Minced meat for cutlets recipes. Recipe for homemade minced chicken cutlets with mushrooms

They take their history from Europe. Initially, a cutlet was a piece of meat on a bone, for which it was convenient to hold it. For the preparation of cutlets, they took the part of the carcass that was closer to the ribs, but if it was a bird, then the femoral part was best suited for this.

In Russia, cutlets began to be cooked at the moment of the closest rapprochement with European culture, namely in the time of Peter. Over time, the recipe has changed, its evolution coincided with the spread of cutlery. Cookbooks 19th century offer recipes for cutlets from minced meat, that is, exactly the cooking recipe to which we are most accustomed.

In modern Russian cooking, a cutlet is a piece of fried meat. The raw material for the preparation of minced meat can be not only meat, but also fish, seafood, vegetables and mushrooms.

For meat cutlets you can use a variety of combinations of meat varieties: and, each housewife chooses the proportions based on her own experience. You can also refer to additional ingredients in the preparation of cutlets, someone adds, someone puts, and some prefer just fried chopped meat, the taste of which is not changed by any additives.

Often go to diet menus. But in order for the cutlet to really be diet dish, it does not need to be fried. You can cook the cutlets in a steam or in the oven and try to use as little pork or bacon as possible. Diet cutlets, as a rule, are made from minced chicken or fish, as the most useful, low-calorie and easily digestible products.

Of course, it is best to cook minced meat for making cutlets on your own, but given the constant lack of time, you can also buy ready-made minced meat in the store if you are sure of its quality. For the preparation of juicy cutlets, it is best to use a mixture of ground beef and pork.


  • - 500 gr.
  • - 1 PC.
  • - 2 pcs.
  • - 1/3 loaf
  • - taste
  • - taste
  • - for frying

Soak the bread in water or milk, separate it from the crust and mix the pulp with minced meat. Add eggs, finely chopped onion and spices there. Mix everything thoroughly, the better the minced meat is kneaded, the more airy the cutlets will be.

Heat oil in a frying pan, form cutlets from minced meat and fry them on both sides until cooked.

Any products can serve as a side dish for cutlets.


  • - 350 gr.
  • - 1 PC.
  • - 1 piece.
  • - 1 PC.
  • - taste
  • - taste
  • - for frying

Pour boiling water over the tomato and remove the skin from it. Chop the onion in a blender.

Add minced meat, bread, tomato to the blender and mix everything. Add salt and pepper.

After that, mix the minced meat well with your hands, as the cutlets turn out to be more juicy.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, form small cutlets and fry them on both sides until cooked. Decorate the dish fresh tomato and greenery.

This recipe works best with white fish.


Fish fillet - 700 gr.

  • - 2 pcs.
  • - 2 pcs.
  • - 150 gr.
  • - 2 pieces
  • - 2 pcs.
  • - 2 cloves
  • - 1 PC.
  • - taste
  • - taste
  • - for frying

Cut the onion into half rings and fry a little.

Grate the zucchini and put it on a sieve to drain excess liquid.

Soak bread in water or milk.

Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder, scroll the onion, zucchini and bread together with the fish. Add eggs, salt and pepper. Thoroughly knead the minced meat and leave it for an hour in the refrigerator so that it ripens.

While the stuffing is infused, bake in the oven bell pepper. After it is ready, peel it from the skin and seeds and grind it.

Squeeze the lemon juice, mix it with pepper, add salt and pepper to the mixture.

Get the minced meat, form flat cakes out of it, put pepper on each of which and form a cutlet so that it is completely closed.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets on both sides until cooked.


  • - 200 gr.
  • - 150 gr.
  • - 1/2 pc.
  • - 1 PC.

Minced meat cutlets are a fairly popular meat dish, it is in Russia that a hot appetizer is served on the table for dinner, but it is not at all necessary to use cutlets only for simple meals. family dinner because the appetizer is perfect for festive feast. The secret of this hot and hearty meal very simple, just knead the minced meat correctly, and then fry the finished cutlets in a pan in hot oil. How to cook minced meat cutlets can be found on our website, because there are a lot of useful and delicious recipes minced meat, each of them has its own differences, you just need to choose the right one.

Of course, minced meat can be purchased ready-made, but most often they do not sell in stores. cutlet mass, namely the usual chopped meat, some additional ingredients are added to such a blank. Most often, the recipe indicates raw chicken eggs, pieces wheat bread, some water, salt and suitable spices, you should also take black pepper, one onion and a raw potato. Ideally tasty and juicy cutlets come out of mixed minced meat, it is better to pick up pork and Ground beef, but this is not at all necessary, you can cook minced meat for cutlets from one type of meat. Additional Ingredients are added in accordance with the selected minced meat.

Many housewives do not know at all what is needed for cooking cutlets, in fact, it is enough just to choose the right minced meat, it can be made from beef, pork, turkey or chicken. Some types of meat are coarser and drier, then some products must be added to them, for example, the day before yesterday's bread is used, which is soaked in milk. But that's not all, softer and juicier meat is obtained if meat preparation add potatoes, fresh zucchini or cabbage, these products are added only in crushed form. Some housewives recommend using in addition to vegetables in minced meat products such as cheese or fresh tomatoes.

Most cooks prefer to add to minced meat fresh onion, but still, not everyone loves the smell of this vegetable, for this reason there are such housewives who try to do without onions as part of minced meat for cutlets. If you grind the product correctly, for example, scroll through a meat grinder, then the smell and taste of the product will not be noticeable. Well, if the cutlets are made from turkey or chicken, then it would be better to add a little to the meat butter, it makes minced meat more tender and juicy. Minced meat cutlets are very tasty, but only if the proportions of the ingredients are observed, for this reason this article presents best options creating delicious and juicy minced meat.

When the minced meat is completely ready, cutlets are made from it. different shapes and size, you can put a little cheese or fried mushrooms inside, in this case the cutlets are obtained with filling. Someone fries the products immediately after formation, while others, before frying, roll cutlets with crushed breadcrumbs or wheat flour, this makes it possible to obtain a beautiful and even crust. In addition, cutlets can not only be fried in oil, but also baked in the oven, there is no need to add a lot of oil, just grease the baking sheet with oil. Cutlets are served with any side dish, but on festive table most often served fried meat cutlets With mashed potatoes. In general meat snack can be served hot boiled rice, buckwheat porridge, fried potatoes or boiled pasta. Cutlets will go well with various sauces or fresh sour cream and herbs.


Turkey cutlets in a frying pan

Ingredients: minced turkey, white bread, onion, milk, butter, breadcrumbs, herbs, vegetable oil, salt, pepper

In a pan, you can cook very delicious meatballs from turkey. The dish turns out very tasty, satisfying and juicy.


- minced turkey - 300 grams,
- white bread - 50 grams,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- milk - 100 grams,
- butter - 1 tbsp,
- breadcrumbs,
- greenery,
- vegetable oil,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Cutlets "School"

Ingredients: chopped meat, Rye bread, onion, salt, sunflower oil

School cutlets are known to many. Today I will tell you how to cook such cutlets at home. The recipe is simple, the taste of cutlets has already been appreciated by all my family members.


- minced meat - 600 grams,
- rye bread - 360 grams,
- onion- 1 PC.,
- salt - half a teaspoon,
- sunflower oil.


Juicy and tasty beef cutlets

Ingredients: minced meat, onion, bread, egg, tomato paste, boiling water, spice, salt, cracker

Beef cutlets can also be juicy and tender. the most important thing is to prepare them correctly. And this is exactly what our detailed recipe. It describes in detail everything that needs to be done.
- 500 gr of minced meat;
- 1 onion;
- 2 slices of bread;
- 1 egg;
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste;
- 300 ml of boiling water;
- spices to taste;
- salt to taste;
- 200 gr breadcrumbs.


Keftedes - Greek cutlets

Ingredients: minced meat, potatoes, egg, greens, onion, garlic, breadcrumbs, mint, salt, pepper, cinnamon, oil

Do you know what keftedes is? These are Greek cutlets, meat, but with the addition of vegetables. They come out delicious, so both adults and children like them. Try and cook them - you will be satisfied!
- 300 gr minced pork;
- 150 grams of potatoes;
- 1 egg;
- greens to taste;
- 1 onion;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs;
- mint to taste;
- salt to taste;
- cinnamon to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- 350 ml of vegetable oil.


Juicy beef cutlets

Ingredients: minced meat, onion, garlic, loaf, milk, salt, pepper, butter, cracker, egg

I described for you today real recipe from professionals of delicious beef cutlets. Cutlets are juicy and very tasty.


- 400 grams of ground beef,
- 3 onions,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 2 slices of banana
- 80 ml. milk,
- salt,
- pepper,
- vegetable oil,
- 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs,
- 1 egg.


Buckwheat cutlets with minced meat

Ingredients: minced meat, buckwheat, dried meat, onion, egg, flour, oil, salt, pepper, paprika

These are very tasty buckwheat cutlets with minced meat and bacon. The recipe is simple. I have described it in detail for you. You will not have any problems with cooking.


- 200 grams of minced meat,
- 200 grams of buckwheat,
- 50 grams of dried meat or bacon,
- 2 onions,
- 1 egg,
- 3 tablespoons flour,
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil,
- salt,
- black ground pepper,
- paprika.


Potato cutlets with minced meat

Ingredients: beef, onion, potato, egg, bread, pepper, salt, dill, paprika, flour, butter

These minced beef and potato patties are delicious. The recipe is simple. You can cook these cutlets in just half an hour.


- 500 grams of beef,
- 1 onion,
- 2 potatoes,
- 1 egg,
- 2-3 slices of bread,
- black pepper,
- red pepper,
- salt,
- dried dill,
- paprika,
- flour,
- 100 ml. vegetable oil.


Cutlets in the oven with tomatoes and cheese

Ingredients: minced pork, tomato, cheese, sour cream, salt, seasoning, onion, egg, oil

I suggest you cook delicious meatballs with tomato and hard cheese in the oven. The recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- 300 grams of minced pork,
- 1 tomato,
- 60 grams of hard cheese,
- 2 tablespoons sour cream
- salt,
- spices,
- 2.5 onions,
- 1 egg,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil.


Cutlets in the oven with potatoes

Ingredients: meat, lard, salt, ground pepper, potatoes, bread, onions

Potato cutlets are a classic combination. Did you know that you can cook them together while baking them in the oven? How exactly to do this, you will learn from our recipe.
- meat - 250 gr;
- fat - 50 gr;
- salt to taste;
- ground pepper to taste;
- potatoes - 500 gr;
- bread - 1 slice;
- onion - 0.5 pcs.


Juicy minced beef patties

Ingredients: veal, egg, onion, ground paprika, thyme, ground black pepper, salt, garlic, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, canned tomatoes, sour cream

Don't know what to feed your family today? And you will buy a small piece of veal and cook according to our recipe very tasty and hearty meatballs in sauce.

For the recipe you will need:

- 300 gr of meat;
- one egg;
- head of onion;
- 1/2 teaspoon ground paprika;
- 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- salt - to taste;
- two cloves of garlic;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of breadcrumbs;
- 20 ml of vegetable oil;
- 300 gr of canned tomatoes;
- half a glass of low-fat sour cream.


Delicious elk cutlets

Ingredients: moose meat, bread, onion, milk, salt, egg, cracker, spice, tomato paste, butter

For lovers unusual dishes I suggest you cook unusual very tasty elk cutlets. Delight your loved ones with an unusual dish.


- 1 kg. moose,
- 3 slices white bread,
- 1 onion,
- 200 ml. milk,
- salt,
- 1 egg,
- 150 grams of breadcrumbs,
- spices,
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste,
- vegetable oil.


Juicy meatballs in the oven

Ingredients: meat fillet, loaf, onion, garlic, bell pepper, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

One of the many options for cooking meatballs. Minced meat is prepared with a secret that you will learn about by reading this recipe. We advise you to pay attention to it.


- meat fillet - 1 kg,
- onion - 2 pcs.,
- garlic - 3 cloves,
- bell pepper - 3 pcs.,
- vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon,
- loaf - third,
- pepper to taste
- salt to taste.


Minced meat patties with potatoes

Ingredients: minced meat, potatoes, onion, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil

To quickly prepare a hot dish for dinner, you can use this recipe with a photo and make delicious homemade cutlets. They turn out juicy and lush, and what is the secret - you will learn from the proposed recipe.

- minced meat - 400 g,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- breadcrumbs,
- potatoes - 1 pc.,
- salt to taste,
- ground black pepper to taste
- vegetable oil for frying.


Juicy minced meat patties

Ingredients: beef, veal, pork, potatoes, onion, white loaf, mustard, garlic, egg, salt, basil, black pepper, vegetable oil

We cook minced meat cutlets, which we called economical for a reason. You can see for yourself by reading our recipe. Products for their preparation will always be in your refrigerator, and in the end you will have wonderful dish For dinner.

- lean meat (beef, pork, veal) - 400 grams,
- white loaf - 3 slices,
- potatoes - 2 large tubers,
- garlic - 3 cloves,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- ready mustard - 1 teaspoon,
- egg- 1 PC.,
- vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons,
- basil - half a teaspoon,
- black pepper - half a teaspoon,
- salt to taste.


Homemade meatballs

Ingredients: pork, beef, lard, breadcrumbs, milk, onion, paprika, curry, butter, salt

Do you know that cutlets can not only be fried on the stove, but also baked in the oven? It is much easier and more convenient than on the stove. Such cutlets are juicy and tender, especially if they are made from homemade minced meat, as in our today's recipe.


- 500 gr of pork;
- 250 gr of beef;
- 80 grams of lard;
- 100 gr ground crackers;
- 200 ml of milk;
- 80 gr onion;
- 5 grams of ground smoked paprika;
- 4 grams of curry powder for meat;
- butter;
- vegetable oil;
- salt.

  1. To make cutlets juicy
    Do you know why Soviet canteen cutlets were disgustingly tasteless? Because they put too much bread and crackers in them, and they saved on meat and took it from the hard parts of the carcass. If you want to receive delicious meatballs, do not buy ready-made minced meat of dubious origin. dear beef tenderloin you can not purchase, but the back, neck, shoulder blade, brisket and some parts of the hind leg are ideal.

    Before as put the fillet in the meat grinder, do not forget to clean it thoroughly - remove the films, remove cartilage, bones and veins. In addition to beef, chefs recommend using fatty pork - it is she who will give cutlets juiciness and tenderness.

    Standard proportion: for 1 kg of beef - 1/2 kg of pork or for 1 kg of beef - 250 g of fat. However, cutlets can also be made from lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, game. Choose any degree of grinding, however, experts advise not to overdo it and limit yourself to a single scroll in a meat grinder with a medium-sized grate.

  2. Should I add an egg?
    Of course it is. The main thing is not to overdo it with eggs and use no more than 2-3 pieces per 1 kg of meat, otherwise the cutlets will turn out tough. Onions for the same amount will require about 200 g, preferably pre-sauteed and chilled, since raw may not have time to fry and will give the cutlets a harsh taste. If you like fresh onion, chop it at the same time as minced meat in a meat grinder.

  3. Bread is the most important ingredient
    Do not think that bread appeared in the recipe out of a desire to save money. Without the crumb, you get a kebab kebab, not a juicy meatball. Exactly soaked bread Helps make the meatballs softer and more tender.

    Naturally, it is important to keep correct proportion. It looks like this: for 1 kg of meat - 250 g of white bread and 300-400 g of milk or water (if you do chicken cutlets, bread and eggs will need less).

    Use yesterday's or slightly dried loaf. Remove all crusts from it, cut into pieces and soak in cold milk or water. As soon as the crumb swells, carefully knead it with your hands and mix with the rest of the minced meat. Part of the bread can be replaced with grated potatoes, pumpkin or other vegetables.

    The resulting minced meat is also good to decorate with spices (paprika, black pepper, coriander, chili) and chopped herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, mint). Do not forget to salt the future dish, but in no case try it raw (tasting minced meat is the most common cause of poisoning among housewives).

  4. Correct breading
    It is advisable to cover the bowl with prepared minced meat with a film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the bread absorbs the meat juices. Then again carefully knead the mass, beating it with your hands and saturating it with air. At the very end, some chefs advise adding a handful crushed ice for the juiciness of the dish. Then wet your hands with cold water and start sculpt cutlets.

    If desired, you can cover them with breading - under the golden crust, the minced meat will remain more juicy. Most experts do not trust store-bought breadcrumbs and recommend making them yourself - for this you just need to chop white bread in a blender. Then roll cutlets in the resulting crumbs and send them to the pan. As a breading, you can also use sesame seeds, small bread straws, flour and ice cream.

    The last one is 3 eggs lightly beaten with salt and 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of milk or water. Cutlets are first rolled in flour, then in lezon and only then covered with breadcrumbs.

  5. Frying Features
    AT frying cutlets there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to put them on a hot frying pan with hot butter (preferably melted butter) so that the minced meat “grabs”, a crust forms and the dish does not fall into pieces later.

    In addition, keep a distance between the cakes: if you place a mountain of cutlets on one dish, they will quickly release the juice and begin to stew, not fry.

    As soon as it appears golden crust, you can reduce the heat and cook under the lid. It is better not to torment the cutlets by frequent turning over (it is advisable to do this a couple of times), but do not go far from the pan, otherwise instead of juicy meat dish you get coals. However, you can refuse to fry and stew the cakes or steam them.

Minced meat patties are a very popular everyday dish. Homemade cutlets are much tastier, juicier and healthier than those made from semi-finished products.

You can cook cutlets from any minced meat - beef, pork, chicken, lamb or from a mixture of several minced meats. Each of them is good and tasty in its own way. But the most popular cutlets are ground beef or a mixture of beef and pork. Of course, you can buy minced meat in the store, but it is better to cook it yourself.

In principle, all recipes for minced meat cutlets are very similar. According to your taste, you can add greens, potatoes, mushrooms, vegetables, cheese and other ingredients to them. We are offering to you classic recipe minced meat patty, on the basis of which you can experiment indefinitely.

Ingredients: 500 g meat, 2 onions, 1 egg, 3 slices of bread, 150 ml milk, salt, pepper, flour or breadcrumbs.

How to cook meatballs

  1. Cut the meat into pieces and pass it through a meat grinder. Onion can also be twisted through a meat grinder, but it is better to grate it or grind it in a blender to a puree consistency, then the cutlets will be very juicy.
  2. Break the bread into pieces and soak in milk. Then mix the minced meat with onions, soaked bread, add the egg, pepper, salt and mix everything well.
  3. Form cutlets from the minced meat, giving them a round flat shape. Roll them in flour or breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in a pan with vegetable oil. If you have a non-stick frying pan, the patties can be omitted.

secrets perfect cutlets:

  • It is best to scroll the meat for minced meat through a meat grinder 1-3 times, or finely chop the minced meat with a knife. With manual processing, more internal juices will remain in the meat fibers.
  • Thanks to bread, cutlets become more tender and fluffy, as it absorbs meat juice. It is best to use slightly stale bread without crusts. From fresh bread patties may become too sticky. Bread can be both rye and wheat - it's a matter of taste.
  • Adding eggs is not necessary at all, they make the patties tougher.
  • To make minced meat patties more piquant, you can add garlic and other spices to them - suneli hops, cinnamon, coriander, mustard.
  • Lovers of juicy cutlets can add lard or beef fat. But so that they do not lose their splendor, you should add a little butter.
  • To make cutlets more interesting, you can add potatoes, beets, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, greens, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or kefir to them.
  • To make the cutlets better fried, after turning on the 2nd side, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Cutlets are ready if transparent juice flows out when pressed, and in the context they are gray in color.

Minced meat cutlets - photo

Minced meat cutlets in a pan are perhaps the most desired dish both on weekdays and on holidays. Every housewife, no doubt, knows how to cook minced meat patties in a pan so that they turn out juicy, fluffy, and most importantly, delicious. There is simply no price for the owners of the secrets of cooking such cutlets, because minced meat cutlets in a pan are an irreplaceable hit for all time and a lifesaver that adorns any table.

To cook minced meat patties in a pan, you need a minimum of ingredients. The main thing is to have any minced meat at hand: pork, beef, chicken, fish or assorted, for example, pork + beef (whoever loves it) - fresh, high-quality and preferably homemade. You can also cook cutlets from minced meat bought in a store, only treat its choice with special care.

To add extra juiciness to minced meat, some housewives add to it finely chopped or grated onion, soaked white bread, others potatoes grated on a fine grater, chopped cabbage and other helper ingredients that can give the cutlets that very zest that makes them unique. original. There are many options for supplements. So, cutlets will turn out very juicy if you put a piece of frozen butter inside each, and add chopped greens to it. Greens can also be added simply to minced meat.

A few words about breading. Some of the housewives are of the opinion that minced meat cutlets in a pan must certainly be breaded, others do without this procedure. Moreover, both those and other cutlets are wonderful.

You also need to fry minced meat cutlets in a pan correctly: pour vegetable oil into the pan and spread it over the entire surface, heat it up, reduce the heat to medium, and only then lay out the cutlets. Grill for approximately 10 minutes on each side until golden brown, and then add a little water to the pan and simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes until cooked.

Do you want to surprise your family with delicious meatballs? Come visit us and choose the recipe you like.

Mixed minced meat patties in a frying pan

500 g minced pork,
500 g minced beef,
1 onion
1 egg
150-200 g long loaf or white bread,
2-3 garlic cloves,
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
vegetable oil,

Use a long loaf or bread for cooking not the freshest, but slightly stale, so that the cutlets do not turn out to be lush and not too sticky. Pour the bread pulp with milk and leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze. Add finely chopped or grated onion and minced garlic, bread mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste and mix thoroughly. In order for the minced meat to become dense and at the same time juicy, many chefs advise to beat it well. You can simply lift the mass of minced meat and slam it against a table or plate with a noticeable effort, or you can put the minced meat in a bag, tie it up, leaving enough space and removing air, and clap this structure already. In any case, your meatballs will only benefit from such a massage. Next, form cutlets from minced meat, roll each in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with heated vegetable oil from 2 sides until golden brown. Then pour quite a bit of water into the pan, cover it with a lid and let the cutlets stew for another 10 minutes.

Another tip that may come in handy when you cook minced meat patties in a pan. Add some dried herbs, after grinding them into powder in breadcrumbs. fried in this mixture ready cutlets will be very fragrant.

Homemade minced pork cutlets

600-700 g minced pork,
2 bulbs
3-4 garlic cloves,
1 egg
1-1.5 stack. milk,
2 slices of a loaf (150-200 g),
vegetable oil,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Soak the pulp of a long loaf or white bread in warm milk and leave for 15 minutes. In the meantime, chop the onion and add it to the minced meat, knead the mass well with your hands and, adding the squeezed pulp of the loaf, mix the minced meat well again. Add to meat mass minced garlic, egg, salt and pepper to taste. Stir the minced meat until smooth and proceed to the formation of cutlets. It is much easier to do this with wet hands. Roll the resulting cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry them over medium heat in a pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. When the patties are browned on one side, turn them over and cover the pan with a lid. After removing the lid, check the readiness of the cutlets as follows. Pierce the cutlet with a fork - if the juice that appears is clear, add heat and cook the cutlets for another 2-3 minutes on each side. Cutlets browned - so the dish is ready.

Delicious ground beef cutlets

600-700 g ground beef,
2 potatoes
1 egg
1 onion
dill greens, salt, ground black pepper - to taste,
flour for breading.

Usually ground beef is passed through a meat grinder twice. To make the meatballs more tender. If you use purchased minced meat, do not be lazy, pass it through the meat grinder one more time along with the peeled raw potatoes. Or after that, add grated potatoes to the minced meat. In short, do as you please. Salt the minced meat, pepper, add chopped dill, finely chopped onion and mix well. Form cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in a preheated pan with vegetable oil on both sides until a beautiful appetizing crust. Add some water to the pan, cover with a lid and simmer the cutlets for 10 minutes. For flavor, you can add black peppercorns or bay leaf to the water.

Cutlets from minced chicken in a frying pan

900 minced chicken,
3 processed cheese "Friendship",
1 egg
1 bunch of green onions
1 bunch parsley or dill
2 cloves of garlic
3 art. l. mayonnaise,
vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.

Grate processed cheese, chop the onion, garlic, herbs and add all these ingredients to the minced chicken. Stir, beat in the egg, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. Once again, mix everything well and form small cutlets from the resulting mass. Roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

According to statistics, there are much fewer lovers of fish cutlets than those who prefer meat cutlets. However, the following recipe can make you reconsider your views on fish cakes even the most desperate non-lovers of them.

Minced fish cutlets in a frying pan

500 g minced fish,
200 g pumpkin pulp,
1 egg
3 art. l. flour,
1-2 cloves of garlic (optional)
salt, pepper - to taste,
vegetable oil.

Connect with minced fish grated pumpkin on a fine grater, add a beaten egg with a fork, garlic passed through a press and mix. After that, add flour to the minced meat, knead it, salt and pepper to taste. Form cutlets with wet hands and fry them in a pan with heated vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Minced meat cutlets in a pan are a minimum of time and a maximum of pleasure!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina