Marinade for tenderizing meat. How to make boiled beef tender

Despite the great popularity of beef dishes, not every housewife cooks with pleasure from it, because beef is capricious meat. And it does not always turn out soft and juicy, as we would like. And you just need to competently approach the choice of meat intended for this or that dish.

How to choose beef

All parts beef carcass significantly differ not only in nutritional, but also in taste. Some are suitable only for cooking them boiled, others go for cutlet mass, and others can be fried, baked both in the form of slices and as a whole piece.

It's all about the amount of connective tissue that is present in the meat. For example, in the neck, flank, hem contains up to 80% of connective tissue, which is a film and coarse tendons. Such meat is suitable for making chopped steaks, cutlets. It is boiled for soups, stewed for a long time. For frying in in kind it doesn't fit.

To cook beef in the form of roast beef, natural steak, langets, as well as fry whole or in portions, tenderloin, thick and thin edges, inner and top part back leg. This meat cooks very quickly.

But there are some more nuances that every hostess should know about.

Subtleties of cooking soft beef

  • Young beef (veal) is very soft. It is easy to distinguish it from meat taken from an adult carcass. The meat of a young animal is much lighter. It has small fibers and light fat.
  • Old beef is dark red and its fat is yellow. This meat should not be fried because it will be tough. But the broth made from coarse-fibered meat and bones of old beef will turn out to be very tasty and fragrant. But you need to be patient, as it will cook for a long time.
  • For roasts, it is best to use meat from the spine or back leg.
  • Small or portioned pieces are cut only across the fibers. Such meat is less deformed during heat treatment, becomes softer faster and is easier to chew.
  • Before frying in a pan, washed meat must be wiped dry with a paper towel. Then the fat will not splatter, and the meat will be well fried.
  • Salted meat at the wrong time can also turn out tough. It cannot be salted long before heat treatment because it loses juices. During frying, the beef is salted half an hour before being cooked. Then it will retain color and turn out juicy.
  • To make the pieces of meat softer, they are first beaten off with a special hammer or chopper. They become thinner and fry faster.
  • Harsh meat is marinated before frying or stewing. To do this, use vinegar, lemon juice, citric acid, dry wine, kefir, sour cream, as acid softens hard fibers. For marinade, add salt, pepper, Bay leaf, sugar, chopped onions and carrots. Everything is boiled, then cooled. Tough meat is kept in the marinade for at least 4 hours.
  • Mustard softens stringy meat well. They rub it raw beef, stand for several hours, and then fried or baked. Instead of mustard, meat can be marinated in chopped kiwi or pineapple juice.
  • During frying, care must be taken to ensure that the meat juice remains inside the meat. If it leaks out, then such meat will turn out dry and tough. Therefore, they begin to fry the meat over high heat, ensuring that it is quickly covered with a golden crust on all sides. If by that time it is still harsh, then a little liquid is poured into the pan, covered with a lid, the heat is reduced and the dish is brought to readiness.
  • Sometimes baked beef comes out dry. To fix this, you need to hold it over a pot of boiling water after the oven.
  • A good result is baked in foil. To do this, pour the meat with sauce or marinade, seal it well in foil so that steam does not escape, and bake until tender.
  • Hard meat can be pre-boiled and then stewed by adding spices, spices and different vegetables.

Tender beef in sour cream sauce in a cauldron


  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 4 pcs.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 1 tsp;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Wash the beef. Cut into strips and then cut across the grain into medium-sized cubes (approximately 3 x 3 cm).
  • Onion cut into half rings. Mix with meat.
  • Pour oil into a 1.5-2 liter cast iron. Put meat with onions. Close the lid.
  • Place in an oven heated to 180° and bake for 2 hours.
  • In a bowl, grind flour with salt and mustard. Mix with sour cream.
  • Take the cast iron out of the oven. You will see that the meat is almost cooked in own juice and the onion became translucent. Pour the beef with sour cream sauce, close the lid and put in the oven for another half an hour.
  • The finest beef sour cream sauce ready.

Beef stuffed with carrots in foil


  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • pepper and salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash the beef. Pat dry with paper towel.
  • Rub with salt and pepper.
  • Cut the carrots into short thick strips, cut three cloves of garlic into slices.
  • In the meat, make deep punctures, into which stick the carrots and garlic.
  • Mix the soy sauce with the remaining minced garlic. Marinate the meat in this sauce for two hours.
  • Wrap it in two layers of foil to prevent steam from escaping. Place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200°. Bake for about 2 hours.
  • 10-15 minutes before cooking, open the foil so that the meat is covered with a golden crust.

