Cooking chebureks. With beef and pork

Chebureki is an incomparable dish that, being hot, can lift you to the heights of bliss from the first bite. But on the streets it is prepared from anything, moreover, without observing sanitary standards. Therefore, now we will share with you the recipe for this delicious dish, because when cooking at home, you choose the products yourself.

How to cook homemade pasties

The two components of making chebureks are dough and minced meat. As with dumplings, roll out the dough for chebureks in different ways. Some housewives divide it into parts and roll it out already, others prefer to roll out the whole dough and cut out circles using a plate. The main thing is that the resulting cheburek should be no larger than the palm of the one who cooks.

The rolled out dough is folded in half, covering the stuffing. Serrated edges can be made with a fork. Having blinded a few pieces, you can start frying.

Dough recipe for chebureks

  • 600 grams (4 cups) flour
  • glass of water,
  • one teaspoon of sugar
  • the same amount of salt without a slide,
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 80 grams of cooking oil.


  1. You need to take a little more flour than indicated in the recipe. Due to the different grinding of flour, the amount that you may ultimately need also varies.
  2. First dissolve in warm water salt and sugar. If it is mineral - it is very good. The dough will be more tender. In portions, start pouring flour into this water, knead to dissolve the lumps. When the mass reaches the consistency of sour cream, add vegetable oil. You can cheat: in order to later form appetizing bubbles on the dough, you can add heated oil or other cooking oil to the dough.
  3. If you do not want to heat the oil, then you can pour in vodka (1.tsp). It will also give bubbles to the surface and give them a crispy crust.
  4. Continue to add flour until the dough is elastic and easy to move away from your hands.
  5. Close the dough for a while and let it brew while you cook the minced meat.

Minced meat recipe

  • 300g pork
  • 300 grams of beef,
  • 3 pieces of onions
  • greens,
  • water,
  • spices.


  1. Traditional minced meat was made from lamb, but onions were always added to it.
  2. Scroll the meat through a meat grinder. Do not make mince too small. Cut the greens, add salt and spices and, if desired, a clove of garlic.
  3. When mixing the minced meat, add water, it should be semi-liquid. This is necessary in order for the minced meat to release that delicious, slightly spicy broth that pasties are so famous for.
  4. Minced meat can be diluted with anything. The main thing is not to overdo it with water. And at the end, put a piece in the stuffing butter This will make it fatter.

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Cheburek (from the Crimean Tatar çüberek, Turkish çiğ börek, Mong. Huushuur, Azeri ət qutabı) - a traditional dish many Turkic and Mongolian peoples. It is a pie unleavened dough stuffed with minced meat

(according to the modern recipe) or finely chopped meat (according to the traditional recipe) with spices (sometimes spicy), fried in vegetable oil (according to the modern recipe) or animal (more often lamb) fat (according to the traditional recipe). Sometimes cheese, potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, eggs with onions and rice are used as fillings. Also, this dish is popular among the Caucasian peoples.

Chebureks are a favorite pie of many generations, and therefore, to know how to knead the dough for a pie correctly, make delicious stuffing, everyone should fry beautifully. This is generally not required, but desirable. And if you are now reading this article, then this once again indicates that you are ready to cook pasties at home on your own and are looking for an interesting recipe.

For classic chibereks(this is the correct name for the Crimean Tatar dish) the dough should be SOFT and elastic, not hard. It consists of flour, water, salt and everything, without any eggs, butter, vodka and other perversions. Minced meat can be different, but classic: meat + onion + salt, pepper + some water.

Proper cheburek with meat

Required Ingredients:
For test:
- flour - 4 cups;
- egg - 1 pc.;
- water - 1.3 cups;
- a tablespoon of any oil;
- salt.
For filling :
- meat - 700 g;
- onion - 350g;
- water or broth - 0.5 cups;
- spices to taste;
- salt and pepper.

Cooking method:
Let's start preparing the dough for chebureks. Pour water into a saucepan, salt it and add oil. We put it on the stove and immediately prepare 0.5 cups of flour near us. When the contents of the saucepan begin to boil, pour the flour in a trickle, constantly stirring with a spoon. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed and remove from the stove. Let's cool down. Now we drive in an egg there and, constantly adding flour, knead the dough. The pastry dough should not stick to your hands. Leave the dough aside for 1 hour, knead it once during this time.

