What dishes are prepared from. Heading “The first dishes are simple and tasty for every day”


In this section of our site you will be introduced to the recipes for preparing main dishes. First courses are, as you know, the flagships of any table. Here you will find cooking methods and soups on different taste(be it Caucasian spicy kharcho or sweetish milk soup), and the well-known Ukrainian borscht, and refreshing okroshka, especially pleasant to use during the summer heat. You are welcome to the pages of the "First courses" section.

How nice it is to warm yourself with a plate of hot on a frosty winter day. fragrant soup! If you are also a fish lover and fish dishes then this recipe is for you.

A good broth is the basis of a delicious first course. Without it, soups and borscht will not taste the same at all. Yes and how independent dish, the broth is often used, supplementing it with croutons or donuts.

The classic Kharcho soup is a dish that we all know and love very much. It is with this dish that we can treat guests, especially if they have arrived from far away and are already hungry.

The benefits of first courses are beyond doubt, but not all of them are able to become a source of vitamins and other necessary for our body. useful substances. Soup with egg and sorrel is another matter.

We are talking about an almost ordinary soup prepared on the basis of meat broth and vegetables, but its basis is dietary rabbit meat.

Do you think that fish soup can you cook sturgeon, as usual, only on water? But no: the ideal liquid for the broth, it turns out, is milk. The further algorithm for preparing this dish is traditional, but with milk, the delicacy fish turns out to be especially tasty and satisfying.

Or fish. If we are talking about sweet dessert soups, then pieces of various fruits, as well as berries, can act as thick.

Preparing the first dish at home is not difficult at all. The technology of preparation, as a rule, is the same. Recipes for first courses and step-by-step photos for them, however, like ordinary recipes, say that the broth is first cooked, into which vegetables, cereals are laid in a certain sequence, pasta and other thick components. However, of course, in each specific first course, each recipe has its own characteristics and subtleties, despite the similarity of the cooking technology.

There are a lot of options for first courses or their types. So besides the fact that they can be mushroom, meat, fish, vegetable, fruit, they can also be hot and cold. This means that some first courses must be served warm, while others must be exceptionally cold. This directly affects the taste characteristics of such dishes.

First courses are present in recipes almost all countries of the world. None National cuisine can't do without them. At the same time, there are features in the set of ingredients for their preparation, as well as in the method of heat treatment (however, it may be completely absent).

Since there are quite a few options for first courses, then, preparing them even every day, you can never repeat. In this section of the site you will find a wide variety of recipes for first courses with step by step photos. By the way, since they contain not only detailed text instructions, but also step-by-step photos, you can better navigate the cooking process.


The creation of meat first courses, according to recipes with step-by-step photos of our site, as well as other resources, as a rule, begins with the preparation of broth. The broth can be cooked with or without bones. In the first case, it turns out fatter and richer. Beef, pork, chicken or other types of meat can be used as the main ingredient.

To prepare the broth, the selected meat is first thoroughly washed in running water, and then sent to a saucepan, after which it is poured cold water. Next, the pan is sent to the stove over high heat and bring the water in it to a boil. Then the fire is reduced and the broth is boiled under the lid. Its cooking time depends on the meat that is used as the basis. Pork, for example, is cooked for about an hour and a half, beef - 3-4 hours, chicken from 40 minutes to 2 hours (depending on which chicken is used). After boiling water, foam forms on the broth. It should be removed if you want the first course not to be cloudy, but to turn out transparent. Foam is not harmful, it's just coagulated protein of animal origin.

The further process of cooking the first course begins only after the meat is fully cooked. It is taken out of the broth, cooled, divided into pieces and returned to the first dish at any stage, since it is already ready.

