What can you cook from frozen berries? What to cook from frozen fish? Favorite recipes.

How nice it is in the summer. And all because summer is the time for berries. There is probably no person in the world who would not like to eat a berry. But summer doesn't last forever, and the berries don't grow or ripen all year round, and greenhouse ones are not at all rich in vitamins. To provide yourself cold winter a piece of summer in the form of berries, you can simply freeze them. And then make various tasty treats out of them, and just eat them after defrosting.

Is it possible to freeze berries

There is an opinion that frozen berries are not only tasty, but also not healthy at all. But no, we tell you. Scientists have found that when berries are sent into deep freezing, only ten percent is lost. useful qualities. For comparison, when berries are cooked, the vitamins are completely lost, and when dried, only half remains. The conclusion is not difficult to draw. Deep freeze - The best way storage of berries all year round.

In addition, frozen berries will not only provide indispensable help during colds and viral diseases, but will also help make the dishes on your table more tasty, colorful and varied.

Another nuance for those who are losing weight or simply watching their weight: frozen berries are low-calorie. In terms of calorie content, they are on par with fresh ones.

It is best to freeze the berries yourself, following all the rules. Then you will have a wonderful supply for winter times. You can, of course, buy berries in a supermarket, but who knows whether all the rules for storage and transportation were followed. And if the package is closed, then you don’t even know what kind of surprise awaits you. Therefore, do not be lazy, but carry out the freezing process yourself, if possible.

Frozen berry jelly

Before preparing jelly from frozen berries, any housewife needs to know a few basic rules:

  • If the recipe does not require it, then the berries do not need to be thawed first.
  • Start cooking by preparing a decoction.
  • Starch should serve as a thickener. This is what determines how thick the jelly will be.
  • Before adding starch to the broth, it must be diluted with liquid.
  • And the last step is the introduction of starch into the broth, gradually.

Berries under the snow

For cooking you need the following products:

  • 400 g frozen berries, assorted, of your choice;
  • starch 90 g;
  • sugar 120 g;
  • water - a liter for decoction and a glass of water for starch.


  1. Mix the berries, add a liter of water and place on the fire. You need to let them boil for five minutes. Then you can strain them and squeeze them out, or leave them in the decoction.
  2. Add sugar to the hot broth and let it dissolve for a few minutes. You can speed up the process by stirring with a spoon.
  3. Dissolve the starch in a glass of water and carefully, stirring constantly with a spoon, add to the broth.
  4. Then bring the resulting jelly to a boil. Refrigerate.

Using this recipe, you will get a thin, but very tasty and healthy jelly.

For those who like to eat jelly exclusively with a spoon, cutting through the thickness, there is the following recipe:

  • take your favorite frozen berries in the amount of 400 g;
  • 150 g starch;
  • water - a liter for decoction and a glass of water for starch;
  • sugar 170 g.


  1. The berries should first be thawed and ground in a blender.
  2. Pour a liter of water into the resulting mixture, add sugar and place everything on the fire.
  3. As soon as the water starts to boil, start mixing the starch in a glass of water.
  4. Let the broth boil for a couple more minutes and pour in the starch.
  5. Now stir constantly and cook the jelly until completely thickened. But don't boil!

Frozen berry compote

Frozen berry compote is healthy, tasty, and very simple! And you don’t need much to prepare it:

  • frozen strawberries 150 g;
  • frozen raspberries 150 g;
  • frozen currants (black) 150 g;
  • water 3 l;
  • sugar 600 g.


  1. Place a saucepan with water on the fire.
  2. Process the berries in a blender into a paste.
  3. As soon as the water boils, pour sugar into it. Then berries.
  4. Wait until the water boils and immediately remove from heat.
  5. You need to let the compote cool. Then you can drink it.

Frozen berry juice

Morse is very tasty, healthy and refreshing. It will suit any table and can be given to children. And it is very easy to prepare. For fruit juice, it is best to use juicy, medium-sized berries:

  • frozen blueberries 200 g;
  • frozen cranberries 200 g;
  • frozen raspberries 200 g;
  • frozen pitted cherries 200 g;
  • sugar 500 g, if this amount of sugar seems small to someone, then you can add more, according to your taste;
  • water 3.5 l.