During this time, we begin to prepare the filling. We take meat. Any meat can be used, and even better if it is of two varieties, for example, beef and pork or lamb and beef. We cut it into pieces and grind it in a meat grinder. Add a glass of broth, water or kefir to the minced meat. Let the minced meat stand with the broth for 5-10 minutes, until the meat absorbs all the liquid. Peel the onion, chop finely, add to the minced meat along with spices, salt and pepper.

We form a roller from the dough and cut it into washers. Roll out the dough to the size you need. The thickness of the dough should not be more than 1 cm. Put the minced meat on one half of the cake, carefully level it and wrap it with the other side of the cake. We press the edges and carefully pinch.

Pour the oil into a saucepan and let it warm up well. Now lay out the cheburek and begin to fry it over medium heat. First on one side, then turn over and fry on the other side.

Chebureks with meat

Chebureki, where the dough will be cooked on vodka

Required Ingredients:
For test:
- flour - 650 g;
- vodka - 30 ml;
- egg - 1 pc.;
- water - 350 ml;
- salt, vegetable oil - 30 ml.
For filling:
- lamb - 600 g;
- onion - 250g;
- dill;
- salt and pepper;
- water

Cooking method:
First you need to pour some water into the pan, salt and add vegetable oil. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. Cooking choux pastry. Prepare a glass of flour by sifting it first. As soon as the water begins to boil, slowly add the flour, while constantly stirring with a spoon. Stir vigorously so that you do not form lumps. When you succeed homogeneous mass Remove from heat and set aside to let dough cool. Now add the rest of the flour and beat in one egg. Start kneading the dough, while constantly adding vodka. According to the rules, until you run out of vodka, the dough should become tight and completely kneaded. Cover the dough cling film and let it rest for 1 hour. Perfect option- leave overnight in a cold place.

From ready dough roll up the roller and cut it into washers. Roll each puck into a cake.

Let's prepare minced meat. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. Add salt and pepper, to taste spices. We knead the mince. Add a little water or broth and mix again.

On each cake, lay out the minced meat from one edge, smooth it and cover with the second half of the dough. We pinch the edges securely.

Pour oil into the pan and start frying your favorite pasties until golden brown.

Chebureki with meat (beef)

Required Ingredients:
- flour - 550g;
- egg - 1 pc.;
- onion - -100 g;
- beef tenderloin - 300g;
- a glass of broth;
- pork neck - 400g;
- vodka - 20 ml;
- pepper, salt, green onions, dill, cilantro;
- kefir - 150 ml.

Cooking method:
Pour 300 ml into a saucepan. water, oil and salt. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. We measure out 100-120 g of flour and pour it into the pan in a stream. With constant and vigorous stirring, bring the dough to uniform consistency. Let it cool down a bit and add the egg and vodka. While stirring, constantly add flour. We knead the dough so that we get it plastic, but do not stick to our hands. If the specified amount of flour is not enough, then you can add more. Cover the dough with cling film and set it aside for 30 minutes. Knead it with your hands, cover the dough again, and leave it again for 30 minutes. By the way, such a dough can be prepared in advance - it can be safely stored in the refrigerator for a day. Just don't work with cold dough! Let it sit at room temperature for a while.

We take pork neck and beef tenderloin and skip everything in a meat grinder. Peel the onion, chop it small cubes. Add salt and pepper to it and cover with foil. Now we take a rolling pin in our hands and beat it a little.

Chop the greens and add everything to the minced meat. Mix kefir with broth and pour into a bowl of minced meat. Let stand a little and stir.

Place the dough on a floured work surface and roll it into a ball. We will cut into washers and roll out cakes from them, for our future chebureks. Visually divide the cakes into 2 parts and put the minced meat on one of them. Spread with a spoon evenly without touching the edges. Cover the minced meat with the other half of the dough and secure the edges carefully.

