Fried fish in breadcrumbs in a frying pan. Delicious breaded fish: cooking secrets

Some housewives believe that they can do without this component, questioning its influence on the taste of the finished dish. But as practice shows, there are no trifles in the culinary business.

Why is fish breaded?

First of all, to obtain a golden brown crust. At the same time, the fish flesh inside has time to fully cook, remaining very juicy - it seems to melt in your mouth.

Fatty varieties: sea ​​bass, halibut, tuna, mackerel, pangasius often fall apart in a frying pan, but breading will protect them from this, helping to form beautiful portioned pieces. And it will give low-fat “seafood” such as pollock, hake or cod a bright, rich taste and attractive appearance.

But this is not even the main value of breading mixtures. Their mainly used for frying fish, thanks to which dishes that are difficult to classify as dietary become healthier. Breading prevents excess fat from the frying pan from being absorbed into the meat, while at the same time preserving as much as possible the minerals and vitamins that the product is rich in.

It is known that fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3. But these organic compounds are quickly destroyed under the influence of high temperatures at culinary processing. Breading or batter protects against excessive heat, especially if spices such as rosemary and oregano have been added to them, therefore valuable acids remain in the meat.

Little tricks

Breading must be properly applied to properly prepared fish. Only in this case we are guaranteed cooking masterpiece, which you can really be proud of.

Things to consider:

  1. Bread the product immediately before cooking. All actions must be quick so that the top layer does not have time to get wet.
  2. It is better to bread in flour, batter or breadcrumbs white fish. For red, something exotic in an oriental spirit, like sesame, is suitable.
  3. Defrosting the product, if required, plays an important role. Thawing should only be done dry and naturally, without a microwave. Otherwise, the fish, especially fillets, will lose a lot of water and turn out dry and tasteless. Here even breading will be powerless.
  4. Any fish, fresh or defrosted, must first be dried with a paper towel. Otherwise, excess moisture will prevent the formation of an even, crispy crust during frying. Fears that the breading will not stick to dry skin are unfounded.
  5. It is recommended to add spices to the coating mixture: ground pepper different varieties, dry dill and garlic, sea salt. There are already ready seafood seasonings with rich taste and aroma.
  6. If fried fish fillet, it is more correct to salt not it, but the breading. Then the meat will not leak liquid and will remain more tender. In addition, the crust on it will not get soggy.
  7. Before breading sea fish, it is better to water it lemon juice. A simple trick will help get rid of the characteristic taste that not everyone likes.
  8. When frying, do not place the pieces too close to each other and turn them over before 5 minutes. In this case, the breading mixture will not crumble and stick to the pan.
  9. For frying it is better to take butter and olive oil or at least deodorized sunflower. It is important that there is no strong odor that will overpower the aroma of the spices.

Types of breading

Translated from French paner means “bread crumb topping.” In other words, ground crackers. However, the range of products used for breading is much wider.

You can take dry ingredients:

  • flour, mainly wheat or corn;
  • semolina;
  • grated potatoes;
  • chopped nuts;
  • sesame (white and black), poppy seeds, mixture of seasonings;
  • oatmeal and other grain flakes, ground chips, crackers.

Or liquid breading: batter.

Thanks to such variety, it is possible to easily change the taste fish dishes, preparing them according to the same recipe.

Depending on the method of application, breading can be:

  • single;
  • double;
  • triple.

If everything is clear with the first option, then the second and third represent an alternation of liquid and dry layers, creating a dense, stable crust for the main product.

Single breading is most often used when frying whole or portioned fish; double and triple breading are more suitable for deep-fried cutlets, as well as fillets.


This product is ideal for any fish. Its delicate taste is not noticeable in the finished dish, while the pieces of meat hold their shape perfectly and do not lose water. You can take different ones types of flour, taking into account the features of the main product. Wheat is considered universal.

Preferable for very dry fish corn flour– it creates a denser crust. In addition, it will delight you with its golden color and unusual taste, with light Mexican notes.

