Pumpkin jam – delight from one spoon. Pumpkin jam recipes, quick and tasty - basic principles of preparation

Dishes from sunny pumpkin on Russian tables - rather the exception than the rule. After all, the pumpkin “variety” mostly consists of rice or millet porridge and puree soup. Sometimes a bright pumpkin is grabbed from the cellar for casseroles or baking, but this is where its active use ends. Why housewives are so unfair to the healthy autumn vegetable is unknown. Let's try to rectify the situation by planning a whole series of simple, quick and tasty pumpkin preparations for the winter.

The most popular among fruit and vegetable desserts “from a jar” are jams, jellies, confitures and marmalade. But pumpkin jam, the recipe for which we will publish below, is unrivaled in all respects. With orange and lemon, with ginger and dried apricots, through a meat grinder, in a slow cooker or just on the stove - pumpkin jam can be prepared in any way, as long as the proportions are respected. We'll tell you more about how to cook and how to cook in today's article.

Classic pumpkin jam: a simple recipe with photos

Housewives’ concerns about pumpkin jam are understandable: beginners don’t know how a tough vegetable will behave in such conditions. Although in fact there is nothing wrong with this kind of preparation. The basic rule for canning pumpkin is to select additional ingredients that complement the taste of the main one. And, meanwhile, there are many of them - citrus fruits, mint, rosemary, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, anise, nutmeg, fennel, etc. Even in a simple recipe for classic pumpkin jam there is a place for flavoring and aromatic additives.

Necessary ingredients for making classic pumpkin jam recipe with photo

  • sweet pumpkin - 2 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  • large lemons - 2 pcs.
  • vanilla

Step-by-step preparation of pumpkin jam for the winter according to a recipe with photos

  • Take a pumpkin weighing from 2.5 to 3 kg. After cleaning and trimming, the pulp should correspond to the weight indicated in the proportions of the recipe.
  • Cut and peel raw pumpkin not easy. To make your task easier, warm the vegetable in microwave oven 4-5 times for 1 minute.
  • At the last stage, take out main ingredient from the microwave. Cut the pumpkin in half, carefully cutting out the middle with the seeds.
  • On a note! Don't throw away pumpkin seeds. Rinse them thoroughly to remove fibers, dry them in the sun and fry them in a dry frying pan. When prepared, the seeds can be used as an additive in different dishes and baked goods or just eat.

  • Cut the peeled pumpkin pulp into small cubes and add sugar. Leave the bowl with the preparation in the refrigerator for 12-18 hours.
  • After the allotted time, move the pan to the burner and cook the jam until done. Check the consistency by cooling a small part of the workpiece on a flat plate.
  • If the thickness is suitable, remove the pan from the stove and immediately distribute the contents into sterile jars of a convenient volume. Use a wide-mouth funnel to avoid burning your hands. Ready-made classic pumpkin jam simple recipe with the photo, turn the lids to the bottom and cover with a warm blanket.
  • Quick pumpkin jam with orange and lemon: a recipe for winter

    Pumpkin - interesting vegetable not only with its bizarre curvaceous forms, but also with its inner world. Or rather, the vitamin and mineral composition. Quick pumpkin jam for the winter with oranges and lemons is considered one of the most beneficial for the immune system and gastrointestinal tract. Carotene and pectin remove heavy cholesterol, B vitamins strengthen nerves, skin and hair. And citrus fruits in the recipe enhance the body’s protective functions.

    Necessary ingredients for quick pumpkin-citrus jam for the winter

    • ripe pumpkin - 1.5 kg
    • large oranges - 2 pcs.
    • lemon - 1 pc.
    • sugar - 800 g
    • drinking water - 1 l
    • grated ginger - 50 g
    • cinnamon powder - 1 tsp.

    Step-by-step preparation of pumpkin, lemon and orange jam according to a quick recipe for the winter

  • Choose a pumpkin from the sweet orange varieties - Golden Pear, Arabatskaya, Novinka, Zhemchuzhina, Prikubanskaya, etc.
  • Cut off all the peel from the vegetable, remove the seeds with the inner fibrous mass. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces of any shape.
  • Wash oranges and lemon thoroughly, rinse hot water. Cut the citrus fruits into the same pieces as the pumpkin and mix the ingredients in a saucepan.
  • Make syrup from water, sugar, grated ginger and cinnamon. Pour boiling liquid over the bulk of the prepared components. Cook the jam over low heat for 1-1.5 hours.
  • On a note! Do not forget to remove the foam from the boiling workpiece in a timely manner. Most often, it is the ignored foam that causes the jar to “explode.”

  • Ready quick jam from pumpkin with orange and lemon according to the recipe for the winter, roll up in sterile turnkey jars. Turn the container with the treat upside down until it cools completely.
  • Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon: video recipe for a slow cooker

    Bright pumpkin jam with lemon and oranges, prepared in a slow cooker, is the best opportunity to enjoy the gifts of sunny summer and warm autumn in the middle of winter. In this preparation, pumpkin plays the role of a base component, so the structure of the dessert is tender and creamy. And citrus fruits give the delicacy a wonderful aroma and a light sweet and sour note.

    Watch the quickest way to make pumpkin jam with orange and lemon in this video recipe for a slow cooker:

    Delicious pumpkin and apple jam through a meat grinder

    Because pumpkin sweet vegetable, it fits more harmoniously into dessert preparations, rather than into salty snacks. There are, of course, many recipes in which the “queen of the fields” is marinated in spicy sauces, but there are many more options for jam. For example, our delicious jam from pumpkin and apples, minced. In tandem with sweet or sweet and sour apples Boiled pumpkin turns into the best off-season food for kids - tasty, healthy, with a delicate, uniform consistency.

    Necessary ingredients for delicious pumpkin jam with apples through a meat grinder

    • pumpkin – 1 kg
    • sweet apples – 1 kg
    • sugar - 1.5 kg
    • citric acid - 1 pinch
    • cinnamon

    Step-by-step preparation of pumpkin-apple jam through a meat grinder

  • Wash fruits and vegetables in cold water. Peel the pumpkin and remove seeds, cut off the top skin of the apples and remove the core.
  • Cut the main ingredients into small pieces. Pass the pumpkin and apples through a meat grinder.
  • Transfer the mixture to enamel pan, add cinnamon, sugar and citric acid.
  • Delicious pumpkin and apple jam through a meat grinder requires long cooking over low heat. Since the main ingredients release copious amounts of juice during heat treatment, the product will have to evaporate for a long time.
  • Boil the fruit and vegetable delicacy for 2-3 hours, skimming off the foam regularly. Then check to see if it is the desired consistency.
  • Pour the finished jam into pre-steamed jars and roll under tin lids. Keep winter treats cool and away from direct sunlight.
  • Dry pumpkin jam - quick and tasty recipes

    "Dry" type of pumpkin jam according to our quick and delicious recipe allows you to use even damaged fruits for harvesting. Since the vegetable in this version passes heat treatment several times, spoiled areas can simply be cut off without fear for the quality of the future delicacy.

    Ingredients needed for instant dry pumpkin jam

    • ripe pumpkin – 1 kg
    • orange - 2 pcs.
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • citric acid - 2 tsp.
    • powdered sugar

    Step-by-step preparation of dry pumpkin jam according to a quick recipe with photos

  • For making dry jam, choose pumpkins that are not the most juicy varieties. This will make cooking much easier.
  • Peel the selected vegetable from the peel and seeds, cut the fruit into 2 cm x 4 cm pieces. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan and cover with sugar.
  • Zest half an orange into the pan. Cut the remaining fruit into cubes along with the peel and the rest of the mixture. Mix all ingredients and place the bowl in the refrigerator overnight.
  • The next morning, boil the preparation for 5-7 minutes after boiling. When the mixture has cooled, boil again. Repeat the process 3 times.
  • Using a slotted spoon, carefully scoop out the pumpkin pieces and place them in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Dry the treat for 2-3 days in a warm place (on the stove, in the sun, etc.).
  • Pour dry pumpkin jam according to the recipe quickly and tasty powdered sugar so that all the pieces are dusted.
  • Store the dessert in a vacuum sealed container in a cool place.
  • Pumpkin jam with dried apricots, ginger and cinnamon: step-by-step recipe

    We can offer real gourmets an extraordinary step-by-step recipe. ginger jam from pumpkin, dried apricots and cinnamon. Its taste is amazingly subtle and delicate, its aroma is rich in dozens of combinations, and its consistency is light and airy, similar to tender fruit puree. It’s a pity to mix such a preparation with something else. It is better to enjoy its delights by scooping a teaspoon from a transparent bowl.

    Necessary ingredients for pumpkin jam with dried apricots, ginger and cinnamon

    • pumpkin - 2 kg
    • dried apricots - 800 g
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • lemon - 1 pc.
    • fresh ginger - 1 piece
    • cinnamon sticks - 2 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation of pumpkin and dried apricot jam with ginger and cinnamon

  • Prepare ripe pumpkin: Wash, peel and cut into small pieces.
  • Wash the dried apricots, dry with paper towels and cut into 3-4 pieces.
  • Cover the pumpkin pieces with sugar and leave for 4-6 hours to release enough juice.
  • Place the pan with the main ingredient on the burner and cook for 20 minutes after boiling, stirring hourly.
  • After a third of an hour, add dried apricots and grated ginger to the base. Add lemon juice and two cinnamon sticks. Continue cooking for another 20-30 minutes.
  • Wash small jars and heat them in the oven. Boil the lids.
  • Fill a sterile container with a hot treat and roll it under the tin lids with a special key.
  • Store pumpkin jam with dried apricots, ginger and cinnamon until step by step recipe away from heat and bright daylight.
  • Vitamin jam from pumpkin with dried apricots and orange: recipe with video

    Autumn rewards diligent owners not only with a heap of bright leaves and an abundance of sweet fruits, but also with a full variety of pumpkins. This means that vitamin-rich pumpkin jam with oranges and dried apricots is another useful late-autumn gift. Such a treat always seems to be not enough. I want to roll it up again and again. And since pumpkin is an affordable product of impressive size, there is no need to skimp.

    Prepare vitamin jam from pumpkin with dried apricots and orange according to the recipe with video, and enjoy the amazing gift of golden autumn all winter.

    It can be a shame for the sunny bright orange pumpkin. After all, it has long been ready to reveal all the delights of its taste, aroma and benefits, but for some reason housewives are in no hurry to take advantage of them. But pumpkin jam, the recipe for which you saw above, is a tasty and quick winter treat for children, teenagers, adults and even the elderly. Pumpkin jam through a meat grinder with orange, lemon, ginger and dried apricots is easy to prepare, easy to cook and easy to store.

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    Not everyone likes the taste of pumpkin, but this is absolutely not the case with jam made from this vegetable. In combination with lemon and orange, pumpkin jam acquires an interesting flavor and rich amber color, and the jam will become not only your favorite treat, but also healthy dish on the winter table.

    In addition, winter pumpkin jam with lemon is very easy to prepare and requires only a few ingredients. For cooking healthy treats you will need the following products:

    • Pumpkin – 1kg
    • Large lemon – 1 pc.
    • Sugar – 1kg

    From this amount of products you will get one and a half liters of jam. If you want to preserve more, you need to increase the proportion of ingredients.

    How to make pumpkin jam with lemon for the winter

    1. Let's start cooking the syrup. IN large saucepan pour out the sugar and pour it with a glass of water. Stir and leave to heat over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. The liquid should boil slightly.
    2. While the syrup is preparing, we work on the pumpkin. The vegetable must be washed well, peeled and seeds removed, and the pulp cut into medium-sized cubes.
    3. We wash the lemon, scald it and also cut it into cubes. There is no need to remove the peel. After this, the citrus is crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder.
    4. When the syrup begins to actively boil, add pumpkin and lemon to it and stir.
    5. The jam needs to simmer for at least an hour. The syrup should become liquid and the pumpkin should become transparent. After this, the jam can be poured into pre-prepared (washed, sterilized and dry) jars and rolled up.

    Some useful tips:

    • The saucepan for syrup should be large (minimum volume - three liters) and with a thick bottom so that the sugar does not burn while preparing the syrup.
    • Choose bright orange pumpkin for jam. It has a richer taste.
    • If you don't have a blender or meat grinder, you can grind the lemon through a sieve.

    You can also make so-called “raw” jam. It is also very simple to prepare:

    1. Two kilograms of peeled pumpkin pulp is cut into oblong slices.
    2. Peel two lemons and grind them in a meat grinder or blender.
    3. Mix the pumpkin-lemon mixture, add 1.7 kg of sugar and mix thoroughly.
    4. Jam does not require cooking. You just need to let it sit in a warm place until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    5. After that aromatic mixture Place in pre-sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

    Winter pumpkin jam with lemon and orange

    Above is basic recipe, but orange will help make it even tastier. Here is a recipe for pumpkin jam with lemon and orange for the winter.

    Required products:

    • Pumpkin – 1 kg
    • Orange – 1 pc.
    • Large lemon – 1 pc.
    • Sugar – 200 g (1 glass)

    The procedure for making jam is as follows:

    1. We wash the pumpkin and remove the peel and seeds. Wash the lemon and orange.
    2. Let's start cutting the ingredients. We cut the pumpkin into cubes, and first pour boiling water over the lemon and orange and also chop them into cubes along with the peel.
    3. Pour all the ingredients into an enamel pan and cover them with sugar. Pumpkin and citrus fruits must be mixed and left in a container until the juice appears.
    4. After the juice appears, set the saucepan to heat over low heat. Bring to a boil and cook for another ten minutes, stirring constantly. Then we pour it into sterilized jars and seal with boiled lids. It is better to turn the jam upside down and wrap it in a blanket so that the ingredients mix.

    This jam is suitable as a dessert, and if you add gelatin or another thickener to it, it will become the basis for jelly or an element of cake decoration. These desserts are very tasty and healthy. If you make pumpkin jam with lemon and orange for the winter, you will get not only a sweet treat, but also sweet, affordable vitamins.

    Pumpkin jam is unusual and very tasty treat. It does not require standing near a hot stove for a long time; just boil it for 10-20 minutes and roll it into jars. Absolutely any type of pumpkin, even unsweetened ones, is suitable for this jam. Can be added to the pan citrus fruit, barberry, sour apple - 1-2 such fruits will give the jam an interesting fruity shade. Or you can get by with just pumpkin and cinnamon.


    Pumpkin- 1 kg

    Sugar- 1 kg

    Orange, lemon or tangerine (optional)— lemon 1 piece, orange 2 pieces or tangerines 500 grams

    Barberry- 1 tbsp

    Cinnamon— 0.5 — 1 tsp/l

    How to make pumpkin jam

    1. We cut off the peel from the pumpkin, wash it and cut it into small cubes 1 by 1 cm. The pumpkin cooks quickly, so even if you cut it into thick slices, it will still soften quickly.

    . Pour the pumpkin into an enamel pan (you can also use stainless steel), add sugar, stir and heat.

    Gradually, the sugar will begin to melt, the pumpkin will soften and give juice, the jam will become liquid and boil.

    4. Add a small pinch of cinnamon; orange, tangerines or lemon; barberry. Let the jam simmer over medium heat for 10-20 minutes.

    . If you need to achieve a thick jam consistency, then boil longer.

    During the boiling process, a foam of amazing taste will form on the surface of the jam. It must be removed and placed in a separate glass. The jam foam is in some way a separate dish, a by-product of the jam, but very tasty. At the end of the cooking process we will have amazing amber jam with deep aroma. All that remains is to steam the jar and lid, pour the jam into it and roll it up.

    Delicious pumpkin jam is ready

    Bon appetit!

    Pumpkin jam recipes

    A delicious delicacy for lovers of radiant color, pumpkin jam recipes for which have long been circulating on the Internet and are very popular among housewives preparing for the winter.

    A delicious treat - pumpkin jam or jam - can be prepared with the most interesting and unusual additives. For example, with ginger root, berries and other fruits, a variety of seasonings, honey, regular or brown sugar, poppy seeds, dried fruits.

    Pumpkin is very healthy, especially in combination with lemon or oranges, and is also completely harmless to the figure, and if you make jam without adding sugar (this is also possible :) it will become great dessert for those losing weight. Pumpkin is rich in carotene, as well as potassium and magnesium; consuming a product such as pumpkin jam with lemon will saturate the body with vitamins and elements that strengthen the immune system.

    Pumpkin jam with orange

    • Pumpkin – 1 kilogram.
    • Orange – 2 large pieces.
    • Sugar – 700 grams.

    We start by peeling the pumpkins and oranges. You need to get rid of the seeds, and then cut the fruits into small cubes. Let's take a large saucepan where we put the ingredients, then sprinkle everything with sugar and leave it in a dark place, somewhere on the balcony, for the whole night under a lid.

    This recipe for pumpkin jam with orange says - put the contents of the pan on the fire, cook until foam appears, which can be skimmed off with a slotted spoon, and cool the jam. When it cools down, put it back on the fire and cook over low heat for another hour, then cool, roll into jars and store in a cool, dark place.

    Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

    • Pumpkin – 2 kilograms.
    • Oranges – 3 pieces.
    • Lemons – 2 pieces.
    • Sugar or honey - optional and to taste.

    First of all, you need to wash the food, then peel the pumpkin and cut it, along with lemons and oranges, which we will not peel. Mix the fruit and sugar and place on medium heat to simmer for 10 minutes. After which you need to leave it under the lid so that the jam cools, then boil again for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then we remove it, and after an hour you can put it in pre-sterilized jars, screw on the lids and you can put it in the underground.

    This jam is not only healthy, but also dietary, if you put honey in it as a sweetener and do not use sugar, it is ideal as a dessert for those losing weight.

    Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

    • Pumpkin – 3 kilograms.
    • Dried apricots – 1 kilogram.
    • Honey – 300 grams of liquid linden honey.

    The pumpkin needs to be peeled and cut into small cubes, then mixed with sugar and placed on slow fire for 20 minutes. Cut the dried apricots the way you like best, either into large pieces, cutting them in half, or into four to six pieces. This recipe for pumpkin jam does not oblige you to add dried apricots of any particular shape; if you cut them into small cubes, you will get an amber jam, from which you can make a tasty and healthy jelly in winter.

    Add dried apricots to the pumpkin with sugar, cook for an hour over low heat, leave to stand for several hours, close in sterilized jars and roll up the lids, put in the basement until convenient.

    Pumpkin and apricot jam

    • Pumpkin – 3 kilograms.
    • Apricots – 1 kilogram.
    • Orange – 1 piece.
    • Lemon – 1 piece.
    • Sugar – 1.5 kilograms.
    • Vanilla, stick – 1 piece.
    • Dry wine, white – 200 milliliters.
    • Rum – 50 grams.
    • Water – 200 milliliters.

    From this quantity the product produces 1,200 grams of jam. That is, for 6 small jars of 200 grams. We only need the zest from the orange, and the juice from the lemon. This means we finely chop the orange peel and squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes. In a large bowl, layer: pumpkin, orange zest and sugar until the ingredients are gone. Everything needs to be watered on top lemon juice, cover with a lid and leave overnight.

    The next day, you need to wash and peel the apricots, then cut them into cubes, add wine and water, a vanilla stick, as well as the pumpkin mixture, and simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Turn it off, pour in the rum, stir, leave to cool slightly and you can put it in jars.

    Pumpkin jam in a slow cooker

    • Citric acid – 1 teaspoon.
    • Sugar – 300 grams.

    Peel and grate the pumpkin coarse grater. Then sprinkle with sugar, mix well, and place in the slow cooker for two hours in the “stew” mode. During the stewing process, the pumpkin should be stirred with a wooden spoon. Turn it off and add citric acid to the still hot jam and mix again.

    We sterilize the jars and prepare the lids, lay out the jam, roll it up and leave it in a dark place until it cools, after which it can be stored in the refrigerator.

    Pumpkin jam with ginger and poppy seeds

    • Fresh ginger root – 7 cm.
    • Lemon – 1 piece.
    • Poppy seed – 1 tablespoon.
    • Sugar – 0.5 kilograms

    The peeled pumpkin should be cut into thin strips, not very long, add sugar to it and squeeze out the juice of one lemon. Mix everything well, put it in a large saucepan and leave it overnight so that the pumpkin releases its juice.

    The next day you need to put a pan with raw jam and bring to a boil, then cover, remove from heat and leave for at least 5 hours.

    Cut the ginger root into thin strips, like pumpkin, add to the rest of the ingredients, mix and put on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring lightly. Then remove, cover with a lid, and leave for at least 4 hours.

    Let's prepare the poppy seeds: fry the poppy seeds in a dry frying pan for 5 minutes. Now add poppy seeds to the jam, leave on medium heat for 40 minutes, stirring. Close in prepared jars and store in the refrigerator.

    Pumpkin jam with honey

    Ideal option for raw foodists. No need to cook, it turns out to be cold jam.

    • Peeled pumpkin – 1 kilogram.
    • Honey – 7 tablespoons.
    • Lemon – 1 piece.
    • Freshly ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon.

    Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes, wash the lemon well and cut into small portions. Let's pass our fruits through a meat grinder or blender. Make the consistency like baby puree from fruits, adding liquid linden honey, and mix very well until the mixture becomes completely homogeneous.

    Add cinnamon at the very end, mix a little again and put in small jars, hide in the refrigerator.

    Pumpkin jam with apples

    • Apples – 1 kilogram.
    • Apple juice – 120 milliliters.
    • Peeled pumpkin – 1 kilogram.
    • Lemon – 1 piece.
    • Sugar – 700 grams.
    • Ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg - to taste.

    Pumpkin pulp should be cut into cubes and cooked, adding half a glass of water, over medium heat for 15 minutes. While the pumpkin is cooking, you need to peel the apples and cut them into cubes, then add them to the pumpkin. Stir and add the juice that is squeezed from the lemon, mix again, and after 15 minutes puree with a blender. Leave on the fire for another 10 minutes, adding sugar and seasonings. Stir and turn off after the allotted time.

    Place the jam in sterilized jars and roll up the lids, hide in the refrigerator or basement.

    Frozen pumpkin jam

    • Frozen pumpkin – 0.5 kilograms.
    • Apple cider vinegar – 1 teaspoon.
    • Sugar – 100 grams.

    Thaw the pumpkin and cut it into small cubes, put it in a saucepan and boil until ready in a small amount of water, which we drain after boiling. Cool slightly, add sugar and cook for another half hour - 40 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. The jam is ready, you can cool it or try it hot, store it in jars and in the refrigerator or use it immediately, make tarts from it and put it in cheesecakes.

    Pumpkin and zucchini jam

    • Peeled pumpkin – 1 kilogram.
    • Zucchini – 800 grams.
    • Lemon – 150 grams.
    • Dried apricots – 200 grams.
    • Raisins – 150 grams.
    • Sugar – 1.5 kilograms.
    • Water – 2 glasses.

    Wash the dried fruits well and then leave them in boiling water for 20 minutes. Then drain the boiling water and rinse the food well. The lemon must be peeled, the zest grated, and the lemon must be cleared of seeds and all excess.

    We cut pumpkin, zucchini and lemon, as well as dried apricots into pieces, which we then pass through a meat grinder. Then mix all the products in a large saucepan, add raisins and sugar, mix again, add finely grated lemon zest. Place on low heat and bring to a boil for an hour. Constantly stir the pumpkin jam and use a slotted spoon to remove the foam from above. The pumpkin porridge should become thicker; after cooking, you need to pour the jam into jars and roll up the lids, then turn them upside down and leave until the contents have cooled. Store in the basement or refrigerator.

    Pumpkin jam recipe with sea buckthorn

    • Peeled pumpkin – 1.5 kilograms.
    • Sea buckthorn – 1 kilogram.
    • Orange zest – 15 grams of peel.
    • Sugar – 0.5 kilograms.
    • Nutmeg – 0.5 teaspoon.

    Wash and dry the sea buckthorn berries well, and then pass them through a juicer, or squeeze the juice in a different way, you can through cheesecloth, or as you know how. In a large saucepan, you need to heat the sea buckthorn juice over low heat, add sugar there and keep it on the fire until completely dissolved. Then cut the pumpkin into small square pieces. And when the sugar melts, you need to add the chopped pumpkin and cook the jam until the pieces become transparent.

    Add orange zest (finely grated orange peel) to the pumpkin and boil for another 20 minutes. The jam should be constantly stirred so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan, and at the end of cooking, add a little nutmeg and turn it off until it cools.

    Let's prepare, sterilize the jars, put the jam in them, roll them up and put them upside down until they cool completely. Then we hide it in the basement. This jam is incredibly healthy, especially in winter time when there is nothing else to recharge the immune system so quickly. A spoonful of this jam in your tea and you’ll get the flu like never before.

    Pumpkin, apple, lingonberry and cinnamon jam

    • Pumpkin – 1.5 peeled fruits.
    • Lingonberries – 20 grams.
    • Apples "Antonovka" - 1 kilogram.
    • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.
    • Sugar – 700 grams.

    Take your favorite variety of pumpkin, peel the fruit and remove seeds, cut into small cubes, place in a saucepan and add sugar, stir, leave until the morning and overnight so that the pumpkin releases juice.

    The next day, place the pan over medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring if the contents begin to stick to the bottom of the pan. After this time, remove the container with jam from the heat, cool, and then put it back on low heat.

    Apples need to be peeled and seeded, cut into small pieces, added to the pumpkin, boil for another half hour until the apples are cooked, when they are soft, pour in the lingonberries, cook for 10 minutes, bring the pumpkin jam recipe to a boil.

    When the jam is almost ready, add cinnamon, mix well, let cool completely, and transfer to pre-sterilized jars. Roll up and hide in the cellar, serve with hot white toast and a piece of butter.

    Jam – spiced pumpkin jam

    • Pumpkin, peeled – 1 kilogram.
    • Sugar – 1 glass.
    • Ginger, fresh. Root – 20 grams.
    • Cinnamon stick – 1 piece.
    • Allspice peas - 5 pieces.
    • Cloves – 5 pieces.
    • Nutmeg, ground – 0.5 teaspoon.
    • Apple cider vinegar - 3 tablespoons.

    Make a syrup from sugar and water, with the addition of apple cider vinegar (half the indicated dose). Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, 1 centimeter each. Then mix the syrup with the chopped fruits and boil for 10 minutes. After this time, turn off the heat and drain the excess liquid.

    We put the spices in a homemade gauze bag, add it to the pan and put the jam back on the fire for 1 hour over low heat, then take out the bag, grind the contents of the pan with a blender, add nutmeg, mix and keep on the fire for another 5 minutes. Then cool and put into jars, roll up and store in the basement.

    Is pumpkin jam a delicious fall dessert? Is it possible to also make confiture with jam from pumpkin? Read the article, you will find answers to these questions.

    Have you heard of plum, strawberry, lemon or apple jam? With a high probability you can answer: “Yes, we heard!” You may have even tried some of the types of jam listed. But do you know about pumpkin jam? Or about pumpkin confiture? And this also happens.

    Pumpkin jam, marmalade and confiture are especially aromatic and moderately sweet. They have a rich orange color and a pleasant consistency.

    Pumpkin jam with orange, recipe

    This jam will warm you up in moments of autumn blues, cold weather and will a great addition to a cup of hot aromatic coffee in the morning. Be sure to make this jam if you value home comfort, warmth and a good atmosphere.

    Pumpkin and orange jam. Recipe No. 1


    • pumpkin - 2 kg
    • granulated sugar - 2 kg
    • water - 2 glasses of 200 ml
    • oranges - 4 pieces


    • Peel the pumpkin very well from pulp, threads, seeds, peel
    • Pour boiling water over the oranges to remove the bitterness. Peel and blend in a blender until smooth.
    • Do sugar syrup, mixing water, sugar and boiling to a very liquid jam
    • Pour the still hot sweet syrup over the pumpkin cubes and leave in a dark place for 2-3 hours so that the pumpkin is saturated with sugar and becomes sweet.
    • Cook the pumpkin soaked in syrup over low heat. Boil for 20 minutes
    • Add orange puree, cook for another 20 minutes
    • Place the jam in sterile jars and roll up

    Pumpkin and orange jam. Recipe No. 2


    • pumpkin – 1.5 kg
    • sugar - 1.5 kg
    • orange - 200 g
    • water - 200 ml


    • Prepare the pumpkin as in the previous recipe
    • Cut the autumn vegetable into small cubes
    • Peel the orange and remove the seeds. Sometimes it is necessary to remove white partitions
    • Puree the orange in a blender
    • Place pumpkin, orange puree, and sugar in layers in a saucepan with a thick and wide bottom, alternating them. Layer height no more than 2 cm
    • Place in a dark, warm place for 20 minutes.
    • Pour water over the contents of the pan after the time has elapsed. Cook the jam over low heat, stirring frequently, for 35 minutes, then distribute into jars and seal

    Pumpkin jam with lemon for the winter

    If pumpkin and orange jam are most pleasant to eat in rainy autumn, then pumpkin-lemon jam is relevant cold winter. It contains many vitamins, including vitamin C, which is essential in the winter months to avoid catching a cold.

    Pumpkin and lemon jam. Recipe No. 1


    • pumpkin - 2 kg
    • lemon - 300 g
    • sugar - 1.5 kg
    • cloves, cardamom or cinnamon - 2 boxes or sticks


    • Remove the pumpkin from seeds, all pulp with white threads, peel, cut into medium cubes
    • Cover the pumpkin with granulated sugar and leave for 3-6 hours in a dark place at room temperature (can be a little warmer)
    • Cut the lemon into the same cubes, remove the seeds
    • Add lemon and all the spices (but you can do without them) to the pan with the pumpkin cubes and sugar and cook for 30 minutes.
    • After cooking, remove cinnamon sticks and clove pods.
    • Pour the jam into jars and roll up

    Pumpkin and lemon jam. Recipe No. 2


    • pumpkin – 1.5 kg
    • sugar - 0.8 kg
    • lemon – 200 g
    • water - 200 ml


    • Free the pumpkin from pulp, peel, seeds and threads, cut into cubes with an edge of 1-1.5 cm
    • Next, you need to grind the pumpkin through a meat grinder, or beat it in a blender to make a puree. You can pre-bake the pumpkin, boil it or simmer it in a frying pan, adding a little water to make it soft
    • Beat the lemon into a puree, after removing the seeds
    • Combine sugar, pumpkin and lemon puree, cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly
    • During the cooking process the jam will become quite transparent.
    • Pour into jars and roll up

    Liquid pumpkin-lemon jam for winter

    Pumpkin jam with lemon and ginger

    This jam will be useful for mothers, because children get sick so often. This is a real vitamin mixture, a bomb against colds.

    Ginger adds a special piquancy to the jam, a touch of spiciness and a divine aroma.

    Attention! The jam is prepared in a cold way!


    • pumpkin – 500 g
    • lemon – 150 g
    • honey (liquid) – 250 g
    • ginger – 150 g
    • spices (cinnamon, cardamom, black allspice, nutmeg) - to taste


    • Remove the pumpkin from seeds, peel, threads, cut into cubes with 2 cm edges, twist through a meat grinder or puree in a blender
    • Grind the lemon through a meat grinder, or simply grind it finely in a blender, removing the seeds. Leave the peel
    • Finely grate the ginger along with the peel
    • Connect pumpkin puree, honey, ginger, lemon and spices, mix
    • Place the pumpkin jam in sterile jars and close the lids tightly.
    • It is better to store this pumpkin jam in the refrigerator, cellar or any other cool place.

    Note to housewives! Ginger can be added to any pumpkin jam given in that article. You just need to add it at the very end, just before pouring into jars. Otherwise, it will lose all its properties.

    Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

    Orange and lemon are often used together in jam, the former adding sweetness and the latter adding aroma. Plus, they both go well with pumpkin. This jam goes very well with pancakes, cheesecakes and not very sweet buns!

    Pumpkin jam is a wonderful addition to a sandwich.

    Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon. Recipe No. 1


    • pumpkin – 700 g
    • lemon – 100 g
    • orange - 200 g
    • water - 100 ml
    • sugar - 500 g


    • Prepare pumpkin as described in earlier recipes, grind to puree
    • Peel, seed and cut oranges
    • Peel lemons only from seeds, cut
    • Combine oranges and lemons, beat until pureed.
    • Combine pumpkin with sugar and fruit, let stand for 1 hour
    • Cook the fruit and vegetable mixture for at least 15 minutes, let cool completely
    • Boil the future jam again and boil again for 15 minutes, adding 100 ml of water
    • Pour into clean jars and seal

    Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon. Recipe No. 2


    • pumpkin – 500 g
    • oranges - 200 g
    • lemons - 100 g
    • sugar - 500 g
    • water - 200 ml


    • Remove the pumpkin from peel, seeds, threads, cut into cubes with an edge of about 1.5-2 cm and bake in the oven until very soft.
    • Meanwhile, pour boiling water over the oranges, peel them, cut them into strips, add sugar, add water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave covered for 2-3 hours
    • Chop the oranges themselves, remove the seeds and grind in a blender
    • While the orange-sugar mixture is brewing, grind the lemon together with the peel, but without the seeds, in a blender
    • Beat the pumpkin puree in a blender if necessary.
    • Combine pumpkin and lemon puree, add the mixture to the syrup with oranges, mix. cook for about 20 minutes
    • Pour into jars prepared in advance, roll up

    Pumpkin confiture with orange and lemon

    Confiture differs from preserves, jam and marmalade in that it is a jelly-like mass with pieces of fruit. It is similar to jam, but still different.

    Making confiture from pumpkin is more than possible. It's no more difficult to prepare regular jam, jam or jam.


    • pumpkin – 600 g
    • sugar - 400 g
    • orange - 200 g
    • lemon – 100 g


    • Prepare the pumpkin as usual for jam, cut into small cubes
    • Divide the sugar in half
    • Add the first half to the pumpkin and leave for at least 6 hours.
    • Wash the oranges very well, cook over very low heat in a saucepan with water for about 2 hours
    • Remove the oranges from the water, cool, and cut into small cubes along with the peel.
    • Do not drain the orange decoction, add the remaining half of the sugar, infused pumpkin, and cook for at least an hour over low heat.
    • After an hour, add the chopped orange. Cook for 25-40 minutes
    • Squeeze juice from lemon
    • After the cooking time has passed, add lemon juice to the confiture and pour into jars

    You can add spices to this recipe if you wish: cinnamon, cloves, star anise

    Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon


    • pumpkin - 2 kg
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • orange - 100 g
    • lemon – 100 g
    • cinnamon - 2 sticks
    • cloves - 3-4 inflorescences


    • Prepare the pumpkin in the usual way, grate it on a coarse grater
    • Add sugar to the pumpkin and let it sit for at least an hour.
    • Using a grater, finely grate the zest of the fruit.
    • Chop the fruits and remove the seeds, add to the pumpkin if the latter is infused
    • Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes, then add spices
    • Cook for at least another hour
    • Pour into jars

    Pumpkin jam - special treat for the whole family

    Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

    Pumpkin jam adds variety to any meal. It is thicker than jam and does not flow, so it is perfect for filling pies, muffins, and as a layer for cakes.


    • pumpkin (peeled) - 2 kg
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • lemon – 100 g
    • orange - 100 g


    • Pre-clean the pumpkin. It is important that the weight of the peeled vegetable is 2 kg
    • Grate the pumpkin on a medium grater
    • Place the grated pumpkin in a saucepan with a wide and thick bottom, simmer until it softens
    • After the pumpkin has become soft, you can additionally beat it in a blender or grind it in a food processor
    • Finely chop the lemon, orange too
    • Add sugar, orange, lemon to the chopped pumpkin and cook until pumpkin jam will not become transparent and thick (thicker than jam)
    • You can add cinnamon 10 minutes before the end of cooking, but this step is not necessary.
    • Roll the jam into sterile jars

    Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon is a godsend for those with a sweet tooth!

    Important! You can make this dessert without lemon. Then you will need no more than 5-7 g of lemon acid.

    Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

    Very sweet jam made from pumpkin and dried apricots is an unusual delicacy. This dried fruit is not often put into jam, but in vain! Dried apricots add extra flavor and sweetness to the dessert.

    Making such jam is not difficult. It is usually prepared several times.

    Pumpkin and dried apricot jam. Recipe No. 1


    • pumpkin – 1.2 kg
    • sugar - 800 g
    • dried apricots - 400 g


    • Thoroughly peel the pumpkin so that there are no seeds, remaining peel or fibers.
    • Soak the dried apricots for 1 hour in enough warm water, cut into strips
    • While the dried apricots are soaking, grate the pumpkin using a large-hole grater or grind through a meat grinder
    • In a large saucepan with a thick, wide bottom, combine the pumpkin mixture, sugar and chopped dried apricots. Cook for 5 minutes from the moment it boils
    • Allow the mixture to cool on its own
    • Repeat the procedure 3 times
    • Pour the freshly prepared jam into clean, hot jars and roll up

    Pumpkin and dried apricot jam. Recipe No. 2

    This jam is slightly different from the previous one in that it contains whole pumpkin pieces, and at the end citric acid is added for taste.


    • pumpkin – 1 kg
    • sugar - 800 g
    • dried apricots - 300 g
    • citric acid - 4-5 g


    • Prepare the pumpkin as in all recipes in this article.
    • Cut the pumpkin into cubes with a 2 cm edge
    • Wash dried apricots and cut into cubes
    • Combine all ingredients except citric acid, let stand for at least 3-4 hours
    • Cook the mixture over low heat for at least 30 minutes
    • 4-5 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid and stir
    • Pour into jars

    Apple and pumpkin jam

    Tender and fragrant jam, reminiscent of charlotte and autumn. For this jam, choose juicy apples without sourness, because citric acid or lemon juice will be added at the end.


    • pumpkin – 1.2 kg
    • sugar - 0.8 kg
    • apples – 1.2 kg
    • lemon – 150 g
    • apple juice or water - 200 ml
    • cinnamon - teaspoon or 3-4 sticks


    • Prepare the pumpkin as usual, then cut into cubes
    • Mix pumpkin and water (juice). Cook for 15 minutes until the pumpkin is very soft
    • At this time, peel and cut the apples into cubes
    • Squeeze juice from lemon
    • Combine pumpkin, sugar, apples and lemon juice. Cook for 25 minutes
    • After this time, use an immersion blender to beat the entire mixture
    • Add cinnamon to the future jam, cook for 5 minutes
    • If you added cinnamon sticks, you need to remove them before pouring the jam.
    • Now you can roll up jars of delicious jam

    Pumpkin jam according to Dukan for weight loss

    Is jam for weight loss true? To the great happiness and joy of all those with a sweet tooth who dream of getting rid of a couple of extra pounds, French nutritionist Pierre Dukan has developed a recipe for healthy and dietary pumpkin jam, which can be eaten without the danger of gaining weight.


    • pumpkin – 1 kg
    • water - 1 cup (may not be needed)
    • spices (nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon) - 0.5 teaspoons each
    • citric acid - 3-4 g
    • sweetener - to taste


    • Wash the pumpkin from dust and dirt, remove seeds and pulp, cut into small cubes
    • Place pumpkin cubes in a large saucepan, add water if the pumpkin variety is not very juicy
    • Cook the mixture until soft
    • Puree the pumpkin in a blender until smooth
    • Add sweetener, citric acid, spices
    • You can boil for another 5-7 minutes
    • Pour into sterile jars and store strictly in the refrigerator

    Dukan jam can also be made with whole lemon

    Video: PUMPKIN and APPLE JAM for the Winter! INSANELY DELICIOUS!

    Definitely worth a try winter pumpkin recipes to prepare several jars of delicious pumpkin delicacy - sweet jam and jam with citrus sourness, soft puree for the little ones or useful pumpkin juice for the whole family. Deserves special attention unusual options pickling the pulp or cooking.

    Pumpkin recipes for the winter with photos

    If you want to expand the boundaries of your culinary imagination, we present to your attention unique preparations pumpkin for the winter, finger-licking recipes This sweet marinated snack will decorate any feast.

      Pumpkin pulp - 250 g

      Cinnamon - 2 pinches

      Cloves - 2 pcs.

      Allspice - 2 pcs.

      Natural Apple vinegar 6% - 25 ml

      Water - 500 ml

      Granulated sugar - 50 grams

      Salt - 15 grams

    The indicated amount of ingredients will allow us to prepare one half-liter jar of pickled product for testing; this is quite enough to taste its taste and prepare more next year if the recipe suits your taste.

    First of all, we will start sterilizing the jars, since only in clean containers will your preparations be stored for a long time and not spoil. If we are talking about one half-liter jar that you need to sterilize, then it is convenient to do this using a microwave oven: pour a little water into the jars and turn it on at maximum power for 5-6 minutes.

    We need to peel a piece of pumpkin pulp and also remove the middle if this has not been done previously. We will cut the pulp using a curly cutter with a wavy blade to make the snack look even more unusual and appetizing. For the pumpkin, boil water in a separate pan (wide), place the pumpkin slices in a colander, and then lower the colander into boiling water. Blanch the pumpkin slices in boiling water for four minutes, then immediately transfer them to cold water so that the vegetable cools quickly.

    Place buds of dried cloves and allspice into a jar, add a couple of pinches of cinnamon, and then lay out pumpkin curly slices, filling the jar to the very shoulders. Next, fill them with boiling solution and pour natural vinegar directly into the jar.

    So that pickled vegetables can be stored for more than one year without spoiling at room temperature, you should put finished product for pasteurization, which is carried out in water at a temperature of 90 degrees. For a half-liter container, pasteurization lasts 12 minutes. The water must reach the hangers, and the jar itself must be covered iron lids. When pasteurization is complete, you can hermetically seal our pickled preparations.

    You can add lemon zest to pickled winter pumpkin preparations, recipes allow you to experiment with different additional ingredients, which will give the product a unique aroma.

    Pumpkin caviar for the winter: recipe

    Citrus candied pumpkin. Recipe with step-by-step photos

    In the fall, pumpkins usually appear in the house. If it is not grown or bought, then someone will definitely give it as a gift. But lovers pumpkin porridge and not in every family. Comes to the rescue great recipe natural and healthy sweets- candied fruits.

    To prepare, products are used in the following proportions:

    • - 1 kg.
    • Sugar – 200 gr.
    • Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
    • Orange – 0.5 pcs.
    • Powdered sugar.

    Candied citrus pumpkin – recipe.

    cut, the seeds are taken out. There is no need to throw them away; the seeds can be washed, dried and fried in a frying pan with a small amount vegetable oil and salt.

    The peel is trimmed. It is important that the knife is VERY sharp; a poorly sharpened knife will not cut every pumpkin peel. The pulp is cut into slices. The size is optional, not very large so that the pieces are quickly soaked in syrup, and preferably the same size so that they are cooked at the same time.

    Prepare syrup for candied fruits from 2 glasses of water, 200 g. sugar, zest and juice from half an orange and a lemon. To add a variety of flavors, you can add honey, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger to the syrup.

    When it boils, you can add pieces of pumpkin there. Cooking time depends on the pumpkin variety and degree of ripeness. The main thing at this stage is not to overcook the pumpkin, otherwise you won’t get candied fruits, the pieces will “spread”, and then you will have to prepare pumpkin jam or preserves. About 10 minutes after sending the pumpkin to the syrup, you need to periodically check the degree of readiness.

    As soon as the pumpkin has become soft and soaked in syrup, put it in a colander, do not pour out the syrup, it will be useful for preparing the next portion of candied fruits.

    The pieces are laid out on parchment (baking paper) on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. There they will be dried at a temperature of approximately 40 degrees. The “drying” time is also individual (but, as a rule, no less than 1.5 hours).

    After the oven, the pumpkin pieces look like this.

    That's it, you can roll it in powdered sugar.

    There is only one downside to this recipe - they are eaten much faster than they are cooked. Bon appetit!

    Pickled pumpkin for the winter. Recipe with step-by-step photos

    I would like to introduce you to one very interesting recipepickled pumpkin. Very interesting option for an appetizer or a side dish for meat, even people who don’t recognize it may like it. If you are making pickled pumpkin for the first time, make a couple of small jars, so to speak, for testing.

    When the question arises of choosing a recipe for harvesting a pumpkin harvest, they most often look for a recipe for this or that, jams, candied fruits, in general, sweet options, and often forget that there is great amount recipes for pumpkin snacks, salads and marinades, and they are no less tasty, and in some national cuisines, such dishes are even festive. So, let's prepare pickled pumpkin.

    The ingredients for preparing pickled pumpkin should be taken in the following proportions:

    • 500 g of pumpkin pulp, preference is best given to “winter” varieties of pumpkin with harder pulp;
    • 700 -750 ml of water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 tsp. salt;
    • 2 small cloves of garlic;
    • half a cinnamon stick;
    • 3 pcs. carnations;
    • 3 peas each of allspice and black pepper;
    • 2 small bay leaves;
    • 30 g vegetable or olive oil;
    • 50 g vinegar 9%.

    Pickled pumpkin - recipe

    In a small saucepan, bring water to a boil, add all the spices, sugar and salt, and boil for a couple of minutes. Here we can say that many people do not like floating spices and seasonings in preparations; in this case, at this stage they can be folded into several layers of gauze and tied, then cooked in this form, and before putting the pumpkin into jars, remove it from the marinade.

    It seems to me that the spices look very beautiful in jars, continuing to give off their spicy aromas to the pumpkin, and taking them out after opening the jar is not at all difficult.

    Then put the pumpkin pieces into the marinade, bring to a boil again, and immediately turn off the heat. Remove the pan from the heat and leave until completely cool.

    At this time, you can prepare the jars and lids, wash them and sterilize them in any way convenient for you. When the marinated pumpkin has cooled almost to room temperature, put the pan with it back on the fire, bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar and oil, boil for a couple of minutes, then immediately remove the pan from the heat.

    That’s it, you can start putting the marinated mixture into jars (they should be a little warm so that they don’t burst from the hot marinade). Close or roll up the jars. Like all preparations, leave the jars with pickled pumpkin to cool at room temperature, and it is better to store them in a cool place. Pickled pumpkin for the winter ready. You can eat the preparation in about a week. Hope suggested simple recipe You will like pumpkin preparations.

    Anastasia Dvornikova

    Pumpkin jam with pineapples. Recipe with step-by-step photos

    In years when there is a large pumpkin harvest, when preparing it, you want to make not only those that have been proven and loved by the whole family jams and preserves from pumpkin, but also try something new and unusual. I would like to invite you to try one of the “exotic” recipes that my family really liked.

    It's with pineapple and nutmeg. The recipe was born spontaneously, from the series “made from what I had,” but the jam turned out unexpectedly tasty and beautiful. The pumpkin has acquired a bright fruity and spicy taste, the pumpkin pieces remained intact and did not fall apart, the jam itself in the jar looked simply delicious - transparent pieces of pumpkin and pineapple were floating in the transparent orange syrup. If you are afraid to do a large volume at once pumpkin jam with pineapple, try, for example, 500 gr. pumpkins.

    In general, it is better to adhere to the following proportions when cooking:

    • 1 kg pumpkin pulp;
    • 300 g (more is possible, not less) pineapples, I made it with canned ones, but fresh pineapple is also perfect;
    • half nutmeg;
    • 500 g sugar.

    Pumpkin jam with pineapples - recipe.

    For such jam, it is better to use “winter” pumpkin varieties; their pulp is stronger, and it is more likely that the jam will not turn into jam when cooked. It is preferable to start preparing for cooking this in the evening. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces 1.5-2 cm thick.

    Place the pumpkin pieces in a cup or small saucepan, sprinkle with sugar (use all the sugar). The pumpkin needs to give juice, different varieties It will take different times for pumpkins (from an hour to 3 hours), and any pumpkin will give up its juice overnight, which is why I say that it is better to start in the evening. You can leave the cup with pumpkin at room temperature.

    The next morning, all the pumpkin pieces should be swimming happily in the syrup.

    Place the pumpkin in syrup in a saucepan in which the jam will be cooked. Cut the pineapples into small pieces and place with the pumpkin. Grate half the nutmeg onto the top of the saucepan using a fine grater.

    Place the pan over low heat, bring to a boil and turn off immediately.

    Remove the pan from the heat and let the pumpkin cool to room temperature. When the mixture has cooled completely, put it back on low heat, bring to a boil, and cook for 20 minutes. If foam appears, it must be removed. During this time, you can prepare the jars, wash them and sterilize them. After 20 minutes of cooking, the jam is ready.

    You need to put the jam into jars while it is still hot. Roll up the filled jars or simply close them tightly with lids. Leave the jars in the room until they cool completely, then store them in a cool place.

    If a large volume is being cooked or it will need to be stored for a long time, then add citric acid at the tip of a knife during cooking. A jar of such incredibly beautiful and original jam You can even take it with you on a visit as a present, which your friends will surely appreciate! also you can cook .

    Pumpkin jam with apples. Recipe with photo

    Nowadays, it’s probably not so popular to make jam, because it’s much easier to go to the store and buy ready-made jam for every taste. But many have not yet forgotten that pleasant and delicate taste homemade jam, therefore, occasionally or seasonally, several or several dozen jars of jam from your favorite fruits or berries are closed.

    But if you need to do it very quickly and want to eat it right away, then the recipe given below is exactly for this case.

    The combination of apples and pumpkin is simply amazing. Pumpkin is sweet, and apples add sourness, resulting in pumpkin jam with apples has amazing taste.

    Adds zest to this jam and walnuts cinnamon. Thanks to this pumpkin-apple jam Not only does the taste turn out interesting, but the smell of cinnamon is something special.

    Jam with pumpkin and apples It is very easy and simple to prepare. In just an hour and a half you can make jam, which you can immediately eat with muffins, bread or cookies.

    Before we start making jam, let's consider what ingredients it consists of.


    pumpkin (fresh) – 150 grams,

    apple (fresh) – 1 pc.,

    white sugar – 2/3 cup,

    walnuts – 5-6 pcs.,

    cinnamon (ground) – 1/3 teaspoon,

    water – 1 glass.

    Pumpkin jam with apples - recipe preparations

    To make pumpkin and apple jam, you must peel fresh pumpkin and then cut it into slices or grate it, just as for making simple jam from pumpkin

    Juice from pumpkin and carrots. Recipe with photos step by step

    Let's prepare a bright sunny pumpkin-carrot juice – natural, tasty and incredibly beautiful. Since pumpkin and carrots are available all winter, this juice can be prepared at any time. But it happens that the harvest is very large, some fruits are slightly spoiled, and so that they do not disappear, the juice is great option for preserving vegetables for the winter. This juice is very healthy, children will definitely like it, but adults won’t refuse an extra glass of vitamin nectar. And yet, the best time to seal the juice is the end of autumn, the beginning of winter, when carrots and pumpkins are well ripened.

    Add granulated sugar and return the pan to the stove. Set the heat to low and slowly bring the juice to a boil. We do not boil the juice under any circumstances, we just need to warm it up thoroughly, and when the first bubbles begin to appear, we immediately remove the juice from the stove. It is important for us to preserve all the vitamins, so cooking the juice is not necessary.

    Juice jars must be carefully prepared - washed in a soda solution, thoroughly steamed over steam, about 7-10 minutes. Place the lids in boiling water and let it boil for five minutes. Hot juice pour into jars, immediately tighten the jars with lids.

    Pumpkin jam with apple and orange. Recipe with step-by-step photos

    Pumpkin jam can become a favorite dessert not only for big pumpkin lovers, but also for everyone who decides to celebrate Halloween with bright traditional dishes. It's interesting that pumpkin will resemble pineapple in jam - don't reveal this secret and make your guests think. Take note of the recipe for this unusual pumpkin jam and preserve it in jars, and then you can enjoy this sweetness at any time.

    To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

    • Pumpkin – 2 kg.
    • Orange – 0.5 pcs.
    • Apple – 1 pc.
    • Sugar – 300 g.

    Pumpkin jam with apple and orange - recipe

    In order to cook delicious food, you do not need to have any special skills. High-quality products, strict adherence to cooking instructions and a little patience - and your jam will become the best dessert, besides, very useful.

    Peel the pumpkin, divide into several parts and then chop into small cubes. If you decide to purchase a whole pumpkin, this will be a guarantee minimum quantity waste. The seeds, which housewives most often throw away, are very beneficial for the human body.

    Wait until the apples are soaked in orange juice and combine them with the pumpkin.

    Add a small cup of sugar, stir and start cooking. Check the readiness of the jam by eye. If you want the pumpkin slices to crunch on your teeth, remove the jam immediately after the sugar turns into syrup.

    Even those who for some reason do not accept the pumpkin flavor will like this jam. Having an apple and an orange will eliminate bad smell, and the jam will be very sweet. The combination of pumpkin, apples and orange is a win-win option. Taste qualities jams will definitely please those with a sweet tooth who love low-calorie and healthy desserts.

    Bright orange lifts your mood and improves your tone. If desired, you can use it as a filling for cakes or simply spread it on a piece of butter bread. A tea party with pumpkin jam at home will be simply unforgettable - prepare this wonderful dessert and check it out for yourself. You can also cook.

    Pumpkin jam with apple and orange. Photo