How to cook chicken cutlets from chicken fillet. Chopped chicken - mushroom cutlets in a pan

Everyone has long known that cutlets are prepared not only from pork or beef, but also from chicken fillet. These cutlets are distinguished by special tenderness and unique taste.

Chicken cutlets - features

It is important to note that chicken cutlets much better than normal and are suitable for the diet and nutrition of young children. They can be fried or steamed. In any case, they turn out very tasty. So, let's pay attention to some secrets of cooking delicious chicken cutlets.

So, consider the recipes for cooking chicken cutlets.

Chicken cutlets "Juicy cutlets" - recipe

To prepare "Juicy Cutlets" you will need

  • 600 g chicken fillet
  • 2 slices white bread
  • 1 bulb
  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g milk
  • 1 egg
  • breadcrumbs for breading
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • a pinch of nutmeg

Recipe for juicy meatballs

Finely chop the onion and pass in a frying pan in butter. Soak the bread crumb in milk. Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly and chop with a meat grinder. Add bread and onions to it. Now add spices and egg to the minced meat. Form small cutlets from the resulting minced meat and fry them over low heat, after rolling in breadcrumbs. Cooking time - no more than 15 minutes.

"Pozharsky chicken cutlets" - recipe

To prepare "Pozharsky cutlets" you will need

Recipe for cooking "Pozharsky cutlets"

Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder 2 times. Add to the resulting mass melted butter, bread soaked in cream, and spices. Then, pass the minced meat through the meat grinder again. Now form flat cutlets, dip each one first in the egg, and then roll in ground breadcrumbs. Fry the cutlets over high heat on both sides. The patties are juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside.

Bon appetit and inspiration in cooking.

Step-by-step recipes for chicken fillet cutlets with stuffing, sauces, breadcrumbs, in the oven and in a pan (+ recipe with photo)

2019-03-29 Marina Vykhodtseva and Alena Kameneva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

16 gr.

8 gr.


10 gr.

181 kcal.

Option 1: Chicken cutlets - a classic recipe

Today we will cook chicken fillet cutlets - fast, simple, affordable and delicious! Everyone surely loves cutlets, they go well with any side dishes, salads, snacks. Cutlets can be used for a snack - with a slice delicious bread and greens, tomato and cheese - it will turn out gorgeous.

It is important to cook cutlets correctly, and in order to please the result, it is necessary to exclude bread, potatoes and other unnecessary components from the usual list. Leave in the chicken fillet and onions, a couple of additional components and delicious meatballs secured! Let's get started!


  • Chicken fillet - 450 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Dry garlic - 1/3 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Flour and breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp each

Step by step recipe with photo:

Prepare all the necessary components according to the list. Choose fresh chicken fillet, not ice cream. Rinse the fillet under cool water, dry the fillet and cut into large pieces, remove the fat layers.

Clean and wash onion, dry. Chop the onion randomly.

Prepare a bowl of a kitchen blender, you can also use a meat grinder. Transfer the fillet and onion to the bowl - in small portions, so that it is convenient to chop. Now turn the contents of the bowl into minced meat.

Season the minced chicken with onions, add black ground pepper, also add a pinch of dry garlic. You can add a couple of spoons if you like. heavy cream, so the cutlets will be more creamy in taste.

Crack an egg into the minced meat, mix the minced meat thoroughly with a spoon and beat it several times.

Form cutlets of any size from minced meat, roll in a mixture of flour and breadcrumbs, fry on vegetable oil on both sides for a few minutes. After the cutlets, you can stew or bake additionally - at 180 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Option 2: A quick recipe for chicken cutlets in the oven

Recipe for cutlets hastily which cook very quickly in the oven. Additionally, for the dish you will need onions and spices, and for pouring sour cream and soy sauce. If desired, it can be replaced with fresh cream of any fat content.


  • 500 g fillet;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 25 ml soy sauce;
  • pepper, salt.

How to cook fast

Chop the onion finely. If the vegetable is twisted, then it will thin the mass, we do not need it. Twist the fillet or also chop with a knife. Combine with onion, add garlic. Season the mass with salt to taste, but not much, since the filling will be with soy sauce. Add flour, stir.

We make meatballs. You can make balls, droplets, the shape does not matter, the weight is about 70 grams. We send it to the mold, put it in the oven at medium temperature for ten minutes.

Add a glass of water and soy sauce to sour cream, stir. We fill chicken cutlets and cook them in the oven for another fifteen minutes. The temperature during the whole process is 200 degrees.