Pour into the pan sunflower oil, let it boil, and lay out the pasties to fry until golden brown - approximately 2-3 minutes on each side. Every time you put a cheburek into the oil, do not forget to shake the flour out of it!

Chebureks with meat (beef + pork)

According to this recipe for cooking chebureks, Crimean Tatars cook, and they know a lot about this business. I doubt only one thing that the Tatars add pork to minced meat ... I proceed from the fact that Muslim Tatars, and Muslims do not eat pork. So for juiciness, water or tomato juice and more onion are added to the minced meat, it also gives juiciness.

Required Ingredients:
- flour - 4 cups;
- water - 1.5 cups;
- salt - 0.5 tsp
For minced meat:
- beef + bold pork - 600 g;
- bow - 2 pcs.;
- water or broth - 300 ml .;
- black ground pepper;
- salt - 2 tsp

Cooking method:
Let's prepare the dough first. Sift flour through a thick sieve, add salt to it and pour 1.5 cups of water. Gently knead the dough, roll it into a ball, and let it rest while we prepare the minced meat. Attention! Do not add oil to the dough, because during the frying process, the dough with oil usually cracks!

We grind the meat in a meat grinder. Chop the onion and add it to the meat. Now add 2 tsp. salt and ground pepper. Mix and add 300 ml. Mix well. Do not worry, the minced meat for these chebureks should be a little watery.

Pinch off pieces of dough the size of a tennis ball, and roll out a layer from it. Fill one loaf with minced meat. Put the minced meat on one part of the layer, and cover it with the other part. Carefully pinch the edges of the cheburek and immediately put in a frying pan to fry. You need to fill the minced meat one by one and immediately fry it so that the dough from the filling does not have time to get wet. When you fry all the pasties, put them nicely on a plate, cook fragrant tea and invite your loved ones for tea. Ruddy, juicy and fragrant cheburek is a nice addition to tea. Good health and culinary achievements to you all!

-To make your chebureks beautiful and rosy, you can use a deep fryer for frying. AT in large numbers oils, crust delicious chebureks turns out uniformly golden, crispy and appetizing.

Cooking: 50 minutes

Recipe for: 10 pasties

Good afternoon dear readers. Pasties with meat are quite common pastries, they are sold everywhere. But I will tell you how to make pasties at home, so that the meat is juicy, and even with broth inside. Cooking them is not difficult, you just need to know some subtleties. Fry chebureks very carefully so as not to tear the dough. Therefore, it is better to turn them over with a spatula so as not to pierce them. If the juice flows out, the taste will be different. And also, if the broth gets into hot oil, then there will be a lot of splashes. They will then have to be washed. I don't really want to. Minced meat is prepared from one part of pork and one part of beef. I like this ratio the most. Lamb lovers will also appreciate the dish with minced lamb. minced chicken a little dry.

How to cook pasties

Minced meat must be very juicy, so it is usually prepared with one part meat and one part onion. Onion will add juiciness. From the greens, cilantro or parsley is usually put. I did not have greens, so I did not write about them in the recipe. And now, I'll tell you how to make pasties with meat, and so consider step by step recipe cooking.


  • For filling
  • Meat - 400 grams
  • Onions - 2 medium onions
  • Broth - 100 ml
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • For the test
  • Flour - 400 grams
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Salt - a pinch

Dough for chebureks is the basis of a tasty, fragrant and hearty meal, which not only most men, but also women, and even children love to eat so much. I will certainly not be mistaken if I begin to assert that there is, perhaps, not a single large city in the post-Soviet countries in which there would not be at least a couple of establishments that would not have chebureks on the menu. I think each of the readers who is not indifferent to such pastries with meat immediately comes to mind the cheburek he has chosen, in which this type of pies has special qualities. It is in it that pasties are the most juicy, tender, crispy and fragrant at any time of the year.

The secret of any recipe for making chebureks lies in two points - this is a properly prepared dough for chebureks and a filling that can be hidden in it. You should not, of course, write off the significance of the cook, who must approach the matter with a soul. But I can say from my own experience that anyone can cook this or that dish if he has sensible, detailed and proven recipes. That is why today I bring to the attention of readers a selection that includes five best recipes preparation of dough for chebureks.

