Is it possible to salt white trout. With salt and sugar

Red fish is a popular delicacy in many countries of the world. It is relevant both on holidays and in the daily diet. high nutritional value and benefits for the human body, makes red fish a desirable product. Various varieties red fish can be cooked different ways.

One of the most popular methods is salting. Salmon and trout are used for salting. The process of salting fish is very simple, so often this is how red fish is cooked at home. In addition, it is an inexpensive processing method that results in a product that can be stored for some time in the refrigerator and served in many ways. There are also many recipes for salting salmon, and they are all simple to perform.


Method one: Classic

The basic way to salt salmon and/or trout is the easiest. Its meaning is that the fish must first be properly processed, then prepare the pickling mixture and soak the fish with it. Next, the salted fish is folded into a container, covered and put in the refrigerator. A few days later, a red fish appetizer is ready.

Recipe. Simple salting trout (salmon)

This recipe will allow you to salt the fish with the help of the most simple products and to get delicious product, which can be used both independently and as an ingredient for salads and appetizers, as well as some first courses.


  • 1 kg trout or salmon
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 5 - 6 allspice peas
  • 2 bay leaves

Cooking method:

  1. Cut up the fish. To do this, you first need to wash it, use kitchen scissors to cut off the fins. Then, with a sharp knife, peel off the scales, cut off the head and tail. Next, remove the underbelly (this is the fatty part of the carcass, which is salted separately or used to prepare fish soup). After that, cut the fish along the ridge, remove the spine and ribs. Got two fish fillets.
  2. Prepare pickling mixture. To do this, mix salt and sugar.
  3. Salting. Put the fish fillet on the board, blot with a napkin. Pour the pickling mixture on the bottom of the bowl, then, skin down, lay out one fish fillet. Arrange peppercorns on top and Bay leaf. Then put the second piece of fillet, previously sprinkled with the pickling mixture, with the skin up. Top the fish fillet with the mixture.
  4. Cover the fish and place a load on top (for example, a filled three-liter jar), leave at room temperature for 2 hours.
  5. After the specified time, remove the oppression, close the fish tightly with a lid and put in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  6. After 2 days, take out the fish, drain the brine, remove excess pickling mixture, wipe the fillet with a napkin and serve.

Ready fish can be cut into cubes and added to a salad, or cut into thin slices and served as an appetizer.

Salted salmon and trout are combined with almost all vegetables. Also good with bread.

Helpful Hints:

  • Tip 1. There is an opinion that the fish will absorb as much salt as it needs, so salt can not be spared. At the same time, a lot depends on the fish itself, so it’s better to focus on your taste preferences.
  • Tip 2. You need to salt the fish in an enameled or plastic container. A metal container is not suitable, because in the process of salting, the fish can acquire a taste of metal.
  • Tip 3. If you don’t feel like messing with cutting fish, you can buy ready-made fillets. At the same time, pay attention to its weight and quality of cutting.

Method two: Quick

This method of salting salmon and / or trout is good because it takes a day to get delicious snack. It is based on classic way, but has its own cooking characteristics that reveal recipes.

Recipe 1. Daily salting of trout (salmon)

For this recipe delicious fish it takes just a day to prepare. Therefore, it is great when there is little time for cooking. Moreover, salted red fish will decorate any table and is always in demand.


  • 1 kg trout or salmon
  • 2 tbsp. l. rock salt
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • Lemon juice, spices and spices to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fish carcass, cut it as described in the previous recipe and wipe it dry with a napkin.
  2. Cut the fish into portioned pieces and grate with a pre-prepared pickling mixture of salt, sugar and spices. Then sprinkle with lemon juice on both sides and place in a non-metallic deep bowl.
  3. Cover the bowl and put oppression on top, put in the refrigerator.
  4. After a day, get the fish and serve it on the table.

Such trout or salmon can be served as an appetizer or as an ingredient in salads, sandwiches and first courses. Also, fish can be used as a filling for pies and rolls.

Recipe 2. 10-hour salting of trout (salmon)

When there is very little time, but you need something tasty, healthy and nutritious, for example, like salted trout or salmon. Cooking fish according to this recipe is the best solution.


  • 1 kg of fish
  • 3 tsp salt
  • 100 g refined sunflower oil

Cooking method:

  1. Treat trout or salmon and wipe dry with a napkin. Cut the fillet crosswise into small cubes of 0.5 cm.
  2. Pour salt into non-metallic dishes and put the fish. Mix thoroughly so that each piece of fish is saturated with salt.
  3. Pour oil over fish with salt and mix again, refrigerate.
  4. After 10 hours, the fish is ready to eat.

Delicious fish can be stored for several days in the refrigerator and served in many ways.

  • Tip 1. Add various spices and spices to get fish with different tastes, every time you salt a new portion of delicious fish.
  • Tip 2. To make it easier to remove the scales from the fish, pre-soak it for a few minutes in hot water.

Method three: Scandinavian

In the countries of Scandinavia and other northern states, red fish is one of the main products. Therefore, there it is prepared especially tasty, taking into account all the nuances.

This method is very simple, and therefore you can salt trout or salmon according to the recipes of Scandinavian cuisine in your own kitchen.

Recipe 1. Salting red fish in Finnish

Whether it's salmon or trout, salted according to this recipe, it turns out moderately salty and tender. It is delicious as an appetizer and as an ingredient in many dishes.


  • 500 g trout (salmon)
  • 100 g fresh dill
  • 3 art. l. coarse salt
  • 3 art. l. Sahara

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fish, dry it, cut along the spine and remove the bones. Leave the skin.
  2. Mix salt and sugar and rub the fish fillet with this mixture on all sides.
  3. Wash and dry the dill. Put 1/3 of the total mass of dill on a plate with sprigs. Place half of the fish skin side down on top of the dill, then a layer of dill and another fish fillet.
  4. Ready "gathering" cover and put the load on top. Leave for eight hours at room temperature. Then refrigerate for two days.

After two days, take out the fish, remove excess mixture and dill, cut into pieces and serve as a snack.

Recipe 2. Salted salmon in 2 hours

Scandinavian cuisine also has express recipes for salted fish. The main feature of the recipe is speed, while the result is “you will lick your fingers”.


Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fish, remove the bones and cut into small portions.
  2. Prepare the brine: bring water to a boil and add sugar and salt to it. Cool down.
  3. Put the fish in a non-metallic container and pour over the chilled brine. Cover and leave at room temperature.

After 2 hours, you can serve the finished snack, decorating it with herbs.

Useful advice: For the pickling mixture, use coarse salt. Because salt of the “extra” type will absorb all the juice and the fish can turn out to be dry and even salted. Coarse salt allows the fish to salt out in own juice. The result is a tender light-salted fish.

Method four: With honey

This method gets its name from the ingredient used in the brining process. But, despite the presence of honey, the fish turns out to be lightly salted and does not work at all. In addition, the pulp of the product after such salting is particularly tender.

Salting trout or salmon in this way is very simple and inexpensive.

Recipe. Salted trout with honey

A feature of this recipe is that instead of sugar, honey is used for salting. Thanks to this, the fish acquires a rich taste. In addition, only skinless fillets are used for salting.


  • 1 kg. Trout fillet (salmon) without skin and bones
  • 1 st. l. honey
  • 3 art. l. salt

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fish fillet in cool water and dry thoroughly with a towel.
  2. Mix honey with salt and cover the fish fillet with this mass, carefully rubbing into the pulp.
  3. Roll the fillet, smeared with the mixture, into a roll and place in a glass container. Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for a day.
  4. After a day, pull the fish out of the refrigerator, turn the roll over in containers, putting it on the other side in the resulting brine. Put it back in the fridge for a day. Repeat this for three days.
  5. On the fourth day, take the fish out of the refrigerator, drain the brine and the fish is ready to serve.

Such a fish can be cut into rolls and served as an appetizer. And you can expand it into a layer and cut into slices.

Useful advice: Since honey becomes liquid when mixed with salt, this product can be used in any consistency. And by adding honey of different types and varieties, you can influence the taste, finding your own "classic".

Method five: With vodka

This method belongs to a number of fast, and very simple. The amount of pickling ingredients is not large. As a result of short manipulations, a delicate fish with a balanced taste is obtained.

Recipe. Salted trout on vodka

This recipe will come in handy for anyone who needs to quickly prepare a tasty and nutritious snack.


  • 500 g finished fillet trout or salmon
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • Several sprigs of dill
  • 30 - 50 g of vodka

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the finished fish fillet and dry with a towel.
  2. Spread a pinch of salt on the inside of the fillet.
  3. Sprinkle sugar on top, then cover the fillet with dill sprigs and sprinkle with vodka.
  4. Put the fish in a container, cover with a plate and leave in the room.

If you salt the fish according to this recipe in the morning, then after dinner you can treat yourself to it.

Useful advice: To work the fish with one pinch of salt and sugar evenly, you just need to sprinkle the flesh of the fish, and only then rub the mixture into the fillet. You should not increase the portion of salt and sugar in this recipe, as the fish may not turn out tasty.

Method six: Salting the bellies

Fish fillets and steaks are delicious and healthy food, with which no one will argue. That's just, not always and everyone can afford it. But there is an alternative - the abdomen. This is a very satisfying part that is often thrown away. In some stores, it is sold separately from steaks and fillets and is not at all expensive.

Instead of throwing away the fat bellies, you can pickle them and make a great snack.

Recipe. Salted belly of red fish

This recipe will help you prepare a delicious snack for beer. You can also add pieces of salted bellies to vegetable salads.


  • 400 g salmon belly
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • A mixture of peppers to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the belly thoroughly and soak in water for 20 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse again and remove scales.
  2. Prepare the mixture by mixing peppers, salt and sugar. Roll the belly in the resulting mixture and carefully lay it in layers, fold it tightly into a jar. Then pour a little water into the jar (1 - 2 tablespoons) and refrigerate.
  3. Salmon belly salted for 2 days in a closed jar.

The result is a ready-made snack that can replace sausage and similar products.

Helpful Hints:

  • Tip 1. Always choose only the freshest fish. AT this case abdomen. Indeed, despite the fact that the product is contained in salt and spices, heat treatment the fish still won't go through. Therefore, you should not risk your health by neglecting the release date.
  • Tip 2. Do not overexpose the fish for more than 2 - 3 days in the brine, which is formed during the salting process. After the specified time, it is necessary to drain the brine and move the fish to a jar, where it can be stored for a long time. Otherwise, the fish will not taste good.

Method seven: Salting steaks of salmon (trout)

Steaks can not only be processed hot (baked, fried), but also salted. This is done as simply as salting other parts of the fish. It turns out tasty, presentable and very original.

Recipe. Salted salmon steak

This recipe involves salting the fish using brine. The latter is very easy to make. And the whole salting process is calculated in minutes.


  • 2 large salmon steaks
  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 - 4 tbsp. l. salt without a slide
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • 1 st. l. vinegar
  • Spices to choose from and to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare brine. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and bring to a boil. Then, if desired, add selected spices, such as coriander, pepper, bay leaf and mix and pour in the vinegar. Remove from heat and let it brew, then strain it.
  2. Rinse salmon steaks, dry with a towel and place tightly in a container. Pour in chilled brine, cover and refrigerate for 2 days. Serve the finished fish independent dish, decorated with greenery.

Useful advice: If you like not very salty fish, you can take a sample the very next day.


Red fish is a special delicacy, the appearance of which is always welcome, in salted form it is even more in demand, because it is great snack to alcohol. It is not difficult to find a recipe for how to salt trout deliciously at home, but remember that fish requires a special approach to salting, so long as it does not salt in anything. In the article, we will reveal to you the secrets of salting red fish, and tell you how unusual it is to pickle it so that even gourmets will delight in taste.

How to cut trout for salting

Before proceeding with the salting of fish from the salmon family, it must be cut. This process is not difficult, but some effort will have to be made.

To prepare fish for salting - you need:

  • Wash the carcass, cut off the fins (with a medium-sized sharp knife or culinary scissors), clean. To better remove the scales - hold the carcass under running hot water;
  • Cut off the tail and head of the fish. You can also cut off the underbelly (due to excessive fat content, it is better to use it for cooking fish soup);
  • Cut the trout along the ridge, remove the spine and ribs from it. You should get 2 large fillets, which we will salt at home.

Salted trout: recipe with sugar and salt

Salting trout at home with salt and sugar is easy. The salting process takes no more than 1-2 days, the salting speed depends on the thickness of the fish fillet. The peculiarity of our preparation is that we salt fresh fish with the help of dry salting. This very simple method allows you to quickly salt it at home.

Ingredients for salting (per 1 kg)

  • Trout fillet - 1 kg;
  • Coarse salt (you can also use grinding salt No. 1) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Black peppercorns - 5-6 peas;
  • Spices - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.

How to salt trout with salt and sugar

  1. In a bowl with a deep bottom, pour a little salt and sugar (ratio - 3: 1), put a fresh piece of fish on top (necessarily with the skin down), sprinkle it again with the brine mixture.

If you salt more than 1 kg, then the amount of sweet-salty mixture will have to be increased. Remember that for 1 kg of fish, ideally, there are 4 tbsp. l. mixture, for 2 kg - 8 tbsp. l. etc.

  1. Sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice, cover it with bay leaves, sprinkle with spices.
  2. Next, put the second piece of fish (skin up), sprinkle it with a mixture of salt and sugar.
  3. We cover the trout with oppression, leave it warm for 2 hours. As oppression, you can use a two- or three-liter jar of water.
  4. After a couple of hours, we remove the oppression, cover the container with a lid / plate and put it in the refrigerator.

During salting, a brine is formed (salt and sugar will mix with the juice that the fish will release), we do not immediately drain it. Only when the trout is salted, drain the brine liquid, and wipe the fish with a paper towel, removing the remains of salting from it.

That's all - light-salted home-salted trout is ready to eat.

Secrets of salting trout at home

In order for the fish to be well salted, but at the same time not to lose its refined taste under the influence of salt, you need to follow some salting rules.

  1. For salting, take a fresh fish carcass (chilled), but not frozen, and even more so, not defrosted.
  2. It is believed that it is best suited for salting sea ​​fish(the most common species is rainbow trout). It has more fatty meat, richer color (dark red), more elastic texture and an unsurpassed "rich" taste.

River fish is inferior to sea fish in its main characteristics, yet it also has the right to be salted. The calorie content of river trout is low compared to sea trout (the calorie table is presented in the article below), this allows you to cook such fish for those who are on a diet or are struggling with being overweight.

  1. For salting, it is necessary to use enameled or plastic dishes, but in no case metal. Otherwise, the fish carcass may acquire a “metallic” taste.
  2. There is an opinion that fresh trout cannot be salted, because the fish itself knows how much salt to absorb. Like it or not, but try not to overdo it with salt. Proceed from the proportions indicated in the recipe - and then, the light-salted trout cooked by you will not disappoint with its taste.

Salted rainbow trout: 2 salting recipes

The recipe for salting trout in brine, as well as with sugar and salt, is far from the only ways delicious cooking red delicacy. There is still a mass, very unusual, ways of salting fresh fillets.

For example, trout in salt tastes great if you add lemon, vodka or cognac to it. Read more about these types of salting below.