Shtufat with pasta


  • beef (cut) - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fat - 30 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 60 g;
  • parsley and dill - a bunch;
  • black pepper - a pinch;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • broth or water - 500-700 ml;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled pasta, seasoned butter, - 800

Cooking method

  • Wash the meat. Pat dry with paper towel. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roll into a tight roll. Tie with twine.
  • Heat the fat in a frying pan and fry the roll on all sides until golden brown.
  • Cut the onion into half rings, and chop the carrots into strips.
  • Transfer the stucco to a saucepan. Cover it with carrots and onions. Add tomato paste, salt, pepper, bay leaf. Put a bunch of greens. Pour in hot broth or water. Close the lid.
  • Simmer at a low boil for 2 hours.
  • Remove the finished shtufat from the pan, remove the twine. Cut the roll into slices. Pour the strained broth in which it was stewed.
  • Serve hot boiled pasta filled with butter.

Boiled beef with cheese


  • beef - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • cheese - 100 g.

Cooking method

  • Wash the beef. Drop into boiling water. Remove foam and bring back to a boil. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Boil for 2-2.5 hours.
  • Prepare the sauce. Finely chop onion. Spasser it in oil. Sprinkle with flour, stir. Dilute a small amount broth. When the sauce boils, put sour cream, salt, pepper. Add beaten raw egg yolks. Mix well.
  • Remove the cooked meat from the broth, cool slightly. Cut across the fibers into slices. Place in a greased pan and pour over the prepared sauce.
  • Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  • Place in an oven heated to 220°C and bake for approximately 40-50 minutes until golden brown.

Note to the owner

  • The meat will turn out tastier if you add a little dry grape wine during stewing.
  • Frying meat always starts in a hot frying pan and lower it only in hot fat. If during the cooking process you need to add broth to the meat, it must be hot. Otherwise, the meat will remain tough for a long time.
  • Boiled meat is cooled in the broth. If you leave it hot on a plate, it will become covered with an unappetizing dark crust and become dry.

But after cooking, it resembles a leather sole ...

Premium cuts such as tenderloin, thick and thin edges do not need special processing. They have an even distribution of fat layers, if any, and are distinguished by juiciness and softness, for which they are valued among lovers. good meat. In the total mass of beef carcasses, premium cuts account for about 12%, the rest is occupied by less tender segments.
Even the best meat needs to be cooked well so that it turns out tender and juicy, and if you get a hard piece, you will have to resort to some culinary tricks that will save the situation.

If you bought tough meat, do not despair, it can be softened very simply. There are many ways to do this. For example, in the Maasai tribe, a piece of beef is placed in an anthill. Formic acid wonderfully softens meat ...

Okay, jokes aside. The method, of course, is good, but it certainly will not work for a modern hostess. But there are a dozen ways easier and more pleasant to make meat softer, juicier and tastier.
Let's make a reservation right away, you will not get the most tender steak from a sinewy old piece anyway. But with the right approach, harsh meat can be turned into excellent roast or completely edible baked meat.


In fact, it is very easy to remove stiffness and make the dish juicy, soft and expressive. All you need is a piece of meat and salt, says professional chef Jack Scalfani. The chef claims that tough meat will be as soft as filet mignon.

Place the meat on a dry, clean baking sheet.

cover it completely sea ​​or other coarse salt.
Now put it aside. The chef advises to spend 1 hour for every 2.5 centimeters of meat. That is, if your piece of meat is 7.5 centimeters thick, you will need 3 hours.

Now turn on our patience. Salt will draw out excess moisture during pickling, due to which the meat will become tender and elastic at the same time.

Now it's time to wash off all the salt. Hold the piece of meat under running water until all the salt is gone.

Want to see proof? Jack is holding a piece of marinated meat, and next to it is a fresh piece from the same part of the carcass, bought from the same butcher.
The darker and more porous piece of meat on the right is markedly different from the bright, tough piece on the left.

Time to send the meat to cook. And it doesn’t matter what spices you choose, it will still turn out tasty, juicy and tender.


A great friend for any meat. It gives the meat a fantastic aroma and taste. You can coat a large piece with it before baking, leave for an hour, then wash it off - the meat will become tastier.

If chops are planned, then they can be cut, beaten off and spread with mustard. Leave for 15 minutes, then fry.

Even meat for goulash can be smeared with mustard. This can be done both before cutting into pieces, and after.
You can wash it off, or you can cook it directly in a mustard marinade.

Turkey in mustard


  • Turkey thigh - 1 Kilogram (fillet)
  • Mustard with grains - 70 Grams
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Spices - 1 Art. spoon (pepper, basil)

Wash the turkey fillet cold water and lay out on a paper towel. Making small cuts in the meat sharp knife. Stuff with garlic cloves.

Salt the fillet to taste, add spices. Then coat the meat with mustard as it should.
Wrap the fillet in two layers of foil.

Roast the turkey in the oven at 200 degrees. Baking time - hour. Then take the turkey out of the oven and let it cool down a bit.

Cut off the fillet with a sharp knife. Put the chicken pieces on a plate along with the garnish.
Any side dish is suitable for this: pasta, cereals or vegetables. I chose boiled potatoes.


The desire to soften tough meat led chefs to the idea of ​​soaking it in a marinade. A mixture of various components, spices and spices was supposed to make the fibers soft and loose and at the same time improve the taste and aroma of the meat.

