Coffee scrub - external use. What are the benefits of coffee scrub? How to make coffee scrub at home

Coffee is one of the most popular remedies for cellulite. Scrubs based on it remove dead skin cells and cleanse pores, activate blood circulation, increase metabolism, allowing you to successfully deal with " orange peel". Coffee is often included in industrial anti-cellulite cosmetics, but you can make an effective scrub based on it yourself.

Anti-cellulite properties of coffee

Coffee is a two-in-one cellulite treatment. Small particles of coffee beans provide an "abrasive" scrubbing effect, clean and massage the skin, increase blood flow to problem areas. And the caffeine contained in them acts as an active active ingredient. He:

  • dilates blood vessels, activating blood circulation and preventing varicose veins;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer, helping to "burn" deposits;
  • removes excess fluid, reducing swelling and reducing the volume of problem areas;
  • improves the functioning of the lymphatic system, helps to get rid of the slagging of the body;
  • activates the production of collagen and improves skin tone, making it smooth and elastic.

The choice of coffee to prepare a coffee scrub for cellulite

The effectiveness of the finished cellulite coffee scrub will largely depend on the quality of the coffee chosen for the preparation of this product and the concentration of caffeine in it. That is why for the preparation of anti-cellulite products only natural coffe, granules of soluble will not work. There will be no effect from coffee decaffeinated or coffee drinks For " healthy eating" containing chicory or cereals.

The best base for a coffee scrub is freshly ground green coffee. In unroasted beans that have not been exposed to high temperatures, the most high content caffeine. In addition, they contain:

  • essential oils that activate metabolism,
  • chlorogenic acid, which has a fat-splitting effect,
  • vitamins and antioxidants that improve skin condition.

If you can’t use green coffee, regular black coffee of medium roast is also suitable for making a scrub. IN cosmetic purposes it is used as finely ground coffee (coarsely ground beans can damage the skin), and dried coffee grounds drained from the bottom of a cup or cezve (sleeping coffee) - provided that the coffee was brewed without sugar, cream or other flavorings.

Compared to ground coffee, coffee grounds are not as effective because they contain less caffeine. However, it is less traumatic for delicate skin, so it is better to prefer this option to owners of dry or sensitive skin.

For cosmetic purposes, it is better not to use expired coffee - when long-term storage it "exhales", losing its useful properties.

How to make a coffee scrub for cellulite

Sleeping or ground coffee can be used for scrubbing in its pure form. To do this, a handful of coffee is mixed directly in the palm of your hand with a small amount warm water or shower gel, applied to damp, previously cleansed skin of the body. After that, the problem areas are gently massaged with the palm of your hand, a massage mitt or a soft washcloth.

But, if you mix coffee with other homemade anti-cellulite products, the procedure will be much more effective.

Coffee salt scrub

Sea salt is an excellent natural anti-cellulite remedy, it exfoliates the skin well, removes excess moisture and reduces the volume of deposits. To combat the "orange peel" it is necessary to choose finely ground salt - large crystals can severely injure the skin, nullifying the positive effect. To prepare a coffee salt scrub you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. coffee,
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 1 st. l. olive or castor oil,
  • 2-3 drops of citrus essential oil(orange, grapefruit, lemon).

Mix coffee with salt, add oils, wait a few minutes for the salt crystals to "disperse" a little - and treat the problem areas. This mixture can be used not only for scrubbing, but also for homemade anti-cellulite body wraps.

Cellulite scrub with coffee and sugar

Sugar scrubs are a very popular homemade beauty treatment, and using sugar in tandem with coffee gives a good anti-cellulite effect. To prepare such a scrub, equal quantities are taken:

  • regular granulated sugar
  • ground or fresh coffee,
  • any base vegetable oil (olive, linseed, grape seed, jojoba, etc.).

This coffee body scrub recipe not only fights cellulite, but also nourishes and softens the skin. That's why coffee and sugar scrub often recommended for dry skin.

Coffee honey scrub

This recipe combines two powerful active ingredients at once - coffee fights cellulite, and honey tightens the skin and helps get rid of stretch marks. To prepare such a scrub, coffee is mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1:2. If the skin is dry or prone to peeling, you can “soften” the composition by adding a nourishing body cream.

The mixture is applied to steamed skin and rubbed in a circular motion into problem areas.

Soft oatmeal coffee scrub

For delicate skin prone to irritation, you can make a delicate, but at the same time effective scrub by mixing:

The use of this soft coffee anti-cellulite scrub at home helps to reduce the "orange peel" and burn fat, while moisturizing and toning the skin.

How to apply homemade coffee anti-cellulite scrub

If scrubbing is done regularly for several months, the appearance of cellulite is noticeably reduced, and the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. However, for this you need to use coffee against cellulite with caution. Even if you want to speed up the process of getting rid of the “orange peel” as much as possible, you can’t use scrubs every day - the skin will become thinner, become irritated, and inflammation may begin. With normal or oily skin you can do procedures with coffee 2-3 times a week, treating each problem area for 3-4 minutes. With dry skin, it is better to reduce the frequency of procedures to once a week, and massage the skin should be no longer than a couple of minutes.

To make the effect of the procedure more noticeable:

  • before using the scrub, steam the skin in the bath or shower, or massage with a hot towel;
  • massage the hips from the bottom up, the stomach and gluteal muscles - in circular motions;
  • if hands are among the problem areas, treat them from hand to shoulder;
  • use massage mittens;
  • after the procedure, be sure to use moisturizers;
  • act on cellulite in a complex way, combining scrubs with wraps, masks and other means.

Comment on the article "How to make a coffee scrub for cellulite"


Oh! But I don’t have honey (And you can’t do it without it, can you tell me? (

This morning there was a Malakhov + program, so Katya Mirimanova was there, she advised me just such a composition)). I just wanted to try, and now God himself ordered)

coffee scrub and mumiyo. Need advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with losing weight. Section: Need advice (crafts from coffee briquettes). Coffee scrub and mumiyo.

How to scrub coffee properly? Girls, in Mirimanova I read about coffee scrub, and you wrote. How to make body wraps at home: Ingredients: 2 st Scrub coffee + kefir. How to apply a homemade coffee scrub. Coffee is one of the most...


Maybe you need to scrub with some kind of mitten, and not with your hands, otherwise my hands won’t last 10 minutes either - I do the same as Lencha33, but also far from 10 minutes. 5 minutes maximum and try not to wash off for a few more minutes if possible.

I do this: I wash with a washcloth as always, then coffee in the palm of my hand and go! yes, my hands will also be scrubbed, it doesn’t hurt me, but I don’t have 10 minutes of patience ... Sometimes I do it with a massager. I have an unpleasant thing - it's then the whole bathroom in coffee)))))

Coffee scrub. - get-togethers. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and I won’t throw a link. You take your coffee, add kefir to it and massage the right places effortlessly. I don’t remember the actual coffee (but it is almost ...

coffee scrub. Figure and problem areas. Weight loss and diets. the recipe is simple. coffee cake (coffee that has already been brewed, ground, natural, from any type of coffee maker) is mixed to a creamy consistency with kefir. that's the whole scrub. coffee will scrub, kefir ...


the recipe is simple.
coffee cake (coffee that has already been brewed, ground, natural, from any type of coffee maker) is mixed to a creamy consistency with kefir.
that's the whole scrub. coffee scrubs, kefir cares for the skin, making it soft and silky.
but any options are possible. for those who do not drink natural coffee, you can use fresh, not asleep. (keep in mind, the color will be more intense, they say the nails may turn yellow).
instead of kefir, you can use any other fermented milk product. I use low fat yogurt, ie. Kefir is too oily for my skin.
well, if there is such an opportunity, you can experiment with the coarseness of the grinding (grind grains smaller, larger, etc.)

Home scrubs: features of the choice of components, recipes, recommendations of cosmetologists. About coffee pomace?? How to apply a homemade coffee scrub. Coffee is one of the most popular remedies for cellulite. How to make wraps for weight loss at home.


in a conference about fashion and beauty, ladies have been using coffee for a long time as a body scrub. mixing it with kefir (I personally mix it with low-fat yogurt, otherwise it turns out very fat for me with kefir). very nice thing.

This is a wonderful thing!!! I have been making a coffee scrub for 9 years now. Recipe: for one person 2-3 tablespoons coffee grounds+ steamed oatmeal (steam with boiling water 1 tbsp with a slide). Rub the body, face in circular motions for 10-15 minutes.
The effect was recognized by all users: the skin becomes soft, velvety like a baby’s ass (meaning a baby without diathesis!), the formation of wrinkles slows down, black spots become much less, and any pimples form much less often. I read that there is also an anti-cellulite effect , I can’t say, because I don’t have pronounced cellulite. It’s best to use it in a bathhouse, after a steam room, but if at home, on a washed, well-steamed body. The first time everyone says that you want to wash yourself with soap later, but don’t of this, just wash yourself well with water (insidious places behind the ears and under the chest). The oatmeal mucus will be absorbed and give a velvety effect.
In short, I have already infected all my friends. Try it, you won't regret it!

3 239 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about cellulite coffee scrub, how effective it is, how to use it correctly, and how to prepare it properly at home.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub

Very often we drink coffee to wake up, cheer up and feel filled with energy. Green coffee is often drunk by those who want to lose weight. Greatest positive influence coffee beans can give our skin:

  1. The coffee grounds scrub is mild but effective in getting rid of cellulite. Its smallest particles easily cleanse the skin of dead cells;
  2. Caffeine is able to actively participate in fat metabolism, contributing to the restoration of proper microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  3. Caffeine helps to smooth out irregularities, depressions and bumps in cellulite, restores skin elasticity, helps to relieve swelling, and reduce the size of fat cells.
  4. There are a lot of active antioxidants in coffee, which, with regular contact with the skin, help it become smoother and more well-groomed;
  5. Coffee scrub removes toxins and normalizes the water balance of cells in the subcutaneous layer;
  6. Caffeine can help not only fight cellulite, but also prevent varicose veins. It has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Green coffee nourishes the skin with vitamins and improves its tone, restores the natural protective layer of the skin, promotes oxygen supply to the cells.

What you need for a coffee scrub

Coffee scrub for cellulite at home is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need, first of all, fresh natural coffee, preferably coarse grinding. The use of instant coffee or surrogate coffee drinks is not allowed, they do not have any useful and anti-cellulite properties.

The use of green coffee is considered more effective, i.e. unroasted beans. They contain more vitamins and caffeine than fried ones. And thanks to chlorogenic acid, green coffee accelerates the metabolism and breakdown of fats, and also gives an additional anti-aging effect.

Ground coffee in a scrub can be replaced with coffee grounds only if it:

  • obtained during the preparation of high-quality coffee beans with an unexpired shelf life;
  • without any additives, such as sugar or cream;
  • boiled for at least 2-3 minutes;
  • used immediately after making coffee, or stored in a refrigerator in a closed container for no longer than 3 days in a dry form.