Exotic rice flour is recommended for fatty varieties. Upon contact with heated oil, it forms a very thin, crispy coating, which, combined with juicy, tender meat impresses even the most demanding gourmets.

You can try buckwheat, chickpeas or oatmeal. They have a pronounced taste and will impart it to “neutral”, watery meat, like hake or cod.

You can add spices and sea salt to any flour.

An example of using flour breading, the result of which will definitely please housewives.

Fried hake in a frying pan in flour

Fried hake – tasty dish, which can be added to any porridge or mashed potatoes. It can be prepared in a few minutes, and in order to get your hands less dirty while cooking, we suggest finding out the most easy way breading of fish.


Recipe information

  • Type of dish: fish dishes
  • Cooking method: in a frying pan
  • Servings:3
  • 20 minutes
  • hake – 1 piece;
  • salt to taste;
  • flour for breading – 2-3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil for frying.
Cooking process:

We clean and rinse the fish.

Remove the fins and cut into portions.

Salt to taste.

Pour 2-3 tbsp into the bag. flour.
Place the fish in the bag and gently shake it several times.

We open the bag and lo and behold, the fish is already breaded, and your hands remain clean.

We send it to fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Serve while it is hot, sprinkled with herbs.

  • the cutting should not be too thick, otherwise the pieces will not have time to fry inside;
  • It is advisable to salt the product 10 minutes before cooking so that it has time to soak;
  • the oil should be well heated, then the crust will immediately “set”;
  • Low-fat fish can first be dipped in lezon - a mash of eggs and milk or cream (kefir), and then rolled in flour.

Ground crackers

You can buy them in a store or make them yourself.

Rusks made from white bread with a crust are called red breading, without it - white.

The first variety is considered more refined and is preferable when it comes to seafood products.

Rusks are optimal for frying fillets and fish cutlets, and large pieces deep-fried.

They are somewhat rough and create a noticeable contrast with the tender meat.

On the other hand, a thick crust allows the main product to retain its juiciness even after prolonged cooking.

How bigger fish, the coarser the grinding of crackers should be and vice versa.

Algorithm for frying in ground breadcrumbs

  • It is necessary to take fleshy sea fish from minimum quantity bones. The best thing is the fillet. This could be sea bass, tilapia, cod, large pink pollock.
  • Let's prepare the lezon: beat the egg well and mix with 50 ml of milk.
  • While the oil is heating in a frying pan (or better yet, in a wok), place it on the work table in the following order: a plate with flour, a bowl with leison and breadcrumbs. You can mix the latter with your favorite seasonings.
  • Carefully roll the fish in flour, then quickly dip it in the lezon and bread it with breadcrumbs. With this method, the “coat” is dense and holds up well during frying. Without flour, it will not be possible to perfectly coat the pieces of meat with breadcrumbs and juice will leak into the remaining gaps.
  • Instead of leison, you can use a regular beaten egg, but it is less elastic and the coating will subsequently crumble. In addition, the mixture with milk gives delicate taste and additional juiciness to the meat.


This cereal is an excellent alternative to flour or an addition to it.

Semolina is especially tasty in combination with river fish, because it does not interrupt its mild taste.

Cereals are considered dietary product , it is recommended to use it for breading for people with gastrointestinal problems for whom fiber is contraindicated.

How to cook

Frying fish in semolina is very simple. Roll prepared pieces or whole small specimens, for example, smelt, perch, crucian carp, in breading and place in a frying pan.


This exquisite cheese coat is perfect for both frying and baking in the oven.

It is combined with delicious salmon, trout, dorado, sea bass, catfish, as well as less expensive halibut, pink salmon, and haddock.

The main thing is that the meat does not have a pronounced “marine” taste., which will be discordant with the cheese.

Before cooking, it is advisable to marinate the fish in herbs, soy sauce and lemon juice. And fry in olive or butter.

Grated cheese is mixed either with an egg or with wheat breadcrumbs: pure form it will burn. First roll the fish in flour, and then in cheese breading, liquid or dry - your choice. The first one is more suitable for frying, the second one is also good for baking.


Cook fish every day nut breading It’s unlikely to work – it’s an expensive pleasure.

But for festive table better dishes can not found.

How to cook

  1. Walnuts should be crushed into crumbs using a blender. You can use a rolling pin, but you will have to work hard to get the pieces very small and uniform.
  2. Place the fish fillet in a marinade of chopped onions for several hours, sea ​​salt, bay leaf, ground black pepper, and lemon juice.
  3. Next, dip the fillet in lezon or beaten egg, and then roll well in nut crumbs. It is best to fry the delicacy in olive oil.

"Shuba" made from potatoes

You can also take other vegetables: zucchini or carrots. But potatoes are the most popular because they have a familiar taste.

It is rubbed and then used in two ways:

  • mixed with egg and flour to obtain potato batter;
  • dried in the oven and replaced with breadcrumbs.

How to fry fish in batter is clear:

  • First, roll in flour, then dip into the “fur coat” and hold until you get a thick, uniform layer.
  • Dried potato chips are applied to a surface previously moistened with egg. The vegetable must be pressed well with your hands so that it does not fall off.

Potato breading of both types adheres best to fish fillets.

Sesame for oriental flavor

Red fish in sesame breading is a sophisticated dish very common in the Asian East.

However, even a simple hake will benefit from such an unusual combination.

Sesame seeds not only have a pleasant, slightly spicy taste, but also many beneficial properties.

It is a strong antioxidant, cleansing, strengthening and rejuvenating the body.

It is used in all weight loss diets.

In combination with fish we get an excellent PP dish. What if you mix black and white? sesame seeds, also incredibly beautiful.

Preparation will not take much time:

  • Sprinkle the fish fillet with lemon, salt and pepper.
  • Dip first in flour, then in egg (leison) and sesame seeds.
  • Now you can fry, preferably in olive oil.

How to make the right batter from flour and eggs

It would seem that it would be simpler - mix both components, add salt and spices and you're done! But batter, also known as batter, has its own secrets.

Its classic proportions:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • salt to taste.

If they appear additional ingredients: grated potatoes, cheese, herbs, increase the number of eggs by 1.5-2 times, and reduce flour.

It is important that the batter is of the desired thickness.

To check, dip a spoon into it - if the mass completely covers it, without gaps, then everything is in order with the consistency.


For deep frying, the batter is made a little thicker.

Can be added to flour and egg mixture mineral water, wine or beer. It is advisable for the batter to stand in the cold for 1 hour after cooking. Beat egg yolks and whites separately and then combine.

Double breading

With this method, the valuable juice will definitely not “run away”, remaining inside the fish fillet or cutlets. For whole carcasses or portioned pieces, double breading is used less often, although you can experiment.

We need to create several layers. The first one is usually made from flour. The second one is made from leison. The third can be made from flour or breadcrumbs. Then again dip the product into the leison and into the breadcrumbs. Sometimes at the second stage, instead of the egg mixture, they use grated cheese or cream.

For triple breading, repeat the process twice.. That is, instead of three dry layers and two liquid, it turns out four and three, respectively.

Bon appetit everyone!

If breading seems like a simple and insignificant cooking step to you - simply because it is indicated so in the recipe, then this is a big misconception. Breading can not only give a dish an appetizing golden brown crust, but also preserve the juiciness of the product, impart a new original taste, aroma and even consistency.

A little theory...

Breading– these are certain crushed products or a mixture thereof, which are used for coating meat, fish, vegetable preparations/semi-finished products, dough products, fruits, cheeses before frying or baking.

Breading is a very important component of the dish. When frying in a pan, food loses moisture, juiciness and softness, and can burn and change its shape. Breading acts as a protective shell, which prevents the evaporation of liquid from products, helps maintain the juiciness of the finished dish, maintain the shape of the products and give familiar dishes new shades of taste.

There is a great variety of breadings, and it's not just flour or breadcrumbs. If you have a good understanding of all types of breadings, then the same dish can be prepared in different ways without changing its basic composition, but using only different breadings.

What kind of breading is there?

The championship is occupied by crushed dried bread, that is, breadcrumbs.

You can buy them at the store or make them yourself at home by shredding dried leftover bread (this will save money and give stale bread a second life). And if you add certain spices to breadcrumbs (for example, ground dry garlic), you can get an excellent flavored mixture. It can be cooked very tasty.

Most often, breadcrumbs are used for coating schnitzels. Bread coating protects the product from drying out, preserves the delicate texture of the product and gives a crispy golden brown crust.


Second place flour. And not only wheat, but also corn, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. Depending on the type of flour used for breading, the general form dishes.
Flour breading is more tender and soft. It does not give a hard crust like breadcrumbs, and does not significantly affect the taste of the finished dish.

Dishes breaded in liquid ingredients acquire a soft, airy layer and a delicate taste. For example, they turn out very juicy and soft.

Chopped nuts

If you roll meat, fish, vegetables and other products in nut crumbs, you can get more nutritious dish with new bright notes in taste. For example, .

Cheese breading

Adds to dishes spicy taste. But this is a very capricious topping that can stick to the pan, so grated cheese is often mixed with flour, starch or bread crumbs so that the breading sticks better to meat (for example) and fish products, as well as vegetables.

Miscellaneous unusual

, crushed chips, crackers, popcorn, poppy, mixture of spices and seasonings– exotic, but very interesting options breading Ready meals with such breading they not only look very beautiful, but also differ original taste. For example, if you use black sesame, you can add ordinary dish special and memorable look.

Don’t forget to also experiment and add additional ingredients to the breading: lemon zest, cinnamon, turmeric, dried herbs (rosemary, thyme, dill), dried garlic, ginger and greens.

A small amount of such additives can emphasize the taste of the dish, add spiciness, piquancy and an original flavor. The main thing is not to overdo it and add everything in moderation.

But for the breading to stick well to the food, it is not enough to simply roll the product in breadcrumbs or sesame seeds. Need to know…

Rules for perfect breading

So, in order to coat food well with breading you need soak them in liquid ingredients– butter, milk or beaten eggs. Most often, a mixture of eggs with milk, or kefir, or cream is used - egg ice cream . This mash coats food well.

The point is that when heat treatment the protein coagulates, forming a thin film that protects the dish from loss of moisture, and bread crumbs, chopped nuts or other breading serve as an additional barrier through which less oil is absorbed into the product, the juiciness and original taste qualities and product shape.

Breading can be single, double or triple.

Sometimes it is enough to soak the products in egg and roll in flour or breadcrumbs. But if you need to get a denser crust, then it is better to cover the product with egg wash, roll in breading and repeat this procedure 2-3 times. For example, dip a chop in egg, roll in flour, dip in egg again and coat well with breadcrumbs or flour - you get double breading.

As a rule, breaded products are fried in a frying pan with big amount oils To remove excess oil, finished products can be placed on a paper towel or napkins. You can also bake breaded foods in the oven - you will get a less fatty dish with a crispy crust.

More Breaded semi-finished products can be frozen and then fry in a frying pan. But it should be remembered that not all breading tolerates defrosting well. Thus, products breaded in flour should not be defrosted first, so that the flour does not become soggy and stick to the surface (board, plate, etc.) - it is better to slowly fry them while frozen.

Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen and try new combinations! Let use various options breading will be a good experience towards achieving culinary mastery.

Depending on what kind of fish dish needs to be prepared, it is breaded, that is, rolled in flour, or rolled in flour, moistened in lezone, and then rolled in ground breadcrumbs. Before breading, portion pieces are sprinkled with salt.

Breading fish in flour

Flour breading. This breading is sifted wheat flour 1st grade.

If flour is mixed with salt, then the pre-portioned pieces are not salted. The fish is breaded in flour immediately before frying.

White breading. To obtain a white breading, the stale crumb of wheat bread without a crust is rubbed through a screen.

Red breading. Red breading is prepared from well-dried wheat bread with a crust, which is crushed in a mortar.

Liezon. To prepare leison raw eggs Mix with milk or water, then add salt.

For one egg take 75-100 g of milk or 60 g of water and 2-4 g of salt

Semi-finished products for cooking,
poaching and frying fish

Semi-finished products are prepared for the following fish dishes: boiled, poached, fried, fried fish, fried pike perch with green oil, fish in dough, grilled fish, cutlets and meatballs made from cutlet mass.

For the dish boiled fish They use prepared whole fish, sturgeon links and portioned pieces of almost all fish species, except bream, carp, carp, crucian carp, roach, and navaga. Cut into portioned pieces, starting from the head, across the grain, with skin, rib and vertebral bones or without bones. 2-3 cuts are made on the skin so that the portioned pieces do not change shape during heat treatment.

For the poached fish dish, prepared whole sterlet, trout, mullet, pike perch ( stuffed whole), pike, sturgeon links and portioned pieces without skin and bones of almost all fish species, except bream, carp, carp, crucian carp, roach, navaga. To cut portions of fish fillet, place it on the table with the inside side up and cut obliquely, across the grain.

For the fried fish dish, prepared whole fish (navaga, crucian carp, bream, carp, trout, etc.) are used, as well as portioned pieces with skin and bones, with skin without bones or without skin and bones of all types of fish. Fish cut by any method (see “Cutting fish”) is cut into portions. To do this, the fish is placed on the table with the inside up and the pieces are cut obliquely, across the grain, starting from the head; sturgeon fish is cut from the tail. Before frying, whole fish or portioned pieces are sprinkled with salt and breaded in flour.

For the fish fries dish, use prepared whole fish (navaga, smelt, herring, sprat, sprat, anchovy) and portioned pieces without skin, costal and spinal bones of the following fish species: pike perch, catfish, cod, sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon.

Whole fish and portioned pieces, cut diagonally, are sprinkled with salt, breaded in flour, dipped in lezon, breaded in ground breadcrumbs (white breading) and sent for deep frying.

For. dishes fried pike perch with green oil large pieces cut pike perch without skin and bones is cut into portions in the form of a wide ribbon, which are sprinkled with salt, breaded in flour, moistened in lezone and breaded in ground breadcrumbs. Then they are folded in the form of a figure eight, for which one end of the tape is wrapped in the middle of one side of the piece, and the other in the middle of the opposite side. The wrapped ends of the tape are fastened with a metal pin so that the shape is preserved during heat treatment (the pin is removed after heat treatment). The prepared semi-finished product is sent for deep frying.

Semi-finished product for the dish - fried pike perch with green oil

For the dish, fish in dough (fried) from pieces of cut pike perch, pike, cod without skin and bones is cut into small pieces, which are dried with a towel. Pieces of fish are placed in a bowl with vegetable oil (3 g), add citric acid(0.05 g) or lemon juice, ground pepper, salt, parsley (3 g) and incubate for 10-20 minutes (marinate in oil). Before deep-frying, the cubes are removed from the oil and dipped into a specially prepared batter (batter).

Preparation batter. Pour cold water or milk, vegetable oil into the bowl, add wheat flour, salt and knead the batter, then add beaten egg whites and mix carefully.

Products for dough per serving (in g): wheat flour 38, water or milk 40, egg white 1 pc., vegetable oil 2, salt 1.

For the dish, grilled fried fish (first option) from pike perch, whitefish, cut into large pieces, links of sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, fresh herring without skin and bones, cut into portions, dry them with a towel, salt, moisten in melted butter and breaded in ground breadcrumbs, after which they are fried over burning coals.

For the dish, grilled fried fish (second option) from large pieces of cut whitefish, fresh herring, nelma, fresh salmon with boneless skin, cut into portions, dry with a towel and marinate in the same way as for the fish in dough dish. Then the skin is cut in two or three places and, without breading, fried over burning coals.

Fried for the dish gefilte fish(in portioned pieces) pike perch, pike, and carp are most often used. Portioned pieces of fish, cut into round pieces (see “Fish with a bone skeleton”), are placed on the table with the cut side up and the flesh is cut out from the inside with a knife, along with the bones, leaving a layer of pulp near the skin of no more than 0.5 cm. The resulting hole is filled with a cutlet or quenelle mass into which crushed onion and garlic. Stuffed portions of fish are breaded in flour before frying.

For the dish stuffed pike perch, the prepared fish is stuffed through the dorsal hole with cutlet or dumpling mass. The dorsal opening is sutured and the fish is wrapped in gauze. Sometimes wooden strips are placed on the sides and tied with twine so that the appearance of a whole fish is preserved during heat treatment.

For the dish, stuffed pike skin, removed along with the tail, is washed and filled with cutlet or dumpling mass. The edges of the skin are sewn up and the product is wrapped in gauze, giving it the shape of a whole fish.

Preparation of cutlet mass
and semi-finished products from it

To prepare the cutlet mass, fish that do not have small intermuscular bones are most often used: pike perch, catfish, pike, burbot, cod, chum salmon, sea bass, and motley catfish. Cutlet mass can be prepared from soaked salted fish.

The flesh of the fish without skin, costal and vertebral bones is cut into small pieces, mixed with stale wheat bread (2-3 days of storage) made from 1st or highest grade flour, pre-soaked in milk or water, and passed through a meat grinder. Add salt and ground pepper to the resulting mass and mix everything well.

The taste of products decreases if bread made from lower grade flour is used in the production of cutlet mass.

IN cutlet mass you can put fish oil obtained by cutting fatty fish, pork fat, butter (50-100 g per 1 kg of fish pulp). To reduce viscosity, you can add to the cutlet mass boiled fish(25-30% of the weight of the raw fish pulp taken).

Products per 1 kg of fish pulp (in g): wheat bread 250 (25%), water or milk 300-350 (30-35%), salt 20-25 (2-2.5%), pepper 1 (0.1%).

Chopped raw onions are added to the cutlet mass used for stuffing fish in an amount of 50-100 g per 1 kg of pulp and 1-2 g of garlic.

To obtain high-quality products from cutlet mass, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established ratio of meat and bread. At insufficient quantities Bread products turn out crumbly and dry, excess bread worsens their taste.

To prepare the dish, chopped cutlets and chops, the cutlet mass is cut into cutlets or chops, 2 pieces each. per serving and breaded in ground breadcrumbs.

Dumpling mass. To prepare dumpling mass, pike perch is most often used, as well as pike and fresh salmon. The flesh of the fish without skin and bones is cut into small pieces and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is combined with wheat bread without crusts soaked in milk or with unleavened bread. puff pastry, mix everything and pass 2-3 more times through a meat grinder with a fine grid. Then the mass is pounded in a mortar, rubbed through a fine sieve, after which egg whites are added and, with continuous beating, cold milk or cream is gradually introduced, and then salt. A piece of well-beaten quenelle mass should float on the surface cold water. The dumpling mass is used to prepare dumplings with sauce, as well as for stuffing.

Products per 1 kg of fish pulp (in g): wheat bread without crusts 150 or puff pastry 100, egg white 4 pcs., milk or cream 500 (for soaking bread and adding to the mixture), salt 20.

To make this recipe for fried fish in breadcrumbs, use meaty sea fish. There's little in her small bones, it will be convenient to eat. After all, fish fried in breadcrumbs in a frying pan forms a crispy crust that prevents the juice from leaking out. You'll want to eat this kind of fish faster, rather than sit and pick out the bones.

Ingredients for fried fish in breadcrumbs:

  • fillet sea ​​fish without small bones (cod, haddock, tilapia, hake, pollock, sea bass)
  • breadcrumbs
  • egg
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • pepper, salt

How to fry fish in breadcrumbs in a frying pan

Cut the fish into portions; they should not be too thick, a maximum of one and a half centimeters thick. It’s even easier to prepare a fish fillet dish.
On a plate, mix flour and salt, first roll the fish carcass in flour. Break a chicken egg into a bowl, season with salt and pepper or a mixture of peppers, and beat the egg mixture with a fork. Dip portions into beaten egg. Bread the fish fillets in breadcrumbs.
Is it possible to fry fish in breadcrumbs without flour? By pre-dipping the fish in flour and egg, the breadcrumbs will stick firmly to the flesh and will not fall off during cooking.

Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil. Fry the fish in breadcrumbs in a frying pan, first on one side until golden brown crust, then on the other. When frying fillets, crackers form golden crust, which will retain all the juices, the fish will remain juicy and tender.

Serve fish fried in breadcrumbs in a frying pan with a side dish of fresh or stewed vegetables and greens.

Delicious fried pollock cook in batter.

Breaded fried fish is a dish with an expressive taste and interesting structure, which not only has an alluring aroma, but also looks presentable and appetizing. Therefore, you can prepare such a wave dish for a gala dinner, especially if you choose one of the noble varieties of fish. But even for a regular everyday menu, this idea is very successful - tender pieces can turn ordinary into family dinner in a real celebration of taste.

Suitable fish

It is best to cook fillets in breading. Pangasius, pelengas, haddock, cod, pollock and other varieties with a small amount bones. An excellent choice for holiday menu will become salmon, trout, tuna.

Secrets of successful breading

There are many alternatives to the regular ones from the store. Don't be afraid to experiment when trying to find best recipe. Breaded fish can be cooked in semolina, crushed chips, mixture and flour. To make the dish look more beautiful, you can add finely chopped dill to the crumbs. A pinch of paprika or turmeric will brighten the color of the dish.

Red fish fillet breaded in poppy seeds, white or white is very tasty. The dish is not only juicy, but also looks unusual and tempting.

Cooking process

Exist general principles, which can be used to cook any breaded fish. A recipe with a photo will help you visualize what the process looks like.

Cut the fillet into pieces. They can be the size of your palm, the size of a thin sausage, or the size of a matchbox. Prepare a bowl with beaten eggs, a flat plate with breading and another container with flour. It is not necessary to coat the fish in flour first, but this step allows the egg and breadcrumb mixture to adhere better to the meat.

Dip the pieces into the egg mixture, all at once. Stir, distributing the mixture evenly. Roll in breadcrumbs, pressing the pieces with your hand to make the breading more dense. Place the fish in the hot oil.

You need to fry for at least 5 minutes on each side. You shouldn’t immediately turn the pieces around the pan; the crust should “set”. After a few minutes, you can easily turn over the piece that was just recently clinging to the bottom.

The fillet can be pre-sprinkled with lemon juice, this will add flavor. To prepare breaded fish, it is advisable to use olive oil or butter. If you use sunflower, give preference to refined and odorless. Homemade will drown out all the tastes. You need to salt the pieces after frying, otherwise the fish will release juice, which will simply soggy the crispy crust.


Tender puree, country-baked potato wedges, grilled vegetables are the perfect accompaniment for breaded fish. You can serve the treat with a cereal side dish, for example, fluffy rice, filled butter. Crispy fish will also go well with pasta. When setting the table, give credit to the sauce bowls in small bowls into which you can dip the crispy bits. Fresh herbs and seasonal vegetables add great flavor and texture to the dish.