How to count calories to lose weight table. How to count ready-made recipes


Surely there is not a person on earth who, wanting to lose weight, has not heard the word calories. At the same time, for those losing weight, this word evokes fear. After all, unwanted kilos appear precisely from calories, and for everyone who follows a diet, a significant reduction in the calorie content of the menu will certainly lead to ideal body proportions.

  1. There are no restrictions in the choice of food. Dishes are prepared exclusively according to your own preferences.
  2. When calculating calories, it is possible to independently adjust the quantitative indicator of food, i.e. serving size.
  3. A person who counts calories per day can easily track the fluctuations in his weight, while the usual nutritious diet will remain at the same calorie level, or possibly decrease.

How to count calories for weight loss: table

  1. The first thing you need to understand is that to burn 1 kg of body weight you need to spend 7700 kcal. The same amount of calories will be needed to gain 1 kg.
  2. The best option is to keep a weight loss diary. It needs to record all the results obtained, as well as plans that will stimulate achievement. You will need to make notes throughout the day with the portions of what you eat, so it will be more convenient to monitor the correct diet.
  3. At the same time, it will be necessary to write down everything physical exercise which take place throughout the day.
  4. The third table records data on weight lost.

It is also worth noting that the weighing process is carried out daily, in the morning, immediately after waking up. Conducting comparative characteristics notes in three tables. A person has the opportunity to independently decide on his diet and the amount of physical activity, which together will help him quickly get rid of extra pounds.

Calorie table for weight loss: number of calories per 100 g of product

Fruits Kcal Vegetables Kcal
Bananas 90 Boiled potatoes 60
Grape 70 Green onion 18
Cherry 25 Bulb onions 43
Grapefruit 30 Carrot 33
Pear 42 cucumbers 15
Melon 45 Sweet bell pepper 19
Blackberry 32 Parsley 23
Kiwi 50 Tomatoes 20
Apricots 47 Eggplant 28
Avocado 100 Green pea 75
Quince 30 Zucchini 18
A pineapple 44 White cabbage 23
Orange 45 Cauliflower 12
Watermelon 40 Sauerkraut 28
Strawberries 38 Red cabbage 27
Dogwood 41 Rhubarb 16
Cranberry 33 Radish 16
Gooseberry 48 Radish 25
Lemon 30 Turnip 23
Raspberries 45 Lettuce leaves 11
Mandarin 41 Beet 40
Peaches 45 Pumpkin 20
Plum 44 Dill 30
Currant 43 Horseradish 49
Cherries 53 Garlic 60
Blueberry 44 Spinach 16
Apples 45 Sorrel 27

Flour products Kcal Dried fruits Kcal
Butter buns 301 Raisin 270
Baranki 330 Figs 290
Black bread 206 Kishmish 310
Wheat bread 266 Dried apricots 290
Rye bread 213 Dates 290
Flatbread from rye flour 375 Prunes 220
Sugar 295 Apples 210

