How to cook delicious chebureks. Chebureki with pumpkin

You can prepare dough for chebureks different ways. Favorite dish Crimean Tatars are made from dough on various bases: vodka, water, kefir. The pastry dough with vodka makes it sad.

Choux pastry with bubbles

To get pastry dough with bubbles, it is made in boiling water using the following products:

  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 5-6 glasses;
  • vodka - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook custard dough for chebureks:

  1. Put a pot of water on the stove, add salt and oil.
  2. After the water boils, pour in the flour in a thin stream, stirring with a fork. The dough is prepared according to the principle of paste for pasting windows.
  3. Add vodka to the thickened dough, which will make it crispy, and stir.
  4. Cool thick mixture for 10 minutes. Then continue to knead the dough on the table until a dense structure is obtained.
  5. Elastic and soft dough ready to use.

Thus, it turned out delicious dough for pasties as in pasties.

Tender and soft dough on kefir

The dough for pasties on kefir has a delicate and soft structure. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 1 kg;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook dough for pasties on kefir:

  1. Pour kefir into a container, drive an egg into it and salt.
  2. Whisk it all up.
  3. Sift flour through a sieve and pure product pour into prepared mixture.
  4. Knead the dough thoroughly, first in a bowl, and then on the table. The dough should be soft, elastic and not sticky to your hands. To do this, sprinkle your hands with flour.
  5. The finished dough should be formed into a ball and left on the table for 15 minutes, covered with a clean towel.
  6. After the time has elapsed, divide the dough into 10 parts.
  7. Roll out each cake and make a cheburek out of it.

Delicious dough on the water

Delicious pastry dough can be made on ordinary water, mineral and ice.

The fastest and easiest dough recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt and spices.

How to cook dough for chebureks on the water:

  1. Sift the flour and mix the pure product with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Knead the dough by gradually adding water.
  3. Cover the elastic dough with a clean towel and leave on the table for half an hour. This will make it soft and supple.

Delicious crispy dough

Delicious crispy dough for chebureks is prepared from the following products:

  • flour - 800 g;
  • mineral water - 200 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar and salt - 1 teaspoon each.

The cooking instructions are:

  1. Whisk the egg with salt and sugar.
  2. Pour in water, stir and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the flour on the table in a slide, make a hole in the center and pour the liquid from the bowl into it.
  4. Knead the dough, gradually picking up flour from the edges.
  5. Put the finished batch in a bowl, cover with a clean cloth and put in a warm place for 1 hour.
  6. After the time has elapsed, divide the dough into 10 parts and roll out each minced cake.

A very interesting structure of the test, made on the basis of ice water. This dough is flaky and crispy. To prepare it, you need to purchase:

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • cold water - 150 g;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • salt - to taste.

To knead the dough, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the flour with salt. Then pour this mass into a bowl and pour water into it. Knead the dough thoroughly so that there are no lumps in it.

Melt the butter and fold it into the sticky dough. Knead the dough so that it stops sticking, then roll it into a ball and leave it on the table for half an hour.

After 1 hour the dough is ready to use.

Recipe for pasties with meat at home

"Cheburek" translated from the Crimean Tatar language is translated as " raw patty". Traditionally, it is made from minced lamb in animal fat.

The recipes of modern baking are distinguished by the fact that lean meat and vegetable oil are used for minced meat.

Minced meat for chebureks is made from the following products:

  • low-fat tenderloin from pork or beef - 0.5 kg;
  • 1 onion large;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • water, salt, pepper.

Recipe for pasties with meat at home:

  1. To make the filling juicy, you need to pay special attention to the onion. There is one subtlety: you can’t twist the onion in a meat grinder along with the meat, otherwise the meat will absorb this delicious heady juice and you won’t get a broth.
  2. So, the onion must be separately chopped in a blender until a homogeneous slurry. To open a real note of taste, you need to add a little salt to the onion gruel and mix. So the vegetable will release more juice, which is the soul of the dish.
  3. The meat should be ground in a meat grinder or use ready-made minced meat.
  4. As soon as the onion gruel with salt stands for 10 minutes, it should be added to the minced meat and mixed thoroughly.
  5. Add vegetable oil. For lovers of hearty fatty pies, you can add finely chopped lard instead of butter.
  6. You can use another onion, finely chopped. Pieces of fragrant root crops in minced meat will give a special charm. Thus, one onion in the minced meat serves for the juice, and the other for the structure of the filling.
  7. Season the mince with salt and ground black pepper. Pour in some water to make the filling sticky. Ready stuffing can be used for baking.
  8. Then a cake is cut off from the dough and rolled out with a rolling pin to a thin sheet.
  9. Measure an even circle with a saucer and cut off the excess dough with a knife.
  10. Put 1 tablespoon of minced meat in the middle of the rolled cake, spreading it a little over the surface.
  11. Fold the dough in half and seal the edges tightly.
  12. During the time that the pasties are molded, you should put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil and heat it over the fire.
  13. In boiling oil, fry the pies on both sides.
  14. Ready chebureks should be laid out and left for 40 minutes so that they are saturated with oil and acquire a crispy structure.