Of course, the options for preparing the dough for this popular dish much more than five, but from the total mass I singled out only those that are most popular among most hostesses.

If we talk about the test for chebureks in general, then we need to say about the products that are part of it. The main ingredients are: flour, salt, eggs and the "liquid component". The last ingredient means water, mineral water, kefir, milk, beer, vodka, etc. Finding your own version of the test for chebureks is quite simple, you just need to try all of them. The case is not at all a win-win, as it might seem at first glance, because thanks to the variety in the choice of both dough and fillings, you can pamper your family every time with pasties with different tastes.

All pastry lovers have their own requirements for this dish, most of which sound the same. Pasties should be crispy, thin, tasty, fragrant and with meat filling. What filling you put inside depends solely on your culinary preferences, but I vouch for the fact that the dough will meet all of the above requests.

Even if you are a novice cook, but want to treat your homemade chebureks, feel free to choose one of the dough recipes, and I assure you, your cooking results will not remain on the plate for long. Do not forget the main thing, be sure to copy the dough recipe you like in your culinary notebook, or add the page with the selection to your bookmarks. This will save you the hassle of wasting time looking for desired recipe next time.

Choux pastry for chebureks

This kind of dough for chebureks is prepared according to the principle of brewing ingredients in boiling water. Thanks to this, it turns out soft and thin, and is ideal for chebureks.


  • 4 tbsp. flour
  • 300 ml water
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
  • 1 egg
  • Salt on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and let it boil.
  2. Then add salt, vegetable oil and ½ cup flour to it. Immediately mix all the ingredients thoroughly until the lumps disappear.
  3. Let the mixture cool down and then beat in the egg.
  4. Pour the remaining flour onto the countertop in a slide and pour the cooked mass onto it.
  5. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth, and leave for half an hour.
  6. From the finished dough we sculpt pasties with your favorite filling.

Original dough for chebureks with vodka

Despite the fact that the dough for chebureks is prepared on the basis of vodka, this in no way affects the alcohol component finished baking. You may like this version of the test the most, so try it and draw your own conclusions.


  • 250 ml water
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 4 tbsp. flour
  • 8 art. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp vodka

Cooking method:

  1. In water room temperature pour sugar and salt. Stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Sift flour, pour into a deep bowl. We make a recess in the hill of flour and pour water with diluted sugar and salt into it.
  3. Then pour in vegetable oil and vodka.
  4. Mix all the ingredients until the dough becomes compact.
  5. Sprinkle the countertop a small amount flour and transfer the dough to it.
  6. Knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous and soft.
  7. Leave the dough for a quarter of an hour, covering it with a towel.
  8. After 15 minutes, knead it again for a couple of minutes. We repeat this sequence three times.
  9. After that, the dough is ready, and you can proceed to the modeling of chebureks.

Homemade dough for pasties on kefir

More familiar to most culinary specialists, there will be an option for making dough for pasties based on kefir. Like the previous recipes, this method does not stand out in terms of complexity, but taste qualities ready meal thanks to kefir, they will be completely different, and this must be introduced.


  • 200 ml kefir
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tbsp. flour

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep bowl. Crack an egg into it and add salt.
  2. Using a mixer or whisk, beat the above products until smooth.
  3. In small portions, add the sifted flour to it.
  4. When the dough becomes thick and it becomes inconvenient to mix it in a bowl, transfer it to a countertop sprinkled with flour and knead with your hands. You need as much flour as the dough will “take”. As a result, it should turn out elastic and not stick to your hands.
  5. Ready dough cover and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  6. After half an hour, we divide the dough into parts, roll each of them and sculpt chebureks.

Simple dough for chebureks on mineral water

If you want to cook crispy chebureks, then the dough for mineral water ideal for these purposes. The hassle with this recipe is no more than with the previous ones, so for the sake of variety, you can process this option as well.