In order for the marinade to work on softening, products containing enzymes or having an acidic environment are added to it.
Fruits are used as the first, the second group is represented by products such as beer, lime juice, vinegar, kefir, which destroy the connective fibers during the pickling process.
Fruit and sour ingredients are usually not mixed, as this can make the marinade too "aggressive".

When the base of the marinade is chosen, add to it vegetable oil , to keep the juice in the cooking process, as well as better absorb seasonings, and a set of spices, chosen at your discretion.
The oil balances the aggressiveness of the acidic ingredients and forms a film on the surface, helping to retain the juices inside.
The content of oil in the marinade should be at least half of the total volume.
Its amount is calculated from the formula 1/2 cup marinade per 450 gr. meat, so for 900 gr. Meat needs 1/2 cup oil.

If you don't like an intensely flavored oil, opt for a neutral one like Butter grape seeds or rapeseed. Those who are ready to experiment can try olive oil, sesame oil, or herb-infused oil for a marinade.

If the marinade is needed only to form a taste, and not to soften the meat, products with enzymes or an acidic environment do not need to be added.

Depending on the meat chosen, the marinade used and the ambient temperature, the meat is kept from several hours to several days.
Before the start of heat treatment, excess marinade remaining on the meat is removed with a paper towel or napkin.

A few tips:

  • It is better not to take vinegar as an oxidizing agent, it is preferable to use lemon juice, and just a little.
  • They showed themselves well in softening meat and lemon slices. Pieces of meat are laid with lemon, sometimes added to this mixture a raw egg and leave in a cool place for a while.
    The time depends on the degree of rigidity of the meat, but on average two to three hours are enough for it to acquire acceptable conditions.
  • When marinating meat, take not ordinary, but carbonated mineral water.
  • An excellent marinade is obtained when using pomegranate juice. It is enough to add spices to the sour, astringent, tannin-rich juice and put the meat for several hours.

  • If you are stewing meat, then the gravy can also be slightly acidified. The same slice of lemon or tomatoes are an excellent choice.
  • When baking, you can put mugs of tomatoes on the meat, they will also soften it.
  • By the way, a slice of lemon added to the oil when frying meat also greatly improves its taste and tenderness.
  • Marinades based on fermented milk products also give the meat the required softness and tenderness. And regardless of what you are going to cook: chicken, pork, lamb or beef.
    Kefir is taken as the main ingredient or unsweetened yogurt, mixed with spices, a little salt, pepper and herbs. It is enough to spend the meat in such a marinade for about 2-4 hours.
    By the way, some people like to marinate meat under mayonnaise, but for some reason professionals do not welcome this method.

Soaking in brine

A similar but slightly different method of marinating meat does not use enzymes or an acidic environment, as suggested by classical technology, and brine.

It is made on the basis table salt and water, which are taken in a ratio of about 1/4 cup per liter, and spices to taste.
Soaking meat in such a brine makes it more tender and juicy.

The method works best with white meat and pork.
The meat is completely immersed in brine and removed to infuse in the refrigerator for a period of 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the size of the piece.

Tough meat can still be soaked in cabbage brine. It seems to me that it has the best effect on meat, not as sharp and salty as cucumber.


You can soak the meat in water with starch dissolved in it. It is best to take corn, but you can also use a simple potato.

If you are going to fry the meat after that, you can count on an excellent crispy crust.


In an attempt to make a digestible dish out of the “meat sole”, brute physical force was applied to the meat. For the destruction of hard fibers on the meat is a mechanical effect.
This is usually done with a special hammer.

The meat is pre-wrapped in plastic bag, after which they beat off. As a result of beating the meat, the connective fibers are torn, due to which it becomes softer.

In addition, this effect allows you to give the pieces the same thickness, which greatly simplifies the cooking process, making it possible to put the pieces together and cook them for about the same amount of time.

However, to destroy the rigid structure of the meat, you can do with an ordinary knife. Through it, cuts are made on the meat across the fibers. They are applied in the form of a grid using the tip of a knife.
The process of creating incisions takes place in several stages: first, oblique incisions are made in one direction, and then the second ones are made perpendicular to the resulting strips.

The same is repeated with the other side of the meat.
The depth of the cuts should be approximately 0.3-0.4 cm, but variations are allowed upwards depending on the thickness of the piece.
The cuts not only make the meat softer, but also allow the spices and marinade to penetrate deeper.

onion juice

No wonder the barbecue is not complete without onions. But usually they take it a little and cut it into large rings.
This is not how you should act. The onion needs to be very finely chopped, and even better, turn through a meat grinder, chop with a mixer or grate.

Mix with meat and leave for a couple of hours. Onions will give juice, and no more marinade is required. You can also add pepper and spices, which you like best.

If you still want to chop the onion coarsely, then take more onions, 5 pieces per 1 kg, sprinkle the meat with chopped onions and spices.

You can press down with a small press, but no liquid is needed.

Long cooking

Before marinade was discovered and all sorts of ways to soften tough meat were invented, not the most delicate parts were simply subjected to prolonged heat exposure. In the process of many hours of heat treatment, the connections between the fibers are weakened, collagen dissolves into gelatin, which together significantly increases the softness of the meat.

The newfangled trend of "slow cooking" is actually a modified old technology that originated in the days when dishes were cooked in the oven. For practical reasons, the dish was left overnight in a cooling oven, and in the morning the finished dish could only be divided into plates.

So simmering tough meat at a low temperature for 7-8 hours, or even more, is not such a bad idea. For long cooking times, you can use a slow cooker, multicooker, or conventional oven in which you want to set the minimum temperature.

And a few more tips: to get tender and juicy boiled meat, firstly, you need to put it in boiling water. You can add a little sugar, and do not let the water boil too much.
And, secondly, salt closer to the end of cooking, for half an hour-20 minutes.

By the way, the correct approach to salting any meat is very important when cooking.
As already mentioned, the meat should be salted at the very end of cooking, or even when serving.
Secondly, there should be very little salt. After all, the meat itself is salty, so only 1 tsp is needed for 1 kg of meat. salt.
Maybe a little more if you like salty.


Wine or beer is widely used as a marinade. So the meat is prepared for both regular frying and frying on skewers. If you add to the blame mineral water, onions and seasonings, it will turn out faster and tastier.

Fragrant meat soaked in beer will not leave indifferent either your household or guests. Before frying, such meat is best rolled in flour.

As for more strong drinks, then vodka has long been used as the basis for marinade, especially when working with poultry meat.
In China, soy sauce and spices are added to vodka, chopped turkey or duck breasts are dipped in the marinade and marinated for a maximum of 2 hours.
Before frying, pieces of meat are dried with a napkin. Don't worry - no smell of alcohol will remain at all.

Soy sauce

It is often recommended to marinate meat in soy sauce. Such a marinade will make it very interesting and soften.
Add to sauce well. corn starch and a glass of strong alcohol.
You need to marinate for a long time, it is advisable to leave the meat overnight.


This trick will make the toughest meat tender in half an hour. Even horse meat chews like chicken!

A slightly exotic, but super-fast way to soften meat is to leave it for 30 minutes or an hour in the kiwi pulp.
But I suggest immediately adding spices and seasonings to it in order to save time and not do it later.

Let's get started!


  • 1-2 kiwi
  • 1-1.5 kg of meat
  • pepper and other desired spices
  • rosemary
  • onion or garlic optional


Wash and dry the meat.

Grind kiwi in a blender or grate.

Add spices to the kiwi pulp.
Leave the meat in this marinade for 30 minutes.

If the meat is very tough, then it is possible for 1-2 hours. But no more than 2 hours, otherwise there is an opportunity to end up with a pate.

After the time has elapsed, cook the meat in the desired way. This marinade is just perfect for barbecues.

This method of softening speeds up the process of cooking meat. After 40-50 minutes, the beef is usually ready and very juicy, while the usual goulash is stewed for 2-2.5 hours.

So pay attention to this so as not to spoil the dish with long cooking. You can prepare any marinade based on kiwi: add herbs, wine, other fruits, unusual spices ...
Or, first soften the meat in fruit pulp, and then marinate.

Having once tried to cook meat in a similar kiwi marinade, you will, if possible, give preference to it.

Other tricks

In order for the meat to turn out tender and juicy, it is necessary to prevent the flow of juice from it during frying. This is best done either by breading, or by "sealing" the meat over high heat.
Bread the meat just before you start frying. As a breading, flour, crackers, an egg, or a combination of them are suitable. Pieces of meat are placed in boiling oil, then the frying process begins immediately, and the meat juice does not leak out.

You can "seal" the meat without the use of breading, and even without the use of oil. Meat is simply placed on a hot pan, fried until browned, turned over and fried in the same way. After that, the fire should be reduced and fry until cooked over medium or low heat.
Beef can even be undercooked - some people like meat with blood. With other types of meat, this trick will not work: you don’t want to get some trichinella from a half-baked pork chop, do you?

An excellent result is obtained if the meat is baked in pots or foil. In these cases, it is cooked in its own juice and turns out excellent even without any additives.
based on materials from,

Well, if your roast still turned out to be a bit dry, try fixing it with a water bath. Pour water into the pan, place a colander with meat over it and close the entire structure with a lid.

So, if one of the gastronomic experiments fails, do not lose heart, there is always a way to get it back on track!

Many housewives do not like beef due to the fact that this meat, even after long cooking, turns out to be quite tough and similar in structure to rubber. This usually happens with the wrong choice of meat, if instead of young veal, the meat of an old, already elderly animal was bought.

But even in these situations, you can make a gentle and soft beef, you just need to know the basic secrets of cooking.

