Very tasty pumpkin porridge. Pumpkin porridge with semolina

In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several cereals.

How to cook pumpkin porridge: method one

Required products:

  • cream (low-fat) or milk with a volume of 300 ml;
  • pumpkin (peeled pulp) weighing 500 g;
  • a cube of butter (50 grams);
  • a couple of spoons of sugar and a little cinnamon for taste.

Cooking technology

Cut the peeled pumpkin into small pieces. Pour the cream (milk) into the pan, put the pumpkin pulp, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Place the saucepan on slow fire and cook for 20 minutes. Then turn off the gas, wrap a bowl of porridge with a towel and let it steam for half an hour.

How to cook pumpkin porridge: method two

Let's cook porridge with millet. This will require:

How to cook pumpkin porridge in a slow cooker: technology

A multi-cooker is a universal thing. It can be steamed, fried, boiled. Porridges in this device are especially tasty. We offer to make pumpkin. To do this, put the chopped pumpkin pulp into a bowl and pour water. Set the "Baking" function for 40 minutes. After half of the specified period has passed, pour the washed millet into the bowl, close the lid and cook for another 10 minutes. Then pour in the milk and simmer the porridge until the beep sounds. Put salt, sugar, raisins, pieces of dried apricots, sprinkle with cinnamon and mix. Switch the device to the “Extinguishing” or “Milk porridge” mode and cook for another 30 minutes. Serve with butter.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that gives dishes a special flavor. If you cook porridge with it, then it will turn out to be especially fragrant. Here's what you'll need:

  • pumpkin (shredded pulp) in the amount of 250 g;
  • milk (any fat content) with a volume of 200 ml;
  • cinnamon - half a dessert spoon;
  • salt, sugar.

Pumpkin porridge with milk: cooking technology

Pour a glass of milk into an aluminum saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Then put the sliced small cubes pumpkin. Pour sugar, salt and a little cinnamon into the boiling mixture to taste. Stir the mixture until smooth, cook over low heat. Porridge is considered ready when the pumpkin cubes are completely boiled. Put it in bowls, serve with butter. For taste and extra sweetness, you can pour melted honey over pumpkin porridge.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice

Ingredients needed for the recipe:

  • pumpkin (crushed pulp) in quantities of 600 g;
  • washed rice - 2 large spoons (with top);
  • washed raisins weighing 100 g;
  • a few tablespoons of sugar;
  • milk (any fat content) with a volume of 100 ml;
  • a piece of butter (50 g).

Cooking technology

Place the pumpkin pieces in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Add washed rice and raisins. Sprinkle sugar on top and pour all the ingredients with milk. Set the saucepan to the slowest heat. Cook until the pumpkin and rice are soft, stirring the porridge occasionally. Once the pumpkin is cooked, remove the pan from the heat, put butter and crush the ingredients with a wooden pusher. The porridge is ready. Bon Appetit!

The best option for both useful and delicious breakfast- pumpkin porridge. It can be done based on various cereals choosing a recipe to your liking. Such bright dish especially for the smallest members of the family.

Ingredients: 380 g pumpkin pulp, 2 tbsp. fat milk, 1 tbsp. filtered water, a glass with a slide of millet groats, 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and the same amount of butter, a pinch of table salt.

  1. It is most convenient to cook pumpkin porridge with millet in milk in a slow cooker. The bowl of the device is lubricated on the sides with oil. This will keep the milk from rising after boiling.
  2. First, both liquids are poured into the container. Then - the vegetable pulp, cut into small pieces, is laid out.
  3. In the Milk Porridge program, the pumpkin is boiled for about half an hour until softened.
  4. Wheat is washed well cold water, is added to the vegetable boiled and mashed with a crush.
  5. The rest of the dry ingredients stated in the recipe are poured into the cereal and pumpkin. After mixing the components, the same mode is activated for another half hour.

The finished dish is flavored with butter.

Classic performance in a multicooker

Ingredients: 530 g pumpkin pulp, 180 g white round rice, 360 ml full fat milk, sugar and salt to taste.