  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 300 ml mineral water
  • 3.5 st. flour
  • 15 ml olive oil

Cooking method:

  1. Pour sugar and salt into a deep bowl.
  2. Fill them up mineral water after cooling it in the refrigerator.
  3. Mix sugar and salt in water until they dissolve.
  4. Without ceasing to stir, pour the sifted flour in small portions into the funnel created by rotation from the water.
  5. When the dough resembles pancake in density and density, pour olive oil into it.
  6. Mix well and add the rest of the flour. Mix again until smooth.
  7. Let the dough rest for about 30 minutes.
  8. After half an hour, we divide the dough into parts, roll each of them into a round layer and sculpt pasties with the chosen filling.

Popular dough for chebureks on beer

If after football you have half a can of beer left, then from this residue you can make an excellent dough for chebureks. As a result, by the next football match you will have a good beer. meat snack wrapped in crispy dough.


  • 1 egg
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2.5 cups flour
  • 250 ml beer

Cooking method:

  1. In a bowl, mix together the egg and salt.
  2. Then pour the flour into the egg mass and pour in the beer.
  3. Mix well until the dough is completely homogeneous and leave it for 15 minutes.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, we shift the dough onto a floured countertop and knead it with our hands.
  5. After that, leave it for another 30 minutes.
  6. After half an hour, the dough is ready for further use. It needs to be divided into parts, rolled out and start sculpting pasties.

Now you know how to cook dough for chebureks. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking dough for chebureks will be within the power of anyone, and if you carefully follow everything step by step guides, then the whole process will seem simple and not troublesome to you. If you often need a quick bite to eat, then a dish like chebureks can be prepared in advance and simply reheated in the microwave at the right time. Finally, I want to give a couple of tips so that your dough for chebureks turns out to be the right consistency and the first time:
  • Flour for dough must be sifted beforehand;
  • The desired consistency of the dough can be adjusted by adding flour;
  • Do not forget to give the dough time to "rest" after kneading - half an hour will be enough, although if possible, the time can be increased to 2 hours;
  • The finished dough must be divided into parts, as a rule, these are 8-10 parts, and then each of them is rolled into a layer about 3 mm thick.

- Hey, my dear, yes, you have in your
pasties one onion!

- Why hell onion? Lots of onions!

Soviet joke

Often, passing by the stalls where they prepare different goodies, it is impossible to resist and not buy yourself something for a snack. And the look and aroma of fried, ruddy, oily chebureks is generally crazy. The thought of being smeared with oil up to the very ears is not at all frightening, the desire to bite off a piece of this coveted pie is so great. And what is extraordinary about it? It looks like a pie. But no, cheburek, although a close relative of our pie, is a completely different work, invented many centuries ago and won universal respect. culinary arts. The first appearance of pasties is attributed to the soldiers of Genghis Khan, who decided to cook such pies on an inverted shield, pouring a lot of oil into it. There are other versions of the birth of this dish, but whoever invented it, thank you very much. Cheburek turned out to taste good, and easy to prepare. In a word, wonderful in every way!

Buying it at any outlets these days is not a problem - even ready-made, even frozen. But after all, who better than us to know how different purchased chebureks are from homemade ones. In addition, it is not difficult to cook homemade pasties at home. The main thing is to know the technology and follow simple rules cooking, so that your product turns out juicy, roasted, fragrant, that is, the way it was originally. Over time, many recipes for cooking chebureks have appeared. As they say, how many hostesses - so many opinions. Each of them uses a different dough for making chebureks and changes the composition of the filling in its own way. However, there are recipes for making the right pasties, traditional ones, in which the replacement of ingredients is not only undesirable, it is unacceptable. And, of course, it’s worth starting to hone your skills in cooking pasties from one of them. And having already mastered cooking traditional homemade pasties, it is worth inventing something new, slightly diversifying the classic recipe.