How to choose the right beef

Before you start cooking beef meat, it must be chosen correctly. It is on how it is chosen that the final taste of the cooked dish will depend. When choosing beef meat, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • color. Fresh beef has a bright red color. The color should not have blotches of greenish or dark tint. If the beef has a dark texture, then this will mean that it belongs to an old animal, and the old meat is cooked for a long time and turns out to be rubbery. Therefore, it is worth choosing bright red beef;
  • fat. Fat should have a soft white structure and be quite dense. These qualities indicate that the beef is fresh and of high quality. In young beef, fat may crumble a little. If the fat has a yellow tint, then this will mean that the beef is old;
  • fresh meat should have a dry surface, a slight airing of the surface is allowed if it was butchered several hours ago. But in any case, there should be no spots, hard crusts on the surface. Fresh beef is dry and firm to the touch;
  • It should smell like beef. The smell should be pleasant without additional unpleasant odors;
  • elasticity. To check this quality, you need to press your finger on the meat, if a hole has formed, which immediately smoothed out, then this will mean that the meat is fresh.

How to make tough beef soft: ways

How to make beef tender? There are many ways to make this type of meat much softer and juicier. If the meat is young and fresh, then it usually does not need additional softening, it is enough to properly prepare it for cooking. When preparing, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. If the beef is frozen, then it should be properly thawed. Defrost should be gradual. To begin with, the meat should be transferred to a container and placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for several hours, then it is removed and left to defrost at room temperature. Do not defrost with microwave oven, hot water, in these cases, even young meat will become rubbery and tasteless during the cooking process;
  2. A piece of meat should be cut into thin pieces with a thickness of 1.5-2.5 cm. Then they are rubbed with black ground pepper, but not with salt. Then they are laid out on a cutting board and beaten off from all sides with a kitchen hammer;
  3. Cut the meat only across the grain. The degree of softness of the cooked meat depends on the direction of the cut. Long fibers become stiff during cooking, this is due to the folding of the protein.

You can make the meat tender with the help of marinades. To prepare marinades, you can use kiwi, kefir, wine, garlic or onions.

How to make beef tender when boiled

In order for the beef to be tender and soft after cooking, it should be cooked correctly. To do this, you can use the following important recommendations:

  • in order for the beef to turn out soft during cooking, it should be lowered into already boiling water;
  • boil recommended whole piece. It can be cut into small slices after boiling;
  • for added flavor and palatability, you can additionally boil vegetables, put spices. good option there will be carrots and onions. To do this, the vegetables need to be washed, peeled and cut. It is necessary to spread the vegetables an hour after the start of boiling the meat. Spices are added 15 minutes before the end of boiling.

How to cook - take note of the recipe for a delicious and healthy dish.

Read how to cook fragrant pilaf in a cauldron on a fire - Asian cuisine.

Boiled sausage at home - try this recipe and forget about store products forever.

How to make beef soft and juicy when frying

Beef is often used for frying. All known steaks, fillets, chops are cooked in a pan. That's just when frying beef is the easiest to spoil.

In order for the beef to turn out soft and juicy during frying, it must be cooked correctly:

  1. For cooking, it is worth using a heavy cast-iron base pan with a thick bottom;
  2. Before frying, it is recommended to preheat the pan over high heat;
  3. Next, pour a little oil on the surface of the pan, it should only grease the pan a little;
  4. We spread the pieces of meat that are previously beaten off. The meat must be laid out on a very hot frying pan with oil;
  5. Fry beef steaks quickly on both sides. Each side should be fried for no more than half a minute;
  6. As soon as the steaks are covered with a crust, they can be laid out from the pan.

How to make beef tender when stewing

Beef almost never turns out juicy during stewing, but it can be given softness and tenderness. The main thing is to follow a few important rules:

  • for stewing, beef must be cut into small sticks with dimensions of 3-4 cm;
  • then you need to fry in a pan for 60 seconds, the pieces should be covered with a dry crust;
  • after that, the beef is placed in a cauldron or stewpan, hot water is poured into it;
  • it is necessary to simmer on low heat for 1.5-2 hours;
  • in addition to meat during stewing, you can add various spices and vegetables - bay leaf, peppercorns, onions, garlic and other vegetables;
  • you need to salt at the very end of the 15 minutes before the end of the quenching;
  • when cooked, the meat fibers should be easily separated from each other.

How to make beef goulash soft

How to do:

How to make soft beef skewers: marinade recipes

Marinade with kiwi

For a kilogram of meat, you need 1 large kiwi. Kiwi should be cut into small pieces with a knife or rubbed on a grater. The meat can be cut into medium pieces, put in a container and mashed kiwi is distributed on top. Marinate should be no more than 30 minutes, otherwise you can greatly spoil the look and taste of beef.

Calorie content - 85 kcal.

Kefir marinade

For 1 kilogram of beef you will need:

  • low-fat kefir - 1 liter;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • three bulbs;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • a little ground black pepper.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 78 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The meat must be washed, cut into pieces across the fibers;
  2. We spread a part of the meat on the bottom of a deep cup, sprinkle with salt and black pepper;
  3. Onions should be peeled, cut the peeled heads into rings;
  4. We spread the onion rings on top of the pieces of beef;
  5. Next, lay out the second half of the meat, sprinkle with salt, pepper and lay a layer of onion rings on top;
  6. Pour everything with vegetable oil, pour kefir;
  7. We put oppression on top and send it to the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

wine marinade

For the marinade you will need:

  • dry or semi-dry red wine - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil of the first pressing 100 l;
  • fresh lemon - ½ part;
  • ground black pepper - 5 grams;
  • allspice - a pinch;
  • a few sprigs of dill, parsley.

Cooking time - 25-30 minutes.

Calorie content - 86 kcal.

How to do:

  1. Pour wine into a cup;
  2. Squeeze juice from half a lemon and pour over wine;
  3. Add vegetable oil and mix the liquid components;
  4. Then we fall asleep two types of pepper and distribute it over the liquid marinade;
  5. Greens to cut small pieces and pour into the marinade;
  6. Cut the meat into medium pieces and put in the marinade;
  7. We put in the refrigerator to marinate for 4-5 hours.

garlic marinade recipe

For 1 kilogram of meat, the following components will be required:

  • large lemon - 1 piece;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pieces;
  • onion - head;
  • red chili pepper - a pinch;
  • water - ½ cup.

Cooking time - 35 minutes.

Calorie content - 89 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The lemon must be washed and cut;
  2. Squeeze the juice from each part of the lemon and pour into a cup;
  3. Add water and dilute;
  4. We clean the garlic cloves from the skin and cut into small pieces;
  5. We clean the onion and chop it into small squares;
  6. We wash the meat, cut into portions;
  7. Mix garlic with onion and red pepper;
  8. We spread the garlic-onion mixture to the meat and stir;
  9. Next, put the meat in a bowl and pour the marinade from lemon juice and water;
  10. We remove to marinate in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Marinade in tomato sauce

For cooking you will need:

  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • grape vinegar - 100 ml;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • dark red bell pepper.

Cooking time - 35-40 minutes.

Calorie content - 74 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We clean the onion from the skin and cut into thin rings;
  2. Wash the carrots, peel and cut into circles;
  3. Rinse the pepper, clean the seeds and cut into squares;
  4. Cut the beef into medium pieces and put it in a container, sprinkle with salt;
  5. Top with onion rings, carrot slices and pepper slices;
  6. Next, pour the grape vinegar;
  7. Then pour tomato juice and mix everything thoroughly;
  8. We close the container and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Making beef soft is not so difficult, the main thing is to use all the tips and tricks correctly. It is also important to choose the right meat, the whole result of the cooked dish depends on this. With all the tips above, you can cook delicious, tender and soft beef at home.

Juicy and soft beef is a tasty and beloved meat by many. It lends itself well to stewing, frying, boiling and baking. In a word, there is no such meat dish in which beef would be out of place. But only under one condition: you need to make the beef soft. Each generation of housewives is looking for new ways to tenderize beef, marinades and methods for marinating and cooking meat. But professional chefs know that it is better to stick to proven recipes that really can make beef tender without losing flavor and aroma.

You always have the choice to tenderize the beef quickly or gradually, and the result is not always directly proportional to the time spent. Much depends on the quality raw meat and your ability to prepare it. We believe that each step of cooking affects the softness of the beef and can both soften it and completely ruin it. Therefore, we will try to give comprehensive tips so that even tough beef becomes softer in your dishes.

Beef in cooking: features and properties. How to choose soft beef?
Beef Recognized the best view meat - both nutritionists and culinary specialists agreed in this opinion. Agree, they do not often have unanimity, but it is absolutely true with respect to beef: this red meat is the optimal source of animal protein with a complete set of essential amino acids and heme iron, which is necessary for hematopoiesis and the prevention of anemia. Collagen and elastin, B vitamins and minerals make beef truly healthy meat. Especially if it is properly prepared: without excess fat, in the oven or on the grill. To make the beef soft even with minimal processing, it is important to choose the right piece of meat:
How to make beef tender quickly?
Properly harvested and fresh beef does not need additional softening, the main thing is not to spoil it with intensive processing. But if you got frozen meat, and time is running out, use one of the methods to quickly soften the beef:
You can quickly marinate beef with kiwi fruit. To do this, for each kilogram of meat, take 1 large kiwi, chop with a knife or on a grater and distribute over the chopped meat. Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes - but no longer, otherwise the kiwi enzymes will turn the beef into an unattractive mass. All other beef marinade recipes require much more time and effort.

