Cooking mash at home.

The very name of this alcoholic drink comes from its preparation process.

Brazhka is used to prepare drinks in which alcohol must be present.

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Braga (this is the second name of the intoxicating drink) is also used to make moonshine.

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Ways to get mash in the old days

  • Leave birch or maple sap to infuse in a warm place so that it ferments and turns into mash.
  • When the honey is prepared, the fermented wort is collected and also left to infuse.

These methods were known long before distillation was invented.

In the modern world, in order to make mash at home, you need to use rye and barley malt, honey, hops and sugar.

Now consider the basic recipes for making mash.


If everything is done strictly according to the recipe, as a result you will be able to make approximately five liters of mash.


  • One kilogram of sugar.
  • One hundred grams of fresh yeast.
  • Five liters of water.


  1. Heat a small amount of water to about thirty degrees and dilute the yeast in it.
  2. In a separate container in warm water, dissolve all the prepared sugar and mix both liquids, after which you fill it all with five liters of water.
  3. Close the resulting dissolved mass tightly and put it where it is warmer.
  4. Pay special attention to the tightness of the dishes in which the mash is prepared. Fluid can leak out because a lot of carbon dioxide is produced, or if the container is not sealed tightly, oxygen will get in and react with the mixture, and this is fraught with the formation of many foreign substances that can harm your body.
  5. To avoid this situation, use the water lock method when sealing the container. To do this, put on an ordinary rubber glove on the neck of the bottle, which should be pierced with a needle before that.
  6. Leave the liquid to ferment for five to ten days, and then carefully, so that the thick at the bottom is not affected, pour the finished mash into other bottles, which you tightly cork.

Delicious mash with the color of young wine

The taste of this drink is very pleasant, but be careful - it is very intoxicating.


  • One kilogram of sugar.
  • Twenty-five grams of dry yeast.
  • Four hundred grams of quality round rice.
  • Three tablespoons of fresh red currants.
  • Three liters of water.

How to insist

  1. Dissolve all the sugar in warm water, then add the yeast there and stir until the sugar and yeast are dissolved.
  2. Pour rice with the resulting liquid (you don’t need to wash it before that!) And put the container in a warm place for ten days.
  3. Ten days later, add the berries and again leave the brew to infuse for ten days.
  4. When this time is up, you can pour this delicious drink into containers convenient for you and treat your loved ones to it - we are sure they will appreciate your efforts!

Brazhka from jam

What do you need

  • Three liters of any jam.
  • One hundred grams of fresh yeast.
  • Fifteen liters of water.
  • One and a half kilograms of sugar.


  1. As you can see, a lot of liquid is used, so prepare a roomy dish.
  2. Put all three liters of jam into it, add one and a half kilograms of sugar and pour it all with boiled warm water, then add yeast. Stir all the contents until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Put the container with the contents in a dry, warm place where there is no light for four to five days. During this time, fermentation will begin in the mass.
  4. After five days, you take out the fermented mixture and distill it. Subject to all the rules, you should get approximately three liters of mash at the output (based on a liter of jam per liter of finished product).
  5. To improve the quality and taste, distill the mash again.
  6. After that, add additives and products to the drink that will improve the taste and add flavor to the drink. To do this, take the skins of a lemon and an orange, cut them into slices and dry them. Dried skins are added to the already finished twice distilled product. You can add more roasted coffee beans, whole red peppers, cloves, and any other aromatic spices.
  7. Again insist the mash for several days, filter, bottle and put them in the refrigerator.

Braga from mulberry


  • Ten kilograms of fresh mulberries.
  • Ten liters of water.
  • Three kilos of sugar.


  1. Mulberry, without washing, wrinkle with your hands in any container suitable for this. In this case, wild yeast is formed in the very first layer, do not wash it off in any case, otherwise you will not wait for the fermentation process to begin.
  2. Heat the prepared water to a temperature of thirty degrees and fill it with mulberries. Add sugar and mix everything well.
  3. Pour the mass into a suitable bottle and pull a rubber glove over its neck, in which you first pierce holes in your fingers with a needle.
  4. Put the bottle in a warm dark place and leave for ten to fifteen days, remembering to stir the contents once a day to knock the cap off the surface.
  5. After ten to twenty-five days, the liquid will become lighter, acquire a bitter taste, a layer of sediment will appear, after which you can begin the distillation process.
  6. Drain the mash, trying not to catch the sediment, and filter it through a sieve, then pour this liquid into a distillation cube.
  7. Make sure that there is no pulp of berries in the moonshine still, because when heated it will burn, and this will ruin the taste of the whole liquid.
  8. Slowly distill the mulberry mash. The first hundred and fifty milliliters of the distilled liquid are collected and poured out, as it is unhealthy. The remaining product of the distillation is bottled and cooled in the refrigerator.

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Ostap Bender, the notorious son of a Turkish citizen, offered foreigners 200 recipes for making moonshine from whatever their heart desires (from a stool, for example). But to make this strong alcoholic drink, you need mash, from which, in fact, it is distilled. How to make mash for moonshine correctly, what ingredients it should consist of, what is the sequence of preparation steps - these questions arise first of all for beginner moonshiners. Let's try to answer some of them in this article.

A little historical background

Of course, the knowledge of how to make mash (including for moonshine) was possessed in antiquity. The fermentation process - one of the most common in nature - formed the basis of the name of this product. The whole history of alcoholic beverages began with mash or homemade beer. Brewing is as old as the world. It existed even among the ancient Egyptians. And braga is homemade beer, which has long been valued as a tasty and healthy product. In Mesopotamia, Babylon and Ancient Greece, this drink was often used to enter a state of a special trance cultivated at the festivities. Dionysius is a prime example of history. In general, it is rare for a folk holiday to do without the use of (in the beginning - cult) mash or beer. The ancient peoples seemed to compete with each other in the ways of making mash and drinks from it. Everything went into business: cereals, bread, berries, fruits, flowers, honey.

The Japanese, for example, prepared the traditional sake, vodka made from rice, developed in the east many thousands of years ago (and this type of strong drink, which is consumed hot, remains the most popular in this region to this day). In Scotland and Ireland, barley, wheat, and rye were used to make a strong alcoholic drink called whiskey. In Ancient Russia, honey production, which was known as early as the twelfth century, became an alternative. A variety of spices were added to mead to improve the taste, which contributed to the development of trade with the East. In general, from what and how to make mash for moonshine (and these strong drinks, in essence, they are), people in various countries have known for a long time.

Where is the alcohol from?

Beginners in moonshine brewing often have various questions. For example, where does the ethyl alcohol in Braga come from? The fact is that live yeast feeds on sugar and releases alcohol as a product of its vital activity. But as soon as the ethanol content exceeds twelve percent, the yeast dies because it cannot survive at such a high concentration of alcohol. Accordingly, the fermentation process is completed. Note that alcohol can only be obtained from a variety of sugars - nothing else! Moreover, in terms of taste, mash obtained from fruits and berries will be much better than simply prepared from sugar and yeast.

How much yeast to put?

It is known that the best mash will be obtained with this ratio: one kilogram of sugar, 100 grams of live yeast or 25 grams of dry, three to four liters of water (according to various sources). Some craftsmen add the so-called top dressing - minerals containing nitrogen and fluorine. This is done to speed up the fermentation process of the wort. When using fruits and berries, top dressing is not needed.


The volume of fermentation dishes depends entirely on your needs. But in any case, the liquid should not occupy more than three-quarters of the container. Now on sale there are plastic barrels for foodstuffs of various volumes and configurations. So choose the one that suits you best. For example, in a container of 80 liters, you can cook up to 60 liters of mash. The use of large glassware is also legitimate, but is associated with an increased risk of its use (may crack, break when rearranged from place to place). Although some argue that the correct home brew for moonshine is obtained only in glass. Believe me, it's not. Just a tradition. Yes, it would be best to put your container on a sturdy stool up to 50 centimeters high or on a small table. So it will be more convenient to express the resulting mash with a rubber hose.

How much moonshine is obtained from mash?

According to the experimental data of amateur moonshiners, from ten liters of raw material for distillation, about three liters of moonshine should be obtained. But everything also depends on the initial product for the wort, the usefulness of the fermentation process, on the distillation method (if you have a basin of cold water and a saucepan instead of a technologically high-quality apparatus, then the losses will be significant).

Another important point is the cutting off of "heads" and "tails" (as the first and last 100 grams of moonshine are called). The "heads" contain volatile essential oils, which are extremely harmful. In the "tails" the degree drops, and it's time to stop distillation. So ideally - another minus 200-300 grams to get a better product. It has also been experimentally proven that most of the moonshine will come out of the wort using sugar, starch, and cereals. Least of all - from fruits, berries, grapes.

Making mash for moonshine

For example, we need to produce 60 liters of raw materials. This brew for moonshine is made from granulated sugar, yeast and water. Pour into the prepared container 40 liters of pure spring or well water, heated to 30 degrees. You can take water from the tap, but in this case it must be allowed to settle. Do not boil! In this process, it loses some of the oxygen, which is so necessary for the life of the yeast. How to make brew for moonshine? Pour 16 kilograms of granulated sugar into a container and stir well until it is completely dissolved. The volume of the solution will increase and the temperature will decrease. We take one kilogram of raw yeast and fall asleep in a barrel. The water temperature should be 20-25 degrees. Mix completely. You can also add five raw grated potatoes to the wort (but in extreme cases you can do without potatoes). Mix the contents again. Loosely put on the lid. We wait.

After about half an hour, the yeast begins its vital activity. Fermentation occurs, the temperature gradually rises. This process can be quite turbulent. It lasts about a day. Sometimes foam comes out. Do not try to bring down the foam by stirring the mash. It can only hurt. It is better to add a glass of fresh milk to the container. You can splash a little sunflower oil. You can throw a piece of cookie. These methods knock down the foam. They do not affect the result of fermentation in any way. Also, you can not tightly close the lid on the barrel, otherwise the carbon dioxide released during the process can simply rip it off.

After three to four days, the mash calms down, the foam stops forming, and gas emission stops. At this stage, you can add water to the barrel, bringing the volume of liquid to 60 liters. Close the lid and put the barrel in a warm place. To better keep warm, wrap the container with a blanket. The optimum process temperature is up to 30 degrees (so the yeast is most active). Remember also that it is dangerous to overheat the mash, because the yeast dies at temperatures above 35. It is better to allow the temperature to drop to 22-25 degrees than to increase. At the same time, the maturation period of the mash will only slightly increase.

without oxygen

During this period, it is recommended to stop the access of oxygen to the barrel, so as not to interfere with the fermentation process. We close the lid hermetically, and remove carbon dioxide through a tube into a jar of water (we make a water seal). After seven to eight days, our mash begins to brighten and becomes not sweet, but bitter (if you feel sweet, stir the contents and let stand for a couple more days). After that, the mash is ready for further distillation. This is just one of the recipes for how to put mash on moonshine, but it is undoubtedly the simplest and most popular among the people, since it does not involve any additional ingredients other than water, sugar and yeast.

From jam, marmalade, jam

Braga from jam for moonshine is usually prepared in cases where the year before last year’s jam “was lying around” in your pantry. You shouldn't throw it away. You can try to make a good, high-quality mash. In jam, as a rule, there is already quite a lot of sugar, so for fifteen liters of water we take a three-liter jar of jam, add one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar, yeast. This is a very simple recipe that does not require large investments. Such mash can be drunk like young wine, or it can be distilled, getting good moonshine.


Braga from apples for moonshine is also always a popular raw material. The thing is that for people who have their own garden, this is one of the most affordable ways to recycle fallen fruit. Don't waste good! Apples produce not only an excellent moonshine with a special taste, but also a pleasant light drinking mash, a kind of cider. How is apple brew prepared for moonshine? You need to take 30 kilograms of ripe apples, 20 liters of pure spring water, five kilograms of sugar, 100 grams of dry yeast. Wash the collected apples, clean them from rot, seeds, core, cut into small slices.

It is better to take apples of sweet varieties. We grind the raw materials until a homogeneous mass is formed (using a meat grinder, crusher or drill with a special nozzle). We place the mass in a barrel and fill it with prepared water. We make syrup from sugar and also pour it into a container. Dissolve yeast (100 grams dry) in warm water, add to the main wort, mix. Loosely close the barrel and set to ferment in a warm place for 10 days. Over time, a “cap” of pulp should form on the surface of the mash, which can prevent fermentation. The layer must be stirred, destroyed, so that a foam forms and a pleasant apple aroma appears. After about 10 days, the drink will clear up, stop bubbling, and the pulp will fall to the bottom. This is another way to put mash on moonshine.

Yeast free

You can also make apple mash without sugar and yeast, using only very sweet varieties of apples. Let's do an initial test. Grind one kilogram of unwashed apples and wait for the start of the fermentation process (usually one or two days). If everything is in order, then we do everything according to the above recipe, but do not put sugar. And we replace the yeast with raisins (150 grams) or sprouted wheat (100 grams). However, remember that this version of the mash gives much less moonshine at the exit.

From cereals

And to find out how mash is prepared for moonshine from wheat, it is enough to study the following recipe (calculation for a 19-liter bottle). You need to take wheat suitable for germination (it is easy to buy on the market) - one kilogram.

Fill the grain with water so that it only covers it, put it in a warm place. In a day, the wheat will germinate. Add 600 grams of granulated sugar, mix, pour in a little water - you get a sourdough. She wanders up to 10 days. Pour the prepared sourdough into a bottle, add another three kilograms of wheat and three kilograms of sugar, fill it with warm water. The total volume of the wort is two-thirds of the bottle. We put on a rubber glove on the neck, wait about a week, after which the brew for moonshine from wheat is ready. From one serving of wheat in this way, you can cook two or three servings of mash, draining the finished one and adding sugar. It turns out an excellent raw material for the distillation of grain moonshine.

To date, there are many recipes for making mash for moonshine. In different countries, there are traditional methods based on certain berries and plants, as a result of which such world-famous drinks as cognac, brandy, rum, whiskey were born. In principle, you can drive out of anything, if only there was a fermentation process and the bacteria developed precious alcohol, and for this you only need:

  1. bacteria
  2. Food for bacteria (most often sugar)

Everything else only gives the drink a taste and aroma, respectively, moonshine can be driven even from manure (only who will drink it). Traditionally, alcohol is made from the following bases:

  • Cereal crops
  • Grapes and wine production waste (pressing)
  • Fruits and berries
  • Sugar cane

Of course, the list does not end there, because you can drive alcohol from potatoes, agave, and other nutrient media, although you need to add sugar. Can be expelled from a simple mash consisting of sugar, water and yeast. There are a lot of recipes, in this article we will consider the main ways, following which you can get a chic drink at home, putting it on the festive table, it will not be a shame to treat friends and relatives and get the fame of a master of moonshine.

Braga is a product that is used as an independent drink and as a raw material for the production of moonshine. To get high-quality moonshine, you must initially take care of the quality of raw materials for mash.

Preparatory stage

Before you start moonshine brewing, you should take care of the cleanliness of all equipment used. The fermentation container must be thoroughly washed in hot water and dried very thoroughly. This point is especially important, since the slightest interference by foreign elements can spoil the entire product.

Almost anything can be used as a container, the main thing is to correlate its volume with the volume of the desired product. In no case should galvanized dishes be used for containers, as over time it will begin to oxidize and make the mash toxic and, accordingly, harmful to health. You can’t take under this case and dishes made of cheap plastic, which is now quite common in many stores. You can take plastic containers that have a mark "for food."

Traditional home brew recipe for sugar moonshine

Braga for moonshine - the recipe is quite simple and understandable, especially in the traditional version. Mandatory components of traditional mash are yeast, water and sugar.

Water is a very important aspect of quality home brew. The best option is water from a spring that has passed filtration. Distilled or boiled water is absolutely not suitable - they lack the beneficial microflora that yeast needs. It is worth considering that if the water is too hard, then the fermentation rate slows down significantly, this is important to consider if it is necessary to prepare the mash by a certain date.

The choice of yeast should also be approached quite carefully. At the moment, there is a type of yeast on the market called alcoholic yeast. They have a number of advantages. Firstly, they guarantee the absence of excess impurities that can contaminate the mash. Secondly, they help to achieve the best taste and aroma of the finished drink.

Their packaging even has a note that they are suitable for both baking and making drinks. Another well-known and frequently used brand is SAF-Moment yeast. So, if spirit yeast is not freely available, you can go to the nearest store and purchase yeast from one of these companies.

Pressed yeast is also suitable for making mash, although they are inferior to dry ones in some respects, but it’s still easier to get them, especially if you live in a small town.

The quality of sugar, like other ingredients, also plays a role. Therefore, do not save on this product. When using good granulated sugar, at the end you will get a better product.

Approximate proportions are as follows: for 2 kg of sugar - 10 liters of water and 200 gr. pressed yeast (or 40 gr. dry).

Let's move on to the process itself: how to make mash for moonshine.

First of all, sugar dissolves in warm water. Then yeast is added to them.

Note! Pressed yeast must be initially diluted with a small amount of sugar to activate it (it takes about 5 minutes), and dry yeast can be immediately poured over the sugar solution.

The dishes under the mash are closed with a water seal. A water seal is a necessary thing if you are going to make moonshine on your own. Its design allows the release of carbon dioxide accumulated in the tank, but at the same time does not let in excess air. In other words, it provides complete sealing of the container. A water seal can be made both independently and bought (it is quite inexpensive, and there are a lot of benefits from it).

Note! The water seal must be bought exclusively from environmentally friendly and high-quality materials, so you should make sure that its composition is natural before buying.

The question arises: how to put mash on moonshine? It should be set at a temperature of 28-32 degrees, since at temperatures below 20 - the fermentation process will not start or will take place in a sluggish form, and when heated above 40 degrees - the yeast, so necessary for us for mash, dies.

Once every few days, the wort should be stirred for a minute or two. Braga should stand for one to two weeks.

Readiness of mash for distillation: how to determine? The first sign of the readiness of the mash is the absence of carbon dioxide emission, the sedimentation of yeast and the presence of a light layer on the surface of the mash. For reliability, you can taste the mash for taste - it should be bitter-sour, without a sweetish aftertaste.

If you follow the traditional recipe, the output of moonshine from 10 liters of mash will be about 2-2.5 liters of pure drink.

Accelerated cooking process

As noted earlier, the mash is cooked for a week or two, depending on temperature, yeast and other factors. But what if there is no way to wait so long and moonshine is needed in the coming days? Quick braga will come to the rescue. Naturally, the quality of the drink obtained in this way will be slightly worse than that of a fully infused drink, so it is made only in extreme cases. But when manufacturing speed is a priority, quality can be sacrificed slightly.

Quick sugar mash


  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • dry yeast - 30 gr. (or 150 gr. pressed);
  • pure water (but not distilled and not boiled!) - 7.5 liters.
  • So, how to cook mash for moonshine quickly?

Stage 1. We heat the water to 30 degrees, pour sugar into it and mix it properly.

Stage 2. We dilute our yeast in warm water and pour this yeast mixture into the sugar syrup.

Stage 3. Pour the mash into a suitable container and install an aquarium heater in it, with which we maintain a temperature of 25 degrees for three days. Three days later, the mash is ready for distillation.

If the farm does not have an aquarium heater and it is absolutely impractical to buy one, you can maintain the temperature by any other heating method. The easiest way is to wrap the container in warm clothes and put it near the battery or electronic heater, but in this case the fermentation process can last longer - four to five days.

It is desirable that the heating system used allows you to control the temperature, since it is better to put mash for moonshine at a temperature of 22 to 30 degrees.

Thus, after the first distillation, you get 2 liters of good moonshine, with a strength of about 45 degrees.

Quick mash from peas

Quick brew for moonshine from peas is used when there are absolutely no digestible conditions for comfortable fermentation and for adjusting the temperature.

Ingredients for pea mash:

  • granulated sugar - 7 kg;
  • peeled peas - 2 kg;
  • sour cream - 200 gr. (standard packing);
  • dry yeast - 60 gr. (or 350 gr. pressed yeast);
  • clean water - 35 liters.

Now let's proceed to the description of the very manufacture of quick pea mash.

Stage 1. We heat the water to 25 - 30 degrees and pour it into a large container with a volume of 40 liters (a can is well suited for these purposes).

Stage 2. We breed yeast in warm water.

Stage 3. Place peas and diluted yeast in a can. All this is properly mixed.

Stage 4. After 10 - 15 minutes, pour sugar into the same place and add sour cream, and then stir this whole mass again.

Note! Sour cream is absolutely necessary in this case, since after a few hours an abundant formation of foam will begin, which will want to overflow the banks, and sour cream will not allow this to happen.

Stage 5. We close our container for mash and wrap it with a blanket or something else large and warm. If it is possible to maintain the temperature at 23-29 degrees, then it is very good. If not, then it's okay, the mash will still be ready for distillation in 3 days.

It is recommended to take no more than seven liters of moonshine during distillation, if the above proportions have been applied. Otherwise, moonshine will be cloudy, respectively, of less quality.

In order for moonshine to be cleaner and better, it is necessary to clean it. For example, pass moonshine through a charcoal filter (this is the fastest way).

Note! On the Internet, there are tips for creating a quick wash in the washing machine. It is strongly not recommended to use this method. Firstly, this method will not give a result and the yeast will not ferment faster from intensive mixing for three to four hours. Secondly, with this method of making mash for moonshine, there is a high probability that washing powder will get into the mash, and this will not only spoil the taste, it is also dangerous to health. So, mash in a few hours is still clearly not for home-made, but in a few days it is quite real.

And yet, it’s better to use a long-term recipe for making mash, since it’s better not to make mash for moonshine in a hurry, but calmly let it ferment in the usual way.

Braga from jam

Another interesting recipe is jam mash. Well suited for this business jam from apples, cherries, strawberries or currants. You can experiment with other flavors as well, depending on your personal preference.

  • water - 5 liters;
  • jam - 2.5 kg;
  • dry yeast - 3.5-4 gr.
  • If desired, you can add fresh fruit, the same as in jam, or raisins (it will give the mash a light creamy flavor).

Preparation of mash from jam.

Stage 1. The jam is placed in a saucepan and poured with clean water at room temperature.

Stage 2. A mixture of jam with water (in other words, wort) is heated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, after which it is left to cool to 20-25 degrees.

Stage 3. Yeast is added to the cooled wort and thoroughly mixed there.

Stage 4. We place our drink in a fermentation tank and close it with a water seal.

Advice! If there is no water seal at home, and it is not possible to purchase it at the moment, then an ordinary medical glove will come to the rescue. Just pull it over the neck of the container and poke a small hole in one of your fingers. In addition to letting out carbon dioxide and keeping air out, the glove will also serve as a fermentation control. As soon as the glove falls off, the fermentation process is completed.

Stage 5. How to put mash on moonshine made from jam? The conditions are the same as for traditional sugar mash. The container is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 20-28 degrees. The drink must be stirred every day with a wooden stick or spatula.

Note! During the mash mixing procedure, make sure that the object to be stirred is clean and dry and there is no danger of other substances getting into the mash, as this can ruin the entire fermentation process.

Stage 6. After a couple of weeks, when all signs of the completion of the fermentation process were found (the opal glove or the water seal stopped releasing bubbles, the mash brightened, and sediment appeared), you can strain the drink and the mash from the jam is ready.

Advice! Any mash can start to actively foam, so people with experience in the manufacture of alcohol are advised to crumble half a cookie into a mash before leaving it to ferment. This will help prevent the active process of foam formation.

In addition to the above recipes, there are many others, such as mash from grapes, plums, oranges, potatoes, persimmons, sea buckthorn, dates, pears, corn, etc. You can take ready-made recipes and remake them for yourself, for example, replace fruit or create a mix of flavors using different products. In general, making brew for moonshine at home is not only the creation of a product for moonshine, but also scope for creativity and taste research.


After you have decided on the recipe for preparing a product for moonshine, the question always arises: how to overtake mash into moonshine? We will consider this issue next in our article.

It is recommended to distill the mash using a moonshine, even if not very expensive, because nothing will give the same result as using special equipment. Naturally, each moonshine still has its own characteristics and nuances that must be taken into account, but the general concepts and algorithm of actions are approximately the same. In any case, the mash cube is filled only by ¾, this is important and you should not neglect this rule so that the mash does not “run away”.

Distillation of mash into moonshine can be carried out in three ways:

  1. Conventional distillation (distillation).
  2. Fractional distillation.
  3. Double distillation of moonshine, combining the above two methods.

Conventional distillation is the simplest method, the second option is already more complicated, but in principle it does not differ much from the first in terms of labor costs. But double distillation is a more time-consuming and time-consuming process, but it guarantees an excellent result. Whatever you choose, we will tell you about any of the above methods.

Conventional distillation

First of all, the distiller must be rinsed with running water, and then connected to the distillation cube. Without exception, all devices have fittings for cooling inlet and outlet for cooling and the finished drink. Attach hoses to all fittings, preferably made of food grade silicone.

The water inlet hose must be connected to a running water supply, and the water outlet hose must be led to a drain point, such as a sink, bathtub, or somewhere else, depending on how convenient it is for you.

There are moonshine stills with a special fitting for a thermometer, in which case it should also be used during distillation. Moonshine stills equipped with heating elements (tubular electric heaters) must be connected to a power source. Do not forget to take this into account when choosing premises for moonshine distillation.

In the absence of heating elements, the cube is placed on a stove: electric or gas.

Upon reaching a temperature of 60 degrees, you can apply cooling. When the temperature approaches 75 degrees, the distillate will begin to come out and must be taken into the receiving vessel. As soon as the heating temperature of the cube reaches 100 degrees, the distillation must be completed: turn off the heating and drain the remaining liquid from the cube.

Fractional distillation

This process is more labor-intensive, but gives better quality alcohol at the output.

Let's talk about temperature. The temperature at which ethyl alcohol boils is significantly different from that at which water and harmful fusel oils boil. Purified alcohol begins to boil at a temperature of 78.3 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 760 mm of mercury, water boils at a temperature of 100 degrees and at exactly the same pressure. The distillation process is carried out by heating the mash to a boil, and the steam obtained in this case is then cooled and forms a jet. The liquid obtained in this way is called distillate.

There is a pattern: the more alcohol in a liquid, the lower its boiling point, respectively, when alcohol evaporates from a liquid, its boiling point becomes higher.

Algorithm for heating home brew to obtain moonshine

Making mash for moonshine at home is an interesting and creative process, but distilling mash into moonshine is no less exciting and requires close attention.

For the manufacture of high quality alcohol, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm for heating the mash. There are three critical boiling points:

  1. The first critical boiling point is reached at a temperature of 65-67 degrees and corresponds to the boiling point of light impurities.
  2. The second critical point is the boiling point of ethyl alcohol, i.e. 78.3 degrees.
  3. The third critical point is reached at temperatures above 85 degrees and means the beginning of the release of harmful and heavy fusel oils.

If the temperature has reached only 67-68 degrees, then such moonshine is called "pervach", because. it is not suitable for food consumption and is poisonous even for external use (i.e. it is not suitable for use as a lotion, etc.).

It is very convenient to determine the temperature if there is a thermometer in the cube. If not, then the moment of the first critical point is determined visually, when the condensation process begins on the walls of the refrigerator of the moonshine still, and the walls of the receiving flask are covered with the first droplets and a light aroma of alcohol begins to soar in the air. The process of transition from critical point 1 to critical point 2 is one of the most crucial moments. At this time, it is necessary to quickly reduce the heating rate in a small temperature range, because. otherwise, a sharp release of mash may occur.

As soon as the temperature approaches the second critical point with a temperature of 78.3 degrees, the main stage of moonshine distillation begins. As mentioned earlier, as the concentration of alcohol decreases, the boiling point increases. This worsens the distillation conditions, so it is optimal to maintain a temperature of 78 to 83 degrees constantly throughout the distillation process.

Reaching the third critical point indicates that the concentration of alcohol in Braga has reached a minimum. At this moment, an intensive release of toxic fusel oils begins, which worsens the quality, taste and usefulness of moonshine. As soon as the temperature reaches 85 degrees, the process of distilling the mash into moonshine should be completed immediately. In the absence of a thermometer, you can determine the third critical point using a piece of paper. This is done very easily: we lower the paper into the distillate obtained at this moment, if it lights up with blue fire, then the distillation process should be continued, if it does not start to burn, then the concentration of alcohol in the distillate is already minimal and now harmful fusel oils prevail there. In this case, the distillation of the mash should be completed.

Double distillation of moonshine

The name of this method speaks for itself. First of all, alcohol is distilled in the usual way at a temperature of 100 degrees. After that, the resulting distillate is diluted with clean (preferably spring) water so that the fortress is 30-40% vol. Then the second method is used - fractional distillation. With maintaining the temperature at the level of 78-83 degrees.

This dual method helps to make the final product cleaner and at the same time improves its quality.

The output of the finished moonshine

Often there is a question: how much moonshine will turn out from 20 liters of mash?

The exact answer to it depends on the chosen recipe and the amount of sugar in the mash. It has already been indicated above how much moonshine will turn out if you overtake 10 liters of home brew. Accordingly, according to the traditional recipe, 4-5 liters of pure drink will be obtained from 20 liters of mash.

From this article you learned:

  • traditional recipe for making mash;
  • jam recipe;
  • recipe for mash from peas and sour cream;
  • how to cook a quick mash;
  • what are the best ingredients to choose;
  • how to put the mash for moonshine;
  • what are the methods of distillation of alcohol;
  • how many liters of moonshine will be obtained from 10 or 20 liters of home brew.

The fastest brew for moonshine with potatoes

This recipe allows you to achieve the desired result in a day. Let's talk right away. Do not try to prepare the coveted distillate in a shorter time. If you are told that a quick mash can be prepared in 2 hours by spinning it in a washing machine centrifuge, be skeptical about this information. In a similar way, you most likely will not achieve anything, except for enriching your future drink with detergents, which is unlikely to benefit him.

List of ingredients

  1. Potato - 2 kg;
  2. Rye bread - 4 loaves;
  3. Sugar - 5 kg;
  4. Brewer's yeast - 5 kg;
  5. Milk - 1 l;
  6. Water - 25 liters.

Cooking Method

Peel potatoes, boil and crush. Mix it with crumbled bread, add sugar, yeast, milk and pour hot water over all this. Mix the resulting substance well, then leave to ripen in a dark place at room temperature. The next day, the mash can be used for its intended purpose.

Quick brew for sugar moonshine

The slogan for this method can be a familiar phrase from childhood: “catch a fish big and small.”

List of ingredients

  1. Sugar - 3 kg;
  2. Yeast - dry 60 g or pressed 300 g;
  3. Water - 15 liters.

Cooking Method

Dissolve sugar in water heated to 30°C. Add separately diluted yeast there. Place the fermentation container in a dry, warm place, after lowering the aquarium heater into it, adjusted to + 25 ° C. After 3 days, the substance will be ready for distillation.

Quick brew for moonshine in 2 days

You can try to speed up the fermentation process by breaking down sugar into glucose and fructose with citric acid, however, we personally cannot vouch for the two-day result promised by the author of the video.

Quick brew for moonshine on peas

Peas are an ideal nutrient medium for intensive fermentation. This quality of it is successfully used in obtaining early-ripening mash.

List of ingredients

  1. Sugar - 7 kg;
  2. Shelled peas - 2 kg;
  3. Sour cream - 200 g;
  4. Yeast - dry 60 g or pressed 350 g;
  5. Water - 35 liters.

Cooking Method

Pour water heated to a temperature of 25 ° C into a forty-liter fermentation tank. Send peas and yeast diluted in warm water there, then mix the contents of the vessel well. Then, after 15 minutes, add sugar and sour cream (the latter is needed to prevent an overly active foaming process). Mix the substance again, close the container with a tight lid, wrap it with a blanket or some other suitable dense cloth and leave it for 3 days in a warm, dark place. After the specified period, you can safely proceed to the distillation.

on sugar

  • In the case of using only sugar and yeast, the mash is brewed in a clean bowl. For 3.5 liters of water, 1 kg of the first component and 100 g of pressed yeast are taken.
  • It is better to first prepare a sweet syrup, pour sugar or granulated sugar with hot water, stir, then hold the solution on fire until it boils. Let it boil for 10 minutes, then add 25 g of citric acid and again, in a closed container, hold over low heat for 1 hour.
  • All microbes, if they were in sugar, will die, this will ensure sterility. And it will become more intense to wander in Braga. Next, the cooled syrup is poured into a flask or bottle and 18 liters of water are added there.
  • Pressed yeast, previously mashed, is also added there. The container with the mash is closed and placed in a room with a room temperature not higher than 31 degrees. The fermentation process lasts an average of 5 days.
  • From time to time, the mash must be shaken (every half a day), without opening the water seal (special lid with a valve). A rubber glove can also be used as it, it will show the accumulation of gases. It is enough to take it off the bottle from time to time and let them out, then put it back on.

No invert

If sugar inversion is not used, then there is another recipe for mash. 100 g of sugar is mixed in half a liter of water. There lies 10 g of pressed yeast. For two hours, the sweet solution is placed in a warm room.

The rapid formation of foam is eliminated by stirring. The wort is being prepared. The same kilogram of sugar is poured into 4 liters of water and stirred. The sweet yeast solution is then combined with the wort. The container with it is placed in a warm place at a temperature of 20 to 34 degrees for fermentation.

It should be remembered that additional heat is released during it, so it is important not to overheat the mash. It is necessary to provide for abundant foam separation, leaving room in the container for this. The process will last from several days to a half month.

From grain

Another way to make brew for moonshine is to make it from wheat and without yeast. The grain germinates first. This is done in the following way: 5 kg of wheat is sieved and poured into a wide container, then poured with warm coated water.

One and a half kilograms of sugar is added and closed with a lid, set for germination. When sprouts appear, the grain is transferred to another container, and 15 liters of water are added to it with the addition of another 5 kg of sugar. It is closed with a water seal and infused for 10 days in warmth. After one and a half weeks of fermentation, the wort will be ready for distillation.

From jam

If you have fermented jam from berries or fruits at hand, then you can put it on the mash. A capacious flask (30 liters) is taken. Warm water is poured, sugar dissolves in it. This is where the jam goes. All this is mixed up. Yeast is bred separately and added to the container. Braga goes at a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees for up to 10 days. For 30 liters of water, 6 liters of jam, 3 kg of sugar and a third of a pack of pressed yeast are used.

From potatoes

How to cook mash for a strong alcohol drink from potatoes? In wartime, people made moonshine from frozen potatoes. There is such a way. First, the mash is made. 20 kg of frozen potatoes are washed and ground in any way (you can also use a meat grinder). The resulting mass is poured with 15 liters of boiling water cooled to 60 degrees.

A kilogram of wheat flour is added. The solution is thoroughly mixed, settled until a precipitate appears, followed by draining. Then another 10 liters of water is poured into the container with the remaining sediment (its temperature is already 50 degrees), all this is again mixed and settled. With the appearance of a precipitate, the second liquid also drains. Then both are mixed, pressed yeast is added at the rate of 5 liters of liquid 100 g. Braga “walks” for two weeks.

With added oats

If there are potatoes and ground oats, then you can also make mash from them. Water is boiled at the rate of 5 liters per 3.6 kg of oats and 10 kg of potatoes. First, oats are poured with boiling water, mixed, grated potatoes (raw) are added to it, the mixture is infused for 3 hours. Then another 30 liters of water is added with stirring, and one and a half kilograms of stirred pressed yeast is immediately added. A container with mash is infused for 3 or 4 days in a warm place. When bubbles appear, the liquid is distilled into alcohol.

With barley malt

Beer is made from grain crops. Of these, you can also make mash, mixing with vegetables. For this, one and a half kilograms of bran and barley malt are taken. It is poured with 2 liters of water at a temperature of 18 - 20 degrees, mixed. Then 2 liters of 30-degree water are added.

The mass is mixed, and 10 kg of crushed boiled potatoes with 5 liters of hot water are sent to it. After insisting for 3 hours, add 10 liters of cool water with 300 grams of yeast (beer). The container stands in a warm place for up to 4 days, then the mash is distilled.

from a pumpkin

Braga for moonshine from various products

Pumpkin is also suitable for mash. It must be washed, peeled, seeds removed. Cut into pieces, pour water and boil. Crush the resulting mass and grind, adding barley malt (ground). Mix everything well, adding cold water, let it cool down to the temperature of the human body. It remains to put the yeast and let stand in a warm room. The ratio of ingredients is as follows: pumpkin and water - 2: 1, 100 g of malt is taken per kilogram of vegetable, pressed yeast and water - 1:40.


Cherry moonshine is delicious. Making a mash out of it is easy. Bones are removed from the fruits, and the pulp is kneaded and placed in heat. You can add warm water as you wish. Fermentation will soon begin, the container with the fruit must be closed, stirring the mass from time to time. Ground cherry pits are also added to it. After the appearance of a strong alcohol odor, distillation follows.

If you take dry yeast instead of “raw” for mash, then their amount will be about three times less.

from apples

The best fruits that are very suitable for mash are apples. They even have small amounts of “live yeast” in their skins. Grinding fruits in a blender or meat grinder, fruit puree is obtained. Sugar is added to it at the rate of a glass per kilogram of apples.

The mass is mixed and becomes in a warm place for 4 days. The mixture that has ripened to the smell of alcohol is filtered, separating the juice, more sugar is added to it in a ratio of 1: 1, put on fermentation. It will take about two weeks.

You can also make mash directly from ready-made apple juice. To 15 liters of it, 3 kg of granulated sugar and 200 g of yeast (pressed) are added. After 10 days of infusion, a strong mash is obtained.

From mountain ash

How to make brew for moonshine without the use of yeast from berries? Some of them in their raw form are also suitable for this. Such an alcoholic liquid is easy to make. In the fall, ripened rowan fruits are harvested, washed and pounded until puree is formed.

Pour into a 20-liter bottle with warm water, add raisins and put in a cool place. This will require 5 kg of red rowan berries, 12 liters of boiled and cooled water, 5 kg of sugar, 100 g of raisins or crushed grapes.

Fermentation lasts up to a month. "Chernoplodka" is also suitable for mash. It is taken 6 kg with the addition of 3 kg of sugar and 10 liters of water. 100 g of raisins are also used. With the addition of yeast, it is not needed, but they need 200 - 300 g per ten liters of water. However, moonshine will turn out tastier without them.

from watermelon

Having bought a watermelon in the store and found it overripe, you can make mash. Cut a hole in the crust from above, pour in a glass of granulated sugar and a tablespoon of pressed yeast. Then close the hole with the finished “lid” and leave for a couple of weeks. The pulp of the watermelon will ferment and can be distilled.

Sugar moonshine is a classic Russian distillery. She has won love among many lovers of homemade alcohol. There are a huge number of recipes for making sugar mash at home, in which the proportions sometimes differ, but the moonshine yield is always almost the same. Making homemade alcohol is justified for several reasons. The first is the environmental friendliness of raw materials, sugar is a pure product and properly prepared moonshine does not cause poisoning and a strong hangover. The second is the cost of the product, making moonshine at home is much cheaper than buying store-bought alcohol. Approximately 1.1 liters come out of 1 kg of granulated sugar. ready drink with a strength of 40 degrees.

As a result, you will get decent alcohol, and if it is refined by various methods, then it will not be inferior to expensive elite drinks. The easiest way for a beginner is to “ferment” to make mash from sugar, and then get a distillate. How to prepare intoxicating drinks correctly, what proportions to use, what dishes and how many ingredients to take, the entire cycle of obtaining moonshine is described in detail in this article.

To make a mash you will need: fermentation dishes, water, sugar, yeast, water seal, sugar meter, aquarium heater. The last three devices are optional, it is quite possible to do without them.

Container for mash. The main indicators when choosing dishes for fermentation are: volume, material of manufacture, tightness. For some types of mash, a water seal is also needed, which performs two functions: it ensures the release of carbon dioxide and prevents oxygen from entering the mash.

Tank volume for fermentation depends entirely on your needs. Be sure to take into account that the mash should fill no more than ¾ of the volume of the fermentation tank. Otherwise, there is a risk of foam being thrown out during fermentation.

Material. The most preferred material for fermentation is glass. Various bottles, glass jars. You can also use food grade stainless steel. Currently, plastic containers of various sizes are sold, the main thing is to make sure that it is suitable for food products. Often at home, aluminum dishes, milk flasks, and pots are used. It is very convenient if the container has a drain valve, which will greatly facilitate the work.


1. Be sure to thoroughly rinse all dishes with hot water and detergent before use, and then dry well with a clean towel. The cleaner the dishes, the less the risk of souring the mash, which can lead to an unpleasant taste of moonshine.

2. Before pouring water, place the fermentation tank on a stand 0.5 meters high. Firstly, this will improve heat exchange, and secondly, it will be easier to drain the fermented mash in the future.

Which yeast to choose. For the preparation of moonshine, it is advisable to take special alcohol yeast. The use of alcohol yeast gives a higher yield of alcohol during fermentation, better organoleptic. The instructions always say how much sugar a pack is designed for. The only disadvantage of alcoholic yeast is that it is difficult to find them and the price is quite high. But instead of alcohol, affordable dry or pressed, Belarusian ones are suitable. Dry yeast is taken from the calculation 20 grams per kilogram of sugar. Proportions for pressed: 100 grams per 1 kg of sugar.

The addition of dry yeast makes the mash in quality no worse, and sometimes even better. Raw pressed ones give the drink too fusel flavor, and the use of dry ones gives rapid fermentation and abundant foaming. Another plus of dry and alcoholic yeast is a long shelf life.

What kind of water to use. Good proper water is the basis of the taste of the final product. For the preparation of sugar mash, well-purified water, odorless, tasteless and without additives, should be used. The most suitable water is spring or bottled. If tap water is used, it is recommended to stand for 1-2 days before use, and then carefully drain it with a hose. Hydromodule: per 1 kg. sugar - 4 liters of water.

Classic sugar moonshine recipe

According to this recipe, mash is prepared from sugar and yeast. The yield of purified moonshine is approximately 5.5 liters after the second fractional distillation, the alcohol content of the drink is 45 percent.


  • Sugar - 5 kg;
  • Dry yeast - 100 gr;
  • Spring water - 20 liters.

Wort preparation:

  1. Pour warm water at 25-30 ° into the container where fermentation will take place, add sugar. Stir the mixture thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Recently, complaints about sugar have often been received - it does not ferment well, it is not sweet, etc. To avoid embarrassment, you can use the device - saccharometer. The saccharometer shows the density of sugar in the wort. For normal mash, the saccharometer should show a density of 18-22%.
  2. In a separate bowl, dilute, ferment the yeast. Pour 300 ml of water at 28°C, add a tablespoon of sugar, stir, add dry yeast, dilute, after about 10-15 minutes, when the yeast rises, add it to the fermentation tank. To reduce foaming during fermentation, it is recommended to add Saf-moment yeast - 11 gr. If you use pressed yeast in the recipe, then you need to take them 500 gr.
  3. For normal operation of yeast, in addition to sugar and water top dressing is required . This is not a mandatory moment, but it is desirable, it allows you to speed up the process. There are chemical special dressings with phosphorus and nitrogen, there are ordinary household ways to “cheer up” the mash. First of all, this is black bread, for 20 liters of mash, half a loaf will be enough. Also, as a top dressing, it is recommended to use grapes, raspberries, strawberries at the rate of 15-20 pieces per 20 liters.
  4. It is not necessary to install a water seal for sugar mash, it is enough to loosely close the lid, and if the neck is small, then cover it with several layers of gauze.

Fermentation. In order for the wort to ferment well, it needs to provide a favorable temperature regime. The ideal temperature for fermentation is 28-31 °C. It can be slightly lower, but in no case higher than 35 °, at this temperature the yeast will die and the mash will not ferment.

A warm room or the use of an aquarium heater allows this mode to be provided. Heaters come in various capacities from 50 watts and more, which one to choose depends on the capacity of the container. For 40 liters of mash, 100 watts of power is enough, provided that it is indoors. The convenience of the heater is that it maintains a stable temperature with the built-in thermostat. Set on the regulator 28 ° and lower into the fermentation tank, connect to the power supply, the temperature will stand and be maintained automatically.

With proper temperature maintenance, the presence of top dressing, fermentation lasts 7-14 days. Once or twice a day, the sugar mash must be stirred well to remove carbon dioxide.

How to determine the readiness of the mash:

  1. Carbon dioxide stopped emitting, the water seal calmed down, stopped gurgling. There are no rising bubbles on the surface. Light a match over the mash, if it burns, then no gas is released.
  2. Stratification is present in the mash, the top layer has become light, the yeast has partially precipitated.
  3. The taste of mash has become bitter, no sweetness is felt.
  4. In the smell and taste of mash there is a clear aroma of alcohol.
  5. The most accurate method is to use a sugar meter. If the wort has fermented, then the saccharometer will show “0”.

Clarification and cleaning of mash

Clarification and degassing should be done in order to improve the final taste of moonshine. Degassing is the process of removing residual carbon dioxide. To do this, the wort must be heated to 55 ° C, live yeast dies at this temperature. One of the easiest ways to lighten the mash with cold, if the temperature allows. Take Braga for a day or two in the cold -5 ° or + 5 ° and it will naturally lighten. The yeast will fall to the bottom, after which the mash must be decanted, that is, carefully drained from the sediment using a thin silicone or PVC hose.

You can also speed up the process and lighten the mash in other faster ways using bentonite, gelatin or protein. For sugar mash, it is most often preferred to use bentonite for clarification. Bentonite is a natural product, natural white clay. The Pi-Pi-Bent brand is suitable for cleaning, the main thing is that there are no flavors in it. For 20 liters of mash, 2-3 tablespoons of clay are enough. Before use, it must be dissolved in a glass of warm water and stirred thoroughly. Then pour the mixture into the mash and mix. After 12-24 hours, the mash becomes transparent, it remains only to drain it from the sediment.

Getting moonshine from mash

First race.
Pour the clarified, purified mash into the cube of the moonshine still. And overtake at high power. Heads and tails do not need to be removed during the first distillation. The first time the raw material is taken almost to the water, so that there would be 5-7 degrees in the stream.

Intermediate cleaning. The resulting moonshine before the second fractional distillation must be cleaned of harmful impurities. There are many proven ways to do this. The most popular method among distillers is charcoal cleaning. There is a way to clean with oil and others.

  1. . You can clean the raw using a carbon filter or fill the coal with raw. For the first method, you need to make a filter from a plastic bottle. Cut off the bottom of the bottle a, drill a few holes in the cork. Put a layer of cotton wool tightly into the cork, screw it onto the bottle. Pour BAU or KAU coal at the rate of 10-12 grams of coal per 1 liter of moonshine. Pass moonshine through the filter. In the second method, pour coal directly into raw alcohol. Grind coal beforehand, add 50 g per liter. Stir thoroughly, insist overnight. Then filter the moonshine. Coal absorbs up to 80% of fusel oil and various esters.
  2. Purification of moonshine with sunflower oil. For cleaning, you need to take refined sunflower oil. Dilute moonshine to 15-20 degrees of strength, add 20 grams of oil per liter of raw alcohol. Stir well three times at intervals of 1-3 minutes. Leave for a day to settle, drain with a tube without touching the upper oily layer. Strain through a cotton filter. For cleaning efficiency, these two methods can be combined. First oil, then charcoal.

Fractional distillation. Pour purified, diluted moonshine from sugar up to 20 degrees into the distillation cube of the moonshine still. Proceed to the stage with the selection of fractions. Select the head fraction at low power. The heads are taken drop by drop, the selection rate is 1-2 drops per second, such a slow intake of liquid allows you to qualitatively get rid of the poisonous first fractions. The number of heads is taken 50 ml from each kilogram of sugar.

Then change the receiving container and select the drinking fraction "body". The body is taken up to 45-50 degrees in the jet. Then the tails will go, it's up to you to select them or not. Usually, the tail fraction is added to the mash before distillation in order to increase the yield of moonshine.

Refinement and refinement of moonshine

As a result, you will get moonshine from sugar with a strength of about 65 degrees. For drinking, such a fortress is too high, so it must be diluted with clean bottled water to 40-45 degrees. A special calculator will help to do this correctly. To soften the taste, moonshine can be heated on the stove to 70 degrees, while unnecessary substances will evaporate from it. Pour the diluted distillate into bottles, let it “rest in the glass” for 2-3 days, or better, let it stand for a week and you can start tasting.

Sugar moonshine has a more neutral taste compared to grain and fruit distillates. Therefore, at home, it is more used for the preparation of various liqueurs to insist berries and fruits on it. Making other delicious homemade alcohol.

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Experienced moonshiners know many recipes for making mash. Basically, recipes depend on the raw materials that you have on hand. For example, winemakers have a large amount of pulp, pressing. Pulp is the crushed grapes intended for use in making wine. The crushed berries sink to the bottom, the wine is carefully poured into another container. Sugar, yeast, water are added there. It remains to wait for the readiness of the mash and drive it through the moonshine still or mini-sprit factory. As a result, we get the famous chacha, alcohol or brandy. Whatever you desire. Moreover, now Isabella is ripening in large numbers in central Russia.

Home brew

We will consider the simplest example of making mash at home from improvised means. We collect 14 liters of water. Preferably spring or spring, you can tap water, which must first be defended, cleaned of impurities with a filter. Add 3 kg of regular refined sugar, 200 gr. alcohol or wine yeast. It is undesirable to use yeast for baking for such a delicate matter. The quality of the must depends on how you select the three elements. Or, as the old-timers of production say - a must. From 14 liters of mash you can get: 3 liters of strong moonshine or 1.5 liters of 96% alcohol.

Pour 1-2 liters of water and heat it to a temperature slightly above room temperature. In no case do not heat or use water above 30 degrees, as yeast consisting of unicellular fungi can die in it. Add yeast to warm water. Mix thoroughly. Yeast should be completely dissolved. Put the jar in a warm place. Yeast should "approach".

Add sugar to the remaining water, stirring the water thoroughly, achieve complete dissolution. To dissolve sugar in water faster and make the process easier, pour half of the remaining water into a separate container. Heat the remaining water to 50 degrees, dissolve the sugar in the heated water and mix with the drained water. Thus, you will reduce the average water temperature from 50 degrees to 30 degrees. Pour the water into a separate container. To do this, you can use glass 20 liter bottles. Never use plastic or galvanized containers. In the process of fermentation, the walls of the vessel from contact with the mash can oxidize, releasing harmful substances and impurities during the oxidation process. After about 1 hour, add prepared, sweet water to the "approached" yeast.

Raw material for mash is ready!!! Put the bottle in a warm place. Put a medical glove or balloon on the neck. Sugar under the influence of yeast begins to decompose, releasing carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. The brew temperature rises. Carbon dioxide escapes into the glove, inflating it. The inflated glove prevents air from entering the bottle. Instead of a glove, you can use a wine lock. To do this, drill a hole in the lid. Insert the tube into the hole and securely seal all the cracks with plasticine or sealant. Pour water into the lock.

After a few days, foam begins to form in the bottle. The main fermentation begins. With the release of gas bubbles.

In the final stage, which occurs after 10-12 days, the foam settles, the release of carbon dioxide stops. The liquid inside the bottle is brighter. Braga is ready.

It remains to choose the time. Using a hose, pour the mash without sediment, which formed at the bottom of the bottle during fermentation, into a distillation vessel. Now you can kick out alcohol or moonshine, depending on your mood.

Moonshine or alcohol

For our part, we recommend that you use an innovative, compact moonshine still. The principle of cooling alcohol is borrowed from the refrigerator, with the only difference that refrigerators use freon as a coolant, and a gas or electric stove heat source is used as a compressor. To obtain the result, it is required to turn the alcohol vapor into a liquid. A primitive serpentine requires a large amount of water. Our innovative moonshine "Bee Brandy 1000" can be lowered into a bucket of cold water. Regularly check the water temperature. If the water has become warm, you can drain the water from the bucket a little and add a couple of liters of cold water. Alcohol vapors resulting from boiling in a closed pressure distillation vessel are fed through a tube into an innovative cooler. Steam breaks out of a thin tube into a cooler, which is wider than the inlet tube, gives off heat through thin walls into the water. The resulting moonshine is fed through the outlet through the tube and accumulates in the bank.

Moonshine still "Bee Brandy 1000" is a rejection of the past in favor of a quality future. No water connection required. Compact high efficiency cooler. If you do not need high quality, but you appreciate the reliability and speed of obtaining a drink, the moonshine still "Bee Brandy 1000" is the right solution for you.

You can also buy a package mini distillery "Pchelka". And already at the stage of running to get high-quality alcohol. By diluting alcohol in water and adding concentrates of tastes identical to natural, you will get excellent spirits. Cognac, rum, home-made whiskey, this is saving the family budget and a new quality and taste of a familiar product. Besides
package mini distillery "Bee" we have enough mini distilleries in stock, designed for different capacities. We are able to satisfy the most demanding customers.