Curd made from sour milk temperature. Homemade cottage cheese from sour milk or yogurt

By 06.10.2015

How often do we buy sour milk in the store? Either the expiration date has expired, or it was stored incorrectly, but you can no longer drink it, risking an upset stomach. Don't rush to pour your spent money down the drain. Nothing bad has happened to the milk yet, the fermentation process has just started. For human body Only the first and last stages of fermentation are digestible dairy product: when there is no fermentation yet and when it has just ended.

We purchased milk that is already on its way from the first to the last stage. Therefore, you can no longer drink it, but this milk, pasteurized somewhere in a factory and then forgotten on the counter or in the refrigerator, can make an excellent healthy natural product.


  • Milk
  • Liter glass jar
  • Deep pan - with higher sides liter jar
  • Colander
  • Plate
  • A bowl
  • Gauze

Step-by-step cooking process at home

  1. Pour the sour milk into a liter glass jar, cover with a napkin and leave in a warm, dark place until completely sour. You should get full-fledged yogurt. If you don’t shake the jar, then after a day the milk flakes will rise up, as in the photo. To speed up souring, you can put a crust of black bread, a spoonful of sour cream or kefir in the jar.
  2. Prepare a deep saucepan. Place a linen towel or napkin on its bottom. If this is not done and the jar is placed directly on the bottom of the pan, the glass may crack from the high temperature.
  3. Place the jar on a towel and then carefully pour into the pan cold water to the hangers of the can. If you place a jar in already filled water, it is difficult to correctly calculate the amount of liquid. DO NOT MIX the contents of the jar. It's okay if the edge of the water doesn't match the edge of the liquid in the jar. 2-3 cm will not greatly adjust the thermal balance.
  4. Cover the jar with a plate. Select its diameter so that the pan is as closed as possible. Heat the water to a boil. Reduce heat and leave on the stove for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the protein in the jar will sufficiently coagulate. The density of the future cottage cheese depends on the duration of heat treatment.
  5. If you bring steam bath to a boil and turn it off immediately, the curd will be tender and soft. If you leave the jar in boiling water for 10 minutes, the result will be fine-grained dry cottage cheese.

  6. Remove the jar from the pan and let cool. Do not break up any curdled clumps in the jar.
  7. Place a colander over a bowl and line it with a double layer of clean cheesecloth.
  8. Drain the contents of the jar in a colander. The cottage cheese should not spread out in a shapeless mass, but lie in a colander in solid lumps.
  9. Form a knot, gather the ends of the gauze together, fasten them and hang them somewhere so that excess liquid drains from the curd. I tie the gauze with an elastic ring and use it to hang the bag on the faucet over the kitchen sink in the evening. In the morning I take it off and serve it for breakfast.
  10. The whey remaining in the bowl contains so many useful, nutritious and tasty things that its fate can be very varied.
  11. Someone wipes the skin of the face and décolleté with it, thereby prolonging their youth in appearance, someone cooks delicious dishes(pancakes, okroshka, pies, etc.), and someone simply drinks this yummy snack with pancakes, rejuvenating from the inside.
  12. This is how much cottage cheese comes out of a liter sour milk. Approximately 150 grams.
  13. Loaded recipe

    IN Soviet times When everything, including butter, was on coupons, our parents whipped it from liquid (almost kefir) sour cream. If you drive 1 liter of sour cream in a three-liter jar for 1.5 hours, you will get exactly 200 g of butter and a white liquid - return. The oil was washed cold water, and the return was set to water bath, as we did sour milk just now, and obtained from it low-fat cottage cheese. The translucent whey left over from the cottage cheese was used to make pancake dough. Pancakes were brushed with freshly whipped butter and wrapped freshly squeezed cottage cheese in them. The waste-free technology used by our mothers to simply feed their families can now be used to feed natural products, and not their surrogates.

Cottage cheese - fermented milk product, obtained from fermented milk with the whey removed. This is a healthy product, a source of calcium and phosphorus, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Now you can buy cottage cheese without problems in any grocery store, but store-bought goods cannot be compared with those obtained from home-made products. Preparing this fermented milk product at home is a guarantee of confidence in the quality and freshness of the finished product, since the entire preparation process is personally controlled by the hostess.

Making cottage cheese at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. There are several ways to prepare it: from fresh milk(using the drug "Calcium-chlorine"), curdled milk, kefir, using various starter cultures.

Curd from curdled milk

Making cottage cheese from sour milk is the simplest and most popular method. It has been made in this way in everyday conditions since ancient times in villages. For this the recipe will do any milk, whether purchased or homemade, from a cow. The more milk, the more you get ready-made cottage cheese.

Housewives who decide to make cottage cheese from homemade ingredients for the first time are advised to start with 1 liter of milk. The output will be small, but then, during the next attempts, you will make adjustments if the first result suddenly does not please you.

So, to make cottage cheese at home you will need:

  • curdled milk
  • pot
  • colander
  • gauze

The cooking process is extremely simple:

  • Pour the sour milk into a saucepan and place it on the lowest heat.
  • Heat the contents of the bowl to 50° - exactly until the whey begins to separate from the curd.
  • After this, the pan must be immediately removed from the heat. Some housewives bring the contents to a boil - this is not recommended at all, since such “material” can result in a very hard curd mass, more like rubber
  • The next step: fold the gauze into 2-4 layers, place it in a colander so that the edges hang from the walls and the bottom of the colander remains closed.

  • Place a colander over the pan and carefully pour the milk mixture into it
  • Wait until all the whey has drained
  • You don’t have to throw away the whey - it’s perfect for okroshka, and you can also use it to knead good dough for pies
  • Final step: transfer the cooking result from gauze to a plate

Delicious and useful product ready from homemade dairy ingredients!

Important nuances

It would be useful to remind you of the conditions that will help you get the most delicious homemade cottage cheese:

  • Cottage cheese made from natural village milk will be much tastier and richer
  • It is better to let milk sour not in the refrigerator, as in conditions low temperatures it is more likely to deteriorate and acquire bad smell rather than turning into curdled milk

  • If it is necessary to speed up the process of turning milk into yogurt, then for these purposes it is better to add a small amount of fermented milk sourdough, a little sour cream or a piece of cottage cheese. It is highly not recommended to use kefir or yogurt for these purposes - these products are suitable for making kefir and specifically yogurt, which has nothing to do with yogurt
  • It is better to prepare cottage cheese from fresh yogurt - it will turn out tender and will have pleasant taste and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days

Kefir cottage cheese

You can please your family with truly delicious cottage cheese by preparing it with a kefir base. There are plenty of recipes for this. One method is similar to the above recipe using fermented milk.

Cottage cheese is a valuable source of calcium and protein, the undisputed leader among dietary dishes, recommended for the prevention of a whole “bouquet” of diseases. Today, many housewives refuse industrially produced fermented milk products and carefully collect secrets that tell them how to make cottage cheese from sour milk on their own.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the oven

Benefits of a homemade product:

  1. Natural composition, without preservatives and vegetable fats, in which all essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes.
  2. The ability to adjust the juiciness, density and fat content of the dish - homemade cottage cheese usually turns out tender, flaky, with the right amount of acid.

You can prepare it in different ways.

The main rule is the same - high-quality, proven milk. It would be good if it came from a domestic cow (it is recommended to boil it first!), but store-bought is also acceptable, but it must be pasteurized, with a short storage period.

For any of the methods we will need:

  • sour milk;
  • metal sieve or colander;
  • a large piece of gauze.

Cooking time: ~ 6 – 12 hours.


  1. Place a jar of sour milk that is not 1 cm full (you can take another container, but the milk should be fermented in it immediately) into a cold oven. We don't cover it!
  2. We heat for 40 – 60 minutes at a temperature set between 120 – 150 °C.
  3. Turn off the equipment and leave the resulting cottage cheese in it until it cools completely, possibly overnight.
  4. Line the sieve/colander with two layers of gauze.
  5. Gradually pour the cottage cheese onto it, carefully draining the whey.
  6. We squeeze the ends of the fabric with a knot - this will squeeze out most of the unnecessary liquid.
  7. We forget about the cottage cheese for a couple of hours until the whey drains. If you want to get a dry product, tie the gauze and hang it over a bowl. If you want wet cottage cheese, leave it in a colander.
  8. Periodically check the consistency of the curd mass. Once the desired density is achieved, transfer finished product into a storage container.

When cooked in the oven, from 3 liters of milk you can get 700 - 900 grams of delicious cottage cheese.

Note! The amount of the final product and the degree of acid depend on the duration and correct souring of the starting material. It must ripen, but at the same time not have time to peroxidize. A 3-day fresh product meets these parameters.

Cooking in the microwave

The simplest and most sufficient quick way to get aromatic cottage cheese from yogurt - use the microwave.

Cooking time: ~5 – 15 minutes directly in the microwave oven + several hours for cooling.


  1. Pour the sour milk into a microwave-safe container. It is not necessary to cover it, although this option is also acceptable.
  2. Turn on the microwave oven at full power (usually 700 - 750 W) for 5 minutes.
  3. After the beep, we check the serum. If it is transparent, cooking is complete, but if its color is milky, you need to add a few more minutes. The amount of time is a conditional parameter, which can only be determined experimentally for your furnace. It depends on the characteristics of the microwave, as well as on the shape and material of the container used in it.
  4. Leave the cottage cheese in the resulting liquid for several hours until it cools completely.
  5. Chilled until room temperature Place the mixture on a sieve to remove excess whey from the finished product.

From a liter of curdled milk using microwave oven you can get from 200 g of cottage cheese, which depends on the quality of the milk and the percentage of protein in it.

With the addition of kefir

When you don’t have time to wait for the milk to sour, you can use kefir and prepare the most delicate cottage cheese in a couple of hours.

For a liter of milk we need 0.5 - 1.0 liters of kefir with 1% fat content. The more kefir you take for fermentation, the more pronounced the sourness will be in the finished product.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Remove from the stove, pour kefir into it, stir well.
  3. Leave for at least 120 minutes (or overnight). During this time, the cottage cheese will have time to “bounce off” the whey.
  4. Strain the finished product through cheesecloth. The less time the excess liquid drains, the moister the curd will be in the end.

Recipe in a slow cooker

Cottage cheese in a slow cooker, the most popular “helper” of the modern housewife, is prepared no less simply and quickly than in other ways.

The program can be used at your own discretion. For example, “yogurt”, “heating”, “baking”, “milk porridge”. The cooking time, accordingly, will vary from 15 minutes to an hour. The main condition when choosing a mode is a temperature that does not bring the liquid to a boil.


  1. Pour the sour milk into the multicooker bowl.
  2. We select the program you like, if necessary, set the temperature to 80 degrees, turn on the device and forget about cooking for the period of time specified by the equipment.
  3. After the required time has passed, turn off the multicooker and let the cottage cheese cool. This will take at least 3 – 4 hours.
  4. Place the resulting product on cheesecloth, allowing the whey to drain. If necessary, hang the gauze in a knot or gently squeeze it with your hands, similar to the methods already described.

The fastest recipe

If you urgently need to prepare homemade cottage cheese, you can use a proven recipe that allows you to get 0.5 kg of the most delicate ricotta in just an hour.

We will need:

  • 3 liters of fresh homemade or store-bought pasteurized milk;
  • a generous pinch of salt;
  • 3 – 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice or 2 tsp. citric acid.


  1. Rinse the pan with cold water, pour milk into it, salt, add lemon juice/crystalline acid.
  2. Heat the resulting mixture over low heat or a water bath, stirring occasionally.
  3. We continue the previous stage until “flakes” appear and the whey is completely separated.
  4. Place the cottage cheese on cheesecloth and leave for 45 - 60 minutes to drain the liquid.

You can use a slightly different technology - bring the milk to a boil, remove from the stove, only then salt it and pour in lemon juice. Next, you need to stir the mixture and wait 7 minutes until the liquid begins to coagulate into flakes.

At this point it would be nice to add a tablespoon heavy cream, which will make the taste of the finished cottage cheese especially tender and creamy.

After the required time has passed, to separate the ricotta from the whey, as with all other methods, it is recommended to use a colander and cheesecloth.

Cooking technology without heating

The following are two methods for preparing cottage cheese from sour milk, excluding its heat treatment:

  1. The curdled milk formed as a result of fermentation of milk is simply thrown onto a sieve with gauze. Squeeze out the excess liquid, obtaining a fermented milk product that is moist and more delicate in consistency than cottage cheese cooked in the oven, in a water bath, etc.
  2. The package of kefir is left in the freezer overnight, in the morning the resulting “ice” is removed from the cellophane and placed in a colander lined with gauze until it is completely defrosted and the curd is separated from the whey.

Delicious cottage cheese made from sour goat milk

Technologies for preparing cottage cheese from cow and goat milk identical. The only difference is that the latter is more valuable. It improves immunity, has healing properties. That is why cottage cheese made from it is easily digestible, low-allergenic, and maximally saturated with vitamins and microelements. It’s just that it sometimes takes a lot of time for goat’s milk to turn sour. That is why experienced housewives speed up this process by boiling and adding salt.

Such manipulations allow you to get goat sour milk literally in a day, provided it is ripened in a warm place. Next, you can choose how to make cottage cheese from sour goat milk: in a slow cooker, microwave, or using regular heating.

Having secured the proposed proven recipes, you can easily master the simple technology of making homemade cottage cheese and delight your family with delicious and healthy culinary masterpieces.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from sour milk

To prepare, I only need 3 liters of fresh cow's milk.

I pour the sweet milk into the pan without covering it with a lid and leave it in the room to sour. To speed up the process, you can add a tablespoon of sour cream or crust rye bread. This process will take up to 2 days. I note that the warmer the room, the faster souring will occur. You can cover the pan with gauze.

When the milk sours (or sours) and acquires a dense jelly-like consistency, it’s time to cook. I stir the yogurt and put it on low heat.

As the yogurt heats up, I stir it. I wait until the contents heat up to a temperature of about 40 degrees and remove from the heat. By this time, the sour milk will have already separated into a dense white curd mass and clear yellowish serum. What properly heated cottage cheese should look like at this moment can be seen in the photo.

It is very important not to overheat it, otherwise the homemade cottage cheese will turn out tough. I don’t use a thermometer, I just dip my finger in heated sour milk (it shouldn’t be hot) and focus on appearance product.

After removing from the heat, pour into a sieve. I'll leave it aside to let the whey drain. I stir from time to time.

After an hour, healthy and tasty homemade cottage cheese remains in the bowl. As you can see, you can make it from sour milk at home, easily and simply. All that remains is to simply transfer the cottage cheese to a plate.

From three-liter jar fresh milk yielded about 400 grams of homemade cottage cheese. It can be eaten in any form: with herbs and salt, sour cream, honey or fruit.

Also, homemade cottage cheese makes wonderful pastries and desserts.

I hope that my recipe is useful to you. After all, proper preparation cottage cheese at home - it's easy!

This is what happens: a liter or two of milk sits in the refrigerator and turns sour. It's a pity! What useful things could be made from it? Pancakes or pancakes? For 2 liters of milk, you will be tortured to stand at the stove. Let's make cottage cheese!

In general, cottage cheese can be made from milk in two ways. According to the first method, you get unleavened, calcined cottage cheese - you just need to drop a couple of drops of the Calcium-chlorine preparation into heated milk. But they use fresh milk. Since our milk has already soured, we will use the second method, similar to the one by which cottage cheese and some types of homemade cheese are prepared in villages.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk at home. Instructions for the housewife

The recipe for making cottage cheese is extremely simple. We will need:

  • 2 liters of sour milk;
  • two pans of the same shape - one for 3 liters, and the other, larger, into which the first pan can easily fit.
  • And also a colander lined with gauze.
  1. Pour the milk into a smaller saucepan.
  2. IN large saucepan pour a little water and place a saucepan with sour milk in it - it turns out to be a water bath.
  3. Place the structure on medium heat and heat it up.
  4. When the water between the walls of the pans boils, watch carefully: the milk will curdle, separating into cottage cheese flakes and whey. Do not let the curdled milk boil - overboiled cottage cheese turns out rough and dry. As soon as you see that the clear, greenish whey has separated, immediately remove the smaller pan from the bath and set it aside.
  5. Place a colander lined with gauze in a bowl or pan and carefully pour the contents of the small pan removed from the heat into it.

Now you need to place the colander so that all the excess liquid is drained and the cottage cheese remains dry. Voila! From two liters of milk you will get from 300 to 400 g of cottage cheese. You can transfer it to a plate and use it for its intended purpose.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker

In many cases, a multicooker makes life easier, but in this recipe it simply saves it, offering an excellent opportunity to do without a bulky water bath. Especially when the unit was chosen for a large family and has a bowl volume of more than four liters.

We pour our sour milk into the multicooker, set the “warm” mode and forget about it for about an hour. After an hour, remove the cottage cheese with a slotted spoon onto cheesecloth in a colander. You can tie the ends of the gauze into knots and hang them for a couple of hours - the result will be a fairly dense curd “ball” that can be cut into pieces.

Detailed instructions - on video

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the microwave

This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to get homemade cottage cheese - just for those who are sorely short of time.

  1. Take two liters of sour milk.
  2. Pour the milk into a special container with a lid.
  3. We set the program: 15 minutes and 750 W.
  4. We are waiting for a call.

That's the whole method. Let the curd and whey cool and separate them using a colander and cheesecloth.

To make cottage cheese from sour milk, you don’t have to wait for the milk to sour on its own. You can “help” it: boil, cool to a temperature pleasant to the touch, add and stir a tablespoon of “live” natural milk yogurt or kefir. Cover the container with milk with a lid and place it in a warm place until it comes up. yeast dough. After about 7–8 hours, the milk will safely sour, that is, it will become yogurt or kefir, depending on what you fermented with.

If the milk is fat enough, cream will collect on top of it - it can be used as sour cream. However, there will be no more than two tablespoons of cream from two liters of milk.

The longer the milk sours, the more sour the resulting product will be.

Unnecessarily sour taste milk (and, accordingly, cottage cheese) can be partially corrected: just before heating, pour in a glass of fresh milk and stir. With the addition of some fresh milk, the cottage cheese may turn out slightly “rubbery”, similar to homemade cheese.