Meat and poultry Kcal Dairy Kcal
Mutton 316 Brynza 261
Ham 366 Yogurt 51
Beef stew 180 Full fat kefir 61
Beef 170 Kefir (1.5%) 39
Brisket 475 Low-fat kefir 31
Goose 301 Milk (3.2%) 62
Turkey 150 Whole cow's milk 68
Sausage var. 250 Ice cream 220
Sausage p/k 380 Curdled milk 59
Korean 430 Ryazhenka 85
Rabbit meat 115 Cream (10% fat) 120
Boiled chicken 131 Cream (20% fat) 300
Fried chicken 212 Sour cream (10%) 115
Beef liver 100 Sour cream (20%) 210
Kidneys 66 Dutch cheese 357
Sausages 160 Lambert cheese 377
Pork chop 265 Parmesan cheese 330
Pork stew 350 Russian cheese 371
Heart 87 Sausage cheese 267
Sausages 236 Curd cheeses 380
Veal 90 Cottage cheese (18% fat) 225
Duck 405 Low-fat cottage cheese 81
Language 165 Cottage cheese with sour cream 261
Mushrooms Kcal Nuts Kcal
Dried porcini mushrooms 211 Seeds 580
Boiled mushrooms 26 Walnuts 652
Mushrooms in sour cream 230 Ground nuts 470
Fried mushrooms 165 Pine nuts 620
Honey mushrooms 20 Almond 600
boletus 30 Pistachios 620
Boletus 30 Hazelnut 670
Fish and seafood Kcal Butter sauces Kcal
Granular caviar 250 Rendered fat 930
Pollock caviar 130 Ketchup 80
Squid 95 Mayonnaise 625
Fried carp 145 Mayonnaise light 260
Shrimps 85 Creamy margarine 745
Crabs 70 Sandwich margarine 670
Pollock 70 Margarine for baking 675
Sea kale 16 Corn oil 900
Perch 95 Olive oil 825
Eggs Butter 750
Chicken egg 1 pc. 65 Soybean oil 900
Egg powder 540 Melted butter 885
Cereals and legumes Kcal Ready salads Kcal
Green peas 280 Korean carrots 134
Wheat flour 348 Sea kale 80
Rye flour 347 Salad with squid 240
Cocoa 375 Salad with crab sticks 217
Buckwheat 346 Mimosa salad 183
Oatmeal 374 Olivier salad 198
Pearl barley 342 Vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers) 30,7
Millet 352 The vinaigrette 130
Barley 343 Vinaigrette with herring 179
Corn 369 Radish with sour cream 103
Pasta 350 Caesar salad 303
Rice 337 Greek salad 188
Soybeans 395 Sauerkraut salad 77
Beans 328 Herring under a fur coat 193
Lentils 310 Young cabbage salad 120

Calorie consumption per day

Few people do not know the well-known statement that the number of calories consumed should be less than their consumption. A person who leads a sedentary lifestyle must follow a diet with a caloric content of 1200 cal per day; for an adherent of an active pace of life who engages in any kind of sport, the menu should be composed of 1800 cal per day.

To perform physically demanding work, a man will expend approximately 3200 kcal, a woman - 2700.

Let's look at how to correctly count calories to lose weight. In order to make the calculation, you need to use the calorie content table. Don't panic if the numbers differ from one source to another - these are averages, so a difference of a few calories isn't significant. The best option is to use a table with an extensive list of products, or even easier, print it out for clarity and place it in a convenient place for use, for example, in the kitchen.

Over time, becoming familiar with the caloric content of dishes will become a habit, and it will also become easier to calculate the required portion. For example, the average cheese sandwich pork cutlet, oven pie and a serving of side dish will be 370 kcal. A small portion of oatmeal coffee drink with cream and sugar, plus boiled egg- 130 kcal.

200 ml freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice, milk and spring vegetable slicing- 120 kcal. Tea with sugar or coffee - 70 kcal.

It is worth realizing that weight loss will not be immediate. The result will be clearly visible after at least 5 days from the moment you start counting calories.

Snacking before bed is taboo. Dinner should be no later than 18:00. For example, you can prepare vegetable salad, oatmeal in water with raisins and green tea with jasmine. A few hours before bedtime, you can drink kefir or natural yogurt(up to 200 ml). If you still feel hungry, you can drink a cup of tea with mint and honey and eat ½ an apple. You can also use a small slice hard cheese(20 g).

A nutritious breakfast is a very important aspect of a calorie diet for weight loss. It should be 1/3 daily norm calories. Suitable options would be porridge, boiled eggs, low-fat variety steamed meat and salad with vegetables.

In order to be full, and this means that the volume of one serving should not be less than before the diet, you should completely eliminate sugar, White bread, products with high content fat and oil. The optimal way to prepare any dish is baking or steaming.

By eliminating several high-calorie items from your menu, the amount of daily calorie consumption will decrease by 10-15%. These products include: baked goods, fatty varieties meat, smoked meats, fats and sugar. Meals are divided into 6 times a day, while the serving size is reduced. This method reduces calorie intake by another 5-7%.

You need to know this! By drinking 200 ml of cool water, you can burn up to 50 kcal. This method also works for a calorie-counting diet. The norm is 2 liters of water per day. The liquid helps the body cleanse itself of accumulated waste and toxins.

How to count calories for weight loss

To correctly calculate the calorie content of a dish, you should pay attention to the product label. It is worth remembering that the calorie content of dry and finished product will be different. For example, the calorie content of 100 g of dry pasta is 300 kcal. When cooked, their weight increases, so 100 g boiled pasta will have almost half as many calories.

Counting calories for weight loss means converting each meal into numerical ratios. This is not a grueling fast, but a correct calculation of an individual weight loss program.

Calculate the number of calories per day for weight loss

Initially, a notebook is created in which you need to write down each meal for one week, and calculate the calorie content of the dish accordingly. To calculate the calorie content of a dish, you need to sum up the calorie content of each ingredient, taking into account its quantity.

The next step is to reduce the calorie content of each serving, and you need to begin the process of daily weighing. It is necessary to achieve a result of 200 g of daily weight loss. Having reached this point, you need to stop and no longer reduce the calorie content of your dishes - this will be an individual indicator of the required calorie content.

Continuing to eat as prescribed, while losing 200 g per day excess weight, in a month the scales will show a result of 6 kg less than before starting the calorie counting diet.

When a person moves to a new level of development, he gives up all diets and begins to correctly understand that he can eat absolutely anything, as long as it fits into the total calorie content.

Counting calories is not difficult.

Here you don’t need to have a lot of brains, as it seems at first glance.

You need a scale to count the calorie content of foods!

I remember I myself thought it was very difficult. In reality everything is simpler.

Now we will analyze this process in practice, and you will see that counting calories in foods is easy and simple, and most importantly, accessible to everyone.

What do we need?

Required: electronic kitchen scales - any, from any brand and at any price. The main thing is that they work.

I don’t recommend taking fancy scales that automatically determine the calorie content of foods, they can lie.

Take an ordinary kitchen scale, here’s an assortment for you – choose.

It is inaccurate, and secondly, you do not yet have enough experience to determine the weight of products by eye. Therefore, do not torture yourself, do not guess and take the scales.

Why complicate life?

How to count calories correctly?

We take the product. For example, bagels, crackers or coho salmon (red fish).

We decide how we will weigh it: raw (dry) or cooked, in a plate or without.

We turn on the scales, take a plate, put it on. We need to reset the value of the weighted plate, for this there is a “Tara” function.

Reset, put the product.

For example, bagels. 5 pieces weigh 173 grams, crunchy crackers - 70 grams left in the pack, and red fish, almost 100 grams.

To do this, you can use 3 methods:

  • Calorie table per 100 grams. A good option, but not all products are there, but only the most necessary ones.
  • The second way is to look at the product packaging. Also not available everywhere. For example, I took fish by weight, and I have no idea what its energy value is.
  • It is for this purpose that a special program (calculator) was developed for counting calories, which I use with pleasure and without the Internet (you can also do it online).
  • There are more than 34,000 thousand products in the database, this is the third method.

I open the program, add coho salmon and enter the weight of the product. I get calorie content and BZHU, i.e. all the data I need.

There is also a function to add your own products.

For greater clarity, I recorded a video.

How to weigh food on electronic kitchen scales?

As you can see, everything is simple.

Let’s say we don’t have a program and we want to calculate the calorie content of 173 grams of bagels.

We look at the label and see the composition per 100 grams: 340 kcal, proteins – 9 g, fats – 2.5 g, carbohydrates – 69 g.

To get kcal per 173 grams, we must calculate how many kcal there are per 1 gram and multiply by the weight of the product.

To do this, we divide 340 by 100 and multiply by 173.

We get 3.4 kcal per 1 gram, which means 173 grams is equal, 173 multiplied by 3.4 kcal, we get 588 kcal.

We just calculated the calorie content, but we also need BZHU.

This method will take much more time than in the program.

It’s easier there, you open it, drive the wheels in, find the product, enter the weight of the product, everything is calculated automatically.

How to count calories to lose weight?

If you're looking for long-term results, counting calories is a great thing.

It is possible to lose weight not only without harm to your health, but also to include your favorite foods in your diet.

Moreover, it will be much easier to control hunger and your eating behavior than on various diets.

For example, at 2000 kcal, your weight remains unchanged.

To start losing weight (lose weight), you must cut your diet by 300-500 kcal from carbohydrates.

Fats need to be cut at the very end, initially they should be 1 gram per 1 kg of weight.

I wrote in more detail about calculating calories for a balanced diet. I advise you to read it.

And finally, let's look at popular questions:

  • In what form should food be weighed - raw or cooked?

Ideally, raw, but it can also be cooked if you have a special program.

  • How to determine the weight of food without scales?

I don't want you to experience such torment. I will not answer this question, because it is almost impossible to find out how much the product weighs.

And I don’t understand, is it really so difficult to spend 1000-1500 rubles on something that is really necessary.

  • Do you sell a calorie counting program for your computer?

Yes, it's for sale. But not even as a program, .

You receive the program as a bonus along with a weekly meal plan that is tailored to your goals (weight gain or loss), daily calorie intake, individual data and health problems.

  • Kitchen scales with calorie counting, which ones are better?
  • Is there any food without calories?

Yes, sometimes. I love Coca-Cola very much, but I always buy only Zero because it has almost zero calories and it tastes better.

Try it, you will like it!

  • Can calorie counting not work?

No, he can not. It always works, proven over years of practice. Works both for weight gain and weight loss.

When I was losing weight, I ate sushi, sweets, shawarma, pies, and hamburgers. I fit everything into my caloric intake and fit in nothing; for 3 months there was not a single breakdown.

Excess weight is one of the main problems of modern man. We have been able to eat more and consume more high-calorie foods than our ancestors. At the same time, physical activity decreased noticeably. In one day we can cover hundreds of kilometers, something our ancestors could only dream of, but all this is done while sitting. People began to spend less energy on work, movement, and heating the body, as a result of which it begins to accumulate in the form of fat under the skin and around internal organs.

Fat deposits can cause the development of many different diseases, so it is imperative to get rid of them. How to do this? It’s very simple – reduce energy consumption and increase consumption. And to do this, you need to correctly estimate how many calories are obtained from food, how many are spent, and based on these calculations, create the correct diet.

The benefits of counting calories

As soon as your energy expenditure exceeds your intake, you will begin to lose weight. But to understand when this moment has arrived, you need to clearly know how much energy you receive and how much you spend. One of the main advantages of calorie counting is that it literally opens the eyes of many girls.. The fact is that often owners of curvy figures console themselves with the fact that they have wide bones, a hereditary tendency or an abnormal metabolism. But after carefully calculating the energy value of everything they eat, they see that the real cause of their problems is banal overeating.

The second advantage of this type of diet is the ability to eat your favorite foods.. True, you have to choose - to eat, for example, a piece of cake or a whole plate of healthy and satisfying food. Here’s another plus: gradually the person himself, of his own free will, switches to proper nutrition, since it allows you to “fit into the norm” in terms of calories and at the same time not starve and eat a varied diet.

Weight loss is one of the topics that gives rise to a lot of pseudo-scientific research and outright manipulation of the human mind when creating diets that allow you to quickly lose weight without problems and starvation. In fact, almost all diets involve reducing the energy value of food, they just achieve this in different ways.

By choosing this type of diet, you won’t have to deny yourself going to a restaurant with friends or go hungry. You just need to write down everything you eat in a special notebook, count the calories of what you eat and try not to exceed the limit. Since our daily diet is more or less monotonous, over time, counting calories in food will become automatic and will not cause any problems. This type of eating quickly becomes a habit and is much more beneficial than short-term low-calorie diets, after which the weight quickly returns.

How to organize correct counting

This technique is extremely simple, but it will require attention and systematicity. At first, it will be very difficult to write down every small snack, cookie or sip of Coca-Cola. But gradually this will become a habit, and the number of snacks will decrease significantly. At first, you will need some simple equipment in the form of a kitchen scale and a calculator.. But very soon you will begin to determine the weight of dishes by eye, and the calorie content of most of them will be remembered.

After this, you need to learn to determine energy value dishes. For store-bought products, everything is simple - you just need to look at the packaging. But if you cook something yourself, then everything becomes more complicated. If heat treatment is provided, then when calculating the value you will have to try a little. If we cook a product, we first need to determine how many times its weight will increase during the cooking process. Then the calorie content of one hundred grams of dry product must be divided by the resulting figure. Determining changes in dishes prepared by frying or baking is even more difficult, so today most people use ready-made calorie tables.

It is believed that frying increases the calorie content of a dish by 20 percent, but this figure should not be used for calculations, since we can never know exactly how much fat has been absorbed into the product. If you want to lose weight, then it is best to avoid frying altogether.

Will help to simplify the counting process even more modern technologies. There are quite a lot of programs that will count the number of calories you consume for you; you just need to enter information - how much and what you ate throughout the day. Such programs can be installed not only on a computer, but also on tablets and modern phones. It will help to always have an easy way to count calories at hand.

How much energy does a person need? (Video)

If you have already figured out how to correctly count calories for weight loss, then it’s time to decide how many you need. This is very important, since often girls do not know how many calories they need to consume daily, so they go to extremes: either they cut their diet too much and go hungry, or they continue to exceed all permissible limits and continue to gain weight.

To understand how much energy you need, you should determine your basal metabolic rate - this is the amount of energy required to ensure the functioning of the body in a calm state, for example, during sleep. When calculating the basal metabolic rate, the body parameters, age and gender of the person must be taken into account.

The formula for the average person looks like this:

  • for women: OO=655 + (1.8 x height in cm) + (9.6 x weight in kg) – (4.7 x age in years);
  • for men: OO = 66 + (5 x height in cm) + (13.7 x weight in kg) – (6.8 x age in years).

To truly correctly determine the basal metabolic rate, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of fat or muscle mass. Therefore, bodybuilders and people with high degrees of obesity will experience an error when calculating their basal metabolic rate.

Calories and activity

We have already learned how to correctly calculate the amount of energy required to maintain the vital functions of the body in a calm state. Now let's try to determine how many calories a person needs, provided that he does something. It is clear that the more actively he works, the more energy he will need. In order to determine required quantity, it is necessary to multiply the basal metabolic rate by the activity coefficient.

There are several groups of physical activity coefficients:

  • 1.2 – minimal physical activity: for example, during sedentary work in the office;
  • 1.375 – low activity: sedentary work plus several simple workouts per week;
  • 1.55 – moderate activity: sedentary work plus 3-5 workouts per week;
  • 1.725 – increased physical activity: 6 fairly serious workouts per week;
  • 1.9 – heavy physical activity: serious training twice a day.

Of course, these are very approximate values ​​and do not reflect all possible situations. But they will give you a rough idea of ​​how much energy you expend on a daily basis. If you want more accurate calculations, you can use special tables that will indicate most types of physical activity.

Count calories and lose weight

After we have learned how to correctly calculate the amount of energy a person needs, we need to compare it with what you are used to consuming. At this stage, almost everyone understands that their conviction that they eat little, but “this is the way the body is,” is nothing more than self-deception. Excess fat- this is a supply of energy, and energy does not appear from nowhere - it enters the body with food.

Counting calories in vegetables and fruits

After realizing the problem, it’s time to start solving it - start reducing the amount of energy received to a normal level. At the same time, you need to calculate how much energy you would need if you were at normal weight. The resulting figure will be slightly less than calculated earlier. Gradually you need to reduce your calorie intake to this level.

You should not reduce the energy value of your diet too much - this can lead to exhaustion and health problems.

If you count calories correctly, after some time your weight will begin to decrease. You shouldn’t count on quick results – this is not a one-day diet. Losing weight will be physiological and harmless, which means that you will lose weight slowly, but the weight will not return soon. In addition, once it becomes a habit, you will become slimmer, healthier and more active.

Calorie content ready-made dish usually listed in the cookbook, however, not always and not everyone has the opportunity to look there. Moreover, when creating your individual menu, you will have to make several bookmarks. Therefore, it is worth talking about what general principles counting calories in a future dish,

During the cooking process, all products are fried or evaporated. Cereals, meat and vegetables change their volume, but their calorie content remains the same:

  • Meat, poultry, and fish lose moisture during cooking and their volume decreases;
  • Vegetables also lose moisture and with it decrease in volume;
  • Cereals and pasta, on the contrary, absorb moisture - their volume increases.

Calorie content remains the same. For example, let's say you decide to cook chicken breast. You took 200 g of meat, with a calorie content of 220 kcal, cooked it, but in the end you only got 150 g of the finished product, but its calorie content did not change - 220 kcal.

Similarly, you decided to cook buckwheat. We took 100 g of buckwheat, with a calorie content of 329 kcal, and 200 g of water. The cereal absorbed water, increased in volume, but remained with the same calorie content - 329 kcal. If you took not 200, but 300 g of water, the volume of the porridge would become even larger without changing the calorie content.

That is why, after you have done the calculation raw foods and prepared the dish, you need to weigh it and count it. Or simply calculate as a percentage how much you ate. Let's assume that you cooked 100 g of buckwheat, but only ate a third of it. To do this, you need to divide the calorie content of the finished dish by 3: 329/3 = 109.66 (rounded to 110) kcal. In this case, you don’t have to count the finished dish, since you only ate a third of it. There is no need to recalculate the calorie content of a finished dish that you are going to eat in its entirety. Just count it raw ingredients.

If it’s easy to cook porridge and cook meat, then what about complex dishes that are prepared for the whole family? Let's look at simple examples.

Let's say you decide to make cutlets, beloved by your household, for this you will need:

  • 1 - 86.35 kcal;
  • 0.5 kg - 935.0 kcal;
  • 100 g - 64.0 kcal;
  • 100 g - 242 kcal;
  • 20 g - 28.6 kcal;
  • 50 g - 20.5 kcal;
  • 100 g - 899 kcal.

Total calories: 2275.45 kcal.

Total raw weight of products: 925 g.

We calculated the calorie content of the amount of food we needed. We have used this on our website. Now you can start preparing the cutlets themselves.

All cutlets will be 2272.45 calories. To find out how many calories are in 1 cutlet, you simply need to divide the total calories by the number of cooked cutlets. However, if the size of the cutlets is different, then this method of calculation is not the most suitable.

More precisely, calculate the calorie content and nutritional value per 100 grams of the finished product. To do this, do not eat cutlets until you have done all the calculations. So, after the cutlets are cooked, see if there is any oil left. If there is oil left, measure its volume using a measuring container (get used to using this container), and subtract the calorie content of the remaining oil from the total.

Let's say you have no butter left at all, the weight of the cutlets is 700 g. Now you need to calculate how many calories are contained in 100 grams of your cutlets. To do this, we divide the total calories by the weight of all the cutlets in their finished form.

Let's use the formula:

Calories of all raw ingredients / weight of the finished dish = calories per gram of the finished dish

Calorie content 1 gram x 100 = calorie content 100 g of finished dish

It turns out 2275.45 / 700 = 3.25. This is exactly how many calories are contained in one gram of ready-made food. And in 100 grams of cutlets - 325 kcal. The calculation is ready. Add your product to the calorizer database. Next time you cook, use the same amount of ingredients so you don’t have to count everything again. All that remains is to weigh 1 cutlet and write it down in your .

Then the total volume of the cooked soup is measured, since the water usually boils away during cooking, and then, some people like their soup thicker, while others prefer it thinner. The total calorie content of all products is divided by the resulting volume of the prepared soup, this figure is then multiplied by 100. This way we can calculate the calorie content of 100 ml of the resulting soup.

Calories of all raw ingredients / volume of soup = calories of 1 ml of soup

Calorie content 1 ml x 100 = calorie content 100 ml of soup.

The calorie content of a serving of pasta is calculated according to the tab, in other words, in ready-made pasta as much nutrition as raw ones. It's the volume that changes, not the calorie content. common dish. But the calorie content of a dish per 100 grams varies.

To find out the calorie content of a serving simple dish, divide the number of calories by the portion eaten:

We prepared 100 grams of pasta and ate half.

Calorie content of pasta / 2 = calorie content of the eaten portion.

If you need to calculate the calorie content of mashed potatoes, take into account the calorie content and weight of potatoes, butter, milk, as well as the weight and volume of products. Let's say you have cooked 0.5 kg of potatoes (this is the weight of the finished potato), you added 100 ml of milk and 20 g of butter to it. Thus, total weight is 620 g.

Now you can look at the tables and then make the calculation. To do this, you need to divide the total calorie content by the resulting weight, so you will know how many calories are in one gram of puree. We multiply the resulting figure by 100 and get the calorie content of a serving of mashed potatoes equal to 100 grams. It’s simple, the main thing is not to forget to write down the data in case you need to access it in the future.

Two mistakes when calculating calories

It is very easy to make mistakes when calculating the calorie content of dishes. Common mistake Most people rely on the weight of the prepared dishes. The calorizer database in your Personal Account contains great amount recipes, but you never know exactly what ingredients are used to prepare a particular dish. When choosing “porridge with milk”, you don’t know how much milk the author of the recipe added to it. When choosing a “vegetable salad with butter,” you won’t even guess what vegetables are in it and how much oil it contains. Likewise, when choosing simple “buckwheat on water”, you cannot know in what amount of water it was cooked. The calorie content of these dishes is good if you have a snack somewhere, but do not know how to write down the calorie content in your diary. In this case, you can safely use the calorie content of ready-made dishes.

Always calculate the weight of dry (pasta, cereals, flour) and raw (vegetables, meat, fish) products, and use ready-made dishes only from the base own recipes provided that you use the same amount of ingredients each time to prepare them.

The second mistake is . For an accurate calculation, you first weigh the raw ingredients and then the finished dish. If you start snacking ahead of time, eat a cutlet or a bowl of soup “to try” or out of boredom, then you will not be able to accurately calculate its calorie content and risk overeating.

Show willpower, understand that if you have done all these calculations, then you need it. The food won’t run away from you, eat it later when it’s ready. But you will know exactly the calorie content of the dish and your portion.

So, today you learned from our article how to correctly calculate the calorie content of a finished dish. We gave as examples cutlets, soup, pasta, mashed potatoes. We hope you can now easily cook any dish!

For many people, the word “diet” is synonymous with hunger, restrictions and grueling workouts. We don’t want to go on a diet; we expect to lose weight by eating our favorite foods at any time. Losing weight comfortably is not always possible, and a calorie weight loss diet is direct proof of this.

Calculation of calorie content of foods

Products in alphabetical order

Your ideal weight is the weight at which you can walk up to the 5th floor without shortness of breath, easily run after a departing bus and are not embarrassed by your body. But if you still think that you need to lose weight, then the most the right way— calculate the daily calorie content of the menu.

It's no secret that healthy female body 2.5 thousand calories are enough for normal work, and 700 units more for men. Many " good diets“It is recommended to cut this norm by 2 times; in the end, only 1 thousand calories remain, which is catastrophically low.

Therefore, before starting a diet, completely review your menu and remove unnecessary foods from it.

So, for example, you like to eat candy or chew crackers, and this is already about 300 kcal per day. A sandwich with sausage and sweet tea - all 500 calories, and also add alcohol, chips, fast food eaten before work.

counting calories. My experience) positive and negative sides

How to lose weight? PP diet for 1200 kcal [Workout Laboratory]

Menu for the day. 1200 kcal. 6 meals a day. How to lose weight without fasting.

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight?

It often happens that after calculating the calorie content of a menu, an interesting figure is obtained: a person overeats 1–2 thousand calories more than he should. You may have to significantly cut down portions and divide what you ate at one time by 3.

Therefore, before starting the diet, you should complete 5 simple steps to losing weight:

  1. Reviewing the menu, counting all the “invisible” food. Note that sweet tea and coffee is a high-calorie drink, and not “just water - it will slip by and I won’t notice.”
  2. Choose foods that your body needs. Replace pasta with butter vegetable salad, bun– a plate low-fat cottage cheese or oatmeal cookies, and rich cabbage soup - broth from lean rabbit or veal.
  3. Do not suffer from hunger, but eat often, but the weight of the portion should not exceed 150–250 grams, including liquid.
  4. How much water do you drink per day? If it’s less than 1 liter, then you’ll have to retrain yourself and drink 1.5–2.
  5. Buy a book or bookmark the electronic version of caloric content tables for foods and ready meals.

How to lose weight by counting calories?

We already have a magic book with calorie content of foods and dishes, so you can start losing weight. Food and methods of preparing it play a significant role in this process. After all, fried meat is less healthy than boiled meat.

Do not start your diet with extreme menu cuts - 1.5–1.8 kcal will be enough for weight loss. Pay attention to the rhythm of your life:

  1. For active people involved in sports and hard work, they need from 1.5 to 1.8 thousand calories per day.
  2. With a sedentary lifestyle, the norm can be reduced to 1200 kcal.

Remember that even without exercise, you are expending energy and losing calories every minute. In the first half of the day this process is more intense than in the second. Let's do the math: in 1 hour of training, a professional dancer loses up to 300 kcal. That is, for 10 hours of training - 3000 kcal, add here the total norm of 1500 kcal and the cost of sleep, which is about 1.5 thousand kcal.

It turns out that the fragile girl spends more than 5 thousand calories, but the dancers eat very little. But they are also accustomed to this rhythm. What to do? Focus on yourself. If you previously consumed 3500 kcal in 24 hours, then during the diet eat 2 thousand.

How to choose the right recipes and products for weight loss with calorie counting?

  1. Limit your fat intake. It has been proven that the caloric content of animal fat is 2 times higher than the caloric content of carbohydrates (9.1 kcal versus 4 kcal). If the percentage of fat in the menu is no more than 30, then the body does not feel the need to increase the amount of protein and carbohydrates, due to which the total caloric content of the diet is reduced by 10%.
  2. Limit your sugar intake. Any sugar and its substitutes, due to the natural properties of metabolism, increase appetite. As a result, frequent overeating occurs. A healthy sugar menu should contain no more than 20 grams per day. And we have already reduced the calorie intake by as much as 20%.
  3. Increase your consumption of foods with dietary fiber, this is fiber (porridge, vegetables and fruits), pectins. This food is digested slowly and satisfies better. After eating 100 grams of porridge, you will not feel hungry for 3-4 hours, which means you will not overeat.

In the diet of normal and diet menu there must be at least 2 side dishes, 1 first liquid course, several pieces of bran bread, 2-3 fruits or 200 grams fresh berries, more than 300 grams of fresh vegetables.

Calorie diet: chemical composition of the menu and some recommendations

The chemical composition of your menu will look like this:

  1. Breakfast – 25% off daily value, which means 300 kcal.
  2. Second breakfast – 10% (120 kcal).
  3. Lunch – 35% of the norm (420 kcal).
  4. Afternoon snack – 10%, that is 120 kcal.
  5. Dinner – 20%, which means 240 kcal.

How to survive on 1200 kcal: sample menu for a week for a calorie-counting diet

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of fresh cabbage and grated carrot salad, top the salad with a drop vegetable oil. For salad – 50 grams of boiled sausage or chicken meat, 1 loaf of bread and tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast: a glass of lemon jelly (60 kcal), 100 grams of citrus jelly (69 kcal).
  • Lunch: 150 grams bean soup(100 kcal), 150 grams of roast pork with vegetables (150 kcal), 200 ml of rowan tea (20 kcal), 100 grams potato cookies(69 kcal).
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml of kvass made from extract (20 kcal), 2 loaves of bread (20 grams) with a thin layer of apricot jam (90 kcal).
  • Dinner: 100 grams crumbly buckwheat(100 kcal), 100 grams boiled fillet chicken (113 kcal), 200 ml tea with apple (34 kcal).
  • Before bed, a glass of kefir (55 kcal).

Calorie table and online calculators

Today there are electronic assistants that count not only calories, but also the amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in a particular dish. The calculator calculates the loss of useful components during heat treatment meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Calorie diet: how to turn a hungry week into a delicious holiday

The calorie content of food is indicated per 100 grams of ready-made food.

First meal:

  1. Soup puree of zucchini, carrots, ginger root, lentils, celery with salt - 34 calories.
  2. Cheese cream soup with processed cheese, champignons, potatoes and onions– 36 calories.
  3. Soup puree based on celery, onion, ginger root and sour cream 10% - 50 calories.
  4. Soup with rice, chicken liver, onions and carrots - 42 calories.

Second courses:

  1. Stewed cabbage with champignons, cooked in 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil – 66 calories.
  2. Vegetable stew of sweet peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and carrots - 102 calories.
  3. Casserole of cod, 1 egg, 1.5% milk and onions - 75 calories.
  1. Champignon caps stuffed with shrimp and sour cream – 55 calories.
  2. Cucumber, cabbage salad, chicken breast and low-fat hard cheese with olive oil - 62 calories.
  3. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes green onions for 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil– 150 calories.
  1. Kefir cocktail with ginger, red pepper – 60 calories.
  2. Smoothie with strawberries, kefir 1% - 34 calories.
  3. Latte – coffee with milk 1.5% - 38 calories.
  1. Eggless Oat Bran Muffins - 132 calories.
  2. Cheesecake made from milk, gelatin and honey, a slice of dark chocolate - 111 calories.
  3. Cake made from low-fat cottage cheese, poppy seeds, bran, 1.5% milk, oat bran with honey – 140 calories.