Recipe for stewing zucchini with vegetables. Stewed zucchini - an excellent dietary dish

The main advantage of the “recipe” is the speed of its preparation, which naturally reduces the thermal effect on vegetables and thereby preserves more in them. useful substances. In addition, stewing vegetables provides enormous scope for culinary creativity. After all, during the cooking process, you can add any ingredients that are on hand to the zucchini: tomatoes, potatoes, onions, carrots, Bell pepper… So stewed zucchini– it’s healthy and tasty at the same time!

Some people think that zucchini is a bland and simple vegetable, and often do not include it in their diet. But in vain! These vegetables contain easily digestible fiber and microelements that contribute to proper digestion. An important fact is the low “Stewed zucchini” calorie content. Zucchini also has a way of “absorbing” the taste and aroma of complementary foods, but at the same time still imbuing the dish with its own flavor, giving it a finishing touch.

Typically, stewing zucchini is done with the addition of meat or vegetable broth or on the water; however, these vegetables do not necessarily need to be “watered down,” since the zucchini itself is watery and, at elevated temperatures, releases enough of its own juices to cook them. Often, zucchini is stewed separately from other ingredients (for example, carrots or potatoes) or added at the very end, since they cook faster. And a few minutes before the dish is ready, the ingredients are mixed and simmered over low heat a little more so that they are properly saturated with each other’s aromas; for example, during the cooking process.

How to properly prepare zucchini for stewing
Before you start stewing zucchini, they, like other vegetables, must be washed well, peeled (only young zucchini with delicate skin is not peeled) and seeds and cut into convenient pieces of approximately the same size so that ready dish the result was not only tasty, but also appetizing and attractive. It’s best to prepare zucchini just before cooking to prevent it from getting chapped. And if meat is supposed to be added to them, then it must be fried or boiled in advance, depending on the recipe.

“Stewed zucchini” recipe with yogurt

Some may be surprised that this fermented milk product is used when stewing zucchini. Yogurt will make the dish more tender, with a pleasant, unexpected, unusual flavor. Only young zucchini without seeds and with thin skin are selected for the recipe. On average, for 0.5 kg of zucchini the following is taken:
- 200 ml natural unsweetened yogurt(or kefir)
- 2 tsp. mustard seeds,
- salt to taste,
- greenery.
Washed zucchini cut into pieces small cubes or thin slices and transfer to a saucepan. Vegetables are stewed for 10-15 minutes over moderate heat, adding salt. Then yogurt and mustard seeds are added to the zucchini, with which the dish will acquire original taste. The simmering continues for another 8-10 minutes. And at the end, already removing from the heat, add chopped herbs. Especially this dish, like vegetables, will appeal to those who count calories in food and prefer only healthy food.

Recipe " Zucchini stewed with tomatoes»

When processed, zucchini is literally imbued with flavor. smoked chicken and cheese, which are also added with other ingredients, and in the end the dish is simply delicious thanks to such a successfully composed combination. You can safely add other vegetables: cauliflower or sweet pepper. The products needed for the recipe are as follows:
- 0.8 kg of zucchini,
- 2-3 large tomatoes,
- 1 chicken smoked breast,
- 1 onion,
- 1 processed cheese,
- greenery,
- spices.
The zucchini is washed, cut into 1.5*1.5 cm cubes and, having lightly salted them, is put to stew in own juice over low heat. In the meantime, in the frying pan vegetable oil fried crushed onion. Tomatoes are added, blanched, peeled and cut into slices. Smoked chicken cut into small pieces is also added to the frying. All this is sautéed for 10-12 minutes. Processed cheese is grated onto coarse grater. Passed vegetables are poured into semi-finished zucchini along with grated melted cheese. The mass is thoroughly mixed and simmered for another 5-7 minutes. When serving the dish, sprinkle it with herbs and pour sour cream on it. It is perfect for any other meat dish.