For peeling, you can use ground coffee or coffee grounds in their pure form, diluted warm water for easier application. To increase the anti-cellulite effect, you can add some ingredients:

  • salt or sugar will enhance the peeling effect;
  • various oils such as olive, macadamia, jojoba, sesame, almond, linseed will help soften and moisturize the skin;
  • essential oils of orange, rosemary and cinnamon will give the scrub even more beneficial properties and antioxidants.

Cellulite coffee scrub recipes at home

pick up perfect recipe coffee scrub is best, targeting a specific stage of cellulite.

Stage of development of cellulite coffee scrub recipe
On first stage puffiness appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bproblem areas. It is enough to add ground coffee to the shower gel immediately before use in a ratio of 1:5. Apply 2-3 times a week. It can also be used as a prophylactic against cellulite.
On second stage fluid stagnation occurs, seals appear in fat cells, and oxygen supply to them stops. Veins may appear. Suitable coffee scrubs with the addition of fermented milk products:
  • half a glass of kefir mixed with 1 glass ground coffee;
  • 1 cup yogurt + 1 cup ground coffee + 1 tbsp. cognac.

When preparing, the basic rule applies, if the fermented milk product is liquid, then it needs 2 times less than coffee, if it is thick, then the proportions should be equal.

Third stage characterized by the appearance of "orange peel".
  • Honey (preferably candied, if liquid is used, then you need to add 1 tablespoon of sugar) and ground coffee (coffee grounds) are mixed in a 2:1 ratio. For example, 4 tbsp. honey + 2 tbsp. coffee.
  • Boil 100 gr. oatmeal until half cooked and cool, then add 1 tbsp. coarse salt, 1 tbsp. coffee grounds, a few drops of essential oils of any citrus and rosemary.
Fourth stage occurs when the skin in the places where cellulite appears becomes cold and blue, pain may occur when touching it. It is necessary to achieve not only a deep peeling effect, but also a strongly warming one. To do this, you need to add tincture of red pepper and 1 tbsp to carefully crushed green coffee beans. olive or sunflower oil. To avoid severe burning or an allergic reaction, you need to test the resulting mixture on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, after which you can reduce or increase the concentration of pepper.

You can also use universal recipes to make a coffee body scrub:

  1. Mix 4 tbsp. sea ​​salt and 4 tbsp. coffee grounds (ground coffee), adding 1 tsp. almond, olive, sunflower or linseed oil;
  2. Combine 10-12 tbsp. ground coffee with 3 tbsp. coarse salt (preferably sea), then add 6 tbsp. coconut oil, previously melted in a water bath.
  3. To 200 gr. coarse ground coffee add avocado pulp (if there is no fresh one, it can be replaced with 1 tbsp avocado oil) and 1 tsp. olive oil(you can use any other), 1 tbsp. sugar (cane is usually used for scrubs).

If you add clay to coffee grounds in in kind, for example, white or blue, then peeling and wrapping can be combined. To do this, dry clay is diluted with water to a thick consistency and mixed with medium-ground coffee beans or coffee grounds. Apply to the skin with massage movements and leave for 40-50 minutes, wrapping the calves, thighs, stomach and arms with cling film.

Rules for the use of coffee scrub

It is worth paying attention to the fact that women who are prone to frequent allergies should better stop using coffee-based scrubs. If you have any doubts, then it is enough to conduct a trial test and observe the reaction of the skin. If everything is in order and there are no allergic manifestations, you can safely apply a coffee scrub, observing a few rules:

  1. In order for the scrub to penetrate as deeply as possible and have the maximum effect, the skin must be warmed up before applying it. You can take a bath with the addition of essential oils, go to the sauna or bath, rub the body with a massage brush.
  2. Apply to clean skin, while doing a light manual anti-cellulite massage, combining it with the use of a massage roller, brush or hard washcloth. Application time from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the sensitivity of your skin.
  3. On the calves and thighs, the scrub is applied from the bottom up, on the stomach - in circular motions, on the arms - from the elbow to the shoulder.
  4. Rinse scrub better cold water, so blood microcirculation will increase even more.
  5. Then rub the skin with a dry hard towel and apply a moisturizer. Ideal anti-cellulite with nutritional properties.
  6. It is recommended to use a coffee scrub 2-3 times a week, for preventive purposes 1 time per week is enough.

Coffee scrub will further help get rid of cellulite and reduce the volume of the hips and abdomen, if you combine its use with an increase in physical activity, proper nutrition, and other anti-cellulite procedures.

How does cellulite appear?

A woman of any age and weight can face the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite - this is an incorrect microcirculation in the subcutaneous layer, at which the outflow of lymph and degeneration of fat cells begins. Therefore, even a girl who does not have a single extra kilogram may notice signs of cellulite on her hips.

An important problem with cellulite is the loss of skin elasticity. It is due to the fact that in the normal state, fat cells are small and, when combined into groups, collagen is formed around them. But, when fat cells begin to grow, the size of collagen tissues does not increase, and in places where cellulite appears, the skin ceases to be elastic.

First stage of cellulite

In order to be energetic and have a proper metabolism, we need fats to be converted into calories, and calories, in turn, are burned during physical activity. This transformation occurs due to the sugar contained in natural products. But, if we start eating more, especially sweets, and at the same time do not waste more calories than usual, then stagnation forms in the fat cells, which leads to edema in problem areas. And this means that the first stage of cellulite has begun, which at first glance may be invisible.

Orange peel

Another interesting fact is that it is fat cells that produce endorphins, thanks to which we can feel happy and satisfied with life. If the brain receives a signal that we are in a bad mood or we are disappointed, then the body has a need for additional amounts of leptin. Therefore, we want to eat another piece of cake or an unplanned bun. Accordingly, the appearance of new fat cells and an increase in the size of existing ones are provoked. And as a result of these processes, the appetite is constantly increasing so that the formed cells receive nutrition, metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layer are disturbed, blood and lymph cannot circulate freely. If a person satisfies the needs of an ever-growing appetite, then fat cells can increase 30 times. It is at this point that cellulite is actively developing and an “orange peel” may appear.

Causes of cellulite

Excess weight is a common, but not the only cause of cellulite formations. The influence of the following factors is important:

  • postpartum period;
  • hormonal changes and changes in the body;
  • bad habits;
  • quick snacks with a bun, pizza, hamburger, sweets, etc.;
  • lack of a constant diet;
  • overeating at night;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • stressful situations;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • overwork;
  • diseases thyroid gland, or gynecological, associated with a drop in the hormone estrogen and disruption of the ovaries;
  • changes in the protein content in the blood.

How to get rid of cellulite

If you do not yet have cellulite, but you are worried that it may appear, you need to follow a number of preventive measures:

  • balance your diet
  • waste calories from food
  • apply a scrub once a week in particularly vulnerable areas (on the hips, abdomen, inner side of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder);
  • to refuse from bad habits.

If cellulite has already appeared, get rid of it will help:

  1. reduction in the use of sweet and starchy foods, it is better to refuse it altogether. This will stop the formation of excess fat cells;
  2. eat at the same time every day in small portions;
  3. physical activity, the more the better. This will stimulate the burning of calories produced and the restoration of proper metabolism;
  4. general examination of the body to exclude diseases that affect the occurrence of cellulite;
  5. the use of anti-cellulite scrubs, massages and wraps for local restoration of microcirculation and fat metabolism.

Effective Recipe homemade scrub for the body from cellulite.

Useful articles:

Due to the properties of coffee and its effect on the skin, this product has long been used in cosmetology as one of the main components of many skin care products. Today I will tell you how to make a coffee body scrub at home with your own hands, the recipe of which is very simple and easy. You will also learn about the application of the scrub from this fragrant product in sauna.

Want to have a slim and toned body? Coffee will help you with this!

Coffee is an essential ingredient in many skincare products. This wonderful product has anti-cellulite, tightening properties. Its use in care helps to increase skin elasticity and get rid of excess volume. Due to its exfoliating properties, coffee is often the main ingredient in skin peels and scrubs.

Coffee body scrub at home: general recommendations for preparation and use

  • For the preparation of such scrubs, you can use both sleeping and regular, not yet prepared ground coffee. Sleeping coffee contains slightly less caffeine, but it does not stain the skin as much and, in my opinion, has a more delicate smell.
  • Use fine as well as medium grinding coffee for care, because large particles of it can easily injure the skin of your thighs or abdomen.
  • Do not use instant coffee as part of your skin care products, it is unlikely to have the desired effect.
  • One of the components of the scrub must certainly be a tool that will soften the skin when it is applied. For example, it can be cosmetic oils.
  • Before using the scrub, make sure that you are not allergic to its components.
  • Apply the product with rubbing movements only on steamed and damp skin.
  • After applying it, massage the skin well for ten minutes.
  • It is necessary to use such a scrub in body care at least twice a week.
  • Always apply cream after body scrub.

How to make a coffee scrub at home: the best recipes

One of the easiest and quickest scrubs to make is coffee and your shower gel or body cream. You can add a little cinnamon and a few drops of essential oil with anti-cellulite properties (orange, rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot) to them.

But much more benefit to your body will be brought by means that have in their composition other useful to the skin natural ingredients. Eg:

Coffee salt scrub

  • coffee grounds in the amount of 100 grams;
  • sea ​​salt - 100 grams;
  • olive oil - 10 ml.

The ingredients must be mixed together and applied to the skin.

Using honey

  • honey - 100 grams;
  • coffee - 50 grams;
  • olive oil - 10-15 ml.

This tool will help in the fight against cellulite. Apply it on the skin of the thighs and buttocks and massage it for a while with light pats.

Care product with pepper tincture

  • coffee grounds - 100 grams;
  • sea ​​salt - 100 grams;
  • pepper tincture - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pepper in the composition of the scrub will improve blood circulation, as a result of which it will acquire elasticity and smoothness.

Scrub-mask with clay

  • coffee - 100 grams;
  • clay (blue) - 100 grams;
  • water - about 20 ml.

To prepare this remedy, coffee and clay must be diluted with water to a creamy state. For the best effect, problem areas should be massaged, and then wrapped with a film and left on the body for one hour.

I hope these coffee body scrub recipes will help you get ready for the start of the beach season and make your body beautiful and toned. It will help you in body care and at home.

Coffee body scrub in a sauna or bath: application, recipe

Probably everyone knows about the beneficial properties of bath procedures for the body, but not everyone is aware of the positive effects of a sauna or bath on the skin. Using a coffee body scrub in the sauna can produce the same effect as expensive spa treatments.

The use of a scrub more than once every 7 days is not permissible. If done more often, it can adversely affect the condition of the skin and cause damage to its protective upper layer, as well as provoke acid imbalance and even inflammation.

When using coffee peeling in the sauna, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Before entering the steam room, rinse hot water. This will wash away various harmful substances from the skin and prevent them from penetrating into the pores at the time of their opening.
  2. The scrub should be used after your skin has been thoroughly cleansed and steamed. It is applied to moistened integuments and distributed over the body with light circular movements, while paying special attention to problem areas.
  3. After the procedure, the scrub is washed off with non-cold water, and after visiting the steam room, you should stand under a cool shower to remove the remnants of toxins from the skin.

One of the best coffee peeling recipes for sauna

To prepare a scrub that is perfect for bath procedures, you should stock up on its following ingredients:

  • dry coffee grounds;
  • sour cream or natural yogurt.

These peeling components are taken in a ratio of 1:3 (one part of the thick to three parts of the liquid component). Just a few drops of orange oil can be added to the mixture, which will enhance its anti-cellulite properties.

When applying a scrub while in the steam room, in no case do not rub it roughly on the skin so as not to damage the integument.

Let the mixture be on your body for the duration of your sauna stay. Then just wash it off with water.

This procedure is especially beneficial for the body in winter period, because the products that make up the scrub have excellent skin softening properties.

And finally, watch the video in which they will tell you about another do-it-yourself coffee scrub recipe:

Knowing how to make a coffee body scrub at home, as well as how to use it in the sauna, you will be able to effectively care for your body, which will favorably affect the condition of your skin and make it smooth and supple.

Coffee scrub is a wonderful remedy for the skin of the face and body. You can prepare it at home, the effectiveness of the product is guaranteed by the naturalness of the ingredients that favorably affect the skin.

Coffee is not only flavored drink, it is a non-waste product. We are talking about ground coffee beans, which are used in many face and body scrubs, both store-bought and homemade.

Grounds obtained in the process of brewing coffee, past heat treatment and brewed into a drink has useful properties and is able to nourish the skin qualitatively, saturating it useful trace elements. Preparing a scrub is incredibly simple, and most importantly, it will be much more useful than that, which costs incredible money from cosmetic manufacturers.

Scrub made from coffee grounds

Why you should abandon store scrubs and switch to coffee of your own production:

  • Coffee scrub is so useful that thanks to its natural ingredients it is able to remove accumulated toxins from the skin.
  • It does not cause allergies and is absolutely safe for anyone who decides to use it. Coffee does not leave any reactions on the skin and does not irritate it.
  • Coffee actively fights cancer. Its properties are able to regulate cell division and “remove” cancerous ones. This means that using a coffee scrub is to prevent skin cancer.
  • Coffee scrub is an incredibly effective cleanser. No bacteria are scary due to the strong antibacterial effect of coffee
  • This effective remedy for weight loss and removal of extra centimeters in volumes. Scrub from the thick - the enemy of body fat
  • This scrub is able to make the skin so smooth and silky that after several procedures it can only be compared with a child's skin.
  • Coffee scrub pleases with instant results: nutrition, smartness, even color
  • The availability of this tool will please everyone
  • Aromatherapy during the scrub procedure relaxes and energizes at the same time
  • Ease of preparation will not force anyone to mess with a bunch of components

coffee face scrub

To ensure all the benefits of this cosmetic product You must try it for yourself at least once in your life.

Video: "Coffee scrub for face and body"

How to make coffee scrub?

You can make a scrub from two types of coffee:

  • brewed
  • not brewed

The effectiveness of each scrub will be the same, the only difference is that the brewed ground coffee is a little softer and has passed heat treatment. Coffee grounds can be obtained pressed from an automatic coffee maker, from a geyser, and even from a regular grater. If there is water in the thick, it must be squeezed out.

Important: Find a separate dish (jar) in which you will put the used coffee and prepare a scrub from it each time.

homemade scrub

Coffee can be mixed with oils, daily creams, lotions, sugar, salt, honey to create a scrub. The uniqueness of this tool is that coffee is able to enhance the effect of other components, and therefore improve the effect of the procedure.

Important: Coffee scrub can be used daily, wraps, masks and massages can be done.

It is not recommended to store the scrub for more than five days, so that it does not bloom and deteriorate, but as practice shows, it is very well spent. During the procedure, you can notice how coffee gives pigmentation - the color of a caramel tan, but it is easily washed off with water and all that remains is an even skin color.

Video: " Cellulite coffee scrub, the simplest and most effective recipes with ground coffee and coffee grounds

How to make coffee honey scrub recipe

Honey - unique product which has an antibacterial and nourishing effect on the skin. In combination with coffee, the scrub gives an incredible effect, moisturizing and saturating the skin with useful trace elements.

Preparing a coffee and honey scrub is very simple. It is perfect for those with dry skin. Honey is a well-known remedy for acne and blackheads, so we can safely say that this remedy is a fighter with problem areas.

coffee scrub with honey

This scrub is useful to use both on the face and on the body:

  • Prepare Scrub Dishes
  • Into the dishes put a large a spoonful of coffee with a slide
  • Next, add sour cream or a spoonful of cream (preferably fatty) to coffee
  • Heat up some honey in the microwave to make it runny.
  • Add honey to the mixture and stir until smooth.
  • This scrub is recommended to be applied only on dry and clean skin.
  • After rubbing, you can leave the mass on the body so that the soft components can be absorbed into the skin. Rinse the scrub thoroughly with warm soapy water

Video: How to make a scrub from honey, coffee?

How to make coffee sugar scrub recipe

Coffee and sugar scrub is able to restore freshness and tone to the skin. It is especially recommended to carry out procedures with this tool in winter time to saturate the skin with beneficial trace elements.

You can make a scrub for both face and body. The necessary components can be found in each home and cooking won't take long. During the procedure, you can relax, inhaling the aroma of coffee and oils, and thereby cheer yourself up.

sugar and ground coffee scrub

Scrub recipe:

  • 2 tbsp ground coffee
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 4 tbsp oils (it is preferable to choose olive oil, as it nourishes the skin very well)

All components are thoroughly mixed. After water procedures, apply the scrub in a circular motion and try to leave the mass on the skin for a while.

This tool effectively stimulates the skin to remove toxins and even eliminates the so-called "orange peel". With regular use of the scrub, you can notice the disappearance of stretch marks on the body.

sugar coffee scrub

Scrub recipe:

  • pour a (large) spoon of coffee into a container
  • add sugar in the same amount
  • mix with a small spoonful of ground cinnamon
  • any fatty oil will become a gas station

Important: Almond oil is an excellent cosmetic product.

It effectively fights problem areas, nourishes, moisturizes and evens out tone. Apply the scrub with massaging movements, allow the scrub to be absorbed after the procedure and rinse thoroughly with water.

Video: "Coffee Scrub"

How to make a coffee scrub with oils? Recipe

Essential oils added to the scrub recipe can have a wonderful effect on the skin. So, depending on the problems, you can choose the oil that will have the necessary effect.

Such a scrub is prepared from a tablespoon of coffee and a tablespoon of oil (the proportions of the scrub for the face, for the body, the proportions increase three times). It is preferable to choose olive or coconut oil, they have the most moisturizing and nourishing effect.

Important: In the finished scrub, you need to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Coffee enhances the effect of the oil and gives incredible results.

coffee scrub with essential oil

Choose an essential oil based on your needs:

  • Tea tree oil- has a strong antibacterial effect, is able to fight acne, acne and black dots
  • sandalwood oil- refreshes the skin, gives it an even color and tone, it is able to fight wrinkles
  • rose oil- not only fights wrinkles, but also small scars, stretch marks
  • orange oil- this is a real antidepressant that can have a softening effect
  • grapefruit oil- cleanses and refreshes the skin
  • lavender oil- has rejuvenating power
  • rosemary oil- tones the skin and evens out the tone

Peppermint Oil Coffee Scrub:

  1. Ground coffee
  2. Blue clay
  3. Peppermint oil
  4. Olive oil

The ingredients are mixed in a separate bowl and applied to the body in circular massage movements.

Video: How to make a coffee scrub at home?

How to make coffee salt scrub? Recipe

Sea salt is a great body cleanser. Making a coffee and sea salt scrub is not difficult:

  1. Pour sea salt into the dishes (half a glass)
  2. Mix salt with ground coffee (half a glass)
  3. Fatty oil will become a dressing, use coconut or olive
  4. Drip orange or grapefruit oil

coffee salt body scrub

Coffee and salt scrub perfectly fights cellulite problems. It is effective to use as a skin cleanser and leave as a wrap.

The essential oil, which is part of the scrub, is absorbed into the skin and fights excess accumulated fat. Cleansed skin receives a lot of micronutrients, which makes it smooth and silky.

Video: “Slimming scrub for the body, abdomen and hips”

How to make a hot coffee scrub? Recipe

  • A hot coffee scrub has many benefits. Its main advantage is that it promotes weight loss.
  • The unique components of the scrub, interacting with each other, enhance their qualities and rid the body of cellulite. With regular use, in ten days you can achieve the first results
  • Those who practiced hot coffee scrub on themselves claim that they were able to remove the extra three centimeters from the waist and hips.

hot coffee scrub eliminates cellulite and promotes weight loss

Scrub Ingredients:

  1. About 100 grams of natural ground coffee
  2. cinnamon sachet
  3. Hot pepper tincture - half a glass
  4. Two tablespoons of olive oil
  5. Water (up to half a glass, look at the consistency)

Important: All components are mixed in a bowl: coffee, pepper, oil, cinnamon. You can store this scrub in a jar for up to 10 days. One made scrub is enough for three times of use.

Water is needed in order to make the scrub more liquid consistency (optional). After taking a shower, scrub is applied to cleansed skin with massaging movements.

Coffee evens out the skin, cinnamon removes excess moisture, pepper improves blood circulation, and oil nourishes the dermis. After application, it is recommended to hold the scrub on the skin for several minutes. After the procedure, the scrub is thoroughly washed off with water and shower gel.

Important: before use, test the components of the scrub on yourself, an allergic reaction is quite possible. If desired, cinnamon can be replaced with ground ginger.

Video: “Hot coffee scrub, minus 3 cm in 10 days”

Does coffee scrub help with stretch marks?

Many users claim that coffee scrub is an excellent remedy for stretch marks on the body, which are acquired as a result of weight surges. At home, you can get rid of stretch marks with essential oils, herbs, and of course a coffee scrub.

Video: For such a scrub, you need coarse coffee, natural. The main condition is that it must be pre-brewed.

coffee scrub removes not only cellulite, but also stretch marks
  • Pour some ground coffee into a bowl.
  • Pour in hot water to cover the coffee
  • Cover the dishes so that the coffee is infused
  • Add oil to coffee
  • Add a couple of drops of essential oil
  • Apply a scrub to the skin while performing a massage. Movements should be weak at the beginning and strong at the end to the required area.
  • Do the procedure twice a week for no longer than 15 minutes. You can leave coffee as wraps. Coffee is not allergenic, its properties perfectly nourish and shade the skin

How coffee scrub works, before and after photos

The popularity of coffee scrub is not in vain every day is becoming more and more. The naturalness of the product, the absence of allergic reactions, the efficiency and ease of preparation captivate the average consumer.

Important: In order to feel the effectiveness of the product, you should arrange a weekly course of procedures. Wrapping the skin and essential oils will help enhance the action of the product.

cellulite exfoliation and wrapping

Caffeine has an excellent ability to be absorbed into the skin in a short time and favorably affects it:

  • stimulates the elimination of toxins
  • evens out the skin
  • removes excess moisture
  • improves blood circulation

coffee scrub evens out and improves skin tone

If you use a coffee scrub with sugar or salt for a month, the orange peel leaves the hips, and the stomach can get rid of stretch marks. For a stronger effect, it is recommended to use two important components in the scrub: cinnamon and red pepper.

Important: Using honey in scrubs can relieve redness, nourish dry and irritated skin.

coffee scrub gives a very noticeable effect with regular use

Those who use the scrub mistakenly believe that its effect is provided by the structure of ground coffee, similar to sand. However, this opinion is erroneous, because the whole secret of coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is easily absorbed and just as easily removes unwanted substances from the skin.

body scrub treatment
  • Make your own scrub using homemade ingredients
  • Depending on the needs of your skin, enhance the scrub recipe with essential oils and additives.
  • Test the individual components of the scrub on yourself, coffee is anti-allergic
  • Perform the procedure at least twice a week
  • Scrub must be applied to pre-cleansed skin, for example, after a shower or bath.
  • Coffee choose coarse or medium grinding for the body and fine - for the face
  • Choose only natural coffee, avoid food additives for best results
  • Instant coffee - not effective in the fight for weight loss and skin cleansing
  • Coffee with sugar is quite aggressive and therefore it is recommended to apply it on wet skin.
  • Use the scrub without forgetting the massage movements

coffee scrub - the secret to perfect skin

Experiment with coffee scrub recipes and don't forget that the result depends only on you and your desire to succeed. Do not be lazy to do the procedure more often and use only natural ingredients.

Video: "Coffee scrub for stretch marks"

Coffee is not only tasty, but also very healthy drink especially for the beauty of the face and body. Linoleic acid, found in coffee, helps the body fight free radicals, slows down the aging process, and prevents collagen loss. By the way, for a positive effect, it is not even necessary to drink coffee inside!

External use is quite enough, especially since skin care requires not so much the drink itself as its remnants - coffee grounds. A coffee-based scrub helps to visibly tighten the skin, improve blood microcirculation, reduce the depth of stretch marks and eliminate signs of age-related skin changes.

Why are coffee scrubs good for you?

The main advantages of a scrub based on ground coffee or coffee grounds:

  • Application safety. Coffee scrub can be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with dry skin. Coffee has a local effect and has virtually no side effects.
  • Ease of use. Coffee-based peels can be carried out at home, changing the composition at will according to the needs of the skin. Even with a minimum of ingredients, a coffee scrub will have the desired effect.
  • Low price. You don't have to spend money on store-bought scrubs. Coffee grounds are recycled, which means you can enjoy the great taste of your favorite drink first, and then use its leftovers for skin care.
  • Slag removal. Dirt, mixed with sweat and fat, constantly accumulates in the upper layers of the skin. Coffee grounds perfectly cleans pores, allows the skin to breathe and more actively remove excess fluid along with toxins.
  • Reducing the risk of skin diseases. Caffeine can significantly reduce the risk of malignant tumors and skin cancer.
  • Antibacterial properties. Substances contained in coffee grounds have antibacterial properties and help neutralize the bacteria that get on our skin every day.
  • Fight against cellulite. Coffee scrub is actively used to combat "orange peel", and not a single anti-cellulite program is complete without a course of wraps and scrubs based on coffee grounds.
  • Visual smoothing of the skin. Useful substances from coffee grounds penetrate deep into the skin, cleanse it, free it from excess fluid and improve the relief of the skin.
  • active influence. Combined with other ingredients (such as oils), coffee enhances their effect by doing three things at once: exfoliating, deep cleansing and nourishing.

How to use coffee scrub?

It is important to follow some tips that will help make the scrubbing procedure pleasant and effective. Firstly, before using each new ingredient in the scrub, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction, since coffee is a rather allergenic product. To test, apply a little scrub to the inside of your wrist and leave for five minutes.

Forget about instant coffee- it is not suitable for scrubbing procedures!

If there is no burning sensation, redness and rash, then the scrub can be applied to all parts of the body. Secondly, always make sure that the coffee used for peeling is fresh. Coffee must be necessarily black, medium roast, fine or medium grinding, without flavorings and extraneous additives. Only such coffee will give a positive effect.

Remember also that during coffee peeling it is necessary to produce a gentle massage, without stretching the skin and without pressing on it. Coffee scrub should only be applied to a clean and dry body. Exception - scrubs with the addition cane sugar. They are too aggressive and can scratch, so they are best applied to wet skin.

Facial scrubs

Thanks to small abrasive particles, coffee peeling is able to gently exfoliate dead cells, increasing the skin's absorption of oxygen and useful substances. Caffeine can also prevent inflammation and protect the skin from pernicious influence ultraviolet radiation. Perform coffee peeling twice a week - and your skin will be smooth and supple.