Tough Beef Marinade Recipes
Marinating is a universal method to make meat tender. Depending on the degree of rigidity, taste preferences and the recipe for further cooking, beef is marinated with the following compositions:

  1. Kefir marinade. Per 1 kg fresh meat take 1 liter of low-fat yogurt (0-1%), 50 ml of vegetable oil, 3 large onions, a pinch each ground pepper and salt. Lay one layer of meat on the bottom of a deep bowl. Lightly salt, sprinkle with pepper. Peel the onion, cut into rings and cover the meat. Put another layer of meat on top of the onion and repeat all the steps. At the end, pour oil and kefir, cover with a plate and press down with oppression. Put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.
  2. Wine marinade. For 1 kg of fresh meat, you will need 1 cup of dry or semi-dry red wine, 100 ml of virgin vegetable oil, 0.5 fresh lemon (or 1 whole small lemon), a pinch of black and allspice ground pepper, a little fresh herbs to taste. In a bowl, mix oil, wine and freshly squeezed lemon juice, add pepper and finely chopped greens, mix the marinade with meat, cut into portions, and leave in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.
  3. Garlic spicy marinade. For every kilogram of beef, you need 1 large lemon, 1 onion, 3 garlic cloves, a pinch of ground chili pepper, half a glass of water. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and dilute with water. Crush the garlic. Cut the onion as small as possible and mix with pepper and garlic. Mix portioned pieces of meat with onion-garlic mass, put in a deep bowl and pour water with lemon juice. Keep in the refrigerator for at least 2 and no more than 6 hours.
It is easy to conclude that a softening ingredient must be present in the beef marinade, which is products with active organic acids: wine, fermented milk drinks, citrus. But vinegar is better not to use for marinating beef: it draws water out of the fibers. For the same reason, meat is salted only at the end of cooking, when the main biochemical processes have already ended.

How to make beef soft when frying?
Roast beef, whether fillet steak minion or regular chop breaks all records of popularity among meat dishes. But it is during frying that beef is most easily spoiled and made tough. Here are the tips. Which will help you properly fry the beef so that it is soft:

  • Use a heavy, heavy-bottomed skillet, preferably cast iron. Always heat it up over high heat before frying steaks.
  • Portions put the meat on a hot frying pan greased with a drop of oil and quickly fry on both sides (10-15 seconds each) so that the resulting crust “seals” the surface and prevents the juice from evaporating.
  • beef tenderloin ideal for frying - this is the softest meat that does not become tougher after cooking. It is followed by sirloin, steak and brisket in decreasing order of softness.
To roast beef remains soft, the main thing is to keep as much moisture in it as possible. That is why the meat is not salted until tender and is used minimal amount oils. Ideally, beef is fried in a dry frying pan.

How to make beef soft when stewing?
Stewed beef rarely retains juiciness, but it becomes soft and tender - as they say, "melts in your mouth." Both lean meat and pieces with small layers of fat are suitable for stewing.

  1. Stew beef, cut into cubes of 3-4 cm and fried in a deep frying pan for 1 minute until dry. Then the meat is transferred to a cauldron or stewpan, poured hot water with spices and stew over low heat under a lid for 1.5-2 hours until soft.
  2. When stewing beef, you can use any spices: bay leaf, peppercorns (black and / or allspice), onions, garlic and other vegetables. You can salt stewed beef, like fried beef, only at the very end of cooking.
  3. sign of readiness stewed beef– easy separation of fibers from each other.
You can stew beef in light or dark beer diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. In this case, the meat is additionally marinated and acquires a flavor. But during extinguishing, you will have to regularly remove the resulting foam.
How to make beef soft in the oven?
Baked beef is a delicacy that requires skillful handling. It can take years to learn how to properly bake beef, so here are just a few practical tips:
  1. Beef is baked in a large whole piece, tenderloin or fillet with a small amount of fat (for juiciness) is suitable for this. Before baking, a piece of beef is quickly fried in a hot frying pan on all sides.
  2. The beef “sealed” in the pan is wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet. The foil retains moisture, but you need to make a few thin holes in it for steam to escape. Instead of foil, you can use a baking sleeve.
  3. Baked beef will turn out soft and fragrant if stuffed with garlic cloves or other spices to taste.
Juicy and soft beef after baking is cut into thin loin across the fibers, into thin slices. When hot, such meat will decorate festive table, and the cooled boiled pork is useful for making sandwiches and cold snacks. Perhaps this is the best and almost guaranteed way to make beef tender!

To another attempt to cook delicious meat dish did not end with the triumphant cooking of store dumplings, it is enough to know a few tricks correct processing this product at home. If one day they show and tell you how to fry pork in a pan so that it is soft and juicy, you will never spoil the meat. Some parts of the carcass are just perfect for frying: they have enough fat, which almost completely eliminates overdrying. What if raw product a little harsh, this is easy to fix with a good marinade or a kitchen mallet.

Culinary Tricks for Softness, Juiciness and Appetizing

  1. Not every part of the carcass is suitable for cooking in a pan. To make the dish tender and literally melt in your mouth, choose pork with small fatty streaks in the thickness of the fibers (marbling). Fat during frying will melt and evenly soak the meat, due to which it will turn out incredibly soft. Boneless cuts are best suited for frying - neck, shoulder, ham, tenderloin. More fat is obtained brisket and loin.
  2. The age of the animal is important. The old product is noticeably tougher, sometimes there is an odor. "Young" meat has a pinker color, less pronounced surface texture, light fat without a yellow tint.
  3. It is recommended to fry any meat, including pork, in a pan with a thick bottom. Such dishes distribute heat more evenly and maintain a constant temperature for a long time.
  4. Fry the meat in small portions. If immediately dumped into a frying pan a large number of cold raw materials, the temperature of the heated oil will drop. Due to this, a crust is not formed, which will seal all the meat juice inside. As a result, the dish will not come out juicy. Pork will be stewed, not fried.
  5. Before cooking, the raw materials must be processed: films, veins, excess fat are removed.
  6. To emphasize the natural taste, various marinades based on oil, wine, beer, fermented milk products, kiwi, onion, lemon and other products are used.
  7. The most successful spices and seasonings: mustard (in any form), pepper (red, black), basil, rosemary, garlic, coriander, zira, dry adjika, paprika, etc.
  8. Pork, unlike beef, does not exist roasting levels. It is forbidden to eat it undercooked, it is dangerous to health. An incompletely cooked dish is brought to the condition in the oven or under a closed lid in a pan, adding a little water or broth.
  9. When removing a dish from the fire, keep in mind that it continues to cook for some time under the influence of its own temperature. Therefore, it is important not to overdry the product.
  10. It is better to salt the meat at the very end of cooking. So it will lose less liquid.

Fragrant pieces of pork fried with onions


How to deliciously fry pork on the stove so that it turns out juicy, soft and tender (recipe with photo):

Wash the meat, process and be sure to dry it from moisture. It will prevent the marinade from being absorbed. Cut into pieces about the size of a matchbox or slightly smaller. Try to cut so that the larger side falls on the cross section of the fibers. This will keep more juice in the meat.

Clean the onion. Chop into thin half rings.

Mix pork with onions. Add your favorite spices or seasoning. Pour in some oil. Don't add salt just yet.

Stir. Marinate at room temperature for 30-40 minutes. Or cover and refrigerate for several hours.

Since the marinade already includes vegetable oil, you do not need to add a lot of fat to the pan. It is enough just to grease the bottom, especially if the dishes are non-stick coated. Heat up the pan. Lay out a small batch of pork to fry - 5-8 pieces. Cook over moderate heat for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Salt the already prepared barrel. Put the fried pieces in a deep container. Immediately cover with foil or a lid to bring the middle to the condition.

Separately, bring the onion to a ruddy.

Stir before serving.

Enjoy delicious pork neck With golden crust.

Roast the pork in a big chunk

Required products:

Cooking method:

main ingredient rinse from small debris and bone fragments, remove all unnecessary. Blot with paper towels. Place in a deep bowl.

In this recipe, I used a minimum of seasoning so as not to spoil the natural taste of pork. Pour them into the oil to prepare the marinating mixture. Stir.

Brush the meat all over with the marinade. Put in a cold place for 2-8 hours. Turn periodically so that the fibers are evenly saturated with fragrant oil.

Fry in a preheated skillet over medium heat. Add a little if necessary vegetable fat. Grill the pork on each side for 3-4 minutes. The meat should be evenly golden brown. All the juice is “sealed” inside the fibers, and the meat will end up being soft and very juicy.

If necessary, if the piece is irregular, tie it with kitchen string to obtain a relatively even surface.

Bring the dish to full readiness in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Approximate cooking time is 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the cut. Steaks are brought in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Pour the rest of the marinade into the mold and do not forget to salt each barrel. If not oven, return the piece back to the skillet. Pour in a little clean water, literally just to cover the bottom. Cover with a lid or aluminum foil. Simmer over low heat for about half an hour.

Presumably ready meat pierce with a toothpick. Got clear juice? Ready! Serve!

Pork chops fried in batter and breadcrumbs - quick and tasty

Would need:

Step-by-step photo recipe for making batter and frying delicious pork:

Cut a piece of pork pulp (I had a neck) into thin (2-3 cm thick) wide pieces. If desired, beat them with a kitchen hammer through cling film(so as not to break the fibers). Alternative option- frying of unbeaten blanks. Then you get a variation of schnitzels, not chops.

Rub the meat on all sides with spices (crush the garlic into gruel) and a little salt (the rest will go into batter).

Mix eggs with salt and kefir (sour cream). Whisk.

Mix flour with cornstarch and baking powder. Sift. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients gradually to adjust the consistency of the batter.

It should turn out fluid, enveloping and homogeneous.

Dip the pork in it.

And roll in breadcrumbs. I strongly advise against using store-bought ones, it is better to make breading from yesterday's bread at home.

Fry 2 pieces over medium heat in hot oil until golden brown for 2-4 minutes on each side. Remove cooked chops from skillet and place on paper towels to soak up excess oil.

The pork is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The fibers remain juicy due to the fact that the batter and breading do not allow the juice to flow out. Well, very tasty!