Recipe “Zucchini stewed with vegetables and egg”

As an option, there is a way to stew zucchini with vegetables and eggs. For piquancy, milk is added to the dish, which makes it very appetizing and beautiful. To prepare the recipe you will need:
- 0.5 kg of young zucchini,
- 1 pc. carrots, onions and tomatoes,
- 1 egg,
- 3 tbsp. milk,
- vegetable oil,
- garlic, herbs and spices to taste.
Carrots and onions are peeled and finely chopped. Afterwards they are fried in a small amount of vegetable oil. The tomato (it is advisable to peel it) is also cut into small slices or cubes. The egg is beaten with a pinch of salt in a mixer, and milk is gradually added to the resulting mixture, continuing to beat. Zucchini is cut into larger pieces, mixed with fried vegetables, tomato and beaten egg with milk. All this is transferred to suitable dishes, cover with a lid and simmer the vegetables for at least 7-10 minutes. Then the lid is removed, the dish is seasoned with garlic and spices, and the vegetables continue to cook until the excess liquid has evaporated. The prepared dish must be sprinkled with herbs for flavor.

Recipe " Zucchini stewed in sour cream»
If it comes out with yogurt dietary dish, then with sour cream it becomes more satisfying and high-calorie. Many zucchini dishes accompanied with sour cream; for example, the recipe "". And zucchini stewed in sour cream is no exception. They go perfectly with any side dish. To make this dish you need:
- 1.5 kg of zucchini,
- 2 large tomatoes,
- 4 sweet peppers,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 250 ml 15-20% sour cream,
- vegetable oil,
- herbs and spices.
Sweet peppers are peeled, cut into cubes and fried in a hot frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes. The zucchini is washed, peeled, cut into cubes and placed in a frying pan with the peppers. Vegetables are fried for about 10 minutes over high heat. During this time, the skins are peeled off the tomatoes, they are finely chopped and sent to the frying pan with the vegetables. After stirring, the vegetables are stewed for another 2-3 minutes. Then, sprinkling them with spices, salt, pepper, herbs and pouring sour cream, they are simmered under a closed lid over moderate heat until cooked (about 10-12 minutes). The finished dish should sit after turning off the heat and soak; this will make it even tastier.

Recipe " Stewed cabbage with zucchini»
When stewing, zucchini is often supplemented with cabbage (fresh or pickled). For the recipe with fresh cabbage you will need:
- 4 medium zucchini,
- 0.5 kg cabbage,
- half a glass red lentils,
- 1 celery root,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 1 onion,
- vegetable oil,
- curry, black pepper, salt,
- parsley.
Zucchini is cut into thin slices. The cabbage is finely chopped, poured with boiling water for 4-5 minutes and then, after decanting the water from it, it is wrung out. The carrots are peeled and cut into cubes. The onion is cut into half rings. The peeled celery root is crushed. Then the onions are lightly fried in vegetable oil with celery and half a carrot, after which they are filled with a small amount of water and lentils are added to them. Vegetables and beans are stewed until cooked. During cooking, add water if necessary. When the vegetables have cooled, finely chopped garlic is added to the stewed vegetables, and they are crushed into a homogeneous mass using a blender.

The prepared puree is transferred to a saucepan, and the remaining carrots and parsley are added there. The mixture is cooked until the carrots soften under the lid. If it turns out to be too thick, then it needs to be diluted with water. At the end of cooking, add black pepper, salt to taste and a pinch of curry. The zucchini is stewed separately until tender, adding a small amount of salted water to it. Stewed zucchini is poured with boiled vegetable mixture and seasonings and simmered over low heat, stirring the dish vigorously, for 5-7 minutes. The finished dish should be given time to brew so that the zucchini is soaked in the sauce. If desired, when serving stewed zucchini on the table, you can sprinkle them with sunflower yards, which will give the dish an unusual, pleasant aroma. These zucchini are especially good for those who strictly monitor their weight. Stewed zucchini with cabbage, like others, can be prepared in the specified kitchen appliance; stewed zucchini in a slow cooker They are prepared quickly and simply, and the results are beyond praise.

Recipe " Zucchini stewed with meat»

Zucchini and meat make an excellent duo. At the same time, for extinguishing you can take either whole pieces meat and twisted minced meat. For this recipe you will need:
- 0.5 kg pork or beef,
- 2 medium zucchini or zucchini,
- 1 tomato and 1 carrot,
- 1 sweet pepper,
- 1 larger onion,
- 1-2 cloves of garlic,
- herbs, spices and salt to taste,
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
All vegetables must be washed. Then the zucchini is peeled, cut in half, the core is taken out with a spoon, and they are cut into 1.5 * 2 cm cubes. The carrots are also peeled and cut into thin circles. The sweet pepper is cut in half, the seeds are removed from it, and the pulp is cut into thin strips. The tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, the peel is removed, and the vegetables themselves are cut into cubes. The onions are chopped. The meat is washed and cut into small slices; You can beat it off first, then it will turn out juicier.

Vegetable oil is poured into a saucepan, heated and the onion is fried in it until golden brown. Then the meat is added to the onion and lightly fried. Alternately, at intervals of 2-3 minutes, vegetables are added to the saucepan: carrots, bell peppers, zucchini and tomatoes. All this is salted, the dishes are covered with a lid and the dish is stewed for about 15 minutes over medium heat. About 5 minutes before it’s ready, add finely chopped garlic. The recipe is served, as well as, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Like any dish that includes meat, stewed zucchini is higher in calories. But their calorie content basically depends on the type of meat chosen. Eg, chicken stew with zucchini It will turn out to be almost dietary, but pork will add fat to the vegetables. The fat content is also affected by the amount of vegetable oil added for frying vegetables.

Useful tips“How to cook stewed zucchini”:
- For the recipe " Stewed zucchini with potatoes“and other stewing options, it is better to select young zucchini: they do not need to be peeled, but the majority of the nutrients are concentrated in it. In addition, with the peel, vegetables will retain their shape and will not “go limp” during heat treatment.
- If you still use old zucchini for the dish, then it is advisable to cut them into large cubes 2*2 cm.
- In addition to water and broth, you can use red wine or dark beer to “dilute” the zucchini when stewing. The combination is unusual at first glance, but gives an amazing taste effect.

- If the stewed zucchini turns out to be watery and too liquid, then you can add to it for thickness. wheat flour. This is done this way: required amount flour (depending on the desired thickness) diluted in? glass parts cold water, stir until completely homogeneous and pour into the stewed vegetables in a thin stream a couple of minutes before the dish is ready. Cold water can be replaced with cool milk; this will be especially appropriate for the recipe "".

Stewed zucchini can be offered as an independent dish or, for example, as a side dish. Thanks to the excellent taste qualities, this dish is also prepared for the winter, combining zucchini with other vegetables in recipes. Very popular recipe " Stewed eggplants with zucchini" and "Zucchini stewed with cauliflower."

One of the main advantages stewed vegetables is the speed of preparation, which naturally allows minimizing the destruction of beneficial substances. Plus, steamed vegetables are a huge opportunity for culinary creativity. To prepare them, you can use any ingredients that you can get your hands on: potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, onions and, of course, the highlight of our article - healthy zucchini.

Stewed zucchini - general principles and methods of preparation

Zucchini is dietary product nutrition. They are healthy, filling due to the presence of fiber, and low in calories (only 24 kcal per hundred grams). Some people mistakenly believe that zucchini is a rather simple and bland vegetable that doesn’t stand out in any way, so they don’t include it in the diet, but in vain! After all, it contains great amount essential microelements and easily digestible fiber, which helps our digestion work in correct mode. Moreover, zucchini is able to absorb the aroma and taste of the ingredients around it. This quality helps it “dissolve”, but at the same time give the dish a full and rich taste.

Classic stew products is carried out with the addition of water or broth (meat, vegetable), however, due to the fact that the zucchini itself releases a sufficient amount of juice during heat treatment, it is not at all necessary to “dilute” it with liquid. Most often, zucchini is stewed separately from the other ingredients, since they cook very quickly, unlike potatoes, beets or carrots. A few minutes before it’s ready, all the ingredients of the dish are mixed and simmered over low heat so that each ingredient is thoroughly soaked.

Stewed zucchini - food preparation

Before stewing zucchini and other vegetables, we thoroughly wash them, remove the skin, seeds and other unnecessary elements, cut them into approximately equal pieces so that the resulting dish is not only healthy, but also attractive, and proceed according to the recipe. We also note that any vegetables should be peeled before cooking, and meat (if you add it) is better to boil or fry separately in advance.

Stewed zucchini - best recipes

Recipe 1: Stewed zucchini with yogurt

You are not mistaken, and your eyes are not deceiving you. We will stew the zucchini with yogurt - natural and without any additives. Please note that for this dish we select only milk (young) zucchini with thin skin and without seeds.


— 500 gr. zucchini
— 200-250 gr. natural yogurt
- mustard seeds - two teaspoons.
- salt to taste

Cooking method:

We wash the zucchini; it is not necessary to peel the skin (if the vegetable is young and not overripe), although this is a purely individual matter. Cut it into thin slices (or cubes) and place in a saucepan. Simmer the vegetables, lightly adding salt, for ten to fifteen minutes. Next, mix the yogurt with the seeds and pour over the zucchini. Simmer for a couple more minutes and then serve. Dish thanks to yogurt and mustard seeds, will have a very original taste. The recipe will be especially useful for those people who follow strict diet.

Recipe 2: Stewed zucchini with tomatoes and cheese

The zucchini in this dish literally absorbs the aroma of cheese and smoked chicken and turns out simply magnificent thanks to the successful combination of all components. Feel free to experiment with other vegetables, for example, adding potatoes, cauliflower, etc.


— 800 gr. zucchini
- two large tomatoes
- smoked breast
- one pack processed cheese
- bulb onions
- herbs, spices, salt

Cooking method:

We wash the zucchini, cut it into cubes, and let them simmer in their own juice, adding a little salt. Meanwhile, fry the onions in a frying pan, remove the skins from the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water, cut them and add them to the fried onions. We also add chopped chicken. Sauté everything until the tomatoes are ready. Cut the cheese into small cubes. Dip the vegetables into the semi-finished zucchini, add the cheese and mix everything well. Simmer for another 5-7 minutes and turn off the stove. Serve the dish sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 3: Stewed zucchini in sour cream

Ripe zucchini in combination with vegetables sour cream sauce- it is both easy and hearty dish, which will in no way harm your figure. An excellent side dish for any meat. We advise you to take it into service.


- zucchini 1.5 kg
- four bell peppers
- two large tomatoes
- three cloves of garlic
— 250 gr. sour cream (up to 15% fat content)
- greenery
- spices, pepper, salt to taste
- vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method:

Peel the peppers from seeds, cut into cubes and place in a heated frying pan. Fry them in any vegetable oil for about 3 to 5 minutes. We wash the zucchini, peel it if it is old, cut it into cubes and add it to the peppers. Fry the vegetables together over high heat for ten minutes. At this time, remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop them too and add them to the vegetables in the frying pan. Stir and continue frying for another 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle with pepper, spices, herbs, salt, pour in sour cream, close the lid, reduce the heat and simmer the zucchini with vegetables and sour cream until tender (about 10-12 minutes). Do not rush to remove the finished stewed vegetables from the stove after turning them off, this way they will be soaked in the sauce and will become even tastier.

Recipe 4: Stewed zucchini with egg

Another cooking option healthy zucchini with vegetables. Only this time we will add one egg and a little milk to the dish to give spicy taste. Zucchini prepared in this way turns out very beautiful and appetizing.


— 500 gr. young zucchini
- one carrot
- one medium onion
- one tomato
- one egg
- three spoons of milk
- to taste: herbs, garlic, spices
- vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Peel and chop the onions and carrots (onions – finely, and carrots – into thin slices). Fry vegetables with the addition of large quantity oils Finely chop the tomato (it is better to remove the skin from it first), beat the egg with a pinch of salt with a mixer, then add milk to it and beat slightly again. Add diced zucchini to the overcooked carrots, add tomatoes and beaten egg with milk. Close the lid, simmer the vegetables for 7-10 minutes, then open the lid, add spices, garlic, etc., simmer until the liquid evaporates. Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped herbs.

