powder.


  • Step 1. Place marshmallows on a baking sheet pre-coated with foil. Roast in the oven until golden brown, approximately 30 seconds.
  • Step 2. Prepare hot cocoa by boiling milk with powder.
  • Step 3: Add Malt to the Mix powdered milk and then mix thoroughly.

Serving a hot drink: Pour the cocoa into a pretty glass and then top with a toasted marshmallow. For a visual treat, you can top the top of the drink with whipped cream, a scoop of ice cream, or sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

mint cocoa

It only needs to be added to chocolate drink a little ice cream and mint, so instead of traditional cocoa you get an incredibly delicious winter dessert.

  • Ingredients: 1 cup milk, 2-3 teaspoons cocoa, 1/4 cup mint chocolate ice cream, 1 sprig fresh mint.
  • How to cook: Pour milk into a saucepan, add cocoa powder, bring to a boil, and then pour into a mug. Decorate the drink with ice cream and mint. Wait a few minutes before drinking. When the ice cream begins to melt, the cocoa will take on incredible flavors.

Nut toddy

To create this easy option hot toddy, mix Frangelico with hot water, then garnish with whipped cream or ice cream sundae.

Frangelico- elite liquor, which is often used in the preparation of hot alcoholic beverages. Very often it is added to desserts to give aroma and exquisite taste. main feature liquor - its nutty shades and this is not surprising, because it is these fruits that underlie the preparation. To create hot drinks, just add a little liquor to tea, coffee, original cocktails, cocoa.

Magic cocoa

And this drink is not only tasty, but also looks very original. The thing is that during the cooking process, semi-sweet chocolate chips of different colors are added to the cocoa, from which the drink acquires an incredible shade.

How to cook:

  • Heat the milk over medium heat, do not let it boil.
  • Add about 1/4 cup candy or semi-sweet chocolate chips into each mug, then fill them with hot milk.
  • Mix thoroughly, decorate with cookies, whipped cream or edible confetti.

Chocolate orange americano

To prepare this drink, you will have to try, because the basis is not a simple one. instant coffee, but freshly brewed espresso or americano, made using a cezve, geyser or regular coffee maker.


  1. Take a small mug.
  2. Grate the orange zest there, and then squeeze the juice from 1/3 of the fruit.
  3. Melt a few pieces of dark chocolate in a steam bath, and then add to a glass.
  4. Take 200 milliliters of freshly brewed coffee and pour it into a mug.
  5. Before use, stir thoroughly, add sugar to taste.

Helpful Hint: Don't use milk chocolate, this coffee drink should be lactose free.

Grog classic

Another recipe for making an alcoholic drink. It can often be found in the menu of restaurants and coffee houses.

To make alcohol-based grog, we need black tea no more than 150 milliliters. Add some cloves, cardamom, lemon zest and fresh juice, sugar and white rum. Fortress and sweetness should be chosen according to your taste, but as a rule, 40-50 milliliters are added per serving.

The main feature of such a grog is that it does not need to be simmered for a long time, like, for example, mulled wine. It is enough to mix all the ingredients in a tall glass, and then stir everything with a bar spoon.

Latte matcha

Matcha (green powder) is a traditional Japanese tea. Possesses unique taste and properties, due to which it is often used in the preparation of desserts, noodles, ice cream, and as a universal additive to many dishes. In Russia, matcha tea is rarely drunk. If in Japan a peculiar green drink is used in tea ceremonies, then in the CIS countries they prefer to drink more classic black tea.


  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond, soy, rice, and cow's milk.
  • 2-3 teaspoons of matcha powder.
  • A few tablespoons of agave syrup

How to cook:

  • Place several types of milk in a saucepan and then simmer over low heat.
  • Then take a heat-resistant cup, pour green powder into it, pour 1/4 cup of boiling water and warm milk mixture. Beat everything, leaning forward slightly to create more foam.
  • Sweeten the drink with agave syrup. Serve in a tall clear latte glass, garnish with cinnamon or cocoa powder for beauty.

Ginger hot tea

Perhaps this is the easiest drink that can only be prepared at home. Ginger is a unique root vegetable that can support immune system, restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract. All you need is to take boiling water, lemon and root.

Cut the ginger and lemon into small pieces. Add a spoonful of honey or sugar. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Drink this drink with spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, cloves or anise. Optionally, you can add a bag of black or green tea.

Another version of toddy

Hot toddy is prepared differently around the world. Someone makes based hot water, someone uses honey and lemon juice, and someone prefers to add different alcoholic drinks for taste and aroma. We present to your attention the most festive version based on black tea.


  • Star anise - 5 pieces.
  • Black pepper - 15 peas.
  • Black tea - 8 bags.
  • Honey - 3/4 cup.
  • Cinnamon - 2 sticks.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 3/4 cup
  • Whiskey - 100-200 milliliters.
  • Lemon zest - for serving.

Pour into deep large saucepan 7-8 glasses of water, place spices and honey. Cover and simmer until the drink acquires aroma and taste. This may take more than 40 minutes. Then reduce the heat and take out the tea bags. Mix in a separate glass of whiskey with lemon juice. Taste and add some honey if needed. Mix with ready-made tea, and then pour the drink into glasses, decorate lemon zest and serve.

There are no specific recipes for making hot drinks. It all depends on your preferences: use any spices, add milk, don't be afraid to use coconut and bananas, cook in a blender or whip the drink with a mixer.