  1. The vegetable is peeled, gets rid of everything superfluous and rubbed on a grater with the largest holes. The pumpkin shavings are immediately sent to the bowl of the device.
  2. Well-washed cereal is laid out on top.
  3. Milk is poured into the “smart pan”, granulated sugar is added. To sweeten the dish, you can choose not only sugar, but also natural honey. Salt also pours in.
  4. In a mode designed specifically for cooking porridge in a slow cooker, the dish languishes for 40-45 minutes.
  5. To make the consistency creamy, tender, you need to process it with an immersion blender. Naturally, this is carried out in a container with an appropriate coating.

It is delicious to serve a treat to the table with any steamed dried fruits.

with rice

Ingredients: 720 g of vegetable pulp, a glass with a slide of round white rice, 3-5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar (to taste), half a liter of purified water, 330 ml of fat milk, small. a spoon vanilla sugar, ½ small tablespoons of table salt, a handful of frozen berries.

  1. For such a dish, a sweet juicy pumpkin of rich orange color is definitely chosen. The vegetable is peeled and seeds are removed. The remaining pulp is cut into small pieces.
  2. Pumpkin slices are poured with milk and brought to a boil. Vegetable pulp is simmered over low heat until completely softened. At different varieties pumpkin cooking time is different. On average, this process takes 20-25 minutes.
  3. The finished vegetable is mashed. If you want to get the most homogeneous mass, you should use a blender. If your family likes it when vegetable pieces come across in a dish, you can use a pusher.
  4. Rice is moved and placed in boiled water along with salt. After boiling, the fire decreases, and the cereal is cooked for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Next, the rice is combined with vegetable puree, salt, two types of sugar, berries are added to it.

After mixing the ingredients, pumpkin porridge with rice simmers for another 6-8 minutes.

With oatmeal

Ingredients: 3 large spoons of oatmeal, a pinch of cinnamon, 1 tsp. honey and butter, 160 g pumpkin puree, milk.

  1. Oatmeal is lightly fried in a dry frying pan for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Then the flakes are poured into a ceramic pot, poured with hot milk so that it completely covers the flakes. Butter is also added there.
  3. The base is left under the lid for half an hour to infuse.

The finished dish is combined with vegetable puree, honey, cinnamon and served at the table.

With semolina

Ingredients: a pound of pumpkin pulp, 3 large spoons of semolina, a faceted glass of full-fat milk, 3-4 large spoons of granulated sugar, salt at the tip of a spoon, butter to taste.

  1. Peeled from all excess pumpkin rubs on a medium grater. You can grind it with a combine.
  2. First, the vegetable chips are transferred to the pan and poured with a small amount of water. The liquid should not completely cover the vegetables.
  3. The mass languishes for 12-16 minutes, after which milk is poured into it.
  4. When the liquid boils, semolina is poured in a thin stream. In the process, the treat is constantly stirred with a fork so that lumps do not form.
  5. All remaining bulk components are added to the future porridge.

After 10-12 minutes, the delicacy will be completely ready. Oil is added to it, and the dish is left to infuse for several minutes.

Recipe in pots in the oven

Ingredients: 1 liter of full fat milk, granulated sugar and salt to taste, a piece of butter, 270 g pumpkin pulp, 320 g millet.

  1. Groats are poured warm water and rinse well. Next, the millet is leaned back in a colander and doused with boiling water 3-4 times. This trick will remove the unpleasant bitterness from the product.
  2. The peeled pumpkin is cut into small pieces, after which it is laid out on the bottom of the pot. The vegetable should fill it almost half way. Other bulk ingredients from the recipe are added.
  3. Millet is sprinkled on top. You can add some more pumpkin if you like.
  4. The ingredients in the pot are poured with milk.
  5. The container is closed with a lid and sent to a well-heated oven for 45-50 minutes. Then the treat languishes without a lid for another 12-14 minutes. Then you can serve porridge to the table.
  1. The pumpkin is washed, cleaned of rough skin, gets rid of seeds. The pulp is cut into small pieces. It is better to taste the vegetable for sweetness so that you know how much sugar to use in the future.
  2. Pumpkin is fried in butter until softened. Half of the milk is poured into it. On a slow fire, the mass languishes for 12-14 minutes.
  3. Groats are poured into a cup cold water, add salt and cook over low heat for 6-7 minutes. Next, a pumpkin is laid out to it, mashed to a state of puree, the remaining milk is poured.