Having made pastries, according to this recipe, we got chebureks like in a cheburek.

Other delicious cheburek recipes

The filling for chebureks can be not only from meat, but from other products: mushrooms, cheese, potatoes, cabbage.

Gourmet chebureks with cheese

Cooking pasties with cheese does not cause difficulties for housewives who already have experience in making dough.

Chebureks are excellent exquisite taste. For their preparation, hard varieties of cheese are used.

To prepare spicy pasties with cheese, you will need:

  • cheese - 300 g;
  • ham or smoked sausage- 200 g;
  • dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Recipe for chebureks as in cheburek:

  1. Grate cheese on coarse grater.
  2. Finely chop the greens.
  3. Cut ham or sausage small cubes.
  4. Grind the garlic on a garlic maker.
  5. Mix all ingredients, salt and pepper.
  6. Make choux pastry with vodka.
  7. Sculpt pasties. To make the edges beautiful, they can be formed in the form of a pigtail.
  8. Pour a lot of oil into the pan so that the pies "bath" in it.
  9. Put pasties in boiling fat and fry on both sides.
  10. Put the finished pies on paper napkins so that excess fat comes out of the dough.

Eat a treat should be carefully over a plate to delicious broth, flowing from the pie, did not stain clothes and hands.

Awesome option with mushrooms

You can make pasties at home from almost all products available in the house. For example, for mushroom lovers, there is an amazing recipe for crispy pies.

This requires the following products:

  • fresh mushrooms of any variety (except inedible) - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • margarine - 3 tablespoons;
  • cream, fat content 20% - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • parsley and dill - 1 bunch;
  • salt and pepper - a pinch.

Cook pasties with mushrooms like this:

  1. Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and cleaned, and then cut into thin strips.
  2. Chop the onion very finely.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan and put a piece of margarine. Sauté the onion in hot oil for 2 minutes.
  4. Add flour, mushrooms and cream to the cut. Mix all ingredients and cover for 7 minutes.
  5. Bye mushroom stuffing stew, beat the eggs in a bowl. The egg mass should be salted and peppered.
  6. Pour the eggnog into the pan and leave covered for 2-3 minutes. Add chopped herbs to the mixture.
  7. From minced meat form pasties. To get beautiful pies, roll the edges with a special machine or carefully form “petals” with your fingers.
  8. Fry the pies in oil until golden brown.
  9. Allow pasties to cool slightly and serve with sour cream.

Great potato recipe

Chebureks at home can be made from young potatoes.

For this you need:

  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • purple onion - 1 pc.;
  • creamy onion - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

Potatoes should be washed and peeled. Cut the root vegetables into small slices, pour water and put on fire to boil.

After 15 minutes, salt the potatoes, and then remove from heat and drain the water. Add 100 g of warm milk to the pan and make a puree.

Peel and chop the onion in a blender. Add this gruel to the mashed potatoes. Salt the mixture, pepper and sprinkle with herbs. Ready stuffing can be used for baking.

Spicy version with potatoes and cheese

You can make pasties with potatoes and cheese. Cheese will add a subtle piquant flavor to the dish.

Ingredients for Cheburek Chebureks:

  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • cheese durum varieties- 50-70 g;
  • sunflower oil - 40 g;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt and pepper.

Boil the potatoes, as in the previous version, and then mash it. Add butter, grated cheese and chopped greens to the puree. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed while the potatoes are hot. Add spices to the mixture.

Chebureks will be delicious with any dough. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking with different types of fish

For seafood lovers, there is a recipe for pasties with fish. For the filling, all varieties of white are suitable. sea ​​fish: hake, pollock, cod, catfish.

Fish contains all the amino acids necessary for the body, for example, omega-3, vitamins A and D, as well as an important set of minerals: phosphorus, iron and calcium.

To prepare fish pasties, you will need the following products:

  • fish fillet - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fish or vegetable broth;
  • seasonings - to taste.

