How to bake pasties at home. Dough with vodka - like in cheburechnaya

There are many recipes for chebureks just like in cheburek, and even better. The main thing is to prepare the dough correctly and juicy filling. In this article we will look at several recipes for very tasty, juicy and aromatic pasties. You will also learn several useful tips and recommendations for their preparation.

Classic dough for chebureks on water

First, let's look at some of the best dough recipes for chebureks as in chebureks. To prepare it, you first need topour 400 ml into a deep container hot water, add refined vegetable oil (1 tbsp) and add a pinch of salt.

Mix everything thoroughly and gradually add sifted flour (as much as is included), stirring constantly. As a rule, the dough should be such that it does not stick to your hands and is not too tight. Then the dough is wrapped in film or a towel (this way it will not dry out) and placed in a cool place for 20-30 minutes.

In the meantime, you need to start preparing the filling. This is considered the most the right recipe cheburek dough as in cheburek ones.

Add vodka

After frying, this dough becomes crispy and has a special golden crust. Try making it using this recipe and you won't regret it. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

    water - 200 ml (more is possible, depending on the type of flour);

  • sugar - 5 g;
  • vodka - 10-15 ml;

    salt - to taste;

  • vegetable oil- 10 ml;
  • flour (knead until thick) - about 2 tbsp.

First, pour water into a large bowl, then add sugar, salt and butter. IN last resort add vodka. Mix thoroughly and add sifted flour until the dough reaches the desired consistency, that is, it should become elastic and soft. To do this, you need to knead it well and wrap it in cling film or a clean towel. It is not necessary to put the dough in the refrigerator, but just leave it until you make the filling.

We looked at the dough recipe for chebureks as in cheburek. Agree that it is done easily and quickly, the main thing is to know some of the nuances of preparation, and everything will be fine.

Beer dough

This recipe is considered universal. Thanks to beer, the pasties turn out crispy, tasty and just melt in your mouth.

First you need to beat 1 tbsp in a blender. beer with salt and one egg. Then gradually add flour, stirring gently with a wooden spatula. Knead until the dough becomes elastic and reaches the required thickness.

Cover the well-kneaded dough with film or a clean kitchen towel and let it sit for about an hour. After which you can make pasties.

Dough with mineral water

Few people know about this recipe, but the dough turns out great. To do this, use a blender to beat one egg with salt (to your taste) and sugar (2 tsp). Add 1 tbsp to this mixture. mineral water and flour (approximately 300-400 g). Mix everything thoroughly. It is advisable to sift the flour first. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes, after which you can add any filling.

Choux pastry

Let's look at the recipe for choux pastry for chebureks as in cheburek. To prepare it, take 200 ml of water and put it on the fire to boil. Add 20 ml of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt to this. When the water boils, pour 100 g of flour into it and mix thoroughly until the lumps disappear. Remove the mixture from the heat and leave to cool.

When the mass has cooled, add 1 egg to it and mix thoroughly. Then you need to pour 0.5 kg of flour onto the table and make a mound out of it, into the center of which you should pour the choux pastry. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

The dough should be smooth and tight. Cover the dough and leave for 25 minutes. Then you need to knead it again - and you can make pasties.

Filling with meat

While the dough is resting, you can prepare the filling. Next, we’ll look at recipes on how to make chebureks that are tastier than cheburek. After all, the taste depends not only on the dough, but also on the filling. Prepare the following products:

    meat - 0.5 kg (equal parts pork and beef);

    salt - to taste;

    large onions - 3 pcs.;

    water - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with kefir);

    pepper and other spices - to taste.

Meat and onions are twisted in a meat grinder.

Then kefir or water is added, as well as spices. To improve the color, you can boil the carrots and grate them. It is best to overcook all foods. Then the filling is thoroughly kneaded.

Add vegetables and cheese

The filling can be any, the main thing is that in the end the pasties are juicy and tasty. You can add vegetables and cheese instead of meat. To do this, take tomatoes, peppers, onions (3 pieces each) and a bunch of greens, which we chop very finely. Three cheese (300 g) on ​​a fine grater and mix with vegetables. Salt, pepper and add your favorite spices to taste. Mix the filling well and make pasties.

Mushroom and cheese filling

The recipe for chebureks as in cheburek also allows the use of such original filling. To prepare it you will need:

    mushrooms (champignons or oyster mushrooms) - 200 g;

    onions - 2 pcs;

    salt - to taste;

    spices - to taste;

    hard cheese- 100 g;

    refined vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Mushrooms and onions need to be chopped very finely, and the cheese should be grated. Champignons or oyster mushrooms are fried in a frying pan until half cooked.

Then onions are added to the mushrooms. All together you need to fry until the mushrooms are completely cooked, and the onions should be transparent or golden in color. Everything is poured into a separate container, where oil, salt and spices are added. For juiciness, you can pour 50 ml of water. Mix everything well and set for 10 minutes to let the minced meat steep. It is very light and delicious recipe chebureks as in cheburek.

Filling for Lenten chebureks

Some citizens should not consume fatty and too high-calorie food. Therefore, you can make a simple filling that is very easy to prepare. Prepare 150 g of pumpkin, two onions, some greens (parsley and dill). Vegetables need to be peeled and cut very small cubes, and then fry (preferably in butter) until soft. Don't forget to add spices and salt to your taste.

While the vegetable mass is cooling, very finely chop the greens, which we add to the fried pumpkin. Mix everything thoroughly and let it sit for a while, and then fill the dough.


When the dough has rested allotted time and the filling is ready, you can start forming and preparing pasties. To do this you need to divide the dough into identical pieces. Then you need to roll out each piece one by one. The filling is placed in the middle of each, covered with half of the dough and the edges are sealed.

Now you need to remove excess air from the pasties so that there is no empty space. To do this, just run a rolling pin over the dough with filling. Now you can start frying.

1 liter of vegetable oil is poured into a deep container and placed on the fire until it boils. Then the cheburek is placed here and fried on both sides until golden brown.

Now you know how to cook pasties correctly and tasty.

Lazy pasties

The recipe is that you don't need to make the dough at all. Therefore, the cooking time is reduced. By the way, many cheburek shops are experimenting with this. To prepare lazy pasties for two servings, you need to take two pita breads. Carefully cut one sheet. First, place a piece of pita bread on the table and place the filling on the edge. Press it down well with a fork and distribute it evenly over one half. Then we take the empty edge and cover the filling with it. Roll out lightly with a rolling pin.

Fry the cheburek in a frying pan in vegetable oil. You can also use a deep fryer.

Cooking pasties in a frying pan

Of course, frying in large quantities vegetable oil is not very useful. If your household cannot eat too fatty foods, then there is another option for frying pasties. For example, in a frying pan.

For this you need very little vegetable oil. But the pasties turn out to be more useful.

Chebureks in the oven

There are even more healthy recipe, especially if the chebureks are filled exclusively with vegetables and herbs. To prepare such pasties, you need to use the oven. In this case, no vegetable oil is added at all. You can grease the baking sheet with a little margarine.

The oven turns on 180 degrees. While it is heating up, place the pasties on a baking sheet. Place them in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, after which they should be turned over and baked for another 15 minutes. However, a lot depends on the specific model of the oven, so it’s better to double check than to overcook them, because otherwise the pasties will become dry, the juiciness will disappear and they will turn out less tasty.

Cooking features

We looked at several recipes for chebureks as in cheburek: with vodka, mineral water and beer. The filling can be absolutely anything, from meat or fish to herbs. It all depends on your tastes and preferences.

However, each dish has its own cooking characteristics. First, let's look at the dough:

    The dough should be elastic, tight, but not oversaturated with flour. Also, it should not stick to your hands.

    The dough needs to be kneaded for a long time, but if you have a bread machine, it will make the task easier.

    Yeast is not added, as the dough will rise too much and you will end up with half-empty pasties.

    It’s not for nothing that vegetable oil is added to the dough, so it becomes softer and more pliable to work with.

As for the filling, it also has its own cooking features:

    Onions are added not only for flavor, but also for the juiciness of the filling.

    You must add liquid (meat broth or water) to the minced meat. Then the meat will not turn into one continuous lump, but will become more crumbly.

    Chebureks are fried only in vegetable oil. It’s very good if you have a deep fryer at home, then it’s even easier to cook pasties in it.

    After the chebureki are fried, they need to be laid out on paper napkins so that the excess vegetable oil is removed.

    As for meat, many cooks do not grind it in a meat grinder, but chop it with a knife. After all, in this case the filling turns out more juicy and tasty.

    A lot of onions are definitely added to the filling. Then the chebureks have excellent taste and aroma. However, the onion needs to be ground through a meat grinder so that it releases the juice and adds juiciness to the dish.

To prevent the chebureks from having a burnt taste and aroma, they must be fried only in fresh vegetable oil.

It is very important to carefully seal the edges of the dough. If the pasties open during frying, the juice will leak out and they will become dry.

If you can’t hold the dough together, then moisten the edges with water.

When using a deep fryer, it is worth remembering that more vegetable oil may be needed for frying.

Do not put the pasties in cold oil, as they will become too fatty and their taste will no longer be as delicate.

To understand what the temperature of the oil is in the frying pan, place a small piece of dough into it. If it immediately floats to the surface, then you can fry the pasties.


We looked at several types of dough and filling for chebureks. If you follow the recommendations, the products will turn out to be really tasty, juicy and aromatic.

Now you know several recipes for chebureks, how to cook them correctly and what they should look like in the end.

Each dough is delicious in its own way. Try something new all the time - and you will definitely find a recipe to which you can add your own unique twist. Make your family and friends happy successful recipes Chebureks!

The name of this beloved pastry is of Crimean Tatar origin. It is translated as “ raw pie" The dough is usually prepared without yeast, but not only traditional minced meat, but also cheese, mushrooms, cabbage, and potatoes are often used as filling.

Recipe for crispy pastry dough

Delicious dough for delicious pasties is easy to prepare and requires a minimum of ingredients. The main thing is not to use cold water, but just boiled water.

What you will need:

  • flour - 2 cups and a little more for kneading;
  • boiling water – 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt – 0.5-1 tsp.


  1. Pour the flour onto the table, sprinkle it with salt and make a well in the center.
  2. Pour oil into boiling water and send the liquid into the center of a sort of “crater” made of flour.
  3. Toss it into the center from all sides, achieving a uniform consistency.
  4. As soon as it cools down a little, knead the dough into a smooth, elastic and non-stick dough.

It can be used for its intended purpose after 2 hours.

A simple recipe for cheburek dough

The previous version of the delicious crispy dough for chebureks was simple, but this one won’t cause any difficulties. Just add a couple of ingredients and that's it.

What you will need:

  • plain water – 4 glasses;
  • 2/3 small spoon of medium-sized salt;
  • the same volume of table soda;
  • one chicken;
  • sugar – 1 spoon;
  • flour for thick dough.


  1. Pour water into a deep container room temperature and push egg.
  2. Add soda, sugar and salt.
  3. Stir and gradually add flour.
  4. As soon as the dough becomes stiff, place it on the table and knead in place.
  5. Place in plastic for 45-60 minutes, and then use as intended.

Here is a simple way to prepare a very successful crispy dough for pasties with meat.

Kefir dough

To prepare the dough with bubbles, you will need kefir.

Lactic acid bacteria in kefir soften the dough, making it airy, but at the same time its thickness and fat content do not decrease, which ensures ease of frying.

How to cook chebureki with meat quickly. Well, firstly, you need an assistant, and secondly, you must be in a good mood. We tried the first chebureks within 30 minutes, but everything took a total of just over an hour.

I have universal recipe, which is great for making chebureks, dumplings, etc.

To prepare the dough for this recipe we will need:

  • 2 glasses boiled water room temperature, 400 grams
  • 500-600 grams of flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt
  • 1.5 tablespoons vegetable oil

This amount of food is approximately per kilogram, maybe a little less, of minced meat.

Pour water into a deep bowl for kneading dough. Pour flour on top, add salt and vegetable oil.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. If the dough is very sticky, you can add flour.

Sprinkle the table with flour and place the dough from the cup directly on the flour. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic, adding flour as needed.

The finished dough can be placed in plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for a short time while we prepare the minced meat for the pasties.

Minced meat for chebureks

With minced meat everything is very simple. We take pre-prepared minced meat from a mixture of beef and pork. Can be bought in the store.

  • 1 kilogram of minced meat
  • 3-4 onions
  • salt, black ground pepper taste

If the minced meat was stored in the freezer, you need to defrost it first. Place the minced meat in a deep bowl.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Especially lazy people, like me, can grind it in a blender or pass it through a meat grinder. Add onion to meat.

Add salt and ground black pepper. You can also add finely chopped fresh herbs, but this is not for everyone. Mix the minced meat thoroughly until you get a homogeneous mass.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator and start making pasties.

Recipe for making chebureks with meat

Cut a small piece of dough and roll it into a sausage with your palms.

Cut this sausage into small pieces. The size of the pieces is not very important. It just depends on what kind of chebureks you get, big or small. We make small pasties, so our pieces are the size of half a chicken egg.

Take a piece of dough and roll it into a ball with your hands. Then the ball must be thoroughly flattened, as in the photo above, and dipped in flour on both sides.

Then take a rolling pin and roll it out into thin pancake, approximately 2 millimeters thick.

Place the pancake dough on the table. Spoon the minced meat onto one of the dough halves.

Cover the minced meat with the other half of the dough to form an envelope.

Seal the edges of the dough with your fingers. We do this carefully so that the cheburek does not open when we fry it.

To be safe (and for beauty), you can go around the edges of the cheburek with a fork. Then the juice from the chebureks will definitely not leak out.

Pour more vegetable oil into the frying pan. Fry the pasties on both sides until golden brown. This is approximately 5-7 minutes on each side, depending on the temperature.

Be careful, the flour on the pasties can burn and then they won’t look very nice, but taste qualities it has no effect.

Place the finished pasties on large dish. Be on the lookout! Chebureks tend to instantly disappear from a dish if left unattended :).

After all the chebureks are ready, we set aside a modest portion for ourselves.

You don’t need to invite the rest, they are all already here and everyone’s plates are full, and some even have empty ones.

Pour some tea, take out the sour cream and enjoy life!

This dish came to us from the Mongolian and Turkic peoples. Traditional chebureks were prepared from unleavened dough With minced meat and various seasonings, including spicy ones. Mostly fried on lamb fat. Today this dish means the same pie with meat filling made from unleavened dough, but the meat is often twisted and cooked in vegetable oil. In our time, they have become very popular, just like here and among many peoples of the Caucasus.

Home-cooked ones are much tastier than products bought in street eateries and are not difficult to prepare. like this delicious pastries Both children and adults love it very much. And this alluring aroma that comes from the places where they are prepared will not leave anyone indifferent.

In today's article we will look at recipes for delicious and crispy dough, our favorite chebureks. After all, if you cook them according to the rules, then they turn out with golden crust and with a stunning aroma. You just have to stock up on the necessary components and follow my recommendations.

And also for lovers of delicious shawarma, you can go, look and rate my recipe

Crispy dough for chebureks with vodka


  • Flour - 2 cups
  • water - 1/3 cup
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vodka - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Pour water into a saucepan, put it on fire, add salt and vegetable oil and bring to a boil.

When the contents of the pan boil, remove it from the heat, pour 1/2 cup of sifted flour into it and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. And leave until cool.

Pour vodka and beat in a chicken egg. Bring to a homogeneous state.

Under no circumstances should you combine eggs with hot dough, otherwise the whites will curdle and everything will go down the drain.

Now add the remaining flour in small portions and at the same time knead a smooth, plastic dough. Wrap it in cling film and leave it alone for 20 minutes.

The secret of making dough for chebureks like in chebureks


  • Water – 500 ml
  • flour - 10 cups
  • melted butter - 6 tablespoons
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

To make the dough light, airy and bubbly, we need to prepare warm water to which we add salt, sugar and melted butter.

Sift the flour into a deep bowl, make a small depression in the middle with your hand, pour in prepared water in small portions and mix thoroughly.

To make it more convenient to knead the dough, you need to move it to a prepared table and finish the job on it.

You must know that the dough must be dense, otherwise when frying the pasties will burst and all the juice will leak out.

Then wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for one hour.

Tasty and crispy dough for chebureks with kefir


  • Kefir - 1 glass
  • flour - 4-5 cups
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, we need to take a deep bowl, pour kefir into it, beat in the egg and salt to taste.

Beat all the ingredients with a whisk or fork and gradually add the sifted flour. After it begins to thicken, we need to prepare a work surface, add flour and place our dough on it. Knead it for as long as possible until it stops sticking to your hands and the consistency becomes thick and elastic. But just be careful not to overdo it, or it may become too thick and tight. Then it will simply be impossible to work with him.

Cover the finished dough with a towel and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, you can keep it a little longer. Next, we form a long sausage and divide it into ten equal parts, which we roll out and make pasties. It's very simple, good luck with your preparation.

Choux pastry for chebureks


  • Flour - 4 cups
  • boiling water - 1.5 cups
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 30 g
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, pour the flour into a food processor, add salt and vegetable oil, and mix. And put the butter in boiling water and let it melt, then pour it into the mixture in a thin stream and beat in the chicken egg and bring it until smooth.

The dough turned out very soft, elastic, tender. Mix it a little on a clean table without adding flour, since it no longer sticks. Then wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

This dough recipe is considered by many to be ideal; it is suitable not only for chebureks, but also for dumplings, dumplings and dumplings. Cook for your health.

Dough for chebureks in mineral water


  • Mineral water – 500 ml
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • flour - 8 cups
  • sugar - 4 teaspoons
  • salt - 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

Pour mineral water into a cup, add sugar, salt and egg. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. Then, in my case, we sift the flour into a bowl, make a hole in the middle and pour in the water-based mixture. And we begin to knead the dough with our hands.

After it stops sticking to your hands, put it on the prepared table and bring it to readiness, that is, knead it more thoroughly and thus make it more elastic. Next, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Chebureks using this test turn out simply amazing. Try it and write your impressions in the comments.

Boiling water dough recipe


  • Boiling water – 150 ml
  • flour - 500 gr
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Pour the sifted flour into a deep bowl and pour boiling water salted with one teaspoon of salt into it and mix.

This is the kind of dough you should get that practically doesn’t stick to your hands. Cover it with a lid and leave it alone for 20-30 minutes.

Delicious pasty dough with added milk


  • Flour - 3 cups
  • milk - 200 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 2 pinches.

Cooking method:

We will need, as in previous recipes, a deep bowl into which we pour milk, beat in an egg, add salt, vegetable oil, then beat everything with a whisk until smooth.

Now we begin to gradually add the sifted flour and at the same time knead the dough. At the moment when it becomes difficult to knead it in a bowl, put the whole lump on a table sprinkled with flour and begin to knead it thoroughly with your hands. The only thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will turn out too tight.

Cover our dough with a towel or cling film and leave it for half an hour. Then we use it for its intended purpose.

Dough for pasties made with beer


  • Flour - 500 gr
  • beer - 250 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 level teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Beat one egg into a bowl, add salt to it and mix well.

Now mix everything thoroughly until the whole mass becomes relatively thick.

Take the dough out of the bowl and bring it to homogeneity on a prepared surface sprinkled with flour so that it turns out like in the photo.

Here was another simple, easy and quick worthy recipe.

How to make puff pastry


  • Flour - 3 cups
  • vegetable oil - 50 g
  • water - 100 g
  • vodka - 1 glass
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Pour vodka into a glass, add yolk, salt, water and mix thoroughly.

Now add vegetable oil and knead the dough. As already described above, in previous recipes, it is better to finish the job on a prepared table, so our dough turns out elastic, after which we wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. And then we prepare pasties, which turn out very appetizing and tasty .

Dough for chebureks in cold water (video)

According to this recipe, the dough turns out crispy and very thin, but there is a very important point: you need to keep the water in the refrigerator for about two hours before using...

Bon appetit!!!

Cheburek, this hot pie with crispy, bubbly dough and juicy delicious filling conquered the hearts, or rather stomachs, of everyone and everything. They eat it with pleasure both on a hot summer day and on a frosty winter day. Initially, chebureks were prepared only with meat filling from unleavened dough. Today there are many options for preparing both cheburek filling and dough. They are made from unleavened, custard, puff pastry, yeast dough. And you can get confused in the variety of fillings. The most beloved and popular is meat. They are also made with potatoes, mushrooms, fish, pumpkin, vegetables, cheese and fried in a lot of fat.

Chebureks - food preparation

Before making pasties, prepare the filling and dough first. The dough must be kneaded thoroughly with your hands and allowed to rest for at least thirty minutes, and preferably one hour. At this time, it reaches its condition, swells, becomes softer, more elastic, and then it is easier to work with. The filling is crushed if it has passed heat treatment, cool, and begin to sculpt pasties.

Chebureks - best recipes

Recipe 1: Pasties with meat

An easy recipe. These pasties can be prepared quite quickly - in 30-40 minutes. The filling turns out very juicy, and the dough is thin and crispy. In order for the cheburek to retain its juiciness, the dough must be handled carefully so as not to damage the shell and prevent it from leaking meat broth. You can take ready minced meat or twist lump meat. It must be chosen with a little fat for juiciness. Pork is ideal. You can take mixed minced meat from different types meats such as pork, beef and lamb or just beef and lamb.

Ingredients: a glass of water, flour - 500g, a spoonful of tea salt and sugar, raise the butter. – 50 ml (2 tablespoons). For the filling – minced meat – 400-500g, 2 medium onions, pepper and salt, water – 100ml.

Cooking method

Add sugar and salt to the water and stir until dissolved. Add flour and butter, knead the dough. Let it rest for about an hour on the table, if the room is not too hot, or in the refrigerator. Cover with a bowl, napkin or wrap in film.

Twist the meat or take ready-made minced meat, add salt, pour in 100 ml ordinary water, add ground pepper and chopped onions. Knead the minced meat.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer. Cut out fairly large flatbreads with a mug or saucer, put the filling, seal the edges and fry in very hot fat or vegetable oil.

Recipe 2: Chebureks with cheese

This fried pies recipe is for cheese lovers. Two types of cheeses are used as filling – hard and soft. It is better to take hard ones like Maasdam or other rennet cheeses - Dutch, Kostroma, Yaroslavl. From soft cheeses– Mozzarella or replace pickled cheeses- Adyghe, Suluguni or feta cheese. There is no need to add salt to the filling, because... cheeses themselves contain it in sufficient quantities. You can put a couple of tomato slices in the cheburek with the cheese.

Ingredients: Filling – 150g Maasdam, 150g Mozzarella. Dough – 4 cups flour, teaspoon sugar and salt, 1 egg, carbonated mineral water(unsweetened) – 250ml.

Cooking method

First prepare the dough. Mix the ingredients, knead well, leave it to rest a little.

For the filling, grate hard cheese coarsely, grate soft cheese or cut into thin strips, mix.

Roll out the dough thinly and make pasties. Pinch the edges with your fingers or press down with the tines of a fork. Depending on the size, you should get approximately 12-15 pieces. Pour a lot of oil into a frying pan, heat it up high and fry. The dough for this recipe can be used for chebureks with other fillings.

Recipe 3: Pasties with pumpkin

Why not make pasties with pumpkin. The dough is prepared using regular, yeast-free dough. The pumpkin for the filling should be of unsweetened varieties. It is grated, but it is not stuffed raw, but is first stewed in a frying pan along with fried onions. Sometimes crushed cloves of garlic are added (if you like).

Ingredients: filling – pumpkin – 500-700g, salt, 3 onions, vegetable oil, pepper. Dough – a glass of milk or water, 2 glasses of flour, 20g fresh yeast, a little salt and sugar.

Cooking method

First of all, the dough is kneaded. Mix the yeast with sugar, add a little water and leave for a quarter of an hour so that it begins to ferment and revive. Top up the glass warm water or milk, a pinch of salt, flour. Mix the mixture until smooth. Cover the dish with a napkin or towel and let the dough stand warm.

Coarsely grate the pumpkin. Finely chop the onion, fry in very hot oil, add pumpkin, sprinkle with pepper and salt, simmer for 15 minutes. Cool.

Knead the dough and roll it out. Make pasties and fry in a large volume of boiling oil.

Minced meat can be made a little differently. Cut the onion and pumpkin into small cubes, mix, add salt, add a couple of tablespoons of fat or lard minced in a meat grinder and ground red pepper to make the filling quite spicy, add salt. Raw filling Place the dough into circles, join the edges and fry.

Recipe 4: Chebureks with potatoes

It seems simple, but so tasty and everyone’s favorite filling. It is also convenient because you can use ready-made mashed potatoes, for example, which has been in the refrigerator since yesterday. Add cracklings, fried onions and the filling is as good as new. You can use any dough - fresh, yeast. This recipe calls for custard. It will be enough for about 10-13 pasties.

Ingredients: filling – several potatoes, a couple of onions, 100-150g lard (smoked or regular), salt. Dough - one egg, a glass of water, 3 cups flour, half a teaspoon of sugar and salt, a tablespoon of salt. butter and vodka.

Cooking method

Peel and place the potatoes on the stove. While it's cooking, make the dough. Boil water, adding sugar and salt. Pour in the oil, add two-thirds of a glass of flour, stir and remove from heat. Keep stirring, using a whisk or spoon. If there are small lumps left, it’s okay, they will disperse later, the main thing is to break up the big ones. When the mass has cooled to a warm state, beat in the egg and pour in the vodka, stir and begin adding flour in portions, kneading with your hands. It should be relatively soft. Set the dough aside for an hour to rest.

Meanwhile, the potatoes are cooked, the water needs to be completely drained, and the potatoes should be crushed. Melt the cracklings and fry the onion in the same fat. Mix with potatoes, sprinkle with pepper, cool. Make pasties and fry.

To cook real pasties, you need to spare no oil. It is poured so much that the pies float in it. They can be fried in a deep fryer or cauldron.

- To make the dough bubbly, with golden brown crust, and the filling is fried, the chebureki are placed in very hot, hot oil. The lid is not covered so that water from condensation does not get into the oil, otherwise it will start to shoot violently.