  1. Take a saucepan so that it is convenient for you to place a colander on top of it.
  2. Fill the pan with water, then make sure that the liquid does not reach the colander and does not get into it when boiling.
  3. Place the resulting structure on the fire, wait until the water boils and pour the berries into a colander.
  4. Gradually the berries will begin to thaw and release juice. All you have to do is add sugar to them and stir. This is done so that the juice flows into a pan of water and does not evaporate. It is worth doing these simple manipulations until all the juice comes out of the berry. The water will turn bright red.
  5. Then remove the colander with the remaining berries.
  6. Taste the fruit drink. If you find it too viscous and sweet, dilute it boiled water and boil.
  7. Strain the fruit drink and let it cool completely.

The remaining berry mixture can be discarded or used for baking.

Pie with frozen berries

Option 1

To prepare you need:

  • 100 g frozen strawberries;
  • 100 g frozen cherries (pitted);
  • 150 ml yogurt;
  • half a banana;
  • Those with a sweet tooth can add honey or sugar.


Option 2

You will need:

  • frozen gooseberries, cranberries 200 g each;
  • 200 ml orange juice;
  • honey tsp;
  • mint to taste;
  • 50 g flakes.


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend. Do not defrost the berries. The smoothie is ready.

Recently, frozen foods have become increasingly popular: berries, fruits, vegetables, mixtures. And this is quite justified: frozen berries are an opportunity to get vitamins and microelements in winter time of the year; their the nutritional value often higher than fresh ones sold in supermarkets; they perfectly preserve the natural aroma and taste, allowing you to cook various dishes. So let's talk today about frozen berries, recipes from frozen berries.

You can freeze almost all “seasonal” berries: raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, cherries, plums, cranberries, lingonberries, grapes, sea buckthorn, currants, apricots, blackberries and many others.

But the question often arises: what can be prepared from frozen berries? You can, of course, just sprinkle them with sugar after thawing and eat them. But there are also many different recipes preparing dishes containing frozen berries. So I’ll offer you some simple recipes from frozen berries.

Pie filled with frozen strawberries. For the dough we need a glass of flour, butter (100 grams), a packet of baking powder, sugar beaten with eggs (for 100-150 grams of sugar - 2 eggs). We bake a cake from the dough with the edges raised high, place it on a flat dish, and cool. Grease the pie with sweets butter(beat with a mixer or in a blender a little butter with 2-3 teaspoons of powdered sugar). Cut the frozen strawberries in half and place tightly on the pie. Make jelly (preferably red) and pour over the berries. When the jelly has hardened, the pie can be decorated with whipped cream.

Very easy and quick to prepare another pie: take two flat cakes of dough (you can take ready-made shortbread, puff pastry, yeast dough), place frozen berries between them. We tightly seal the dough around the perimeter and bake in the oven until it forms golden crust(the pie can be greased with beaten yolk and sugar). Ready pie sprinkle powdered sugar, let cool. The dough is very well saturated with berry juice, and the pie retains their aroma.

Very easy to prepare with frozen strawberry puff pastry. To prepare them you will need puff pastry(yeast-free). You can also take it frozen. Defrost the dough and at the same time defrost the strawberries (it is better to do this in the refrigerator). Cut the dough into squares, lay out the strawberries, sprinkle them with sugar, wrap them in an “envelope”, and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Smoothie with frozen strawberries. A smoothie is a cocktail of berries or fruits with yogurt. Mix one glass in a blender natural yogurt, Orange juice(1/3 cup), 7-8 frozen strawberries, add sugar to taste. It is better to serve this beauty in a tall transparent glass with a straw.

Frozen berries make very delicious fruit drinks. You can experiment with any berries, I suggest trying this composition: 100 grams of black currants, 3-4 strawberries, 2 tablespoons of lingonberries, sugar to taste. Wash the berries, place in a glass bowl and pour boiling water over them (the water should just cover the berries). Stir until the currants melt. Then add boiling water (up to one liter), add sugar (3 tablespoons), close the container with a lid and leave for 3 hours. We crush the berries, filter the fruit drink, pour it into a decanter or bottle. It is better to serve the fruit drink chilled (you can add ice cubes to it).

Can be cooked fruit drink another way– grind any frozen berries with sugar in a mixer (or blender) and fill the resulting mass with cold boiled water. We filter - and the fruit drink is ready!

Frozen berries can be used for preparing compotes. good chokeberry, which will give any compote an amazing rich color, especially in combination with currants and cherries. For one liter of boiling water, it is enough to take one or two handfuls of berries. You can add mint or cinnamon, sugar.

From frozen berries you can cook jelly. Any berries are suitable: sea buckthorn, raspberries, black currants, strawberries, cranberries, chokeberries and mixtures of berries. For a liter of water, just take two handfuls of berries, add sugar to taste, bring to a boil, and pour in starch diluted in water in a thin stream. Cook for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool.

Frozen berries are also a good base. for preparing desserts. Take black currants (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) - 300-350 grams, powdered sugar (2-3 tablespoons), 150 grams of natural yogurt, a teaspoon vanilla sugar. Thaw the berries a little and beat with a mixer vanilla sugar and powdered sugar, add yogurt, and beat for another minute. Place in vases or bowls and decorate with berries.

You can use kefir, cottage cheese, and ice cream as a base for desserts with chopped berries.

Soon New Year, so it will be very original to cook New Year's shake (cocktail). To prepare it, you will need a glass of frozen berries, a bottle of champagne, a bottle of white wine, and a little sugar (add to taste). Place the berries and sugar in a wide glass decanter, fill with champagne, and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Add chilled wine and pour into wide glasses along with the berries.

If you are simply defrosting the berries, it is better to do this gradually, in the refrigerator, so that the berries do not lose their appearance and did not leak juice.

Freezing is one of the simplest and most popular ways to prepare vegetables, fruits and other gifts of nature for the winter. Quickly freezing foods and storing them at low temperatures allows you to almost completely preserve vitamins. But can all food from the garden be frozen, and what could be the catch? Experienced summer residents and cooks of Sibmama share their experience.

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms

Greens in zip bags. Photo selena224

  • cucumbers usually frozen only grated, for okroshka. There are people who like to freeze cucumbers small cubes for salads.

But like this in an interesting way freezing whole cucumbers for cold winter soups shares IRRA:

“I just wash the cucumbers, dry them, pack 1-2 pieces, depending on the size, into bags and put them in the freezer. You can remove the skin immediately, but during the harvesting season there is simply no time to do this. In winter, I take it out of the freezer, pour boiling water over it, and remove it with a vegetable peeler immediately skin. You can let it lie on the table for a couple of minutes and immediately grate it. They are very cold, but you will have to be patient. If they defrost, they will be rubbery. As soon as I grate it, add salt and leave it to defrost. While they are defrosting, you can prepare the filling (potatoes, eggs, meat, etc.). I like these cucumbers better in winter than store-bought ones: firstly, they are homegrown and guaranteed to be chemical-free, and secondly, they smell fresh and retain the taste of fresh cucumbers.”

Whole vegetables and in large pieces. Photo IRRA

Here is another option for freezing cucumbers (when you have time) - wash and peel the cucumbers, grate them and arrange them silicone molds. Tighten cling film and freeze. Once frozen, remove from the molds and place in bags.

Grated cucumbers in silicone molds. Photo IRRA

  • Can be frozen homemade vegetable mixture, For example, chopped peppers, tomatoes and herbs.
  • Currant leaves, tarragon, mint Can be frozen for tea. It is recommended to brew it not with boiling water, but at about 80 degrees.
  • Tomatoes Can be frozen either whole or sliced. It is better to freeze medium-sized tomatoes from your garden whole; when cooking, you need to rinse them with boiling water, then the skin will easily be removed and the vegetable can be cut. Large ones can be frozen in pieces after first peeling them. You can also puree the tomatoes and freeze them in small containers. Use in soups or sauces.

Frozen tomatoes rings. Photo *Water lily*

  • Zucchini, pumpkin, zucchini It’s convenient to freeze them cut into pieces, the way you will later use them in cooking. You can freeze zucchini in plates and use it for zucchini lasagna or casseroles in winter.
  • Eggplant can be frozen raw, but frozen raw or even blanched eggplants Not everyone likes them, so many people prefer to freeze them fried or baked.

Wash the eggplant, cut into wheels 1-1.5 cm thick. Add salt and leave on the board until they tear up. Then fry on both sides, cool and place tightly in a suitable plastic container. To freeze. In winter, take it out, defrost, sprinkle with garlic and eat.

How to freeze grated vegetables : Ikea has double zipper bags. It is very convenient to freeze in such bags. Freeze on a board or tray first so that the bags are even and not lumpy. Then stack them in the freezer. If you don’t have Ikea bags, you can put them in thick plastic bags, for example milk bottles, and seal the edge with an iron. Place on an edge about two centimeters wide on both sides white paper and iron directly through this paper with a hot iron.