— For stewing, it is more advisable to use young milk zucchini; they do not need to be peeled, which contains the highest concentration of nutrients. In addition, such vegetables will not “go limp” during the stewing process;

— If you use old zucchini, it is best to cut them into large cubes (about 2 cm);

— Stewed zucchini in its own juice can be “diluted” a little with good red wine or beer. Interesting combination, which can be treated with caution. But the reviews for such an unusual approach are very worthy;

— For thickness, you can add flour to the stewed zucchini. This is done as follows: add flour to one-quarter cup of cold water (the amount depends on how thick you want to achieve), stir until homogeneous mass and, stirring, pour the liquid into the stewed vegetables a few minutes before they are ready. By the way, you can use milk instead of cold water.

Summer and autumn are a wonderful time of year when preparing delicious, nutritious and healthy dishes from the most accessible and inexpensive seasonal products. Stewed zucchini with vegetables turns out very appetizing. There are many recipes for preparing such a vegetable mix, but each of them can be adjusted according to your preferences. Any mixture can be diluted with meat or rice. It turns out very tasty!

Moreover, any of the proposed combinations can be cooked not only in a frying pan or in a saucepan, but also in a slow cooker or oven.

Cooking stewed zucchini with pumpkin and chicken

Below is an original, but very delicious recipe stewed zucchini with vegetables. The peculiarity of the presented option is that it is proposed to prepare the dish with the most autumn vegetable, that is, pumpkin.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Number of servings - 4.


To stew an appetizing and very healthy vegetable mix with chicken meat, we will need the following set of products:

  • zucchini - 250 g;
  • chicken fillet - 350 g;
  • pumpkin - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • ground sweet paprika - 1 tsp;
  • ghee - 15 g;
  • hops-suneli - 2 tsp;
  • adjika - 130 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper and other seasonings.

On a note! If homemade adjika If you don't have it on hand, you can easily replace it with tomato sauce.

Per serving

  • Calories: 88.56 kcal
  • Proteins: 7.84 g
  • Fat: 4.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 4.26 g

Cooking method

Typically, this simple recipe is easy to make in the kitchen. Even a culinary novice can stew zucchini with a mixture of vegetables and chicken.

There you go perfect dish for the everyday menu. You can serve it with white bread and sour cream. It's very filling and fantastically delicious!

How to stew zucchini with white cabbage and other vegetables?

This bright option stewed zucchini can easily be called a real hit on the autumn table. It is suggested to prepare this mix in a saucepan, but it can also be done in a slow cooker. You can also use the oven to prepare vegetables. It will turn out very tasty!

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Number of servings - 7.


What do we need to prepare such a dish? Only the most affordable and simple products:

  • zucchini or zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • white cabbage - 1/2 head;
  • green peas - 150 g;
  • meat - 500 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • assorted greens (dill, green onions, cilantro, parsley);
  • salt.

Per serving

  • Calories: 71.39 kcal
  • Proteins: 4.72 g
  • Fat: 3.32 g
  • Carbohydrates: 5.9 g

Cooking method

To prepare stewed zucchini with white cabbage and other vegetables did not raise any unnecessary questions, you should use the step-by-step recipe with photos and useful tips.

As you may have noticed after reading the recipe, preparing stewed zucchini with cabbage and other vegetables with meat is very easy. You can stew this mixture, the composition of which you can always adjust to your taste, any day for dinner or lunch.

The most satisfying option is stewed zucchini with sweet peppers and rice.

Stewed zucchini or zucchini is always tasty and healthy. And if you diversify this mixture with bright sweet bell peppers and add rice for satiety, you’ll get a real bomb!

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Number of servings - 6.


Prepare delicious vegetable side dish, which can easily be presented as independent dish, is offered from the following set of products:

  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • red bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • round rice - 1/3 cup;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1/2 cup;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • dry italian herbs- 1/2 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper.

On a note! If desired hot water can be replaced with broth. This will make stewed vegetables more filling and tastier.

Per serving

  • Calories: 62.26 kcal
  • Proteins: 0.93 g
  • Fat: 3.03 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7.78 g

Cooking method

The attractiveness of this dish lies in the combination of nutritional value, extreme ease of preparation and richness of taste. Stewed zucchini or zucchini goes well with tomatoes, onions and rice.

So it’s ready, very simple, but satisfying and delicious dish, which would be a great everyday dinner or second for lunch. This mixture can also be prepared in the oven.

Video recipes

To ensure that the process of stewing zucchini with vegetables does not raise any questions in your mind, you should use the selection of interesting video recipes collected below:

Stewed zucchini is a simple dish. But despite its simplicity and predictability, stewed zucchini in sour cream, with tomatoes and herbs, received a solid “A” from my family members and went off with a bang. The first time this happened was a long time ago, when I was just learning to cook. So this is a recipe for beginners. And besides the recipe, there is a lot of useful (I think) information from practical experience experienced housewives.

What you need to know about stewed zucchini

You need to know why this vegetable is popular and why it is ignored. Paradox? Not at all: disadvantages are always a continuation of advantages.

So why do they love him?. Zucchini is a dietary vegetable (22 kcal!), it is included in the diet of those who want to lose weight. Zucchini contains a lot of useful nutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin PP, etc.) and complex carbohydrates(fiber). He's soft for digestive system, that is, it is suitable for many gastrointestinal ailments, and it’s just an excellent food - because of the content.

Why don't they like him?. Sometimes you can hear that zucchini is a tasteless vegetable. This is partly true. But bad taste can also be a virtue! A special feature of zucchini is the lack of a pronounced “character”. This allows it to take on the “accents” of other ingredients, conveying their taste, dissolving them, revealing them and complementing them.

Another feature of zucchini- juiciness, “moisture”, which is all the more obvious during the stewing process. And if stewing as a culinary method usually requires broth or water, then stewing zucchini does not provide for this, or the matter is limited to a small amount of oil, and sometimes the dish, on the contrary, is thickened with flour water.

In addition to the excellent summer taste, stewed zucchini has another undeniable advantage. If you fry zucchini into slices or make pancakes out of it, you will understand what I mean. Fried means splashes, extra oil that can never be calculated accurately, and standing in front of the stove. Fried zucchini- it's always a little heroic. Cooking stewed zucchini is without heroes, but gives a reward to everyone. Great taste!

Recipe Ingredients

To prepare stewed zucchini you will need:
  • zucchini - 4 small young ones,
  • tomatoes - 2 large,
  • greens - at your discretion in quantity and selection (dill, parsley, cilantro, mint, basil, etc.),
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt to taste

How to cook delicious stewed zucchini

Peel the zucchini (although you can leave it if you are very young), rinse thoroughly, dip with a paper towel and cut into cubes.

Pour oil into the pan, heat thoroughly and then add the zucchini. Fry them over high heat and on the largest burner for 5-10 minutes. You don’t have to fry it if you want a very, very dietary product, but I like this delicious smell of lightly browned foods. Do not add salt under any circumstances so that the vegetables do not release juice.

Also cut the tomato into cubes. Whether to peel it or not is up to you. I prefer to remove it, especially since it’s easy to do: pour boiling water in a small container for a few minutes, after making cuts on the skin, then place it under cold water, after which the skin can be easily removed.
Add tomatoes to zucchini. Stir and keep on high heat again for about five minutes.

Add sour cream, salt and pepper, or sprinkle with your favorite dry spices, stir, cover and simmer until cooked (10-15 minutes) over low heat.

At the very end, add the chopped herbs, lightly salt, stir again, let it boil and turn off the heat.

Let it brew a little and serve.

Young zucchini are preferable to old, large zucchini. They behave better when stewed - they keep their shape. In addition, they are healthier and do not need to be cleared of seeds (either there are none, or they are very delicate). If you decide to use old vegetables, cut them into large cubes, otherwise they will become soggy. And don't forget to discard the zucchini seeds.

Sometimes zucchini turns out too liquid (depending on the variety or other vegetables included in the recipe), not everyone likes it. First, add salt at the very end. Or don’t add salt at all, especially if you use a lot of spices and herbs - they’re great. Secondly, thicken with flour or semolina: stir the flour (or semolina) in a small amount of cold water or milk and add to the pan with the stewed vegetables before finishing cooking. The flour mixture will absorb excess liquid. Although personally I love vegetable “liquid”.

Add garlic squeezed through a press to the prepared dish. Adding garlic to last resort makes it possible to kill two birds with one stone: set aside some of the stewed vegetables to serve dietary option, and make the other part sharp.

The dish will be less spicy, but with a pleasant garlic aroma, if you fry chopped garlic cloves in oil (don’t forget to remove them before adding the zucchini).
Place with tomatoes spicy ketchup or adjika.

Stewed zucchini is also good cold, as light vegetable snack. Hot ones will be an excellent side dish for meat or whole boiled potatoes.

How else can you cook stewed zucchini?

With cheese. Stewed zucchini with cheese is very good. When choosing the latter variety, remember that the zucchini will absorb the taste of the cheese. Added after vegetables.

With meat. If you want to cook zucchini with meat, boil or fry it in advance, saute the tomatoes and onions separately. Stew the zucchini in its own juice, and then combine everything together in one frying pan. Greens are always added at the end and are minimally cooked.

With vegetables. Stewed zucchini is good vegetable stew. Tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, carrots, cabbage, potatoes - in any combination or all together. Don't forget the spices! And try splashing some beer, it turns out very interesting.

With egg. Stewed zucchini, drenched in egg. First, simmer the zucchini with vegetables, and then pour in the beaten egg. Tasty!

Stewed zucchini, recipe with photo ©

It is quite difficult to imagine the cuisine of Slavic peoples without zucchini. Appearing one of the first on the shelves of vegetable stores and in household plots, it gives the aroma of spring and allows you to nourish the body, tired after winter, with vitamins. Zucchini stewed with vegetables, step by step recipe with photos of which are presented to your attention - this is not only very tasty dish. It is useful for both children and adults, and for those who lead the lifestyle typical of most of us, and for those who try to strictly adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

For those who are forced to comply therapeutic diet, this is a real find. Hearty and delicious zucchini They will diversify your diet, and at the same time help solve many health problems.

Few people know that this herbaceous annual was first consumed by Mexican residents belonging to the lowest strata of society. Today this vegetable is one of the most popular. Despite the fact that by itself it is almost tasteless, when properly prepared, in combination with the right spices, zucchini turns out very tasty, but it is even more useful.

This vegetable is often fried in slices and served with garlic and sauces, less often used for making soups and stews. But in vain. During frying, it loses its benefits, it becomes not only harmful, but basically useless (unless you fry it over low heat using minimum quantity fat and serve exclusively without spices).

The main talent of zucchini is its positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This happens due to the content of a large amount of fiber, which works in the intestines like a brush. It is also worth noting the restoration of normal blood sugar levels, cleansing of blood vessels, etc.

If you stew or boil the zucchini, it retains all its abilities, and due to the correct selection additional ingredients It also multiplies.

Be sure to try this recipe. There is no doubt that all members of your family will like it.

Recipe information

  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calorie content:67.50 kcal
    • Fat:4.82 g
    • Proteins:0.92 g
    • Carbohydrates:5.12 g


  • zucchini (preferably young) – 2 pcs;
  • onions – 2 pcs;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • sweet pepper - two pods;
  • one carrot;
  • black hammer. pepper;
  • frying oil;
  • salt, herbs and favorite spices to taste.

How to cook stewed zucchini with vegetables

Peel the vegetables. If the zucchini is young, you don’t have to remove the peel, but then you need to wash it with a stiff brush. Finely chop all components. Be sure to remove the seeds from the pepper first.

Finely chop the onion.

Cut the carrots into cubes.

Zucchini - in cubes, pepper - in strips. Tomatoes are chopped randomly; if there are none, you can use tomato paste.

First you need to add it in a frying pan small quantity fry the onion in oil.

Then add carrots to it and fry them too.

Add pepper. Simmer all vegetables covered until half cooked.

Add the zucchini cubes, mix everything thoroughly, but do not cover with a lid. From this point on, cook for 5-7 minutes.

All that remains is to lay out the tomatoes and add spices.

Simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat.