Pies with apples in the oven recipes diaries. Charlotte with apples in the oven

Step-by-step recipes for fragrant and mouth-watering apple pies in the oven

2017-10-07 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams ready meal

2 gr.

12 gr.


27 gr.

222 kcal.

Option 1. Apple pie in the oven - a classic recipe

The classic of autumn baking is an apple pie cooked in the oven. There are as many varieties of recipes as there are varieties of apples. All of them are interesting and original. How to choose the most delicious?

Try baking some pies different recipes! And you will understand which one Apple pie you and your loved ones love it.
And you can bake it with ordinary cottage cheese or soft cottage cheese, with the addition of nuts or dried fruits, on unleavened, semolina and jellied dough. Lots of recipes and main ingredients one - fresh juicy apples!


  • one and a half kilograms of apples;
  • a pound of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 350 g butter or margarine;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • salt;
  • 1-2 tsp lemon juice;
  • 30 ml of milk or cream;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • one tsp sunflower oil;
  • 50-70 ml of water.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic apple pie in the oven:

Sift flour into a mixing bowl. Pour salt there and put 200 g of soft butter.

Knead flour with butter until crumbs form. The dough will be hard to knead, add water.

Knead the dough and cut it into two pieces. Both put in separate bags and put in the freezer for an hour and a half.

After a while, turn on the oven to heat up to a temperature of 200 ° C.

Rinse and peel apples. We need pieces without a core and skin. Cut them into slices.

In a bowl, mix the chopped apples with sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.

Take out the dough and roll out both parts separately in a baking dish.

Grease a pie dish with sunflower oil. Put one sheet of dough into it. Flatten with your hands and form the sides.

Spread on the dough apple slices and put the rest on them butter(pre-cut it into pieces).

Cover the pie with a second layer and pinch the sides. Be sure to make cuts in the middle. Can be incised in the form of a flower.

Lubricate the top surface with milk.

Send the masterpiece to the oven for an hour. The temperature can be slightly reduced.

It is permissible to add other flavoring and aromatic components to the classic recipe according to your own taste. Apples go great with cinnamon, mint, cranberries, blueberries and honey. By choosing one of the ingredients and adding it to the recipe, you will get an author's delicacy that you will not find anywhere else.

Option 2. Apple pie in the oven - a quick recipe

A quick recipe differs from the classic one by filling dough. You don't need to spend a lot of time on it. But on end result it is not reflected. The baked cake will be fluffy and sweet.


  • 300 g of sour apples;
  • one glass of granulated sugar;
  • one glass (in 200 ml) of premium wheat flour;
  • four chicken eggs;
  • 50 g banana;
  • 5-10 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 2-3 g of salt.

Step by step recipe for a quick apple pie in the oven:

First prepare the dough. Sift flour and mix with baking powder.

Step 2:
Take a ripe but not blackened banana and cut it into pieces. Transfer to a bowl and mash together with eggs and granulated sugar until smooth liquid consistency. Salt.

Step 3:
Pour the flour into the liquid mixture in several steps. Knead a homogeneous dough.

Water the apples and peel them from the middle and peel. Cut into medium sized cubes.

Grease a pie dish with butter and spread apples in an even layer.

Fill with prepared batter. Send the oven to bake at 180-200°C.

Option 3. Apple pie in the oven - a recipe with cottage cheese dough

You can enrich the cake with calcium by adding cottage cheese to the dough. Everything is original and simple at the same time! Cottage cheese suitable granular or soft.


  • 260 g of premium wheat flour;
  • two st. l. corn or potato starch;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 210 g of cottage cheese of any fat content;
  • two raw eggs;
  • 180 g butter;
  • sachet baking powder for the test;
  • 300 g of apples;
  • 50 g seedless raisins.

Step-by-step recipe for cottage cheese apple pie in the oven:

Put cottage cheese in a bowl and add sugar, eggs and butter. Mix it all up uniform consistency.

Mix flour with cornstarch and baking powder in a separate bowl. Sift the mass through a sieve.

Combine dry ingredients with liquid. Knead the dough and put it in a bowl, cover with a lid.

Rinse and pour raisins warm water for a quarter of an hour.

Prepare apples. All you need is pulp. Cut it into thin slices.

Put a portion of the dough into a baking dish and knead with your hands over the entire surface. There must be borders.

Lay the apples on the dough. Sprinkle with raisins. You can add sugar if you like, but it's not necessary.

Roll out the remaining dough into a layer and cover the pie. Be sure to pinch the edges, and make a small hole in the middle.

Bake the apple pie in the oven until done at 180-200°C.

Sweet raisins in the filling can be replaced with any other pitted dried fruits.

Option 4. Apple pie in the oven - a recipe for semolina

A lean semolina pie stuffed with apples will come in handy on fasting days or when dieting. A low-calorie diet treat will appeal to both adults and children. original recipe can be considered due to the content of soy sauce in the filling.


  • 200-220 g of wheat flour;
  • 180 g of granulated sugar;
  • a glass of semolina;
  • 15 ml soy sauce;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 11 g baking powder;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 150 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 400 g apples.

Step-by-step recipe for apple pie in the oven with semolina:

Take a bowl and mix flour and baking powder in it.

Pour a glass of cool water into the pan and add semolina and salt. Put on slow fire and cook, stirring until the porridge thickens.

Cool the porridge and stir in the flour. This will be the dough.

Peel the apples. Cut the pulp into cubes. Mix in soy sauce, sugar and cinnamon.

Spread the entire inner surface of the pie dish with oil (10-15 ml).

Lay out part of the dough, smooth it out.

Divide the filling and cover with the remaining dough.

Drizzle with sunflower oil.

Set the oven temperature to 180°C. Send the cake to bake until done - 40-50 minutes.

The pie will sparkle with new colors if you add the pulp of an orange or tangerine to apples. But soy sauce then it should be crossed off the list of ingredients.

Option 5. Oven Apple Pie - Recipe with Pecans

Moist biscuit with sour apples and sweet pecans. A win-win option for filling and dough!


  • 3-4 pcs. sour apples;
  • 2-3 g ground cinnamon;
  • three eggs;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • 70 g pecans;
  • half a pack of butter.

Whisk eggs with sugar and sunflower oil.

Pour the baking powder and parts of the flour into the liquid base. Knead the dough.

Peel the apples and cut the flesh into thin slices, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Put the apples in the form and fill with the dough. Try to do it in an even layer.

Preheat oven to 180-200°C.

Put the apple pie in the oven for half an hour.

At this time, dilute the butter in a water bath.

Chop pecans and mix with butter.

Remove the cake from the oven and drizzle with the peanut butter mixture. Let bake for another 20 minutes.

Wet biscuit with apples and nuts is very tender and appetizing. Pecans can be replaced with walnuts if desired. But they will need to be cleaned of dark skin.

Option 6. Apple pie in the oven: recipe for shortcrust pastry

Another option for making apple pie is to use shortbread dough. It is universal and with fruit filling forms a wonderful duet.


  • 180 g butter;
  • 300-380 g of premium wheat flour;
  • salt;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • a couple of apples;
  • two pears;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 10 g of citric acid;
  • 30 g of starch;
  • one raw egg.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Pour citric acid with 20 ml of warm water.

Mix flour with salt and knead the mixture with soft butter. A crumb should form. Pour into her citric acid and stir. Add vanilla and knead the dough. Keep the dough in the fridge for now.

Prepare the selected fruit for slicing. Cut the pulp into thin slices. Combine with sugar and starch.

Turn on the oven to heat up to 180-200°C.

Line a pie dish with parchment paper or foil. Lay out half of the dough and spread over the entire mold. Don't forget to make the sides. Transfer the filling to the mold.

Roll out the remaining dough into a layer and cover the pie. The sides can be decorated figuratively by pinching them with a pigtail.

Beat the egg lightly and brush the top of the pie. Put to bake in the oven.

Apple pie in the oven will be ready in 40-50 minutes. After that, let it cool down and cut into portions.

Option 7. Apple pie in the oven: a recipe with curd cheese

Cook fresh homemade cakes for afternoon tea or breakfast! Use the recipe for apple pie with soft cheese. For the filling, you can choose cottage cheese or melted cheese.


  • 180-200 g butter;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • five apples;
  • 150 g curd cheese;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar or powder;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • one egg.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Melt the butter in a water bath. Don't bring it to a boil.

Add 80 ml of sour cream and 250 g of flour to the butter. Knead the dough. Post it in detachable form for baking and spread with your fingers. There should be an even layer of dough with sides for the filling. Send the form to the freezer for now.

Prepare filling for filling. Cottage cheese mix with sour cream. Pour in vanilla and regular sugar, 50 g of flour. Stir.

Wash and peel apples. Cut the pulp into thin slices. Add to fill.

Take out the form with the dough and pour all the stuffing into it. Smooth with a spatula and place the apple pie in the oven at 200°C for a little less than an hour.

While the cake is baking, you need to monitor the temperature. It must be fixed, otherwise the cake will burn or be sticky.

Option 8. Spicy apple pie in the oven

Apple pie in the oven can be spicy too! Combined with clove florets and ground cinnamon with honey and lemon, the cake will taste amazing with a stunning aroma.


  • 220 g of the highest quality wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 150 g butter;
  • three apples;
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 150 ml of natural flower honey;
  • three eggs;
  • 2-3 g ground cinnamon;
  • two inflorescences of cloves;
  • 25 g pine nuts.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Put 200 g of flour, soft butter, 10 ml of lemon juice, 50 ml of cool water, salt and sugar into a cup. Knead everything until you get a test. Remove the elastic ball in the refrigerator.

In another bowl, mix the lemon juice with the eggs. Add 20 g flour, cinnamon and pre-ground cloves, honey.

Peel the apples and grate their flesh on a coarse grater.

Take out the dough and spread it in a baking dish. Be sure to form the sides. Put the apple mass on the bottom.

Put the cake to bake for half an hour at 200 ° C. Then take it out. Strain the spicy filling over the apples through a sieve. Spread evenly with a spatula. Again, send to the oven already at 160-180 ° C for 10 minutes.

Remove the cake again and sprinkle with nuts. Bake another 10-15 minutes until done.

A slightly complicated baking process makes the filling of the pie layered and very tender. And expensive pine nuts can be replaced with cashews or other nuts that are sweetish in taste.

An easy-to-make pastry that is in demand in almost every family is an apple pie. To create it, you need a minimum of available products and some free time. As a result, you can get an insanely tasty and attractive dessert.

How to cook an apple pie in the oven

Besides classical technology, there are many interesting step-by-step recipes for making apple pie. sweet pastries can be closed or open, the basis for it is made from various tests. Standard Recipe charlotte with apples in the oven includes the following ingredients: sugar, eggs, flour, butter, soda and fruit. Added to the filling different fruits and berries. Dessert is prepared at 180-190 degrees.


To get tasty, fragrant and airy dessert, you need to select and knead the dough for apple pie in advance. The hostess may prefer yeast, shortbread, puff, biscuit, milk or kefir, using sour cream, cream or cottage cheese. All components for the dough must be prepared and combined strictly according to the recipe, then the pastries will have an unforgettable taste.

Apple pie - recipe

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calories: 170 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

This easy and understandable jellied recipe apple pie in the oven will help to make a fragrant delicate dessert. Even an amateur culinary specialist can bake such a treat, if all the cooking conditions are strictly followed. The dough is airy, appetizing and incredibly tasty.


  • flour - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Fruits are washed, peeled and pitted. Cut into thin slices.
  2. Eggs are combined with sugar. Products are pounded until a lush mass is obtained.
  3. Vanilla sugar and a little salt are added to it.
  4. Then the sifted flour is added. Knead a homogeneous, thick dough.
  5. The baking dish is greased with oil. Half of the dough is laid in it and distributed around the entire perimeter.
  6. From above - fruits, which are poured with the remaining thick mass, and then another layer of fruits.
  7. Cook apple pie in the oven for half an hour.


  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Calorie content: 224 kcal.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian, European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you want to please your family with something special, learn how to cook charlotte with apples in the oven. Dessert is different the perfect combination a large number fruit filling and gentle cream from sour cream. It is great for normal family dinner or holiday table. The dessert is made relatively quickly, and the result is licking your fingers.


  • Wheat flour-340 g;
  • fruits - 4 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sour cream - ½ tbsp. for the test, 1 tbsp. For filling;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. The oil is laid out in advance from the refrigerator (should be soft). The flour is sifted. Fruits are peeled, cut into thin slices.
  2. Oil, flour (leave 2 tablespoons for pouring), sour cream and baking powder are combined in one container. The dough is kneaded.
  3. The elastic mass is rolled into a ball, wrapped around cling film, goes to a cold place for half an hour.
  4. To create a cream: combine sugar, egg, sour cream, a little flour. Mix the ingredients with a mixer.
  5. A deep baking sheet is laid out with parchment, and its walls are smeared with butter. The dough is laid out inside, the sides are formed.
  6. Fruits are laid out on top and poured sour cream filling.
  7. Bake Tsvetaevsky pie with apples for 60 minutes.

With cottage cheese

  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 240 kcal.
  • Purpose: afternoon tea.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you already know how to bake charlotte with apples in the oven and are looking for something new, pay attention to the cottage cheese and fruit dessert option. Such a delicacy from yeast dough comes out very delicate in taste, has an appetizing aroma, if you follow the instructions exactly. It can be safely served for a celebration, because it looks very beautiful, it resembles a cake.


  • flour - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • margarine - 160 g;
  • baking powder - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Margarine is whipped with sugar. Egg yolks and yeast are added to the resulting mixture. The components are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Cottage cheese is introduced into the dough, flour and baking powder are poured.
  3. Proteins are beaten separately. Carefully fold into the dough.
  4. The curd-yeast mass is left in heat for half an hour.
  5. Fruits are cut into thin pieces.
  6. The form is smeared with margarine, half of the dough is laid out in it, part of the apples are placed on it, and the dough is again on top.
  7. Cream is poured: sour cream, which is pre-mixed with sugar.
  8. After that, the rest of the fruits are laid out. Topped with melted margarine.
  9. Pie with cottage cheese and apples in the oven to cook for 50 minutes.

For a quick hand

  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calories: 172 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Working women will need tips on how to cook sweet pie from apples quickly and tasty. Fragrant, delicious dessert will be appreciated even by the most fastidious gourmets. It does not take much time and effort to create pastries, but the result will pleasantly surprise you. The dish is made from available components: you don’t have to do anything in advance, you can immediately start the cooking process.


  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - ½ tbsp.;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggs are beaten with sugar, butter is added to them. Everything mixes well.
  2. Fruits peeled and seeds are cut into slices or small cubes, sprinkled with sugar (2 pieces).
  3. The rest are ground on a grater.
  4. Flour is combined with cinnamon, added to the egg-sugar mixture. Grated apples are also laid there.
  5. The baking sheet is greased with oil, you need to put half the dough on it and fruit slices on it.
  6. The remaining thick mass is poured from above. The dessert is baked in the oven for 40 minutes.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4-6 persons.
  • Calories: 192 kcal.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Many families like to make a simple apple pie. This technology involves fast cooking tender treats with fruits. It will take a minimum of free time and effort, but you will get a chic, delicious dessert with a stunning aroma. A sweet flour dish can be varied by adding your favorite spices, fresh or frozen berries, and other fruits to it.


  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 fruit;
  • butter - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fruits well with running water, free from the skin, seeds. Cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Beat the eggs until foamy with a mixer or blender.
  3. Continue beating while adding sugar.
  4. Add flour, knead elastic dough.
  5. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Put half of the finished mass on its bottom. Put the fruit on top, and then the rest of the dough. Cook 40 minutes.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 6-8 persons.
  • Calories: 282 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: below average.

Try Making Cinnamon Apple Pie - Recipe with Photos and step by step instructions presented below. Easy to prepare, but insanely delicious sweet food, will become great dessert for every member of the family. In addition to the standard set of products, you need milk (preferably rustic). Ripe fruits of sweet and sour varieties are perfectly combined with cinnamon.


  • wheat flour - 270 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • butter - 130 g;
  • apples - 3 fruits;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 2 g;
  • baking powder - 1 pack.

Cooking method:

  1. Flour is poured into a deep container, baking powder, cinnamon are added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. The butter is whipped with sugar using a mixer. The resulting mass is combined with eggs, milk. Mixes well.
  3. Flour is gradually poured, a thick dough is kneaded.
  4. The baking dish must be laid out with parchment, pour in the dough.
  5. Peeled apples, chopped into thin slices, are placed on top. A little sprinkling is made from cinnamon with sugar. It is covered with a layer of fruit.
  6. First, the dessert is baked for ten minutes at 170°C, then the temperature is reduced to 150°C, and it is cooked for another half an hour.


  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 233 kcal.
  • Purpose: afternoon tea, dinner.
  • Cuisine: German.
  • Difficulty: medium.

To pleasantly surprise guests at a festive meal, you can bake a German open apple pie. Successful combination tender dough with apple-nut filling will not leave anyone indifferent. Dessert, soaked in fragrant apricot jam and tart cognac, will be the highlight of any celebration.


  • flour - 280 g;
  • brown sugar - 100 g;
  • fruits - 5 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • cognac - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • walnuts- 100 g;
  • lemon - 1 fruit;
  • apricot jam- 300 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. The flour is mixed with brown sugar. Next, add the egg, melted butter.
  2. The dough is kneaded, which is wrapped with a film and put in the cold for a couple of hours.
  3. Nuts are crushed, combined with lemon zest, cinnamon, vanilla sugar. The components are mixed, cleaned in the refrigerator.
  4. Apples are cut into slices, a little sprinkled with lemon juice to preserve the color.
  5. The baking sheet is greased with oil. Dough is laid out on it, and a nut mass with spices is spread on top.
  6. The next layer is jam, then fruit (as in the photo).
  7. An open dessert is prepared in 35 minutes. After readiness, it is poured with warmed (in the microwave) cognac, cools down and is served at the table.

Classic recipe

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 5-6 persons.
  • Calories: 165 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian, German.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The classic apple pie is a tender, fluffy treat. This dessert has German roots, but has long been popular among our compatriots. If you cook it strictly according to the recipe below, you will get a beautiful and tasty treat. To make a sweet dish, you do not need to spend a lot of time, and you will not need special culinary skills.


  • sugar - 170 g;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • apples - 5 pcs.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggs are beaten with sugar using a mixer or a regular fork.
  2. Flour is combined with baking powder, and then introduced into the egg-sugar mass.
  3. A liquid dough of a homogeneous consistency is kneaded.
  4. Peeled fruits are cut into cubes, mixed with dough.
  5. The baking dish is greased with butter. The future dessert is poured inside. The pie takes 45 minutes to cook. For decoration, powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon is suitable.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calories: 175 kcal.
  • Purpose: afternoon tea.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you are wondering how to cook delicious pastries and don't waste too much time try light apple pie. The recipe uses standard dough ingredients. The filling of sour apples is perfectly complemented by frozen or fresh berries(e.g. raspberries, strawberries). Sweet dish has a unique flavor and amazing taste.


  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • apples - 3 fruits;
  • frozen strawberries - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Proteins are whipped separately from the yolks until strong peaks form.
  2. Yolks, sifted flour are introduced into the protein mass. Everything is carefully mixed to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Fruits are rinsed with running water, peeled and chopped into slices.
  4. The baking sheet is greased with oil. Dough is laid out on it, then a layer of apples, and berries on top (as in the photo).
  5. The cake is baked for 40 minutes. Then you can sprinkle it powdered sugar.

Bulk with cottage cheese

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content: 250 kcal.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

This bulk cake with apples and cottage cheese is called "dry" or "three-cup pie". The technology for its creation is simple: you need to lay out in layers necessary ingredients and bake. It turns out a very tasty dessert: thin layers of crispy dough and juicy cottage cheese and fruit filling. Before preparing a sweet dish, you need to check whether all the necessary ingredients are at hand.


  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • semolina - 160 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 tsp;
  • baking powder - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

  1. Fruits are peeled, seeds, crushed with a grater. Then sprinkle with lemon juice and clean in a cold place.
  2. Semolina, sugar and flour are mixed, salt and baking powder are added to them.
  3. The form is lubricated with oil.
  4. The components are laid out in layers inside: a dry mixture with flour, cottage cheese, vanilla sugar, again a mixture, apples, once again dry products.
  5. Each layer is evenly distributed over the baking sheet. Sprinkle the top of the cake with butter shavings and send it to the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.


  • Cooking time: 40-60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4-5 persons.
  • Calories: 320 kcal.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Light, delicious soft pie can be made from frozen puff pastry. Some housewives know how to prepare such a dessert base at home, but the store-bought option saves a lot of time. Layered cake with apples and cottage cheese perfect option in cases where guests suddenly came, but there was no treat.


  • a pack of puff pastry - 500 g;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • apple - 3 fruits;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • white raisins - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. A deep baking sheet is treated with oil, sprinkled with sugar a little.
  2. Fruits are cut, laid out in a form with a dense layer. Top - shavings of butter and a layer of cottage cheese.
  3. The dough is rolled out, stretched over the curd. The edges are wound between the filling and the sides.
  4. Layered cake - "changeling" is cooked for 30 minutes at 190 ° C.

To bake tasty pie with apples, it is better to heed the advice experienced chefs:

  1. Antonovka is considered the most successful variety of fruit for desserts. Sourness goes well with sweet dough.
  2. To make the filler of the sweet dish more tender and softer, it is recommended to stew the apples a little in butter with the addition of sugar.
  3. If you want to get tart spicy taste, it is worth adding cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon to the base.
  4. The dessert mold should have high sides. In such dishes, it turns out to be more magnificent, tall and beautiful.
  5. To the lower section oven you can put a small heat-resistant container with water. flour products"love" moist air.


Only in the summer-autumn season, muffin with apples is so fragrant and especially attractive. For me, apples in baking are real magic with an indescribable aroma, and it’s definitely impossible to explain these feelings in words.
If you want to cook lush sweet pies with apples, carefully study the step-by-step recipe with a photo and get down to business!
The pies are fluffy because of the rich yeast dough, which I often use not only for making pies, but also in other pastries.

So let's start cooking.

Recipe for apple pies:

For filling:

  • Apples - 4-5 pieces (I have small ones);
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Cinnamon, cardamom and other spices for baking - to taste.

For test:

  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Yeast - 25 pressed (wet) or 7 g dry;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 3.5 cups (about 450-470 g);
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g.

How to cook apple pies in the oven

We will prepare the dough in a sourdough way. Today we will use live yeast, but dry yeast pies are no worse.

Instead of 25 g fresh yeast you can use 7 g (1 teaspoon with a small slide) of dry yeast.

Break the yeast into pieces with a fork or spatula. Let's add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Add warm milk. The temperature of the milk should not be higher than 40 C, otherwise the yeast may die.

For the strength of the dough, add 3 tablespoons with a slide and stir well.

Do not worry if not all the lumps are mixed in the dough - this is normal for the dough, we do not need smoothness at this stage.

We cover the dough with cling film or a towel, send it for 10-15 minutes in a place without drafts (for example, in a turned off oven).

While the dough is coming up, prepare the flour (0.5 cups went into the dough, the remaining 3 cups will be needed when kneading the dough). The flour needs to be sifted well through a fine sieve, saturate it with air, thanks to which the dough for pies will be more magnificent and airy.

Prepared flour - set aside.

Break the egg, stir with salt. Then add the remaining sugar (2 tablespoons).

Adding vegetable oil(almost half of a faceted glass).

Pour the risen dough into the dough. We mix.

We start adding flour. You can add through a sieve, while sifting it additionally again.

Start kneading the dough with a spatula or spoon. Add flour little by little.

At some point, you will feel that the dough is already too thick to knead with a spatula (spoon).

Set the spatula aside. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and start kneading the dough with your hands. Yeast dough loves hands very much, the more effort you put into kneading, the better your muffin will turn out.

When the dough begins to easily come off your hands, roll it into a ball and return it to the bowl.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the palm of your hand, grease the surface of the ball of dough. Cover the bowl with a towel or cling film.

The dough should be spaced and properly approached when room temperature without drafts (it usually takes me 1.5-2 hours.

apple filling

While the dough is rising, prepare the apple filling.
If desired and to taste, orange or lemon zest, cinnamon, cookie crumbs can be added to the apple filling, but in any case, prepare the apples correctly in advance. By removing excess juice, you will not worry about leaking pies in the oven.

We peel the apples.

We cut small cubes(of similar sizes we cut vegetables for Olivier).

Sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle the filling with sugar. Lemon juice is needed so that ripe fruits release excess moisture as quickly as possible. Sugar also contributes to this.

Before applying the filling to the pies, wring it out so that the juice from the apples does not flow out in the oven during baking.

If the apples are very juicy and you are worried that the apple pies will start leaking in the oven, prepare the filling in another way. Cut the fruits into medium-sized cubes, put in a pan with a small piece of butter and sprinkle with sugar. Simmer the apples over low heat for 3-4 minutes. After complete cooling, drain the excess liquid (you can throw the filling into a colander).

We form pies

The risen dough should be divided into pieces, which we will lay out on a surface sprinkled with flour. Piece sizes - large egg. Each piece of dough is a future pie. Particularly demanding housewives distribute the dough into pieces by weight so that the pastries look perfect, all pies are the same.

Roll out with a rolling pin (or crush with your hands) each part of the dough.

We impose the filling on each cake (1 teaspoon with a slide). To taste, you can sprinkle a little sugar on the filling (but I usually don’t do this, the apple filling turns out to be sweet anyway).

We pinch the pie so that there are no holes left. Lay out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

Now you need to grease the pies with apples so that they become golden brown in the oven.

The secret of crispy golden brown simple - mix the yolk of one egg with a pinch of salt and add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of milk.

I noticed that if you grease pastries not just with yolk, but with yolk with water or milk, the surface is beautiful, glossy and not as dark as when lubricated with yolk only.
Using a pastry brush, grease all the pies on the baking sheet.
Top your muffin can be sprinkled with sugar or baking spices.
I bought specially selected spices from the mill, I often use them for sprinkling. The aroma in the apartment is indescribable! Still, freshly ground spices give off aroma much better than those from a bag.

Space the pies a little apart so they don't stick together in the oven. yeast dough increases significantly).

By this time, you need to turn on the oven for heating (temperature 180 C).
After 15 minutes, our pies will “grow up” a little, increase in size. Now it's time to head to the oven!
5 minutes after the pies have sat in the oven, you need to reduce the baking temperature to 160 C and bake for another 25-30 minutes.
After half an hour, the pies with apples in the oven are ready. We take out a baking sheet with pies, put them on a plate or in a bowl. With hot tea, milk or kefir - with any drink it will be delicious.
Here we have such ruddy brothers!

If you like baking with apples, you will surely like the new video recipe on the Pirogeyevo You Tube channel:

For pies with apples, the dough that I cook in the following video is also perfect:

I would love your feedback and comments on the recipe. Leave a photo of cooked pies according to this recipe, tell us if you liked cooking or not. Thanks!

In contact with

  • 7 eggs;
  • a glass of flour;
  • the same amount of brown sugar;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • 300 grams of apple jam;
  • 1 orange;
  • 300 grams of frozen blueberries;
  • vegetable oil and a small amount of semolina or ground crackers.

Step 1. Separate the proteins from the yolks and cool.

Step 2. Then cut the orange into thin slices and mix with apple jam or . You can add a little lemon juice or acid to add sourness to the filling.

Step 3. Rinse blueberries, select twigs, if there are leaves. Put into a cup.

Step 4. Beat the protein without sugar, then gradually add sugar. After that, beat the yolks in a separate container and add them to the dough. Then mix all the ingredients and then gradually add flour to the recipe.

Step 5. Add blueberries to the dough and mix it again.

Step 6 Grease the baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or flour. Pour the dough on top, and on it an even layer - the filling.

Step 7. Bake in the oven at high temperature. Ready pie can be garnished with blueberries and cream or served with milk, coffee or yogurt.

The recipe with frozen apples is very interesting. The filling is very tender, almost not baked, as apples retain juice. Here is one of the easy recipes.

simple recipe

For cooking, you can take frozen apples, both sour and slightly sweet. Many people like to add paradise apples or sweet and sour varieties that add freshness to the taste. Here's what you'll need to make an apple pie recipe that so many people love.

For cooking, you need to take the following components:

  • 5 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 4 frozen apples If you take small varieties, then total weight should be 400 grams.

Beat eggs with sugar until smooth and add flour. Replace dough. Then add frozen apples and after that put the dough in the oven. Bake for 40 minutes until done and serve hot.

And here is another delicious apple and berry recipe that will please a lot of people. Frozen apples and some northern berries are also added to its filling. The filling is obtained inside the pie. It is very juicy and will delight guests with spicy sourness. This is how such pies with apples are prepared in the northern cities of our country.

northern recipe

To prepare you need to take:

  • 300 grams of frozen apples;
  • 100 grams of cloudberries;
  • 100 grams of frozen raspberries;
  • 5 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • vanillin;
  • a glass of flour.

Step 1. Proteins are whipped with sugar, gradually mixing in the protein.

Step 2. Then add flour, sour cream to the dough and knead it.

Step 3. Frozen apples are finely cut or put whole, separating only the tails. Raspberries and cloudberries are added to the filling. If there is no fresh berry, you can replace it with jam.

Step 4. The dough is divided into 2 parts. First, put it in an even layer on a baking sheet, then add it to the middle in an even layer, put the filling and pour the dough over it again.

Step 5. After that, the cake is baked until cooked and served.

The cake comes out very soft. apple filling, the taste of which is set off by sweet shades of raspberries and cloudberries. The pie gets no less tasty if you add a little cranberry or lingonberry to the filling.

Apple pie with pineapples

For this recipe, it is best to choose sweet or slightly sour apples. It turns out very pleasant, tender and will appeal to all the sweet tooth. To make it, you will need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice or citric acid;
  • 300 grams of apples;
  • powdered sugar;
  • coconut flakes;
  • vanilla sachet.

You can make it very quickly if you have a mixer or food processor. Here's a pretty simple recipe.

Step 1. Beat the whites into foam, gradually adding sugar, yolks and flour at the very end.

Step 2. After that, mix apples with pineapples and lemon juice.

Step 3. Put the dough into the baking dish, and top the filling with apples and pineapples. Then sprinkle it with powdered sugar and coconut flakes.

Step 4. After that, bake until tender and serve with cream, ice cream and hot coffee.

This cake will please all the sweet tooth. You can also cook a very tasty pie with apples, pears and black raisins. This recipe will also not take much time, but it will pleasantly surprise your guests.

With pears and apples

Sweet pears and sour apples go very well together. Here is what you will need to make a pie according to this recipe.

  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • vanillin;
  • 300 grams of pears;
  • a spoonful of lemon juice.

Step 1. Beat eggs together with sour cream and sugar until creamy. Add a small amount of flour and knead the dough.

Step 2. Cut pears and apples, mix with lemon juice.

Step 3 Grease a baking sheet with oil and place about two-thirds of the dough on it.

Step 4. Spread the filling in an even layer. Then roll sausages from the dough and put them on the dough.

Step 5. Bake for an hour. Serve with cream, milk, mojito or green tea.

However, there is not only a simple, but also a complex recipe for making apple pie. Very interesting combination sour apples with lime and rum dough sprinkled with chocolate. Here's how to make it so that everyone likes it.

Rum cake with raisins, limes and apples

To make it, you need to take:

  • half a glass of brown rum;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • lime;
  • a glass of lemon juice;
  • 200 grams of sour apples;
  • a small amount of mint syrup;
  • 4 proteins;
  • 200 grams of pure black raisins;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate.

And here is the easiest way to prepare it.

Step 1. Mash the whites with sugar, gradually adding rum and flour.

Step 2. Cut lime and apple into slices and mix with lemon juice.

Step 3 Divide the rum into 2 parts. Mix most of it with the dough, add the smaller part to the filling along with the raisins.

Step 4. You can add a small amount of cocoa powder to the dough or grated chocolate. You can rub two-thirds of the tile and add it to the dough, and then leave a little to sprinkle on the cake.

Step 5. Put the filling on the dough, sprinkle with powdered sugar and grated dark chocolate, then bake until done.

Serve on the table with tea, coffee, creamy ice cream and stronger drinks.

In addition, the apple goes well with soft and hard cheese. You can make a cheese pie with sour apples.

Here's what you can cook to surprise your guests.

Apple pie with cheese dough and toppings

To prepare it, you need the following components:

  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 grams of hard grated cheese;
  • 200 grams of boiled grated carrots;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 200 grams cream cheese without additives;
  • the same amount of sour apples;
  • lemon juice;
  • passion fruit syrup (if not, you can replace apple or lemon marmalade);
  • baking paper or vegetable oil.

Step 1. Grind eggs with sugar, sour cream, gradually adding cheese and carrots.

Step 2. Finely chop the apples and mix with lemon juice and passion fruit syrup or marmalade.

Step 3. Put the dough into a baking dish, add a layer of cream cheese first, then apple filling.

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Step 4. Bake until done. Serve with cream and ice cream.

This recipe will appeal to those who love the combination of sourness and cheese. Carrots in the recipe give the dough a sweetish and very pleasant aroma. You can add it to other recipes, especially sweet ones. No less delicious sand cake with apples. Here's how to cook it.

With sand dough

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 large carrot boiled and peeled;
  • 4 large red apples;
  • walnuts or almonds;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 200 grams of butter and a small amount to lubricate the walls of the mold;
  • baking powder for the dough;
  • some water.

Step 1. First grind the yolks with sugar, then add the butter. Rub until you get a creamy mass.

Step 2. Carrots need to be grated or very finely chopped, mixed with dough.

Step 3. Mix flour with baking powder and stir with dough.

Step 4. Roll the dough into a ball, then separate a third from it and refrigerate with this third for an hour. While it is cooking, make the filling.

Step 5. Rub the apples on a grater and mix with whipped proteins.

Step 6. Lubricate the form with oil, lay out a layer of dough, as the photo shows.

Step 7. Then we spread the filling on 1 layer.

Step 8. After that, we take out the dough and finely crumble it, pour it onto a layer with apples. Then we grease it with caramel on top (water must be heated with sugar in a frying pan until caramel is obtained), and sprinkle with almonds and peanuts on top.

Step 9. Then the dough needs to be baked in the oven until cooked.

There is another way to prepare such a delicious and healthy recipe. The components do not change at the very beginning, but the preparation of the filling needs to be changed.

So, at the very beginning, shortbread dough is prepared, as indicated in the recipe, with butter, carrots and yolk. Then the dough is completely laid out on a baking sheet and here is the attention: do not rub the apples on a grater, but carefully cut into thin slices, removing the middle.

After that, grease the dough with caramel, put apples on it with neat petals so that the decoration looks like a rose. Then sprinkle them with powdered sugar, almonds and sugar. Put in the oven and bake until done. The combination of a wonderful crunchy dough along with apples and nuts is simply delicious, and it will appeal to everyone who loves apples, especially sweet ones.

There is also an easier recipe. amazing pie with caramel, apples and peanuts. It will appeal to lovers of dough with a nutty flavor. Preparing this dough is very simple.

Apple pie with nuts

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • a pack of margarine;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • the same amount of flour;
  • 300 grams of almonds or peanuts;
  • 300 grams of sour apples;
  • vanillin and baking powder.

You need to grind a pack of margarine along with the yolks. After that, add two thirds of the sugar, leaving some for making caramel. Finely chop the peanuts and add to ready dough along with baking powder. Place it on an oiled baking sheet.

Cut the apples into thin slices, cook the caramel and, when it becomes thick, grease the top layer of the dough with it. After that, put apples on it, and then sprinkle with peanuts and put in the oven. When the cake is browned, serve it on the table with ice cream and cream. If you want to add a spicy touch to the caramel, you can add a few chopped lime or lemon wedges to the apples. Caramel will shade well with a small amount of coarse salt, but do not overdo it.

These are the basic recipes for how to make apple pies. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize and mix the ingredients, then the cake prepared by you will please all the guests. Apples go well with various ingredients, both sweet and sour, and even with cheese. Therefore, it is very interesting to prepare fillings for the usual pies with pineapples, raspberries, apricots or even soft cheese. Good luck in your culinary endeavors!

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Apple pie is the pastry that every girl was taught to cook in technology classes. It is a pie with apples that will always come in handy if a tea party is planned, and every housewife has a recipe for “their own” apple pie.

How the apple pie recipe appeared is not known for certain, but quite a few versions are being put forward. Someone says that the birthplace of apple pie is Russia, someone claims that it was invented by French confectioners. The British are not far behind, but the fact remains that apple pies have won the hearts of gourmets all over the world!

Apple pie in the oven with puff pastry

How sometimes you want to cook something simple, but stunning and quickly. Has it happened? Then you are at the right place. Today we bake an apple pie from puff pastry - delicious and easy. Baking will be prepared even by a beginner who has never taken a rolling pin in his hands!

List of ingredients:

  • 3 kg of sour apples;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon;
  • finished puff pastry- you can use the usual fresh puff.

Cooking progress:

The first thing we do is stuffing. Wash apples, dry, remove peel and seeds. By the way, apples should be just sour, they should not have rot, holes. Then we cut them in half and cut into thin slices.

Now let's decide on the size. The number of ingredients is calculated on a baking sheet for 40 x 60, but if you are going to cook a pie 40 x 30, then we take half the ingredients. No, you don’t need to immediately rush for a centimeter and scrupulously measure everything. Errors are allowed 🙂

Set the apples aside for now and let's do the dough. It must be divided in half and rolled into a thin layer 5 mm thick, after sprinkling the table with flour. Again, all measurements are by eye.

Transfer the puff pastry rolled to the desired length onto a baking sheet. The dough itself should be well sprinkled with flour so that nothing sticks together. How do we translate? This may seem incomprehensible to a beginner, so I’ll explain: carefully wrap the dough on a rolling pin and unwind it on a baking sheet.

We spread the apple slices, covering the entire center. The edges must be left free. Mix granulated sugar with cinnamon and generously sprinkle apples.

Roll out the second piece of puff pastry. Then we fold it and make several oblique cuts along the folded side. If it's not entirely clear, then look at the photo.

Then we unfold this blank and close the apples with it. So that the edges are well fixed, before pinching them, moisten them a little with water.

The resulting cuts will be used to decorate the cake. We lift the first strip and lay it on the pie, pulling it back. The photo shows what kind of braid you should get in the end. Lubricate it with a beaten egg.

The apple pie is almost ready, it remains to put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. After cooking, wait for cooling and serve. Bon Appetit!

Apple kefir pie - a quick recipe

Apple kefir pie can be prepared very quickly. Actually, this is a recipe for hastily and is especially suitable if unexpected guests come to you. Baking will turn out delicious, and cook quickly.

List of ingredients:

  • two eggs (you can take three);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • a little cinnamon;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda;
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • about a kilogram of apples;
  • a little semolina - for sprinkling the form;
  • powdered sugar - for decoration.

Cooking progress:

  1. First, break two eggs into a separate bowl, add sugar and a pinch of salt. Then beat this mixture well to form a foam, add kefir there and mix again.
  2. Then add a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon to the mixture. Then add flour and soda and mix well. To make the dough elastic, pour vegetable oil into it and mix again.
  3. Peel apples and cut into thin slices.
  4. Lubricate the form with butter. Then the crust will turn out tastier, and the cake itself will be easier to take out. In addition, sprinkle it with semolina.
  5. We assemble the pie - put apples on the bottom of the mold and fill them with dough. We put the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Sprinkle the apple pie with icing sugar before serving. It will turn out beautifully, and add a little more sweetness to pastries.

Easy Apple Pie Recipe: Charlotte

Charlotte is the easiest apple pie to make. There are a minimum of components in it, but the pastries are incredibly tasty. apple charlotte attractive for its variability: the number of ingredients can be changed at your discretion. More

List of ingredients:

  • 3 - 5 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 4 - 6 apples.

If you like cinnamon, then you can add it. You will need about one teaspoon of the powder.

Cooking progress:

  1. Before starting the collection of dough, preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  2. We break the eggs, and separate the yolks from the proteins. Now we beat everything separately: proteins - until a fluffy foam forms, we just beat the yolks.
  3. Let's go back to the proteins: beat them again, gradually adding sugar and cinnamon in small portions. Then pour out the yolks, add flour. Stir the mixture again with a mixer. The dough, the consistency of which should resemble thick sour cream, is ready.
  4. It's time for the stuffing. We clean the fruits, get rid of the seeds, remove the skin, cut into slices.
  5. The form must be greased with vegetable or butter. Pour the third part of the dough into it and lay apple slices on its surface. We close them with the rest of the dough and put the charlotte in the oven. This version of the apple pie is baked for about 30 minutes. Landmark - a beautiful crust.

Before serving, you can also sprinkle the pastry with powdered sugar.

Sour cream apple pie recipe

Apple pie with sour cream tastes better classic charlotte and also easy to prepare.


  • three eggs;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of fat sour cream;
  • good butter - 50 grams;
  • flour - 250 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - a bag;
  • baking powder dough - a bag;
  • two - three sweet apples;
  • raisins - 100 grams.

For sprinkling:

  • butter - 20 g;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar with a slide;
  • 3 tablespoons of sifted flour;

Cooking progress:

  1. We break the eggs into a deep bowl, and pour sugar there. Beat with an immersion mixer until fluffy. At maximum speed, 5-6 minutes is enough.
  2. After, without turning off the device, add sour cream in small portions. Then add the melted butter to the mixture and beat it for a few more minutes. Next add flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. We mix everything well. The dough should be thick and sticky, but without lumps.
  3. Now let's take a look at the raisins: pour it over and leave it with boiling water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water. Wash apples and peel. Then cut into slices.
  4. Lubricate the baking dish with oil so that the cake does not burn. Then we sprinkle the walls and bottom with semolina.
  5. Pour three parts of the dough and spread the apple over it. Pour the prepared raisins and close everything with the rest of the dough.
  6. Now we need to prepare the dressing. We mix all the ingredients - softened butter, granulated sugar and flour - and grind them with our hands to make a crumb.

Sprinkle the top of the apple pie with the resulting crumb and put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. It will bake for about 40 minutes, but periodically the cake must be taken out and checked for readiness.

Delicious apple pie with sour cream filling

Apple pie with sour cream filling resembles french tart, but unlike it, it is baked in one approach. As a result, you will get a thin crust and juicy stuffing. It turns out like a cross between apple soufflé and buttercream.

Dough Ingredients:
  • flour - 250 grams;
  • butter - 150 grams;
  • baking powder - a teaspoon without a slide;
  • fat sour cream - 110 grams;
  • cold water - three tablespoons.
  • apples - 800 grams;
  • cinnamon powder - half a teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 300 grams;
  • flour - two tablespoons;
  • egg;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - a teaspoon.


Pour flour and baking powder into a deep bowl. Then add the softened butter cut into pieces. Now knead the flour with butter to make crumbs.

After that, you can add sour cream and water. Knead the dough quickly. It must be collected in a lump, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator so that it becomes cold.

We clean the apples, cut into slices. Put them in a separate bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon. We mix.

Now we need to fill. To do this, mix all the ingredients and beat them with a mixer so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. It should have the consistency of pancake batter.

We take out the cooled dough and put it in the mold. Then knead it with your fingers over the entire surface. Be sure to form the sides. Prick the dough with a fork so that it does not rise during baking.

And put apples in it in a circle. Finishing touch- fill the filling with sour cream filling. We put our apple pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake it for 1 hour.

The filling of such an apple pie is moist and if served hot, it will spread. When cold, it becomes more dense. Before serving, the cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

And in conclusion, I suggest you look at the recipe for Tsvetaevsky apple pie

Bon appetit and see you for new recipes!