Scrub for sensitive and dry skin

  • First option: mix 40 g of finely ground coffee grounds, 10 g of fat sour cream and a few drops of rosewood oil. Apply the mixture on dry face and leave on for five minutes. Then do an exfoliating massage with light movements, just pressing your fingers against the skin. It is better to move along the massage lines. Rinse off the scrub with warm water and pat your face dry with a paper towel.
  • Second option: in a small bowl, mix 30 g rice flour, 30 g fine coffee grounds, 5 g honey and 1 tbsp. oils grape seed. Apply the scrub to the skin along the massage lines, moving from the center to the periphery. Avoid getting the scrub on the skin around the eyes. Soak a towel in warm water and remove the remaining funds. It is not necessary to use a moisturizer - grape seed oil perfectly nourishes the skin.
  • Third option: Mix 30 g of fat sour cream and 30 g of coffee grounds with 3 tbsp. oils apricot kernel. Apply to the skin, massage gently and rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Scrub for combination and oily skin

  • First option: beat with a fork egg white to a state of foam, add 20 g of fat-free kefir, 1 tbsp. honey and 30 g of ground coffee. Apply the scrub to your face and gently massage in circular motions for five minutes. Then wash off with cool water acidified with lemon juice.
  • Second option: Mix 25 g of ground coffee with 5 g of fine sea salt, 20 g of white clay powder and 20 g of curdled milk. Add a few drops of fir essential oil. Apply a thick layer on the skin of the face and leave to act for 5 minutes. Then massage in circular motions and wash off the scrub with warm water without soap.
  • Third option: grate one on a fine grater sour apple and carrots, add 5 ml lemon juice and 10 g ground coffee. Apply the scrub on the steamed skin of the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then gently massage the skin, remove the remaining scrub with a towel and rinse your face with cool water.

Scrub for aging skin

  • First option: grind 50 g in a mortar fresh berries raspberries, 30 g brown cane sugar, 20 g fat cottage cheese and 20 g of coffee grounds. Apply the scrub to the skin of the face and cover the top with a towel dipped in hot water. After 10 minutes, gently massage the skin and wash off the scrub with warm water.
  • Second option: chop two leaves of aloe until puree, add 1 tbsp. spirulina powder, 5 g linseed oil and 25 g coffee grounds. Apply the scrub in a circular motion along the massage lines on a pre-steamed face. Leave on for 8 minutes, then rinse your face with lukewarm water without cleanser.
  • Third option: in a small bowl, mix 1 tbsp. glycerin, 5 ml of alcohol diluted in half with water, 1 tbsp. dry milk, 2 quail eggs and 30 g of coffee grounds. Apply the mixture on your face and cover plastic wrap. After 10 minutes, gently massage your face and wash off the scrub with warm water.

Coffee body scrubs

The skin of the body, just like the delicate skin of the face, needs regular exfoliation. With the help of a coffee scrub, several problems can be solved at once: cellulite, stretch marks, rough skin, keratosis. For every problem there is unique composition scrub.

Coffee - excellent tool for body peeling due to high scrubbing properties

Unlike face peeling, exfoliation of the body skin is carried out with more intense massage movements, and the scrubbing peeling particles are larger. Therefore, in order to avoid injury to the skin, it is important to follow some rules:

  • You can exfoliate the skin of the body no more than once a week (for oily skin) or no more than once every two weeks (for normal and dry skin).
  • Peeling is recommended for no longer than one to two minutes; otherwise, the skin will quickly become thinner and may become hypersensitive.
  • Body peeling is best done on steamed skin. Ideal - after taking a bath, but you can pre-steam the skin with a hot towel.
  • After using the scrub, be sure to apply moisturizers and tonics to the skin.

Cellulite Scrub

  • First option: Mix in a bowl 100 g ground coffee, 10 g almond oil, 50 g medium sea salt, 30 g brown cane sugar and 10 drops of orange essential oil. Apply the scrub to steamed dry skin of problem areas and massage for two minutes. Wash off the scrub with warm water and your favorite shower gel.
  • Second option: in 100 g of ground coffee, add 30 ml of cognac, 4 tbsp. honey, 50 g of fine sea salt and 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to problem areas with circular massage movements. Leave to act for five minutes. You should feel a slight burning sensation, and the skin should turn red. Rinse off the scrub with warm water and mild shower gel.
  • Third option: in a water bath, heat the wheat germ oil, add 50 g of medium grinding sea salt, 80 g of dry coffee grounds and 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Apply a warm scrub to problem areas and massage intensely for several minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Scrub for keratosis

  • First option: mix 100 g of fine sea salt, 80 g of cane sugar, 80 g of ground coffee, 5 drops of lemon essential oil and 40 ml of medium-fat kefir. Perform an intensive massage of areas with keratosis, then rinse the skin with cool water.
  • Second option: using a whisk or fork, beat one chicken egg with 1 tbsp. pink clay powder, 50 g sea salt, 50 g wet coffee grounds, 1 tbsp. honey and 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Massage the problem areas with the resulting scrub for several minutes.
  • Third option: grind the shells of one in a coffee grinder chicken egg, add 10 ml of vodka, 10 ml of glycerin, 75 g of ground coffee and 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Apply the scrub to your skin and leave on for 10 minutes. Then wash off the mixture with warm water in circular motions.

Stretch Mark Scrub

  • First option: ripe avocado mash with a fork until pureed, add 2 tbsp. blue clay powder, 1 tbsp. oatmeal, 50 g ground coffee and 5 drops each of petitgrain and rosemary essential oils. Rub the scrub vigorously into your skin for a few minutes. Then rinse your skin with cool water.
  • Second option: mix 50 g ground coffee, 40 g sugar, 40 g sea salt, 3 tbsp. liquid honey and 7 drops of patchouli essential oil. Massage into problem areas, leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and your favorite shower gel.
  • Third option: grate the lemon zest on a fine grater, add 6 drops of orange essential oil, 20 g of jojoba oil, 1 tsp. mumiyo powder and 40 g ground coffee. Apply to problem areas with intense massage movements and leave to act for five minutes. Wash skin thoroughly with warm water and neutral soap.