Lavash with crab sticks dietary. Stuffing for pita bread with crab sticks and egg.

When the holiday comes, and we have enough of them, each hostess strives not to repeat herself and cook something special for the table. Among the cold appetizers, lavash roll stands out favorably with crab sticks. Delicious. Syten. Easy to prepare. perfect and how holiday dish, and as an option for a picnic, for snacks at work and at school, etc.

List of similar compliments to this culinary masterpiece you can go on and on. But we can not say about one solid plus. In the recipe, you can include not crab sticks, but, say, smoked chicken or sausage. We get a completely new sound in the dish. Especially if you add cheese to it!


  • Lavash - 1.5 sheets
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack
  • Mayonnaise 150-200 gr.
  • Cheese - 100 gr.
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Dill, parsley and green onions - 100 gr.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

Our kitchen assistants:

  • Saucepan
  • Grater
  • cutting board
  • food grade polyethylene
  • Fridge
  • Microwave


Step 1: Food preparation

We will send first raw eggs into a pot of water. After boiling, leave them on medium heat for 10 minutes and take care of the crab sticks. It is better to buy them chilled. But if they are taken out of the freezer, then it is advisable to clean them only after careful defrosting. Then rub them on coarse grater. However, it can also be thinly sliced.

Wash and dry the green onions, dill and parsley with a paper towel. Chop them very finely and mix with mayonnaise.

We also rub the cheese on a coarse grater and add coarsely grated garlic to it. There is no need to mix, everything will be distributed by itself when we sprinkle a sheet of pita bread.

We rub hard-boiled and chilled eggs in the same format as cheese, sticks and garlic.

If the pita bread has dried up a little, then it has already lost its elasticity, which will be returned for a few seconds in the microwave or wrapped in a slightly damp towel.

Step 2: Roll Forming

Lay out the sheets of pita bread on the table. On the lowest layer we apply mayonnaise with herbs.

Then sprinkle the sheet with chopped crab sticks.

We put the second one on the first sheet of pita bread. We coat it with mayonnaise with herbs and sprinkle cheese on top.

Do the same with the third layer. Just lay out the grated eggs evenly on it. By the way, they can be slightly salted and peppered.

So all three layers are ready. We do not delay the time, and immediately proceed to the next step.

After all, we just have to roll the roll. By the way, from the ingredients presented in the recipe, the pita roll, to which we added crab sticks, cheese, eggs, mayonnaise and other products, turned out to be 40 centimeters long! Immediately wrap the appetizer with food polyethylene and send it to the refrigerator for an hour. Each layer of pita bread should be thoroughly soaked, and then everything will turn out to be very tender and juicy.

Step 3: Roll serving

Here it is ready cold appetizer from pita stuffed with crab sticks, cheese, herbs and eggs. Let's cut it into pieces.

Putting the pieces on a plate, decorate them at your discretion. You can also serve sauce with the dish. But this time you can make greens from sour cream with the same greens, or ketchup. It can be a nice addition hot cheese if it is melted in the same microwave.

Enjoy your meal!

  • Lavash: if it has lost elasticity, we resuscitate it by sending it to the microwave for a couple of seconds or hugging it with a slightly damp towel.
  • Cheese: should only be hard.
  • Eggs: if there are 2 eggs in the recipe, cook 3-4, suddenly one of them will be unusable.
  • Mayonnaise: optional! Can be replaced with sour cream.
  • Greens: cut off the stems (they can be dried for soup), and the leaves themselves are very finely chopped.
  • We cut all the ingredients separately, without mixing.
  • Formation of the roll: lay out all three sheets on top of each other. First, grease one with mayonnaise with herbs and sprinkle with the first ingredient, then the other and the third. And then just roll over.
  • Salt and pepper: just to your taste! 'Cause cheese and sticks are sharp on their own excess salt and sharpness can ruin everything.
  • Serving: you need to very carefully cut the already finished roll. Otherwise, damage to the top layer cannot be avoided. Once soaked, it will become very vulnerable.
  • Instead of crab products, you can put chicken, sausage, ham and so on in the roll. And you can make it sweet by stuffing it with sweet goodies.

The truth about lavash

If you manage to buy real pita bread or bake it yourself, you are in luck! After all, you will receive nutritional product and dietary. Even those who are afraid of every extra gram of weight can afford it! All vitamins and minerals will remain in the pita bread. Thank you - a special method of its preparation. If you have digestive problems, then unleavened bread who is our hero of the day, a good option. In addition, it also strengthens the immune system.

How to lose weight without harm to health?

Why stubborn dieting DOES NOT BRING visible results, but only leads to frustration and depression, and how to still lose weight in order to:

  • Return the attention of her husband or find a new man.
  • Again feel the envious glances of friends and colleagues.
  • Believe in yourself, feel slim and desirable.
  • Do not be shy to go to the cinema or to a cafe with your friends.
  • Feel free to post photos from vacation or with children on social networks.

Burn fat in targeted areas

Crab stick appetizers are simple recipes which do not take much time to prepare. Today I propose to make rolls with original filling from cheese and a sheet of seaweed (nori). Thanks to nori, the taste of the rolls will turn out to be very tender and spicy. There are several subtleties in creating this appetizer, knowing which you can cook crab stick rolls as good addition to the holiday table.

Below the main recipe with a photo, you will find several more filling options, most of them use boiled eggs, traditional for crab sticks. Choose your recipe or make several types at the same time and lay out the assortment beautifully on one plate. These rolls in any version are tasty and presentable.

How to cook crab rolls

Use cheese to stuff crab stick rolls. It can be either hard cheese or processed cheese OK. Choose fragrant and high-quality varieties of cheese, then the rolls will turn out to be very tasty.

Finely grate the cheeses (both or one of them) and send them to the bowl, add a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

Stir the cheese filling with a fork until uniform consistency, if desired, add chopped dill, green onion or garlic.

For stuffing, use high-quality crab sticks. It can be either frozen or chilled product. It often happens that when unfolding the strip, the crab sticks break and crack. To avoid this, I recommend a little trick: in a ladle, bring half a glass - a glass of water to a boil. Dip the sticks, without removing the film from them, into the water. Now remove the ladle from the stove, let the crab sticks warm up for another 5 minutes in water. Then take them out to a cutting board when cool, remove them carefully from the foil, and then carefully unfold the sheet on the cutting surface.

Apply a thin mayonnaise net to the crab layer, put a sheet of nori (dry seaweed) on top. Pre-cut the leaf with a sharp knife into strips smaller than the unfolded crab stick.

Several teaspoons cheese filling add nori to the sheet (usually it is 1.5-2), spread evenly.

For piquancy, add pickled ginger to the filling. It must be cut into very thin slices.

Now carefully roll the crab strips with the filling into rolls, squeeze them a little (to make it tight). Thus form all the rolls.

Before serving, cover the finished rolls with cling film and put in the refrigerator. Use a flat white plate to present this appetizer. With a sharpened knife, cut the rolls obliquely, arrange them nicely on a plate. Oblique cuts on the rolls look appetizing in the finished snack.

To decorate the rolls, you can take red caviar or capelin caviar, as well as build a decoration from algae. Cumin or sesame will help to complement the presentation of this snack - just sprinkle them on top of the rolls.

Crab sticks with cheese and garlic


  • dill - at your discretion;
  • processed cheese - 1 pack (100g);
  • crab sticks - 8 pcs. (100 g);
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • leafy greens and cherry tomatoes for garnish.


  1. To prepare such rolls: crab sticks with cheese and garlic, no unusual ingredients are required, and most of the products are well known and tried many times.
  2. We warm the crab sticks as in the previous recipe and leave to cool.
  3. Let's take melted and hard cheese s, grate both (very finely). We'll put it in a deep bowl. To make melted cheese easy to grate, keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  4. Hard-boil the egg, cool, peel and also rub very finely. We will send it to a plate with prepared cheeses.
  5. Add garlic passed through a press and very finely chopped greens to the mass of cheeses.
  6. Then mix well with a fork.
  7. Expand the crab sticks and put the mixture on them with a teaspoon or fork. This is about 2-3 tsp. for each lane.
  8. Now tightly roll the rolls and press down a little. We will send it to the refrigerator under the film, and before serving we will cut it, decorate with green leaves and cherry halves. Alternate cherry tomatoes and rolls on a sheet of greens, or put the rolls on a plate, and between them halves of cherry on the greens.

Crab stick rolls with cod liver


  • pepper - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • greens (dill, onion, parsley) - at your discretion;
  • crab sticks - 200 g;
  • cod liver - 1 can (150 g);
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs. (boiled);
  • salt - to taste;
  • greens, onion- for decoration.


  1. We cook rolls of crab sticks stuffed with cod, like all the others. First, let's deal with crab sticks, warm them up and leave to cool.
  2. Finely chop the greens and send to a deep plate.
  3. Three eggs on a fine grater and put to the greens.
  4. Then we open a jar of cod liver and take out the product, grind the liver to a paste and spread it to the prepared greens and egg. We season everything with mayonnaise and mix. We taste, be sure to add salt, and also season with bitter ground pepper.
  5. Now we unfold the crab sticks into strips and grease each with the resulting mixture (these are the same 2-3 tsp). Roll into rolls and press lightly.
  6. Then cover with foil and send to the refrigerator. Cut and decorate before serving leafy greens and onion rings.
Crab sticks rolls with mushrooms


  • artificial black caviar for decoration;
  • shrimp - 30 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc. (boiled);
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • crab sticks - 100 g;
  • champignons - 50 g;
  • onion (bulb) - 1 pc. (small);
  • mayonnaise - 40 g;
  • vegetable oil- 20 g (for frying);
  • greens - to taste.


  1. Starting to prepare rolls stuffed with mushrooms and shrimp, you first need to prepare the mushroom paste.
  2. For pasta, first of all, grate a boiled egg (need finely) and hard cheese, chop shrimp and greens very finely. And for now, we’ll leave everything (we do this in advance, since frying mushrooms is troublesome).
  3. Put a frying pan on the stove and heat the vegetable oil. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions and fry everything over medium heat until fully cooked (this is 10-15 minutes). Don't forget to stir the mixture so it doesn't burn. If your fire is too high - reduce it, it is better to fry longer than to get burnt onions.
  4. Now add our chopped ingredients to the mushrooms and onions and mix everything well in a pan. Let's leave everything on the stove (but without fire). We should get a pasty mass.
  5. When it cools down a little and starts to harden, but is still warm, you need to start forming rolls. Unroll the crab stick and put a teaspoon of warm pasta on it (here 2-3 tsp). Immediately you need to roll the lubricated layer back into the tube.
  6. Now put in the refrigerator until completely solidified, and serve on the table, cut obliquely or in half. To serve, garnish with black or red caviar (can be artificial).
  1. To make the rolls easy to cut evenly, first put them in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours, and only then cut.
  2. You need to cut each stick into 2-3 parts, but no more. Better by 2, so you get all the pieces of the same configuration (a straight cut from one end, and obliquely from the other).
  3. Frozen sticks, before lowering into the water - be sure to defrost. But for rolls, a chilled product is more suitable, the plates unfold better.
  4. Grind all the products for the filling as finely as possible, you should get a pasty mass. large pieces do not let the roll roll nicely.
  5. Crab stick rolls can be served on slices of cucumbers or tomatoes, on top this appetizer can be decorated with thinly sliced ​​radishes, green onions or flying fish caviar.

  1. Do not leave ready-made rolls in the refrigerator without cling film, they will become weathered and will have an ugly, stale appearance.
  2. Bring the filling to the desired consistency more convenient with a fork, but it is better to apply on the strips with a teaspoon.
  3. Do not grease the edges of the crab strip with the filling, when you press down on the roll, it will be on the cut itself.

I already once told you that the choice of ingredients for pita rolls is huge, there are many successful options and combinations that can help you when it comes to such an appetizer. And this time I want to introduce you to one of them - pita stuffing with crab sticks and an egg.

It really turns out to be excellent: pita bread with it can be prepared not only for a family feast, it will also feel quite comfortable at a festive event. After all, such an appetizer of pita bread with crab sticks is not only tasty, but also beautiful, looks appetizing and goes well with other dishes.

And you don’t have to worry that something won’t work out for you: such a crab roll made from pita bread with an egg is prepared very simply, even a child can handle it! All you need is to buy a suitable pita bread, cut the ingredients and ... But let's talk about everything in order: a pita appetizer with crab sticks and an egg - step by step recipe at your service!


  • 2 sheets of thin pita bread;
  • 4 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 gr crab sticks;
  • dill.

How to cook pita bread stuffed with crab sticks:

We will need 2 sheets of thin (Armenian) lavash. The approximate size of each sheet is 20x40 cm. Please note that the sheets are the same size - if one of them is larger or smaller than the other, then the roll will turn out to be ugly.

Lubricate each sheet of pita bread on one side with mayonnaise. It's best if you use homemade mayonnaise- it is much healthier than store-bought and tastier, of course.

Hard boil the egg. cool, peel and three on a coarse grater. Finely chop the dill.

Crab sticks cut into small cubes.

On the first sheet of pita bread with mayonnaise, lay out the grated boiled egg. Sprinkle with chopped dill. Thanks to dill, the filling for pita bread with crab sticks and an egg will turn out juicy.

On the second sheet of pita bread (it is also with mayonnaise, as you remember), we spread the crab sticks.

We stack the sheets in a pile - one on top of the other. Make sure the corners and edges match. It does not matter which sheet will be the bottom - with crab sticks or with an egg, it does not matter.

We turn the sheets of pita bread with a tight roll. And then in this form we pack pita bread in foil or cling film. After that, we will need to send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the roll is properly soaked.

And then it will be possible to cut pita bread stuffed with crab sticks into rolls ...

... and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

I hope you liked this filling for pita bread with crab sticks and egg, and you will certainly repeat it in your kitchen. I would be very happy if you then share your impressions in the comments and in our VKontakte group.

Lavash roll is one of the most popular snacks that will be relevant on any holiday table.

Lavash roll with crab sticks will be a great alternative to our usual sandwiches.

The main advantage of pita roll with crab sticks is that it is made from available ingredients and in just a few minutes.

Ingredients of the dish:

260 grams of crab sticks,
thin lavash- 2 pieces,
4 eggs,
180 grams of cheese
2 cloves of garlic
fresh greens,
350 grams of light mayonnaise,

Recipe pita rolls and crab sticks:

For the preparation of this original snack prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance. Boil the eggs until cooked in boiling water, then dip them in cool water. Eggs pre-peel and chop them with a grater.

If necessary, defrost all crab sticks, also chop them with a grater. Grind the cheese with a fine grater. Rinse all the greens thoroughly, dry them and chop them thoroughly with a sharp knife.

Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a press a couple of times. In a separate container, mix mayonnaise, chopped garlic and chopped herbs. Pepper, salt and mix the whole sauce well. Now it's time to lay out all the prepared ingredients.

You need to spread one sheet of pita bread, grease it with half a portion of the sauce. Sprinkle half of the grated cheese on top. Spread grated crab sticks over the entire surface and pour mayonnaise on top. Lay the next layer of thin pita bread on top. Soak it with all the remaining sauce, sprinkle with cheese on top.

The last layer should be grated eggs, on top of them you can make a mesh of mayonnaise. Very carefully roll two layers of pita bread into a fairly tight roll, wrap it in a film on top and place it in the refrigerator for about one hour for a while. After this time, the roll of pita bread and crab sticks must be pulled out, carefully cut across into separate portions and served.

Delicious roll and pita bread with crab sticks and corn you can eat at different meals. In addition, this dish will fit perfectly on festive table or how hearty snack to alcoholic beverages. It is very similar to a salad with crab sticks and corn.

Required Ingredients:

280 grams of corn,
2 sheets of lavash
450 grams of crab sticks,
5 eggs
100 grams of cheese

Recipe for crab sticks and corn roll:

The first step is to boil the eggs until fully cooked. To mix all necessary ingredients you need to take a deep bowl so that you can mix them freely. Put the canned corn as the first ingredient.

Crab sticks must be thawed in advance, cut into medium-sized cubes or grated. Mix crushed crab sticks with corn.

Cool all boiled eggs and peel them. Grind the eggs with a grater or cut into small cubes, mix them in a bowl with all the other ingredients.

Grind the cheese with a grater. Thoroughly mix all the contents in the container. Add such an amount of mayonnaise that the whole filling is not very liquid.

Spread a layer of thin pita bread on a cutting board, put a mixture of corn and crab sticks on its surface.

Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Very carefully roll the pita bread with the filling in the form of a fairly dense roll. The edge of the roll needs to be greased a small amount mayonnaise so that it does not accidentally turn around. Place the roll in the refrigerator for a while so that it is thoroughly soaked. After about twenty minutes, the roll can be cut into small portions and served.

One more no less interesting recipe cooking appetizers from pita bread with crab sticks and Korean carrots. An amazing combination of different ingredients.


120 grams Korean carrots,
1 lavash,
100 grams of carbonade,
120 grams of cheese
2 fresh cucumbers
120 grams of crab sticks,
3 eggs,

Recipe crab roll from pita bread with Korean carrots:

Boil the eggs until fully cooked. Using a fine grater, grind boiled eggs, carbonade and hard cheese. Fresh cucumbers grind with a coarse grater and squeeze them a little with your hands to remove excess liquid. With Korean carrots, you also need to squeeze out the liquid a little, of course, if there is such a need. Arrange all prepared ingredients on separate plates.

Unfold the thin pita bread and place it on the table surface. All pre-prepared products must be carefully laid out in several rows, alternating different colors. You can lay out all the ingredients both vertically and horizontally.

Separate the red part from the crab sticks and put it in the last layer, and put the white part in the middle of the pita bread. Carefully roll the whole pita bread into a roll. Put it in any cold place for half an hour, then very carefully cut it into pieces with a sharp knife. Delicious and bright snack fully prepared, bon appetit!

Such a pita appetizer will diversify your daily menu and will decorate the festive table. All your guests will be delighted!

Required Ingredients:

2 pieces of thin pita bread,
120 grams of crab sticks,
230 grams of cottage cheese,
3 spoons of sour cream,
fresh dill,
2 cloves of garlic

Lavash recipe with crab sticks, cottage cheese and herbs:

In a separate container, mix sour cream and cottage cheese. Peel two cloves of garlic from the husk and chop with a fine grater or a special press. Mix the minced garlic with curd filling.

Rinse the greens and finely chop them with a sharp knife. All chopped greens must be mixed with curd-garlic mass. Let the curd filling brew well for a few minutes.

Defrost crab sticks beforehand or use a chilled product. Cut crab sticks into small cubes or grate. Now you need to prepare a thin pita bread, spread it on the surface of the table. Lubricate pita bread with cottage cheese filling, and put chopped crab sticks on top. In the same way, you need to do with the second pita bread. Roll both pita bread with filling into a fairly tight roll. Such an appetizer can be served as a whole or cut into portioned pieces.

The preparation of this delicious light snack will only take you a few minutes. There is a great variety of fillings for pita bread. Let's make a pita roll with crab sticks, cucumber and egg.

Required Ingredients:

1 thin lavash
200 grams of cheese
4 eggs,
1 clove of garlic
fresh dill,
230 grams of crab sticks,

Lavash roll recipe with cucumber and crab sticks:

Now you can start preparing snacks, first of all, you need to chop the cheese with a fine grater. Thawed or chilled crab sticks also chop with a grater.

Rinse fresh cucumbers and cut into thin strips. Rinse fresh herbs to remove sand and dirt, shake off excess liquid and chop finely with a sharp knife.

Boil all the eggs until fully cooked, after cooling, remove the husk. Separate the yolks from the proteins and chop them with a fine grater. Now you can start cooking the roll. Unfold the pita bread on the surface of the table and cut off the edges on both sides so that you get a square.

Lubricate pita bread with mayonnaise or a layer cream cheese. Crushed crab sticks, eggs, chopped cucumbers go on top in an even layer, and then greens come. Pepper everything on top and salt to your liking. Don't forget to sprinkle with the minced garlic.

Carefully roll up the finished pita bread with all the filling into a roll. Using a sharp knife, so as not to crush the resulting roll, cut it into small pieces and put on a dish, you can decorate with herbs if you wish.

Lavash roll with crab sticks recipe with photo

There are many recipes various dishes from Armenian lavash. But the most common and fastest are lavash rolls with various fillings. You can cook them not only on the festive table, but also for a regular breakfast or lunch. The main advantage of pita roll recipes is that absolutely any product can be used as a filling. Moreover, you can wrap in pita bread already ready salad with the ingredients you like.

The availability of products, ease of cooking, nutritional value and usefulness allow this dish to become a lifesaver for all housewives.

Lavash roll with crab sticks is distinguished by its delicate and unique taste. The total preparation time for this appetizer is only 30 minutes, so even unexpected guests will remain full and satisfied.


  • thin Armenian lavash - 1 pc.;
  • crab sticks - 100 gr.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • salt - 1 pinch

for the sauce:

  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh herbs - 1 bunch;
  • cheese "Russian" - 50 gr.

Recipe for lavash roll with crab sticks:

Rinse the chicken egg thoroughly, put it in a small saucepan, add water, add one pinch of salt and boil until tender. Usually only 15 minutes is enough. Salt is needed to make it easier to remove the shell later. After the testicle is ready, it must be removed from hot water using a tablespoon, put in a bowl and pour over cold water. So it will cool down faster. Then, using a grater with small holes, grate both the yolk and protein together.

Remove the plastic wrapping from the crab sticks, then grind them with a grater with small holes.

For cooking tender sauce it is necessary to grate 50 grams of "Russian" cheese on a fine grater.

Rinse fresh herbs thoroughly under running water, dry with a clean towel and finely chop.

In a small bowl, combine fresh chopped herbs, grated cheese and four tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Then mix all the ingredients well.

Spread one sheet of thin Armenian lavash on a previously cleaned flat surface and generously brush with cheese-mayonnaise sauce.

It is important that the pita bread is whole and dense, otherwise the roll will fall apart. For greater reliability, you can use 2 sheets of pita bread.

Leaves fresh lettuce rinse and dry with a clean towel.

The filling must be placed closer to the edge. First you need to spread the lettuce leaves evenly along the entire length. Then crushed chicken eggs and crab sticks.

After all the filling is distributed over the pita bread, it must be tightly rolled into a roll.

In order for the roll to be soaked and turn out to be even more juicy and tasty, it must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, after being wrapped in cling film.

Cut the finished and chilled appetizer into pieces, the width of which is at least 5-7 cm.

How to cook pita roll with crab sticks without cheese

The beautiful summer time has come, which means that the season of unforgettable picnics is open. No picnic is complete without a cheerful company, games, humor and barbecue. Nothing can be tastier than meat fried on an open fire in a cool forest, or on a green lawn under the open sky.

While the barbecue is being prepared, in any case, you will want to have a snack. Therefore, when going to nature, do not forget to bring vegetables, fruits, drinks and delicious snacks. Snacks as you know, there is great amount, but those to take to nature can be counted on the fingers. I recommend preparing an appetizer in the form of a pita roll, with crab sticks, boiled egg, herbs and mayonnaise.

This appetizer is very simple and beneficial to prepare. Prepare all products in the evening. In the morning, quickly and carefully prepare such a pita roll, put it in the freezer. And before leaving the house, just take it with you. He will definitely get to the picnic in a cool state.

Lavash rolls are also prepared with fish, mushrooms, chicken, cheese, meat, herbs, potatoes, or you can even make sweet roll with nuts and condensed milk. This roll is perfect for a cup. fragrant tea or fragrant compote. So friends, feel free to gather for a picnic with such unforgettable snacks.

The preparation time for the roll with crab sticks will be 30 minutes. The number of servings is 6 pieces.


  • thin pita bread - 1 piece;
  • crab sticks - 200 grams;
  • homemade chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • feathers green fresh onion- 1 bunch;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 75 grams.

Recipe for pita roll with crab sticks without cheese:

To prepare a snack, we need thin pita bread, crab sticks, chicken eggs, green onion feathers, dill sprigs and mayonnaise.

Dip eggs in water and boil until boiling. When the water boils, cook for another five minutes. After cooling in cold water, peel off the shell. Grate the eggs on a fine or coarse grater to save your time.

Defrost crab sticks in advance, remove the film, cut into strips.

Rinse green onion feathers warm water then chop finely.

Dill also wash, chop very finely. You can use parsley or cilantro instead of dill.

Unroll pita bread on the table, grease with mayonnaise in the form of a mesh. Try to choose softer pita bread, and so that there are no cracks in it, otherwise the whole filling will fall out.

Spread the first layer of crab sticks throughout the pita bread.

In the second layer, put the eggs on top of the pita bread.

The next layer, put finely chopped fresh green onions on top.

Sprinkle everything with dill.

Lavash stuffed with crab sticks roll up neatly, but at the same time tightly in the form of a roll.

Wrap the roll in cling film in the form of a wrapper and send it to the freezer for half an hour, or in the refrigerator for an hour. This is necessary so that, before serving, the roll is thoroughly soaked and cut better.

Cut the finished roll into slices of the same width, put it beautifully on a dish.

- after all, it is with them that you start serving dishes, which means that they are the first to cook about you as a hostess. That is why I try not to bypass them with my attention, to cook something new and interesting every time. Lavash rolls help me a lot in this - after all, changing the filling for them, you can get a completely different dish each time.

A very good option is a pita roll stuffed with crab sticks and cheese. Such an appetizer looks appetizing, and its taste is excellent - gentle, unobtrusive. Juiciness to such crab roll from lavash give lettuce leaves and the cheese makes it satisfying.

Another advantage of pita bread with crab sticks is that it is prepared quite simply and quickly, it does not require any expensive or hard-to-find ingredients. So I recommend that you take this recipe into service. And how to cook a pita roll with crab sticks and cheese, I will tell you now with pleasure.


  • 1 thin pita bread;
  • 100 gr crab sticks;
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • 2 tbsp sour cream;
  • 50-70 gr of hard cheese;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-4 lettuce leaves;

How to cook pita roll with crab sticks and cheese:

We will need a thin pita bread, which is also called Armenian - it is with it that rolls are made. Sheet size - approximately - 20x40 cm.

We combine sour cream, mayonnaise, hard cheese, grated. And garlic, passed through the press.

Mix and grease the pita leaf with the resulting mass.

Our next ingredient is crab sticks. They need to be cut or small cubes or thin sticks.

We spread the chopped crab sticks on pita bread with cheese spread, and on top - washed and dried lettuce leaves.

The filling is laid in thin pita bread, now we need to twist it into a roll. Take your time, do it carefully: it is very important that the roll is tight - so the filling will not fall out of it, and it will be well saturated and will not fall apart when cut. We pack the lavash roll in cling film or foil and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Well, after that, you can already cut the roll into small rolls. Their thickness can be different - someone makes it minimal (about 1 cm), and someone - quite large (up to 4 cm). I prefer the golden mean - 2-3 cm.

Now you can put pita bread snack rolls with crab sticks on a dish and serve.

Such a pita roll must certainly be allowed to soak, as I said, for 1-2 hours. But if you want, you can keep it in the refrigerator for more long time. For example, I cook them in the morning so that in the evening I can treat my relatives or friends with delicious and beautiful rolls stuffed with crab sticks and cheese.