Such fillet cutlets can be sprinkled with grated cheese, but it is better to do this at the end so that the crust does not brown and the product only melts.

Option 3: Chicken cutlets with potatoes

The recipe for cutlets that are laid out on a frying pan with a spoon, that is, you do not need to form anything with your hands. An egg is a mandatory ingredient that will hold the mass together; nothing can replace it.


  • 400 g fillet;
  • 200 g potatoes;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • Salt pepper;
  • 50 ml of oil;
  • garlic to taste.

How to cook

Twist the fillet along with onion and garlic, if it will be added. Break the egg into the total mass, add salt and pepper, stir well.

Peel the potatoes, grate finely, as for potato pancakes. Pour into bowl, mix again.

We heat up the oil. With a large spoon we collect minced potatoes with chicken, lay out cutlets in a frying pan, about half a centimeter thick, any size, but approximately the same products look more beautiful. We fry from the first side.

Carefully flip the patties over and cover. We let it reach readiness under the lid, the process will take about five minutes. We shift from the pan to a plate, serve with side dishes or as self-dish. It can be supplemented, like potato pancakes, with sour cream or other sauce.

You can cook similar cutlets from pumpkin, zucchini, but the kneading principle cutlet mass the same, that is, the vegetable is added at the end just before frying.

Option 4: Chopped chicken cutlets "Juicy"

A feature of such fillet cutlets is that they always turn out juicy and a lot of them come out of a very modest set of products. It is advisable, after combining all the ingredients, to let the mass brew and soak.


  • 3 onions;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 fillets;
  • 3 tablespoons of starch;
  • black pepper;
  • salt and oil.

Step by step recipe

Chop the onion into small cubes large pieces do not do it, otherwise they will not fry well. Pour into a bowl or small saucepan.

Rinse the chicken fillet, cut into small cubes, add to the onion. You can cut into strips, but also do not make thick pieces.

We lay eggs, pepper, put salt in cutlets and add starch. You can replace it with flour. The quantity is determined by the consistency after stirring. If there is a lot of flour, then the cutlets are not very tasty, but the mass should not spread much either. We leave to marinate.

Cutlets are fried simply in a pan. Before use, the mass must be stirred well again. We spread small pancakes with a spoon, bring to readiness, at the end you can cover with a lid for a couple of minutes.

Such a mass for cutlets can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two days, fry in small portions at a time. The longer the mass stands, the tastier the cutlets are.

Option 5: Stuffed Chicken Cutlets

The filling in such fillet cutlets will be a boiled egg and grated cheese. You can use any hard or melted varieties of your choice. You can also put greens inside.


  • 400 g fillet;
  • 50 g of bread;
  • 80 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 g of cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons of crackers;
  • salt, oil.

How to cook

Pour the milk over the bread and let it rest for a few minutes. It is better to take stale pieces, at least yesterday's pastries. Fresh white bread for cutlets is not suitable. As soon as the pieces become sour, you need to squeeze them slightly, knead, transfer to a bowl.

Grind the fillet into minced meat or take a similar amount of already twisted chicken. Combine with bread.

Add one egg, spices, stir. We boil the second egg, rub it together with cheese in a bowl, you can use any spices for the filling to your taste.

We divide the cutlet mass into six parts. Pour some breadcrumbs into a flat plate, put one part of the minced meat, flatten it on breadcrumbs, place the filling in the center. Raise the edges of the cake, form a large cutlet with filling, roll in breadcrumbs on all sides. We form all the other cutlets.

Arrange chicken cutlets with cheese filling in a frying pan, preheat the oil well. Fry.

If you like spicy options toppings, then pour a little ground dry or fresh chopped pepper.

Option 6: Chicken cutlets with mushrooms

Another very interesting recipe for fillet cutlets. They are chopped, no meat grinder is needed, all products are cut with a knife. It is very convenient to use champignons for the dish, which are added immediately in their raw form.


  • 300 g fillet;
  • 150 g of champignons;
  • 150 g of onion;
  • three eggs;
  • 2 spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 25 g starch.

How to cook

Rinse the mushrooms, shake off excess water, and even better, dry on napkins. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, pour into a bowl.

Finely chop the onion and almost the same (maybe a little larger) crumble the chicken fillet. All this is sent to a bowl of champignons.

We lay eggs with flour and starch, be sure to add a little mayonnaise. Salt, pepper to your liking. It is better not to add garlic to such cutlets, it will interrupt the aroma of mushrooms. Mix everything thoroughly, leave to marinate for an hour.

Stir the pickled minced meat, put it in hot oil with a spoon, fry the cutlets from the fillet, first without a lid. As soon as they are browned, you need to turn over and be sure to cover so that the mushrooms and onions have time to cook.

When replacing champignons with other mushrooms, they must first be cooked almost until cooked, then also cut, poured into the cutlet mass. Instead of mayonnaise, you can also use sour cream, white yogurt.

Option 7: Chicken cutlets in a creamy sauce

The sauce is best prepared from cream of low fat content. Since additional oil will be added. For cutlet mass, we take fillet or already twisted minced meat from it.


  • 1 onion;
  • 500 g fillet;
  • 2 tbsp. l. decoys;
  • 70 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • 0.5 bunch of dill;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 350 ml cream.

How to cook

Twist the onion together with the fillet through a meat grinder, you can use a grate with large holes so that the mass does not liquefy much, add the egg and semolina, stir, pepper and salt. Leave the minced meat for a quarter of an hour.

While you can prepare the sauce. To do this, melt the butter, fry the flour in it. The degree of roasting can be made any beige, golden or brown, but the taste will change. As soon as the flour is browned, add cream to it, mix quickly, boil for a minute, the sauce should boil, add spices.

The semolina should have already swelled, it's time to form cutlets. We sculpt balls or droplets, fry in oil, breading and covering the pan is not necessary.

Pour the cutlets with creamy sauce, simmer for 5-7 minutes. We chop the garlic and dill, sprinkle the cutlets with the sauce.

Do not pour sauce over cutlets directly in the pan in which they were fried. Soot remained in the dishes, the oil became bad, it will ruin the whole dish.

Option 8: Lithuanian jurate chicken cutlets

Lithuanian chicken cutlets according to this recipe have a romantic history of origin, and are named after the sea queen Jurate. IN traditional version only a small fillet is used, but this is optional.


  • 500 g fillet;
  • 0.5 st. crackers;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • stale bread;
  • 100 ml cream 10%;
  • pepper, salt, oil.

How to cook

Combine croutons with cream, leave to swell. In the meantime, twist the fillet with garlic, add the egg. Combine with well-swollen crackers, add sour cream here. Season the cutlet mass with spices, stir thoroughly.

From stale bread or loaf cut into small crackers, pour into a bowl.

We make cutlets from minced meat and “glue” pieces of stale bread on all sides. We press well. We spread the cutlets on a cutting board or on a plate, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Turn on the oven 180 degrees. Pour about a centimeter of oil into the pan, heat it up. We spread the cutlets, fry on both sides for a couple of minutes.

We shift the cutlets into a mold, cover with foil, put in the oven. After 20 minutes, the dish will be ready.

It is undesirable to cook chicken fillet cutlets for future use and freeze. White meat does not contain fat, after thawing it loses its taste, the dish becomes much drier.

Option 9: Chicken cutlets with onions and bread

It is advisable to chop the fillet for cutlets yourself. But you can also buy ready-made minced sirloin, it is skinless and also consists of chopped breasts. Chicken cutlets are fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil. If desired, you can then pour them with sauce, stew, the taste will only benefit from this.


  • 700 g fillet;
  • 100 g of bread;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 80 g breadcrumbs;
  • salt pepper;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 80 ml of oil.

Step by step recipe classic cutlets from chicken fillet

We start with bread. Just pour it with milk, leave it to sour. Periodically, the pieces need to be turned over so that they are better saturated.

Roll the fillet into a bowl. Add chopped onion, soaked bread, egg, salt and pepper. Mix well. Assess the consistency of the cutlet mass, it is usually weak, so you can immediately add 2 tablespoons of crackers.

We make small round cutlets. Roll them in the remaining breadcrumbs so that a crisp appears on top.

Heat the oil, put the formed cutlets from the fillet, fry on both sides. After turning them over, you need to cover the pan for a couple of minutes. But if the cutlets are stewed in sauce, then this can be omitted.

Instead of breadcrumbs, you can add flour or semolina to the minced meat. They perfectly thicken the mass, but in the second case, she will need to stand a little, the cereal will swell.

Hello again!! Let's talk today about a dish that is familiar to everyone and is a frequent product of any table. It's tender and delicious cutlets. Of course, there are many types of this product and meat, and chicken, and fish, and vegetable. But today we will talk about chicken cutlets.

This option is the easiest and my favorite. My whole family is delighted with this dish, and for the holidays I also cook such juicy cutlets. In this recipe, the chicken breast is very tender and, once again, very juicy.

We will need:

3 pcs. chicken fillets (about 700 gr.)

2 medium eggs

1 medium onion

4 tbsp. l. potato or corn starch

4 tbsp. l. sour cream

salt, pepper to taste


1. Wash the chicken fillet, remove the bones, cut into small pieces.

2. Peel and finely chop the onion.

3. Mix chopped chicken fillet with onion and egg, mixing well.

4. Add starch, salt and pepper.

5. Add sour cream and mix well.

6. Pour 3-4 tbsp into a heated pan. l. vegetable oil. With a spoon, you need to collect the prepared minced meat and put it in the heated vegetable oil. Using the same spoon, shape the cutlets into a shape - you need to flatten slightly on top and align from the sides. Fry over medium heat until golden brown(about 2 minutes) on each side.

7. Then cover the dish with a lid, reduce the heat and let stand for another 5 minutes, make sure that chicken pancakes didn't get burned.

8. Our chicken cutlets "Tenderness" ready. Serve them with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. Enjoy your meal!!

Minced chicken cutlets recipe with photo step by step

This option is the most popular, fast and satisfying. To diversify the dish, you can make different breadings, interesting toppings and add spices. In the same way, I will consider the classic version of cooking.

We will need:

Chicken mince - 500 gr.

loaf - 200 gr.

warm milk - 1/2 cup

butter - 6 tbsp. l

breadcrumbs - 0.5 cups

garlic - 1 clove

salt and pepper - to taste


1. Fill the loaf with warm milk so that it is all soaked.

2. Combine minced meat with garlic, prepared loaf, salt and pepper. We mix everything well.

This is how our finished dish looks like, and if everything is decorated with herbs, it will not only be tasty, but also beautiful and healthy. By the way, you can serve any side dish and mashed potatoes, and buckwheat, and pasta, and rice.

Chicken cutlets with juicy cheese

And now we will prepare our meat dish with cheese inside and we will do it very simply. Take and hide a piece of hard cheese in the middle of the minced meat. During frying, the cheese will melt and become a pleasant addition to the meat component. And if you add greens, then the filling will be even tastier.

We will need:

chicken (fillet) - 300 gr.

egg - 1 pc.

white bread or loaf - 50 gr.

milk - 50-80 ml

cheese - 50 gr.

salt, pepper - to taste

breadcrumbs - 30-50 gr.

vegetable oil - 50-80 ml


1. Soak bread or loaf in milk.

2. Cheese must be cut into small pieces.

3. Cut the fillet into pieces and pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. You can also take minced meat.

4. Squeeze the bread, add it to the minced meat, beat in the egg, salt, pepper, mix.

5. We pinch off a large piece from the finished minced meat, form a cake and put a portion of cheese in the center.

6. We fasten the edges, completely hide the filling. Generously roll the cutlet in breadcrumbs and then make more blanks.

7. We fry our blanks in heated oil until golden brown down about 5 minutes.

9. Our fragrant and appetizing dish ready. Serve hot!!

Chicken cutlets from chicken breast in a pan

If you have chicken breast and you do not know what to cook, then this option is just for you. This dish is healthy and simple, and everyone likes it without exception.

We will need:

chicken breast, fillet - 1 medium

onion - 2 pcs.

bread - half a loaf

skimmed milk - 1 tbsp. 1.5%

flour - 50 gr.

egg - 1 pc.

a couple of cloves of garlic

greens to taste

vegetable oil


  1. We wash the breast, remove the skin, remove from the bones, cut into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion, squeeze the garlic, add to the chicken fillet. Salt, pepper.
  3. Grind the bread, pour milk, let stand for a while.
  4. Add the egg to the minced meat, squeeze the bread and add it too. We mix everything well.
  5. Add chopped greens, let the minced meat brew for 15 minutes and proceed to frying.

The finished dish can be served both hot and cold.

Chicken cutlets from tender chicken fillet. Video recipe

This recipe is similar to the previous ones, but the meat dish will turn out with a creamy taste.

You will need: 1 kg. minced chicken, 1 PC. onions, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. milk, 3 slices of white bread, 100 gr. butter, salt, black pepper, breadcrumbs.

And look at the cooking method in recipe video:

Chicken cutlets with zucchini in the oven

If you want to diversify your diet a little, then make a universal and summer version for any feast, you get a very good snack.

We will need:

zucchini - 200 gr.

minced chicken - 800 gr.

dill, cilantro, parsley - to taste

onion - 1 pc.

egg - 1 pc.

pepper, salt - to taste

vegetable oil


1. Rub the onion and zucchini on a fine grater.

2. We take ready-made minced meat or cook it yourself better from chicken fillet, passing it through a meat grinder.

3. Add an egg to the minced meat.

4. Cut the greens as finely as possible, add to the meat, salt, pepper.

5. Mix all the ingredients together with zucchini and onions. We form cutlets. We grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil, lay out our blanks. We send it to a preheated oven to 180 degrees, cook for 20-25 minutes.

6. Decorate the dish with salad leaves and fresh vegetables, serve on the table.

Minced chicken cutlets with semolina recipe with photo

In previous versions, we used bread, in the same recipe we will do without it, but we will add semolina. The pancakes will be juicy and crispy.

We will need:

Minced chicken - 500 gr.

Semolina - 3 tbsp. l.

Onion - 1 pc.

Greens - 2-3 branches

Egg - 1 pc.

Mustard - 1 tbsp. l.

Butter - 30 gr.

Flour - for breading

Salt, pepper - to taste

Vegetable oil - for frying


1. Grind onions, butter, herbs. Add to the minced meat, break the egg there, salt, pour in the mustard, mix everything well. Add semolina with spices and mix again.

2. We form our blanks with wet hands, bread in wheat flour on all sides, shake off excess.

3. Fry in hot refined oil until crusty on both sides.

4. Serve with any side dish and pickles.

Minced chicken cutlets with oatmeal in a slow cooker

This option is ideal for breakfast or lunch, as well as for people who are in a hurry to work out. 😎 This dish can be prepared with any combination of your favorite vegetables.

We will need:

Fillet chicken breast- 700 gr.

Long-cooked oatmeal - 200 gr.

Carrot - 1 pc.

Onion - 1 pc.

Chicken eggs - 1 pc.

Spices, garlic - to taste

Salt - to taste


1. Grind the chicken fillet into minced meat.

2. Grind onions and carrots in a blender. Add all ingredients to mince.

3. Mix everything well.

4. Form balls with wet hands and place on the multicooker grate.

5. Steam for about 30 minutes. Serve with any sauce.

Chicken cutlets in the oven with gravy

Now let's make a real one cooking masterpiece V cream sauce with mushrooms.

We will need:

Chicken fillet - 1/2 kg

Selected chicken eggs- 1 egg

Fresh mushrooms - 300 gr.

Sour cream fat 20-30%- 60 gr.

Mayonnaise - 1 pack

Cheese "Russian"- 180 gr.

Salt - 2/3 tsp

Black pepper powder- 1/2 tsp

Garlic - 1-2 cloves

Onion - 1/2 head


  1. Peeled and washed mushrooms and onions cut very small pieces, or finely chop with a vegetable cutter or blender, but not in mashed potatoes, but in pieces.
  2. We also cut the chicken fillet by hand into small pieces, trying to cut as small as possible.
  3. Mushrooms, onions and meat are mixed in a common bowl and we drive an egg into them, and also add salt, pepper and garlic grated into gruel.
  4. We knead the minced meat well and add fatty sour cream to it to make the dish juicy.
  5. From the resulting mass, we form small and plump oval meatballs, lay them out in rows on a greased baking sheet and then coat them liberally with mayonnaise.
  6. It is necessary to bake meatballs for 20 minutes at 190 ° C, and then sprinkle them with grated cheese and cook the dish for 5 more minutes.
  7. While the dish is cooking, mix thick sour cream sauce (140 gr.) And meat broth(1 st.). If necessary, salt the gravy and add greens to it.
  8. Put the finished meatballs on a plate and fill with gravy. Bon appetit!!

Steamed minced chicken cutlets in a double boiler diet

If you cook our meatballs for a couple, then the dish will turn out to be healthy and dietary. And this option is very good for children, so moms take note.

We will need:

Chicken breasts - 700 grams

Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon

Milk - 100 milliliters

Egg - 1 piece

White bread crackers - 100 grams

Onion - 1 piece

Garlic - 1 clove

Salt - to taste

Pepper - to taste


1. Cook minced chicken. Soak bread in milk, squeeze out, add to minced meat.

2. Grate garlic onions on a fine grater. Add to meat.

4. From meat mass We form pancakes and put them in a double boiler. To keep the meat from sticking to your hands, dip them in cold water. Close the steamer with a lid and cook the meatballs for 25-30 minutes. After that, they can be served on the table.

Tips and tricks for cooking chicken meatballs

And in conclusion of the article, I would like to give a couple of tips on cooking this delicious meat dish:

  1. Minced meat is best cooked by hand with a knife. You need to cut the chicken fillet into strips along and then cut them into cubes across. Cubes should be as small as possible, about a centimeter by centimeter. If the kitchen has a combine, you can also make chopped minced meat mechanically.
  2. If you like to feel the taste of chicken in ready dish, do not cut the fillet too small. But at the same time, keep in mind that chicken cut too large will not be fried.
  3. If the stuffing turned out to be very liquid, do not be discouraged, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and the situation has been fixed.
  4. Add onion or garlic and various spices to the minced meat, this will make your meatballs truly tasty and juicy.

Sincerely, Tatyana Kashitsina.

Hi all! Today I suggest you cook very tasty and juicy homemade cutlets of chicken fillet by hand. To make it easier for you, I designed this recipe step by step and with a photo. They are made quite quickly, so they are well suited for dinner, when after work you no longer have the strength, but you need to eat something.

They are great for children, as they are made from dietary chicken. The recipe is very simple, cutlets will turn out great even for those who can only put the kettle on.

An excellent result in a matter of minutes - you will definitely like delicate fragrant cutlets, so be sure to try it!


1. Chicken breast fillet - 500 gr.

2. Chicken egg - 2 pcs.

3. Onion - 1 pc.

5. Wheat flour - 4 tbsp.

6. Dill or other herbs - 1 bunch

7. Salt - to taste

8. Ground pepper, other spices - to taste

9. Sunflower oil - for frying

Additionally, you can put 1-2 cloves of garlic in minced meat, but this depends on taste preferences. As for mayonnaise, you can easily cook it yourself at home, it turns out tastier and healthier than store-bought.

First, prepare all the products, lay them out on the work surface to make it more convenient for us. It is necessary to wash the breast fillets and eggs, which we first check for freshness. It is very simple to do this - we collect a little water in a bowl (about 6 cm) and lower the eggs. The best and freshest ones will remain at the bottom, and those that have surfaced must be disposed of.

Cooking method:

1. Since we are preparing chopped cutlets, we make them from pieces of fillet, which we cut into small cubes.

2. Put them in a deep bowl, salt and pepper, add mayonnaise or sour cream, salt and spices (if you are preparing children, it is better to refuse seasonings). We also send finely chopped onion there, if desired, it can be pureed with a blender.

We wash the greens, dry and finely chop, put in a common cup and mix everything thoroughly.

3. Add flour, instead of which you can take 2 tbsp. starch or 1.5 tbsp. semolina, mix everything again and leave for 25 minutes.

4. It remains only to form small neat cutlets (you can do this with a tablespoon) and fry them in a pan, setting the average intensity of the fire and spending about 4 minutes on each side.

5. After that, reduce the gas and simmer for 13-15 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. That's all, bon appetit!
You can always modify the recipe and adjust it to your taste preferences. For example, I really like to make meatballs with cheese. You can add some salted or lightly fried mushrooms to the minced meat.

If you can’t eat fried food, make steamed or oven cutlets - it will still turn out very tasty! You can prepare a salad, any side dish for them, or just sprinkle with herbs, serve vegetable slices.

For example, the easiest option is to take a lot of fresh aromatic herbs (I prefer a mixture of basil, dill, parsley), ripe tomatoes, some soft cheese(you can also use cottage cheese), season with olive oil.

If desired, add olives, then you get a Mediterranean-style snack.

Cook only from high-quality and fresh products and with love, do not be afraid to experiment! Share this recipe with your friends, subscribe to the blog, win real cash prizes from Alexander Afanasyev! See you soon!

You don’t know what to cook from chicken breast, you want a quick, but very tasty dish without any hassle? Prepare chopped chicken cutlets. Ruddy, fried, with a crispy crust and a juicy center. No dry chicken meat just tender and soft. A variety of flavors and recipes make this dish a great field for imagination. You can add vegetables or herbs, you can wrap the filling. Use the products you love.

We have already cooked with you before, but they were classic, scrolled through a meat grinder, and this time they will consist of small pieces cut with a knife. This preserves the structure and juiciness of chicken meat. Great variation when regular cutlets already tired.

Chopped chicken breast cutlets are loved by both adults and children. I can vouch for this from my own experience, because this is one of the most beloved dishes in the family. It is very simple and inexpensive, but the taste is always excellent. No long preparations are required; frying such cutlets is no more difficult than or, but only from meat.

Let's start cooking chopped cutlets with classic version where additional flavorings are not used. Only chicken meat and binding products. So that cutlets from chicken pieces do not crumble when frying, they need to be glued with something. The easiest way to do this is to add eggs and starch, the most common potato starch. Since there will be only a couple of tablespoons of starch, it will not taste like it, but it will become an excellent “cement” that will hold all the pieces together and turn them into cutlets. The egg that we will add will also help this, and will also give our cutlets the necessary ruddy and crust, which will fry very appetizingly. It will be something like meat in batter, if you have ever cooked this, you will understand why.

You will need:

  • chicken breast fillet - 500 grams (1 whole breast);
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • potato starch - 2-2.5 tablespoons;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • fresh herbs optional.


1. Lightly rinse fresh chicken breast cold water and pat dry with paper towels. It is advisable to do this before cooking any raw meat. Remove the bones, if any, and thin remnants of films and fat. Cut the breast lengthwise into thin plates, then each plate into thin strips, and then into small cubes.

2. Transfer the chicken pieces to a bowl and break two raw eggs. Mix well so that the eggs coat all the pieces.

3. Add mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper to the same place. Freshly ground in a mill is better, it is more fragrant. Take the mayonnaise that you usually use, it does not matter.

Stir everything so that it is salted evenly.

4. Now add to the bowl potato starch and stir again. You will see how our meat dough thickens slightly and becomes more viscous and sticky. This is exactly what we need.

5. If you like greens, such as dill, then now you can add it, having chopped it well before that. Just mix everything and the future chopped cutlets are ready for frying.

By the way! Chopped chicken cutlets with mayonnaise do not have to be fried immediately. You can leave them to marinate from half an hour to several hours. So chicken meat will become even more tender, because mayonnaise has good marinating properties. Try both cooking options, immediately and after marinating.

6. And now the easiest point in the recipe, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the cutlets over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. This is done very simply, literally like pancakes or squash fritters that we have recently prepared. Spread a portion of the meat “dough” with a tablespoon and lightly crush it so that the cutlet is flat and well-fried inside. When the bottom side is browned, turn over and wait for the crust on the other side.

7. Put the finished chopped chicken cutlets on a flat dish covered with napkins or paper towels so that the excess oil is absorbed into them, and does not make the food more greasy.

It's time to set the table and call everyone to dinner, until the cutlets have cooled down. Bon appetit!

Another way to make delicious minced chicken cutlets. Let's add some cheese and garlic to them, it will be very satisfying and fragrant. The cheese will melt during the frying process, but will not leak into the pan, but will hide securely inside the cutlets. You can add your favorite chicken spices if you find the taste of chicken breast too simple.

You will need:

  • chicken breast - 500-600 gr.;
  • cheese - 100 gr.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • grainy mustard (French, Dijon) - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • spices for chicken or turkey - 0.5-1 teaspoon;
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley) - a few branches.


1. First of all, cut the washed and dried chicken breast into small pieces. Finely chop the greens. Squeeze the garlic through a press or use a fine grater. Put it all in a bowl and add two raw eggs. Stir.

2. hard cheese rub on coarse grater and add to the chicken with herbs in a bowl. Put two tablespoons of mustard in there. This amount is suitable if the mustard is not spicy, but slightly sweet. spicy mustard put in less.

3. Add two tablespoons of flour to the bowl and mix. The flour will play a binding role. In the previous recipe, we used starch. From my experience I can say that the taste will vary, but both options are good.

4. Mix everything very well so that not a single lump of flour remains, and the cheese and herbs are evenly distributed between the chicken pieces.

The whole mass should be thick and dense.

5. Using a spoon, put cutlets of the same size on a preheated pan. Don't forget the oil. Fry on one side over high heat until crispy, then flip and fry on the other side.

6. After browning on both sides, add just a little to the pan hot water and cover with a lid. Reduce the heat to low and bring the chopped chicken cutlets under the lid until cooked through for 2-3 minutes.

7. Serve a salad of fresh vegetables with ready-made cutlets, do not forget about greens and delicious sauces. Sour cream, mayonnaise and other homemade sauces are ideal.

Very tasty and fast! And the main thing is simple.

Zucchini can be cooked in different ways, one of the ways is zucchini pancakes, including with the addition of meat. And in this recipe, the situation is reversed, you can cook chopped chicken cutlets with the addition of zucchini. Of course, the proportions in which these products are used will play an important role. But the cooking method will also affect the taste. Chicken breast cutlets consist mostly of chicken meat, and zucchini is a pleasant and tasty addition that gives them a twist. I really like this option for lightness and juiciness. I highly recommend trying it.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 1 whole breast;
  • young small zucchini - 2 pieces (or 1 medium size);
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


1. Start by cutting the chicken breast into small pieces. Wash the zucchini, cut off both ends and remove the skin if it is too thick. Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater and put in a separate plate. Lightly salt and leave for a few minutes, then squeeze out the released juice. Mix zucchini with chicken.

2. Add 2 eggs to the chicken with zucchini and mix. Now put the flour and add a little salt, but keep in mind that there is already a little salt in the zucchini. Pepper at will.

3. Put the pan on the stove and heat it over high heat. Pour vegetable oil and spoon cutlets into the pan. Slightly flatten them on top so that the cutlets are baked.

4. As soon as the bottom side is browned, turn the patties over and fry the other side until cooked through. Since the chicken breast cooks quickly, the cutlets will only take a few minutes on one side to cook.

Ready chopped chicken cutlets with zucchini are very juicy and tasty, fried zucchini gives them a special tenderness. Be sure to try!

Recipe for chopped chicken cutlets with sweet peppers and tomatoes

Combining tender chicken breast with vegetables only adds to the dish's excellent qualities. And the taste becomes more interesting, and juiciness is added, because the chicken breast is very lean meat without a single fat, and sometimes it is difficult to cook it so that it does not dry out. Bell pepper, in my opinion, goes well with chicken, as well as tomatoes. But it is best to take red or yellow pepper.

You will need:

  • chicken breast fillet - 2 pieces without bone;
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 pc;
  • tomato - 1-2 pieces;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • flour - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper and fresh herbs.


1. Before cooking chicken breast, you need to remove the skin from it and remove the bones if any remain. If you buy a ready-made butchered fillet, then be sure to wash the meat before slicing it. Cut the breast first lengthwise into strips, and then into smaller pieces.

2. Wash the pepper, cut the stem and remove the seeds. Cut into thin strips and then into small cubes larger pieces Chicken.

3. Do not forget to wash the tomatoes and cut them into the same cubes as the pepper. If desired, you can remove the skin from them, to do this, make a cross-shaped incision in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalk and scald them with boiling water. The skin can be easily removed.

4. Put all the chopped ingredients in a convenient bowl, add eggs, sour cream and salt. Stir until smooth.

5. Add flour to the bowl and mix. Instead of flour, you can use potato starch, it also helps to get the minced meat the right viscosity, and when frying, it almost does not affect the taste. Try both options and choose the one you like best.

6. It remains only to fry the cutlets in vegetable oil. Make them small, it is most convenient to measure with a spoon and immediately spread on a hot frying pan. As soon as a golden crust forms on both sides, chopped chicken cutlets are ready.

Such cutlets can be prepared for every day, or you can make a hot treat for the sudden arrival of guests. They cook very quickly, and the result is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Chopped chicken cutlets with bell pepper, onion and oatmeal

Another variation of chopped chicken cutlets with bell pepper, but this time with onions. And in order for the cutlets to be dense and keep their shape well, it is proposed to add cereals or flour. Past recipes have used flour and potato starch for this. So such a thickener for cutlet "dough" is also great. They don't taste like cutlets at all. oatmeal, chicken and vegetables are felt. You can add spices, fresh herbs, and, if desired, a little garlic. You will get very fragrant and bright cutlets in taste.

Chicken breast with champignons is very tasty. You can stew with sauce, you can fry with stuffing, or you can cook chopped chicken cutlets with mushrooms. In fact, mix the pieces of champignons fried with the onion directly into the cutlets.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs;
  • fresh champignons- 400 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • butter - 50 gr;
  • flour - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper and spices to taste.


1. Cooking chopped cutlets with mushrooms, you should start with cooking champignons. First, cut the onion into small cubes.

2. Cut clean fresh champignons into small pieces. Heat the butter in a frying pan, let it melt. Add the onion to the oil and sauté until soft and slightly translucent. Now put the mushrooms in the pan and fry them until cooked.

3. While the champignons are fried, cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Put it in a deep bowl and add a raw egg.

4. Add the fried champignons to the chicken when ready. Put the flour there, salt and pepper to taste.

5. Mix all ingredients well. Fry in a skillet in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides. Can be removed when ready excess fat laying the cutlets on a paper towel.

Serve hot chopped chicken cutlets with mushrooms with fresh vegetables and herbs. It will be delicious served with mashed potatoes. Bon appetit!

Appetizing chicken cutlets with cheese, cauliflower and sweet pepper - video recipe

Experiments with vegetable additives in minced chicken breast cutlets continue. I can understand this thirst, because every time it gets tastier and tastier. Cauliflower fits perfectly, so this recipe I have long adopted. Plus, it uses cheese, which I just love to add to various dishes. Watch and learn how to cook yummy.

Everything this time. cook delicious meatballs and make your family happy!