The recipe for making fish pies is extremely simple:

  1. Wash the fillet and remove all the bones from it.
  2. Cut the fish into large pieces.
  3. Peel the onion and cut in half.
  4. Skip these ingredients through a meat grinder or blender.
  5. Add spices to the mixture and pour in the broth. Minced meat should turn out like a semi-liquid porridge.
  6. Place the filling in a cold place for 30 minutes, and then use it to form delicious pastries.

Fish pasties are tasty, satisfying and healthy!

Diet recipe with cabbage

For people who love pasties, but at the same time observe Orthodox fasting, there is wonderful recipe pasties with cabbage! it diet dish not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. After all, cabbage is a storehouse beneficial trace elements and vitamins. For women's health cabbage is essential!

To prepare cabbage pies, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • white cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt and pepper - 1 pinch each.

How to make pasties with cabbage:

  1. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and chop the onion into small cubes. Finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Pour a little oil into a frying pan and fry the onion and carrot in it until golden brown.
  3. Add cabbage to the pan and simmer it over low heat.
  4. Dilute tomato paste in 150 ml of water and pour cabbage with this sauce.
  5. Salt, pepper and add a little sugar to quench the acidity of the pasta.
  6. After 40 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and let the cabbage cool. Ready stuffing can be wrapped in dough.

Delicious chebureks are the result of skill, patience and love with which the dish is prepared.

Working with dough requires a good mood of the hostess, as taste qualities dishes. Chebureks at home always have a special taste and aroma!

Recipes correct test on chebureks with bubbles, as in a cheburek. Everyone loves chebureks, but no matter how hard the housewives try, for some reason the most delicious chebureks always turn out to be from those very street chebureks, the quality of which we usually actively doubt as a filling. So what is their secret then?

In the dough - with bubbles, with crispy golden crust… For some reason, this never happens at home. But that's only because no the right recipe, a more precisely recipes such pastry dough. And after getting acquainted with them, all housewives will be able to cook chebureks like in a cheburek!

Dough for incomparable pasties with bubbles, as in pasties

In pasties, as in any institution Catering, they are worried not only about the taste of food, but also about saving, so the dough for pasties is prepared there from only 3 components: flour, water and salt, which are kneaded in approximately the following ratio:

2 glasses of water;
1 incomplete spoon of salt;
700 g flour.
Dough preparation time: 5 minutes + chill time.

All this (indicated ingredients) is mixed in a deep container until the dough becomes tight and stops sticking to your hands - this may require adding more flour. Then it is sent to the refrigerator for the time it takes to cook minced meat.

Dough for crispy pasties with bubbles: a recipe with vodka

One of the secrets (and options) for preparing the same dough for chebureks is to add to it not a large number vodka: it is she who makes it so crispy and airy. In addition, vodka dough absorbs less fat. So the recipe:

300 ml of water;
1 egg;
2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
2 tbsp. l. vodka;
flour - how much dough will take, from 0.5 kg;
a pinch of salt.

Cooking time: 5 minutes + half an hour for standing.

This dough can be prepared in two ways - mix all the ingredients and leave it to rest for about half an hour, or make it custard, for which you need to boil water with oil and salt, then pour flour into it, add vodka and an egg, mix everything well and let the dough cool.

Then add as much flour as you need to get the right tight consistency of the dough - the finished one should lag behind your hands.

Recipe for the classic dough for chebureks with bubbles

Primary or basic recipe pastry dough is prepared very simply, as it consists of only three ingredients - flour, water and salt, which, if desired, can be supplemented with vegetable oil (in this case, pasties will absorb a little less fat). The classic ratio of products in such a recipe is as follows:

1 glass of water;
0.5 teaspoon of salt;
3 cups flour;
2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
Cooking time: 5 minutes + standing time (while filling is being prepared).

To knead the dough, pour all the flour into a deep bowl or immediately onto the table, make a recess in it and pour in water, and immediately add salt and vegetable oil.

Then, carefully picking up the flour from the edges, knead the dough, which turns out to be quite steep (if the flour suddenly turns out to be not enough for this, you need to add it). Then it remains to wrap it in cling film or a towel and give it a little "rest".

Choux pastry for chebureks with bubbles

The dough cooked in boiling water has many advantages - first of all, it comes out more elastic, does not tear and does not stick when working with it, and the chebureks themselves turn out to be softer, although just as crispy and with mouth-watering bubbles.

Classic variant

The classic recipe for choux cheburek dough requires the following set of products:

1 cup boiling water;
0.5 teaspoon of salt;
1 st. l. vegetable oil;
2.5 cups flour.
Cooking time: 5 minutes + half an hour.

Flour should be poured into a bowl, salt and pour a glass of boiling water, immediately kneading the dough with a spoon, adding vegetable oil in the process. It is no longer necessary to add flour, because the dough is elastic. After that, he needs to lie down for another half hour.

Cooking option with egg

Another option for making choux pastry for chebureks is a recipe with an egg - such products will remain soft and tasty after cooling longer than usual. The ratio of ingredients in more unusual recipe custard test looks like this:

150 ml of water;
30 ml of vegetable oil;
1 teaspoon of salt;
1 egg;
650 g flour.

Time to prepare the dough: 20 minutes + an hour to stand.

First, water with salt and oil must be brought to a boil, then pour 0.5 cups of flour into it and knead everything until smooth. homogeneous mass. When it begins to lag behind the walls of the pan, the mass must be left to cool completely, then add the egg to it and mix everything well again.

The next step is to pour the resulting workpiece into flour, poured on a table or into a bowl, knead the dough to a smooth, tight consistency and leave it to rest for half an hour. Then knead again and leave again for half an hour.

How delicious to cook homemade pasties with bubbles

It is not enough to prepare minced meat and dough for chebureks - you still need to be able to cook them. By itself, the algorithm of this process is the same and consists in the fact that the dough is divided into parts the size of a tennis ball, then rolled out, stuffed with minced meat, covered and fried in oil until cooked.

But, for example, it is useful to know that if pastry dough made by classic recipe or on vodka, then the process of cooking and roasting chebureks goes in parallel - otherwise the blanks will soften on the table and tear. And with custard dough it’s easier, because you can safely stick all the pasties and only then fry them all.

But you still need to get to frying, and first you need to evenly and thinly roll out the dough for chebureks - if some parts are thinner and some thicker, then the cheburek will most likely tear, juice will flow out of it, which will lead to splashes of fat etc.

What needs to be done to ensure that the blanks are rolled out correctly?

First, a lump of dough must be rolled into a small cake, and then held with a rolling pin from its center to the edges until the desired thickness is reached - about 1 mm. The table should be sprinkled with flour.

A very important point in the preparation of chebureks is to seal their edges, which can also be done with a rolling pin, rolling the dough along the edges. The excess part is then cut off with a knife or a special curly wheel.

For greater strength (and beauty), they usually go through the edges with a fork, thereby making the edges of pasties jagged.

And you need to fry them in a large amount of oil - pasties should float in it without touching the bottom.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the temperature of the oil in which pasties are fried - too high or too low will spoil the quality finished product. In the first case, they will fry quickly, but the filling may not have time to cook, besides, the fat will begin to smoke and acquire a burnt aftertaste.

In the second, the dough will absorb a lot of oil, and the chebureks will turn out to be heavy, greasy and not at all crispy. The desired temperature is determined by dropping a piece of dough into the oil and checking how quickly it fries.

What other fillings are there besides meat?

Since chebureks came to us from the east, in the original they used lamb and fat tail fat, but more familiar and become traditional option is minced pork and beef equal proportions with lots of onions, salt and pepper.

Usually, a little more water or broth is added to the minced meat to make it more juicy, as well as a little greenery if desired - most often it is dill or cilantro.

But it turns out that pasties can be not only with meat! They can be made with cheese, and with potatoes, and with cottage cheese, and with mushrooms, and with cabbage. Unusual but also interesting option- with salmon or salmon.

The listed fillings can be used separately and mixed with each other: for example, make pasties with potatoes and cheese, etc. You can add cheese, cabbage or mushrooms to minced meat, thereby enriching its taste. Whatever the filling, pasties will still turn out delicious - only due to the dough.

Secrets of cooking chebureks: overheard in chebureks

No matter how experienced the hostess is, and no matter how successful the chosen recipe is, there are secrets that remain only in the arsenal of culinary professionals. But they are not so secret as not to become known to everyone. For example:

1. In order for the chebureks to really turn out with crispy bubbles on the crust, it is necessary to pour them with boiling fat during the frying process (the same in which they are fried), but it is also important not to overdo it, otherwise it will inflate them too much;

2. In order for the oil in which the chebureks are fried to remain light for a long time and not smoke, nothing should be allowed to get into it - flour, juice from minced meat, etc. Therefore, it is so important not to allow the pastry dough to tear and to brush off excess flour from the products before lowering them into boiling oil (this can be done with a brush);

3. Ready pasties must first be laid out on a wire rack or paper napkins and allowed to drain excess fat- so they remain crispy, and do not immediately soften;

4. A more intense color of fried chebureks can be obtained by adding a pinch of sugar to the dough during its preparation - so they will become much more golden;

5. Professionals add onions to minced meat for chebureks in a ratio of 1 to 1, since the aroma and juiciness largely depend on the onion finished products. And one more interesting trick in proportions - the ratio of dough and minced meat for pasties should also be approximately the same, that is, according to the "ball" of one and the other.

In order to cook chebureks as in chebureks, the main thing is experience, because in fact this process is based on only three main points.

This is a thinly rolled dough, juicy stuffing With large quantity onions and plenty of oil for frying.

Making dough for chebureks is not at all as difficult as it seems. Crispy Bubbles can be obtained by choosing a recipe and meeting a few conditions.

Chebureks are very popular dish in our time.

With what kind of fillings they do not happen, with cheese, potatoes, mushrooms, but, nevertheless, the classic one with meat is considered the most popular.

As for the history of this dish, cheburek is considered traditional dish Turkic and Mongolian people. In these countries, it is prepared with minced meat or finely chopped meat. The Russians are very fond of this dish and cook it in different interpretations.

The calorie content of this product is relatively high, because there are 250 kilocalories per hundred grams of the dish. On average, in percentage terms, one cheburek contains about 50% proteins, 30% fats and less than 20% proteins.

Chebureki is a very satisfying and tasty food. It is often used for snacking, and tender dough, given in the recipes below, will surprise you with its lightness and pleasant taste.

Chebureks with meat - step by step photo recipe

This recipe uses minced chicken, with it pasties are not as fatty as with minced beef and pork.

You can experiment with the filling and make pasties not only with meat, but, for example, with cabbage, mushrooms or potatoes.

Time for preparing: 2 hours 30 minutes

Quantity: 8 servings


  • Eggs: 2 pcs.
  • Flour: 600 g
  • Salt: 1 tsp
  • Sugar: 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil: 8 art. l.
  • Water: 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vodka: 1 tsp
  • Minced meat: 1 kg
  • Black ground pepper: taste
  • Bow: 2 pcs.

Cooking instructions

    Pour sugar, salt into a deep bowl, pour oil and break the egg, mix. Then pour water into the resulting mixture, and in order to make pasties more crispy, add vodka.

    Put the resulting mass on the board and knead until a homogeneous consistency.

    Let the dough wrapped in cling film rest for 30 minutes.

    Now you need to prepare the filling for pasties. Peel and finely chop the onion.

    Put the chopped onion in the minced meat, pepper and salt to taste, mix everything, the filling for pasties is ready.

    After 1 hour, separate a small piece from the dough and roll it into a thin sheet (2-3 mm) with a rolling pin.

    Using a large glass, cut circles from a rolled sheet (in this recipe, pasties are small, for larger ones you can use a saucer).

    Put the resulting filling on the mugs.

    Close the edges of each circle tightly and give them a beautiful shape.

    From the remaining dough, according to the same principle, stick all pasties.

    Fill a deep frying pan or saucepan with vegetable oil (3-4 cm from the bottom), heat well and place pasties, fry over high heat for about 2 minutes on one side.

    Then turn the chebureks over and fry the same amount on the other.

    Variation of the recipe on custard dough - the most successful crispy dough

    Recipe for chebureks choux pastry Everyone without exception will like it, because preparing such a dish is very easy and simple.


  • 350 grams wheat flour
  • 0.2 liters of drinking water
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 kilograms of pork
  • 100 milliliters chicken broth
  • 1 head of onion
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill
  • 2/3 teaspoon salt
  • 1 handful ground pepper
  • 250 milliliters vegetable oil


  1. Pour flour into a bowl or container for making dough, break one chicken egg, add 3 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil and mix everything with a spoon, forming a soft elastic dough. Boil the water and add it to the flour, mix thoroughly. Add 1/3 teaspoon salt. Cover the dough with foil or plastic bag and set aside while you prepare the filling.
  2. Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the pork into minced meat.
  3. Wash the dill thoroughly under running water from dust and remnants of the earth, spread it on a dry kitchen towel so that they dry well. The onion is similarly cleaned from the top layer, rinsed and cut into three parts. After that, put the dill and onion into a blender and grind finely. If the hostess does not have a kitchen machine, you can chop the onion on a grater, and finely chop the dill with a sharp knife.
  4. Pour the onion and dill into a blender meat broth, add meat and grind until smooth. We bring the filling to taste by adding 1/2 teaspoon of salt and black pepper, mix thoroughly.
  5. Divide the dough to form chebureks. From this amount of ingredients, we should get 10 medium products. To do this, we form a kind of sausage from the dough, which we divide into 10 equal parts. We roll each of them with a rolling pin. We put minced meat on half of the circle, close and carefully seal the ends of the cheburek with a fork or a special knife for cutting the edges. Similarly, we prepare all the rest.
  6. We put a deep frying pan on the stove. When the pan is hot, pour about 200 ml of vegetable oil. Fry each cheburek on both sides for about 5 minutes over medium heat until they are browned. Delicious and fragrant food will certainly surprise your loved ones and friends.

On kefir - tasty and simple

Chebureks cooked on kefir dough turn out tender and fragrant not only when they are just fried, but also when they have cooled down. It will not harden and remain tender, even when cold.


  • 0.5 liters of kefir
  • 0.5 kilograms of flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 0.5 kilograms of minced meat
  • 1 head of onion
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil


  1. We take a bowl, pour kefir there, salt and pour flour in portions, stirring constantly. When the mass thickens, spread it on a countertop sprinkled with flour and knead until elastic. Then cover with foil and set the dough aside until we prepare the filling.
  2. Place the minced meat in a small bowl, salt, add ground pepper and various spices that the hostess only wishes. Peel the onion and grate or chop finely. Add one tablespoon of water to the filling.
  3. We roll out the dough on the countertop with a rolling pin and cut out circles for shaping pasties with a large cup. We roll each cake to the required size and put minced meat on one half. We seal the edges well.
  4. Heat up on the stove large frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and fry each cheburek for 5 minutes on each side, until they become ruddy. After frying, put them on a paper towel to remove unnecessary fat. Incredible delicious pasties on the kefir dough sure to make your family happy.

How to cook pasties with veal or beef at home?

Cooked chebureks stuffed with beef or veal surprise with tender and unique taste. Choux pastry is best suited, because it perfectly sets off the taste of beef and veal meat.


  • 300 grams of sifted wheat flour
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 5 tablespoons of drinking water
  • 400 grams beef or veal meat
  • 1 large head of onion
  • ground black pepper to taste


  1. We thoroughly clean one head of a large onion, rinse it and, together with beef or veal meat, gently grind it with a meat grinder or blender. Add spices and set aside so that the meat is saturated with spices.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the dough. In a large bowl, put 5 tablespoons of the sifted flour and pour boiling water so that it is brewed. We break the chicken egg, add the rest of the flour and knead an obedient and elastic dough. After that, lay it out on the countertop, use a rolling pin to form a square. We cut the dough into identical rectangles, put the minced meat on each of which, carefully fix the edges of the pasties with our fingers.
  3. We heat the pan on fire and bake without vegetable oil. Turn pasties should be when the dough puffs up. Put the dish on a plate and grease with vegetable oil. This dish goes well with homemade sour cream.

Pork and beef juicy pasties

Pasties stuffed with mixed beef and pork surprise with their lightness and juiciness. They are very easy to prepare, the ingredients are simple and do not require large investments.


  • water - 500 mg
  • chicken egg - 1 piece
  • sifted wheat flour - 1 kg
  • minced pork and beef - 1 kg
  • onion - 2 heads
  • drinking water - 100 ml
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • pepper, spices to taste


  1. 1 kg of pork and beef (in any ratio) is thoroughly ground with a meat grinder or blender.
  2. In a bowl, stir the water and salt until it dissolves. Add one egg and, stirring constantly, add flour in portions. When the dough is difficult to mix with a spoon, put it on the countertop and knead it on it. Cover the formed dough with a film or plastic bag and leave to rest.
  3. Peel the onion and finely chop the minced meat. After the pestle, it is necessary to crush the minced meat with onions so that a sufficient amount of juice stands out. Add salt, spices and water, mix thoroughly.
  4. Divide the dough into several equal parts. From each part we form a ball, which we roll out. We spread the filling on one part of the circle, close the pasties and carefully seal the edges with our hands or a fork. Fry in melted butter in a frying pan. Turn over to the other side when a golden crust appears.

This dish came to us from the Mongolian and Turkic peoples. Prepared traditional chebureks from unleavened dough With minced meat and various seasonings, including spicy ones. Fried mainly on lamb fat. Today, this dish refers to the same pie with meat stuffing from unleavened dough, however, the meat is more often twisted, and brought to readiness in vegetable oil. In our time, they have become very popular, just like with us and among many peoples of the Caucasus.

Home-cooked ones are much tastier than products bought in street eateries and are not difficult to prepare. Such delicious pastries very fond of both children and adults. And this alluring aroma, which comes from the places where they are prepared, will not leave anyone indifferent anywhere.

In today's article, we will consider recipes for tasty and crispy dough, our favorite pasties. After all, if you cook them according to the rules, then they turn out with a golden crust and with a stunning aroma. You just need to stock up on the necessary components and follow my recommendations.

And also for lovers of delicious shawarma, you can go, see and evaluate my recipe

Crispy dough for pasties on vodka


  • Flour - 2 cups
  • water - 1/3 cup
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vodka - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire, add salt, vegetable oil to it and bring to a boil.

When the contents of the pan boil, remove it from the heat, pour 1/2 cup of the sifted flour into it and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. And leave to cool.

Pour vodka and beat in the chicken egg. We bring to a homogeneous state.

In no case do not combine eggs with hot dough, otherwise the protein will curl up and everything will go down the drain.

Now add the remaining flour in small portions and at the same time knead a smooth, plastic dough. Wrap it in cling film and leave it alone for 20 minutes.

The secret of making dough for chebureks as in chebureks


  • Water - 500 ml
  • flour - 10 cups
  • melted butter - 6 tablespoons
  • sugar - 1 tea l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

To make the dough light, airy and bubbly, we need to prepare warm water to which we add salt, sugar and melted butter.

Sift the flour into a deep bowl, make a small depression in the middle with your hand, pour the prepared water in small portions and mix thoroughly.

In order to make it more convenient to knead the dough, it must be moved to the prepared table and on it to bring the matter to the end.

You must know that the dough must be dense, otherwise, when frying, the pasties will burst and all the juice will flow out.

Then wrap in cling film and refrigerate for one hour.

Delicious and crispy dough for pasties on kefir


  • Kefir - 1 glass
  • flour - 4-5 cups
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, we need to take a deep bowl, pour kefir into it, drive in an egg and salt to taste.

Beat all the ingredients with a whisk or fork and gradually introduce the sifted flour. After it begins to thicken, we need to prepare the work surface, add flour and put our dough on it. We knead it for so long until it stops sticking to the hands and the consistency turns out to be thick and elastic. But just do not overdo it, otherwise it may become too thick and tight. Then it will be simply impossible to work with him.

We cover the finished dough with a towel and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, you can hold it a little longer. Next, we form a long sausage and divide it into ten equal parts, which we roll out and sculpt pasties. Everything is very simple, good luck with your cooking.

Choux pastry for chebureks


  • Flour - 4 cups
  • boiling water - 1.5 cups
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 30 gr
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Pour the flour in this recipe into a combine, add salt and vegetable oil there, mix. And put the butter in boiling water and let it melt, then pour it in a thin stream into the mixture and drive in the chicken egg there and bring to uniformity.

The dough turned out very soft, elastic, tender. We mix it a little on a clean table without adding flour, since it no longer sticks. Then we wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

This dough recipe is considered by many to be ideal, it is suitable not only for chebureks, but also for dumplings, dumplings and dumplings. Prepare for health.

Dough for chebureks on mineral water


  • Mineral water - 500 ml
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • flour - 8 cups
  • sugar - 4 teaspoons
  • salt - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

Pour into a cup mineral water, there we add sugar, salt and an egg. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. After that, in my case, sift the flour into a bowl, make a recess in it in the middle and pour the water-based mixture. And start kneading the dough with your hands.

After it stops sticking to your hands, put it on the prepared table and bring it to readiness, i.e. we carefully knead it and make it more elastic. Next, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Pasties on such a test are simply amazing. Try it and write your impressions in the comments.

Boiled water dough recipe


  • Boiling water - 150 ml
  • flour - 500 gr
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Pour the sifted flour into a deep bowl and pour boiling water salted with one teaspoon of salt into the same place and mix.

This is the dough you should get, which practically does not stick to your hands. Cover it with a lid and leave it alone for 20-30 minutes.

Delicious pastry dough with milk


  • Flour - 3 cups
  • milk - 200 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 2 pinches.

Cooking method:

We will need, just as in the previous recipes, a deep bowl into which we pour milk, beat in an egg, add salt, vegetable oil, and then beat everything with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Now we begin to gradually add the sifted flour and at the same time knead the dough. At the moment when it will be difficult to knead it in a bowl, put the whole lump on a table sprinkled with flour and begin to knead it well with your hands. The only thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will turn out too tight.

We cover our dough with a towel or cling film and leave it for half an hour. Then we apply it as intended.

Dough for pasties on beer


  • Flour - 500 gr
  • beer - 250 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide.

Cooking method:

Crack one egg into a bowl, add salt to it and mix well.

Now mix everything thoroughly until the whole mass becomes relatively thick.

We take the dough out of the bowl and bring it to homogeneity already on the prepared surface sprinkled with flour, so that it turns out as in the photo.

Here was another not intricate, in principle, easy and fast worthy recipe.

How to make puff pastry


  • Flour - 3 cups
  • vegetable oil - 50 gr
  • water - 100 gr
  • vodka - 1 glass
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Pour vodka into a glass, add the yolk, salt, water and mix thoroughly.

Now we introduce vegetable oil and knead the dough. As already described above, in the previous recipes, it is better to bring things to the end on a prepared table, so our dough turns out to be elastic, after which we wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. And then we cook pasties, which turn out to be very appetizing and tasty .

Dough for pasties in cold water (video)

According to this recipe, the dough turns out to be crispy and very thin, but there is a very important point, you need to keep the water in the refrigerator for about two hours before use ...

Enjoy your meal!!!


In our country, chebureks have always been in great demand and today people are willing to buy these stuffed cakes cooked in a special way. For the first time, such pies with meat filling began to be prepared in Central Asia, and among the Turkic and Mongolian tribes, chebureks were especially popular and eventually turned into a traditional dish.

Is it possible to cook chebureks with my own hands at home? Yes, you certainly may! In this article, we will tell you how to make the dough crispy with bubbles for these mouth-watering oriental pies. traditional way on water, on boiling water, on kefir, on milk, with the addition of vodka. In addition, we have placed in the material various recipes with photo steps and a video with a step-by-step explanation, with which you can quickly make delicious pasties at home.

Undoubtedly, any hostess will tell you that it is her cooking recipe that is the most correct and only she knows how to make pasties. But nowadays there are many different recipes for preparing both the filling and the dough for homemade chebureks, which differ from classic way(which uses ingredients such as water, flour, salt and meat).


if the filling of the cheburek is minced meat, then it is very desirable to add a couple of tablespoons of kefir to it;

do not chop onions in an electrical appliance! It's better to cut it into small pieces with a knife to make the filling more juicy and tasty;

as a rule, lamb or beef is used for the filling. But you can make pasties with amazing taste if you make minced meat - assorted pork, beef and lamb;

do not add different spices or ingredients that are not included in the recipe of the dish until you have made your own hands 4-5 different options stuffed cakes. When you try homemade chebureks own cooking, then it will become clear to you what spices can be added to the dough or to the filling, which will not spoil the original rich taste of this oriental dish;

you can make very tasty chebureks in a deep fryer if you don’t have a cast-iron cauldron. But in this case, the vegetable oil should completely cover the tortillas with the filling during cooking.

To begin with, let's turn to the recently popular recipe for cooking delicious and lush chebureks with bubbles on crispy dough on kefir.


If you want to cook delicious puff pasties at home, then be sure to try making dough for them with low-fat milk!
The dough that you can make with the recipe below is very easy to roll out and more durable than unleavened. It may take a little more time to cook pasties with a rich taste in this way, but the excellent result and delicious taste of the dish are worth it!

For work we need:

  • 200 gr low-fat milk,
  • 500 gr wheat flour,
  • 80 gr soft vodka,
  • a teaspoon of salt.

How to make milk dough:

Dilute the salt in the milk and carefully pour the flour into it, constantly stirring the contents. Add vodka to the same container, but not all at once, but a tablespoon. Now knead the dough with your hands. If the mass turns out to be excessively dry, then it is advisable to knead it with wet hands. The dough should turn out in the form of a rough and loose substance. After that, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


Do you know how the Crimean Tatars make delicious and fragrant chebureks? Next, you will find a recipe on how to properly make dough for pasties on vodka. If correctly and on time add the famous strong drink into the dough, then the rolled dough will be covered with bubbles during the frying process and a crispy crust will turn out. Be sure to follow the proportions of the ingredients that are indicated in the dough recipe!


  • 640 gr wheat flour,
  • 35 ml soft vodka,
  • 1 egg
  • 340 ml of water,
  • 35 ml vegetable oil
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Cheburek dough on vodka:

Pour water into a deep saucepan and add oil and salt;

Pass the flour through a sieve several times and add it in small portions to the pan, constantly stirring the contents with a spoon. Do not fill the entire stasis with flour, but only 300-400 grams;

Remove the pan from the stove only after the flour has completely dispersed. When the mass has cooled completely, add the rest of the flour. Now you can knead the dough;

Add the egg to the loose mass and continue to knead the dough, gradually adding vodka to it until the contents turn into a tight and not sticky mass;

Now you need to wrap the well-soaked vodka dough in cling film and leave it like that for an hour. After that, you need to knead the dough again, pulling it out of the film, wrap it again and send it to the refrigerator overnight.