Flat freezer bags. Photo Mirage

  • Can also be frozen ginger, horseradish. You can also freeze ready-made horseradish; it is preserved better than in jars.
  • Sorrel you need to sort through, wash and dry, fold the leaves into neat piles. The same should be done with spinach.
  • Almost all mushrooms It is recommended to freeze boiled ones, except for white ones. It is especially important to boil the chanterelles, otherwise they will taste bitter after defrosting. Boletus and honey mushrooms are especially good for freezing; the mushrooms should be boiled for 30 minutes, then mixed with vegetable oil and freeze.
  • Dressings for soups and main courses: In winter it’s very convenient to break off a piece and add it to the broth!

1. Cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, parsley, dill, bell pepper, green onion - this is for cabbage soup and borscht (boil the beets separately, grate them and freeze them too).

2. Carrots, dill, parsley, onions, green tomatoes - this is for the rest of the soups.

3. Zucchini, carrots, tomatoes (in winter, fry minced meat or chicken with onions in a frying pan, sprinkle with rice and freeze this on top).

Berries and fruits

  • Can be frozen currants, sea buckthorn, chokeberries, gooseberries, blueberries, lingonberries and other berries. First wash, then dry on a cloth, but not in the sun. Then pour it into plastic bags or containers and into the freezer. The berries are not damaged and will be ready to eat.
  • Plums, apricots: It is better to remove the seeds from them and freeze them in halves in one layer, then pour them into containers or bags.
  • Cherry and cherries You can freeze directly with the bone.
  • Almost all frozen berries go great in fruit drinks and pies. Of course, they differ from fresh ones - they are a little watery, but the taste is very rich. You can eat it just like that.
  • You can not freeze the whole berries yet, but puree them and freeze them puree.
  • Strawberries, victoria, wild strawberries, raspberries You can simply freeze it in a container, and it is also recommended to sprinkle it with sugar, then it will not lose its shape when defrosting. But only sugar in in this case You need not 1:1 sugar, but much less. In jam, sugar acts as a preservative, but when frozen, the preservative properties of sugar are not needed. Just for taste.
  • TO strawberry sauce. Puree the strawberries with sugar in a blender and pour into bags inserted into disposable cups. When frozen, remove from the cups and you will get these strawberry “popsicles”. Once defrosted, it tastes exactly like freshly prepared sauce. You can eat with cottage cheese casserole, with pancakes, pancakes.
  • You can freeze sweet apricots, melon, and plums ground in a blender in small containers. In winter you can eat it with pancakes or make a smoothie.


hello, I’m freezing the ready-made frying for borscht: I take the beets on a grater, then I cut the pepper into half rings, then I take the carrots on a grater and finely chop the onion and fry it all, add the tomato until ready, then cool it and put it into bags in portions so that one is enough portions for borscht

In addition to the above ice cream, green onions. For example, in caramel puree later: yummy!
In general, I freeze bread. When there is little left and there is no time to make crackers. Then defrost in the microwave: it turns out as soon as it’s baked. My mother also started freezing lemon balm. In winter, it can also be used in tea, the aroma and taste are amazing, cannot be compared with dried.

To the question What can you cook from frozen berries? In addition to compote, jelly and jelly (i.e. derivatives of the same compote). given by the author A-stra the best answer is I have berries from the dacha for the whole winter. Usually black and red currants. When I get tired of compotes, I start making pies with berries) Or from ready-made dough:
I defrost it, divide each layer into 9 parts, roll it out and, placing a handful of berries, seal the edges.
Coat with egg - onto a baking sheet and into the oven))
Or a pie from your own dough:
700 gr. flour, 1 egg, 6 tbsp. l. rast. oils, 250 ml. warm milk, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp salt, packet of dry yeast. I knead, let it rise, bring it to the desired state by adding flour, divide it into 2 parts. Place 1 part on a baking sheet (with sides) and add sugar. and cover with 2 parts of the dough. Again, I grease it with egg, prick it with a fork and wait for baking)) Source: I hope you like it)❅Zolotko❅ Higher intelligence (286401) It’s a mess for your health)) Dry yeast - standard 11 g each))
I put the berries frozen, the juice absorbs the sugar, and I put the pie in a barely heated oven, just like the pies. Nothing spills out anywhere.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What can you cook from frozen berries? In addition to compote, jelly and jelly (i.e. derivatives of the same compote).

Answer from Millet[guru]
For the test:
1 cup flour.
1 cup of sugar.
3 eggs.
Baking soda on the tip of a teaspoon, slaked with vinegar.
For filling.
Sour cream 300-400g.
2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
450gr. any frozen berries
Dough. Pour sugar into the eggs and mix, add flour and slaked soda. Pour the dough into the mold and bake until done. Approximately 20-30 minutes. You can check the readiness with a match; the dough should not stick to it. Cool the pie and cut into two layers. Make the bottom cake a little thicker.
Filling. Cut frozen strawberries or cherries into thin, flat slices. Then mix sour cream with sugar. Preparation. Spread a layer of sour cream on the bottom cake, put chopped strawberries or cherries on this layer, lay out in layers, you should get 3 layers of sour cream and 2 layers of berries. Cover with the top crust and decorate with a layer of sour cream and berries. Place in the refrigerator to soak

Answer from Neuropathologist[guru]
I defrost them and eat them - on their own or with cottage cheese, yogurt

Answer from Elena[guru]
🙂 Filling for pies and other baked goods.
The basis for all kinds of desserts with whipped cream and chocolate.

Answer from able-bodied[guru]
2/3 martini + 1/3 frozen berries
Tasty and beautiful.

Answer from Irinka[guru]
Salad "Winter Cherry"
Needed: one large smoked chicken leg; one hard-boiled egg; two small fresh cucumbers; 100 grams of pitted prunes; one hundred grams of kernels walnuts; one hundred grams hard cheese; dill and parsley; one ripe tomato; several pieces of olives; frozen cherries, olives. Mayonnaise. We peel the skin off the leg, separate it from the bones, and chop the meat into strips. The cucumber is also julienned. Soak prunes in hot water, squeeze and chop into ribbons. Three eggs on a coarse grater. Three cheeses on the same grater. Grind on a fine grater or in a blender walnuts(a few pieces can be left for decoration). Place all the ingredients in a salad bowl in random layers, covering with mayonnaise. Decorate the top with mayonnaise, tomato slices, olives, frozen cherries and bouquets of greens (see photo).

Answer from Alla Tolmacheva[guru]
Cherry pie made from curd dough
Delicious cherry pie You can prepare it out of cherry season - frozen berries, which are sold all year round, are perfect for it.
The main idea of ​​the pie is that only the base is baked, and the filling is made separately.
You will need:
Butter 150 g
Wheat flour 150 g
Cottage cheese 5-9% fat 150 g
Granulated sugar 180 g
Cherry 500 g
Gelatin 10 g
Cut the butter into cold pieces and combine with flour, continuing to cut until the mass becomes fairly homogeneous and the pieces are small, like crumbs.
Add sugar and cottage cheese, quickly knead the dough, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour to an hour.
At this time we are making the filling. Place the frozen cherries in a saucepan, add sugar and place on low heat. The amount of sugar can be changed depending on the acidity of the cherries.
You don’t have to add water, since quite a lot of liquid will be released from the berries during the heating process.
Soak gelatin in a separate cup cold water(about 50 ml) for 10-15 minutes.
When the berries boil, turn off the heat and add soaked gelatin to them. Mix everything thoroughly so that it is completely dissolved and put in a cool place so that our filling cools to room temperature.
Roll out the dough into a layer of approximately 0.5-1 cm and distribute evenly over the baking pan. Make several punctures with a fork.
Bake in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees until golden brown.
You need to place the cherries (without liquid) on the finished baked base and put our semi-finished product in the refrigerator. Also cool the released juice.
When the cherry juice begins to harden a little, but is still liquid, it should be poured onto the base of the pie and immediately refrigerated. It is important not to pour too warm juice onto the cake so that it does not saturate the base and it retains its crispness.
When the jelly hardens, the pie is ready.

No doubt, it's better fresh vegetables and there is no fruit. And they contain vitamins, microelements, and micronutrients. But then the season ends, and we either make jam, prepare salads and other preparations for the winter, or go to the vegetable department of the supermarket for vitamins... Jams and pickles, of course, are good, but, unfortunately, there are few useful things left there. And those fruits and vegetables that are on the shelves all year round also raise doubts - who knows where and how they are grown... But there is one way out - home freezing.

Freezing is perhaps the most profitable and convenient way of canning. Judge for yourself - with this method you do not use vinegar, salt, or high temperatures, which destroy almost all vitamins. True, when freezing, a certain amount of vitamins is also lost, but these losses are incomparable with cooking and pickling. There is one more disadvantage - the color and shape of the products, unfortunately, are lost. But if you don’t care what the berries from your garden will look like, then this article is for you.

Of course, those who have a huge freezer are lucky. But even a regular refrigerator can accommodate a lot of healthy greens, mushrooms and other goodies from the dacha.

There are several rules for freezing:
. Fresh and ripe, firm, undeformed products are suitable for freezing;
. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed and dried before freezing - if this is not done, all your frozen food will stick together into an unappetizing lump;
. Most vegetables need to be blanched before freezing. Blanching is short-term cooking in boiling water or steam followed by rapid cooling. Blanching destroys oxidative enzymes that lead to off-flavors and loss of color.
. Frozen foods should be stored tightly in containers with lids or plastic bags. The denser the products are packed, the less moisture will evaporate during storage.
. Containers and bags must be sealed.
. It is advisable to freeze products in small batches so that they can be used at once. So, instead of a huge bag of vegetables or berries, it is better to make several small ones at a time. There is no point in re-freezing your frozen food, it will simply transfer the product.
. The temperature in the freezer should not exceed -18ºС, in which case the products can be stored for up to a year. You can store frozen food at temperatures from 0 to -8ºС for no more than three months.

You can freeze almost everything - from greens to mushrooms. Only turnips, radishes, and radishes are not frozen. When using frozen greens, there is no need to defrost them, and other products require half the cooking time. The ideal way to cook frozen vegetables is in a steamer.

Greenery. Dill, parsley, sorrel, onions, cilantro, celery, etc. Before freezing, thoroughly wash, dry (this is important!) and cut. The prepared greens are placed in bags, squeezed so that the air comes out, and the bags are tied tightly. Another way to freeze greens is to freeze them in small portions in water. To do this, wet greens are tightly compacted into ice molds, filled with water and frozen. The resulting ice cubes are poured into a bag and stored in the freezer. Use without defrosting, throwing 1-3 cubes into the finished dish.

Cucumbers. Cut into circles or slices, place tightly in small molds, seal tightly and freeze. Frozen cucumbers can be stored for no more than six months when used for salads.

Tomatoes. Small cherry tomatoes can be frozen whole, but large tomatoes are cut into slices and treated in the same way as with cucumbers. You can freeze tomato puree.

Bell pepper. Peppers for stuffing are frozen whole, cutting off the “lids” and removing the seeds. The prepared peppers are placed one inside the other and frozen. True, with this method they take up a lot of space. Peppers can also be frozen in another way by cutting them into cubes or strips and placing them tightly in plastic bags. In this case, the pepper must be blanched for 10-15 minutes and dried.

Eggplant. Before freezing, blanch the eggplants for 5-10 minutes, drain, cut and freeze.

Green beans wash, peel, dry, cut into pieces 2-3 cm in size and freeze.

Green pea frozen in bulk, after washing and drying. The peas are poured onto a tray, frozen and poured into a bag, tying tightly.

Corn Milk ripeness is husked from the cob and frozen in the same way as peas.

White cabbage frozen in the form of straws, they are laid out in bags, the air is removed and tied tightly.

Cauliflower. The top leaves of fresh cauliflower are removed and the head is divided into inflorescences. Blanch with the addition small quantity citric acid for 3 minutes, cool and dry on a towel. Place into bags and freeze.

Broccoli- very tender, so there is no need to blanch it. Broccoli is divided into inflorescences, washed, dried and placed in bags.

Brussels sprouts frozen after a short blanching (2-3 minutes), in bulk on a tray.

Zucchini and squash Before freezing, cut into cubes, remove the seeds, boil for 10-15 minutes, drain in a colander, and cool. Place into bags, remove air from them, and tie tightly.

Carrots and beets washed, peeled, cut into small cubes or grated on coarse grater and frozen in small batches in bags.

pumpkin Freeze in the same way as zucchini. It is cut into cubes, removing the seeds, blanched for 10-15 minutes, cooled and put into bags. Pumpkin can be grated on a coarse grater and frozen in small batches.

Apples. Sweet and sour varieties of apples are suitable for freezing. The apples are thoroughly washed, peeled, and cored. Cut into circles or slices and immerse in acidified or salted water so as not to darken, but for no more than 20 minutes. Place the prepared apples on a tray and put in the freezer. When the apples are slightly frozen, remove the tray, quickly separate the slices from each other and put them back in the freezer for final freezing. Place frozen apples in plastic bags and tie tightly.

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. These berries are thoroughly washed, dried and frozen in bulk on trays. The berries are poured onto a tray in one layer. Frozen berries are best stored in containers - this way they will not get wrinkled and will retain their shape when defrosted.

Currants, gooseberries, etc. The berries are washed, dried and frozen, scattered on a tray. Ready berries pour into plastic bags and tie tightly. Any berries can be frozen in the form of puree.

Apricots, peaches, cherries, plums. Be sure to remove the seeds and freeze them in flat containers along with the juice that has been released. The resulting briquettes are placed in bags.

Mushrooms. Suitable for freezing are strong, non-wormy porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletuses, champignons, honey mushrooms, chanterelles. Mushrooms should be stored on the same day they were collected. Before freezing, the mushrooms are carefully sorted, cutting off damaged parts, and washed in several waters. The prepared mushrooms are dried on a towel. Mushrooms can be frozen raw, fried, boiled and in the form ready soup. For the “raw” method, large mushrooms are cut into several parts, small ones are left whole, placed on a baking sheet and frozen. Frozen mushrooms are transferred to a container or bag. If you are afraid to freeze raw mushrooms, then they can first be boiled, fried or stewed. The boiled mushrooms are drained in a colander, cooled and placed in containers. They do the same with fried mushrooms. Stewed mushrooms can be frozen along with the aromatic liquid in which they were cooked. Can you prepare a semi-finished product? mushroom soup: Boil light mushrooms, pour the cooled broth along with the mushrooms into containers containing food bags, and freeze. After this, remove the bags from the containers and store the soup in neat briquettes.

Vegetables can be frozen individually, or you can prepare any assortment. Paprikash, Hawaiian or Mexican mixture, ratatouille, paella - you can make it all yourself. Prepare the necessary vegetables, peel, wash, cut into cubes. Blanch all vegetables. Boil rice or beans, if used, until half cooked. Here, for example, are several options for such mixtures. The most important thing is that only you can decide what and how much you put there.

Rice, green pea, corn, peppers, onions, carrots, champignons.
Paprikash:Bell pepper, zucchini, green beans, tomatoes.
Mexican blend: carrots, green beans, peppers, corn, eggplant, red beans, green peas, onions, celery.
Country-style vegetables: potatoes, corn, broccoli, peppers, carrots, onions, green beans.
Vegetables "Spring": cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green peas, carrots, potatoes, onions.
Paella: eggplants, peppers, rice, peas, corn, carrots, zucchini, onions.
Güvech: eggplants, peppers, onions, tomatoes.
Hawaiian Blend: green peas, corn, pepper, rice.
Lecho: tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, carrots, onions.
Greens for salads: cucumbers, dill, green onions, parsley.
Greens for soup and main courses: dill, parsley, basil, green onions.
Vegetable stew: cauliflower, carrots, green onions (with heads), dill, green peas.
Dressing for borscht: sweet pepper, green onion (with head), hot pepper, dill, parsley, garlic.
Mushroom soup: champignons or porcini mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, onions.
Sorrel soup: sorrel, potatoes, carrots, onions.
Borsch: beets, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions.
Vegetable mixtures are prepared without defrosting, steamed or stewed in a frying pan with minimum quantity oils Frozen soups are placed in boiling broth or water and cooked for a short time.

Frozen berries and fruits can be eaten plain or cooked interesting dishes and drinks.

New Year's shake

1 cup frozen berries
1 bottle of champagne
1 bottle of white wine
sugar to taste

Pour berries into a wide glass decanter, add sugar to taste, pour champagne, let stand for 1-2 hours. Then pour in the wine and cool. Pour into wide glasses along with berries.

Ice dessert

Preparation: Grind any berries or mixture of berries in a blender with sugar, pour into yogurt jars and freeze.

Preparation: Defrost frozen berries slightly, beat with a mixer or blender until fluffy.

If you need to defrost fruits or berries, it is best to do this gradually, laying out a container or bag of freezer in the refrigerator. This method allows you to avoid limpness.

Keep it in the refrigerator for summer and have vitamins all year round! This is why home freezing is needed.

Larisa Shuftaykina