Of the vegetables, cabbage is the first to be laid (common white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), zucchini, zucchini, carrots (if coarsely chopped). Their cooking time is about 20 minutes. Grains can be added immediately. If long-term cooking cereals are used, then they should be pre-soaked for 8-12 hours. In particular, this applies to pearl barley and peas. Five minutes later, potatoes and carrots are sent to the first dish (if it is well chopped). Cooking time for these vegetables is about 15 minutes. Then after 10 minutes it's the turn of the beets. However, in order for it to retain its color, it must first be given heat treatment, and in the very first dish, when laying it, add acid (citric or acetic). After a minute, you can add tomato paste, brine, pickles or capers. It is not recommended to lay them earlier, otherwise fresh vegetables in the first dish will be poorly boiled soft. After two minutes, you can send passivated vegetables, as well as small pasta. And a minute before readiness, spices and spices are added, including crushed cloves.


The fish first course also begins with the preparation of the broth. For this, both the whole fish and its parts (head, skin, tail, fins, bones) are suitable. As for fish, sturgeon fish is most often used for cooking first courses. So, the fish is cleaned of scales, relieved of internal organs, gill, eye, cut into portioned pieces. Then it is poured with cold water in a saucepan and sent to boil on the stove. If the broth is cooked on waste from fish, then they do the same. After boiling, the fire is reduced, the foam that has come out is removed and the broth is boiled for half an hour. Then the pieces of fish are taken out, and the head, tail, fins, skin are left and boiled for about 20 minutes. After that, the finished broth is filtered and further preparation of the first course is continued. The sequence of laying vegetables, cereals, pasta is the same as in the case of meat first dish.

Vegetable and mushroom

Vegetable first courses are made on the basis of vegetable broth. Their set may vary. The most commonly used carrots onion, leek, garlic, parsley and celery root, sweet bell pepper, greens. All components are cleaned and washed. Then they are put in a saucepan and poured with cold water. They add spices and spices to taste. Boil over high heat until boiling, then reduce the fire and leave it on the stove until the vegetables are well boiled. After that, the broth is filtered. The vegetables boiled in it are no longer needed, they gave away their taste and aroma. The sequence of preparation of the first course from vegetable broth exactly the same as before with the only difference that neither meat nor fish is added to the dish.

Mushroom first course is also prepared quite simply. Fresh or soaked dried mushrooms, vegetables, herbs, spices are laid in the broth. All this is cooked until ready. Mushrooms are not thrown away, but taken out of the broth and chopped. The broth itself is filtered. Then mushrooms are returned to it, vegetables, cereals, pasta are successively added, depending on the recipe.

Summing up…

It is not difficult to prepare the first dish for every day at home. You could verify this by studying the above information on how to cook meat, fish, vegetable and mushroom soups. Of course, such technology is not a dogma. There are cardinally different preparations for the first courses. But they, we assure you, are quite simple to prepare. So open the recipe of the first course you like, study its recommendations and step-by-step photos, and then go ahead to the kitchen and create real culinary masterpieces.

In this section of our site you will find recipes for first courses with step-by-step photos for every day, related not only to Russian and Ukrainian cuisine but also to the cuisines of other countries of the world. Delicious and original, they perfectly diversify your daily menu. And not only text instructions will help you cook them, but also step-by-step photos of the recipes on our site.

This recipe is unusual even if only because it is traditionally Azerbaijani soup cooked in pots in portions. However, sometimes it is so difficult to collect everything you need to cook such a dish, but you want to try it. That is why we have prepared for you an easier way to cook piti soup on the stove with the addition of dried green peas and prunes.

4088 1 160 min. 8 people

Sorpa is a hearty filling soup of many eastern peoples. Prepare it in abundance different ways and today we will try to repeat only one of them. An unusual hot dish on a hearty broth will be to your taste and will certainly feed even the largest family. A variety of spices and herbs diversify the soup, and beshbarmak sheets will only make it more satisfying.

2580 0 160 min. 6 people

Everyone knows perfectly well what okroshka is. She is very fond of and often cooked in the summer. So refreshing cold soup invigorates and energizes. In the cuisines of other nations, such soups are also available. For example, in Italy it is spicy soup gazpacho. AT Azerbaijani cuisine This dish is called dovga and it is very easy to prepare. For the base, be sure to use fresh cucumbers and sour dairy products.

1759 0 80 min. 4 people

First courses are different, and if in Europe they prefer puree soups, then in the East they prefer rich dressing soups with large quantity different ingredients. Mastava just belongs to such soups. Not only the taste, but also the aroma of this dish is absolutely exceptional and unique. In a cauldron, we will prepare an amazing dressing of lamb and vegetables, and you will learn more about everything from the recipe.

2444 0 150 min. 8 people

Summer is the best time to relax, travel abroad, sunbathe on the beaches and ... Okroshka. Freshly prepared, cool, with an unsurpassed aroma of greens. Such a dish can refresh the body and give strength even on the hottest summer day. And the abundance of vegetables in our beds greatly simplifies the situation. All you need to make okroshka with vinegar is a complete list of products and our recipe with step-by-step photos, which you will find inside.

2314 0 60 min. 20 people

Rassolnik is a fairly common dish today, not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. The preparation of this dish is a long and laborious process, and modern technological progress makes life much easier for us, allowing us to speed up this process. The slow cooker pickle recipe is another way to save time. Detailed description with step by step photos you can see further in our recipe.

1875 1 90 min. 10 people

Fragrant hot chicken bouillon- an excellent remedy winter cold. Especially when you can cook it without standing at the stove for several hours, and the result is simply amazing! How then to do it? Very simple! If you have a slow cooker, then our recipe with step-by-step photos will come in handy. This method will help you save time and prepare a healthy and tasty dish with almost no effort.

613 0 240 min. 5 people

On a hot summer day, when it is so hot outside that you don’t even want to move, a portion of cool okroshka can give a feeling of coolness and energize for a while. Definitely, this is the most common dish in the summer season! It is very simple to prepare, does not require much time and can satisfy both hunger and thirst at the same time. You can learn how to cook okroshka on kefir from our recipe with step-by-step photos.

2416 0 60 min. 2 people

Rassolnik is one of the favorite dishes of Russian cuisine. It has dozens of varieties and methods of preparation. This dish will appeal to anyone, from young to old. He was especially remembered by those who lived during the times of the USSR, since at that time pickle was the most popular dish in all restaurants and canteens. Cooking it is not difficult, which will be confirmed by this step-by-step photo recipe.

2450 0 90 min. 15 people

broth on dried mushrooms - unique dish, on the basis of which you can cook a whole host of other dishes. For example, mushroom soup or mushroom sauce. You can use the broth at your discretion, it turns out fragrant and has a very rich taste. You should try it! And the cooking instructions mushroom broth at home you can find in our recipe with step by step photos.

660 0 180 min. 4 people

This recipe will especially appeal to those who follow their figure, because it is not very high in calories and consists only of natural products. The taste of buckwheat with milk is the taste of childhood. Cooking it is not at all difficult, you need a minimum of ingredients, and the benefits of this dish are maximum. You can learn how to cook this soup from our recipe, and the accompanying step-by-step photos will help you learn the recommendations better.

1720 0 40 min. 10 people

Okroshka - a traditional dish Russian cuisine. It is prepared quickly and easily, does not require a huge investment of time and is ideal for lunch on especially hot summer days when cold! Both adults and children love her. it universal dish for any holidays or just for weekday dinners. In this recipe with step-by-step photos, we will tell you how to cook okroshka in broth.

722 0 180 min. 10 people

Fragrant, savory, delicious pickle co pork meat will not leave indifferent any member of your family! Highly hearty meal, which diversifies your daily diet, does not require any special culinary skills. You can find all the recommendations and step-by-step photos that will help you in the cooking process in this recipe!

1536 0 100 min. 10 people

Light and savory in taste, mashed potato milk soup is a great alternative to boring first courses. In preparation, it is very simple, and any housewife will find the products included in the composition in her kitchen. Time to create such culinary masterpiece» will take no more than half an hour, so in a very short time you will be able to enjoy delicious dish. Try to cook it at least once and you will see that your household will be delighted. They will probably ask you to cook it more than once.

1283 0 30 min. 4 people

Mushroom soup is the perfect way to diversify your diet with a delicious first course. This dish is ideal for both vegetarians and those who eat meat. The cooking method is simple and even primitive, and the cooking process will not take you much time. So, if you really love mushrooms and are going to cook soup for lunch, then our recipe with step-by-step photos will help you with this.

1788 0 60 min. 6 people

Chicken broth is a versatile dish that can be drunk on its own or used to make any kind of soup. That is why every hostess should know how to cook it correctly. This one is not difficult at all, but there are still some secrets. We will definitely introduce you to them as part of this photo recipe. Thanks to the recommendations that are given in it, you can cook a really tasty broth.

1560 0 60 min. 1 person

There is no such person for whom, in childhood, his mother would not cook milk soup with pasta. And he was a frequent guest on the lunch menu of any kindergarten. So this first dish is real taste childhood! Preparing this soup is quite easy. The main thing is that everything is available. necessary ingredients. Learn more about cooking delicious milk soup with pasta, read this step-by-step photo recipe.

1431 0 20 min. 2 people

Mushroom soup can be cooked most in a variety of ways. There are many differences: starting with the choice of ingredients and ending with the method of cooking itself, not to mention the spices that can be combined in different ways and added to the broth and ready soup. Today we will prepare a very simple and delicious mushroom soup of mushrooms, potatoes and vermicelli. Cooking does not take much time, and you can enjoy the taste of fragrant hearty broth with pieces healthy vegetables and mushrooms for lunch.

2184 0 60 min. 4 people

If you add a little melted cheese and pieces of fried chicken to the mushroom soup, then we get an incredibly tasty and tender broth with an amazing aroma. This is the first dish we will cook today in this recipe. To make the soup thicker and more satisfying, we will add pasta to it. Such a soup is very satisfying and tasty as a lunch. The taste of the dish can be varied with all kinds of spices and spices.

1062 0 60 min. 5 people

Buckwheat soup is one of the healthiest hot first courses. We will prepare the soup without meat and without frying: this will make the dish even more healthy and completely non-greasy. This is such a low calorie diet soup we will cook in this recipe. You will learn in detail how to buckwheat soup without meat hearty and tasty, as well as what spices and vegetables go well with buckwheat.

1578 0 50 min. 5 people

Buckwheat is rightfully considered one of the most useful and low-calorie foods. It contains many useful substances of natural origin, which are very easily absorbed by the human body. That is why in this recipe we will prepare a very healthy, satisfying and low-calorie buckwheat soup with pieces boiled beef. The perfect dish will be for lunch or dinner.

1104 0 180 min. 3 people

Every good wife, mother or grandmother knows how to feed her household with most useful and pleasure, taking into account the tastes of each family member. But first courses are not always welcomed by many men who prefer meat chop and children. If this is the situation in your family, this does not mean that you should refuse to cook the first one - you just need to learn how to cook it so that it becomes a desired dish. It's not hard if you follow a few simple rules cooking first courses and study the recipes of first courses with photos presented on the pages of our website. The main advantage of cooking first courses on the site is that we do not offer you unverified recipes for the first course - we first prepare and try the prepared first courses ourselves, and only then we offer you, providing descriptions of the first courses with our own photographs, which greatly simplifies cooking. Cooking first courses with us is very simple, even according to the most complicated recipes at first glance. Moreover, each dish prepared according to our recipe will definitely turn out to be successful.

If you already have first course recipes in your culinary archive that you cook regularly, compare them with our first course recipes - perhaps they will help you understand what is missing in your first course recipes. recipes, you will constantly cook them. These are milk soups tender purees, borscht, hodgepodge, pickle, cabbage soup, soup, mushroom stews, okroshka and much more. And here are a few secrets to preparing a delicious first course.

To prepare the first, it is advisable to use filtered or settled water, and cook the first course in enamel saucepan no more than 5 liters in volume. You need to pour water, taking into account the fact that a certain amount of it will boil away during the cooking process. In no case do not add water to the cooking broth - this will spoil the taste of the dish. When preparing first courses from chicken, beef, other types of meat, as well as fish, they should only be poured with cold water. Be sure to remove the foam that forms on the surface. Salt the meat broth an hour after it boils, fish broth at the very beginning of cooking, and mushroom broth at the end. Bean and pea soups are salted only after the beans are boiled. Cut the products in the first dish so that they are all approximately the same shape. Sauerkraut, sorrel, pickles and other pickled foods are put in the first dish only after the potatoes are ready, otherwise it will be tough and tasteless.

Now that you know almost all the secrets of cooking first courses, you can start preparing hot first courses of beef or pork, light vegetable soups or rich fish ear. In each first course recipe, you will find the necessary explanations, and you can also clarify or comment on the first course recipe in the comment box. Most likely, men will like the first courses of pork, lamb and other types of meat, seasoned with hot spices, women and girls who care about their figure will prefer low-calorie mushroom and vegetable recipes, and dairy recipes will become a favorite first course of children.

But don't limit yourself to just popular recipes, explore cuisines different countries, where you can meet very original first courses with an unusual and piquant taste and unusual for us ingredients. Perhaps they will become your family's favorite. For example, a gazpacho recipe can be a great alternative to Russian okroshka on a hot summer day. And the recipes for first courses of beef can be replenished Georgian kharcho or Tatar shurpa.

It is in our culinary tradition The first meal of the day is a must. Children have been taught since childhood that eating soups and borscht every day is very healthy. This is a simple version of hot food that should be on the table every day. First courses: simple and tasty recipes with photos may differ in the composition of the ingredients and the culinary techniques used in cooking.

In the thematic section of our culinary site, you can find soups and borscht, milk soups and puree options for every day, which can definitely diversify the everyday table of each person. it great options to properly satisfy your appetite, to benefit your body. Separately, it is worth noting that the first courses can be prepared on different broths and their calorie content, first of all, depends on this.

First courses: simple and tasty recipes with photos for every day can be prepared on meat broth. This is perhaps the most common version of the broth in our country. It is understandable, because for half of the year it is cold on the territory, and meat broth with various vegetable ingredients It's a great way to warm up and satisfy your appetite.

Meat broths themselves can be dietary or rich. diet broth it turns out if you cook it on chicken meat or beef, veal. When using pork or lamb, regardless of which part of the carcass is taken, the broth is more rich and fatty. Here, as they say, everything is already an amateur. The only thing is that the first dishes of Russian cuisine, recipes with photos show that they can be fatty, and are cooked in vegetable broth.

Vegetable broth for the first dishes in Russia was necessary, and the housewives knew how to cook herbs and vegetables deliciously. The fact is that always in the villages they tried to adhere to church posts. During these periods, it was impossible to eat meat, which means that it was impossible to cook first courses even on a light meat broth. Therefore, there are many recipes for vegetable soup and borscht, various kinds soups. Of course, such dishes can unload the diet, help during the period of modern fasting, and they are simply indispensable for dietary nutrition.

As you can see from this section of the site, the first dishes: recipes with photos are simple and tasty so varied that at first your eyes run wide. To make it faster and easier to choose a recipe, you need to understand what exactly your broth will be and what main ingredients can be included in soup or borscht, another planned type. delicious first dishes.


Soup with fresh porcini mushrooms

Ingredients: white mushrooms, potatoes, onions, carrots, dill, semolina, salt, sour cream

If today is a “mushroom” day on your menu, then our recipe will come in handy) Prepare fresh porcini mushroom soup according to our recipe - you will be pleasantly surprised that an appetizing first course can be made quite simply and quickly.

- white mushrooms - 300 grams,
- potatoes - 5 small tubers,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- semolina - 1 teaspoon,
- salt to taste,
- vegetable oil- 2 tablespoons,
- sour cream to taste
- greens to taste.


Bean soup with cracklings

Ingredients: Beans, carrots, onions, tomatoes, lard, potatoes, salt, Bay leaf, water, broth, spices

If you need a recipe for a delicious soup, then our advice is to cook bean soup from white beans. It will be hearty, beautiful, and tasty, of course. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, you will certainly cope.

- 1 glass of beans;
- 1 carrot;
- 2 heads of onions;
- 2 tomatoes or 2-3 tbsp. tomato sauce;
- 100 gr of lard;
- 3-4 potatoes;
- salt to taste;
- 1 bay leaf;
- 2 liters of water or broth;
- spices for vegetable soup- taste.


Cold classic beetroot

Ingredients: beets, potatoes, cucumbers, eggs, water, vinegar, salt, herbs

Cold beetroot has many variations, but the best, in our opinion, is the classic one. No need to invent anything, take our simple recipe as a basis and cook this summer first course. You won't regret it, we promise!
- beets - 300 gr;
- potatoes - 200 gr; [
- fresh cucumbers - 150 gr;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- water - 2 liters;
- vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- greens (dill) - 1 bunch.


Red borscht with meatballs

Ingredients: minced meat, onions, cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes, sweet peppers, tomatoes, bay leaves, ground black pepper, refined sunflower oil, salt, herbs, water, garlic

Delicious borscht without rich broth. Think it's impossible? But no, we hasten to assure you of the opposite. Try to prepare your favorite dish according to our recipe, namely with meatballs, and you will understand that this is possible. By the way, the cooking time of such a dish is much faster than with broth.

- 350 gr. Chopped meat;
- 2 pcs. onion;
- 1 PC. White cabbage;
- 1 PC. beet;
- 1 medium carrot;
- 5 pieces. potatoes;
- 1-2 pcs. sweet pepper;
- 4 things. tomato;
- 1-2 pcs. Bay leaf;
- ground black pepper - add to taste;
- 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil refined;
- salt - to taste;
- fresh herbs;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 2 cloves of garlic.


Fresh cabbage borscht

Ingredients: water, fresh cabbage, pork, carrot, onion, potato, bell pepper, bay leaf, vegetable oil, tomato paste, spices

Fragrant borscht for dinner is good both in summer and in winter. And, if in the cold season this dish tastes best with sauerkraut, then in the summer it is necessary to cook it with fresh. And how, you will be shown a new photo recipe.

Products for the recipe:

- cabbage - a small fork,
- meat with bone - 300 g,
- one carrot,
- head of onion
- 300-350 g potatoes,
- a pod of sweet pepper,
- Bay leaf,
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 50 g of tomato paste,
- spices - to taste.


Lamb soup

Ingredients: lamb, potatoes, onions, carrots, peppers, chili, tomato paste, oil, salt, laurel, spice, herbs

Lamb is a very tasty and satisfying meat, the main thing is to be able to cook it. Today I will tell you how to cook the most delicious and hearty soup with lamb and potatoes.


- 300 grams of lamb,
- 4 potatoes,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 2 sweet peppers,
- chili pepper to taste
- 1 tbsp tomato paste,
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oils,
- 2 tsp salt,
- 1 bay leaf,
- 1 tsp ground black pepper,
- a quarter of a bunch of green cilantro.


Beetroot with tops

Ingredients: beets, onions, potatoes, carrots, peppers, zucchini, garlic, brisket, broth, salt, pepper, dill, butter, sour cream

Be sure to cook hot beetroot, using classic recipe- this first dish will become one of your favorites. It is cooked not only with beet roots, but also with tops - this way it turns out even tastier.
- 350 gr beets with tops;
- 80 gr of onions;
- 200 gr potatoes;
- 80 grams of carrots;
- 200 gr of bell pepper;
- 200 gr zucchini;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 50 grams of fatty salted brisket;
- 2 liters of meat broth;
- salt;
- pepper;
- dill;
- sour cream;
- vegetable oil.


Okroshka on water with mayonnaise and vinegar

Ingredients: potatoes, eggs, radish, cucumber, green onion, dill, parsley, salt, water, mayonnaise, vinegar,

Summer is a hot time and you don’t want to eat in the summer at all. That is why I often cook okroshka. Today I will describe for you a recipe for okroshka on water with mayonnaise.


- 300 grams of young potatoes;
- 2 eggs;
- 12-15 pcs. radishes;
- 2-3 cucumbers;
- a bunch of green onions;
- a bunch of dill and parsley;
- salt to taste;
- one and a half liters of water;
- 4 tablespoons mayonnaise;
- to taste apple or table vinegar.


Buhler. Buryat soup with lamb

Ingredients: lamb, onion, potatoes, salt, pepper, dill, parsley

I suggest you cook this delicious Buryat soup - bukhler. It is prepared from lamb. An interesting effect of this soup is that it eliminates post-alcohol syndrome.


- 450 grams of lamb,
- 3 onions,
- 2 potatoes,
- half st.l. salt,
- freshly ground pepper,
- bunch of dill
- a bunch of parsley.


Lamb soup with potatoes

Ingredients: meat, potatoes, water, carrots, onions, Bell pepper, garlic, tomato, spice, salt, herbs

Cook this tasty soup from lamb. The soup recipe is simple and takes relatively little time to prepare. Lamb will add spice to the soup.


- half a kilo of lamb,
- 5 potatoes,
- 4 liters of water,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 onion,
- 1-2 lettuce peppers,
- 2 tomatoes,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- a set of spices and spices,
- salt to taste
- cilantro.


Cheese soup with meatballs

Ingredients: chicken breast, onion, carrot, cheese, pepper, herbs, spice

I am no longer interested in making regular soups. So I started experimenting all the time. Today I will describe for you great recipe cheese soup with meatballs.


- 700 grams of chicken breast;
- 150 grams of onion;
- 150 grams of carrots;
- 200 grams of processed cheese;
- 50 grams of hard cheese;
- 1 chili pepper;
- 30 grams of greens;
- spices;
- salt;
- oil for frying.


Soup with smoked chicken and melted cheese

Ingredients: smoked chicken, potatoes, onions, carrots, processed cheese, salt, spices, water, herbs

This so-called white soup"I tried it for the first time quite recently. It is best to use smoked meat in such a soup. Specifically, in this recipe, I recommend using smoked chicken.


- smoked chicken - 250 grams,
- potatoes - 3-4 pcs.,
- bow - 1 pc.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- processed cheese - 150 grams,
- salt - 1 tsp,
- spices to taste,
- water - 2 liters,
- greens.


Chicken soup with mushrooms and millet

Ingredients: chicken meat, water, potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, millet, sweet peppers, vegetable oil, greens

I often cook this delicious soup for lunch. It is easy to prepare, and the dish turns out to be hearty and rich.


- 400-500 grams of chicken meat;
- 3 liters of water;
- 3 potatoes;
- 1 carrot;
- 200 grams of champignons;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 1 onion;
- 4 tablespoons millet;
- 1 sweet pepper;
- 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oils;
- a bunch of fresh herbs.


Meat soup with pork ribs and mushrooms

Ingredients: pork ribs, water, potatoes, rice, carrots, onions, champignons, vegetable oil, salt, herbs

Meat soup, as a rule, everyone loves - both adults and children. To add some zest to it, we advise, in addition to the usual onions, carrots and potatoes, to cook it with mushrooms - it will be both tastier and more interesting.

- 400 gr pork ribs moderate fat content;
- 2.5 liters of water;
- 4 potatoes;
- 3 tbsp. l. without a slide of rice;
- 0.5 carrots;
- 1 onion;
- 6-7 pieces of fresh champignons;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- salt to taste;
- greens to taste.


Simple fish soup

Ingredients: canned food, potatoes, onions, carrots, rice, oil, salt, herbs

Don't have time to cook the first course in meat broth? Then our recipe for soup with sardine in oil will help you out. It cooks really quickly, and comes out tasty and appetizing. Be sure to cook it, the result will pleasantly surprise you!
- 1 can of canned fish (natural sardine in oil);
- 3-4 potatoes;
- 1 carrot;
- 30 grams of rice;
- 20 grams of vegetable oil;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- bay leaf to taste;
- greens for serving;
- Lemon for serving