How to cook apple puree. Applesauce for marshmallows – Video

Applesauce Children and adults like it equally for the winter. A delicate, soft and airy delicacy is easy to prepare. Housewives often wrap delicious apple mixture into small jars. The most ideal container for storage would be half-liter jars or smaller.

But such delicious preparation Apples are successfully used to make pies, cakes and buns as a filling. You can cook it in several ways according to your taste. Regular applesauce made from sugar and apples. Or add condensed milk, cream - this apple puree for the winter is called “Nezhenka” because it turns out very tender and sweet.

In addition, various spices and seasonings are often added: cinnamon is ideal for apples. You can also add cloves, nuts, honey.

Each housewife has her own recipe and ingredients. Applesauce is considered very tasty and very light dish, which may include those who comply therapeutic diet.

Besides that, it's so delicious easy homemade The preparation will also appeal to the kids. On our website today basic or classic recipe applesauce for the winter, which is easy to prepare at home.

Applesauce with condensed milk for the winter

To prepare such homemade preparations as applesauce with cream for the winter, you will need:

  • filtered water (two full glasses);
  • selected sweet apples (4.2 kg);
  • concentrated condensed cream (one standard jar);
  • regular granulated sugar (four tablespoons).

Applesauce with condensed milk for the winter - step by step recipe with photo:

Prepare the necessary ingredients for making apple puree. So as not to waste time searching for them in the future. Keep in mind that condensed cream should not contain herbal additives.

If we talk about apples, we can use different varieties, it is desirable that they are sweet and also selected.

Peel all prepared fruits and carefully remove the core with seeds using a special device.

After this, grind the pulp of the fruit, and the degree of grinding depends on what variety of apples were chosen. The most in large pieces chop those apples that have very soft flesh.

Place all the chopped apples in some of the deepest dishes, add filtered water.

Place the bowl with apples and water on the lowest heat and cook until the apples acquire a soft consistency.

In time it is approximately fifteen minutes to half an hour. If you don’t have much time to cook apples, then cover the dish with a lid, which will significantly speed up the cooking process.

While the apples are cooking, you can start sterilizing the lids and glass jars. After the apples are completely cooked, puree them in any way possible. This is done using a sieve, a meat grinder, or a hand blender.

When the mixture becomes puree-shaped, add granulated sugar to required quantity and concentrated cream. To stir thoroughly fruit puree and cook, stirring continuously for twenty minutes.

Condensed milk can be replaced in applesauce regular cream, and the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe should be increased. Adjust to your liking.

Pour applesauce and cream into prepared jars. Tighten the containers as required. Turn over the jars of applesauce and leave on a towel until completely cooled. If the puree is prepared correctly, it should turn white.

If desired, you can boil the apples a little more during cooking. The applesauce will take on a darker, caramel color.

Apple home preparation V winter time used as a pleasant addition to morning porridge or as a separate dish. If you mix homemade applesauce with cottage cheese, you will get a very tasty and delicate filling for a cake or pie.

Applesauce for the winter - the simplest recipe

This delicious fluffy applesauce is perfect for baby food small child. How to prepare the simplest applesauce for the winter in jars of apples and sugar?

You will need:

  • 2 kg apples;
  • 150-200 g of sugar (not a full glass).

How to cook:

Wash the apples, cut into 4 parts, cut out the core and peel the peel. Fill the pan less than halfway with water and place the peeled apple slices in the water.

The water should not completely cover the apples.

Place the pan with apples on the stove. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cook after boiling for 5 minutes, it all depends on the type of apple. If early, then you don’t need to cook for a long time. If they are late (like Simirenki) and hard, cook a little longer. You will see for yourself when the apples boil and become soft.

Take a colander in the form of a sieve and drain the contents of the saucepan. The liquid will drain, and the apple pulp will remain in the sieve.

Now place the apple pulp in a saucepan, add sugar and cook for 5 minutes after boiling, stirring continuously. If the apple mass thickens too much, you can add a little water left over from the cooked apples.

Rinse half liter jars and sterilize them in a kettle, microwave or oven. Sterilize the lids in boiling water.

Place the finished puree into jars, cover iron lids and roll it up, turn it upside down, wrap it in something warm and leave it for a day until it cools completely. Put jars of applesauce in a cool place for storage for the winter.

Video: recipe for applesauce Nezhenka for the winter with condensed milk

A juicy pourable apple is the very fruit with which children begin their acquaintance with “ adult food" It is not suitable for the very first complementary feeding, it is too tasty (after apple pulp eat boring zucchini or hearty porridge the baby will refuse). But as soon as the baby tastes vegetables and cereals, you can gradually introduce them into his diet. delicious fruits.

Vegetable and fruit complementary foods in pureed form should be given to the baby from six months. Artificial infants are fed from four months onwards. Apple puree for babies is a real treat. But it’s better to feed your baby with a home-made product. Both cheaper and safer.

Apple puree for children - general principles of preparation

For baby food, you need to take apples grown in your region. It is better to avoid purchased foreign fruits, as they may contain allergens and traces of chemicals that are used to treat fruits during long-term transportation.

Apple puree for children should be very tender. Therefore, a blender or a fine sieve will come in handy. Do not use a meat grinder best idea. Bacteria may remain on metal parts, which the baby does not need to know.

The puree is prepared from freshly pureed or stewed crushed fruits. You can make it little by little and give it to your baby right away, or you can prepare it for future use and store it away. glass jars. The second option is preferable for older children. It’s better to cook the baby fresh dish.

If the puree is being prepared for the winter, then it is placed in sterilized jars. You can sterilize the container for 15-20 minutes over steam or in the oven. The lids that will be used to seal the applesauce should also be sterilized in boiling water.

Apple puree for babies

Very tasty and tender puree with a natural taste - what the baby needs for the first feeding. There is no need to add sugar; it’s easier to select fresh, sweet apples. The stewing time may vary depending on the type of apple. For example, hard Antonovka becomes soft reluctantly, so it will have to be heated on the stove a little longer.


One delicious sweet apple;

A tablespoon of clean water.

Cooking method:

Wash the apple thoroughly and remove the skin.

Cut out the seed pod along with the seeds.

Cut the peeled apple into small cubes. The smaller their size, the faster the pieces of fruit will soften, the more vitamins they will retain.

Put apple pieces into a saucepan and add water. Its quantity will be purely symbolic. Don’t be upset that apple puree for your baby will turn out watery or less healthy. Water is needed so that the apples do not burn and give juice.

Turn on low heat and heat the apples under the lid, waiting for the juice to release and stewing to begin.

Simmer the apple cubes until completely softened. Depending on the variety, this may take from five to twenty minutes.

Soft apples rub through a sieve or puree with a blender.

Place the puree in a bowl, cool and start feeding.

Apple puree for children for the winter

Delicate applesauce, prepared by mother’s caring hands, will delight any baby. And mom won’t have to waste time cooking. Just open the jar of the product and warm it up slightly. It is better to put winter apple puree for children in small jars. And if the jar is large, you can use the remaining product for baking or sauce.


Two kilograms of Antonovka;

One hundred grams of sugar (optional, add as desired);

A glass of clean drinking water.

Cooking method:

Prepare the apples by completely peeling them, cutting out the core and removing the seeds.

Cut the apples into small slices and place in a suitable pan.

Pour in enough water, cover the pan tightly with a lid and turn on slow fire.

Simmer the Antonovka for twenty minutes to half an hour, stirring occasionally.

When apple slices soften enough, puree the mass in any convenient way (blender, mixer, using a sieve).

If the apples are sour, you can add sugar to the hot puree and mix or beat everything well.

Return the puree to the heat and heat through, stirring constantly. It is important not to let the product burn.

Place the hot puree into jars, having previously sterilized them (don’t forget about the lids! They will also need to be boiled).

Close the jars and cool, wrapping them in an old blanket or rug.

Fresh apple puree for children

On the recommendation of a pediatrician, you can gradually introduce puree from fresh fruit. Sour apples won't work, but sweet and sour will be just right. You should not give sugar to a baby. And if you want to pamper older children, you can optionally add a spoonful of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.


  • delicious fresh apple.

Cooking method:

Wash the apple thoroughly hot water and dry.

Cut off the skin, remove seeds and hard membranes.

Grate the peeled apple slices on the finer side of a grater to make a smooth puree.

You can grind the fruit differently: first grate it, and then additionally puree it with a blender.

Put finished product into a bowl and feed the baby.

Apple puree for babies “Five Minute”

In just five minutes you can prepare delicious apple puree for your baby. The portion will be one-time only.


Fresh sweet apple;

Liter of water.

Cooking method:

Boil water in a small saucepan.

Place thoroughly washed fruit in boiling water.

Cook the apple for two minutes until the flesh begins to soften.

Remove the apple from the boiling water and cool.

Completely remove peels, membranes and seeds.

Puree in a blender.

Place the finished puree into a feeding cup and serve.

Apple puree for children in a slow cooker

The home helper multicooker allows you to prepare a portion of delicious apple puree for children without hassle and constant supervision. The multicooker must have a steam cooking mode.


Big apple.

Cooking method:

Cut the washed and completely peeled apple into small pieces.

Place apple slices in a steaming container.

Pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl, place the container and turn on the mode steam cooking food for 20 minutes.

Ready apples take out.

If the apple variety has a loose structure, you can simply mash the prepared slices with a spoon. To puree a denser variety, it is better to beat the fruit with a blender.

Serve applesauce warm to your baby.

Apple puree for children in the oven

You can also make applesauce in the oven. The method is useful and simple, allowing you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the fruit.


One large or two medium apples.

Cooking method:

Using a knife, cut out the core from the washed apple. The apples should remain whole. Do not remove the peel.

Place fruits in Silicone forms for cupcakes of suitable diameter. This is necessary to retain the weight of the juice inside the apple.

Place the molds with apples in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Cook for 20 minutes until the fruit softens.

Remove and cool apples slightly.

Scoop out the pulp with a spoon and put it in the blender.

Puree the apples.

Place baby apple puree into a nice bowl and serve.

Apple and pumpkin puree for children in a double boiler

Apple goes well with healthy vegetables. For example, with a wonderful yellow pumpkin. This apple puree for children will bring double benefit. The portion will be large, as it is winter preparation. To cook vegetables you will need a steamer. It can be replaced with a multicooker with the appropriate function, or you can cook the dish on the stove by placing a special container over boiling water.


A kilogram of sweet and sour garden apples;

A kilogram of pumpkin;

Fifty grams of sugar (the amount can be varied according to taste);

Tea spoon citrus zest(from orange or lemon).

Cooking method:

Wash the pumpkin and apples thoroughly.

Peel the apples completely so that only the pulp remains, and cut into small pieces.

Remove the skin from the pumpkin and cut into similar slices.

Place the pumpkin and apples in a steamer container and cook for 15-20 minutes.

While the main ingredients are preparing, zest the citrus fruit.

Puree soft hot slices using any method.

Place the puree in a saucepan, add zest and sugar, mix everything.

Warm up the puree, stirring it constantly.

If the mass turns out to be liquid, you can stir it to the desired consistency.

Place in prepared sterile jars and seal.

Apple and cream puree for children

If your pediatrician already allows your baby to eat dairy products, then you should definitely prepare applesauce according to this recipe. It will turn out very tender and tasty.


Two apples;

Glass of water;

Two tablespoons of cream.

Cooking method:

Place prepared apple slices into boiling water.

After fifteen minutes, pour in the cream.

Puree the mixture, cool and serve.

Apple puree for children - tricks and useful tips

    Delicious puree It is obtained from Russian apples: Antonovka, white filling or Semerenko variety.

    If the apples are sour, it is better to sweeten the puree with powdered sugar. It dissolves faster. Honey should not be given to infants.

    It is better to store puree in sterile jars in the refrigerator. Alternatively, it can be placed in plastic containers and frozen.

    Apple can be mixed with other fruits. Pears, peaches, nectarines, and apricots rarely cause allergies. A delicious puree is made from apples and bananas. Not only pumpkin, but also carrots are suitable vegetables for mixing.

I started preparing this puree on the eve of the arrival of my second child in the house, since I was already an experienced mother and knew what the baby needed. I calculated everything that complementary feeding would begin just in winter, when there would be no apples to trust. The store has a huge selection of different jars, with different fillings, different brands... but can you be sure of their quality? For me this is a rhetorical question, and I will not argue with anyone about this.

I don’t use either sugar or citric acid to make baby applesauce for the winter. The jars are stored perfectly in the apartment pantry. The puree turns out to have a uniform, delicate structure, with a slight sourness.

To prepare applesauce for children for the winter, prepare ripe, undamaged apples. It is better to choose sweet varieties. And to avoid allergies, it is better not to take red apples.

Wash the apples well and peel the skin.

Cut into slices, place in a saucepan and pour in 30 ml of water.

Place over low heat and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 15 minutes.

Blend the entire mass with a blender until pureed.

To make sure there are no lumps, large pieces- it is necessary to grind through a fine sieve. Boil over low heat for another 15 minutes.

Place the thick and aromatic puree. Roll up the lid.

Turn the jars of puree upside down and wrap them warmly until they cool completely. Applesauce for children is ready for the winter. Store the puree in the pantry or basement.

Cook with love and delight your loved ones.

Fruit preparations are a good help in winter cooking. Both adults and children love applesauce. This and independent dish, And good addition for porridge, addition to pies, base for dessert.

Preparing apples for puree

For preservation, it is recommended to choose late-ripening varieties of apples. If you give puree to your baby, you should not take fruits with red skin - they provoke allergies.But yellow and green are the most recommended in this case.

Before cooking the puree, all cooked apples are washed and carefully sorted, removing damage. Then the skin is peeled, the seeds and stalks are removed. Cutting the fruits into small pieces, they are immediately placed in a thick-walled pan with water. To prevent the apples from darkening, acidify the water with lemon.

The best applesauce recipes for the winter, like in childhood

Preparing puree is not difficult; even a novice housewife can handle this procedure. Don't limit yourself to just one simple recipe– apples go well with other fruits and vegetables. Therefore, you can safely experiment with creating your own original recipes, using the ones below as an example.

  • Apples -2 kg
  • sugar -1 cup (optional)

Water should cover the apples no more than 3 cm. The algorithm for preparing puree is as follows:

  • Place the pan on low heat and boil for 15 minutes;
  • the softened apples are removed and rubbed through a fine-mesh sieve;
  • the puree with the juice released from it is put back on the stove and brought to a boil;
  • immediately packaged in hot, dry jars and sealed.

Cool upside down, covering the container with puree with a thick blanket. If you want to get a sweet mass, then add sugar - a glass of the product for 2 kg of apples. Then the puree is removed from the stove not at the moment of boiling, but allowed to boil for another 15 minutes.

The puree according to this recipe fully lives up to its name - it turns out so tender and airy. Apples are cooking in the usual way and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom, adding a little vanilla. The next steps are:

  • apples are filled with water - 2 cups per 5 kg of fruit;
  • sprinkle with sugar (1/2 – 1 cup); the amount depends on the acidity of the fruit;
  • simmer with constant stirring until the apples soften;
  • beat with a mixer or blender;
  • pour in condensed milk (the whole jar);
  • simmer slowly for 5-10 minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Packed, sealed and cooled traditional way. You won’t be able to pull any child’s ears off this dish.

Without sterilization

You can prepare puree without sterilization, but only in small quantity. Even if the prepared apples will not be boiled, you will still have to blanch them. And it is best to do this in a water bath.

For this recipe, there is no need to chop the fruits - just divide them into halves and sprinkle with lemon juice. It is not recommended to steam fruits for a long time - 2-3 minutes are enough to make them soft. The less apples are exposed heat treatment, the more will be preserved in them useful substances.

Next, beat the fruits with a blender into a fluffy mass and rub through a sieve. Sugar is added to the finished puree to taste (or you may not add it), a little cinnamon or vanilla. This blank goes well with other fruit purees.

For children without sugar

Infants are given as complementary foods various purees, which can be prepared at home. You should first stock up on small jars of mayonnaise or baby food.

  • prepared apples (1.5 kg) are cut into quarters;
  • boil for 15 minutes in water (450 ml);
  • Place the apple mass in a blender bowl, add the juice from one lemon and beat;
  • Packed in jars, sterilized for 10 minutes and rolled up.

You can combine an apple with carrots - it will work excellent dish for the first feeding. When giving puree to a baby, it is recommended to dilute the mixture with breast milk at first so that children's body it was easier to adapt to new food.

Banana puree

And this puree is not canned, but used freshly prepared as nutritious meal for babies:

  • 1 apple is boiled for 5 minutes and then pureed;
  • Peeled banana is mashed separately;
  • After mixing the ingredients, beat with a blender.

Before giving your baby apple-banana puree, dilute it with 1 tbsp. breast milk or mixtures.

In a slow cooker

Multicookers have already firmly established themselves in the kitchens of many housewives - dishes prepared in them are considered more healthy. So the puree prepared for the winter using this unit retains its properties as much as possible.

  • prepared and finely chopped apples (1.5 kg) are placed in a multicooker bowl;
  • pour in a glass of water and turn on the “Stew” program for 1 hour;
  • transfer the apples to another container, let them cool, and then grind them through a sieve;
  • the puree is mixed with a glass of sugar and returned to the slow cooker;
  • Once again keep in the stewing mode, but only 10 minutes.

Mashed potatoes packaged in jars can be safely stored at room temperature.

This dish turns out interesting in color and very appetizing. The combination of two fruits makes the taste unusual and the puree healthy. To prepare it, take 1 kg of apples and pumpkin, a glass of sugar and 5 g orange zest.

  • the ingredients cut into small cubes are steamed until soft;
  • then beat the mass with a blender and put it in a saucepan;
  • adding zest and sugar, boil for 10 minutes;
  • Packed in jars, sterilized for 20 minutes.

You can do without sterilization if you prepare the puree in a slow cooker.

Puree with wine

It's pretty original recipe preserved apple mass - it contains red wine.

  • 1 kg of peeled and chopped apples is covered with granulated sugar (0.7 kg);
  • sprinkle with red wine (2 tbsp) and let it brew until the fruits are covered with their own juice;
  • cook over low heat until the apples take a puree form;
  • Having cooled the mass, it is whipped with a blender and then packed into jars, after which it is sterilized.

Despite the fact that wine is used in the recipe, children can safely give this puree.

Everyone has their own taste preferences, so don’t stop at the above recipes. You can try the following combinations of ingredients in one puree:

  • 3.5 kg of apples and 1 kg of pitted prunes;
  • apples (1 kg), boiled in cream (0.5 cup);
  • mix apple puree (700 g) and cherry puree (150 g);
  • Carrot, apricot and apple puree are perfectly combined in one mass;
  • the combination of strawberries and plums with apples gives an unusual taste;
  • Quince will add an unusual aroma to apple and pear puree.

Each option can be prepared using any of the methods described - in a saucepan or slow cooker. Whether to add sugar or not, and in what quantity, each housewife decides for herself. Here, apple varieties are usually taken into account - if they are sour, then sugar will come in handy.

Having made a delicious preparation for the winter, the housewife can pamper her family unusual desserts and seasonings based on applesauce.

Seasoning for meat dishes

From apple mass (600 g) in combination with plum puree (200 g), prepared without sugar, a good seasoning is obtained, reminiscent of Tkemali in taste.

  • Having combined both masses, add a glass of sugar and put on fire;
  • the puree is boiled down to 1/5 of the original volume (over low heat and with constant stirring);
  • sift 1 g of cinnamon, 0.5 g of ginger and cloves.

Spices are added to the boiled mass, mixed well and immediately packaged in jars.

Spicy sauce

This recipe will make an excellent addition to salads, appetizers and side dishes.

  • Place the canned apple puree in a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • add a little butter, a few grains of cloves and a pinch of grated ginger;
  • After mixing well, remove from heat, cool slightly and beat with a blender.

Serve chilled in a gravy boat.

Spicy puree

Applesauce can be used to make excellent spicy snack. To do this, dilute the same amount of vinegar in a quarter glass of heated water (it’s better to use apple cider vinegar) and let it brew for an hour and a half.

Then the liquid is heated again and 2 tablespoons are poured into it. mustard powder. This mass is mixed with canned apple puree and infused in the refrigerator. The resulting sauce will be an excellent addition to meat dishes, but you can also spread it on bread to make spicy sandwiches.

To prepare this dessert you will need 1 kg of ready-made applesauce, 3 eggs and 50 g of powdered sugar. If the preservation was prepared without sugar, then you need to take it (0.5 kg).

  • the puree is placed in an enamel bowl and, if necessary, sugar is added;
  • beat with a blender for 15 minutes;
  • add separately beaten proteins and mix again.

The mass must be beaten until it turns light. The degree of readiness is checked on a saucer - a drop of puree should not spread. Next comes drying in the oven in low forms covered with parchment. For 12 hours the temperature is maintained at no more than 70°C.

The readiness of marshmallows (as well as pies) is determined using a match (or a wooden toothpick). If it remains clean when removed from the marshmallow, then the dessert is ready. It is removed from the mold, cut into small rectangles and rolled in powdered sugar.

Mousse jelly

It's amazing for this delicate dessert It’s better to take 350 grams of canned puree without sugar. The mousse is prepared according to this recipe:

  • 10 g of gelatin (you can take 1 tsp of agar) dissolve in a quarter glass of water;
  • 2 egg whites beat with fructose (2 tbsp);
  • when the egg mass becomes fluffy, add puree and continue beating;
  • gelatin is slowly poured in during the process.

The whipped mass should double in size and have a stable consistency. The jelly is poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator to harden completely.

How to serve puree in an original way

Children love sweets very much, but they may refuse regular applesauce. In this case, it’s worth showing your imagination and decorating the dessert in an original way.

  • a glass of chilled cream is whipped into a fluffy foam;
  • Place 3 tbsp on the bottom of the bowl. puree;
  • the next layer is soft cookies broken into pieces;
  • Next, spread the cream.

So, layer by layer, alternate the ingredients until the bowl is full. Everything is covered with beautifully placed cream on top. All that remains is to sprinkle with grated chocolate and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. This dessert can become a decoration for a children's holiday feast.

In order for apple puree to be tender and tasty and to last for a long time, the housewife must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is better to prepare a lot of sweet varieties without sugar;
  • It is advisable to boil the applesauce for no more than 15 minutes;
  • when cooking, use only a thick-walled pan (or basin), then the puree will not burn;
  • You should not cook large volumes at once - in this case the mass will not cook evenly;
  • if a combination of ingredients is intended, it is better to puree them separately and then mix;
  • you need to beat the mixture after it has cooled;
  • packaging into jars is carried out only in hot form; at the same time, the jars themselves must be well heated;
  • lids must be sterilized; they must be wiped dry before putting them on the jar, otherwise mold will form during storage;
  • Store applesauce at a low temperature, away from sunlight (in a pantry or cellar).

It is better to pack the finished puree in small containers. But then the mass must be sterilized in a pan of water or in a preheated oven. After opening the jar, the product does not last long, and uneaten puree will have to be thrown away after 3 days.

Nezhenka applesauce - an unforgettable taste of childhood: video

How to make applesauce at home for the winter: video

Apples are a valuable source of vitamins and microelements, useful to the body, which are so lacking in winter. Having worked a little in the autumn on preparing preserves, the housewife will significantly enrich the diet of her household during the cold season.

It's time for preparations, which means it's time to cook apple puree for the winter. The article contains recipes for fruit delicacies that are easy to prepare. It turns out tender, aromatic, tasty and healthy dessert. Believe me, the container is emptied quickly, you just have to open the jar.

And what a variety of purees. And with cream, and with condensed milk, with and without sugar!

Moreover, the product turns out awesome from both sweet and sour fruits. The harvest will not be in vain.

Just imagine you and your family enjoying homemade apples all year round. And it’s also good to have a vitamin treat on hand if a new addition is expected in the house. In the article you will find recipes for infants.

In addition to use in pure form Applesauce is used in cooking. This is a natural base for soufflés, marshmallows, mousses and is irreplaceable. Well, are you ready to start preparing?

How to make apple puree for the winter at home

At first glance, such preparation for the winter as applesauce does not require knowledge and skills. You can easily cope without a chef's education and relevant experience. However, when preparing a delicacy you cannot do without some nuances.

How to cook a preparation for the winter from bulk fruits so that it retains its taste?

  1. Processing containers. Prepare jars and lids in advance. Rinse them thoroughly and sterilize them. An accessible processing method is in the oven. The minimum temperature is set. The maximum time is half an hour.
  2. Quick cooking . Long-term heat treatment has a detrimental effect on conservation useful properties apples Pre-chopping the fruit will help speed up the cooking process. For example, cutting into 4-6 parts.
  3. Fruit selection. Do not take young or spoiled apples. Fresh is used for preparation White filling late varieties.
  4. Hypoallergenic. If your family has allergies or newborns, then add only green ones, or yellow apples.
  5. Use kitchen tools. To remove the core faster, use a special knife. For a porridge-like mass, take a blender.
  6. Sealing check. Repeated sterilization of the container along with the contents will help ensure that the jar is sealed.
  7. Troubleshooting. If you notice that you haven't sealed the puree well, turn the jar upside down. This will help the hot mixture soften the rubber seal. This way the lid will press tighter.
  8. Preventing browning. When the apple mixture boils, add a teaspoon lemon juice(a pinch citric acid or a couple of pinches of citrus zest). The puree will turn out beautiful light color, as in the presented photo.

On a note. 🍏Apple peel contains a large share of antioxidants. Therefore, do not peel fruits before cooking. True, we are talking about homemade fruits. It is advisable to process purchased products.

By following these tips, you will prepare an awesome dessert for the winter with maximum preservation vitamins

Please note that improperly made canned puree will not provide any benefit to the body, but will only cause harm to it.

Nezhenka apple puree for the winter - recipe with condensed milk for baby food

Homemade puree fresh apples with condensed milk, the taste is reminiscent of the product that was prepared during the USSR. It was called "Sissie".

Now you can’t buy such a preparation anywhere, but you can make it yourself at home.

Puree is easy to prepare with minimum quantity ingredients:

  • apples – 5 kg;
  • condensed milk - one can;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • sugar - half a glass.


  1. We clean the fruits, then cut out the core of each.
  2. Cut the fruits into small pieces.
  3. Place the slices in a slow cooker or pan and fill with water.
  4. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode.
  5. We set the time to 40 minutes.
  6. After the time has passed, we look - it turned out to be puree. Let's continue cooking.
  7. Add sugar to the mixture. 1 glass is an approximate dosage. It all depends on your taste and how sweet the apples are.
  8. Then mix the ingredients and bring our paste to a boil.
  9. Next, add condensed milk, mix everything again and wait until it starts to boil.
  10. We beat the sissy with a blender, which will allow us to achieve the ideal consistency.
  11. Pour the mixture into jars and seal them. And if you can’t wait to try it, put dessert on the table. We invite the children to drink tea.

Sweet paste is suitable for babies from 8 months. It is not recommended to give it earlier, as condensed milk can cause your tummy to swell. Be careful with sugar - don't add it to kids.

Make jars with a variety of foods. For example, puree from plums and apples.

Add other fruits to apples:

  • pear;
  • pumpkins;
  • apricot;
  • peach.

Use small containers. This will allow you to consume only fresh product.

On a note! Apple puree makes a great gift. For example, on New Year. Decorate the jar with decorative fabrics, bows and other elements.

Applesauce with cinnamon - recipe without sterilization at home

Don't like to "mess around" with sterilization? I offer a recipe instant cooking applesauce with added cinnamon.

It is not necessary to add spice, however, it is worth a try in this version. It goes great with fruit.

To prepare a spicy, aromatic and very tasty bulk puree, take the following ingredients:

  • apples – 2 kg;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 100–200 g;
  • water – 125 ml.


  1. We process the apples - cut out the centers, peel, wash, and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Place the fruit sticks in a saucepan, add water, sugar, and cinnamon.
  3. Mix all components together.
  4. Turn on low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Cool the mass, then use a fork or masher to turn it into puree.
  6. The dessert is ready to eat. The consistency will resemble jam-puree.

Attention! Preparations with spices are not suitable for children under one year old, as well as for nursing mothers.

After opening, the fruit preparation is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Delicate puree from apples and pears - the easiest recipe for children

All mothers love to pamper their babies. Apple and pear puree - healthy and favorite children's treat. I added a little carrot to the product - it’s even healthier.

To prepare sweet fruit food we need the following products:

  • pears – 1 pc.;
  • a couple of apples;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • sugar - optional;
  • half a carrot.

Step by step recipe:

We peel all the ingredients, then cut out the centers of the fruit.

Cut the fruits into small slices.

Pour water into the multicooker pan and install the attachment for steaming dishes.

Lay out the components. Turn on the “Steamer” mode. Set the time: 15–20 minutes. Then beat the products with a blender.

Add sugar to taste. If you are preparing a treat for newborns, then exclude the cane product.

We get vitamin puree for babies from apples, pears, and carrots. Steamed fruits and vegetables retain more nutrients, which is so important for baby food.

To make the process go faster, involve your relatives. Peeling apples as a family is easy and fun.

Mashed potatoes without sugar and preservatives - you'll lick your fingers

Some people think, why waste time on preparations if there are plenty of them in stores? Only homemade puree gives a 100% guarantee that its composition is natural. No enhancers, preservatives or other chemical compounds.

The contents contain two ingredients.