Pie with strawberry filling. Shortcrust pastry strawberry pie with sour cream filling.

Juicy, flavorful and amazing sweet strawberry- a delicacy that even adults do not refuse. These amazing berries go well with many products, therefore they are widely used in cooking. Desserts are made from strawberries, compotes are cooked, but they are especially often used for home baking. Step by step recipes offer to choose the option to your taste and bake today air cake with strawberry.

If there were no fresh berries at hand, the trouble is not big. For homemade pie Strawberries frozen since the summer are also perfect. But first it must be defrosted. And also prepare:

- 4 eggs;
- half a glass of flour;
- 1 tbsp. Sahara;
- 100 g of very fat (35%) cream;
- 300 g strictly smooth wet cottage cheese;
- 100 g of sugar;
- a pinch of vanillin;
- 500 g of thawed strawberries;
- 500 ml of already diluted jelly.

How to make Frozen Strawberry Pie:

1. Beat 2 eggs and half of the sugar indicated in the recipe very vigorously with a fork or mixer. In portions, add flour, knead the dough.
2. Pour it into an oiled form and put it in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 15 minutes.
3. Grind the second part of sugar with cottage cheese, add the remaining couple of eggs and vanilla. Whisk into a smooth creamy mass.
4. Without removing the cake from the mold, lay a layer on it curd cream, smooth and send to the oven for another 25 minutes.
5. After complete cooling, spread the strawberries on the surface in an original way, pour half the portion of the finished jelly and let it seize in the refrigerator.
6. After 20 minutes, pour the rest of the jelly on top and put it in the cold to harden for 5-6 hours.

Shortcake with strawberries

The combination of crispy shortbread base, tender milk cream and strawberries will not leave anyone indifferent. The original cake will complement a friendly tea party, and besides, it is extremely simple to make it.

- 250 g flour;
- 100 g of sugar;
- 100 g of soft butter;
fresh egg;
- 1 tsp soda.

- 4 raw yolks;
- 4 tablespoons large sugar;
- 1 whole tbsp. any starch;
- 0.5 ml of milk;
- about half a kilo of strawberries.

Cooking shortbread pie with strawberry:

1. Lightly beat the eggs with sand, add soda, soft butter, and then flour. Knead the plastic dough, mold it into a ball and put it in the freezer for half an hour.
2. Add starch to 100 ml of cool milk, stir until smooth. Add sugar to the yolks and grind the mass until a whitish color. Combine starch and sweet yolk mass.
3. Heat the remaining milk, add the starch mixture into it in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Continue to cook the cream for a few more minutes to thicken it. Remove from heat and cool completely. Ready cream should have the consistency of sour cream of medium density.
4. Remove the dough, roll it into a thin layer and lay it out in a mold, making sides. Bake the basket for 20-25 minutes in a hot (180°C) oven.
5. When browned, fill the basket with cream, arrange halves of berries beautifully on top and bake for another 10 minutes.

Pie with strawberries in a slow cooker

For the next recipe, you will need mayonnaise. However, its taste does not hurt at all. sweet pastries. On the contrary, it will make the strawberry pie in the slow cooker even more interesting.

- 2 eggs;
- 1 tbsp. Sahara;
- 5 full tablespoons quality mayonnaise;
- half a pack creamy margarine(90g);
- 5 tbsp. sunflower oils;
- 2 tbsp. first-class flour;
- a package of baking powder;
- a little vanilla sugar;
- 300 g strawberries;
- 100 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking strawberry pie in a slow cooker:

1. Vigorously rub the eggs with a fork in sugar until a whitish foam. Add soft margarine, mayonnaise and vegetable oil. Shake vigorously.
2. Enter vanilla, baking powder and flour in equal parts.
3. For convenience, line the multi-cooker bowl crosswise with parchment sheets. Pour over the creamy dough.
4. Peel the sepals from fresh berries, rinse and dry. Dip each in powdered sugar and spread on the surface of the dough in random order, pressing lightly.
5. Set the appliance to baking mode for 45 minutes. After the process is completed, let the cake rest for ten minutes without opening the lid.
6. Sprinkle a slightly warm product with plenty of powdered sugar.

Pie with cottage cheese and strawberries

Strawberries are best combined with cottage cheese, because the cake based on these products is especially tender and light. Such a dessert can be tasted even on a diet.


- a fresh egg;
- 150 g of first-class margarine;
- 250 g flour;
- 1 tsp baking powder;

- 500 g of wet cottage cheese;
- 2 eggs;
- 5 tbsp. Sahara;
- vanilla to taste;
- 2 tbsp. any starch;
- a little powder for dusting.

Step by step cooking pie with cottage cheese and strawberries:

1. Mix all ingredients to knead shortbread dough. According to the recipe, it turns out to be neutral, that is, without salt and sugar. But if desired, these ingredients can be added to taste.
2. elastic dough roll into a ball and put away freezer for 10-15 minutes.
3. Put cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add eggs, starch, vanilla and baking powder. Rub well until smooth.
4. Take out the dough, roll it out, lay it in a mold, making a base with sides. Put another 5-10 minutes in the freezer.
5. While it is cooling, process the strawberries, cut large berries in half.
6. In a chilled dough basket, spread the curd mass in an even layer, on top with an arbitrary pattern strawberry berries. Be sure to crush with a mixture of starch and powdered sugar (literally a teaspoon each).
7. Bake in the oven (180-190°C) for about 30 minutes or a little more.

Layer cake with strawberries

Cooking strawberry pie from puff pastry is twice as fast and easier. After all, you can already take finished semi-finished product from the store. In addition, you will need:

- 3 tbsp. starch;
- 190 g of fine sugar;
- 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice;
- no more than 20 g of butter;
- a raw egg;
- about 1 kg of strawberries.

1. Mix in a bowl lemon juice, starch and sugar. Gently beat the mixture with a mixer.
2. Process the berries and pour the resulting sugar-lemon mixture. Let it brew for 15 minutes.
3. Finished puff pastry, defrosted in advance, divide into a pair of unequal parts. Roll out the larger one into a sheet 5 mm thick. Lay it in the mold so that the edges protrude beyond the sides by another 2 cm.
4. Put the strawberry filling inside, spread tiny pieces of butter on top. Cut the remaining puff pastry into small pieces and cover the surface in random order.
5. Beat the egg with a fork, brush the top of the pie with a brush. Put the prepared product in the oven (220°C) for 20 minutes, then lower the heat to 180°C and hold for another 40 minutes.

Chocolate cake with strawberries

A beautiful and, of course, delicious chocolate-strawberry cake will be a worthy conclusion. festive feast. But it is better to cook it in advance so that the biscuit is well soaked, and the gelled layer is properly frozen.

For biscuit:

– 3 big eggs;
- 1 tbsp. sugar and flour;

- 100 g of sour cream;
– 500 ml heavy cream;
- 100 g of sugar;
- Vanilla for flavor.

- 500 g fresh or frozen strawberries;
- 1 pack of store-bought jelly.

Cooking chocolate cake with strawberries and jelly:

1. Carefully remove the yolks from the eggs and grind them to a whitish foam with sugar. In portions, enter a glass of flour. Separately beat egg whites with a spoon until firm foam ice water. Trying not to precipitate the protein foam, add one spoonful of it to the biscuit base.
2. Pour the dough into a suitable, better detachable form and bake biscuit cake for 25–30 minutes in an oven heated to 180°C.
3. Lightly saturate the base with any fruit or sugar syrup. Let it rest, but for now proceed to the cream.
4. Mix very cold cream with sour cream and beat for a long time, periodically adding sugar and vanilla. The end result should be quite thick. butter cream.
5. Spread it in an even layer on the surface of the biscuit that is still in the mold. Put in the refrigerator for three hours. After the indicated period, take out the cake, spread it on top, pressing the strawberries a little.
6. Dilute store jelly according to the instructions (you can take a special one for cakes or a regular one, in the latter case, just add less water to get more density). Pour it over the strawberries and remove the finished torus until completely solidified in the cold.

Quick Strawberry Pie

Don't have time to mess around with complicated cakes, but really want something sweet? Make a strawberry pie in just an hour, which is called on hastily.

- 250 g strawberries;
– 2 raw eggs;
- 200 g of white flour;
- 150 g of regular or cane sugar;
- 75 ml of sunflower oil;
- the same amount of milk;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- a pinch of vanilla for flavor.

1. Wash the strawberries, dry and cut into quarters.
2. Beat the eggs, remembering to add sugar and vanillin. Add butter with milk and beat again.
3. In small parts, add flour mixed with baking powder and mix until smooth.
4. Set the oven heat to 170°C. Oil the mold and pour the dough, spread the quarters of berries on top with a beautiful pattern.
5. Bake for about 30-35 minutes. After let rest for another 10 minutes, remove from the mold, dust with powder and serve as soon as the pastry has cooled well.

Pie with strawberries and sour cream recipe

To make the pie dough especially lush and airy, you need to know little secrets. One of them reveals the following recipe, in which this is achieved through the use of sour cream.

- 2 eggs;
- 1.5 tbsp. expensive flour;
- 1 tbsp. large sugar;
- the same amount of fat sour cream;
- 1 tsp slaked soda;
- 1 tbsp. cocoa;
- 100 g of frozen or fresh strawberries.

1. For a pie, take fresh or frozen berry, in the latter case, it does not even need to be defrosted.
2. Actively beat the eggs with a mixer with sugar so that the crystals are completely dissolved. Continuing to mix with a fork, add sour cream, then gradually flour. On the final stage soda quenched with lemon or vinegar.
3. Oil the mold with vegetable oil and sprinkle raw semolina for breading. Pour in the batter, leaving about 3-4 tablespoons in the bowl. Add cocoa to it and set aside for now.
4. Spread fresh or frozen strawberries on the base so that the berries sink slightly. Place the cake in the oven (200°C).
5. Literally after 4-5 minutes, when the top grabs a little, take it out and pour the rest of the dough with cocoa very quickly to get a random pattern.
6. Return to the oven and bake the product for another 30 minutes. Serve well chilled with tea, milk or coffee.

Cook on your own gourmet pastry with strawberries is much easier and faster than it seems. For beginners, just follow step by step instructions, a experienced chefs They can experiment at their discretion, taking as a basis the recipe they like.

How good it is to bake a fresh berry pie! And in the summer season - this pleasure is much more affordable in terms of money, as well as in terms of the number of offered "berry" goods. And if you have your own cottage, then it's just wonderful!

Strawberry pie, which will be discussed, is very simple to prepare. However, despite its simplicity, it is perfect not only for home tea drinking, but even for a festive treat. It can be prepared with absolutely any berry that is at hand. Even do berry platter- it's a matter of taste. I propose to cook this gentle and very delicious dessert with fresh strawberries.

  • flour - 4 tbsp. l. with top;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l. with top;
  • vanilla sugar- 1 sachet (10 g);
  • butter - 50 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • fresh strawberries - 300 g (about 2 cups).

Making Easy Strawberry Pie:

Break the chilled eggs into an enamel bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer for about 5 minutes, at maximum speed. Add softened room temperature butter, vanilla sugar and continue to beat for another 5-6 minutes.

Mix flour with baking powder and sift into mixture.

Mix everything with a mixer at low speed.

Grease a springform pan with butter and line the bottom with parchment paper.

Pour the batter into the mold and smooth it out gently with a spoon.

Strawberries need to be washed in advance and sorted out from the sepals. Cut the berry in half or into four parts if the strawberries are very large. Place everything carefully on top of the dough.

We send the form to the oven, preheated to 180 gr. Approximately 30 minutes.

The cake is browned - it means it's ready. We get it from oven, let cool, and now you can drink tea.

Sprinkle over chilled strawberry pie before serving. powdered sugar and garnish with a fresh strawberry. Happy tea!

Summer, I want to have time to try everything summer berries, walk in nature and feed loved ones with something extraordinarily tasty. But since I don’t want to spend time at the stove, I choose light and simple recipes hastily. This simple fresh strawberry tart is exactly what you need in such cases.

Juicy, sweet strawberries with an amazing aroma are the first gifts of the coming summer. Both adults and kids love them. Is it possible to resist delicious delicacies with strawberries! After all, this amazing berry goes well with almost all types of creams and any dough, it is suitable for making cakes, pastries and, of course, pies.

It is a quick simple pie with fresh strawberries in a hurry and we will cook. The highlight of this pastry is cane sugar, which fills it with a light aroma of molasses and gives it a golden color. You can also use regular sugar, which every housewife has. Milk makes the dessert tender, and vanillin gives a special flavor and improves taste qualities. And thanks to the use vegetable oil, the pie contains few calories - only 220 kcal per serving.

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Servings: 6


  • fresh strawberries - 250 g
  • wheat flour - 200 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • cane sugar (brown) - 150 g (can be replaced with regular sugar)
  • sunflower oil - 75 ml
  • milk - 75 ml
  • vanillin - 1/3 sachet
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • table salt - a pinch

Cooking method:

Note to the owner:
Instead of sunflower oil, you can take rapeseed oil, as it harmonizes perfectly with cane sugar.

Strawberry pie- this is a pastry that will not leave anyone indifferent. It has a chic aroma and unsurpassed taste, so we strongly recommend that you cook it in the coming days.

Strawberry Pie: Recipe

You will need:

  1. Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  2. Strawberry berries - 0.2 kg
  3. Wheat flour - 0.15 kg
  4. Butter - 0.15 kg
  5. Milk - 0.125 l
  6. Sand sugar - 0.2 kg
  7. Half a teaspoon of baking powder
  8. 1.5 g vanilla sugar

Put butter in a bowl, add sugar with eggs, beat with a mixer. Enter the flour with vanilla, continue whisking. Spread melted butter baking dish, lay the dough on it in an even layer. Rinse the strawberries, dry, cut in half, and then into 4 more parts. Distribute according to the test. Send the baking form to the oven. First, it must be heated to 180 degrees. Make the filling: mix the milk with the remaining egg and sugar. Distribute the filling over the surface, send the pastries back to the oven for 25 minutes.

Strawberry pie - recipe with photo


  1. A glass of flour
  2. Cottage cheese - 0.6 kg
  3. chicken egg
  4. Sugar sand - 6 tbsp. l. and 0.5 cups
  5. Strawberry berries - 0.1 kg
  6. Margarine - 0.1 kg
  7. A pinch of vanillin
  8. Baking powder - 5 g

Rub margarine with an egg and half a glass of sugar. In a separate bowl, mix baking powder, vanilla and flour. Send to the oil mixture, mix as thoroughly as possible. Oil the mold, put it in a calcined oven for 10 minutes.

Do curd filling: mix 6 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar and cottage cheese, enter sour cream, half a glass of kefir. Don't forget to add some soda. Distribute on a test basis curd mass. Put the washed and dried strawberries on the cottage cheese, slightly drown the berries. Send it all to the oven, leave at a temperature of 220 degrees. Cooking time - 40 minutes. Take out ready-made pastries, cool down. Carefully remove the contents after cooling, decorate with powdered sugar.

Appreciate the taste as well.

Strawberry pie - photo:

And here is another cooking option with vanilla:

  1. Sugar - 80 g
  2. Flour - 85 g
  3. Egg - 2 pieces
  4. Baking powder - 5 g
  5. Butter on a creamy basis - 0.1 kg
  6. Strawberries - 0.4 kg
  7. 5 g baking powder
  8. 0.5 vanilla pod

Turn on the oven for heating, set the temperature on it to 180 degrees. Wash the berries, let them dry. Cut large fruits in half, and leave small ones whole. Oil the baking dish, spread the strawberries on the bottom. Mix flour with baking powder, vanilla and sugar, beat in eggs, diluted butter, put in the oven for 45 minutes.

Bake and .

Strawberry pie in the oven


  1. powdered sugar
  2. Berries - 0.3 kg
  3. Sugar - 0.15 kg
  4. Testicle
  5. Puff yeast dough– 500 g

Defrost puff pastry. Prepare the berries: peel them from green hats and stalks. Wash the fruits under a stream of water, lay in a colander. Large berries are best cut in half beforehand. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper sunflower oil. Tear off a small piece from a piece of dough, put it aside, leave a small part for decoration. Roll out most of the dough into a thin layer, spread it on a baking sheet. Distribute the berries in an even layer. Sprinkle sugar on top. Roll out the remaining piece of dough, cut into strips of 1.5 cm. Distribute the strips in the form of a net. Lightly beat the eggs with a fork, grease the dough part. Sprinkle the product with sugar. Bake the product for 45 minutes in a hot oven. It needs to be heated to 200 degrees.

Rate and .

Strawberry pie in a slow cooker


  1. Egg - 4 pieces
  2. Strawberries - 0.8 kg
  3. Sugar - 0.2 kg
  4. Premium flour - 0.25 kg
  5. Small spoonful of baking powder
  6. Butter

Wash the berries, let them dry. You can cut the fruit or use it as a whole. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter. Distribute the berries in it. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites gently with a mixer to get a thick foam. In portions, add sugar and yolks here (do not turn off the mixer at the same time). Mix baking powder with flour, sift, combine with egg-sugar mixture. Bring the mass to readiness with a mixer.

Spread the dough evenly, cover the lid, set the "Baking" mode, cook the product for exactly 50 minutes. As soon as the specified time has elapsed, open the lid, cool the product, remove it. Decorate the cake with fresh berries, sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can also decorate pastries chocolate icing and strawberry syrup.

Do and .

Recipe with chocolate

You will need:

  1. Large egg - 3 pcs.
  2. Sugar - 0.1 kg _ 1 tbsp. for the test
  3. 1 st. flour
  4. Fat cream - 0.5 l
  5. Sour cream - 0.1 l
  6. Vanillin
  7. fresh strawberry

Carefully separate the yolks, grind them until a white mass is obtained. You need to grind the yolks with the addition of sugar. Enter flour in portions. Separately beat the whites with a spoonful of ice water to get a good, persistent foam. Enter the protein mass into the biscuit base. Pour the dough into a suitable bowl, bake the cake in the oven for 20 minutes. Temperature regime - 180 degrees.

Soak the base with sugar or fruit syrup, let rest. Sprinkle the surface with vanilla and sugar from time to time. As a result, you should get a thick creamy cream. Spread it evenly over the surface of the biscuit (the biscuit should still be in shape). Put the product in the refrigerator and leave for 3 hours. Take out the pastries, spread fresh berries on top (they need to be slightly pressed). Dilute store jelly according to the instructions, spread it on top, put it in the cold until completely solidified.

Quick recipe

  1. Strawberries - 0.25 kg
  2. Raw egg - 2 pieces
  3. White flour - 0.2 kg
  4. Cane sugar - 0.15 kg
  5. Sunflower oil - 75 g
  6. Milk - 75 ml
  7. A teaspoon of baking powder

Wash the berries, dry on a paper towel. Beat the eggs, add vanilla and sugar here. Pour milk with butter, whisk again. In small parts, add flour combined with baking powder, mix until smooth. The heat level in the oven should be 170 degrees. Oil the mold, pour the dough, distribute the quarters of berries with a beautiful pattern. Bake the product for 35 minutes. Let him rest for 10 minutes. Take out of the mold, dust with powder, serve.

Recipe with sour cream

  1. Egg - 2 pieces
  2. Wheat flour - one and a half tablespoons
  3. Coarse sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Fatty sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Soda slaked - 1 tsp
  6. Large spoonful of cocoa
  7. fresh or frozen strawberries– 90 g

Beat the eggs vigorously with a mixer with the addition of granulated sugar to dissolve all the crystals. Continue to knead with a fork, add sour cream, add a little more flour. Plant soda with vinegar. Oil the mold with butter, sprinkle with raw semolina. Pour the dough, leave 3-4 tablespoons in a bowl. Enter cocoa, set aside. Distribute on the basis of the berries - they should sink slightly. Put the product on baking. After five minutes, the top will seize, so you can take out the pastries, add the dough with cocoa to get a beautiful original pattern. Return the product to the oven for half an hour.

It turns out incredibly tasty and.

Pie with strawberry jam- recipe with photo

  1. large egg
  2. a pinch of salt
  3. Flour - 0.35 kg
  4. Sugar - 40 g
  5. 10 g baking powder
  6. Vanillin
  7. Butter - 0.2 kg
  8. Strawberry jam - 0.4 l

Pour the baking powder into the flour, stir. Rub the butter on a grater, add to the flour, rub until crumbs are obtained. Add granulated sugar with vanilla, beat with a mixer. Pour the whipped mass into the flour and butter mixture. Knead the dough so that it is not sticky, but plastic enough. Weigh the dough, divide into three equal parts. 2/3 of the part will go to the base, and leave the rest for decoration. Prepare a 22 cm tin. Line the tin with baking paper. Distribute 2/3 of the dough along the bottom, form low sides. Spread evenly thick jam. Bend the sides to the filling. From the rest of the dough, roll out a thin layer 0.5 cm thick. Cut out various decorations with molds, spread over the surface. Bake the product at temperature regime 180 degrees. Cooking time - no more than 30 minutes. Cut after cooling strawberry jam pie portioned pieces.

Pie with strawberry jam recipe with photo

You will need:

  1. A glass of kefir
  2. A glass of thick jam
  3. 1 tsp soda
  4. 2 tbsp. flour
  5. Sugar - 0.1 kg
  6. 2 testicles

Turn on the oven. Add thick jam to the container. Connect with slaked soda. After the start of the reaction, the mass will change its color and increase in volume. Beat the sugar with the addition of the egg - the mass should not be too dense. Combine whipped foam with kefir. Add flour, knead a thick dough. Add the jam last. Oil the mold, pour the bulk. After half an hour, check the readiness. To do this, just use a wooden stick. Decorate your baked goods.

And prepare for the winter. You will definitely like simple variations of cooking, because they are easy to implement.

banana recipe

  1. Chocolate - 0.1 kg
  2. Puff pastry - 0.3 kg
  3. Natural yogurt - 0.3 kg
  4. Pair of bananas
  5. Pancake - 2 pcs.
  6. Canned strawberries - 0.3 kg
  7. Strawberry jam - 2.1 tbsp. l.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Roll out the dough with a layer, cut out the diameter from it. Pour into an oiled baking dish. Spread the bulk, trim, pierce with a fork, bake for 25 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven, cool for half an hour. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Spread chocolate over the surface of the cake. Leave a tablespoon for decoration. Spread yogurt on top, sliced ​​​​banana slices. From canned berries drain the syrup, cut the fruit in half, distribute on bananas. Pour over jam, melted chocolate.