Grape jam for the winter. Isabella grape jam recipe

Do you think that grapes are only juice or wine? Wrong! This berry can be made delicious desserts for the winter. The season has already begun, so today we will cook fragrant jam grapes and delicious sweet jam.

Berries can be different varieties, but when preserving, first of all, it is important - with or without bones. The reason is clear: not everyone likes “seeds” crunching on their teeth, plus they can give light dessert bitterness (although it is quite spicy).

It is clear that the bones can be removed, but this is extra time. If it's a pity to spend a few extra hours on preliminary training, try to boil the berries in in kind- with seeds. Such a delicacy will be useful - the bones contain the main part of the substances for which nutritionists value wine berries.

Grape and apple dessert


  • grapes - 1 kilogram;
  • apples - ½ kilogram;
  • sugar - 800 g.

Cooking in general will take several hours, although the jam is boiled for literally five to ten minutes.

First, rinse and cut the fruits into pieces: apples - into small slices or cubes (without peel), grape berries - into halves. Bones may not be available.

Put a layer of grapes in a saucepan (about a third of the total), on top - the same layer of apples, sprinkle with sugar. Repeat until you run out of fruit. Leave for an hour or two to stand and let the juice.

Put on the stove on a small fire. If there is not enough juice, add a few tablespoons of water. Heat up, stirring regularly. Do not forget about the foam - it must be removed. After boiling, simmer for five minutes, then turn off the stove and let cool until room temperature.

Repeat the procedure again - in this case, boil the jam for 2-3 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up.

Lemon jam


  • dark grapes (blue) - 1 kilogram;
  • lemon (large) - 1 pc.;
  • regular sugar - 5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar- a sachet.

Scroll lemons with peel (but without seeds) through a meat grinder. Mix citrus pulp and juice with sugar. Let it brew, heat a little - until the “sweetener” is completely dissolved.

Put the grape berries removed from the brush into the resulting lemon syrup. Put on fire and boil for ten minutes, then remove and leave alone overnight.

The next morning, repeat the procedure: heat, boil for 5-10 minutes, leave the berries to swell in syrup until the evening.

For the third time, while boiling the jam, add vanillin. Boil for another ten minutes, cool a little and start packing in jars with metal lids.

Seedless grape jam

There are more recipes in this group. To make something similar, use medium seedless grapes. For those who are not afraid of difficulties, the question is unprincipled: “seeds” are easily extracted, however, it is advisable to choose larger berries. The remaining cleanings can be put on wine or homemade vinegar.

Pumpkin cognac variant


For 1 kilogram of grapes:

  • pumpkin (pulp) - 1 kilogram;
  • grape juice - 2 glasses;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.2 kilograms;
  • cognac - 2 tablespoons.

Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, sprinkle with a glass of sugar and bake in the oven until soft.

Cut the grapes into quarters (or halves if they are small). If there are bones, carefully remove.

Pour grape juice into a saucepan. Squeeze the juice from the lemons there. Simmer on the stove until the brew is reduced in volume by a third.

Put all the remaining sugar, cook for another quarter of an hour. Then add amber berries and baked pumpkin, mix well. Three minutes after boiling, remove from heat and leave for an hour to infuse.

Repeat the procedure by adding cognac. Immediately pour the jam into the prepared container.

With pumpkin and pear

This dessert is prepared similarly to the previous one, pumpkin. The only difference is that, along with grapes, a diced pear (without a core and peel) is added to the dessert - in a ratio of ½. In this case, the amount of sugar increases to 1.5-1.8 kg.

Original dessert with carrots and cumin


For every kilogram of grapes we take:

  • carrots - ½ kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • cumin - a pinch;
  • water - ½ cup;
  • citric acid and cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.

Make syrup from water and half sugar. Pour in grape berries (no need to cut them). Leave on knocks.

The next day, boil this semi-finished product and boil it for five minutes. Remove from stove.

Peel the carrots, chop them into equal small cubes. Add to the cooked dessert, add the remaining sugar, throw in the spices and citric acid.

Let stand until evening. Boil again, remove and pour into jars.

Kishmish with cloves and honey

Kishmish grapes are famous for their high yields - so many huge brushes can be removed from one vine, which is enough for juice and jam. The berry has its own unique taste and weight medicinal properties, this is great option for winter dessert.


For 2 kilograms of berries:

  • honey - 1.5 liters (or a similar amount of sugar);
  • large lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • carnation - 3-4 buds;
  • cinnamon - a pinch (or one stick);
  • water is a glass.

Boil honey syrup with water, lemon juice (you can add ground pulp there) and spices. Cool to room temperature.

Pierce each berry with a needle. Dip in syrup, heat, but do not boil. Set aside for an hour or two.

Warm up again (the procedure can be repeated 5-7 times during the day). The main thing is not to boil the jam, but only bring it to a boil, and each time give it a “rest” for at least an hour.

Just boil the jam for the last time, and sweat it over low heat for about ten minutes. Then you can immediately pour the dessert into jars and roll it for the winter.

grape jam

Jam for tea great addition. But jam (jam) is more suitable as a pie filling or for lubricating toasts. It can be prepared from grapes without problems.

Jam "simple"


  • dark sweet grapes - 2 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • water is a glass.

Mix water with sugar, prepare syrup. Heat it up.

Dip the washed berries into boiling water. Do not forget to carefully remove the foam, simmer for ten minutes. After that, let the jam cool down to a slightly warm state.

Strain the brew through a sieve, wipe the berries so that the peels and seeds do not get into the future dessert.

Pour the resulting liquid mass back into the pan and simmer until the jam is reduced in volume by one and a half times, thickens and acquires a uniform dark color.

Jam with zest


  • grapes (any, including with seeds) - 1.5 kilograms;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • zest - removed from one lemon;
  • sugar - 3-4 cups (depending on the sweetness of the berries).

Free the berries from the skins. To do this, take each fruit with two fingers, squeeze lightly so that all the pulp of the grape pops out of the “clothes” into the pan. You can ignore the bones for now.

Boil this mass and simmer over a tiny fire for at least ten minutes. Cool, and then wipe through a colander (gauze, sieve). Now you can throw out the bones, and add sugar to the resulting puree. Put there lemon peel and orange pulp (without peel), passed through a meat grinder.

Jam is cooked quickly - after half an hour of unhurried boiling, it can be removed and laid out in jars.

Jam with gooseberries


For every kilogram of sweet grapes (seedless!):

  • gooseberries - ½ kilogram;
  • sugar - a glass.

Scroll all the ingredients through a meat grinder. Pour into a saucepan, put sugar, if desired - a pinch of spices (for example, cinnamon), mix well.

Heat on the stove until boiling - and remove.

Repeat the procedure every two hours (at least four times). After cooling the jam for the last time, place it in sterile jars.

Step by step photo recipe for grape and walnut jam


  • grapes - 600 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • lemon juice- 30 ml;
  • hazelnuts (almonds) 50 g.

Remove skins from almonds. To make this effortless, soak the nuts in warm water for 15 minutes - the skin will easily move away.

Jam from grapes must be prepared from fresh fruit. The collected grape brushes should be washed well, the berries should be separated from the branch. Remove crumpled, spoiled grapes. It is convenient to wash the selected grapes by putting them in a colander.

Let the excess water drain and pour the grapes into the container in which you usually make jam. The best for these purposes is deep enamelware, and stir the jam or jam with a wooden spoon.

Pour a third of a glass of water into the pan and send the grapes to the stove. Boil the berry over low heat until the grapes give juice. Now add one glass of granulated sugar. Its quantity, by the way, can be adjusted to your taste. And the grape variety can be of different acidity. You can add a little more sugar if you like.

Add the juice of half a lemon to the jam, gently stir the contents of the pan and make the fire stronger. Let the grapes boil for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the berries should burst and lose their shape. So, it's time to strain our future jam.
Lay a slightly larger cheesecloth on a colander. Place the colander itself on the pot. Pour the cooked grapes into the prepared structure.

Use a spoon or masher to crush the berries to extract the juice. Now connect the free ends of the gauze. Roll them up to form a bag. The more you twist the ends of the gauze, the more juice you can squeeze out of the grapes.

The released juice will merge through a colander into the container on which it stands. Pour the juice back into the pan and send it to a slow fire (so that the jam does not burn).
Now it remains only to boil the jam to the consistency you need. This may take twenty to thirty minutes. Be sure to stir the jam from time to time. Please note that after the jam has cooled, it will become a little thicker.

Jam from Isabella grapes with seeds is very fragrant and pleasant to the taste. Boil it a little longer, and you will have an excellent filling for sweet pies. Just imagine what wonderful aromas your home will one day be filled with.

Remove the finished jam from the pan and let it stand for a while, cool. At this time, prepare the jars. Rinse them thoroughly and dry. It is believed that jam should be poured into warm jars, covered with lids and wrapped in a towel until it cools completely.

Now is the most fertile time to replenish winter stocks - of course, jam, including. All sorts of recipes from a huge variety of fruits and berries seem familiar to us. But grapes are not on this list. It is often believed that only wine, raisins and compote can be made from grapes. This is a completely erroneous opinion. grape jam is a magnificent dessert that will immediately win your heart and not only yours.

The main thing that is noted in grape berries is the abundance of juice and taste. Have you ever thought about the benefits of grapes? In 100 grams of grapes, there are 72 kilocalories and a large amount of carbohydrates. And this aspect is reflected in the nutritional value of these berries. In order not to particularly occupy your attention, we will simply present you with a list of all healthy ingredients grape berries:

1. Water;
2. Proteins;
3. Lipids;
4. Fiber;
5. Carbohydrates including both mono- and disaccharides;
6. Polysaccharides;
7. Basic acids (tartaric, citric, oxalic, malic, etc.);
8. Salin.

And besides this, a large set of vitamins and micro- and macroelements will give your body the necessary energy, have a positive effect on health and improve well-being. And as a result, it will affect the mood in the good sense of the word.

Grapes are used not only in cooking. It serves as the basis for the manufacture medicines and, of course, in the cosmetics industry. Grapes contain elements that resist cancer, kidney disease, arthritis. Grapes are also used to restore a damaged digestive system.

Grape nectar is a bactericidal, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and expectorant. Grape nectar also produces a firming and tonic effect on the human body, eliminates muscle flabbiness, and lowers blood pressure. Even physicians are not afraid to recommend grape nectar in the treatment of the diagnosis, pharyngitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, uric acid diathesis, anemia, pressure, gout, this list can be further expanded.

Grape lovers are aware that a particular species has an individual taste, as well as characteristics. Naturally, this must be taken into account during the preparation of jam. Follow the recipes below and you'll be fine.
The general rule for cooking grape jam is a small number of ingredients and a multi-stage, and lengthy cooking process.

Cooking food from white grapes

So what do you need to prepare:
1. White grapes - 1 kilo.
2. Sugar - 1 kilo.
3. Two glasses of water.
4. Half a teaspoon vanilla sugar.
5. Half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Wash the berries carefully. Dry them. Then pick them from the twigs and remove the seeds. Of course, the latter is up to you, but it will be better if you do not crunch bones during the meal.

Tip: in order to make it easier to "cut" grapes, use blunt scissors for this purpose. This will help keep the berries intact.

The next thing to do is boil the cool syrup. Why take boiling water and add sugar to it. So boil for 10 to 15 minutes.

Let it cool down. Put the grapes in the already cold syrup and start boiling again. So you got to the sacrament of cooking grape jam. On the initial stage boil the ingredients for about an hour on low heat, after the allotted time, increase the heat and then boil on high heat for another 10 minutes. At the end, add citric acid and vanilla sugar. Mix well. This is where the jam is made. Now it remains to pour it into sterile containers.

The end of summer - the beginning of autumn is the time to harvest quiche-mish. This variety is famous for its abundance of juice and unique taste. And perhaps the biggest feature that has helped win over the crowds of fans is the lack of seeds. For jam, this is generally an invaluable characteristic. The berries do not lose their shape, and the taste approaches more elegant.

You will need the following ingredients:

1. Kish-mish - half a kilogram.
2. Sugar - 400 grams.
3. Half a glass of water.
4. Half a teaspoon of vanilla.

Sort through the grapes. Discard the crushed or rotten ones, pick the ripe ones. Rinse the grapes thoroughly in a colander under cool running water. Let the water drain.

Then bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Add sugar to boiling water. Boil thoroughly while stirring, it is required that the sugar thoroughly melts in boiling water. Pour the grapes into the prepared syrup, and simmer for about two minutes. Then set the pan with the contents away from the fire. Then cover the pan with a towel and let it stand for about 8 hours.

After 8 hours, separate the syrup from the berries. It must be boiled and boiled for 5-8 minutes. Next, dip the grapes into the boiling syrup. Then remove the pan back from the burner and again let it brew at room temperature approximately eight hours.

After the next eight hours, return the pot of grapes to the fire. Boil that and continue until fully cooked. And this will come when the berries settle to the bottom and become transparent. Now it's time to add the vanilla. Mix your jam well. By the way, it's already done. Transfer it to a sterile container.

Related video: Kish Mish grape jam

Do not worry too much about long "downtime" because while the essence and the matter is infused, the jam can be used to make jam from a different type of grapes.

The taste of this grape is difficult to confuse with another, and the berries themselves are extremely juicy. Of course, you have tried Isabella wine, just figure out what kind of jam can come from this variety. Despite the fact that the preparation of such cooking will not take away from you a large number time.

So, what kind of ingredients do you need to prepare for Isabella jam:

1. Isabella grapes - one and a half kilograms.
2. 300 milliliters of water.
3. 4.5 cups of sugar.

Rinse the grapes thoroughly, pick from the twigs, leave to drain.

To make syrup, heat water and add 300 grams of sugar. Boil and stir until all sugar is dissolved in water. Then add the grapes to the syrup and boil for another five minutes. Now you need to put the pan off the heat. Wait until the syrup with berries has cooled down and then start cooking again on minimum heat. Pour in the rest of the sugar and boil for about 30 minutes. That's all. Lay out your jam in containers that were originally sterilized.

Often in all recipes there is an indication of the removal of seeds from grapes. This is a rather demanding matter. Therefore, we found a recipe in which jam is prepared without removing the seeds. Also, the type doesn't matter. Of course, there is some piquancy in the presence of seeds in jam, but they are very useful and contain ingredients that will act as preventive measures to prevent many diseases. Well, not unimportant - the taste. Jam with pits is different in taste from jam without them. Try it!

So, what do you need to create grape seed jam:

1. Grapes of any variety - 1 kilo.
2. Sugar - 1 kilo.
3. Half a liter of water.
4. Half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Wash the grapes well, pick them from the branches. Blanch them for about two minutes in boiling water. Then let the workpiece cool down. Dip grapes that have cooled down in hot syrup. Boil for a couple of minutes, remove from the burner and then, when the jam has cooled down, return it to the burner again and again, bring to a boil over low heat. So cook for a few minutes. At the end of cooking, add citric acid. Stir thoroughly so that the citric acid is completely dissolved in the jam. Now you need to cool the jam again and then distribute it among the banks.

Related video: DIY grape jam

Multivitamin or together with other ingredients

Many berries are well complemented with ingredients. And grapes are no exception. It perfectly complements multi-component juices, compotes, jams. And there's just a breakthrough of all sorts of useful components.

Grapes and apples in one jam

It's already a classic. The taste of apples and grapes is memorable to us from the cradle. The tandem of an apple and grapes is extremely necessary for people of all ages. It would be a big omission to ignore such a recipe. Every self-respecting housewife should try to “close” such a jam.

So what do you need to prepare classic jam from grapes and apples:

1. ripe apples- 3 kilograms.
2. Grapes in bunches - 1 kilo.
3. Water - liter.

Wash and loose apple pulp from the peel. Cut it into thin slices. Put the grapes and peeled apples in a saucepan and cover with water. Put on the stove and boil. Then reduce the heat and let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Then set aside from the burner and let cool for four hours. After this time, return the pan to the fire again and bring to a boil again over low heat.

In order for the jam to “survive” the winter and not “blow up”, these actions must be duplicated at an interval of four hours for two days in a row.

After that, you can safely roll it into sterile jars.

This is an extremely delicious jam recipe. It will surely please your family.

What you need to make grape jam with walnuts:
1. Grapes, no matter what variety - 1 kilogram.
2. Sugar - half a kilogram.
3. Water - a third of a glass.
4. Peeled walnuts - 10 pieces.
5. Vanillin and cherry leaf, last optional.

You need to start by making syrup. Just dissolve sugar in boiling water. In the meantime, while the syrup is being prepared, prepare the grapes. Pre-washed and separated from the branches, they need to be blanched.

After that, the grapes should be combined with syrup. Then boil for at least seven minutes.
Set aside the workpiece from the burner and let it cool at room temperature and tune in for 10 hours. This is necessary in order for the ingredients to be saturated with syrup. After 10 hours, return the pot to the fire. Boil. Then add vanilla and finely chopped nuts. Boil for another 15 minutes and then remove from the stove. Now pour into containers. The jam is ready.

This is also a fairly common combination.
What you need:
1. Pears - 2 kilograms.
2. Sugar sand - 2 kilograms.
3. Grapes - 300 grams.
4. 1 lemon.
5. 300 milliliters of water.

Wash and dry ingredients well. Finely chop the pears. Prepare a syrup with about half of what is required by the recipe and add grape berries to it. Boil a little and add pears.

Now pour the remaining sugar into the jam blank. Boil the contents of the pot for about 60 minutes. At the very end, pour lemon juice into the jam. That's all you can roll up your delicious dessert.

Definitely jam according to this recipe will be a favorite dessert in your family. Bring the exotic to your breakfasts.

What you need to make grape and orange jam:
1. big orange in a single number.
2. Grapes - 1 kilogram.
3. Sugar - 1 kilogram.
4. 250 milliliters of water.

Boil water and pour 300 grams of sugar into it. Wait for the sugar to dissolve completely, then pour the peeled and washed grapes into the syrup. Boil for a few minutes and leave to infuse for 4 hours.

Then return the jam to the stove and boil again, then add another 300 grams of sugar. Boil for at least 10 minutes. Remove from burner. Insist 10 hours.
The procedure will need to be repeated by adding the remaining sugar. At the very last stages of welding, add orange juice. All.

Spicy grape jam

This recipe is unusual and spicy. Designed for gourmets or lovers of everything new.
You need to prepare:
1. Grapes - 1 kilo.
2. Juice of a large lemon.
3. 100 milliliters of water.
4. 800 grams of sugar.
5. Carnation.
6. A piece of cinnamon, about 1 centimeter.

Advice. Keep in mind that cinnamon and cloves are extremely fragrant and have a strong smell and taste. Better not to report than to overdo it. you can take and ground cinnamon. Just in the form of bark, this spice is easier to remove from jam. This will help keep the jam clear and thick amber.
Prepare syrup: mix sugar, water, lemon juice, spices.

Pick the grapes from the branches and wash. Pierce the skins of all grapes with a needle on all sides. Then dip the grapes into the warm syrup.

Jam needs to be heated to 70 degrees about three times. This must be done in order to preserve the shape of the berries and saturate with syrup.

The next day, boil the jam and set aside for 24 hours. The next day, boil the jam back on low heat for about 10 minutes. Stir regularly until the syrup thickens. Now add lemon juice. This will prevent the jam from crystallizing and keep the liquid clear. That's all. It remains only to roll up the banks.
How to store?
Each hostess is kind to her work. And so that it does not go to waste, and the jam remains transparent, it does not deteriorate and the lid does not swell, you just need to adhere to certain conditions.

Above, we talked about the fact that lemon juice or its dehydrated version act as a natural preservative. The jam does not lose color and does not become very thick.

Canned grape jam for long-term storage should be stored in a cold, dark place. A refrigerator or cellar would be ideal.

It is important how well you processed the container. It must be dry and sterile. Sterilization should also be subjected to lids, no matter nylon or iron.

Jam loves dry places, so damp rooms are best avoided.

That's all we wanted to say about grape jam. We will be very pleased if you even briefly remember us, tasting the magnificent grape jam in friendly company.

Many recipes for grape jam are used by housewives for winter preparations. Delicacy at the expense of your liquid consistency serves as an additive to many desserts and impregnation for biscuit cakes. Due high content glucose finished product has a great nutritional value and at frequent use has a beneficial effect on health.

To cook useful and delicious jam, should take into account the specifics of cooking.

Some of the highlights include:

  • fruits should not be washed under a tap, but in a separate container, so as not to violate the integrity with a strong stream of water;
  • should not be used in recipes. cane sugar, since it can create a bitter aftertaste;
  • you need to cook jam on the day of harvesting and sorting the crop, without leaving the fruits to be stored.

Preparation of the main ingredient

For jam, you should use varieties of berries with a rich aroma. It is better to choose fruits without stones or with a small amount.

Wrinkled and overripe specimens cannot be used in cooking.

The preparation of the ingredient is very simple - just tear off the branches, wash and dry the grapes. It is also recommended to blanch the grapes for three minutes to eliminate excess liquid.

Grape jam recipes for the winter

You can prepare grape jam at home using various recipes. Depending on your own preferences and the availability of certain ingredients, you can choose the most suitable option.

In a slow cooker

Using a multicooker makes the cooking process easier.

To cook jam, you need:

  1. Mash the prepared berries and separate from the seeds with a colander.
  2. Add sugar and mix ingredients.
  3. Leave the resulting mass in the slow cooker for 2 hours, turning on the extinguishing mode.

How many ingredients to take depends solely on taste preferences. If a sweet variety of fruit is used, it is better to add less sugar so that the jam does not turn out cloying.

Fast option "Five Minute"

Without special culinary skills, it is better to cook jam according to an accelerated recipe. To do this, it is enough to mix the fruits with sugar and water, and then cook over low heat for five minutes. After adding citric acid, increase the temperature and boil for another 5 minutes.


Having decided to cook pitted jam, you need to cut the fruits and extract the nucleoli from them, then mash the berries until homogeneous mass. After adding water and sugar, you should put the mixture on the stove and wait for it to thicken. During cooking, it is important to constantly remove foam from the surface.


Jam with seeds can be prepared according to standard recipe- mixing all the ingredients and boiling over low heat until the desired consistency is formed. The presence of seeds in a delicacy has a positive effect on the human body and gives unusual taste.

Thick jam from Kishmish grapes

By choosing the Kishmish variety as the main ingredient, you can make a jelly-like jam. After filling the berries with sugar, you need to keep the mixture in the refrigerator for two days. Boil the cooled and infused mass over low heat until a thick jam is formed.

From green grapes

Green grape varieties are most often used when cooking jam. Preparing jam is better from sweet varieties, which will make the taste more pleasant. After mixing the main ingredient with water and sugar, you need to boil the mixture to the desired consistency. You can use jam both in liquid and in a thickened state.

From white grapes with walnuts

You can make jam from varieties of white berries, which create a fresher flavor. For a variety of taste, you can add to the recipe Walnut, which does not require pre-treatment. It is enough to mix the nuts with grape puree, sugar, water and cook over low heat.

From Isabella grapes

The Isabella variety is grown in many dachas and is also suitable for making sweet jam. Step by step recipe contains the same items as classic way cooking. Having mixed all the ingredients, you need to cook them to the desired consistency, constantly removing the foam.

From grape and currant leaves with apples

The presence of apples, currant leaves and grapes in the recipe will give the jam an unusual taste. To prepare jam, you need to soak the leaves in warm water for a couple of hours, then add finely chopped apples without peel. The fruit mixture should be boiled until thickened.

with cherry

The combination of grapes and cherries in marmalade will make the product bright in color and give an exquisite berry aroma. When cooking, you can use whole berries or their pitted flesh.

with pumpkin

Using the pumpkin in the recipe, you need to cut its pulp into equal pieces, mix with sugar, hold for 20 minutes and bake in the oven at 100 degrees for half an hour. Add baked pumpkin to mashed potatoes, add sugar and cook until thickened.

with gooseberries

Take gooseberries and grapes in a ratio of 1:2. After sorting the berries, rinse and cut off the tails without damaging the peel, then bring to a soft state. It takes about 40 minutes to cook the resulting mass.

with an apple

By combining an apple and grapes in a jam recipe, it will be possible to balance the taste. The finished product will not turn out too sugary. When cooking, you can use the minimum amount of sugar so as not to violate the originality of the recipe.

With cinnamon and lemon

The most common jam spice is cinnamon, which must be added to softened grapes before boiling. The juice of one lemon should be mixed with jam 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking so that its acidity does not disturb the taste characteristics.

From blue grapes

When using blue varieties of fruits, it is best to split them into two parts to speed up the juice extraction process. After mixing the berries with sugar and water, it is recommended to boil jam for 30-35 minutes.

From wine grapes

You can make jam from grapes, which are used in making wines. The taste of the finished product will be different pleasant sourness. The recipe for jam does not differ from the standard one.

From black grapes

Jam with the addition of black berries is prepared according to the classic recipe. The main features of the cooked jam are a spectacular dark color and a pronounced aroma.

To preserve the maximum benefit, the jam is boiled in 2-3 doses for a minute of cooking, leaving between cooking to cool completely. This is a vitamin-sparing method of cooking, although it can be cooked in 1 step - as a rule, from 10 minutes to the moment until it is quite dense. If a drop of boiled jam syrup does not spread in a spoon, but retains its shape, the jam is cooked.

How to make jam

General principle
Berries or fruits are peeled, washed and cut as you like, and then boiled with sugar. Sugar is a strong preservative, so any jam is stored for a long time, and if you follow the rules of hygiene, then the jam will stand all winter.

1. The proportions of fruits and sugar when making jam.
As a rule, 1 kilogram of sugar is taken for 1 kilogram of berries.

2. How to cook jam?
Jam is boiled in brass or steel utensils - ideally wide enough basins so that the lower layers of the fruit do not soften under the weight of the upper ones.

3. Storage of jam.
Jam must be poured into prepared jars: washed in hot water with the addition of soda and heated to complete dryness in the oven (at a temperature of 60 degrees for 10 minutes). Store jam at a temperature of 5-25 degrees in a dark place, at least occasionally ventilated.

4. On what fire to cook jam?
Jam must be boiled over low heat so that it does not burn and all useful substances are not boiled out.

5. When is the jam ready?
Jam is cooked when a drop of syrup becomes very tight.

6. Do you skim the foam from the jam?
Skim the foam when cooking jam.

7. What should I do if the jam does not thicken?
It is recommended to bring the jam to a boil again. Or add a little gelling component. You can use lemon juice - it will release the natural gelatin it contains. Another option is to use dry powder.

8. How to cook jam without cooking? :)
For one jar of fruits, take 1 jar of sugar (or for 1 kilogram of fruits - 2 kilograms of sugar), grind with a mixer. Store the ground mass in the refrigerator.

9. How to organize the storage of jam?
To store jam, you can print labels with the name of the blanks and the date. Or just write on the bank with a marker.

Utensils for cooking jam

Jam is boiled in saucepan or bowl. The basin is good because the large open surface provides enhanced evaporation of the liquid - the jam will be thick, but the fruits or berries will not be digested. The saucepan is more convenient to use, it takes up less space on the stove or on the table between the stages of cooking jam.

Can be used:
Enamelware - it is suitable for cooking jam. But it is worth considering that even a small chip of enamel makes it impossible to use a basin or pan.

Stainless steel utensils are suitable for cooking jam, but sometimes the finished product acquires a "metallic" aftertaste.

Can not use:
Copper basins, although they are traditionally considered the best dishes for making jam. Modern research convinces the opposite - copper is not suitable for making jam. Fruits and berries contain an acid that can dissolve copper oxides that appear in the form of a patina (dark coating) on ​​the surface of dishes. Even if the basin is torn off to a shine, it is still not worth using it for cooking - copper ions destroy ascorbic acid, depriving the jam even minimum quantity vitamin C.

aluminum utensils categorically can not be used for cooking jam. Fruit acid destroys the oxide film on the walls of the pan or basin and aluminum molecules enter the product.

It is better to pour jam into jars with a small ladle, because. the necks of the jars are usually narrow - there is a risk of spilling the jam.

About sugar in jam

- Sugar when cooking jam acts as a sweetener, thickener and preservative. When cooking jam, sugar is divided into fructose and glucose, which contributes to its rapid absorption by the body.

When cooking jam, sugar obtained from sugar varieties of beets and cane is most often used. Exotic types of sugar: maple, palm, sorghum are rare in Russia and are not used for making jam, as well as brown unrefined raw cane sugar.

If you reduce the rate of sugar bookmarking, the jam will be less high-calorie. But there is a risk at the exit to get the consistency of compote, not jam. Sugar can be substituted food additives based on pectin. These are jams that improve the consistency of Confiturka, Kvittin, Zhelfix and the like.

Methods for making jam

1 way to cook jam - classic

1. Pour sugar into the dishes.
2. Pour sugar cold water.
3. Put the dishes on the fire.
4. Stir the sugar until completely dissolved.
5. Bring the syrup to a boil.
6. Boil the syrup for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.
7. Add berries.
8. Cool the jam for 5 hours.
9. Put on fire, bring to a boil again and cook for 10 minutes, stirring gently and removing the foam.
10. Cool again.
11. Last time bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.
12. Cool and pour jam into jars.

2 way jam cooking - fast

1. Wash and dry the fruits.
2. Put the fruits in a bowl.
3. Pour in sugar and stir.
4. Leave for 5 hours.
5. Put the basin on the fire.
6. Bring to a boil, stirring regularly.
7. Cook for 5 minutes.

Jars for jam

Used to store jam glass jars. Banks are closed tin lids with the help of a seaming machine or twisted with "twist" lids - they come in different diameters, you need to choose the right size jars for the neck.
The finished jam is laid out in clean, dry jars. If the product is packaged in a jar where drops of water remain, then the jam will not be stored - it will become moldy or ferment. Banks are washed hot water with soda. It is necessary to rinse the jar inside and out with water, pour a teaspoon of soda on the sponge and carefully wipe first the inner and then the outer surfaces of the jars. Then rinse the jar thoroughly with water. The fact that the jar is well washed is indicated by a characteristic creak when you run your finger over its surface. household chemicals ( detergents for dishes) it is better not to use. These products have a strong odor that lingers on the dishes and can ruin the aroma of the jam itself. Wash the lids thoroughly with baking soda.
Clean jars in which jam is planned to be stored must be sterilized. For this:
1. Pour water into the pan, install a special holder for cans and put on medium heat.
2. When the water boils, place the jar on the holder with the bottom up (the neck enters the hole in the holder). Steam the jar for 5 minutes.
3. Remove the jar from the holder (using a towel or potholders) and place the neck down on a clean towel. After five minutes, put the jar on its side - so the wet steam will come out, and the hot walls of the jar will dry the inner surface. After 5 minutes, a clean, dry jar can be used for its intended purpose.
4. The lids also need to be sterilized: place in a pot of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Remove (pry with a fork) and lay to dry on a clean towel.
More ways to sterilize jars:
- Pour 5-5 centimeters of water into a wide saucepan, install a microwave grate and put the jars upside down. When the water boils, the steam will sterilize the jars. So it is necessary to sterilize them for 15 minutes.
- strengthen the jar on the spout of a boiling kettle;
- pour boiling water over the jar and let stand for 10 minutes under the lid;
- in the microwave: pour a little (about 1 centimeter from the bottom) water into the jar. Put in the microwave, power 700 W, processing time 2 minutes;
- in the oven: put wet jars on a baking sheet. Turn on the oven. The heating temperature is not more than 130 degrees, the processing time is about 5 minutes (until the cans dry inside and out);
- in a slow cooker: pour 2 cups of water into the bowl of the appliance, place the jars in the steaming grid. "Baking" or "Steaming" modes. Processing time 5 minutes after boiling water. This method is good for small jars.
Attention! In the event of overheating or temperature fluctuations (for example, in hot jar will fall cold water) the bank may burst. Be careful!

fruit jams

Berry jam

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