Flatbread made from wheat flour in a frying pan. Unleavened flatbread in a pan

If the house has run out of bread products, and you urgently need to serve something for the first or second course, you can cook fried cakes. At home, such a product is made very quickly: in half an hour the table will be decorated with a gastronomic masterpiece.

How to cook cakes

There are many recipes on how to cook yeast and yeast-free bread in a pan or oven. Different nationalities have their own tricks to help add originality to the dish. Homemade flatbreads can be made using a tandoor, an oven, or a simple frying pan. The last option is suitable for anyone, even a novice hostess. The main ingredients are flour, water and salt. The rest is added as desired so that the bread is soft, airy. Some of the most popular additions to pan shortbread dough include:

  • sour cream;
  • curdled milk;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • yeast;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweet or savory toppings.


Dishes can be very different, but the principle of cooking is the same. If you don't know how to make tortilla dough, remember this simple recipe. For such a gastronomic masterpiece, you need to choose flour good quality. The national bread of Asian peoples traditionally has a round shape. In this case, the pan will great helper: the dough will need to be carefully laid out, fry for a few minutes on each side until a crust forms.

Tortillas in a pan - recipe with photo

If you want to get lush wheat bread, then the recipe for cakes in a pan will definitely come in handy. In the cuisines of the peoples of Asia, special ovens are used for baking, but our Russian approach allows us to simplify cooking several times. If there was no bread at home, then such a culinary miracle will be an excellent substitute for it. By experimenting with recipes, you can always please your family with a wonderful meal.

Unleavened instead of bread

  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Many from childhood remember fragrant shortcakes that mothers or grandmothers served at the table. Then most housewives added soda to the dough. Now there are ways to make unleavened cakes even tastier. It will take you only 40 minutes to prepare fresh soft bread.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • drinking water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour through a sieve.
  2. Pour half in the form of a slide. Make a hole in the middle and add water and salt. Knead, gradually adding the rest of the flour.
  3. When the mass becomes elastic, make a ball out of it, cover with a lid and let it brew for 30 minutes.
  4. Cut the finished ball into 4 parts, roll each of them with a rolling pin in the shape of a circle.
  5. Put the workpiece in a hot frying pan with oil, fry alternately on each side for 30 seconds until a golden crust forms.

without eggs

  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1200 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Indian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you do not know how to make unusual bread, remember indian recipe puri. These shortcakes must be fried in in large numbers oils. It is not recommended to use such a culinary invention every day because of its fat content, but you can treat yourself several times a week. To understand how to cook cakes on the water without eggs, remember the following recipe.


  • flour - 2 cups;
  • water - 150 g;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Pour out the main component in a slide, make a hole inside and pour in water and oil. Mix until the mass sticks together.
  2. Knead cool, do not touch it for 30 minutes.
  3. Cut the mass into 4 parts, roll each of them.
  4. Pour into the pan more oil, warm up, put the future shortbread.
  5. Fry until the tortilla begins to puff up, then turn it over to the other side.
  6. Put the finished dish on a paper towel, let the oil drain. Cool down.

On water and flour

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1200 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian, Belarusian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This option is suitable as an addition to the first course. Thick, savory and delicious tortillas from flour and water in a pan they cook very quickly. If the house runs out of bread, they will be a great alternative. Besides, necessary ingredients will always be found. To understand how to cook an unleavened lean meal, remember the composition and sequence of actions.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • citric acid - 1 pinch;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Add salt, water, soda and a pinch to the main component citric acid. Knead the dough.
  2. From the resulting mass, you need to make small pieces and roll them with a rolling pin to a round shape.
  3. Put on a hot frying pan with oil, cover with a lid.
  4. Turn over after a few minutes to be ready.

By leaps and bounds

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1200 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian, Ukrainian, Caucasian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Air shortcakes can be an excellent basis for cooking a variety of dishes or complement an ordinary meal. They can be eaten with herbs, garlic, meat and other foods. Tortillas from yeast dough in a pan will take much less time than baking plain bread. If you don’t know how to bake delicious and diet rounds, remember this recipe.


  • flour - 500 g;
  • yeast - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • butter as needed.

Cooking method

  1. Heat the water a little, then pour it into a bowl and add sugar, yeast, oil and salt. Mix everything thoroughly, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Gradually sift the main component onto the yeast from above, stir with a spoon. Knead the dough, leave it under a towel for an hour.
  3. Lightly grease the countertop, roll out the dough and cut into thin slices.
  4. You need to cook shortcakes in a dry frying pan. As soon as the smoke is noticeable, lay out the flour semi-finished product, fry for 2 minutes on each side.
  5. Lubricate the resulting roundels with oil, let cool.


  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1000 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Caucasian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you like unusual bread, you will definitely like this cooking option for this flour product. Unleavened shortbread can be used as a base for shawarma, burrito or other gastronomic delights, it will crunch, go well with cheese and ham. Rye cakes without yeast are considered dietary, so they are suitable for those who follow the figure.


  • rye flour - 2 cups;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • dry paprika - 1 tsp;
  • spices - 1 tsp;
  • green onion- a small bundle;
  • sunflower oil as needed.

Cooking method

  1. Knead the dough so that it is liquid.
  2. Add spices, onions to the resulting mass.
  3. Divide the batch into 4 parts, roll out with a rolling pin.
  4. Mugs are brittle, so you need to carefully transfer them to a hot, oiled pan.
  5. Fry for 2 minutes on each side.

With milk without yeast

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Quick way to do delicious bread useful to all housewives. The recipe for cakes in milk without yeast is very simple. The main condition is to choose the main component of high quality. You can serve shortcakes with cottage cheese or onions. It will come out very tasty. They can be used as an addition to the main course for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The calorie content is minimal.


  • flour - 500 g;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Sift the main component, add salt, sugar and warm milk. Grease your hands with oil and knead until smooth.
  2. Divide the resulting ball into 6 parts with a knife.
  3. Roll out each lump with a rolling pin to make flat rounds.
  4. Fry the shortbread on each side for 2 minutes in a dry frying pan.
  5. Lubricate the finished rounds with a thin layer of margarine. Serve with cottage cheese and apples.


  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1200 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Kruglyashi can be used instead of cookies or gingerbread and served with tea. A small amount of sugar in the composition makes them sweet and very tender. A similar option is present in many cuisines of the world, but the recipe suggests the easiest way to cook. Pancakes with sugar in a pan are perfect for dinner or breakfast.


  • flour - 2 cups;
  • sunflower oil - 200 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • soda - 2 tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp

Cooking method

  1. Sift the main component, make a depression in the middle of the resulting slide, add a little water, oil and an egg there. Start kneading.
  2. If it comes out tight, you can add a little more water.
  3. Leave the dough to rest for 30 minutes.
  4. Cut the resulting mass into 8 parts, roll them into balls.
  5. Using a rolling pin, make thin slices, sprinkle them with soda, sugar, grease with oil and roll up.
  6. Roll out the resulting "snail" again.
  7. Heat up the pan with large quantity oils. Fry the shortbreads on each side for 1-2 minutes.

with meat

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1400 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian, Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Yeast fried shortcakes can be used as an appetizer or served as a complete culinary creation. A flatbread with meat in a pan turns out to be very juicy and fragrant, so all housewives will like it. Alternatively, you can make onion rounds, or with potatoes. Lush butter dough In this way, you can cook in just 10 minutes.


  • flour - 1 cup;
  • yeast - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • water - 100 g;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • vegetable oil as needed.

Cooking method

  1. In a bowl, mix yeast, honey and water. Then sift the main component, add salt and knead.
  2. Leave the resulting mass for 10 minutes to rest.
  3. Grate the onion on a fine grater, add to the minced meat. Salt, pepper.
  4. Cut the dough into 4 parts, roll out each of them.
  5. Put minced meat on future shortbreads, evenly distribute, collect the ends to each other.
  6. Cook meat or cheese cakes in a hot frying pan in a large amount of oil for 4 minutes on each side.


  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1100 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Many cook the dough on sour cream or kefir, but there alternative ways. Whey cakes are also very tasty. Quickly and easily you will make mouth-watering crispbreads that are suitable for eating in the morning, in the evening and at lunchtime. AT last years whey is not so easy to buy, but the nearest market or farm dairy products store will definitely help you out.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • whey - 1 glass;
  • baking powder - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • greens - a small bunch;
  • salt - 1 ½ tsp

Cooking method

  1. Heat the whey, add the egg, sugar to it.
  2. Mix the main component with baking powder, chopped herbs. Add whey and mix.
  3. Divide the resulting mass into several parts, roll out.
  4. Roll out, fry the pancake on each side in a hot frying pan for 2 minutes.

on mayonnaise

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A simple cooking method will allow you to fry delicious salty bread. If you do not know how to make mayonnaise cakes, remember this recipe. You can also use cornmeal or sour cream with spices. Due to its unusual flavor, sour cream or mayonnaise dough is very popular among most gourmets.


  • flour - 2 cups;
  • margarine - ½ pack;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - ½ tsp

Cooking method

  1. Mash margarine, add egg, mix.
  2. Mayonnaise mixed with slaked soda, add to margarine.
  3. Sift the flour into the resulting mass, knead.
  4. Make small cakes.
  5. Fry on each side for 2-3 minutes.

Stuffed cakes in a pan - cooking secrets

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1300 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian, Caucasian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you love Caucasian cuisine, then you will definitely like Khychins. All nationalities have their own characteristics of cooking this culinary masterpiece. Juicy potato, cheese or meat rounds can be used as an appetizer or addition to the main course. To cook delicious cakes in a hot pan, it will take a little time and simple products that are found in the refrigerator.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • kefir - 1.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 1 pack.

Cooking method

  1. Add soda, kefir to the main component, knead.
  2. Make how many parts, roll out.
  3. Melt the butter, fry the cakes in a hot pan for 2 minutes on each side.
  4. Lubricate the finished round on both sides with melted butter, let cool.

Learn how to cook delicious according to the suggested recipes.


Among the peoples Central Asia such cakes have been prepared for a long time according to the established tradition; they replace ordinary bread with them. Every day, Asian women fry them for the whole large family and serve them with different dishes, it can be soups, salads or meat, fish. The basis of such cakes is kneaded on water from flour and salt, all kinds of fillings are added (optional), and fried in a special oven. Today we have prepared for you a quick recipe for such an unleavened flatbread fried in a pan, this is the easiest cooking option. Our recipe does not contain yeast. The dough includes only two required ingredients - flour and water, while cooking is not just kneading water with flour, but making choux pastry. If desired, salt, spices and any greens can still be added to the dough. Unleavened cake can be stuffed with any filling, serve sauce to it.

Taste Info Bread and Flatbreads


  • Wheat flour - 150 g;
  • Water (boiled or filtered) - 100 ml;
  • Vegetable oil (refined) - 30-50 ml (for frying);
  • Salt - to taste (optional).

Note. Our recipe does not call for salt, but if you cannot do without this ingredient, add it to your liking, it will not spoil the big picture.

How to cook unleavened cakes from choux pastry on flour and water, fried in a pan

Prepare a strainer, a bowl for dough and a frying pan. Put water in the kettle to boil.

A quick way to make tortillas without yeast.

Sift the flour through a sieve into a heat-resistant bowl, we will fill it with boiling water. If you are using salt, now is the time to add it to the flour.

Carefully pour boiling water in a thin stream, please do not burn yourself. Hot items in the kitchen must be handled with all safety precautions.

Without waiting for cooling, knead the dough, first using a spoon, and then collect it with your hands into one lump.

Place the bun on a floured cutting board. The dough should rest for a few minutes. In the meantime, prepare a knife and a rolling pin, they will come in handy.

Our rested bun is formed in the form of a sausage with a diameter of 5 cm, cut into pieces of 1-2 cm, depending on the size of the future cake.

Form each piece in the form of a ball and roll it into a cake no more than 0.5 cm thick. Make cuts in several places.

The dough is ready. Let's start frying. Heat the pan well, grease the bottom with oil with a shaving brush, do not pour it out of the bottle, you can pour too much or underfill.

Advice. Use a heavy-bottomed frying pan so that the tortillas cook well and do not burn.

Put the tortilla in the pan, when one side is browned, turn it over to the other side. And so on, fry all the cakes.

Ready-made cakes turn out to be beautiful, lush and crispy, if you fry them in a dry frying pan, they will be without a crispy crust, but absolutely soft, in a word, excellent.

These cakes can be used instead of bread, make sandwiches from them with any filling: cheese, greens, sausage. You can use various sauces and gravies, jam and jam. Here is where to roam your imagination. We wish you to enjoy your creations and give pleasure to your family members.

If you do not have time to buy bread in the store, we recommend making such unleavened cakes on hastily, they will completely replace bread: for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The recipe is very simple, you will spend no more than 15 minutes on it. It is also indispensable in hiking trips, when there is little food and there is not even oil and salt. We advise you to try, do not regret these minutes.

Step-by-step recipes for making unleavened flatbreads: basic, Jewish matzo, in a pan with onions, with cheese and herbs, with yeast in the oven

2018-06-03 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams ready meal

4 gr.

15 gr.


29 gr.

268 kcal.

Option 1: Unleavened flatbreads - a classic recipe

Unleavened cakes they are prepared to diversify the dining table, to replace the usual bread or loaf as an appetizer for the main course. Unleavened flatbreads are usually cooked in a frying pan or oven. Sometimes added additional ingredients but not in large numbers. Let's start our selection of recipes with classic unleavened cakes.


  • three hundred ml of water;
  • two hundred and sixty grams of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of dough baking powder;
  • one hundred ml grow oils;
  • a pinch of salt.

Step by step recipe for unleavened cakes

Unleavened cakes got their name because of the main ingredient - water. The dough is surprisingly quick and easy to prepare.

Sift the flour into a large bowl and make a mound out of it. In the center we form a recess.

Pour the indicated amount of water into the hole, pour the baking powder for the dough and literally a pinch of salt.

We begin to knead the dough, picking up flour from the perimeter to the center. Manual kneading allows you to evaluate the texture of the dough, elasticity and coolness, and adjust its consistency.

If there is not enough flour, add a little more, just do not forget to sift. If, on the contrary, there is too much flour, add a couple of tablespoons of water.

The end result is a non-sticky and cool dough.

Divide the dough ball into about four equal pieces. Of these, we will form cakes with a rolling pin. The main thing is to observe the thickness of the cakes - no more than one centimeter. Otherwise, they may not fry inside.

Heat up a heavy-bottomed frying pan, pour in a little odorless vegetable oil. Fry unleavened cakes under a closed lid on both sides until golden brown.

We simply lay out the finished products first on paper towels to get rid of excess oil, then on plates.

Option 2: A quick recipe for unleavened cakes in the oven

As quick unleavened cakes, we offer Jewish matzah. These flatbreads are made with just two ingredients for the special holiday of Pesach. These cakes have a special meaning for the Jews. Despite the simplicity and, it would seem, the practical complete absence of ingredients, the matzah turns out to be very tasty. The recipe is for approximately 4-6 servings and twenty minutes of your time.


  • a quarter kg of millet flour;
  • one hundred ml of water.

How to quickly cook unleavened cakes in the oven

Sift flour into a large bowl. Make an indentation in the center.

The water must be cold. Pour it into the center of the flour mass and start kneading a soft and pliable dough. We make a kneading for at least five minutes.

From it you need to form about four or six portions of the dough. You do not need to insist on it, you can immediately begin to form matzah.

We roll out very thin cakes with a thickness of two millimeters. Punctures are made over the entire surface of the matzah with a fork.

Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and place unleavened Jewish cakes on it.

Preheat the oven to 200 C and bake the matzah for no more than five minutes. We focus on the goldenness of the dough.

Such unleavened cakes are not lubricated by anything, they are simply served at the table.

Option 3: Unleavened cakes in a pan with onions

An interesting variant of a simple and very tasty unleavened cake. As an additional ingredient, the usual onion. It will unobtrusively complement the taste of the cake, make it more interesting. Approximate cooking time is one hour and servings are two.


  • two hundred grams of flour;
  • one hundred and twenty ml of water;
  • two medium heads of turnip onions;
  • two tbsp rises butter for dough
  • one teaspoon grows cooking oils;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • a pinch of black pepper.

Step by step recipe

We will cook in a bread machine. If not, we will carry out a manual kneading. Pour the sifted flour, vegetable oil and salt into the bowl of the bread machine. Pour in water and turn on the " unleavened dough”, set the timer for fifteen minutes.

Or we mix everything in a large bowl and make a manual batch for the specified time.

After kneading, the dough should rest for half an hour. It is better to cover the container with a damp cloth so that the dough for unleavened cakes does not get chapped.

Peel off the husks of two medium onions. Then rinse them under cold water and cut off the solid base. Chop the onion with a knife into very small cubes.

Pour the chopped onion with boiling water and drain the water after fifteen minutes.

Flour the work surface, put the prepared dough. Shape it into a rectangle about 25 by 30 cm.

Sprinkle it with flour, brush with oil. Salt and pepper the entire surface and spread the onion. Squeeze it with your hands before spreading it on the dough.

We twist the layer unleavened dough with onions in a roll. We pinch the edges with our hands. Then cut it in half, pinch the edges again.

We twist each resulting sausage with a tourniquet and put it vertically on the work surface. Now gently flatten the vertical sausage from top to bottom with your hand. Then roll out with a rolling pin into a thin cake. Do the same with the second piece of dough.

Heat up a frying pan with oil and fry the first unleavened cake with onions. We do not cover with a lid, the total cooking time is eight minutes, that is, four minutes on each side.

As soon as a light golden color appears, make a minimum fire, close the lid and simmer for another four minutes.

We spread the fresh cake on a plate, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and black ground pepper. Preparing the next one.

Serve hot.

Option 4: Unleavened cakes in a pan with cheese and herbs

Why don't we enhance the taste of unleavened flatbread with a proven combination hard cheese and favorite greens. In our version, parsley is used, you can take any of your favorite herbs to your taste: dill, cilantro, basil or another. The recipe is designed for three servings of fragrant and crispy unleavened cakes.


  • one hundred and fifty grams of millet flour;
  • one hundred and fifty ml of water;
  • one hundred grams of cheese;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • three tables of lies grow oils.

How to cook

To make our unleavened cakes airy, be sure to sift the prepared flour.

Boil the specified amount of water and pour flour with boiling water. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, start kneading the dough first with a spoon. Then we continue with manual kneading, bringing to a soft texture that does not stick to hands.

Blind a bun, cover it with cling film or a damp, clean cloth. We leave to rest for half an hour. It is better to put in a warm place.

In the meantime, grate the cheese on a grater with small holes.

Wash the greens and cut off the roots, we do not need them. They can be dried and used for other dishes.

Dry with paper towels and finely chop with a knife.

Mix grated cheese with chopped herbs. Do not salt or pepper the filling.

We take our bun from the dough, flatten it a little and cut it into six parts with a knife.

Roll each portion of dough into a flat circle or rectangle.

We spread the filling on one edge, close the second and pinch the edges beautifully. Do everything carefully so as not to tear the dough - the filling can leak out when frying.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and start frying the first unleavened cake with cheese and herbs. Simmer until golden brown on each side.

Note: If you want your tortillas to turn out crispy, do not close the lid.

Option 5: Unleavened yeast cakes in the oven

This time we will not add additional filling ingredients. Let's cook simple and tasty unleavened cakes with dry yeast, baked in the oven. This is how they cook in the villages and pass this recipe from generation to generation. The recipe is for eight delicious cakes.


  • four hundred grams of millet flour;
  • twelve grams of dry yeast;
  • two hundred and seventy ml of water;
  • one table of olive oil lies;
  • one teaspoon of coarse salt;
  • one teaspoon of granulated sugar.

Step by step recipe

Use a large bowl to knead the dough. Heat the water a little so that it is lukewarm, but not hot, otherwise the yeast will die. Add dry yeast and stir until dissolved.

We are waiting for a lush foam to appear on the surface.

Now you can add granulated sugar and coarse salt, stir.

We take a sieve or a sifter and begin to add flour, kneading the dough. In the end, you will have to continue with manual kneading.

Then we form a large ball from the dough. Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough ball in it. Cover with a damp, clean towel and leave warm for an hour.

After the time has elapsed, punch down the dough again and cut it into eight pieces. Cover them with foil and let them rest for another fifteen minutes.

We roll each portion of unleavened dough into a thin circle, then close everything again and let it rest for about ten minutes.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment, preheat the oven to 250 C. Spread the prepared unleavened cakes and bake them for fifteen minutes.

Either leave the baking sheet dry or lightly grease with oil and bake the cakes first for seven minutes on one side, then turn over and bake the same amount more.

For the preparation of dough for cakes, all known types of flour are used. They are being prepared different ways, so among the recipes you can find both rich and fresh, and puff products. But the main ingredients are most often: water, kefir or milk, flour, eggs and vegetable oil. Sometimes fresh and dried berries or fruits, herbs, herbs, or cheese.


If you decide to treat your homemade fresh fragrant cakes, then you will need such household utensils: a non-stick frying pan or baking sheet, a deep bowl for kneading dough, a rolling pin, a sieve for sifting flour and a measuring cup.

And now let's get down to the preparation itself, we bring to your attention a few of the most popular recipes, which do not require special skill and experience, even a novice housewife can handle them. So let's get started.

1. Cheese cakes on kefir

This dish is loved by both adults and children. It is perfect for breakfast, as a snack or for dinner. The recipe is simple and the result is great. So, to prepare these cheese cakes, you will need the following components:

1 glass of any fermented milk product;
half a teaspoon of soda, sugar and salt;
1 cup grated hard cheese (can be replaced with melted cheese);
half a glass of any fresh herbs (onions, cilantro, dill);
500 grams wheat flour;
a small piece of butter for greasing the finished cakes.

In a deep container, mix cheese and chopped greens, salt, add sugar and soda, and then pour in kefir or another sour milk product.

Pour wheat flour into the resulting mixture and knead an elastic dough.

We divide it into 12-15 parts and roll it out, giving each cake a round shape.

We heat the pan and brown the cakes without adding oil. Ready cakes can be anointed with melted butter on top.

2. Cheese cake in the oven

Cheese cakes in the oven are no less tasty and cook very quickly. We offer you wonderful recipe that your whole family will love.

500 grams of wheat flour;
70-100 grams of butter;
half a teaspoon of soda and salt;
half a glass (or more) of grated well-melting hard cheese (you can take melted pasty);
1 teaspoon of mayonnaise and mustard;
a bunch of any fresh herbs;
half a glass of milk.

First of all, wheat flour, melted butter, soda and salt are mixed until a homogeneous consistency.

Add mustard, mayonnaise, milk (preferably warm) and cheese. Knead the dough thoroughly, then cover it with a film and leave for 30 minutes.

We roll out the dough with a thickness of 1 cm and, using a saucer or a dessert plate, cut out cakes and transfer them to parchment.

Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. By the way, cakes can be smeared with an egg, then when baked, a beautiful golden top forms on them.

Serve hot tortillas lubricated butter or melted cheese, sprinkled with your favorite herbs.

3. Mexican Tortilla

The most famous corn tortilla tortilla has become popular with us thanks to Mexican cuisine. It is the basis of many dishes, salad and meat are put into it, poured with sauce and eaten. But we are not far behind the Mexicans and we can also make tortillas. They will need:

1 cup cornmeal;
half a glass of wheat flour;
30 grams of fine salt;
50 grams of vegetable oil;
one third of a glass of milk.

Mix flour and salt.

AT warm water Pour in vegetable oil and stir, and then gradually pour into dry ingredients. First with a spoon, then with your hands elastic dough.

Cover the dough with a napkin and leave for 30-40 minutes.

As time passes, we cut it into 6 identical pieces and from each roll out a thin cake.

We bake tortillas in a hot pan without adding oil, immediately cover the finished cakes with a towel so that they do not dry out. It is important not to overdry the cakes during frying.

Are the cakes ready? Now think about stuffing with meat or vegetables, and also make a sauce. By the way, tortillas make excellent Nachos chips. To prepare them, cut each cake into segments and fry in hot oil for 1-1.5 minutes.

4. Unleavened cakes

One of the most popular types of unleavened flatbread is Matza, which belongs to the Jewish cuisine. It is prepared during the celebration of Easter and eaten instead of bread. Would you like to cook Matsu?

Her recipe is simple, you will need:

2 cups wheat flour;
125 ml warm water.

A tough elastic dough is kneaded from the prepared products, which should be left for about half an hour so that it rests.

We divide it into 5-6 balls, which we roll out thinly.

We make punctures with a fork over the entire surface of the future cake.

We bake cakes one by one in a dry, well-heated pan.

5. Cakes without yeast

A simple recipe for airy cakes without a single gram of yeast and soda requires a certain aging of the dough. Do you want to know what's what? Let's cook them. You will need the following products:

450 grams of wheat flour;

125 ml of warm water;

250 grams (50 for dough, 200 for frying) sunflower oil;

flour and hot water mix with a wooden spoon. Add oil and knead the dough.

We leave it in a hot place for about 10-12 hours (or more).

After the time has passed, small bubbles will appear on the dough, it will be soft and elastic, not steep. No more flour should be added, except to sprinkle the board for rolling it out.

We divide the dough into 6-8 balls and roll each of them as thin as possible.

Fry the tortillas in a frying pan with oil until golden brown. During it, a lot of bubbles should appear on the test.

We spread the finished cakes on a paper towel to remove excess fat, and when they have cooled, they can be served at the table. By the way, they are equally delicious both hot and cold.

6. Rye cakes

These pancakes are a great alternative. rye bread. They are very easy to prepare. Enough to take:

400 grams of rye flour;
40 grams of a spoon of honey;
150 grams natural yogurt or sour cream;
half a teaspoon of salt and soda;
2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Add vegetable oil and honey to yogurt or fermented baked milk, and then rub the ingredients thoroughly.

Salt, soda and rye flour, mix in a separate bowl.

Gradually introduce the yogurt-butter mixture into the dry ingredients and get a great, very soft dough. Let's put it in cling film and leave to rest for about half an hour.

We form cakes from the dough, pierce each with a fork and send it to a well-heated oven to bake. This will take 15-20 minutes.

7. Rye cakes on sour cream

These tortillas make an excellent breakfast, especially if you spread pâté or cottage cheese. To prepare them you will need:

2 cups rye flour;
half a glass of sour cream;
1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
2 large chicken eggs;
half a spoon of soda;
120 grams of any vegetable oil.

Beat sugar, butter and eggs with a mixer or whisk, and then gradually add half the flour.

Cool the sour cream and mix it with the egg-flour mixture.

Add the rest of the flour, after mixing it with soda. Knead the dough, which is covered with a towel and leave it to rest a little.

Roll out the dough, cut out cakes with a saucer. Poke a few holes in each with a fork.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send the cakes into it. After baking, cover them with a towel and leave to cool.

Sweet and fragrant honey cakes are an excellent delicacy for both children and adults. To prepare them you will need:

2 cups wheat flour;
100 ml of milk (you can take warm water);
1 large chicken egg;
3 art. spoons of liquid honey;
half a spoon of salt;
half a spoon of soda;
50 grams of sunflower oil;
a sachet of poppy and sesame seeds.

Pour all dry ingredients into a bowl and mix.

Stir half of the honey in the liquid, and then add the egg and butter to them. Beat everything, and then add in small portions to the dry ingredients and knead the dough.

Roast the sesame a little.

We divide the soft and elastic dough into 8-10 parts, from each we roll a ball, which we roll out as thick as a finger.

Cakes in a pan - delicious healthy alternative to bread. In many national cuisines world flat cakes take pride of place, and to this day are the main type homemade bread. In Asia it is pita bread, matnakash, in Mexico it is tortilla. For example, lavash is appreciated by the world community. In 2014, it was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List from Armenia.

Making cakes at home is not difficult. Any housewife can quickly bake them, if you run out of bread at home, you want to diversify the menu or eat healthy food, consisting of ingredients that you are sure of.

Thin cakes are made from the simplest unleavened dough consisting of flour and water. Lush cakes can be made on kefir with the addition of soda or on yeast. In addition to wheat flour, it is permissible to use corn, rye, buckwheat flour. Such cakes have a specific taste, less calories, but more useful. They are eaten instead of bread, they are used to make rolls, stuffed envelopes, burritos, shawarma, tortillas and other national dishes.

We have selected the most interesting recipes who will tell you how to cook cakes in a pan, and also offer various options serving this simple but delicious dish.

Photo of thin cakes on water and flour in a pan

The dough for thin cakes is prepared in water. And better on boiling water. Choux pastry is very plastic, easy to roll, does not tear. It is convenient to work with him even for novice housewives. Such cakes can be eaten during a strict fast, since they do not contain either milk or eggs.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • flour 2-3 cups
  • water 1 glass
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

Method for making cakes on water and flour:

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Mix with salt. Add boiling water to the flour in a thin stream, kneading the dough with a spatula or spoon. You should get a lump resembling jelly.
  2. When the dough has cooled slightly so that it can be handled, turn it out onto a floured work surface. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Roll out the sausage. Cut it into 6-8 pieces. Take one piece. Cover the rest of the dough with a towel or cling film so that it doesn't dry out.
  3. Put the pan on the fire. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a thin layer. The size is slightly larger than the diameter of the pan. Place the dough on the hot skillet. Fry 40-50 seconds each side in a dry frying pan.
  4. Cakes can be baked in an oven heated to 200 ° C. They cook quickly, 1-2 minutes each. Just keep rolling.
  5. Thin cakes will be more varied if half of the norm of wheat flour is replaced with flour from other cereals. Rye, oat or corn tortillas have a specific taste and are very useful.

Submission method: Thin cakes can be served instead of bread for the first and second courses, but it is more interesting to use them as envelopes for stuffing. Wrap in a cake vegetable salad, a piece of boiled egg with herbs and mayonnaise, ham with cheese and lettuce. Beautiful, comfortable and very tasty.

Photo of lush cakes on kefir

Lush cakes on kefir are thick, soft and tasty. They can be baked filled or empty instead of bread. Unlike pies, tortillas are cooked in a dry frying pan or lightly greased with vegetable oil, so they are not greasy, more healthy. As they use cottage cheese with herbs, boiled eggs with green onions, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage and other fillings, for which there is enough imagination.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • flour 2 cups
  • kefir 1 glass
  • margarine 125 g
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • soda 1/2 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil (for frying) 20-30 ml.

For filling:

  • mashed potatoes 250 g.
  • dill bunch

Cooking method:

  1. Add sugar, salt and soda to kefir. Let stand until the soda begins to foam. Melt margarine. Add to kefir.
  2. Sift the flour in a heap onto a work surface. Make a hole in the center of the hill. Pour kefir into the funnel. Knead soft dough. Let him rest for 10-15 minutes covered with a towel.
  3. Divide the resulting dough into 4 parts. Roll out each lump into a cake. Place the filling in the center. Turn the edges of the dough up. Snap it. Roll out the resulting bag flush with the diameter of the pan.
  4. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the pan. Lay out the cake. Fry over medium heat, covered, until the bottom side of the tortilla is browned. Turn the cake over. Fry until done.
  5. Ready-made cakes can be greased with butter while they are hot. Or put one on top of the other, cover with a towel and let stand. The cakes will become soft.

Submission method: Serve the tortillas with broth or entrees as bread. Good cakes with milk or sour cream.

Photo of homemade yeast cakes with cheese in a pan

You and your family are provided with delicious, hearty breakfast if you know how to cook homemade cheese cakes. Yeast dough can be put in the evening. In the morning, cooking takes no more than 30 minutes. Cottage cheese, cheese or cheese as a filling will provide the body with proteins. You can take the cake with you to work or wrap the children at school. One cake can be a full meal, satisfying your hunger until the very evening. It is not greasy and very tasty even when cold.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • flour 1/2 kg.
  • water 1/2 liter
  • sugar 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • dry yeast 1 sachet (11 g)
  • vegetable oil 150 ml.

For filling:

  • cheese 500 g.
  • cottage cheese 500 g
  • butter 50 g.
  • greens (parsley, dill) small bundle

Recipe for pancakes with cheese in a pan:

  1. Pour a little warm water into a deep bowl. Pour sugar, salt and dry yeast into it, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Leave to stand warm for 15 minutes. Yeast should start foaming.
  2. Sift the flour, pour it gradually into a bowl of water, knead the dough. Put in a warm place for 1 hour. The dough should rise 2-3 times. How to make yeast dough can be gleaned from other recipes on the site. Any yeast dough for pies will do.
  3. Grate the cheese. Mix with curd. Add melted butter and finely chopped greens to the filling. If the cheese is not salty, you can salt the filling, add dry herbs to it to taste.
  4. Divide the dough for 10-12 parts. Roll out a piece of dough into a circle slightly smaller than the diameter of the pan. Put the stuffing in the center. Gather the ends into a bag. Snap it. Lay the clump of stuffing seam side down and roll out again to the size of the pan.
  5. Fry the cakes vegetable oil, adding it little by little, 2-3 minutes on each side. Stack the finished cakes.

Submission method: Serve the tortillas with soup or as an appetizer with beer. In the latter case, we advise you to grease the finished cakes with melted butter, generously sprinkle with ground black pepper and coarse sea salt.

Photo of delicious potato cakes in a frying pan

Soft, fluffy and very tasty cakes can be made from mashed potatoes left over from a previous lunch or dinner. Potato cakes can be prepared with fillings, but they are delicious on their own. They are served with kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk for breakfast or for a light snack during the day.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • mashed potatoes 300 g.
  • milk 1 glass
  • flour 600 g
  • dry yeast 5 g.
  • salt 1 teaspoon
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • butter 50 ml.
  • Provencal herbs 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook potato pancakes in a pan:

  1. Heat the milk until it is warm but not hot. Add salt, sugar, Provencal herbs and dry yeast. Pour milk into mashed potatoes. Stir.
  2. Melt the butter. Add to mashed potatoes with milk. Gradually add flour. Knead the dough. It will stick a little to your hands. Leave the dough to rise for 1 hour. Punch down the dough after an hour and let it rest for another 30 minutes.
  3. Separate a small piece of dough. Roll out into a cake about a centimeter thick. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides.

Submission method: Serve potato cakes with any sauce based on sour cream. To do this, combine sour cream with garlic and dill or add to sour cream pickle and boiled egg. It is better to eat hot cakes, but they also have cooled down. original taste and do not stay stale for a long time.

Tips for making pancakes in a pan

Cakes in a pan should be cooked at least once by any housewife. Cakes will help out if there is no bread in the house. By wrapping the filling in a thin cake, you can quickly cook original snacks for guests. Cakes are prepared faster and easier than pies, but they are not inferior to them in taste. If you know the intricacies of how to cook cakes in a pan, you can cook in any situation tasty dish from almost nothing

  • Thin cakes cooked in water, milk, whey.
  • To do fluffy cakes you need baking soda or yeast. If you cook cakes with soda, you need to provide an acidic environment. As a liquid component of the dough, it is better to use kefir, sour cream, or add a tablespoon of vinegar to the dough for every 1/2 teaspoon of soda.
  • Amount of flour in the recipe self-regulate, as it depends on the quality of the flour itself. The dough for cakes should be soft, plastic, not sticky to hands, but not tight. Otherwise, the cakes will turn out to be as hard as a sole.
  • Love crispy flatbread, do not stack them, do not cover with a towel so that they do not soften.
  • Hot cakes can brush with melted butter. They will become shiny, acquire a creamy aftertaste. Arrange buttered tortillas in a pile on a serving platter. They will become softer.
  • If you cook cakes without filling feel free to add spices, greens, finely chopped onions and other additives directly into the dough.
  • Bake cakes in a dry frying pan or vegetable oil. You can lightly grease the pan with oil before putting in a new tortilla. You can cover the pan with a lid.
  • Cooking cakes takes no more than 45 minutes. Any recipe is simple and easy.