The preparation of chebureks can be divided into three stages: preparation of the dough, preparation of the filling (in our classical case this is chopped meat) and directly frying the resulting blanks. Let's start with a test. Its composition is extremely simple: flour, water, vegetable oil and salt. The peculiarity of this test is that it is kneaded in boiling water. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. vegetable oil (this is what gives the dough some kind of bubbiness). Mix 2 cups of flour in a bowl with salt and, without ceasing to stir, pour water with vegetable oil into the flour. When the dough is mixed in a lump and cools a little, add flour and continue to knead it with your hands. The dough should turn out smooth, elastic and lag behind the hands. Leave it on for an hour or two. In the meantime, proceed to the second stage - the preparation of the filling (minced meat), which in classic version is a mixture of minced meat, chopped onion and water. Mix everything, add salt, spices to taste and, of course, herbs. Everything, the filling is ready. By consistency, it should resemble thick sour cream, the proportions of meat and onions in it are to your taste. The amount of onion in the filling should be really large - it is the onion, thinly sliced ​​and well mixed with meat, that gives the pasties that incredible juiciness. It is good to slightly dilute the minced meat instead of water with kefir, then the filling will not spread. When the dough has risen due time, roll it into a sausage, cut it into pieces, roll each of them into a thin cake, put the filling, fold in half and gently pinch the edges. Fry the resulting blanks on both sides in odorless vegetable oil (you can take corn oil). There should be a lot of oil in the pan - the chebureks literally "float" in it. Have the chebureks become golden in color? Take them out immediately and put them on a tissue to get rid of them. excess fat. It is best to eat chebureks immediately after cooking, piping hot, in order to feel the beauty of this dish. If you got a little more of these wonderful pies than you expected, freeze them raw, first spreading them on a pallet, and then pack them into plastic bags. It is very comfortable.

Having honed your skills on the classics, you can experiment a little with the filling by preparing homemade pasties with potatoes, cheese, mushrooms and cheese, tomatoes. In general, mix the ingredients however you like. You can also get creative with the dough by cooking it on kefir or adding cottage cheese to it.

Homemade pasties with meat filling on kefir

300 ml of kefir,
500 g flour
1 tsp Sahara,
1 onion
500 g minced meat,
½ tsp soda,
vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Mix sugar, kefir, salt, add soda to the mass, then add flour. Minced meat combine with chopped onions, pepper and salt. Roll out the dough thinly, cut circles out of it. Put the filling in the middle of each and pinch the edges. Fry pasties in vegetable oil on both sides.

For test:
1 stack flour,
2 stack cottage cheese.
For filling:
300 g mixed minced meat,
1 onion

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, salt, add flour and knead the dough. Salt and pepper the minced meat to taste, add chopped onion to it. Roll out the dough thinly, cut circles out of it. Then put the filling in the center of each circle and pinch the edges. Fry pasties on both sides in vegetable oil.

400 g mixed minced meat,
500 g ready-made yeast dough,
1 onion
3-4 garlic cloves,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 stack ice water,
1 bunch cilantro or parsley
vegetable oil,
a little flour
salt, pepper - to taste.

Add chopped onion, garlic, chopped cilantro, salt, pepper and sugar to the cooked minced meat. Knead the minced meat with your hands, gradually adding ice water. When the water is absorbed into the minced meat, put it in the refrigerator. Finished yeast dough roll into a sausage and divide it into parts. Roll each part into a thin cake, in the middle of which put the filling and pinch the edges. Pour a little oil into the pan and fry on both sides for 4 minutes.

500 g flour
100 g of water
5 potatoes
1 tbsp sour cream
1 egg
1 onion
100 g fat,
½ tsp salt,
½ tsp soda,
salt - to taste.

Boil potatoes until done. In a frying pan, fry the bacon cut into small pieces, then add the chopped onion to it and fry everything for 5 minutes. Add the onion and bacon to the cooked potatoes and mash to a puree consistency. Add sour cream, salt, egg to water and mix thoroughly. Gradually add flour. Add soda and knead the dough. Roll out the finished dough thinly and cut circles out of it. Put in the center of each circle potato stuffing and pinch the edges. Fry pasties on both sides in vegetable oil until golden brown.

3 stack. flour,
1 stack water,
1 egg
2 tbsp vodka,
300 g pickled cheese (suluguni),
100 g hard cheese,
½ tsp salt.

For the test, boil water with salt and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, remove from heat and immediately add half the flour. Mix the mass well, add the egg and vodka and continue to knead the resulting mass. Then add the rest of the flour and knead into a smooth dough. Roll it into a ball, put it in plastic bag and leave for 30 minutes. For the filling, cut all the cheese into strips. Tear off small pieces from the dough and roll them into thin cakes. Place 1 tbsp on the edge of each resulting cake. cheese mixture, cover with the second half, pinch the edges and fry in hot vegetable oil for 1-2 minutes on each side.

For test:
4 stack flour,
1 ⅓ stack. water,
1 egg
2 tbsp vodka,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ tsp salt.
For filling:
750 g minced meat,
1 small zucchini
2 bulbs
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Boil water with oil and salt, pour ½ stack. flour and stir until lumps disappear. Cool the resulting mass, then add the egg and vodka. Gradually adding flour, knead a stiff dough. For the filling, pass the zucchini and onion through a meat grinder and add them, along with the resulting juice, to the minced meat. Salt, pepper and knead the filling well. Roll up a sausage from the dough, divide into pieces, which roll into thin cakes. Put the filling on half of each, cover with the second half and pinch the edges. They can also be lightly rolled with a rolling pin and trimmed evenly with a pizza roller. Fry the chebureks in a large amount of hot oil over medium heat on both sides until beautiful golden brown and place them on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

For test:
250 ml mineral water,
4 stack flour,
1 egg
2 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt.
For filling:
500 g mushrooms
150 g cheese
green onions - to taste.

Mix all the ingredients for the dough. After kneading the dough, let it stand for 20 minutes. For the filling, fry the mushrooms in a pan, cool, add grated cheese, finely chopped green onions, salt and mix. Make balls from the dough, roll them into thin cakes, put the filling in the center and pinch the edges. Fry pasties for 7 minutes on each side in hot oil until golden brown.

For test:
100 ml of kefir,
1 egg
½ tsp salt,
flour - how much dough will take.
For filling:
200 g veal,
200 g pork
200 g cabbage
1 onion
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Mix the above ingredients elastic dough and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Prepare minced pork and beef, add chopped cabbage and finely chopped onion to it, salt and pepper. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut out circles from it using a saucer. Put the filling on one half of the circle, cover the other half and pinch the edges. Fry pasties in hot oil until cooked on both sides over medium heat.

For test:
500 g flour
1 stack boiling water,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
a pinch of salt.
For filling:
500 g cabbage
1 onion
1 carrot
1 tomato
1 sweet pepper
1 bunch of greens
salt, pepper - to taste.

Mix flour, vegetable oil and salt. Make a well in the flour, pour a glass of boiling water into it, mix everything and knead the dough. For the filling, chop the cabbage, finely chop the onion, tomato and bell pepper cut into small pieces, grate the carrots on coarse grater. Stew the vegetables until cooked in vegetable oil in a pan, add chopped greens, salt, pepper and let cool. Roll the pieces separated from the dough into thin cakes. Put the filling on one half and evenly distribute it in a semicircle, cover with the other half and pinch the edges well. Fry pasties in a large amount of oil until golden brown.

500 g flour
3 eggs,
250 ml milk
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt.
For filling:
500 g pollock fillet (or any other fish),
2 bulbs
40 g green onions,
5 tbsp vegetable oil,
3 tbsp water,
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
3 tbsp flour,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Put the yolks in a separate bowl, add milk, vegetable oil and salt to them. Mix the resulting mass well and add the flour sifted through a sieve to it. Knead a not very stiff dough and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. For the filling, take defrosted fish fillet, cut it into pieces, lightly salt, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. When it's ready, let it cool down and take it apart small pieces. Chop the onion into thin half rings and fry a little in vegetable oil. green onion cut into thin rings and, adding to the fried onion, stew a little until soft. When the onion mass is ready, add the fish mass to it, salt, pepper, mix, add a little water and let it warm up for 5 minutes. Cool the finished filling and add mayonnaise. Divide the rested dough into balls and roll into thin cakes. On one half of the cake, put 1 tbsp. toppings, cover the other and carefully pinch the edges. Fry pasties in a deep frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil until golden brown.

Prepare homemade chebureks with any of the proposed fillings and please your loved ones and guests with a truly delicious dish.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina