How to fry beef fillet. The classic way to stew beef with onions

Some people are afraid to cook beef because they understand that, unlike pork and chicken meat, it may turn out to be too tough. However, it is not.

If you take into account some tricks, starting from the choice of meat and ending with cooking recommendations, everything will work out.

Choosing meat

When cooking steak or sliced ​​beef, the choice of meat is important. “Neck,” “tenderloin,” or “long muscle” are best options. It is advisable that it be meat from a calf or a young cow - it is lighter in color.

Important! When purchasing, press the meat with your finger: if there is a small dent on it, then this meat is suitable for frying - it is tender and soft. For the chop, you do not need to carefully select the meat, since when beaten it turns out thinner and is easier to fry.

Fried veal with onions in a frying pan:


Servings: – +

  • Young beef (veal)½ kg
  • Bulbs 2 pcs
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper powder taste
  • Pepper - peas 3 pcs
  • Bay leaf ½ piece

45 min. Seal

How long should you fry beef to make it tasty?

Beef is lean meat, rich in protein (it contains the most of it), vitamins (vitamin group B is especially valuable), and minerals (iron, zinc, copper, potassium). Because of such invaluable properties, it is used for preparing dietary dishes, as well as medical nutrition.

Beef is fried in small pieces, and also in the form of chops or steaks. You can fry in a frying pan, grill, followed by baking in the oven, bringing to varying degrees of readiness.


For chops, pieces of meat should be processed before frying. Cut a piece of beef into slices 2 cm thick, and then beat it with a kitchen hammer or a dull knife.

It is possible to put salt and pepper directly into the batter. In this case, the frying pan must also be heated to the maximum so that the oil in it smokes. Place the chop and fry, waiting until a crust appears, then turn over and fry for 2 minutes: first one side, then the other.

Beef pieces

The easiest way to fry beef is to cut it into cubes 3 by 4 cm. The cubes are pre-marinated in salt, sunflower oil, spices, lemon juice. Fry covered in a heated frying pan for 25-30 minutes.

Steak: cooking features

Steak is pieces of beef pulp, thickness 2 - 4 cm, fried on a special grill pan with a wavy surface. It is the most difficult to prepare, as it requires knowledge of some of the subtleties of cooking. So:

P.S. Article - how long to fry beef, published in the Rubric - .

Hello my dear readers! Do you want to surprise your husband with an exquisite culinary dish and don't know what to cook? I recommend cooking delicious steak or entrecote. Believe me, after such a dish you can ask him for anything you want. And in today’s article I will share the secrets of how to fry beef in a frying pan. I’ll also tell you what needs to be done to make it soft and juicy.

Useful properties of beef

Taste, of course, depends on the age of the animal. It is better to choose tender and juicy veal.

The energy value of beef is 218 kcal per 100 g of product. There are 18.6 g of protein and 16 g of fat, and practically no carbohydrates

This product is good for our joints, muscles and bones. Beef is recommended to be included in the diet for anemia. Because there is better absorption of iron and vitamin B12. In addition, it contains biotin and vitamin PP.

Beef is much easier to digest than fatty pork. Its moderate use is recommended even by doctors.

Beef selection and processing

I’ll tell you a secret that the success of preparing a dish depends 90% on the correct choice of meat. For example, for steak it is better to take tenderloin. But I recommend stewing the meat from the back of the thigh or the shoulder blade. See this article for details.

Also, take a closer look at the color of the fat. The young individual has white fat. If the piece of beef you are offered is yellowish, it is better not to take it. This is meat from an old animal and will take much longer to cook.

If the beef you bought is a little old, don't worry. It needs to be boiled a little first, and only then fried. You can also put the beef in a bowl before cooking. saline solution. For brine per 1 liter of water, take ¼ tbsp. salt. It will make the meat juicier and more tender. Just before subsequent cooking, do not forget to rinse the beef - that is, wash off excess salt. In addition, for juiciness, it is better to cook “old lady” with the addition of sour cream.

Cooking time can be significantly reduced if you let the meat sit in the marinade before frying. There are many options for beef marinades. But I will tell you only about two of them that I like best. And you write in the comments to the article which one you like best

Option 1: kiwi marinade

To marinate a kilo of meat, you will need 4 pieces. kiwi, 5 medium-sized onions, black + red pepper, salt and herbs.

Remove the skin from the kiwi and grate the fruit on a fine grater. Cut the peeled onions into half rings. Place the chopped onion on a cutting board, add salt and run over it with a rolling pin several times. Thanks to this, the product will release a lot of juice and become softer.

Mix kiwi with onion, pepper the mixture and enrich herbs. That's all, the exotic marinade is ready. Place the chopped beef into it and leave for half an hour to an hour. Do not hold it longer, otherwise the structure of the meat will be disrupted and the pieces will fall apart into fibers.

Option 2: wine vinegar marinade

For a kilo of beef, take the following products:

  • 4 things. medium sized onion;
  • ¼ part celery root;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 5 pieces. carnations;
  • 3-4 pcs. cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 tsp ground nutmeg;
  • freshly ground black pepper + salt;
  • water;
  • 250 ml white grape vinegar.

Do not use regular table vinegar instead of grape vinegar. It will make the beef tougher and rubbery.

Peel the celery and carrot roots. Wash them and cut them into small pieces. Then cut the peeled onion into half rings. Finely chop the peeled garlic.

Place the beef cut into pieces in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add root vegetables with onions, garlic, nutmeg, cloves and bay leaves. By water vinegar dilute in a ratio of 1 to 1 and pour this solution over the meat. Gently mix the ingredients and leave the beef to marinate for an hour.

How long to fry beef in a frying pan

Cooking time depends on the size of the portioned pieces of meat. I advise you to rinse fresh beef cold water, dry and cut into pieces weighing about 30 grams. Cut the meat across the grain, removing all large veins.

If in pieces, fry in a frying pan for 20 minutes. The heat is medium, without covering the vessel with a lid. But you will get a finished steak on a grill pan in 6-8 minutes. In this case, you need to turn the steaks every 1.5-2 minutes.

Pay attention to the choice of vessel in which you cook. A good frying pan is one with a thick wall. In such a container, heat is evenly distributed.

By the way, I recently became convinced of this myself. Last Saturday I bought a new frying pan from Neva-Metal Utensils. It’s heavy, but everything heats up evenly, and you can cook with it practically without oil. Well, I will write about it separately. So, friends, if you want to get soft fried meat, a frying pan plays an important role.

Roast beef recipes

And here are the promised recipes. In them, I tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of preparing exquisite culinary dishes.

How to grill beef steak on a grill pan

The best steaks come from the tenderloin. Carefully cut off the film that tightens the tenderloin muscles. Cut the meat into pieces. Remember that the height of the steak must be at least 2.5 cm. If it is less, you risk overcooking the meat. If you wish, you can marinate the meat or simply add salt and pepper to your taste.

To increase the surface area of ​​the steak, press the meat down lightly with your hand. And to give it the correct shape, use regular twine. Tie it around the perimeter of the steak.

Heat the grill pan. Wipe its surface with a paper towel soaked in vegetable oil. Place steaks in a bowl. If there is room left, put the pieces bell pepper and cherry tomatoes. Fry the food, turning it over periodically so that a beautiful mesh appears on it.

A couple of minutes before cooking, salt the steaks and remove the twine. Place pieces of meat on a plate. And place a little butter on top of each piece.

That's all, put the vegetables and aromatic meat on plates. And let's start eating this yummy

Here's a video of how to cook a steak.

How to fry beef in a frying pan in pieces

  • 500-700 grams of beef;
  • 1 tbsp. butter;
  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices + salt.

Pour 2-3 tbsp into a heated frying pan. vegetable oil and add a spoonful of butter. Fry chopped onion on it.

During this time, cut the meat into pieces. If you want the beef to cook faster, marinate it in advance. To do this, use one of the marinades I previously described.

Once the onion is fried, place the meat directly on it. Remember, my dears, if you want to fry meat in pieces with onions, you should always start with onions. This way the meat will lose less liquid and taste better.

For the first few minutes, do not stir the meat so that it sets directly on the onion bed. When it starts to lighten, stir. When the meat is fried on all sides, then add salt and spices.

For softness, it is better to add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream, add water and bring the dish to a boil. Then cover the pan with a lid to let the dish sit for 5 minutes.

You can also prepare an amazingly delicious gravy for the meat - I wrote about it at the end of the article

How to fry beef entrecote in a frying pan

Let's start with what is entrecote? Translated from French, it means “meat between the ribs.” That is, to prepare this dish, you need to take a rib cut.

  • entrecote weighing about 300 g;
  • salt + freshly ground black pepper;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp khmeli-suneli (without slide);
  • frying fat ( butter either vegetable or pork fat).

Rinse the beef and dry it. Before frying, the beef must be treated with a tenderizer or simply beaten lightly with a hammer. Rub the meat with crushed garlic, salt and pepper the product. Then add suneli hops. Cover the container with a lid or cling film, and then place the beef in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Better yet, forget about meat for the whole day.

When you remember about marinated meat, warm up the frying pan thoroughly, grease it with fat and lay out the entrecote. Fry on both sides for 3-4 minutes. When serving, place on a plate and pour the juices released during frying over the top.

Amazingly delicious beef gravy

For her, take:

  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 2 tbsp butter;
  • 2.5 tsp flour;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 4 tbsp sour cream;
  • 3 tsp tomato paste.

Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until golden. Finished product set aside. Add butter to a small saucepan and melt it over low heat.

Add flour, mix well. Then pour in the milk and stir the mixture with a whisk until smooth. Then add sour cream and salt. Don't forget to mix everything with a whisk.

If the sauce is too thick, add 30-50 ml of milk. And the last note will be tomato paste- it will give the sauce a pinkish tint. Reduce heat and remember to stir the gravy all the time. Now add our fried onions to the sauce and mix again. And when the mixture starts to boil, turn off the heat.

That's it, the gravy is ready. To some this may seem too sophisticated. But you want to get an incomparable dish, and not just fried meat. Well, deliciousness takes more time. Serve hot meat with gravy and vegetables (raw or boiled). It's indescribably delicious. Just lick your fingers!

I'm sure you have your own tricks for preparing soft and juicy beef. Open them up, friends. Well, share the link to this article on social networks. And I wish you great culinary success. And I say: see you again, dear readers!

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Thanks for the recipes, I want to try it with kiwi marinade... so I’ll ask again the marinade itself (onions and kiwi) are they simply thrown away or can they be fried in place with the meat?

Sergey, you better remove the onions

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fry beef in a frying pan!

— It is impossible to fry meat well and tasty in a thin Teflon frying pan.
— The meat almost always turns out dry and sole-like

What do we need?

Ideally, you need beef tenderloin, but I managed to make it well from regular beef fillet.

  1. 500 g beef fillet or clippings
  2. black pepper
  3. Provencal herbs
  4. dry pepper mixture
  5. dried garlic, if you don’t want to fight fresh
  6. olive oil
  7. sea ​​salt (not fine)

We cut the beef into neat medallions, trying to make the pieces not very thick and not very thin.

Take a bowl and pour olive oil into it. Then pour in a little pepper mixture, Provençal herbs and black pepper, garlic, then add salt and mix.

We place each piece of meat in a bowl and carefully rub it with our aromatic olive mixture.

Then we put the pieces in a free plate and so on until they are all coated with oil and spices.

How to fry?

The best results are achieved when using a special “grill pan”. It differs from the usual one only in the presence of a special ribbed surface, which prevents the meat from floating in the released juice. We didn’t have such a frying pan, so we did what we could. The challenge when roasting beef is to prevent the piece of meat from turning into the sole of a combat boot, and this does require some skill on the part of the cook. In any case there is universal recipe2 minutes on each side. And most importantly, this is enough if you have neat, not too thick pieces clippings! The fillet is not always of high quality, so it is more difficult to prepare. Here you need to experiment and find the right amount of time!

And don’t forget that the frying pan should be thick, and perfect option I wrote above.

Let's go... meat to the frying pan! There is no need to add oil, because... The meat is already coated with oil.

Fry for two minutes on one side and fry for two minutes on the other.

Place on a plate and continue the frying process.

Onion appetizer.

A friend showed me how to make a bow interesting snack with soy sauce, but I slightly modernized the recipe and am sharing it.

Cut the onion into rings

We throw it into the frying pan in which we fried the meat. There was juice and oil left there. Fry for just a minute and while frying, pour soy sauce into the frying pan. About three teaspoons.

The result can be eaten as soon as the onion becomes slightly brownish, but not fried!

Enjoy your eating, so to speak.

Something like this :)

How to fry beef in a frying pan? And a little about the onion appetizer. was last modified: November 14th, 2012 by neons90

Today we will tell you how to fry beef so that it is soft, appetizing and delights you with its unique rich taste, and we will offer several options for preparing dishes from it.

How to deliciously fry beef in a frying pan?


  • beef tenderloin – 520 g;
  • olive oil – 75 ml;
  • aromatic dry Provençal herbs – 5 g;
  • dry pepper mixture – 5 g;
  • ground dried garlic – 10 g;
  • table salt – 10 g;
  • onion – 90-150 g;
  • soy sauce - to taste.


For frying, choose high-quality beef tenderloin, wash it, dry it and cut it into medallions approximately five to seven millimeters thick. In a bowl, mix olive oil with pepper mixture, Provencal herbs, dried garlic and ground black pepper and dip the pieces of beef in the resulting spicy mixture. Let them soak for a few minutes and start frying. To do this, heat a thick-walled frying pan or grill pan and place slices of meat in it. Let them brown for two and a half minutes on each side, adding salt to taste along the way, and then place them on a plate.

You can make an excellent onion addition to this beef. To do this, put the onion cut into half rings into the same frying pan and pour in a little soy sauce and keep on the fire, stirring, for a couple of minutes or until the vegetable acquires an even brown color.

How to fry beef steak?


  • beef steak – 2 pcs.;
  • – 35 ml;
  • freshly ground black pepper – 5 g;
  • table salt – 10 g;
  • and spices - to taste.


Perfectly soft and juicy steak can be prepared from marbled beef or chilled beef from a certain part of the carcass. If you do not know how to choose the right meat for this dish, then it is better to purchase ready-made preparations or ask the butcher at the market to prepare them.

If you want to preserve the natural taste of beef to the maximum, then it is better to minimize the use of spices. Just grease the piece of meat olive oil and place on a frying pan heated to a barely noticeable white haze. It must have a thick bottom. First, cook the meat for two minutes on each side, and then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the steak, turning every minute, to the desired degree of doneness. At the end of cooking, add salt and season the meat ground pepper and let rest, covering with foil for ten minutes.

How to fry beef in a frying pan in pieces with onions?



Cut the prepared beef tenderloin into pieces and place in a preheated frying pan with olive oil. Let the meat brown, then season with salt and pepper, pour in some water and simmer under the lid until the meat fibers are soft. After this, let the liquid evaporate, add a little oil, add the onion and fry everything together until the vegetable is browned and soft.

There are many ways to fry beef. But in order for this dish to turn out truly tasty and nutritious, you should learn more about the characteristics of this type of meat and familiarize yourself with proven recipes for its preparation from the treasury of world cuisine. How to properly fry beef will be discussed further.

How to properly fry beef

Before frying beef, you should select and prepare the right piece of meat for frying. Young beef or veal are best suited for cooking in a frying pan. The selected piece of meat must be thoroughly cleaned of films and tendons and, if necessary, trimmed off excess fat.

In order to deliciously fry beef in a frying pan, you can use the following: simple recipes. The following products will be required:

  • beef meat - 200 g per serving;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive);
  • salt pepper;
  • a mixture of aromatic herbs and peppers for fried meat(taste);
  • onion (optional).

Recipe 1: how to fry beef in a frying pan

  1. The cooked piece of meat should be cut into pieces measuring 10-12 mm across the grain.
  2. Lightly beat the chopped beef pieces with a hammer.
  3. Sprinkle the chopped meat with salt and spices to taste.
  4. Fry on both sides in a frying pan heated with oil until a brownish crust forms (the degree of frying can be different: strong, medium, medium-rare or rare).
  5. Cut the onion into half rings, fry it separately from the cooked meat or together with it.

Recipe 2: How to Fry Tender Beef

  1. The cooked piece of meat must be cut into thick slices (20-25 cm) across the grain.
  2. Lightly beat the chopped pieces.
  3. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with other spices as desired.
  4. Fry the portioned pieces on both sides until a crust forms.
  5. To fry soft beef, you need to add a little water to the pan with the meat. The fried pieces should be sprinkled with water and placed in the oven directly in the frying pan (at a temperature of 200 - 220 degrees).
  6. Keep in the oven for another half hour, pouring over the released juice.

How to fry beef steak

A classic steak is a piece of beef, 3 cm thick, fried on both sides. For the steak, take beef pulp from the intercostal part, it is best to take fresh meat, then the steak turns out tender and aromatic. Before frying a beef steak, you need to determine the degree of its readiness: with a weak degree, the meat has an internal temperature of 45 to 50 ° C, with a medium degree, this temperature ranges from 55 to 60 ° C, and for a heavily fried steak - 65 -70°C. This temperature is checked with a culinary thermometer, but if it is not there, then the degree of frying is determined by the color of the steak using an experimental method. Most often, a medium-rare steak is prepared, which should have an even brown color and ooze pinkish juice when pierced.

How to fry beef in butter

This recipe includes:

  • 800 gr. - 1 kg of beef;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • salt and ground black pepper (to taste).

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the piece of beef and dry it with a paper towel.
  2. Cut into several portioned pieces 3 cm thick, pepper.
  3. Melt butter in a frying pan.
  4. Place the steaks in the pan and fry them alternately on each side (4 minutes per side for medium doneness).
  5. Salt steaks before serving.
  1. Beef meat for frying should be cut across the grain to ensure uniform heat penetration into the thickness of the meat during cooking.
  2. When frying beef on coals, you should take into account that their temperature is higher than in a frying pan, so the meat must first be fried on both sides to form a crust (so that the juice does not leak out), and only then continue further frying.
  3. The oil in a heated frying pan should not smoke when frying meat - this will make the meat tough. The temperature of the heated frying pan should be such that a hissing sound is heard when placing meat on it.
  4. After removing the beef steaks from the heat, let them sit for 7-10 minutes. This will allow the juices that rise up during frying to be distributed throughout the entire piece, and will make the taste of the steak more tender.

Of course, these are not all known ways of how to deliciously fry beef, but only the most famous and accessible of them. However, having mastered them, you will learn to do a lot intuitively, and perhaps invent your own recipes.