When the stove is slowly heated under the lid, the delicacy languishes for 10-12 minutes, and is immediately served with melted butter.

The original recipe for buckwheat porridge with pumpkin

Ingredients: 220 g buckwheat, 290 g pumpkin pulp, half a liter of milk, black ground pepper, 1 tsp salt.

  1. Buckwheat gets rid of foreign inclusions, washed until the water becomes clear.
  2. The prepared cereal is laid out in a saucepan and poured with milk. You may need a little more liquid than indicated in the recipe.
  3. As soon as the mass in the pan boils, it needs to be salted.
  4. The pumpkin is cut, after which it is sent to cook in a separate pan until softened. The vegetable is pureed with salt and pepper.
  5. Porridge and pumpkin puree are combined.

Today it has become fashionable to monitor your health and eat right. The laws proper nutrition v without fail include the use complex carbohydrates, which are usually found in cereals. Therefore, most of the inhabitants of our country eat them not only for breakfast, but also for lunch. To diversify your menu, try making pumpkin porridge.

Advantages and disadvantages of pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. It must be included in the diet of people suffering from heartburn. It normalizes the level of acidity. vegetable fiber, which forms the basis of the vegetable, is useful in diet food, and a pleasant sweetish taste will not leave indifferent even a child.

A big plus of such porridge is that it is cooked on low heat, which means that it retains all its properties to the maximum. beneficial features, energizes for the whole day, and after use does not leave heaviness in the stomach.

The disadvantages include the preparation procedure. You need to work hard on the pumpkin to send it to the porridge, and it takes a long time to cook. But to rid yourself of these difficulties is quite simple, having initially prepared a pumpkin for future use. You can also take advantage of the fact that most newfangled kitchen appliances, such as a slow cooker, include a timer, thanks to which you can lay down the ingredients in the evening and enjoy freshly cooked porridge in the morning.

Food preparation and choosing the right pumpkin

Pumpkin is a rather large vegetable, but since it belongs to the melon culture, it mostly consists of water and is highly boiled. To cook porridge for a family of four, you need one small pumpkin and a handful of your favorite cereal. If the vegetable is too big, cut it off. right amount, and pack the rest in polyethylene film and put in a cold place. Whole pumpkins are usually stored for a long time at room temperature in a dark place.

For cereals, choose nutmeg varieties of pumpkins, they are sweeter and boil quickly. In shape, they resemble a guitar or a cylinder. But, in addition, the pumpkin must be moderately ripe, otherwise the porridge from it will turn out to be too viscous.

The main criteria for a ripe pumpkin:

  • its weight should not exceed 5 kilograms. Heavy gourd contains a lot coarse fibers, which grow and ripen along with the vegetable, they are able to give the porridge a fair viscosity;
  • a dry stalk indicates that the vegetable is moderately fed healthy juices rhizomes and mature enough.

Once the choice of pumpkin has been made, be sure to wash the vegetable well and cut it in half. In the middle of the pumpkin are its seeds, which should be carefully selected, washed and dried. They are also eaten as a treat, and they are also very useful as a means of preventing helminthic invasion.

The pumpkin, peeled from seeds, is cut across into strips, which are separately removed from the peel. This method is the most convenient, since pumpkin peel is quite difficult to peel even sharp knife. Then each housewife acts at her own discretion and habit: she rubs the vegetable on a grater, cuts it coarsely or finely or without removing the peel, bakes it in the oven, and then scrapes off the pulp.

How to cook pumpkin porridge

Since the main priority is to prepare not only a tasty, but also a healthy product, pumpkin porridge should simmer over low heat. How can this be ensured?

  1. If you cook porridge on the stove, choose a pot with a thick bottom and walls, ideally, it should be cast iron cookware. If a heavy ceramic container is available, that will also work.
  2. Get fragrant and melt-in-your-mouth porridge will help clay pots in which you can cook in the oven in microwave oven. In the absence of such, take a dish made of heat-resistant glass or any form that can withstand high temperatures, put food in it and cover it tightly with foil. Place in oven and bake at low temperature.
  3. Some housewives go to experiments and cook pumpkin porridge in the vegetable itself. For these purposes, a round-shaped pumpkin, resembling a cauldron, will serve well.
  4. The slow cooker will save you from additional troubles and will prepare tender and sweet porridge by itself. All you need is to put in a bowl raw ingredients, add a piece of butter and pour water or milk. By installing the Stew program, you can safely cook a new dish or do other things. And if you use the timer service, then the porridge will be cooked at the time you set: either in the morning or in the evening for dinner.

How to cook pumpkin porridge

The definition of "pumpkin porridge" implies the content of cereals, because if you cook it from one pumpkin, you get an ordinary puree. However, each hostess has her own favorite recipe. But in classic version nevertheless, pumpkin is used along with cereals. It could be:

  1. Rice. This version of pumpkin porridge is best cooked in the morning. By her own rice groats It consists of complex carbohydrates, so it perfectly saturates the body with energy for a long time. In addition, rice has an absorbent effect, which is enhanced by pumpkin. Since pumpkin has a slight laxative effect, well-boiled rice evens out this effect.
  2. Semolina. It is considered very nutritious and easy to digest. In addition, porridge from semolina and pumpkin is homogeneous, without lumps. It will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.
  3. Millet and pumpkin, this tandem is traditional recipe who came from ancient Russia. This affordable and inexpensive cereal, combined with pumpkin, works real miracles: it eliminates beriberi, improves the functioning of the heart and digestive organs. Pumpkin porridge with millet is definitely advised to include in the diet of young children, expectant mothers and the elderly.

In order for the pumpkin to be better absorbed by the body, a little fat must be put in the process of its preparation: it can be creamy or vegetable oil, if cooked on water, or milk, even with a small percentage of fat. For a spicy taste, you can add spicy spices. Pumpkin goes well with cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg. For a sweeter taste, add sugar, honey, or your favorite sweet fruit.

Be sure to cook pumpkin porridge and please your whole family with a delicious and healthy dish!

In autumn, during the pumpkin harvest season, it is customary in many homes to cook pumpkin porridge: beautiful orange sweet porridge, familiar from childhood, mothers try to cook delicious and healthy. Fruit useful pumpkin, orange, yellow color, ripen in late autumn, and favorite family breakfast in the autumn-winter period - pumpkin porridge, a recipe with rice in milk.

But apart from rice for breakfast and full meal in one number, used various additives improving the taste of cereals. The use in cooking of a pumpkin that is neutral in taste - a vegetable that is healthy in composition and bright in color - when preparing sweet pumpkin, pumpkin, dessert from baked pieces of vegetables with sugar, and salty dishes- in pumpkin, soup, - is primarily due to the fact that pumpkin is good for digestion, and dishes with it in the composition, including pumpkin, are the most delicious.

The benefits of pumpkin and pumpkin porridge

For dietary and baby food pumpkin porridge is useful for children at any age, pumpkin contains vitamin complexes B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP, E, rare vitamins - K, useful for gums, and especially rare vitamin T, which affects blood quality (its clotting), - useful substances, fiber, carotene, which has therapeutic effect on the vision of the child; due to fiber, the baby improves work digestive system, the chair is normalized.

The low calorie content of pumpkin is a definite plus for the nutrition of an adult and children, low-calorie product widely used by nutritionists in the preparation diet menu, pumpkin is useful for those who monitor their health and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, struggling with overweight suffers from gastrointestinal diseases.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Due to the content of vitamins, pectins, trace elements, useful substances pumpkin, fruit pulp has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole and is useful for weight loss, the calorie content of pumpkin is 23 calories per 100 grams of product.

The benefits of pumpkin turn pumpkin porridge into useful product for the human body. Eating a breakfast rich in composition, you can eat deliciously every day, while remaining healthy and cheerful for many years of life.

What is useful regular use pumpkin porridge:

  1. the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  2. the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  3. slow down the aging process;
  4. famous as folk remedy with liver disease;
  5. normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  6. promotes the removal of radionuclides;
  7. useful in pancreatitis;
  8. relieves slagging;
  9. has a preventive effect in heart diseases;
  10. improves eyesight.

Pumpkin porridge tender, delicious. Children and adults are happy to eat a pumpkin dish in milk with cereals - millet, rice - mothers cook quick boiled cereals with semolina, with oatmeal, corn. Pumpkin porridges are good because they do not burn, they cook quickly, they turn out tasty, nutritious, if you cook porridge for a child, for breakfast for a family with the addition of cereals, then the benefits of the dish will only increase due to the usefulness of pumpkin and the benefits of cereals. Try to prepare.

The choice of pumpkin for cooking porridge: the best varieties

Before you start cooking pumpkin porridge, you need to choose the right pumpkin variety. The color, taste depends on the variety, the color of the pulp of the fruit. ready meal how healthy a family breakfast will be, and how long it will take to prepare it.

  1. When choosing solar ingredient for cooking porridge, give preference to nutmeg varieties of pumpkin. Porridge made from this kind of pumpkin is delicious, both hot and cold, appetizing and looks bright on a plate.
  2. The Gilea variety is used for making porridges, home cooking, the pulp of the variety is orange, juicy, sweet and tasty.
  3. Pumpkin Spanish guitar - an ideal variety with juicy, sweet bright orange flesh for eating, as a rule, is widely used in cooking when preparing desserts, sweet dishes. It tastes and smells like apricot.
  4. Pumpkins Freckles and Smile - belong to sweet varieties, have a rich color of the pulp - bright, orange, giving the porridge a sweet taste, aroma and a beautiful shade.

Pumpkin porridge recipes with cereals

Before you cook pumpkin porridge with different cereals, you need to choose a recipe with your favorite cereal: millet, rice, semolina and oatmeal, or cook with the addition of corn grits on the stove, bake in the oven in an original way.

If, when adding cereals, the porridge turned out to be too thick, add more liquid - milk or water. Liquid porridge, on the contrary, can be made thicker by adding cereals. It is useful to sweeten porridge from dandelion, from pine cones, from walnuts, previously soaked from apples, dried fruits, flavored with natural fruit.

With millet and pumpkin in milk

To millet porridge with pumpkin turned out delicious, for cooking we need a classic list of products: millet, pumpkin pulp and milk.


  • milk - 2 cups;
  • water - three quarters of a glass;
  • pumpkin pulp, diced - 3 cups;
  • millet - 1 cup;
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp + 1 tsp


  1. V large saucepan Pour 1 cup milk and 3/4 cup water. Add diced pumpkin pulp and stir. Cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes until vegetables soften.
  2. Add the remaining glass of milk. Pour millet, add salt and sugar.
  3. Stir and simmer until millet is tender, about 45 minutes. Most of the liquid should evaporate during this time. If the liquid evaporates too quickly, add more milk or water.
  4. Remove from heat, mix well again and serve.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

The favorite food of adults, a delicacy for breakfast for children is pumpkin porridge with rice in milk. It can be boiled in water, retaining more nutrients, but it does not retain the benefits of pumpkin, making milk dish while being tastier and softer.


  • pumpkin - 300 grams;
  • round rice - 7-8 tablespoons;
  • water;
  • milk;
  • salt and sugar (to taste).

How to cook

  1. We wash the rice and pre-soak the cereal in warm water You can leave the rice to soak overnight.
  2. Put the pumpkin, cut into cubes (you can grate the flesh on a grater), put it in a saucepan and pour enough water so that it completely covers the pumpkin. Add rice and cook after boiling over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  3. After the pumpkin is cooked - it becomes soft - remove the pan from the heat and let it cool.
  4. Once the pumpkin and rice have cooled down, puree the mass using an immersion blender.
  5. We bring the dish to the desired consistency, adding milk so that the porridge is liquid, thick or medium density.
  6. We put the pan with porridge again on the fire and stir constantly so that the milk does not burn, bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar to taste. Rice porridge with pumpkin is ready, pour it into a plate, season with butter (if there are no problems with being overweight) and serve.

Pumpkin oatmeal

Quick breakfast for hastily can be prepared from Hercules and pumpkin. Pumpkin porridge with oatmeal will take longer to cook due to the hard shell oatmeal. With Hercules pumpkin oatmeal it turns out quickly, tasty, and for a hearty, but light breakfast, the recipe is perfect.


  • oatmeal Hercules - 50 grams;
  • pumpkin - 200 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 20-30 grams.


  1. We wash the pumpkin, peel it and take out the seeds - we take the pure pulp.
  2. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small pieces and put in a small saucepan, preferably with a non-stick coating.
  3. Boil water separately and pour it over the pumpkin. Simmer by covering the pan with a lid for 15-20 minutes.
  4. As soon as the water evaporates and the pumpkin becomes soft, pour in the oatmeal.
  5. Pour warm warmed milk, add a little salt, sugar, cover with a lid and continue to simmer. Cooking time is 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, the duration of the process depends on the type of oatmeal. During cooking, mix the porridge, chopping pieces of pumpkin with a spoon, giving the dish uniformity.

After about 30 minutes, pumpkin milk porridge will be ready, you need to remove the pan from the heat, put oil in the porridge, let it brew for 5-10 minutes under a closed lid - reach full readiness. Mix and serve.


Pumpkin porridge with semolina for a child

A favorite option for children is pumpkin porridge - with semolina in milk. To prepare delicious semolina porridge with pumpkin, you need to stock up on semolina and milk.

It will take

  • pumpkin - 100 g;
  • semolina- 3 tablespoons;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt - at the tip of a teaspoon;
  • sweetener.

How to cook

  1. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and boil in a saucepan in a small amount water. The cooking time is about 15 minutes.
  2. Drain the water, beat the pumpkin with a blender.
  3. in a saucepan to pumpkin puree add milk, bring to a boil.
  4. Pour semolina into boiling milk in a stream, stirring so that there are no lumps. Add salt and sugar or sweetener.
  5. Cook on low heat for 7-8 minutes.

To be able to cook healthy semolina porridge for breakfast in autumn and winter, you can freeze pieces of pumpkin from autumn by placing them in bags designed for freezing vegetables and fruits.

Pumpkin porridge with corn grits

Pumpkin porridge without cereals is considered diet dish, but the recipe for pumpkin porridge with corn grits will help the housewives to feed the children hearty, healthy breakfast, or cook.


  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • corn grits - 100 grams;
  • water - 1 glass (for pumpkin);
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • water - 1 glass (for cereals);
  • sugar and salt to taste;
  • oil - 50 g.
  1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes. Pour a glass of milk and a glass of water into the pan, put the pumpkin. Cook in a saucepan over medium heat for 15 minutes until pumpkin is soft. Remove from fire, let cool.
  2. Puree the pumpkin with a blender. Put the pot with the pumpkin back on the fire, bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. We breed cereals in a separate bowl. To do this, pour a glass of water, pour into the water corn grits. While stirring with a spoon, pour the corn grits into the pumpkin so that no lumps form in the porridge.
  4. After pouring all the corn grits, add salt and continue to stir the porridge until it becomes thick. Cook for another 7-10 minutes until the cereal is ready.

We serve the dish warm, ready-made pumpkin porridge with corn grits is seasoned with oil and honey.

The recipe for delicious pumpkin porridge in the oven

Is it possible to cook porridge from pumpkin in the oven? Quick and tasty recipes - usually in a slow cooker, microwave or oven - allow you to cook and bake delicious and quick cereals different ways.

  1. Pumpkin porridge is baked inside a whole pumpkin (as in a pot).
  2. To prepare porridge with pumpkin in the oven, an earthen pot is taken.

Pumpkin goes well with millet, but you can also bake porridge with rice in a pot, use it to cook porridge in the oven barley groats, wheat, by combining several types of cereals to cook Friendship with pumpkin.


  • pumpkin - 300 g;
  • millet - 300 grams;
  • milk - 900 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon (optional).

Cooking process

  1. Pumpkin, peeled and seeds, cut into small pieces.
  2. We sort out millet - remove plant debris, pebbles, rinse under cold water.
  3. Pour boiling water over millet groats for 5 minutes to remove bitterness from the grains. We drain the water from the cereal.
  4. We fill the pots. In each pot we put peeled pieces of pumpkin, millet, add sugar, salt.
  5. We fill the pots with milk, so that one third of the pots remain empty. In the oven, millet porridge with pumpkin will boil, and milk will run over the edges of the dish.
  6. We close the filled ceramic or clay pots with porridge with lids, send them to a cold oven. We heat the oven to 150 ° C, and simmer the pumpkin porridge in the oven for 40-45 minutes until cooked.

Fragrant, tasty and healthy pumpkin porridge is prepared simply, it always turns out delicious for everyone. We hope that supporters healthy eating a selection of 6 pumpkin porridge recipes will come in handy when choosing and compiling a menu for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack or dinner.

Delicious and healthy meals pumpkins are popular all over the world. In Europe, mashed potatoes, soups, salads and casseroles are made from it, and the Austrians even came up with a recipe for pumpkin coffee. In our country, housewives most often ask the question: how to cook porridge with pumpkin?

How to cook pumpkin porridge - tips for housewives

  1. It should be noted that you can cook porridge both from the pumpkin itself, and add all kinds of cereals to it. The most popular porridge with rice or millet, less often with corn grits, semolina or oatmeal.
  2. Traditionally, porridge is seasoned with sugar, butter and milk.
  3. To make the porridge even tastier, you can add nuts, honey, raisins, prunes or dried apricots to it. It is best to use nutmeg pumpkin for porridge.
  4. The choice of how to cook pumpkin porridge is a matter of taste, and each housewife has her own. The unique taste of the finished dish will depend on which of the methods of preparing porridge you choose.

Porridge with pumpkin - recipe number 1

  • pumpkin - half the average size of a vegetable;
  • cereals - semolina, rice, wheat or millet - 200 g;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt, sugar, spices, candied fruits, raisins, citrus peel, nuts - to taste;
  • cheese - for sprinkling.
  1. You can cook pumpkin porridge with semolina, rice, millet or wheat. The technology is approximately the same, only we take dry semolina, rice - washed until the muddy water disappears and soaked in water for a couple of hours, and millet or wheat - boiled in water until half cooked.
  2. Peeled pumpkin, cut into cubes for cooking porridge, put in a saucepan or a cast-iron “drinking” pan, add salt and sugar - to taste - and cook, adding a little water, if it did not start the juice right away. Usually the pumpkin releases enough juice to bring it to readiness.
  3. Now we add spices and goodies to pumpkin porridge - vanillin, grated citrus zest, nuts, candied fruit - whichever you like best. Mix the prepared cereals with milk and boiled pumpkin, and cook until the cereals are ready.
  4. Remove the lid, sprinkle the surface of the pumpkin porridge with grated cheese - and bake in the oven until golden brown. It's tasty!

Porridge with pumpkin - recipe number 2

For this recipe, to cook pumpkin porridge, you will need about half a kilogram of pumpkin. First, the pumpkin must be freed from the peel and seeds, then cut large pieces and rub on coarse grater. Next, you need to take a pan or stewpan with a thick bottom for porridge with pumpkin and heat 2-3 tablespoons of butter and ½ cup of milk in it. Add grated pumpkin to the pan and simmer for about 20 minutes. When the pumpkin softens, add a couple of tablespoons of rice or millet, raisins, honey, a little salt to it, mix everything and cook until tender. Boil the finished porridge and remove from the heat and wrap the pan in a warm cloth so that it is well infused, or send it to a preheated oven for a few minutes.

Porridge with pumpkin - recipe number 3

Before cooking porridge with pumpkin, millet must be sorted out and washed 3-4 times to remove unnecessary impurities. As in the case described above, the pumpkin is cleaned and cut into cubes. After it is poured with water, put on the stove and boiled for about half an hour. Then the finished pumpkin is crushed with a blender, poured with milk and brought to a boil. After boiling, a few tablespoons of millet or rice are added to the porridge with pumpkin and boiled for about 40 minutes. V ready porridge add sugar, butter, if desired - honey or dried fruits and let it brew for 1-2 hours.

Porridge with pumpkin - recipe number 4

Pumpkin semolina prepared a little differently. Milk is boiled, then semolina is poured into it and everything is brought to a boil. The pumpkin is cleaned, cut, sprinkled with sugar and left for a while to extract the juice. Then the porridge with pumpkin is boiled until soft over low heat, mixed with semolina and brought to a boil. According to this recipe, semolina porridge should turn out to be quite thick. Ingredients: 1 cup of semolina, 4 cups of milk and ½ kilogram of pumpkin.

Porridge with pumpkin - recipe number 5

To prepare this porridge recipe, you will need:

  • pumpkin pulp (800 grams),
  • millet groats (100 grams),
  • milk (0.5 liters),
  • raisins (about a handful)
  • cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon),
  • sugar,
  • a pinch of vanilla.
  1. Before cooking pumpkin porridge, wash the millet groats, fill it with plenty of water and bring to a boil. Drain the water and fill the cereal with fresh water. The level should be two fingers above the grain. Cook until cooked on low heat.
  2. Cut the pumpkin for porridge into pieces, fill with water and cook until soft. Then drain the water and mash the pumpkin to a puree state.
  3. We combine boiled millet and pumpkin. Pour them with milk, add the washed raisins, cinnamon, vanilla and sugar. Boil pumpkin porridge over low heat for 5 minutes.

Let's get acquainted with another recipe on how to cook pumpkin porridge.

Porridge with pumpkin - recipe number 6

To prepare this porridge recipe, you will need:

  • peeled pumpkin (500-600 grams),
  • rice (7 tablespoons)
  • milk (1 cup)
  • butter,
  • salt and sugar.
  1. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and place in a bowl. Fill with water so that it is twice as much as pumpkins. Cover the pot with a lid and put it on high heat. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire and cook the pumpkin until tender.
  2. Wash the rice and add it to the pumpkin. Cook rice for pumpkin porridge until tender. When it boils, the water should slightly cover the contents of the pan.
  3. Pour milk for pumpkin porridge into a saucepan, put salt and sugar to taste. Cook pumpkin porridge until milk boils, stirring occasionally.
  4. When the milk boils, cook the porridge for another 5 minutes on very low heat. Watch well so it doesn't burn.
  5. When pumpkin porridge is ready, put it on plates and add a piece of butter there.

Pumpkin porridge can be in other versions. Instead of rice and millet, semolina is sometimes used, and honey is used instead of sugar. There are also recipes in which the pumpkin is pre-baked in the oven. It is also possible that almost ready-made porridge is placed in the oven. All this makes pumpkin porridge even tastier.

The benefits of pumpkin

Pumpkin is a very valuable agricultural crop, rich in vitamins and minerals. What is not in it - vitamins C, B, B1, B2, carotene, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iron, potassium salts. Unpretentious in cultivation, well preserved - just a miracle vegetable! Therefore, dishes with her participation can be prepared practically all year round. Juices and casseroles are made from it, jam is made. But now we will tell you how to cook pumpkin porridge.

Pumpkin is a wonderful vegetable that gives people a lot of pleasure. Firstly, these are the famous “white” seeds, which are not only tasty, but also healthy. The peeled pumpkin seed is covered with a greenish compound, which, when unroasted, is an excellent remedy for many types of helminths. That is why grandmothers in childhood gave children seeds and pumpkin porridge in large quantities.

Secondly, this is a wonderful decoration for Halloween, which has become so beloved lately.

Thirdly, if necessary, the pumpkin easily turns into a convenient dish.

Fourth - the basis for a delicious, tender and nutritious juice containing a lot of beta-carotene, like any orange vegetable.

But the most important thing is the raw material for the wonderful pumpkin porridge, one of the most delicious on the Slavic menu.