How to soak chicken in soy sauce. Marinade with soy sauce for barbecue universal

How to marinate chicken in soy sauce? Very simple, and most importantly - delicious! This marinade is suitable for both frying and baking, which is why it is versatile!

What parts of the chicken to marinate? But any, absolutely! Now I'll tell you how I did it. I took a whole chicken, cut it into pieces. Separately thighs, separately shins - I removed the skin from them. Separately, the wings, left the skin on them. I prepared these parts for baking in the oven.

I left the back (ridge) for cooking the broth, in terms of baking and frying it is useless, since there is practically no meat there, but soup, cabbage soup or just broth based on the back are good.

But she acted differently with the breast - she removed the skin and bone, and cut the fillet into several pieces and marinated in order to cook it later in a pan ... As you can see, the chicken can be very successfully divided into three different and complete dishes. But I used the best marinade for chicken in the oven and in the pan in two versions of the dishes, which will be discussed.

In general, the topic of marinades is so wide and multifaceted, and now it is also popular, that many articles can be devoted to it. Not so long ago I prepared for you a selection for different meat- pork, chicken, beef, lamb. These recipes can also be used for further baking meat in the oven, and for frying in a pan, and for cooking on the grill. I hope you enjoy this collection of recipes too 😉

Well, now let's get back to the topic of how to marinate chicken in soy sauce, and take a closer look at all the cooking steps with step-by-step photos!


  • chicken - 1 piece (1400 g)
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
  • any vinegar 6-9% - 3 tbsp.
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.
  • universal seasoning - 1 tsp
  • salt - to taste

To prepare the marinade base, I combined the three main ingredients in equal proportions - soy sauce, vinegar and sunflower oil. Now a little more about each of them.
There are a lot of varieties of soy sauce, especially with regard to Japanese. However, we often sell fakes in supermarkets. The production of soy sauce is not so easy and fast process, therefore, its cost cannot be low. If half a liter of soy sauce costs 50 rubles, you should not take it ... The composition should not contain any E (including E200 and E220). There should be no sediment! Otherwise, the product is more than dubious. In general, the best and most proven soy sauce is Kikkoman.
Now for the vinegar. This time I used apple, but rice, balsamic, wine or regular table is also suitable. The main thing is not to confuse it with 70% acetic acid;)
Well, and oil ... I always use fragrant for such a marinade unrefined oil. But if you do not like its taste, then you can take the peeled one. Its function in this case is to make the meat softer.

So, on to the chicken marinade with soy sauce added spices. I took an all-purpose seasoning that includes curry, paprika, red pepper, as well as dried onions, carrots, celery and parsley. You can use any spices to your taste, including the ready-made chicken seasoning package.
At this stage, I did not add salt to the marinade, since soy sauce already contains it. I salted it, and then a little bit, already during frying and baking.

Well mixed the resulting mass.

Prepared chicken parts, which I will bake in the future. I removed the skin from the shins and thighs, and left the wings as they are.

I laid out these parts of the chicken in the prepared delicious marinade for chicken in the oven. Mixed so that all the pieces were involved.

She removed the skin from the breast, separated the meat from the bone. The resulting fillet was cut into several parts.

I sent the breast to the rest of the chicken parts.

Mix well again so that all the meat is in the marinade.
The breast was left to marinate in it for 1 hour (if desired, the time can be increased), and the remaining parts - for 12 hours (if desired, you can adjust the time both up and down).
Here, in fact, is everything you need to know about how to marinate chicken in soy sauce.

Breast cooked in a pan:

After an hour of pickling, the breast was removed from the marinade and cut into more small pieces. However, everything is individual here - you can choose any convenient size and cutting format.

She laid out the pieces of breast on a heated dry frying pan, added 2 tablespoons of marinade. Fry for 5 minutes until the color changes over medium (or a little more) heat. I made a slow fire, covered with a lid and simmered for 10 minutes. Then she removed the lid, increased the heat to high, salted it a little and fried it until the liquid evaporated. It took me literally two or three minutes to do this.

Chicken marinated in soy sauce, vinegar and oil is ready! You can serve it with any side dish. I have this rice. We also love it in this version with pasta. And you can cook potatoes (no matter how) or something from legumes, cereals.

Chicken marinated in soy sauce in the oven:

Well, now back to the other parts of the chicken, which I marinated for half a day. I put them in a baking dish, poured all the marinade here. Salted a little. And sent to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

That's it, another chicken yummy is ready! You can serve any baked chicken parts both as a dish on its own and with a side dish. In any case, fresh herbs will not hurt here! ;)

I really like this simple and delicious recipe marinade: soy sauce + vinegar + sunflower oil. And it is very easy to remember, since all three liquid ingredients are taken in the same amount, which can be varied if desired. I hope this recipe works for you too. Yummy chicken! ;)

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There is nothing easier than cooking in the oven chicken meat: just marinate the product and send it to bake for 50-60 minutes, and the appetizing dish is ready. It remains only to come up with a side dish for him. hastily which is usually not a problem. But the choice of marinade often causes certain difficulties: in addition to traditional mayonnaise and tomato paste nothing usually comes to mind, but you can pick up more than 100 interesting ideas for a chicken!

Marinade for grilled chicken, recipe, as in the store

Most often, meat is marinated not before traditional baking, and before processing it with live fire or using the "grill" mode in the oven. And the standard of the finished dish is often what is served in restaurants or can be purchased in a store with a personal kitchen. Therefore, the recipe for grilled chicken marinade as in the store is in the greatest demand, and it is not at all difficult to implement it at home. The highlight is in the concentration of all the components that will have to be created on cooked meat crispy shell.

  • Boiled warm water - 1 l
  • Salt or sea salt - 9 tbsp.
  • Ground garlic - 2 tsp
  • Ground paprika - 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp


  1. V warm water salt dissolves, for which you may have to slightly warm the liquid (up to 65-70 degrees), since sea ​​salt it is more difficult to dissolve than the usual fine grinding. Then you need to wait until the water cools down again to room temperature, after which the chicken is soaked in the finished salt infusion for 8-10 hours - it is optimal to pour meat over it overnight.
  2. In the morning, the chicken is removed from the marinade bowl, rubbed with a mixture of peppers and garlic, and then grilled in the oven or over a fire.
  3. If you need to cook chicken like in a store, but have only 2-3 hours of free time, marinate it for 1.5-2 hours, then grate 1 tbsp first. salt (per whole bird), then - pepper, paprika and garlic. And to save soft meat with a crispy chicken should be poured over warm water every 10-15 min.

Marinade for chicken with soy sauce and honey

Among the classic marinade recipes for chicken in the oven, those based on honey are the most popular. Especially often you can find various variations of chicken wings in honey. If you add soy sauce to this central component, which makes the meat tender, as well as ginger for spice, the dish will turn out not only light, but also improves metabolism, which has a positive effect on the figure and well-being. This chicken can be cooked at least every day.

  • Soy sauce - 7 tbsp.
  • Liquid flower honey - 3 tbsp.
  • Ground ginger - 2 tsp
  • Sesame - 1 tbsp
  • Saffron - 1 tsp


  1. Honey is heated in a small bowl so that it becomes completely liquid (this is especially important when working with a candied product), sesame seeds and saffron are poured into it, after which they are simmered over low heat for 1-1.5 minutes. If you use ginger root, you need to cut it into slices and throw it here, but after the warm-up procedure, the slices are thrown away.
  2. Soy sauce and ground ginger are combined in a large container, then cooled liquid honey with spices is added. All components are mixed, and pieces of washed chicken are laid in them. Keep them in this marinade with soy sauce and honey for 45-60 minutes.
  3. When using such a marinade, the chicken in the oven turns out to be crispy, as if baked in glaze, and to enhance the effect, some cooks advise sprinkling ground nuts on the meat before it is sent to the oven. Pine nuts or walnuts are best suited for this.

Marinade for chicken with honey and mustard

However, only sweet marinades and sauces are not always obtained on the basis of honey. If you dilute it spicy mustard, add rice wine, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar, a few hot spices and onion rings as an accent, the chicken will come out amazing savory snack. Exotics can be added by replacing lemon with lime.

  • Liquid honey - 4 tbsp.
  • Mustard beans - 75 g
  • Lemon or lime juice - 50 ml
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Thyme - 1 tsp
  • Rosemary - 1 tsp
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.


  1. Olive oil is heated in a frying pan, where it is necessary to throw a pod of hot pepper and ground rosemary (you can use sprigs). Keep the oil with spices on low heat for 2-3 minutes, then squeeze the citrus juice there, increase the power to medium, wait another 1-2 minutes. and remove from the stove.
  2. In a large bowl, mix liquid honey, grain mustard and thyme, gradually add the liquid from the pan and the chili peppers fried in it. Marinate the chicken in this composition, leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Before baking in a marinade with honey and mustard, the chicken must be covered with chopped onion rings and discard the pepper pod. The marinade itself can be poured into the same container where the meat will be cooked. Foreign chefs recommend smearing pieces of black bread with the remnants of the marinade and drying them in the oven - you will get excellent savory croutons to the same chicken or meat broth.

Universal marinade for chicken in the oven

Marinades for poultry based on honey, vinegar or fruit and berry pomace are, of course, interesting, but not everyone will like them, since they are designed for certain taste preferences. In addition, because of them, it is often necessary to select a certain side dish that will not argue with the central taste. For this reason, it is always worth having a recipe for a universal vegetable oil-based marinade in your cookbook notebook. The volume of ingredients is indicated for a whole bird carcass.

  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Coarse sea salt - 2 tsp
  • Marjoram - 1 tbsp.
  • Turmeric - ½- tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp


  1. Olive oil with sugar is heated (not hot!) in a small container, stirred until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. The bowl is removed from the stove, the mixture cools.
  2. Apple cider vinegar is combined with the prepared mass, turmeric and marjoram are poured into the same stream, the marinade is mixed so that the spices are evenly distributed throughout the liquid.
  3. The chicken must be soaked in the resulting marinade for at least 30 minutes. After that, the meat is rubbed with salt and baked in the oven.
  4. The marinade time for the chicken depends on which part of the bird you use: the wings usually take 30 minutes, but the thighs and drumsticks are soaked for 1-1.5 hours. The breast marinates the longest (2-3 hours) and the whole carcass which is often left overnight. When soaking for a long time, be sure to put the bowl in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.

In addition to the above chicken marinade recipes in the oven, you can always use the traditional combination of vegetable oil and spices. In particular, olive oil works perfectly with rosemary and basil, sesame oil with nutmeg and turmeric, sunflower oil with any kind of pepper. And exotic lovers can be offered to marinate chicken in fresh fruit or berry juice.

10 chicken marinade recipes!

If you want to always be in shape - eat chicken. Tired of bland chicken breast? Marinate the bird so that it becomes tastier than beef and even pork!

Personally, we have long abandoned heavy meat, the benefits of which no one has proven, so we eat exclusively poultry. It is not deposited at the waist, it is an easily digestible protein and invaluable polyunsaturated fatty acid, great amount vitamins and minerals that make us slimmer, healthier and younger.

How to marinate chicken: 6 rules:

1. To ensure that the chicken always turns out tender and juicy, choose only a chilled product, but not frozen.

2. For marinating poultry, use only glass or enamelware Everyone knows about the dangers of aluminum and plastic.

3. The longer the chicken is in the marinade, the more tender it becomes.

4. Marinades containing soy sauce should be salted with care.

5. Salt the poultry at the end of cooking or just before eating, so that the salt does not draw out all the moisture and make the chicken tough and dry.

6. To ensure that dietary meat always turns out juicy, place the skewers as close to each other as possible, cook the barbecue over hot coals and make sure that there is no fire!

Juicy baked chicken with a beautiful crust as advertised - really real! This is the most The best way poultry roasting. Honey paired with French mustard adds a light, savory sweetness, while the mix of herbs, garlic, and lemon makes for a terrific aroma. Prepare two, or better, three servings at once. Honey chicken never stays on the table!

And take super-budget wings to the dacha and be sure to cook them on the grill.

150 g liquid honey

100 g French grain mustard

2 tbsp olive oil

5-7 garlic cloves

1 bunch of parsley

1. Use a paring knife to remove the zest from the lemon and cut it into thin strips. Squeeze out the lemon juice and mix it with mustard, honey, oil, finely chopped garlic, herbs and zest. To stir thoroughly.

2. Marinate the chicken for 3-6 hours.

3. The finished bird must be baked along with the lemon peels that make up the composition.

4. During cooking, periodically brush the chicken with the rest of the marinade, salt the bird at the very end.

The lightest marinade for lovers of everything super-dietary. Only natural products and no mayonnaise!

1 st. natural yogurt(can be replaced with kefir or even fermented baked milk)

1 tbsp lemon juice

Mix all ingredients in homogeneous mass and marinate the bird. It is recommended to keep the chicken in the yogurt marinade all night. Salt the chicken at the end of cooking or just before serving.

The recipe for this marinade is great for both cooking chicken in the oven and on the coals. Pleasant light sharpness is most harmoniously combined with orange notes and curry spice. Ruddy, golden, luxurious chicken!

2 tbsp olive oil

ground red pepper - to taste

1. Squeeze juice from two oranges, cut the third into thin slices.

2. Pour the legs, thighs, wings or breast (or all at once) with orange juice and leave for 15-20 minutes.

3. Combine honey, oil, curry, pepper. Mix into a homogeneous mass.

4. Marinate the chicken for 2-4 hours.

5. Place the finished bird in a mold, put orange slices on top, grease with marinade again and bake until tender. Salt immediately before use.

Hot chicken for thrill seekers. Poultry cooked in this marinade goes perfectly with fresh vegetable salad and tomato juice. Best for cooking on skewers, in a home smoker, or on the grill.

150 ml soy sauce

1 bunch green onions

2 tsp red ground pepper

1 head of garlic

5-7 cm ginger root

1. Finely chop the green onion.

2. Garlic and ginger grate on a fine grater.

3. Combine soy sauce, green onion, red pepper, garlic and ginger.

4. Mix all ingredients.

5. Marinate the chicken and pack tightly in the pan.

6. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. Salt as needed at the very end of cooking.

Chic and shine! And shine - in the truest sense of the word! Divine glazed chicken will be the most sumptuous dish on your table. The marinade is especially well suited for roasting chicken drumsticks and wings, however, whole chicken will also blow everyone away.

150 ml soy sauce

5-7 cm ginger root

3 garlic cloves

1 tbsp provencal herbs

1 pinch of pepper

1. Ginger grate on a fine grater.

2. Combine honey, soy sauce, garlic, ginger and spices.

3. Mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

4. On minimum heat, bring to a boil and boil for 4-5 minutes, cool.

5. Put the prepared chicken in a baking dish, generously grease with the resulting icing, cover with foil.

6. Put in an oven preheated to 180ºС, bake for 15 minutes and brush with sauce again.

7. Continue greasing the chicken every 5-7 minutes, roasting until done. Salt at the end of cooking.

If your baked chicken is stringy and tasteless, try sour cream marinade. The poultry meat turns out to be incredible: tender and melting in the mouth with subtle notes of ginger and a slight taste of mustard. It is especially good to use this marinade for roasting chicken breast fillets.

5 tbsp low-fat sour cream

3 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp Russian mustard

1 tbsp dry provencal herbs

2 tsp ground ginger

1. Combine all the ingredients and beat with a fork into a homogeneous mass.

2. Wash and dry the chicken.

3. Marinate the chicken for at least 2 hours.

4. Put the pieces in a mold and bake in an oven preheated to 180ºС until cooked.

5. During cooking, periodically brush with the rest of the marinade.

6. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, salt as needed and put on each piece of chicken a thin plate of any hard cheese.

Bake until crispy.

The secret of this amazing citrus marinade consists in adding herbs and spices, which give the bird a rich, intense aroma. Only juicy chicken and nothing more! The marinade is ideal for roasting chicken meat in a sleeve or on a grill.

5-7 garlic cloves

1 tbsp allspice peas

3 tbsp olive oil

1 small bunch rosemary (dry can be substituted)

1. Peel and crush the garlic with a knife.

2. Lemon cut into large cubes. Tear the rosemary sprigs with your hands.

3. Combine lemons and rosemary. Mix the ingredients well with your hands.

4. Add garlic, oil, pepper and saffron, mix thoroughly.

5. Marinate the chicken for 5 to 12 hours. Salt at the very end of cooking.

Combination herbs with garlic and paprika creates a wonderful marinade for cooking the most tender chicken in own juice. Thick fragrant gravy and soft chicken meat goes well with any side dish - from simple buckwheat porridge to trendy pasta.

1 st. thick tomato juice

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp ground paprika

5 garlic cloves

1 bunch basil

1. Chop the garlic, mint and basil very finely. Combine with tomato juice and oil. To stir thoroughly.

2. Marinate the chicken for 2-4 hours.

4. Put the finished bird in a hot frying pan, after 2-3 minutes, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer under the lid in its own juice until tender. During cooking, you can add, if necessary, quite a bit of water, salt at the very end.

5. When serving, sprinkle with chopped mint if desired.

Simple and reliable, homemade and so understandable marinade on kvass will give your chicken a pleasant aroma rye bread. And do not forget a lot of fresh herbs and homemade vegetables!

400 ml bread kvass (ideally homemade)

2 tbsp Russian mustard

5-7 garlic cloves

1 bunch of any greens

1 pinch of pepper

1. Chop the garlic, finely chop the greens.

2. Combine kvass with mustard, honey, garlic, herbs and pepper.

3. Marinate the bird for 2-4 hours, but overnight is better.

4. Bake the chicken on the grill or in the oven until golden brown. Salt a few minutes before cooking or before serving.

Soft texture and pronounced taste of chicken meat: red wine marinade for real gourmets! Red or white, dry or sweet - feel free to try new combinations. The marinade is ideal for cooking chicken skewers.

300 ml dessert red wine

100 g pitted prunes

salt, pepper - to taste

1. Cut prunes and onions into rings.

2. Combine wine, onion, prunes and pepper, mix.

3. Marinate the bird by keeping it for at least 3 hours in the refrigerator.

4. During the marinating process, stir occasionally. Salt at the end of cooking or just before serving.

Marinade for chicken: popular recipes with photos

Important pickling rules:

2. Do not use mayonnaise for pickling. It allows the dish to cook faster, but at the same time kills its natural taste. In addition, mayonnaise contains acetic acid. During baking, it gives the fibers rigidity, they acquire a bitter aftertaste.

3. If the marinating time is more than 2 hours, then leave the meat in the refrigerator.

4. The easiest option for marinade sauce - vegetable oil mixed with several types of spices. Coat the meat with the sauce and let stand for several hours. Olive oil goes well with paprika, basil, hot spices.

5. Salt is better not to use. If you cannot refuse it, salt it correctly - 10 minutes before the carcass goes into the oven. This is necessary so that the meat fibers do not become dry and hard.

How to choose spices:

2. Herbs - sage, rosemary, thyme, mint, basil, marjoram. These herbs pair well with coriander and ginger. You can use herbs individually or create an original "mix".

3. Curry is a great choice for marinating chicken meat. This is not just a herb, but a rich combination of spices: thyme, coriander, hot pepper, mustard, nutmeg.

4. Turmeric is indian spice with a special taste. It must be used very carefully.

5. Nutmeg is a good solution if the recipe includes mushrooms and cheese.

Marinade for chicken in the oven

1. Sharp asian sauce. Combine juice from half a lemon with two tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1.1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and olive oil. Through the press, turn 5 garlic cloves, fold into the main mass. Ginger root 5 cm long, peel, cut, put in the sauce, add 2 tbsp. lime juice and soy sauce, sprinkle with black pepper.

2. Wine-mustard. According to 1.2 Art. l. mustard and apple acetic acid dilute glasses of dry white wine. Enter a spoonful of salt, 1/3 tsp. black pepper. Vinegar with wine will make the meat soft and tender.

3. Kefir. To prepare, use the juice of half a lemon, 4 garlic cloves, a pinch of salt, ½ tsp. dried rosemary and ground pepper, a pinch of salt. Rosemary and lemon will give the meat an amazing taste and aroma. Mix with a drop of Tabasco sauce, ½ tsp. black pepper and thyme. Chop up half an onion. At the end, enter 2 tsp. salt.

Marinade for chicken with soy sauce

2 tsp melted honey, combine with 1 tsp. soy sauce and 3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil. Sprinkle with basil and coriander, black pepper, stir. Marinate the meat and bake it in the oven. Honey will give the chicken a sweetish aftertaste and a beautiful golden crust.

- ginger powder - 5 g

- chopped garlic - 2 pcs.

- teriyaki sauce - 6.1 tbsp. spoons

Delicious chicken marinade

If you want to use less oil during frying, you can include yogurt in the marinade. For this you will need:

- a tablespoon of ketchup

- 50 g ginger powder

- chopped garlic - 2 cloves

- 2 jars of yogurt

- sunflower oil - 1.1 tbsp. l.

Chicken marinade sauce

- tequila, lime juice - 1.1 tbsp. l.

- a teaspoon of paprika

- garlic clove - 6 pcs.

Marinade for chicken in the oven

- soy sauce, sesame seeds - 4.2 tbsp. l.

- soy sauce - 65 ml

rice vinegar, honey - 30 g each

Orange juice(from one fruit)

- sesame oil - 1.2 tsp

- a large spoonful of mustard

- red onion - 2 pcs.

- olive oil - one tablespoon (tablespoon)

- grated ginger - to taste

- a pinch of cayenne pepper

- ground paprika - 2 tsp

- chopped parsley - 0.25 tbsp.

chopped garlic- a couple of dessert spoons

- mustard - a large spoon

- a mixture of Provence herbs

- lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons

butter, spicy sauce - 3.2 tbsp. l.

How to cook chicken in soy sauce in the oven

This dish can truly be called special, because it surprisingly easily combines wonderful taste qualities, simplicity and high speed of preparation. Chicken in soy sauce in the oven will be a great treat for dinner, hearty snack To festive table, and just the dish that you want to cook more than once.

If you stock up on a couple of recipes for its preparation, then you will definitely never “hit your face in the dirt”, because it will become yours. signature dish for all occasions.

Chicken marinated in soy sauce in the oven


  • Chicken thighs - 2 pcs. + -
  • Garlic - 3 cloves + -
  • Ground black pepper - to taste + -
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons + -
  • Salt - to taste + -

How to stew chicken marinated in soy sauce

We are the first to try the classic recipe for marinated chicken baked in the oven. The total cooking time for this recipe is 1 hour 20 minutes. To slightly diversify the taste of chicken hams, we will flavor them with a small amount of spices.

Special requirements are put forward for spices (they will be discussed in the article a little later), so absolutely any will not work for cooking. So that you do not wonder how and what to add, we advise you to immediately pay attention to the combination of fragrant garlic and ground black pepper.

How to marinate chicken in soy sauce

  • We cut the hams into 2 parts, place them in a deep container with soy sauce, sprinkle the chicken with chopped garlic and ground pepper.
  • Marinate chicken in soy sauce for 15-20 minutes.

Braised chicken with soy sauce in the oven

  • Next, put the pickled hams in a refractory dish, cover it with foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 50 minutes.
  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil so that our chicken can brown and acquire a delicious crisp.

Everything - marinated chicken in soy sauce, baked in the oven, is ready. Serve it hot with any side dish (stewed, boiled, fried potatoes; boiled rice; fresh salad, vegetables, etc.).

Chicken stewed in soy sauce: recipe with potatoes

Whole chicken in the oven in soy sauce, cooked with potatoes - a treat no less refined and tasty than a single baked one chicken fillet or ham. The advantage of this preparation is the fact that the chicken side dish is cooked simultaneously with it.

To diversify the taste of the dish, we will add honey to soy sauce, thereby making one of the most salty sauces in the world, a little sweeter. In a word, be sure to try this recipe, you will not have to regret the efforts expended.


  • Hen ( whole carcass) - 1 PC.;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Honey - 1 tsp;
  • Black ground pepper - to taste.

How to stew chicken in soy sauce with potatoes

Marinate poultry in soy sauce

  1. We wash the carcass under running cold water.
  2. Cut it in half with sharp knife in the center of the chest. Rub chicken on all sides with salt and pepper.
  3. Mix honey with soy sauce, mix everything thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass.
  4. With the resulting mixture, once again rub the chicken carcass on all sides. Thanks to this, when baking, the chicken will be covered with a ruddy-golden crust and will not lose its juiciness.

We bake marinated chicken in our own juice

  1. Lay the bird on a baking sheet with its back up.
  2. My potatoes, peel. Cut each potato in half and rub the halves (at the cut point) with salt.
  3. Arrange the salty potato halves (cut side down) on a baking sheet right around the chicken.
  4. Lubricate the top of the potato with vegetable oil, this will allow it not to “dry” when stewing.
  5. We heat the oven to 200 degrees, place a baking sheet in it with the future hot snack for 50-60 minutes.

10. When you see that the potatoes are softened, check if the chicken is still ready. It’s easy to check the readiness of the dish, and you can do it with a knife: pierce the place that is right behind the wing with it, if the meat doesn’t bleed, then it’s ready. It is very important not to overdo the chicken in the oven, otherwise it will become "dry".

Before serving, cut the chicken baked in soy sauce into portions and serve them along with the baked potatoes on the table. In addition, it is not necessary to serve any ingredients, the appetizer is quite self-sufficient. Excess products and additives will only spoil its taste.

The only thing that does not hurt is a little finely chopped garlic or herbs, but it is not necessary to add them.

Should You Add Spices to Chicken?

Many chefs argue - are spices really necessary for chicken baked in salty sauce? As a rule, when cooking meat, 1-2 spices are always used, or even a mixture of spices.

  • However, for stewed chicken with sauce, it is better not to take ingredients with a pronounced spicy taste (especially if the recipe includes the addition of honey).
  • Therefore, if you want to embellish the taste of your treat a little, then take lemon juice, garlic, ground black pepper or any other spices for cooking, the taste and smell of which do not interrupt, but subtly emphasize the main taste of the dish.

With simple yet effective tips and recipes, you can always quickly cook a miracle dish called "chicken in soy sauce in the oven." Incredible taste, heady aroma and crispy crust - this is what will not let you and your tasters forget about the treat for a very long time.

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Culinary Asian countries are quite popular not only among restaurant visitors. But also among ordinary housewives who cook at home for their family. Such dishes are appetizing and spicy in taste.

Cooking Asian-style chicken is not as difficult as many people think. The recipe will be based on spicy and salty soy sauce. He is actually a universal tool for cooking - and marinade, and sauce, and spices. Its use makes chicken pieces softer, and even skinny poultry will make an awesome dish. Marinated chicken in soy sauce in a pan is a simple dish, it cooks quickly, and does not require special cash costs.

The recipe uses garlic cloves to complement the meat. If garlic is not at hand, feel free to replace it with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfrom onion or sweet bell pepper. It also turns out delicious.

As a garnish for fried chicken take homemade pickles, fresh vegetables, maybe even light summer salad with fresh herbs, any boiled cereal or pasta.

This recipe is suitable not only for cooking chicken meat, but also for turkey meat, duck pieces or even pork.

Taste Info Second courses of poultry


  • Chicken (thighs) - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Soy sauce - 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • Sesame seeds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook marinated chicken in soy sauce in a pan

Start with the meat first. Rinse the chicken. Dry lightly with a paper towel. Cut the meat from the bones, remove the skin. Cut the pulp into small pieces, put in a bowl. You can also use whole chicken drumsticks or small thighs. Only their preparation according to the recipe will be a little longer.

Let's prepare the marinade. Peel the garlic cloves. Grind them into a puree. To do this, use a special press or blender. Add puree to chicken. If you do not want to add garlic to the dish, just crush the cloves with the flat side of the knife and send to the chicken. And when the teeth give up their flavor and essential oils take them out and don't use them anymore.

Pour in the soy sauce. Sprinkle sesame seeds - they should not be pre-roasted. After all, the chicken will be cooked in a pan anyway. Leave some sesame seeds for garnish. ready meal. Please note that there is no salt in the recipe at all. The fact is that the chicken marinade with soy sauce is already salty. This sauce has a pronounced salty flavor. Leave the chicken to marinate for about a quarter of an hour, maybe a little more.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Make the fire a little stronger than moderate. Arrange the meat pieces evenly in a single layer. Wait for the underside of the pieces to brown slightly. Flip them over to the other side. Turn heat down to minimum. Pour a little marinade in which there were pieces. Let them simmer. If you make the burner too hot, the meat may burn. Therefore, it is better to simmer over low heat, but until cooked. And if you close the lid of the pan when stewing, the marinated chicken pieces will seem to languish. And they will be softer.

Then pour again soy marinade- use all the liquid. First, simmer until the liquid has evaporated, and then fry the chicken until cooked through.

Put it still hot chicken pieces in soy sauce from a frying pan to a plate. Sprinkle with remaining sesame seeds, if desired. They are white and perfectly create an appetizing contrast of colors with dark brown. golden chicken. You can add fresh chopped herbs or a couple of pinches of dried herbs to decorate the dish.

Cooking Tips

  • The recipe is suitable not only for cooking chicken pieces in small slices, but also for fillet steaks. Just beat them a little before marinating with garlic.
  • In the marinade for chicken, along with soy sauce and garlic, it is permissible to add a dessert spoon each. bee honey and dry white wine. The taste of food will be spicier and more aromatic. All alcohol will quickly evaporate during frying in a pan, only its bouquet will remain.
  • Also try to cook delicious.

A common ingredient in chicken marinade is soy sauce. In combination with other products, the functional accompaniment of dishes reveals its gastronomic potential, exquisitely emphasizing the pliable texture and spicy taste chicken meat.

Chicken marinated in garlic-soy sauce

This marinade is considered one of the most popular in the culinary business, because simple cooking processes are complemented by spicy versatility of taste, the availability of exploited ingredients.

Products used:

  • 4 pressed garlic cloves;
  • 110 ml soy sauce;
  • chicken fillet.

Cooking processes:

  1. In a bowl, mix the main ingredients for the sauce.
  2. Dip the chicken in the soy sauce and garlic marinade, season with spices, and keep in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  3. Bake until cooked in the oven, preheated to 175 degrees.

For best results, cover the bowl with paper towels. cling film. As additional spices, use rosemary, fennel, paprika, basil.

Gastronomic cooperation of sweet products

A peculiar combination of flavors will deftly emphasize the gastronomic advantages of meat. Fragrant marinade sauce is ideal for light salads from fresh vegetables, side dishes of any origin.

Products used:

  • 240 ml soy sauce;
  • 90 ml of olive oil;
  • 60 g of honey;
  • 30 g mustard.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a separate bowl. Set aside for 8-10 minutes to brew, then proceed to the procedure for pickling meat. It is advisable to leave soft chicken languish in the spicy mixture for 30-50 minutes.

The best marinade for chicken skewers! Soy sauce and lime

Next the recipe will do also for veal pork dishes. Thanks to this marinade, the meat will turn out to be surprisingly tender and pleasant, its taste will be filled with a bright palette of tart accents, and the aroma will drive even the pickiest gourmet crazy, knowledgeable in chicken dishes.

Products used:

  • 1 stalk of lemongrass;
  • 2 shallots;
  • 2 red onions;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 piece of ginger;
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 40 ml lime juice;
  • 10-12 g of sugar.

Cooking processes:

  1. Slice a thin lemongrass stalk, run a rolling pin over the spice.
  2. Boil the herbs in hot water, remove from heat and let it brew for 8-11 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, heat a large skillet and sauté the diced shallots, chili and minced garlic.
  4. Add the garlic, shallots, chili and ginger to the lemongrass, mix thoroughly.
  5. Strain the fragrant complex of ingredients through a sieve, mix with soy sauce and lime juice.

If desired, you can vary this simple recipe delicious marinade for chicken. Soy sauce is successfully combined with many spices, such as allspice and cumin. Add additional lemon zest, replace lemongrass with dill.

Balsamic hugs for tender chicken slices

This sauce is popular in Asian cuisine, where chefs are not afraid to experiment with the flavors and textures of ingredients from different origins. The simple combination makes for a truly incredible marinade!

Products used:

  • 120 ml soy sauce;
  • 80 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 2 minced garlic cloves.

Mix soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, garlic, spices. Stir the ingredients until the sweet granulated sugar is completely dissolved. For best results, leave the meat to marinate overnight.

Tender chicken marinated with soy sauce and mayonnaise

Mayonnaise and soy make the chicken tender and juicy. A particularly successful combination of such meat with steamed rice, fresh vegetables, lettuce, fried asparagus and garlic.

Products used:

  • 110 ml soy sauce;
  • 70 ml lemon juice;
  • 65 ml sake;
  • 170 g spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 30 g spoonful of ketchup.

Cooking processes:

  1. Heat the sake and half of the required mayonnaise together in a separate container, mix until uniform consistency.
  2. Whisk the remaining delicious mayonnaise with classic ketchup, plain soy sauce and spicy spices.

For a sweeter taste, add honey, garlic to the soy sauce marinade. The chicken will then turn out not only soft and supple, but also unobtrusive cloying. Aromatic garlic will add new rich accents to the familiar smell.

Garlic Marinade for Soy Sauce Lovers

It will not be difficult even for a novice cook to prepare such a sauce, because the processes of culinary manipulations are very simple, and the ingredients used are easy to find on store shelves.

Products used:

  • 80 ml soy sauce;
  • 8 cloves of garlic, grated;
  • 65 ml of olive oil;
  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper.

Whisk together the ingredients needed to create the marinade in a small bowl. Additional spices rosemary, dill, parsley, paprika or hot peppers Chile.

From improvised materials: thick sauce for soft meat

The next variation of the marinade is spicy. Adding that spicy spiciness to chicken meat is possible with a primitive combination of simple ingredients, more than half of which you probably already have in your kitchen.

Products used:

  • 75 ml of olive oil;
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 25 ml oyster sauce;
  • 12 g mustard;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • ½ chili pepper;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • ginger, cilantro.

Cooking processes:

  1. Mix mustard and egg yolks, slowly add oil, stirring constantly, turning everything into mayonnaise.
  2. Season the resulting mass with salt, pepper, powdered ginger.
  3. Cut the hot chili pepper into cubes, chop the garlic clove.
  4. Mix aromatic ingredients with mayonnaise, add soy and oyster sauce.
  5. Mix thoroughly, add spices.

The resulting soy sauce and mustard chicken marinade can be used as a spicy addition to ready-made meat treats. The sauce also goes well with assorted vegetables, seafood dishes.

Asian Culinary Traditions: Sweet and Sour Teriyaki

Teriyaki is a must Japanese cuisine. The unusual sauce is actively exploited by chefs to reveal the taste potential of chicken meat, light salads, and fish dishes.

Products used:

  • 80 ml soy sauce;
  • 210 ml of water;
  • 8-9 g ground ginger;
  • 5-7 garlic powder;
  • 130 g brown sugar;
  • 30-50 g of honey;
  • 55 g cornstarch;
  • 60 ml cold water.

Cooking processes:

  1. Mix everything except cornstarch and water in a saucepan, heat.
  2. Corn starch soak in cold water, stir until the component is completely dissolved.
  3. Add to boiling soy sauce.
  4. Cook until mixture thickens to desired consistency.

Marinade for chicken based on soy sauce and honey can be harmoniously diversified by adding pressed garlic, a teaspoon of mustard, a few tablespoons of sweet rice wine.

Spicy improvisation on the theme of Japan - honey-soy marinade

Another simple recipe for creating a fragrant sweet and sour sauce, which deftly fits into the concept of a festive dinner, will be a bright addition to a routine meal.

Products used:

  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 120 g of honey;
  • 28-30 minced peeled ginger;
  • 8 ml of sesame oil;
  • 5-6 g red pepper flakes;
  • 12-15 g toasted sesame seeds.

To make the chicken marinade, mix the soy sauce with all the other ingredients. Season the mass with spicy spices. Leave in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, before use, add fragrant sesame seeds, mix thoroughly.

Spicy garlic marinade based on soy sauce

You can adjust the amount of garlic in this sauce to suit your tastes. This soy-based marinade pairs well with all types of meats, but pairs especially well with chicken.

Products used:

  • 90 ml soy sauce;
  • 5 cloves of garlic (minced);
  • 30 g of ketchup;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 24-28 g honey.
  • 60 ml of a spoon of vinegar;
  • 6-8 black pepper;
  • 12-15 g oregano (dried);
  • 2-3 green onion stalks (finely chopped)

Cooking processes:

  1. Mix vegetable oil with honey, ketchup and soy sauce.
  2. Add remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly.
  3. Set aside for 10-15 minutes.

How to use correctly? Red meat should be marinated for 4-12 hours, poultry within 2-6 hours, seafood and vegetables within 1 hour. Store the soy sauce chicken marinade in an airtight container for up to five days.

Chicken marinated in soy sauce and mustard

Surprise guests and household with an exquisite variation of the usual meat marinade! Such a sauce appetizingly emphasizes the natural taste of chicken, adds new accents to the delicate texture of the fillet.

Products used:

  • 180 ml soy sauce;
  • 60 ml red wine;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 30 g dry mustard;
  • 18 g of onion powder;
  • 5-8 g of garlic powder;
  • black pepper.

Whisk together the mustard, soy sauce, vinegar, onion and garlic powders in a large bowl. Add oil, mix thoroughly. Marinate in the refrigerator for 20-28 hours.

Lemon-soy sauce: pleasant sourness in a spicy taste

Great idea for a summer picnic! The marinade is suitable for chicken kebab, green vegetable salad, potato side dish. Use thyme, sage and basil as spices.

Products used:

  • 380 ml of water;
  • 210 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 medium lemon;
  • 110 g golden brown sugar;
  • 90 g chopped green onions;
  • chicken legs or wings.

Cooking processes:

  1. Place the chicken in a bowl along with the soy sauce and green onion.
  2. Add brown sugar and squeeze lemon juice, you can also use lemon peel and whole slices citrus fruit.
  3. Add water, stir lightly.
  4. Refrigerate for an hour (24 hours is better for best results).

Bake or in the oven. Serve with leftover fragrant green onion stalks, lemon slices. Soy sauce in this chicken marinade plays a key role, but it can be replaced with red wine, balsamic vinegar.

Salted chicken wings glazed in honey and mustard

This honey mustard soy glaze is absolutely perfect for crispy chicken wings, fragrant barbecue or fried fillet! This marinade is also suitable for pork and beef.

Products used:

  • 80 g Dijon mustard;
  • 8-9 g teaspoon of dry mustard;
  • 50 ml of vinegar;
  • 45 g brown sugar;
  • ½ cup honey;
  • 30 ml soy sauce;
  • 25 ml sesame oil.

This is an easy chicken marinade recipe. Soy sauce, honey and mustard should be mixed in a small saucepan. Add vinegar, brown sugar and sesame oil to the ingredients. Fragrant Blend bring to a boil, then reduce the heat, cook for the next 3-4 minutes.

If you want to marinate chicken skewers deliciously, then this is not at all difficult. Most likely, you have soy sauce at home. In this article, I will tell you a few marinades based on it to marinate the kebab with what you already have in the refrigerator, for example, tomato paste or lemon.

And every housewife will definitely have a bow. My favorite marinade is with honey and soy sauce, but it's not for everybody.

This oriental sauce replaces salt, makes meat more juicy and tasty. And in combination with additional simple ingredients, you can get a wonderful barbecue.

Soy sauce will add to your meat not only taste, but also beneficial properties, because it is rich in vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants.

And if you want to complement the picnic with pork skewers, read this. You will find a few more delicious chicken marinades, and recipes using mayonnaise - in.

Classic Soy Sauce Marinade Recipe

This is the easiest chicken skewers marinade - all you need is onion and soy sauce and the result is great!


  • Chicken (any parts) - 1.5 kg,
  • Onion - 4 pcs.,
  • Soy sauce - 100 ml,
  • Salt, black pepper
  1. Onion cut into half rings.

2. Cut the chicken into suitable pieces for barbecue. Add salt and pepper to taste.

3. Add about one hundred ml of soy sauce. Mix well.

4. Pour in the onion. Mix well.

5. Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours in a cool place, and then fry on the grill.

Chicken thigh skewers. Quick marinade recipe with soy sauce and lemon

Chicken marinated with soy sauce is very tasty, with a spicy spicy flavor and soft. The sauce replaces the salt. And the lemon will give a wonderful aroma. And gives a resemblance to oriental food. We will make barbecue from juicy chicken thighs.


  • Six chicken thighs
  • Red pepper - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • Soy sauce - one hundred gr,
  • One medium lemon
  • two bulbs,
  • One bunch of herbs (parsley, dill or cilantro)
  1. First we prepare the marinade. Chop the dill or parsley.

2. Cut the onion into rings.

3. In a large bowl, mix onion, parsley, one hundred grams of soy sauce, a couple of pinches of red pepper and squeezed lemon juice.

4. Add the chicken to the marinade and mix well. Let it stand for about half an hour.

5. After that, you can fry.

Marinade for chicken skewers in soy sauce with mustard

In Indian cuisine, it is believed that the perfect dish should combine all kinds of tastes: sour, sweet and bitter. This marinade is just that: soy sauce gives sourness, mustard brings its own touch, sugar complements the composition. The main thing is that everything is in harmony.

Although the marinade is a small amount, it is enough for such an amount of meat. You can, of course, increase the amount of marinade if you wish.


  • Chicken (any part, but preferably thighs, drumsticks or wings as the most fatty) - eight hundred grams,
  • Two tablespoons mustard,
  • Two tablespoons soy sauce,
  • One tsp hops-suneli,
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • One tsp powdered sugar
  1. Put two tablespoons of mustard on a plate, add two tablespoons of soy sauce, a teaspoon of suneli hops, a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Squeeze three cloves of garlic through a garlic press.

2. Coat the chicken pieces with marinade and let them marinate for two to three hours.

3. After that, fry on the grill. According to this recipe, you can cook chicken in the oven.

My favorite way to marinate chicken wings. Wings in soy sauce and honey

I do not recommend everyone to marinate chicken wings in this way, because meat with honey is, of course, an amateur. Before you cook at a picnic for friends, you can try at home in a small amount, and see if it suits you or not. I tried to cook it earlier according to a different recipe, but I really didn’t like it, it was just sweet meat. But this recipe is very harmonious and balanced, it turned out, of course, unusual, but very, very tasty. Absolutely new taste for a bored chicken. And be sure to sprinkle the finished kebabs at the end with chopped herbs and finely chopped garlic, as written in the recipe, this gives a special taste and sophistication.


  • Twelve chicken wings
  • Soy sauce - six tablespoons,
  • Sunflower oil - four tablespoons,
  • medium lemon,
  • Three tablespoons honey,
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Greenery.
  1. Cut each wings into three parts, the very tip, where there is little meat, can be thrown away. Although it can be chewed on. Wash and dry with paper towel. Place on a plate. Cut the lemon into two halves, squeeze them and pour the juice over the chicken.

2. Put three tablespoons of honey.

3. Pour in six tablespoons of soy sauce.

4. Mix well. Put in a cool place for three hours.

5. Then fry on the grill (you can also in the oven). While frying, finely chop the garlic and herbs and sprinkle them with ready-made kebabs.

Marinade for chicken skewers with soy sauce and ketchup (or tomato paste)

My favorite part of the chicken is the wings. And today we will marinate them in soy sauce and tomato paste or ketchup. As you know, there are substances in tomatoes that help make the meat softer and juicier, but we will go the easy way and use a paste to achieve the same effect.

When buying tomato paste, pay attention that it contains only tomatoes and salt, nothing else.


  • 1 kilo chicken wings
  • Five cloves of garlic
  • One hundred grams of soy sauce,
  • Salt, black pepper
  • Seasoning for chicken (e.g. corriander seeds, curry),
  • Two tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup
  1. Prepare wings by rinsing under running tap and wiping with paper towels. You can cut off the lower part of the wing where there is no meat.

2. Pour one hundred grams of soy sauce into a bowl. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press there (or finely chop). Add two tablespoons of ketchup or tomato paste. Salt and pepper to taste, add spices.

3. Mix the marinade well.

4. Pour the soy-tomato mixture over the wings, stir and let marinate in a cool place for three hours.

5. Then you can fry the barbecue. The main thing is not to overdry the meat, remove it as soon as it is ready!

Marinade for chicken with soy sauce and mayonnaise

A very simple and very tasty marinade - on mayonnaise with the addition of soy sauce. These simple ingredients make a wonderful chicken kebab. The sauce gives it a savory flavor, while the mayonnaise provides the coating that keeps the meat juicy.


  • Chicken (any parts, but better - wings or legs / drumsticks) - 1 kg,
  • Soy sauce - 150 ml,
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  1. Wash wings and pat dry with paper towels.

2. Add 2-3 tbsp. mayonnaise.


  • Chicken - three breasts (or 750 gr. Fillet)
  • Kefir - 0.5 liters,
  • Onion - 1 pc.,
  • Seasoning for chicken
  • Soy sauce - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. Cut the chicken - remove the skin and separate the fillet from the bones.
  2. Cut into serving pieces.
  3. Onion cut into cubes.
  4. We prepare the marinade - pour about half a liter of kefir from a bowl, add spices, chopped onion and one and a half tablespoons of soy sauce. Mix.
  5. The chicken should marinate for 2.5 hours or overnight. Then fry on the grill.

What's your favorite marinade for chicken skewers?