Salted trout: recipe with vodka

Sprinkle the cut pieces of fish fillet with salt, crush with dry dill, add sugar and pour vodka. All products are taken in small quantities. Lay out the ingredients in the order in which they are listed. Then we cover the container with a lid, put oppression on it, for about 1-2 hours.

After a couple of hours, we put the dishes with fish pieces in the refrigerator (for 6 hours), after which the delicacy snack can be considered ready.

Salted trout: recipe with lemon

To cook lightly salted red fish with lemon, you will need ½ lemon, 500 g of trout, salt and ground black pepper.

Cut a large piece of fish fillet large pieces, put them in a plastic container, put on top, cut into thin slices, half a lemon, salt everything, pepper, cover with a lid.

Add salt to your liking, but don't overdo it.

We mix the products, tightly cover the container with a lid, put it in the refrigerator overnight. Everything - fragrant tender trout with lemon can be served at the table.

Recipe for trout in brine with cognac

Fish will get a very specific taste if you salt it in cognac. The fillet should lie in brine for 2-3 days, so it will not only be better salted, but also more saturated with the aroma of cognac and spices.


  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Trout - 250 g;
  • Sugar - ½ tsp;
  • Coriander - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp.

How to salt trout deliciously at home

  1. We dissolve the salt in the cognac, pour the brine into a plastic container.
  2. Rub the (uncut) fish piece with coriander and sugar.
  3. We transfer it to the brine.
  4. Within 2-3 days, the fish should be salted. At the same time, do not forget to turn it from time to time from one side to the other so that it is evenly salted.
  5. When the salting process is over, cut off the skin from the piece, and then pull out the bones from it. Cut the fillet into beautiful arbitrary pieces and serve it to the table.

Salted red fish in regular brine

For those who think salting in cognac is too extravagant, you can salt fish in ordinary brine.

To do this, for 1 kg of carcass you will need 1 liter of pure water and 350 g of salt.

After laying the trout in layers, fill it with chilled brine (so that the fish is completely under water), put it under oppression, and immediately place it in the refrigerator.

A day for salting in the cold is enough. If the fish is too lightly salted for you, the salting time can be increased. But try not to keep it in brine for more than a week. If you accidentally salt the fillet, just soak it in cold boiled water.

According to all the above recipes, you can salt other varieties of red fish from the salmon family, for example,. It is very often combined with trout in various dishes.

How to salt whole trout at home: features of salting

To salt a whole carcass - it does not need to be cut and cleaned of bones and skin. It is enough to place the fish tightly in a container for salting on a layer of salt (if the salting is dry) or place it in brine.

Before you cover the container with a lid, pour more salt into the head and gills.

1-3 days will be enough for the trout to be salted. Everything will depend on the size of the fish and your taste preferences.

What dishes to make on the basis of slightly salted trout

You can serve a slightly spicy delicacy not only as an appetizer for alcoholic beverages. Based on salted red fish, you can cook the following dishes:

  • rolls,
  • pies,
  • and much more.

Lightly salted home-salted trout: calorie table

For those who keep track of their kilograms, but at the same time, from time to time, enjoy dishes from trout cooked in all sorts of ways - we offer to get rid of complex calculations.

Take advantage finished table calorie content of fish cooked in different ways.

How to pickle trout (salmon) in a quick way using rum

Fragrant, slightly salted trout will be ready in 5 hours, and quick salting trout with rum will give you pleasant taste and great flavor.

Now you know how to salt trout deliciously at home. How much to salt and in what way - you decide, your taste determines everything. But no matter what you choose, efforts are doomed to success. After all, salting trout is a win-win option: the fish has great benefits, is hearty and very tasty.

cook gourmet delicacy to your feast - and let it reveal to the guests a new facet of your culinary talent.

Festive canapes with trout from the chef

Sandwiches are always an excellent choice for fast food delicious table, on a holiday it is worth working a little more. At the same time, you can not really move away from the sandwich essence of the buffet table.

Our chef offers to build unusual canapés with trout.

Enjoy your meal!

Delicious red fish - welcome guest on any table for a festive occasion and without. Beneficial features make it popular not only as a delicacy, but also as a source of essential substances for the body.

To have fish on hand, they resort to salting. This is easy to do at home, following the recommendations: how to salt trout.


  • Popular classic.
  • Accelerated soaking.
  • For those who love more tenderly.
  • Salted fish.
  • After freezing.
  • Kamchatka.
  • Spicy.
  • Salted caviar.

The choice of technique may depend on the plans: how much to salt the trout. There are ways that require a certain time, there are express options.

Popular Classic

To cook correctly, you should familiarize yourself with the recipe. Step by step description the classics are:

  1. Cutting the carcass into loin parts:
  • The trout is thoroughly washed.
  • Fin parts, head, tail are cut off.
  • The fish is freed from scales.
  • The part under the peritoneum is removed.
  • An incision is made in half, the bones of the spine and ribs are removed.

2. Mixing pickling components: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar with salt per 1 kg of trout.

3. Brining:

    • Excess moisture is removed from the fillet.
    • The bottom of the container is covered with a mixture of pickling components, on which one sirloin part is laid out with the skin to the bottom.
    • Peppercorns, bay leaf are placed on top. For 1 kg of raw materials - 6 peas, 2 sheets.
  • Next, the second sirloin is placed with the skin to the top, sprinkled on all sides with a mixture for salting

4. The container with trout is covered, oppression is set for a couple of hours to salt in the resulting juice.

5. After 120 minutes, the load is removed, the trout is hermetically sealed, sent to the refrigerator for 48 hours.

6. At the end of this period, you need to get the fish, drain the resulting brine from it, remove excess pickling components, wipe the fillet, and you're done.

Tip: for salting, it is better to choose containers made of plastic or enamel. Pure metal will not work, metal can ruin the taste of fish.

Accelerated salting

The basic components of such accelerated salting are very similar to classical method, there are some differences that allow you to salt faster. Methods for quick salting of trout are offered in 2 versions:

Delicate light-salted version

Salted trout also has two common cooking options that are quick:

    1. Salt with vodka. Portioned slices of rainbow trout fillet are sprinkled with a mixture of salt with dill and granulated sugar (to taste), poured with vodka in a small amount. The container is closed, the load is set for 60–120 minutes. Then the oppression is removed, the fish goes to the refrigerator. Six hours later, a delicacy for gourmets and not only for them will be ready.
  1. Lemon trout. large pieces trout are placed in a plastic container, thinly sliced ​​slices of half a lemon are placed on top of it. Salt, pepper are added, the main thing is not to overdo it. Everything is mixed, covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator for the night.

pickled fish

There are varieties of cooking pickled fish. But one of the best is trout in brine with cognac. To do this, a solution of salt in cognac is made (for 250 g of fish - 1 tablespoon of cognac + 1.5 teaspoons of salt). Uncut fish is rubbed with coriander and sugar (0.5 teaspoon + a pinch of spice) and placed in brine for three days. To salt, it must be periodically turned over for uniform impregnation. Only at the end of the process is the removal of fish skin and bones.

After freezing

Some home cooks prefer not only fresh fish to salt fish. If it is pre-frozen, then after salting the meat will be more tender. The main thing is that they do not try to freeze it twice. Brown spots on the product are a sign of repeated freezing, and this is generally unacceptable. The defrosting process should take place in stages: at the bottom of the refrigerator, later on the kitchen table, without sudden exposure to water or microwave oven. Only after that it is worth salting with the chosen method.

in Kamchatka


River fish successfully cooked by the method spicy salting. To do this, salt the whole trout sequentially as follows:

    1. Cut the prepared fish lengthwise along the back and from the belly to the tail.
    1. Make a batch of spices. carnation, different types grind the pepper slightly, add the ginger root cut into slices, the bay leaf broken into pieces. All this is thoroughly mixed with sugar and salt (1 tablespoon: 5.5 tablespoons for 7 carcasses).
    2. Coat each carcass on all sides with the mixture and pour it into the cuts.
    3. Fold on the bottom of a deep container, placing the carcasses one above the other.
    4. Cover the container with a plate and put under pressure for a day.
    5. At night - in the refrigerator.
  1. By lunch the next day, it is worth trying for readiness. It all depends on the cooling capacity and the size of the carcasses.

caviar product

Trout caviar is a delicacy dish that is easy to cook for future use on your own. Salting trout caviar at home is not difficult if there is quality ingredients. Salted both frozen and in fresh. The first one needs to be thawed first. There are certain rules for this. According to them, defrost ½ day, keeping in the refrigerator, and then finally at room atmosphere. When choosing a recipe for salting red caviar, you should pay attention to the most accelerated and affordable:

    • Caviar is freed from films using a whisk or a serpentine nozzle of a mixer at low speed and is placed on the bottom of the sieve. Then it is washed with cold water.
    • After that, it is gently mixed in a container with granulated sugar (25 g) and salt (50 g), leaving it to soak for ten minutes.
    • With the help of gauze, the resulting brine is decanted.
  • Caviar is laid out in small glass jars with airtight lids. After being placed on the shelf of the refrigerator, after already four hours, you can enjoy a lightly salted delicacy.

Tip: for salting, sea trout species are recommended, which have reddish meat, as they are more fatty. If you need a lower calorie trout, then take the fish that lives in the rivers. It usually has white meat or cream color. Salt is better to take sea or stone coarse.

Trout is tasty not only when salted, but it is more pleasant to eat and easier to preserve. Knowing how to salt trout at home, it is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of preparing this delicacy for yourself, your loved ones and guests.

Salted fresh trout is considered one of the popular dishes. It can be seen on almost any holiday table. Of course, it can be bought on the market, but there is absolutely no guarantee that it will be successful in taste and presentation. As a rule, it is purchased either frozen, or lightly salted, or too salty fish. In this regard, many housewives prefer to salt trout on their own according to proven recipes.

In the process of salting any fish, including trout, it is advisable to follow some rules:

  1. For cooking use only fresh fish. AT last resort, will go frozen.
  2. Sea trout is more suitable for salting. She has fatter and brighter meat in color, and is also much more elastic. river trout not so greasy and more suitable for dietary dishes.
  3. The salting process involves the use of enameled or plastic dishes. Under no circumstances should metal be used.
  4. The proportions must be strictly observed, otherwise the salted fish will not have an exquisite taste.

Option number 1: classic


  • fresh trout - 1 kg;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons without a slide;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon without a slide;
  • black allspice - 8-9 peas;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 leaves.


  1. The fish is divided. The head, tail and fins are cut off from it, and the entrails are also disposed of. After that, the carcass is divided along the back into 2 parts, after which they get rid of the bones.
  2. A small layer of seasonings is poured onto the bottom of the salting container.
  3. The cut trout fillet is placed on the bottom of the dish skin down, after which the fish meat is sprinkled with spices.
  4. On top of this half, the second half of the fillet is placed and sprinkled with prepared spices, as in the first case.
  5. The container is closed with a lid and placed in a cool place, such as a refrigerator.
  6. After one day, the fillet parts of the fish are removed from the brine and dried with a paper towel.

The sea trout prepared in this way is divided into arbitrary pieces. Pieces are laid out on a plate. Finally, the fish can be sprinkled with lemon juice.

Option number 2: fast


  • 1 kg of fresh trout;
  • 2 or 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 6 or 8 pieces of black allspice peas;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • one tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 150 ml sunflower or olive oil;
  • one bulb of onion.


  1. The fish is cut, after which the skin is removed from it. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the meat.
  2. Fish meat is cut into arbitrary pieces and placed in a prepared container.
  3. In another container, a brine is prepared for pouring. To do this, take 0.5 liters of water and add salt. It is desirable to mix the composition thoroughly.
  4. The fish placed in the container before is poured with the same mixture. The fish is covered, and a load is placed on top. Suitable for cooking room temperature. In this state, the fish should be 2 hours.
  5. After 2 hours, the brine is drained and the fish is filled with another brine. To do this, take a glass of water and stir a spoonful of vinegar in it. In this composition, the fish can be within 5 minutes.
  6. In conclusion, you need to cut the onion into rings, add pepper, bay leaf and sunflower or olive oil. Pieces of fish are gently mixed in this brine composition and left for 20 minutes. After this period, the trout is served at the table.

Option number 3: Scandinavian


  • half a kilo of trout;
  • 100-120 grams of dill;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar.


  1. The trout is cut, well washed and dried. After that, it is divided along the ridge and get rid of all the bones.
  2. Salt is mixed with sugar. This composition rubs the fillet parts of the fish.
  3. 1/3 of the prepared dill is laid out on a plate.
  4. One part of the fillet is placed on the dill, skin down.
  5. On top of the fillet, another part of the dill is laid out, then the remaining part of the fillet.
  6. The fish is covered home temperature left for 8 hours.
  7. After that, the trout meat is moved to the refrigerator for 48 hours.
  8. Before serving, remove excess dill and sugar-salt mixture. Finally, the fish is cut into easy-to-serve slices.

Option number 4: with honey


  • trout meat, separated from the skin - 1 kg;
  • one tablespoon of honey;
  • three tablespoons of salt.


  1. The trout is processed, washed and dried with a paper towel. The skin is separated from the meat.
  2. Honey and salt are mixed together.
  3. The mixture prepared in this way is applied to the fish fillet and rubbed into the meat.
  4. The fillet parts are rolled up and placed in a container (glass jar).
  5. the glass jar is covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for one day.
  6. After a day, the rolls are turned over on the reverse side and again put in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  7. After this period, the fish is taken out and the turning operation is repeated. Fish, for the third time, is put in the refrigerator for a day. Only after three days the fish is ready to serve, it is enough to wash off the brine and cut the fish into pieces.

Option number 5: with vodka


  • cook 1 kg of fresh trout;
  • stock up 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • dial 4 teaspoons of sugar;
  • prepare 30 ml of vodka.


  1. The fish is cut so that two identical loin parts are obtained. They are thoroughly washed and dried. Fillets should not contain bones.
  2. Salt and sugar are mixed.
  3. The trout fillet is wrapped in this mixture, placed in a container and filled with vodka.
  4. The dishes are closed, and the fish is placed in a cold place for 12 hours. After this period, the fish is ready to eat.

Option number 6: salting the abdomen

Trout is not a cheap fish, so not everyone is able to afford such a pleasure. But to buy a belly and salt it is affordable for anyone. Belly prepared according to this recipe will be an excellent appendage to beer, moreover, they can be added to any salad.


  • purchase 400 g of trout bellies;
  • prepare two tablespoons of salt;
  • prepare one tablespoon of sugar;
  • buy allspice.


  1. The bellies should be thoroughly washed and soaked in water for half an hour.
  2. The water is drained and the abdomen is again washed thoroughly,
  3. Salt, sugar and pepper are combined together and in this dry mixture the bellies are enveloped.
  4. All components are added to a glass container, 1 glass of water is added there, after which the bellies are placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Option number 7: Salting trout steaks


  • 2 trout steaks;
  • 1 liter of water (approximately);
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vinegar;
  • spices to taste.


  1. First you need to prepare the brine. For this, a saucepan is taken, water is poured into it, salt, sugar and spices are added and put on fire. The water is brought to a boil and the mixture is boiled for several minutes.
  2. Vinegar is added to the solution.
  3. After that, the fire is turned off, the brine cools down, after which it must be filtered.
  4. Trout steaks are prepared, washed and dried, after which they are placed in a container.
  5. Steaks are poured with brine, covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

For those who prefer a lightly salted product, after one day, fish meat can be eaten. When salting, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to salt the fish for more than 4 days, since the taste of the trout is deteriorating.

Salting trout with dry salting


  • fresh rainbow trout - 1 kg;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • coriander;
  • 5-6 peas of black allspice;
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • gauze.


  1. The head, tail and fins are cut off from the trout.
  2. The insides are removed.
  3. The carcass is rubbed with a mixture of salt, sugar and pepper, and a bay leaf is placed inside.
  4. One spoonful of salt is poured onto a piece of gauze and trout is placed on top.
  5. The carcass of the fish is tightly wrapped in gauze and wrapped with a paper towel.
  6. In order for the fish to be ready to eat, it must be kept for three days.

In the process of dry salting, the gauze is changed twice a day, and the fish carcass is turned over on the other side.

Quick trout recipes

Not everyone can wait for the product to be ready for several days. For this category of people, there are quick recipes for a maximum of one day. At the same time, the taste of trout is not lost, and salting methods have a number of advantages.

Daily salting


  • 1 kg of fresh sea trout;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • spices to taste.


  1. The fish is prepared, cut, washed and dried with a paper towel.
  2. The carcass of the fish is cut into acceptable pieces and wrapped in a mixture of salt, sugar and spices.
  3. After that, lemon juice is added and placed in any suitable container.
  4. The fish must be under load for one day.

Trout ready in 10 hours

This is one of quick options cooking trout.


  • fresh trout - 1 kg;
  • rock salt - 3 teaspoons;
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml.


  1. The fillet is prepared from the fish carcass. To do this, the fish is cut according to all the rules.
  2. The fillets are washed and dried well.
  3. Fish meat is cut into small pieces.
  4. After that, the slices are placed in a container, salt is added to them and all this is thoroughly mixed.
  5. Poured into container sunflower oil and again everything mixes well.
  6. The fish is put in a cold place for 10 hours (you can put it in the refrigerator).
  7. After 10 hours the fish is ready to eat.

Regardless of the recipe chosen, special attention should be paid to serving trout on the table. As a rule, it is served with slices of lemon and sprinkled with herbs on top. Along with those simple ways submission, there are also the most complex and interesting options.

Alternatively, roses can be formed from pieces of trout using the following technology. To do this, the fish should be cut into thin, but long pieces. From the first slice you need to form a bud. After that, slice by slice, a rose is formed. In the process of laying the pieces, the edges are slightly bent, during which unfolded rose petals are formed. At the end of the formation of the flower, the edges should be fixed with a toothpick. Having formed 5-6 roses on one dish, a haute culinary dish is obtained if green leaves are added to it, in the form of a salad.

Salted trout at home step by step recipe with photo

One of the invariable attributes of the festive table is salted trout or salmon. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on buying a delicacy, try pickling the product at home. Ingredients and time at the kitchen table will require a minimum, and the taste of the resulting fish will delight you and your guests.

How to salt trout at home

There are many ways to salt trout. However, they all involve the same technology. First, the fish must be cut. If you want a fillet, take out the bones. The next step will be the manufacture of brine or dry pickling mixture. The fish will need to be placed in a container and poured or sprinkled with seasonings. The salting of the trout will end by sending the container under oppression to the refrigerator so that the product is well salted and saturated with the aroma of spices.

How much to salt trout at home

Each person has different ideas about delicious salty fish. There are two methods for how much time to salt trout:

  • Lightly salted fish carcass will need to be salted in marinade or spices for a short time. Such salting is considered a quick way to get a delicacy. It takes several hours to prepare a lightly salted dish. Taste qualities such fish are distinguished by tenderness.
  • Lovers over piquant product like a well-salted fish. It is necessary to salt the fish in brine or spices for a period of 1 to several days. It has a sharper, saltier taste.

Recipe for salting trout at home

Before choosing instructions for making fish, determine whether it will be pieces, fillet plates or a whole carcass. In accordance with this, you can choose a recipe for salting trout. It may involve dry salting or the use of brine. A variety of spice mixes or individual spices will help add taste and aroma. Among the variety of options for how to pickle, everyone can choose their own delicious recipe.

How to salt trout at home with salt and sugar

  • Cooking time: 1-2 days.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner / festive table.

Using the dry method with the addition of salt and sugar is one of the simple options how to pickle salmon. You will need a minimum of components and effort. The product is very tasty and tender. Ready-made fish can be used for sandwiches, as a snack on a festive table or family dinner, apply to the manufacture of salads.

  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • trout (fillet) - 1000 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • sea ​​salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice;
  • spices for fish;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  1. Take deep dishes. Put some sugar and salt on the bottom. Top with a piece of fresh fish, skin side down, then add the sweet-salty mixture again.
  2. Pour over the fillet a small amount lemon juice, put a bay leaf, sprinkle with seasonings.
  3. Place the second part of the fish skin side up, sprinkle with sugar and salt.
  4. Press down the product three-liter jar with water, place in a warm place for 120 minutes.
  5. Then remove the press, cover the dishes with a lid. Put the fillet in the refrigerator.
  6. Dry salting of trout will last 1-2 days.

Salted trout at home

  • Cooking time: 7 hours.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 186 kcal.
  • Purpose: dinner / festive table.
  • Cuisine: Scandinavian, Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Red fish of weak salt will appeal to those who prefer to preserve the taste of the product as much as possible. tender fillet Suitable for a holiday and for a family table at dinner. Lemon juice will help bring out the flavor of the dish. To pickle such a delicacy, it will take very little time. After waiting a few hours, you will get a tasty and tender fish fillet.

  1. Rinse fresh fish, remove skin and bones. Divide the fillet with a knife into small pieces, place them in a container where you will cook lightly salted fish.
  2. Cut the lemon into thin half circles. Lay the resulting slices on the fish. Salt the dish, sprinkle with pepper.
  3. Cover the resulting workpiece with a lid, put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, lightly salted trout at home with lemon will be ready.

Learn how to salt trout caviar at home.

How to Salt Rainbow Trout

  • Cooking time: 1 day.
  • Number of servings: 4-5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal.
  • Destination: for dinner / holiday.
  • Cuisine: Russian, Scandinavian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The iridescent look of the red fish is more suitable for pickling than the rest. Experts recommend choosing sea rather than river trout for spicy salting, as it is fatter, has a brighter color and elastic structure. Such a delicious and beautiful delicate product is much more pleasant to eat and decorate it with pieces of other food for the holiday.

  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • ground black pepper;
  • rainbow trout fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • salt - 0.2 kg.
  1. Take a deep container, pour chopped dill, sugar, pepper and salt inside.
  2. Place the fish fillet skin side down, sprinkle with the prepared mixture. Do the same with the other piece.
  3. Prepared carcasses should be wrapped cling film and place for a day under the press, putting in any container. After the allotted time, the question of whether rainbow trout can be salted will be decided.

How to salt a whole trout

  • Preparation time: 1-3 days.
  • Number of servings: 6-7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a festive table / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Scandinavian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Salmon salt is entirely pleasant for housewives in that it practically does not require cutting. Chefs believe that the better the integrity of the carcass is preserved, the tastier the product will be at the end. It will take a little more time to make. The duration of salting according to a step-by-step recipe depends on the size of the fish, its type, and the taste that you want to get as a result.

  1. To quickly pickle a fish at home, open the trout bellies, remove the entrails, caviar or milk. The head, fins and tail do not need to be cut off. Rinse the cut carcass thoroughly, wipe with paper towels.
  2. The second step is to know how to prepare the brine to pickle the product. To do this, mix salt and sugar, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, add olive oil. The black pepper in the mixture will add some spice to the taste.
  3. Place the fish in a suitable enamel or plastic bowl. Cover the carcass with a pickling mixture, cover with a plate. From above it is necessary to put oppression.
  4. The process of how to pickle whole trout at home must be completed by placing the entire structure in the refrigerator. The bottom shelf works best for this.
  5. Refrigerate fish until done. This takes 1 to 3 days. Time of completion step by step recipe depends on the size of the fish.

Salted trout in brine

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Servings: 5-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 224 kcal.
  • Purpose: holiday table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The method of salting salmon "wet" gives the product juiciness, softness and spicy taste. The hostess will need to make a minimum of effort. The brine is easy to prepare based on vegetable fat, vinegar and various spices. By adding lemon juice, you will add a little sourness. In 2 hours you will get a delicious spicy salted trout in oil in a fast way.

  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • water - ½ l;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • trout - 1000 g;
  • vinegar (6%) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 1 head.
  1. At the first stage of a quick way, how to salt trout in brine, you need to cut the fish. Bones, fins, tail, head should be removed.
  2. Cut the resulting fillet into slices, pour well with lemon juice. Put the slices in a bowl, placing between them sheets of laurel, pepper and onion, cut into rings.
  3. The next step on how to cook red fish is mixing the brine. Connect vegetable oil, lemon juice and water. Pour the mixture into the fish fillet bowl.
  4. Place oppression on the product, leave for a couple of hours for salting. In 2 hours you will get a delicious spicy salted trout in oil in a fast way.

It cannot be attributed to dishes that are difficult to cook properly, salting salmon fish. However experienced chefs know a few secrets of butchering and spicy salting to make salted trout even tastier:

  • Before proceeding with the process of how to cook a trout carcass according to a recipe with a photo, it needs to be cleaned and gutted.
  • If you only want trout fillets, cut off the fins and tail. You can do this using sharp knife or special scissors.
  • To make the scales come off the fish better, hold the fish under hot water before salting it.
  • When choosing which fish to pickle, stop at chilled. It will not need to be thawed, unlike freshly frozen. Taste, elasticity and color are better preserved.
  • It is important to salt the product correctly, observing the proportions of sugar and salt.
  • Many housewives are wondering how to store the delicacy correctly? It is better to keep the finished fish in a jar or container in the refrigerator. Leave the product in a warm place - fast way spoil it.