Grape jam recipe. How to choose ingredients

Grape jam is not very popular due to the fact that the delicacy is prepared with bones. Seeds give the treat a wine flavor and originality. However, if you wish to make jam uniform consistency, it is enough to grind the fruits with a sieve. Let's take a look important nuances In order, we highlight the most delicious recipes.

Features of making grape jam

  1. Traditionally, grapes ripen in late summer and early autumn, but a later harvest appears in October. Choose fruits that ripen in the indicated periods.
  2. For the preparation of delicacies, you can take black or white grapes. Give preference to the variety "Talisman", "Rizamat", "Isabella", "Muscat", "Chaush". “Kishmish”, “Agadai”, “Delight”, “Nim-Rang” are also suitable.
  3. Before the main manipulations, sort the grapes. Discard the crushed and cracked berries, leave them for making wine. Remove the fruit from the branches carefully, without damaging the peel. For convenience, use nail scissors.
  4. Washing is carried out in a basin of water, and not under a tap. Such a move will prevent damage to the grapes. The treat is prepared on the day of harvesting, sorting and rinsing the crop. Do not leave the fruits on the second day, as they will turn sour and begin to smell like wine.
  5. If you want a smooth jam, choose a seedless grape variety. Otherwise, wipe the prepared fruits into a pulp using a sieve. Then the treat will resemble jam or jam.
  6. Blanch the grapes before starting the mass treat brew. First, dip the fruits in boiling water for 3 minutes, then immediately dip ice water. So you eliminate excess liquid in the berry.
  7. Cooking delicacies is carried out in several stages. Heat treatment should not exceed the time specified in the instructions. Between the main approaches, the treat is cooled and soaked with syrup evenly, then boiled again.
  8. Cane sugar will add bitterness to the finished treat, so it is advisable to use beetroot sweetener. If desired, sand can be replaced with powder, it will dissolve faster.
  9. If you have previously processed the grapes, excluding the seeds, sprinkle the half fruits with sugar. The sweetener will be absorbed and promote the release of juice, which is later used for syrup. In case of whole berries such a move would be fruitless.
  10. To assess the readiness of the jam, drop the syrup onto a flat saucer and let the liquid cool. Then gently tilt the dishes: if the drop does not spread, the treat can be poured into jars and corked. It is also important to understand that when the treat is ready, the fruits will fall to the bottom.

Grape jam with zucchini and melon

  • grapes (grade - pitted) - 900 gr.
  • red apple - 850 gr.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 3.3 kg.
  • young zucchini - 850 gr.
  • vanillin - 2 gr.
  • melon - 900 gr.
  • almond essence - 5 drops
  1. First, prepare the apples: rinse, exclude the middle, rinse and dry again. Chop fruit into even-sized pieces. Now take care of the melon, cut the peeled pulp into cubes in the indicated amount.
  2. Remove the peel from young squash, remove large seeds. Grind the fruit into pieces of arbitrary shape (the same size). Put the listed components into a cooking container and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Gently mix the contents with your hand, then leave for another 3 hours. During this period, the juice that we need will stand out. While you have time, rinse and blanch the grapes, chop the citruses into half slices.
  4. Boil the contents in sugar, do not turn off the fire. After 10 minutes, add lemon with grapes. Continue languishing for another 5 minutes, then leave the treat for 3 hours.
  5. When the jam reaches room temperature, boil it again. Again, leave for a while, repeat heat treatment a total of 4 times.
  6. At the final stage of languishing, add vanilla and almond essence to the hot base. Continue to boil for 5 minutes, then immediately pour the treat into clean jars. Capping is carried out tin lids.

  • citric acid - 7 gr.
  • grapes (Kishmish variety) - 1 kg.
  • table water - 240 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 950 gr.
  • vanilla powder - at the end of a knife
  1. Combine granulated sugar with water in a heat-resistant bowl, prepare a sweet base. When the granules dissolve and the syrup becomes transparent and uniform, turn off the burner.
  2. Sort and clean the grapes in advance, wash in a bowl of water and dry. Throw the berries into a bowl with syrup. Shake the container, let the raw material stand for 2 hours. The specified time is allotted so that the fruits are evenly and slowly soaked in the sweetener.
  3. When the specified period has passed, bring the contents to the first bubbles and simmer for another 1 hour. Stir constantly, carry out manipulations on low heat. Turn off the jam again and leave for 4 hours.
  4. Carry out heat treatment before last time within 50-60 minutes. Cool the treat and shake the pan, pour citric acid. Simmer the composition for 15 minutes, immediately pour into containers and close.

Grape and apple jam

  • water - 1 l.
  • grapes (variety at the discretion) - 1 kg.
  • sweet apple - 2.8 kg.
  1. First prepare the apples. They need to be cleaned, rid of the cores, washed and dried. Next, the fruit is cut into slices or bars of equal size.
  2. Pour into the basin cold water from the tap, lower the grape brushes into the container. Rinse well and remove excess debris. Remove all ponytails and twigs, dry.
  3. Boil water, pour it over apples and grapes. Put on the stove, wait for it to boil. Leave the composition to languish for 10 minutes after the start of bubbling, then cool.
  4. Repeat the heat treatment 3 more times. At the last stage, do not cool the jam, immediately pack it in warm sterile containers. Close with a tin.

Grape jam with cinnamon and lemon

  • clove buds - 4 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • seedless grapes - 1 kg.
  • cinnamon in pods - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kg.
  • table water - 0.1 l.
  1. Pre-clean the grapes by cutting off the tails with nail clippers. Rinse the berries in a basin, leave to dry on towels. Wash the citrus, scald with boiling water.
  2. Cut the lemon, squeeze out the juice, filter from the seeds. Mix with sugar and water. Set to heat, cook until the particles dissolve on low power.
  3. When the sugar has melted, put cinnamon and cloves in gauze, tie in a knot. Dip this bag into the sweet base, simmer the mass for another 5 minutes. Take out the spices.
  4. Make several holes in the peeled grapes with a sewing needle or toothpick. Send the fruits to the syrup chilled to 45 degrees. Cool the contents.
  5. Now heat the treat to 75 degrees, avoiding boiling. Let it cool down again. Repeat the heat treatment three times, at the final stage, cool for 8 hours.
  6. Sterilize lids and containers. Wash the jars of baking soda, dry, pack the finished treat. Since the jam is rolled up in a cooled form, capping is carried out with nylon or paper (parchment).

  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kg.
  • vanillin - 3 gr.
  • filtered water - 0.5 l.
  • grape white variety- 0.6 kg.
  • citric acid - 6 gr.
  • fresh cherries (large) - 0.5 kg.
  1. Put the cherry in a sieve, then rinse several times in a basin with cold water. Let the berries dry, remove the seeds. Sorting the grapes, wash under the tap and leave until the liquid drains.
  2. When the grapes are dry, blanch them. First, dip the peeled fruits in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then immediately cool with ice water.
  3. Mix cherries and grapes in a heat-resistant simmer bowl. Separately, boil the syrup from sugar and water, then pour the raw materials with a sweet mass. Cover the container, infuse the product for 7 hours.
  4. After the allotted interval, heat the mass at low power, continue to languish for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the burner, cool the jam for 4 hours.
  5. At the final stage, bring the mixture to the first bubbles, cook for 20 minutes. During this period, it is necessary to sterilize the container for seaming, pack the finished delicacy on it and seal it.

Grape and Pumpkin Jam

  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • pumpkin (pulp) - 900 gr.
  • pear - 0.4 kg.
  • grapes - 1 kg.
  • lemon juice- 80 ml.
  • grape juice (fresh pomace) - 0.5 l.
  1. Pumpkin pulp must be chopped into cubes of equal size, and then combined with granulated sugar (500 gr.). Let the mass lie down for 20 minutes, then put it on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. Bake for a third of an hour at 100 degrees.
  2. Wash the pear, remove the middle. Without removing the peel, chop the fruit into pieces. Rinse the grapes, cut them in half, remove the seeds.
  3. Combine lemon juice with grape juice. Pour into a saucepan and cook until the mass is reduced in volume by ½. When this happens, add 1 kg. Sahara.
  4. Continue to simmer the mixture until the grains dissolve. Then add pear, pumpkin cubes and grapes to the sweet mass. Bring the contents of the dishes to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes and turn off the heat.
  5. Infuse the mass for 3 hours, then perform another heat treatment. Pour the treat hot, immediately cork with tin lids. Cool neck down.

Grape and gooseberry jam

  • sweet grapes (seedless) - 2.8-3 kg.
  • gooseberries - 1.4 kg.
  1. First, sort the berries separately from each other. Rinse the gooseberries, cut off the ponytails with nail scissors. Do not damage the peel. Rinse under the tap.
  2. Do the same with grapes (cleaning, washing, drying). Now pass each type of fruit through a meat grinder, then mix together. Put the heat-resistant container with the contents on the fire, cook until the first bubbles.
  3. Turn off the fire, leave the mass for 4 hours. At this stage, you can sprinkle the berries with sugar. Carry out the heat treatment three more times. For the final time, pour out the hot treat and close it.

There are a number of subtleties that will help cook a delicacy, taking into account the taste characteristics of all family members. Explore popular and easy-to-make recipes grape jam with melon, pear, apple, gooseberry, lemon, pumpkin, cherry. Add walnuts, chopped cinnamon, almonds to taste.

Video: grape jam

This grape jam great option winter harvest. A particularly fragrant syrup is obtained from the Isabella or Lydia grape varieties. They are rich and bright palatability. The only "minus" of this recipe is the inability to remove the seeds from the grapes. But it doesn't affect the taste at all. finished dessert. If you do not like jam with seeds, you can strain the finished sweet mass.

Such jam from grapes with seeds for the winter is prepared in 3-4 stages. Each time, the grape mass must be brought to a boil and left alone until it cools completely. Grape jam is stored in a dark pantry or cellar for 10-12 months, so you can harvest a large number of berries for future use to enjoy bright dessert throughout the winter.

Ingredients for making jam from grapes with seeds for the winter:

  • blue grapes (variety "Isabella", "Lydia") - 1 kg
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar - 700 g

Pitted grape jam for the winter - a simple recipe:

Before cooking the jam, we prepare the grapes: we tear off the berries from thin twigs. We try to remove damaged and crumpled berries. Wash thoroughly.

We prepare sweet syrup: pour sugar and the recommended rate of purified water into a saucepan.

Mix ingredients and cook sugar syrup 10-12 minutes.

Pour the grapes into a saucepan with syrup, wait for the mass to boil.

After the grapes become soft, remove the pan from the heat. We leave for 5-6 hours. We repeat the whole procedure 3-4 times. Until the syrup acquires the density we need.

Ready-made hot jam from grapes with seeds for the winter is poured into dry containers. If desired, strain the jam through a sieve (removing the seeds and peel from the sweet syrup).

Store grape jam in a cool place.

Bon Appetit!

Homemade grape jam is sure to please all lovers of fragrant and delicious desserts. Very interesting recipe making grape jam Georgian cuisine. Such a sweet, which was prepared in the most ordinary home conditions, has a magnificent, mild taste and a very beautiful and, of course, pleasant color. On cold days, such a popular delicacy will cheer you up and warm you up from the inside very quickly.

Grape jam has unusual taste and aroma.

How to cook the most delicious Georgian grape jam

For this recipe, absolutely any grape variety that does not have a seed is 100% suitable. In the process of preparing dessert, you need to adjust the amount of sugar. If the grapes themselves are sweet and the hostess adds a large amount of sugar to the jam, then the dish will be too cloying. You can even add sweet grapes a small amount of citric acid or natural lemon juice.

Thus, the dish will turn out to be very rich and interesting taste. That is why you should not be afraid to experiment and change recipes.

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Preparation of amber-solar jam

For jam, you need to choose whole and healthy berries.

Fragrant grape jam has a very beautiful sunny color and amazing taste. You can even fall in love with him. And if you want to please yourself and loved ones with an excellent treat, then to prepare it you need to take half a glass of water, 1 kilogram wild grapes, 700 grams of sugar.

Whole berries should be thoroughly washed under running water, put into a deep bowl and covered well with sugar. It is necessary to leave the grapes for about 10 hours. During this time, the berries will be able to give a sufficient amount of juice. Then you should put the bowl on the fire, pour water into it and bring to a boil. Such a sweetness needs to be cooked for only 10 minutes. Then the container with the grapes is removed from the fire and left for about 6 hours. Now you need to repeat this cooking 2 times.

Thus, you will get a very tasty jam, which must be poured hot into sterilized jars.

That is why it is not necessary to dilute the taste of grape jam in vain. If the grapes are sour, then add large quantity Sahara. After that, you need to remove the container with grapes from the fire and arrange the dessert in pre-sterilized jars. Then you need to put the jars on the floor, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave to cool completely.

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Cooking very quickly grape jam

It is necessary to thoroughly wash the grapes.

There is a recipe for grape jam that will allow you to cook delicious treat literally in 5 minutes. Even without prolonged exposure and a large number Cooking sweetness will be incredibly tasty and will be able to stand for several months. You should pick the berries from the brushes, carefully sort them out, throw out all the spoiled grapes. In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup using sugar and water. In this solution, you need to put a well-washed grapes and boil for 5 minutes over low heat.

First you need to separate the berries from the branches and rinse the berries thoroughly. In a bowl, boil a syrup consisting of sugar and water, and pour prepared grapes over it. The resulting mass should be left for half an hour. After that, the container with the future jam should be placed on slow fire. You need to cook the berries until fully cooked. The sweetness should turn out thick, and the grapes themselves should be whole. Then you need to remove the jam from the fire, put it in pre-sterilized jars and close the lids. So the jam is ready for the winter, which can be sent for storage in a dark and cool place.

For jam, you need to take 1 kilogram of berries, 1 kilogram of sugar and 1 glass of water.

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How to make delicious jam in the oven

Those housewives who want to amaze with their culinary knowledge will definitely want to know if jams are made from the grapes of the most different varieties in the oven. There is great recipe fragrant dessert for which it is best to choose green grapes. To prepare a treat, you will need 600 grams of sugar, 1.2 kilograms of berries, 100 grams of almonds, 200 milliliters grape juice, 2 pieces of anise, 1 cinnamon stick.

It is necessary to separate the grapes from the branches, rinse them thoroughly, put them in a deep bowl and cover with sugar. Then the berries need to be placed in a baking dish, pour in the same juice and add spices. The form must be sent to the oven, which was preheated to 150 degrees. Dessert is prepared for 3 hours. An hour before turning off the stove, you need to put almonds in the future jam. From a completely finished mass, you need to remove cinnamon and anise. Fragrant delicacy poured into banks.

Grape jam is real magic that you can make a reality on own kitchen! Sublime and incredible healthy treat everyone loves it without exception. Once you try it, you won't be able to stop. Housewives will have to master the most different recipes and every time to please their families with such an exotic treat.

How to cook grape jam?

Typically, these desserts are made from raspberries, strawberries, currants and gooseberries, so grape delicacy cannot be called traditional. However, this does not prevent many housewives and just lovers of juicy berries from making such blanks truly in industrial scale. Even those who do not live in the south and are forced to buy grapes in the markets tend to stock up on a can or two fragrant jam. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for grape jam, which will not leave you indifferent.

Berries are known for their amazing benefits for human health. After heat treatment, they retain their properties and vitamins. Clusters contain a significant amount of potassium, which improves the functioning of the kidneys and heart. They also contain calcium, as well as sodium, magnesium and phosphorus. B vitamins will help improve the condition of the skin and hair, and ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system. Black grape jam

Grape jam is cooked mainly on low heat. This allows you to save the maximum amount of useful components of the berries. If you are using slightly sour varieties, adding citric acid is not necessary at all. The fruits are boiled and whole, and cut, and even crushed into puree. There are also recipes in which it is recommended to put the whole bunch - for aesthetic purposes.

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Weight ready meal: 1.4 kg.
    1. Cooking time:
  1. Calories:

Ingredients for making grape jam

  • Grapes - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.4 kg.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Seedless grape jam

    1. For lovers of sweet dishes, this jam is perfect. The bones give the delicacy a bitter taste, so it is better to take the berries without them. If this is not possible, just peel the seeds from the fruits, this is not at all difficult to do.
  1. Each grape must be cut into two parts. Place them in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Pour juice from one lemon on top. Within four hours, the future dessert should be cooled in the refrigerator. Then it is put on a slow fire and boiled after boiling for 20 minutes. If the delicacy turned out to be liquid, cook it a little more. After cooling, the jam is poured into jars and rolled up.

How to cook grape jam with seeds?

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Dish subtype: grape dessert.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.6 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Water - 1 glass.
    • Sugar - 400 g.
    • Grapes - 1 kg.
    • Citric acid - 5 g.
  • Vanilla - 2 g.

Cooking method

You do not need to add any flavorings to such a preparation as grape seed jam if you use Isabella and Lydia berries. Their fruits have a bright natural smell.

The cooking process begins with boiling syrup. You need to boil water and add sugar to it. Then boil the syrup for 15 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, place whole berries in it and place on the stove. Over the course of an hour, gradually increase the heat and cook the delicacy on full heat for the last 10 minutes. Add vanilla and citric acid to the dessert, pour into jars and preserve. delicious jam from Isabella grapes will appeal to everyone without exception!

Green grape jam

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Dish subtype: grape dessert.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.5.
    1. Cooking time: 14.5 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes - 1 kg.
    • Sugar - 400 g.
    • Lemon juice - 70 g.
  • Vanilla essence - 5 g.

Cooking method

Such varieties are also called white. Using light green berries, you magically get a golden treat.

First you need to cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds from them. Now you can grind them. Sprinkle everything with sugar and put in the refrigerator to infuse. After 12 hours, put the pot with fruits on a slow fire and cook for 1.5 hours. Add lemon juice to the grape jam and leave on the stove for another 10 minutes. Finally, pour vanilla essence into the treat.

Thick jam from grapes "Kish-mish"

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Dish subtype: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings per outlet: 14.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.4 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 50 hours (including settling).
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Kish-mish - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 400 g.

Cooking method

A dish such as Kishmish grape jam will appeal to lovers of desserts with a thick consistency. You will not need any additional additives to enhance the taste and aroma.

Sprinkle the berries with sugar and place in the refrigerator for two days. Then boil them on low heat for 20 minutes. This completes the preparation of the dessert.

White grape jam with walnuts

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Dish subtype: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings per outlet: 20.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 2 kg.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes - 1 kg.
    • Cherry leaves - 3 pcs.
    • Sugar - 500 g.
  • Water - 1 glass.

Cooking method

Remove pits from berries and place in a bowl. Pour it with sugar and leave for 7 hours until the juice appears. Place the pot on the stove and turn on low heat. If there is very little juice, add a glass of water.

Put in a saucepan cherry leaves, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then cool the treat and leave for 10 hours. After that, mix it with chopped walnuts and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling.

In addition to white and green grapes, black grape jam is no less tasty.

Isabella grape jam: express method

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Dish subtype: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings per outlet: 16.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.6 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 10 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes - 1 kg.
    • Water - 1 glass.
  • Sugar - 500 g.

Cooking method

This technique will appeal to busy people who do not want to mess around with berries for a long time. First you need to prepare the fruits, then make the syrup. To do this, pour water into the pan, put 300 g of sugar and put on the stove. Place the berries in the boiling solution and cook for 5 minutes.

The future workpiece must be cooled, and then put on fire again, add the remaining sugar and cook for another half hour. After that, Isabella grape jam will be ready for consumption or winter storage.

Jam from grapes for the winter

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Dish subtype: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings per outlet: 30.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 3 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 12 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes - 1.8 kg.
    • Sugar - 1 kg.
    • Lemon juice - 90 ml.
  • Lemon zest - 50 g.

Cooking method

The most delicious grape jam is obtained from wild varieties, for example, from Isabella. The most time-consuming process is squeezing the pulp out of the fruit. You will not need the skins, you can simply throw them away if you do not find another use.

Put the pulp to boil by turning on the stove at medium power. Bring to a boil, wait 5 minutes. Add water if necessary. When the liquid has cooled, strain it through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Mix semi-prepared jam with sugar, juice and lemon zest. Bring everything to a boil and boil for half an hour. White foam should be removed immediately, and it is best to stir the jam with a wooden spoon.

Jam from grape and currant leaves with apples

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Dish subtype: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings per outlet: 15.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.5 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 8 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Apples - 0.5 kg.
    • Grapes - 0.5 kg.
    • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method

Such an unusual delicacy will appeal to even the most fastidious gourmets. To prepare it, first of all, you need to peel the apples and seeds, chop them, put them in a saucepan, mix with sugar and put on fire.

When the sweet mixture boils, cover it with a lid and leave to cook for 5-7 minutes. Then cool the delicacy, add chopped leaves and vanilla to it, then boil again. The fruits should boil for 10 minutes, only then they will be completely ready for use. It is better to eat such a dessert right away.

Grape jam with lemon

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Dish subtype: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings per outlet: 18.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.8 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 14 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Lemon - 1 pc.
    • Kish-mish - 1 kg.
    • Sugar - 600 g.
  • Citric acid - 5 g.

Cooking method

When using very sweet or watery fruits in jam, it is better to add products that regulate its acidity. So the workpiece will be safely stored all winter. Lemon is ideal as a preservative.

Cut it into circles, each of which is divided into four more parts, without removing the peel. Mix them with quiche, add sugar and wait for the juice to separate. Usually, this process takes at least 5 hours. Then boil the mixture and cook for 10 minutes. Let it cool down and cook again until it boils, and then do not remove it from the stove for another 10 minutes. Again, put the dessert to cool and add citric acid, then boil for the last time for 5 minutes. Kishmish grape jam will delight you with its unique taste.

How to roll up jam for the winter?

A ready-made dish, such as black grape jam, is most often eaten by household members within a few days. But zealous housewives strive to save the harvest for the winter, when family members are more in need of vitamins. For rolling, it is necessary to rinse and sterilize the jars with lids. Pour the cooled jam into them and cork. Place the jars with the lids down and cover with a blanket. After a day, they can be transferred to a cellar or other place for storage.

In winter, grape jam is served both as an independent delicacy for tea and coffee, and as an addition to more complex dishes. For breakfast, you can make toast or sweet sandwiches. Jam and preserves are ideal for toppings for pastries. On their basis, amazing fruit drinks are obtained.

Grape jam for the winter at home: video

Grape jam is something. In a sense, something different than the inhabitants of central Russia are accustomed to understand by the word "jam". This is literally sweet nectar, which releases a bunch of endorphins from the first thoughtfully eaten spoon. There is some southern magic in it. It's like a concentrate of the sun. All in all, this is a must try.

I make this jam in two versions, adding either walnut or lemon-cinnamon. Now I’ll tell you about the option with walnuts, but I’ll post the recipe for lemon-cinnamon later, agreed? Basic recipe in a nutshell, my regular customer, a native Baku woman, taught me.

For grape jam, white raisins of any size are well suited (as a rule, they are on sale at least until late autumn).

To make grape jam, we need:

  • 1 kg fresh raisins
  • 750 g granulated sugar
  • 150-200 g walnuts(no shell)
  • Vanillin sachet

Grape jam recipe:

  1. Kishmish is separated from the branches, thoroughly washed in a colander, let the water drain from the berries.
  2. We spread the grapes in the container in which we will cook the jam, pour sugar on top, let stand for about 2 hours (no longer necessary).
  3. We turn on a small fire and after boiling, cook for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Let the jam cool down (at least 3 hours in an open cooking container), then bring to a boil again and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. We repeat the procedure with cooling and subsequent five-minute boiling only 5-6 times until the desired jam density (make sure that the whole thing does not turn into churchkhela).
  5. We crush the walnuts with a rolling pin or a knife not too finely. Fry with constant stirring for a minute or two in a dry frying pan. We add them to the jam at the beginning of the 4th five-minute boil, and a bag of vanillin at the same time.

Already after the fifth five-minute boiling, the jam is very thick, and when it cools down, it will be even thicker. If you want the syrup to be thick, like caramel, boil for the 6th time.

How to understand that jam (any) is basically ready? Drop a drop of syrup on a clean, dry saucer - it should not spread, it will remain a button, like a drop of dew. If the drop loses its shape, spreads - you need to cook more. If you cook jam in a small amount for the next week and store it in the refrigerator, you may well not boil it to the state of an ideal drop. And if you plan to store jam all winter in a closet, you need to cook as I described, plus, of course, sterilized jars and lids.

Grape jam is made very simply, but it looks gorgeous, especially in small containers. So you have overdressed five-star guests with twenty fingers in a fan - feel free to take out your grape handmade and proudly say that not everyone will succeed (and this is true - if you don’t know about general principles cooking jam from juicy berries), but only with a good housewife - this is such a kind of Baku test for general culinary skills. Good luck in cooking jam, and not only.