Baby puree sissy. Apple puree "Nezhenka"

Preparing stocks for the winter, many parents forget about the nutrition of the smallest family members. Of course, it is much easier to buy ready-made baby food in a store or pharmacy without bothering to prepare it. But after all, own preparation of vegetable and fruit purees is not only tasty and healthy. Here you can be sure of the quality of the processed product, the sterility of dishes and other items used. Plus, homemade, lovingly prepared baby food is much cheaper.

How to make dessert

Favorite children's delicacy in the winter - apple puree "Nezhenka". The recipe for the winter fruit "delicacy" for children has become so popular that it can be seen in many culinary publications.

The composition of applesauce includes fruits without a core, subjected to heat treatment. The peel, if desired, can be peeled, but it is practically not felt in the cooked dish. It will only give the finished dish a rich color and aroma.
Depending on the type of fruit, the degree of acidity and the additional ingredients used, a huge number of recipes for children's treats are distinguished.
Consider one of the most popular recipes.

For cooking you will need:

  • 4 kg medium apples,
  • 1 can of condensed milk,
  • 1 glass of drinking water,
  • 3 tbsp Sahara.

  1. The fruits are washed well, dried and the core is removed from them. Blackened or rotted places also need to be removed. Then the apple is finely chopped and placed in a tall enamel bowl.
  2. When all the fruits are processed and cut, they are poured with a glass of water and sprinkled with sugar. The consistency of the future puree is quite thick. Therefore, you should immediately stock up on a wooden spoon so that in the first stages the mass does not stick to the dishes and does not burn. The container with the ingredients is put on a small fire and brought to a boil, not forgetting to stir occasionally.
  3. The pieces are boiled under the lid until they turn into a crumb. Next, the container is removed from the stove and allowed to cool naturally.
  4. At the next stage of preparing the Sissy puree, you will need a sieve, meat grinder or blender.
  5. The resulting boiled mass is ground and again placed in an enamel bowl. A jar of condensed milk is added to the crushed fruits and mixed well.
  6. The finished mass is sent to the fire, brought to a boil and left to cook for about a quarter of an hour. At the end of time, the finished delicacy is laid out in jars.
  7. Glass jars must first be prepared - put on sterilization. Typically, this process takes about 30 minutes.
  8. The apple mass is poured into a hot dish and twisted with a lid.
  9. When the puree is all distributed, the jars are put in a row for convenience and covered with a warm blanket for a day. The next day, the treat can be removed to a dark, cool place where they will be stored until late spring.

Applesauce “Nezhenka” prepared with the addition of condensed milk should be introduced into the baby’s diet carefully, starting with 1 tsp. in a day. Condensed milk is considered a common allergen. Therefore, it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby in the first days of complementary foods.

sweet apple recipe

At home, you can make applesauce for the winter without adding sweeteners. For this, the sweetest apples are taken. The technology of cooking according to this recipe is greatly simplified.

How to prepare apple puree "Nezhenka":

  1. Rinse the fruit well and remove the core and peel.
  2. Washed apples cut into small pieces.
  3. Place the slices in a cooking pot and bring to a boil.
  4. Pass softened apples through a sieve or beat with a blender.
  5. Bring the resulting puree to a boil again, if necessary, add a little boiled water.
  6. The resulting apple mixture is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.

The dietary recipe for a healthy apple treat is so simple that even an inexperienced hostess can handle it. Don't worry about blanks - everything works on the first try!

Useful properties of goodies and little tricks

It is known that apples contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a growing child's body. But what is preserved in their fruits after processing?

Organic acids are important elements that are of great importance in the first year of a baby's life. They favorably affect the digestive system, contribute to the production of new enzymes and strengthen the immune system. Therefore, it is extremely important to pamper your child with a tasty and healthy dish during the season. Properly prepared applesauce in the winter period is eaten with great appetite by both kids and adults.

So that the preparation of applesauce "Sissy" does not evoke bad memories, you need to use some tips. The following recommendations will allow you to stock up on your favorite treat quickly and without hassle and enjoy the delicious taste all winter.

Here's what to consider:

  • it is best to choose a pot or bowl with a thickened bottom - this aspect will avoid burning applesauce, and the consistency during cooking will be homogeneous and without burns;
  • the smaller the apples are cut into smaller pieces, the faster the puree is prepared;
  • if there is a danger of an allergic reaction, then condensed milk can be completely replaced with granulated sugar;
  • if you use only juicy and sweet apples, then sugar may not be needed;
  • seaming is best done in small containers - open natural puree can quickly deteriorate.

The amazing taste of the ready-made recipe for children for the winter, Nezhenka apple puree, is so amazing that there is no need to improve it with additional ingredients. Apple delicacy can be added to various desserts, cottage cheese casseroles or pancakes.

An open jar is stored in the refrigerator to prevent rapid spoilage of the product.
For those who seriously care and strive to preserve the health of their babies, recipes for self-made applesauce "Nizhenka" are a real find!

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk, closed for the winter, is an excellent dessert for both children and adults. This delicacy has an unforgettable taste and aroma, it is moderately sweet. Mashed potatoes are used as an independent dish, as well as pancakes and pancakes. Such a tasty product is suitable for a layer of cake layers of pies and cakes.

In order for the Nezhenka puree to be really tasty and fragrant, the following recommendations should be followed when preparing it:

  • Apples are suitable for both sour and sweet. It is important that the fruits are ripe.
  • Condensed milk should be natural, without the inclusion of vegetable fats.
  • Cans for pouring the product are pre-washed with baking soda and dried in the oven. Metal lids are boiled and dried.
  • For cooking, a bowl made of aluminum or stainless steel is used.
  • Stir constantly while cooking, as it will burn.

If desired, vanilla sugar or a pinch of cinnamon powder is added to the sweet mass at the end of cooking.

The taste of the finished product is regulated independently by adding certain spices and sugar.

Selection and preparation of main ingredients

To prepare a blank for the winter from apples and condensed milk, you should take only high-quality products. Apples are taken ripe and strong, without any flaws.

Condensed milk is bought in cans, and you need to carefully study the composition. The product should not contain anything other than milk and sugar.

Apples are washed, wiped dry and sorted. The fruits are peeled and pitted, and then cut into small slices. Peel and cut apples immediately before cooking, otherwise they will darken, and the color of the finished puree will be ugly.

How to make homemade applesauce

Puree "Nezhenka" can be prepared according to different recipes, respectively, and the taste of the finished product will be slightly different.


Apple dessert, prepared with your own hands, will not leave anyone indifferent. This preparation is eaten quickly and the next year many housewives close a double portion of the product.

For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • apples - 5 kg, it is advisable to take sweet and sour varieties;
  • condensed milk - 1 tin;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 100 grams.

Prepared apples are cut into slices and put in a saucepan. Pour water into the same place and put it to languish on a weak fire. Cook apples under the lid for about an hour, stirring occasionally. After this time, the apple mass is slightly cooled and rubbed through a fine sieve. You can also use a blender to grind.

The apple mass is poured into a saucepan, sugar and condensed milk are poured there, boiled for 15 minutes and laid out in prepared jars. Close the lids and wrap with a blanket for a day.

Grinding cooked apple slices with a mashed potato masher is not an option, as the mass will not be homogeneous.

Baby without sugar

The recipe for baby puree "Nezhenka" is prepared without sugar. For cooking, it is recommended to choose apples of sweet varieties, green or yellow. This is due to the fact that red fruits often lead to allergies.

  1. Take 3 kg of apples, wash, peel and cut into slices.
  2. Put the fruit in a saucepan and add half a glass of water to it.
  3. Put on low heat and boil for an hour under the lid.
  4. Cool slightly, then rub through a sieve or grind with a blender.
  5. Pour the puree back into the pan, pour the condensed milk and boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Baby applesauce is sealed in small jars with a capacity of 200 grams. Closed jars are wrapped in a blanket for 12 hours.

In a slow cooker

The vitamins and minerals found in apples can be preserved by mashing them in a slow cooker.

  • 2 kg of sour apples are washed, peeled and cut into slices.
  • Half a glass of water is poured into the multicooker bowl, apples are poured and the stew mode is turned on for an hour. The apple mass should be stirred periodically, otherwise it will burn.
  • When the fruits become loose, they are poured into a saucepan and beat with a blender until smooth.
  • Add a glass of condensed milk and 100 grams of sugar.
  • The sweet mass is boiled for 15 minutes and laid out in sterile jars.

Closed jars are placed on a blanket and wrapped well. This is necessary so that the puree cools down gradually.

with vanilla

You can give applesauce an unusual taste and aroma if you add vanillin to it. In this case, the dessert is prepared according to the classic recipe, and a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, a bag of vanillin weighing 2 grams is poured into the apple mass.

Apple puree with condensed milk and sugar

To cook a delicious apple dessert "Nizhenka", it is not necessary to take purchased condensed milk. It can be replaced with plain milk and sugar. To prepare treats, you need to prepare the following products:

  • sweet and sour apples - 4 kg;
  • fat milk - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 750 grams;
  • baking soda - 2 tablespoons.

Apples are peeled, cut into slices, covered with soda and left for 2 hours. After this time, they are thoroughly washed, poured into a saucepan and poured with milk. Bring to a boil, add sugar and cook for about 2 hours, stirring constantly.

After this time, the mass is divided into 2 parts and beat with a blender until the consistency of puree. Return the apple mass to the pan, boil again for 15 minutes and fill the prepared jars with it.

After making applesauce "Nezhenka", the taste of soda is not felt at all!


Puree "Nezhenka" can be eaten immediately after preparation. It is good served with pancakes, pancakes and fresh bread. If the apple mass is well beaten with butter, a delicious cream for a biscuit cake will come out.

A delicacy prepared for the winter and corked in jars is stored in a cool place. It is best to keep jars on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

I love fresh apples most of all, I don’t really like jam from them. Compotes, too, it is better to cook fresh from dried fruits. But the recipe for applesauce seemed very interesting. The hostess, who shared with us this recipe for applesauce with condensed milk, makes preparations in dozens of liter jars, and there is nothing left for the spring.
Today I looked at a lot of recipes on the Internet how to cook applesauce with condensed milk, they are all similar, I found out that some add sugar and water to the puree, someone does not add it, but everything is the same, the proportions of milk can be added by eye, try to taste.
Now the time has come and I also tried to cook applesauce, I really liked the really very delicate texture with a light creamy taste. While the mashed potatoes were being prepared, I tried and ate a lot, well, yummy, it’s impossible to come off. For cooking, it is important to have a blender at home, you can, of course, beat mashed potatoes with a crush, but in a blender the consistency is more delicate. I also tried to cook with the addition of plums, but in its pure form I like it better.
I did not remove the peel from apples, my hand did not rise, after whipping it is almost not felt. If you don’t feel sorry for the apples, you can peel them off, then the puree will turn out perfectly smooth. You can cook pure applesauce according to this recipe without adding condensed milk. If cooking for small children, be sure to cut off the peel.
This recipe is also convenient in that any variety of apples is suitable for harvesting.

Ingredients for making apple puree:

  • apples 2 kilograms
  • condensed milk (not boiled) 450 grams
  • sugar (only if the apples are sour) 3 tablespoons (better add to taste)
  • water 50 grams
  • clean half liter jars, lids

Recipe applesauce with condensed milk:
Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into pieces.

Put in a saucepan, add a little sugar and 50 grams of water, cover and put on a slow fire. Cook until the apples soften (depending on the variety, I cooked for about 20 minutes).

After the pan with apples set aside. Let cool.
Put the boiled apples into a blender bowl and grind into a puree.

Pour the puree into the bowl

mix with condensed milk and put to cook on a slow fire.

This delicious and healthy dessert evokes a feeling of nostalgia for many. Millions of Soviet children simply adored applesauce. And if even with condensed milk! This combination still causes a lot of joy in children today. It is not at all difficult to prepare mashed potatoes "Nezhenka" from fragrant apples with condensed milk for the winter. To do this, you will need selected fruits, best from your garden, culinary fantasy and a piece of soul.

The technology is simple: put the chopped apples in a saucepan, add water and sugar, bring to full readiness. If the puree is intended for feeding the baby, it is better not to use sugar at all.

Apple delicacy should have a uniform consistency. The fruits are rubbed through a fine sieve. A less time-consuming option is a blender or food processor.

Traditionally, the best puree is made from sour varieties of apples. But for baby food, it is better to choose sweet types of fruits. .

Interesting combinations will give the addition of plums, pears, apricots, carrots, pumpkins. You can also use honey, cinnamon, cream, lemon juice.

Selection and preparation of main ingredients

The main product is apples. They must be natural and ripe. Purchased waxed fruits will not bring any benefit to the body. Therefore, use either your own or buy from private sellers you trust. It is not necessary to select fruits one to one for mashed potatoes. If the apple is a little crushed, it's not scary. But obviously spoiled with rotten must be abandoned.

The core, seeds and peel are completely removed. You can cut blanks in any convenient way. Condensed milk should only be of high quality, without palm oil and other harmful impurities. In order for the product to stand all winter, the jars must be sterilized.

How to make homemade applesauce with your own hands?

There are several variations of this delicacy. Each recipe has its own zest and is distinguished by a pleasant taste.


Required Ingredients:

  • apples (5 kg);
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 jar of condensed milk;
  • ½ cup sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Put the prepared apples in a container with a thick bottom and pour in all the water.
  2. Simmer fruit over low heat, tightly covering the pan with a lid (from 40 to 60 minutes).
  3. From time to time, the mass must be stirred so that it does not burn. More water can be added if necessary.
  4. When the apples become soft and acquire a loose structure, remove the pan from the stove.
  5. Now the fruits must be cooled.
  6. After that, you can start grinding them.
  7. Transfer the resulting puree back to the pan, add condensed milk, mix and cook for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  8. Immediately spread the workpiece into jars, roll up the lids and leave to cool.

Baby without sugar

Required ingredients for the recipe:

  • the number of apples is arbitrary;
  • water about 0.5 cups per 1 kg of chopped fruit.

Cooking process:

  1. Put finely chopped apples in a bowl with a thick bottom, pour in water and boil.
  2. Boil until soft, remembering to stir.
  3. Turn the mass into a homogeneous puree and boil for just a minute.
  4. Now you can pour into banks and roll up.

In a slow cooker

To prepare a treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sweet and sour apples - 2 kg;
  • condensed milk - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel off the peel from the washed fruits and cut them into small cubes.
  2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, set the mode for extinguishing.
  3. It will take 1 hour to prepare. When the first 20 minutes have passed, the fruit must be mixed.
  4. When the slow cooker turns off, transfer the finished mass to a convenient container, add sugar and condensed milk.
  5. Now the mixture must be brought to a homogeneous tender consistency.
  6. Arrange the product in a pre-prepared container, cork with lids and allow to cool.

with vanilla

Required products:

  • 5 kg of sour apples (for example, Antonovka);
  • 1 jar of condensed milk;
  • butter (200 gram pack);
  • 500 ml of boiling water;
  • ½ kg of sugar;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp

Cooking process:

  1. Place finely chopped apples into boiling water, make a small fire, cover with a lid and bring to readiness.
  2. Cool the resulting mass and turn into a puree with a blender, add cubes of butter and cook for another 25 minutes.
  3. Then add vanillin and add condensed milk, boil again.
  4. Arrange the product in jars under iron lids.

Apple puree with "condensed milk" from milk and sugar

Required Ingredients:

  • apples (4 kg);
  • milk (3 l);
  • soda (1 glass);
  • sugar (700 g).

Cooking process:

  1. Sprinkle chopped apples with soda, mix and let stand for a couple of hours. Then rinse with running water.
  2. Add milk and sugar.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, then simmer over low heat for at least 2 hours.
  4. Divide the mixture into portions and puree alternately.
  5. Let it simmer for an additional 10 minutes.
  6. Arrange the workpiece in containers and roll up with tin lids.

In Soviet times, on the shelves of grocery stores you could see jars of Nezhenka applesauce.

Many adults still remember its fantastic taste.

You can prepare such a product yourself. It will be no less delicious. You just need to know that the whole secret of this apple puree option is condensed milk.

If a lot of apples have been born in the garden, one of the processing options is just a homemade “sissy”.

Puree can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time and even used as a complementary food for babies from one year old. Compared to a store-bought product, a homemade “sissy” turns out to be much cheaper and safer, because there is absolutely nothing harmful in it. The puree cooks pretty quickly.

Distinctive features of apple puree with condensed milk- in an amazing taste with a distinct creamy note and a delightfully silky texture. Not a single adult can resist such a treat, let alone children! Toddlers demonstrate excellent appetite, eating delicious applesauce, and be sure to ask for more. Due to fiber and carbohydrates, the product is very useful for a growing baby.

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk - general principles of preparation

There is nothing complicated in making applesauce according to this recipe. Of the products, only apples, condensed milk and sugar are needed (sugar is not used in some recipes).

Condensed milk must be bought of high quality, without the addition of vegetable fats.

It is the taste and texture of low-quality condensed milk that can spoil the dish: it will turn out tasteless, besides, the milk can curdle. Instead of regular condensed milk, you can take boiled condensed milk, condensed milk with coffee or condensed cream.

As for apples, even the most ugly and rumpled ones will do. Fruits should be thoroughly washed, dried and prepared for stewing. Be sure to remove the peel with a sharp thin knife, cut out the seed pods and remove the seeds. You can cut at will.

To puree the apple base, you need a blender or a fine sieve.

Very important rub the apples as finely as possible so that the consistency is really tender, silky. A potato masher is not suitable, as grains will be clearly felt in the mashed potatoes.

Banks for winter harvesting should be sterilized over steam from boiling water or in a heated oven. Be sure to boil the lids. You need to cool the jars in the same way as all winter blanks: turning the lids down and covering them with a thick blanket, blanket, towel.

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk

Excellent applesauce, prepared by yourself, will give a real pleasure. Once you have tried a product, it is simply impossible to forget about it. It is eaten instantly, so next time you will have to cook a double portion.


Five kilograms of fresh sweet and sour or sour apples;

Glass of water;

A jar of any Gost condensed milk;

Half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

Prepare apples as described above.

Pour apple slices into a thick-walled saucepan.

Pour in a norm of water and send to a slow fire, covering the pan with a tight lid.

Apples should steam well. Depending on the variety, this can take from a period of minutes to one hour.

Periodically check the mass and stir so that nothing burns.

As soon as the apple base has become soft and loose, remove the pan from the heat.

Rub the slightly cooled fruit pieces through a sieve, but it is better to puree in a blender. You should get a perfectly smooth puree of a uniform consistency.

Return the puree to the saucepan.

Add sugar to the puree, pour in the condensed milk, mix everything well.

Return the pan to the fire and boil the mass for 15 minutes. Constantly stir the Nezhenka puree from apples with condensed milk, otherwise it will burn.

Immediately decompose into sterilized jars, cork and cool.

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk in a slow cooker

Delicious mashed potatoes can be prepared using a kitchen slow cooker. You will get a product that will successfully replace jam or jam on sweet morning sandwiches.


Two kilograms of sour apples;

One hundred grams of condensed milk;

One hundred milliliters of water;

One hundred grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

Peel the washed apples and cut into small cubes.

Pour water into the multicooker bowl.

Put in fruit pieces.

Turn on the appliance to decide the quenching and cook for an hour.

After 20 minutes from the start of the program, open the lid or mix the apple slices. Otherwise, they may burn.

As soon as the slow cooker turns off, transfer the finished apples to the pan.

Pour sugar, add condensed milk.

Mix everything with a spoon, and then beat with a blender.

Arrange mashed potatoes "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk in clean jars and roll up.

If the product is to be used immediately, then you can close the jars with nylon lids and refrigerate.

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk "Winter's Tale"

The truly fabulous delicate taste of applesauce prepared according to this recipe will brighten up even the most severe winter cold. Puree is not cloying, as it is prepared without sugar.


Two kilograms of peeled apples;

A jar of condensed milk;

A glass of clean drinking water.

Cooking method:

Prepared apple slices cut into small cubes.

Pour the apples into a suitable saucepan.

Pour in water.

Turn on medium fire.

After boiling the water, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover tightly with a lid and cook the apple mass for 20 minutes. Remove the lid from time to time and stir.

Puree the finished fruit in any way.

Return the mass to the pan, pour in the condensed milk and mix.

Boil mashed potatoes "Nizhenka" from apples with condensed milk for another 6-7 minutes. Stir constantly.

Pour the product into jars, immediately cork and send to cool under the covers.

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk with vanilla

You can enhance the delicate taste of applesauce with vanilla and butter. Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk, prepared according to this recipe, has a higher calorie content, but a stunning delicate creamy taste. Instead of antonovka, you can take other suitable apples.


Five kilograms of Antonovka;

Bank of ordinary condensed milk;

Two hundred grams of butter;

Half a liter of boiling water;

Half a kilo of sugar;

A teaspoon of vanilla.

Cooking method:

To boil water.

Pour apple slices into boiling water.

Simmer under the lid for twenty minutes until soft.

Puree the cooled fruit mass and return to the pan.

Pour sugar, put soft butter cut into pieces.

Boil the apples for another 20-25 minutes.

Add vanilla and condensed milk, mix and wait for the mass to boil.

Fill the prepared jars with delicious mashed potatoes "Nizhenka" from apples with condensed milk and roll up.

Place cooled jars in the refrigerator and store there.

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with "condensed milk" from milk and sugar

It is not necessary to use store-bought condensed milk to make delicious Nezhenka puree from apples with condensed milk. Try replacing it with plain milk and sugar. The taste will be identical. The soda used as one of the ingredients is not felt. It is needed to quickly soften apple cubes in milk.


Four kilograms of apples;

Three liters of milk;

A glass of soda;

Three glasses of sugar.

Cooking method:

Pour the prepared apple cubes with soda and leave for two hours.

Rinse the apples thoroughly and put in a saucepan.

Pour granulated sugar, pour in the norm of milk.

Bring to a boil over medium heat, then simmer everything over low heat for two hours.

Puree the mass in parts with a blender.

Boil the Nezhenka apple puree with homemade condensed milk again for ten minutes.

Distribute the finished product into sterilized jars and seal.

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with boiled condensed milk

Instead of regular condensed milk, you can take boiled condensed milk. The taste of the product will be more piquant.


Three kilograms of peeled apples;

Glass of water;

Bank of boiled condensed milk;

A glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

Prepare the apples in the usual way and put in a saucepan with a thick bottom and sides.

Pour a glass of drinking clean water and turn on medium heat.

Simmer under a tightly covered lid until the apples are ready. They will need to be mixed two or three times.

After about 25 minutes, the apples will become quite loose. At this point, you need to add sugar and mix the mass.

Heat for another 10-15 minutes.

Puree everything with a blender.

Put the boiled condensed milk into the hot puree, mix.

Once again, simmer the mass over low heat for about five minutes.

Distribute the Nezhenka puree from apples with condensed milk into prepared jars, cork and let cool in a warm place.

Puree "Nezhenka" from apples with condensed milk - tricks and tips

    To prepare a delicious tender product, you need to take apples of sour varieties, in extreme cases, sweet and sour. So the puree will not turn out too sweet, cloying. However, it must be remembered that acid can cause curdling of condensed milk. Therefore, you need to buy only high-quality condensed milk and put its warm apple mass.

    If the apples gave little juice, you can add more water during the stew. Otherwise everything will burn.

    Ready applesauce with condensed milk can be whipped with soft butter. You get a delicious cream for a cake or eclairs.

    Apple puree prepared according to recipes with condensed milk can be served with pancakes, pancakes, spread on sandwiches or eaten just like that.