Pollock in sour cream filling. Pollock with sour cream in the oven.

Want to balance your diet? Love delicious food, but watch your weight? Then your everything is ocean fish. Replenish the menu with fish delicacies - and the body will thank you with a slender, toned figure, the skin will shine, strength will appear, and fatigue and drowsiness will disappear into oblivion. Cod, halibut, hake, pollock - for every taste and budget. Dietary and not very, fish nourishes the body with phosphorus and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. detailed photos recipes to help you navigate and prepare cooking masterpiece on the own kitchen.

Pollock stewed in sour cream with onions and carrots: recipe with photo

Remember the menu of kindergartens and schools? What about spa food? “Well, again this fried/steamed pollock with rice. How tired of the fish, they could have offered meat, ”- at least once such thoughts visited many of us. And absolutely in vain. Record holder for iodine content, pollock has a beneficial effect on activity thyroid gland. Phosphorus improves the functioning of the brain, nerve endings; easily digestible protein is the basis for the growth and development of the body. Finally, fatty acid Omega-3, Omega-6 are responsible for body temperature, pressure, skin condition, mental activity.

Pollock belongs to the cod family. Fish - an inhabitant of the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean. Its liver is of particular value, because it contains more vitamin A than cod liver. The cost of pollock is low relative to most seafood. A small amount of bones, except for the ridge, makes this fish convenient, easy to cook. Stewed pollock with onions, as well as carrots in sour cream sauce, perfectly diversifies the daily menu.

For cooking, you need freshly frozen pollock. When choosing fish, pay attention to the quality of the freezing of the product. Dry implies the absence of an ice crust on the surface of the product. According to the recipe, you will need:

  • dry frozen pollock - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 4 large onions;
  • carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream (25% fat) - 500 g,
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Pre-thaw pollock fish. We cut off the head.

With the help of special scissors for fish, we cut off the fins, cut off the tail.

Gutted, removing the black film from the surface of the pollock abdomen.

Do not throw away pollock liver. Rinse, set aside, then add to fish.

Rinse the cleaned fish with cool water. Cut into portions (pieces) 2-3 cm thick each, trying to get into the cartilaginous sections of the ridge. Peel the onion, wash with water. Prepare the carrots by scraping off the top layer of the skin.

At the next stage, marinate the pollock pieces with oil and spices. You will need:

  • 3 art. tablespoons of oil (refined vegetable);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 5 g of pepper mixture, fish spices.

Take a deep container (bowl, salad bowl). Lay out the fish, after brushing each piece with salt. Sprinkle with prepared spices for fish, pepper mixture. Pour vegetable oil, preferably olive. Drop lemon juice. Mix the pieces with your hands so that each is smeared with marinade. Leave for 20 minutes.

During this time, cut into half rings, half a centimeter thick, onion. Chop carrots into slices. Prepare sour cream sauce: for half a liter of sour cream 200 ml warm water, 50 g butter, salt to taste. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

Then heat up the pan. While it is heating, make a batter of two chicken eggs and 4 st. spoons of flour (with a slide). Remove pollock pieces from the marinade, dip in batter and quickly fry until a light yellow crust appears.

Fill a saucepan or roasting pan in layers: lay out the fried fish, prepared vegetables. Lightly salt each layer, add spices to taste. A large number of spices will overshadow the taste of fish, so do not be too zealous.

Pour in sour cream sauce. Put to stew. As soon as the sauce boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the saucepan tightly with a lid.

In half an hour, an appetizing and healthy dietary fish will be ready.

Recipe for cooking with potatoes and vegetables in the oven

It is possible to cook pollock stewed in low-fat sour cream with potatoes and vegetables in the oven. For the recipe you will need:

  • pollock fillet (dry frozen) - 1 kg;
  • potatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • onion (bulb) - 500 g;
  • fennel root - 1 pc. medium size (about 0.5 kg);
  • broccoli (frozen or boiled) - 300 g;
  • carrot - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, black pepper.

We will consider the cooking process in stages.

  1. Fish fillet Remove from package and place in a shallow bowl. Set aside until completely defrosted. After a while, take it out, place it on a cutting board, cut large pieces. To make the fish juicy, return the pieces back, pour raw milk for 15-20 minutes.
  2. At this time, prepare the vegetables. Peel onions, fennel, carrots, rinse with running water. Peel the potatoes, wash them.
  3. If in freezer your refrigerator has frozen sprouts - Brussels sprouts or broccoli - take it out to defrost. If you are the lucky owner of fresh cabbage, boil it until half cooked in lightly salted water. Throw in a colander, let drain.
  4. Cut the onion, fennel into half rings up to 1 cm thick, grate the carrots coarsely. Potatoes should be cut into slices up to half a centimeter thick.
  5. Separately, pour flour for breading on a plate. We take out the fish, season with salt and pepper to taste. Dip in flour.
  6. We spread in the brazier in layers: potatoes, onions, pollock, fennel, carrots, cabbage.

We dilute sour cream with water in a ratio of 4: 1. Lightly salt and stir until uniform consistency. Pour pollock with vegetables obtained in such a simple way sauce. We send it to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes. Bon Appetit!

How to cook pollock fillet with sour cream in a slow cooker?

Do you know how to cook pollock stewed in fat-free sour cream so that the calorie content of the dish strenuously tends to zero? We take a fillet (1 kg), wash it, put it on a paper towel, remove excess water. Salt, grease or sprinkle with spices for fish. Peeled onion (3 pcs.) Cut into large rings. For 15 minutes, soak the fish with onions in milk (0.3 l). We spread the fish in a slow cooker, on top - a layer of onions. Cooking sour cream sauce:

  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • fish broth - 100 ml;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

100 g will be a tasty addition grated cheese added to the mixture. Fill the fish, turn on the "Extinguish" mode for 15 minutes. Diet dish ready.

Step 1

To prepare stewed pollock according to the recipe, we need only 20 minutes: Two medium-sized fish will be enough for us. I will not tire of repeating, the main thing in getting a quality dish from any frozen fish is its slow defrosting. We wash the fish with running water, remove the scales, remove the insides and cut into transverse pieces.

Step 2

We put the pieces of fish in a separate bowl and add a little soy sauce to it. Mixing the pieces the best impregnation sauce.

Step 3

Prepare one medium sized onion.

Step 4

Peel the onion, wash it and cut into small pieces.

Step 5

Dilute in a glass of boiled water three full tablespoons of sour cream. We got a factory product in our hands, but it is quite fatty, fresh and tastes good. Let's cook black ground pepper and Bay leaf.

Step 6

Put a frying pan with a flat bottom on a small fire. Do not add vegetable oil! It's just not in our recipe. Everything is simple and rustic. We put pieces of fermented in the pan in the pan. soy sauce pollock, slicing onions and pour the sour cream solution. Bring to a boil and simmer for 7-8 minutes. Then add ground black pepper and pieces of bay leaf. After 2 minutes, cover the pan with a lid and remove from heat.

Step 7

Pollock stewed in sour cream is ready. It can be eaten hot or cold. Immediately after cooking, stewed pollock can be served with any side dish, for example, buckwheat porridge. The dish can be garnished with a piece of pickled ginger or chopped herbs.

Fish dishes are tasty and very diverse, so good housewives be sure to include this product in the menu at least once a week. If adults usually eat fish with pleasure, then children are difficult to please. But “Pollock stewed in sour cream with onions and carrots” is one of the finest examples of how you can please every family member. The undeniable advantage of the dish is the speed of preparation. You can feed the whole family with a freshly prepared delicious dinner in minutes.

Recipe "Pollock in sour cream with onions and carrots"

To cook, you will need a minimum of ingredients that are always in stock, and you can quickly drop by for fish on your way home. So, you need:

  • pollock - 3-4 pieces
  • onions - one or two pcs.
  • medium fat sour cream - 200 gr
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs. depending on size
  • salt, pepper, spices

We carefully cut the fish into small pieces, get rid of excess fins and tail, then put it in a baking dish and sprinkle a little salt on top. We cut the onion into thin half rings, and three carrots on a grater. You can use a regular coarse grater, or for Korean carrots. In the latter case, the dish will turn out to be more beautiful and interesting in taste.

Separately, we prepare the frying. For this, on a refined vegetable oil fry the onion, then add the grated carrots, sour cream and put out the mixture a little on the fish.

We put the form in the oven and bake for about half an hour.

Video cooking pollock in sour cream with onions and carrots:

Amazing tender dish ready! Bon Appetit!

Each hostess cooks in her own way, slightly modifying each recipe. So, the above cooking method can be slightly changed, but the ingredients remain the same. In this case, it is better to take a frying pan with high edges, since there will be no need for an oven.

Separately fry the onions and carrots. Put portioned pieces of fish on top and pour everything with sour cream mixed with a small amount water, salt, pepper, seasonings and simmer over low heat. The dish will be ready in 20 minutes.

In order for the fish to be well stewed, it must be turned over 10 minutes after the start of stewing and gently pour the resulting sauce on top.

Pollock with smetana, carrots, onions and tomato paste

The ingredients will be the same, but we add to them more:

First, also fry the onions with carrots, then add the tomato paste and a glass of sour cream. If the sour cream is thick, it must be diluted. In this case, the sauce will need an additive of 1.5-2 glasses of water. Now add spices and simmer over low heat.

We cut the fish into portioned pieces, roll them well in flour and fry in a separate pan in vegetable oil. We shift the fish into a frying pan with high edges and pour the finished sauce. After 10 minutes, the dish will be ready.

Pollock in a slow cooker

- a unique technique that greatly reduces the cooking process. In the case of pollock, simply put in a bowl:

  • grated carrots
  • diced or diced onion
  • fish, peeled and cut into small pieces

  • sour cream
  • mayonnaise
  • salt, spices

We keep the proportions the same, but sour cream and mayonnaise will need 1 tbsp. spoon. We mix everything and set first for 50 minutes of “Extinguishing”, and then for 20 minutes of “Warming up”.

Delicate fish for small children

- extremely important product required for normal development child's body. The fish is tasty and healthy, but the bones it contains are dangerous for small children who are not yet able to get rid of them. That is why we will offer a cooking option using pollock fillet, then the dish will turn out to be very tender and completely safe.

The process can be carried out in a pressure cooker, slow cooker or oven - depending on what is on the farm.

Cooking frying all the same onions and carrots. For children it is better to take more vegetables, then the taste of the fish will not be so noticeable. Now, in the selected dishes, lay out the layers of vegetables, then fish, etc. We finish with a layer of vegetables.

We prepare the sauce by mixing sour cream with water, spices, a spoonful of mayonnaise. Pour the sauce over the prepared layers and simmer, or bake in the oven. In any case, the fish will turn out tender and very tasty. Children certainly will not refuse such a dish.

Garnish for fish

It can be anything, but, of course, fish will be best combined with boiled rice. Better cook for kids mashed potatoes, spaghetti or pasta. Fans of buckwheat porridge can safely use it as a side dish by adding a little butter.

When cooking fish, it is very important to consider its water content. It is better to defrost it before cooking, or buy non-frozen carcasses. If you stew watery fish in a slow cooker, you will get too much liquid part, and it will simply fall apart. To avoid this, first set the frying mode for about 10 minutes.

Now all the nuances are observed, and any of the presented recipes can become your signature dish.

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Fish is one of the most important and right products on our table. It is extremely useful, and besides, it is also easily absorbed by the body. Pollock is one of the most common and affordable types of marine fish. How to cook pollock in sour cream, we will tell you now.

Stewed pollock in sour cream - recipe


  • 600 g;
  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • onions - 300 g;
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.


Cut the pollock fillet into small pieces, chop the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown. Then we spread the pollock fillet on the onion and fry for 3 minutes on each side. After that, pour sour cream into the pan, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. On low heat, simmer pollock in sour cream in a pan for about 20 minutes. Crush the dish with chopped herbs and immediately put it on the table.

Pollock in sour cream in the oven


  • 700 g;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • large onion - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • salt, pepper, basil.


Pollack fillet cut portioned pieces, crush with salt, pepper, season with basil and sprinkle olive oil. We also grease the baking dish with olive oil and lay out the fillet pieces. Cut the onion into half rings and sprinkle the fish with it. Top it all with sour cream. At 180 ° C, bake pollock in the oven with sour cream for about 25 minutes. And so that the top sour cream layer does not burn, it is better to cover the form with foil, and 5-10 minutes before the readiness, the foil must be removed.

Pollock in a slow cooker with sour cream


  • fresh-frozen pollock - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 150 g;
  • salt, spices;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Pollock carcasses are pre-defrosted. And in order for the fish to come out juicy, you need to defrost gradually - that is, it is better to move it from the freezer to the refrigerator and leave it until completely defrosted. Next, clean the fish, remove the fins and rinse well. We turn on the multicooker in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, if any. The time we need is 40 minutes. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl, throw chopped onions and grated carrots. While the vegetables are a little browned, let's take care of the fish - we cut it large pieces, salt, pepper and sprinkle with spices. In the process of frying vegetables, the lid of the multicooker does not need to be closed, and the vegetables themselves need to be mixed and salted a couple of times. When the display shows 25 minutes before the end of the program, put the prepared pieces of pollock in a multicooker in 1 layer. Fill them with sour cream. We close the multicooker and cook in the “Baking” mode until the end of the program, that is, until the beep.

pollock recipe in sour cream


  • pollock - 500 g;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 50 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, spices for fish.


We cut pollock carcasses into portioned pieces, sprinkle with spices, salt and roll in flour. Fry the fish until golden brown in vegetable oil. In another pan, fry the diced onion. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, pour in 50 ml of water, add salt and spices to taste. Put the fried pieces of fish on top of the onion, pour it all over with sauce and simmer pollock with sour cream and mayonnaise over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Recipe for pollock in sour cream with potatoes



We clean the fish, cut off the fins and cut the carcass into portioned pieces. We chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil, then put the pieces of fish in the same pan. Fry together for 2 minutes. Cut the peeled potatoes into circles and send them to the pan with fish and onions. Pour sour cream on top, about 50 ml of water, add salt to taste and simmer under a closed lid over low heat for about 30 minutes. Before serving, decorate the fish and potatoes with herbs.

Sour cream - best supplement for pollock! She will make the fish juicy, tender and very appetizing. And yet, pollock with sour cream is very simple and quick to prepare. Just some 30-40 minutes and a healthy dinner will flaunt on the table.

Pollock in sour cream - general principles of preparation

In the store you can buy whole pollock carcasses or clean fillets. The product is inexpensive and available. Whole carcasses are usually small and usually the weight ranges from 0.4-0.7 kg. There are few bones in the fish, so the preparation of the fillet is usually not difficult.

Whole fish in sour cream is rarely cooked. Most often, the carcass is cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters wide. Then put in a bowl, pour sour cream and send to stew. But this is the most primitive and boring version of the dish. It is much more interesting to diversify the composition with other ingredients and cook a really tasty dish.

What can be added to pollock with sour cream:

Various seasonings;

And you can also pre-fry the fish and it will immediately become much tastier. The dish can not only be stewed on the stove, but also baked in the oven with the most in a variety of ways, and here are the most interesting options.

Recipe 1: Pollock in sour cream with onions and carrots

Pollock stewed in sour cream according to this recipe is cooked on the stove in a frying pan. It turns out juicy, tender and perfectly harmonizes with vegetables. And since a lot of them are added to the dish, you can not cook a side dish.


2 pollock;

3 onions;

2 carrots;

150 grams of sour cream;

40 grams of oil;

Spices, you can take a mixture of seasonings for fish.


1. Defrost pollock carcasses. We remove the fins, clean the abdomen and cut into pieces three centimeters wide. Sprinkle with spices and leave for a while.

2. Peel the onion, cut into half rings. We also clean the carrots and chop them into strips.

3. Fry vegetables in a pan until half cooked.

4. Lay out the pieces of seasoned fish. Cover and simmer in your own juice for 5 minutes.

5. Add sour cream. If it is thick and oily, then you can dilute it with boiled water. Season the sauce with salt immediately.

6. We cover the pan and simmer the fish for another 10 minutes. This will be enough for it to soak in the sauce, but not have time to move away from the bones.

Recipe 2: Pollock stewed in sour cream with paprika

To prepare stewed pollock according to this recipe, in addition to sour cream, you will need ground sweet paprika. It matches perfectly with sea ​​fish. The dish is being prepared on the stove.


600 grams of pollock;

200 grams of sour cream;

1 spoon of paprika;

Wheat flour;

dill greens;

1 bulb.


1. Cut the processed pollock into portions.

2. Roll in flour and fry in a pan until golden brown. No need to cover, cook over high heat.

3. Cut the onion, fry separately, then combine with the fish.

4. Mix sour cream with 100 grams of oxen, add salt and paprika. Beat well with a fork so that there are no lumps.

5. Pour the sour cream sauce into the fish.

6. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

7. Add chopped dill, turn off.

Recipe 3: Baked pollock in sour cream with cheese

The simplest pollock recipe in sour cream, which consists of just one step. It is enough to put the products in a mold and put them in the oven for half an hour. We bake the fish at 190 degrees, the oven must be turned on immediately.


2-3 pollock carcasses;

7 spoons of sour cream;

3 spoons of milk;

90 grams of cheese;

0.5 tablespoons of dried dill;



1. We prepare carcasses in the usual way, remove the fins, wash, clean the abdomen.

2. Cut pollock into pieces, put in a greased form.

3. Mix sour cream with milk, add seasonings, dried dill, fill the form with pieces of fish.

4. If there is time, then the fish can be left to marinate in sour cream sauce. Pollock from this will only become more tender and juicier.

5. Fall asleep with grated cheese and into the oven! Cook until golden brown appears on the surface.

Recipe 4: Pollock stewed in sour cream with potatoes

To prepare such pollock in sour cream, you will need a stewpan or cauldron. This dish is something in between the first and second. If necessary, independently adjust the amount of liquid, add or reduce.


3 pollock;

6 potatoes;

180 grams of sour cream;

1-2 bulbs;

1 carrot.

Spices: oregano, nutmeg, salt, pepper.


1. Fry chopped onions and grated carrots.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices. We lay half on the bottom of the saucepan, sprinkle with salt.

3. Cut the prepared pollock carcasses into pieces, lay on top of the potatoes, sprinkle with oregano, pepper, salt.

4. Spread the fried vegetables.

5. Top the rest of the potatoes, salt again, add more spices.

6. Mix sour cream with a pinch nutmeg, pour into a saucepan.

7. Pour 300 ml boiled water. It can be more or less.

8. Cover the saucepan, let the dish boil, then remove the fire and simmer for an hour.

9. At the end, add the greens, put the bay leaf and turn it off.

Recipe 5: Pollock stewed in sour cream with onions in a pot

For this dish, you will need a pollock fillet, which you can buy or free the carcass from the bones and ridge yourself. The number of ingredients is calculated for one serving pot.


200 grams of pollock;

1 onion;

0.5 tsp spices for fish;

. ¼ lemon;

40 grams of cheese;

A pinch of dry dill;

70 grams of sour cream.


1. Cut the fillet into neat strips two centimeters wide. We rub with spices for fish, pour juice from a slice of lemon. Usually there is already salt in the seasoning, but if it is not there, then the fish can be lightly salted.

2. Leave pollock for 15 minutes.

3. Mix sour cream with dill, lightly salt, you don't need much.

4. The onion needs to be peeled and cut into neat rings.

5. Lubricate the pot from the inside with oil, put half the onion on the bottom.

6. Place the marinated fish pieces on top.

7. And now again onion and pour sour cream.

8. We fall asleep with grated or chopped cheese and send the pot to the oven for 40 minutes.

Recipe 6: Baked pollock in sour cream with potatoes

A great way to cook pollock with sour cream in the oven, which eliminates the need to make a side dish. Convenient, simple and fast. Give a special taste to the dish fresh tomatoes, which must be ripe.


2 pollock;

10 potatoes;

300 grams of sour cream;

4 tomatoes;

Spices for potatoes;

Spices for fish;

3 onions;

4 tablespoons of vinegar essence;

180 grams of cheese.


1. We dilute vinegar in a glass of water, mix and add the onions cut into half rings.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, sprinkle with spices for potatoes, but you can use any other or just salt. Put in a greased form.

3. We cut pollock into portioned pieces, rub with spices for fish, lay it on top of the tile layer.

4. Squeeze the onion from the vinegar, sprinkle with pieces of pollock.

5. Cut the tomatoes into circles, spread on the dish. Too thin pieces do not need to be done.

6. Beat sour cream with a fork with salt and coat the whole dish on top.

7. Bake for about half an hour in the oven at 180 ° C.

8. We take it out, cover it with grated cheese and bake for another half an hour, perhaps a little less. We focus on the readiness of the potato, it should be easy to pierce with a sharp object.

Recipe 7: Pollock stewed in sour cream with wine

A variant of a refined pollock dish. White wine is ideally used, as it pairs best with sea fish. But if it is not there, then you can use another type of wine.


2 pollock;

4 tablespoons of flour;

1 onion;

150 grams of sour cream;

Salt pepper;

100 ml of wine;

1 spoon of browned flour.


1. Cut the washed and prepared fish into pieces and bread in flour.

2. Fry on both sides in oil.

3. As soon as the pollock was turned over to the second side and fried for a minute, add the onion cut into half rings. You can move the fish to the side with a spatula and fry vegetables in the vacated area.

4. As soon as the onion becomes transparent and begins to fry, pour the wine into the pan, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

5. Mix sour cream with fried flour. To prepare the browning, simply pour a spoonful of the product into a frying pan (dry) and fry until creamy.

6. Add 50 ml of water, salt, pepper to the sauce and send it to the pan with fish and wine.

7. Cover and simmer for another 10 minutes.

8. Done! It remains only to sprinkle the dish with herbs. And it is better to serve it with fresh cucumbers and radishes.

Recipe 8: Pollock in sour cream with tomatoes

Another version of stewed pollock with sour cream, for which you need fresh tomatoes. We will cook on the stove with preliminary frying of fish.


2 pollock;

4 tomatoes;

2 onions;

150 grams of sour cream;

1 bell pepper;

Oil and seasonings.


1. Cut pollock into portions, roll in flour and fry on both sides. Transfer to a saucepan.

2. Cut the onion into cubes, fry until transparent and also send to the pollock.

3. We also put chopped bell pepper there.

4. We make a cruciform cut on the tomatoes, lower them into boiling water for half a minute, then into cold water. Remove the skin and cut into cubes. If the seeds are embarrassing, then you can remove them before chopping the tomatoes.

5. Combine tomatoes with sour cream, add spices and transfer to a saucepan with fish.

6. Close the lid and simmer. Usually, 15 minutes is enough until complete readiness, since pollock has already undergone heat treatment.

The fins are easily removed from the fish with kitchen scissors. And the risk of injury is minimal. They are also convenient to cut off excess skin from the carcass and minor damage.

Lemon juice is the perfect addition to any fish, no matter the recipe. And pollock only benefits from the presence of this ingredient. Pieces can be marinated with lemon juice before cooking or just sprinkle when assembling the dish.

Pollock is a fairly dry fish, devoid of fat. Therefore, if you want to cook really tender and juicy dish, then do not spare fatty sour cream, butter.

To take away bad smell fish from a cutting board or other utensils, you need to rinse with water and vinegar, you can with lemon juice. Fresh citrus peels are also useful, with which you can simply rub the surface of dishes, knife blades or boards.

A dark film can be seen inside the abdominal cavity of the fish. It must be scraped off with a knife. The film can give bad taste and the bitterness of the dish.

If the fish is fried before stewing, then you need to bread the pieces in wheat flour. If the product is simply fried, then you can use breadcrumbs or semolina. They give a nice and crispy crust.