What's good with a hangover. Alkaline mineral water

Many at least once in their lives have experienced the heavy feeling that comes from a hangover.

Usually a hangover occurs within a few hours after drinking alcohol, causing a lot of trouble.

Hangover symptoms are:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • indigestion;
  • rise or fall blood pressure;
  • muscle cramps (more often occur in experienced alcoholics, since the nervous system is disturbed due to constant poisoning of the body with alcohol);
  • mental disorders or general malaise.

In this case, the question arises: what remedies help with a hangover and how to get rid of this hated feeling as soon as possible?

There is an opinion that a hangover occurs only after heavy drinking, but this is far from the case. For some people, drinking a small amount of alcohol is enough to feel overwhelmed.

During the reception alcoholic beverages ethyl alcohol begins to be absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and enter the bloodstream, and the decomposition of alcohol itself occurs in the liver. There it turns into acetaldehyde - a toxic compound that has a toxic effect on the body. Consequences of immoderate consumption of alcoholic beverages is poor health.

Causes of a hangover

Hangover syndrome can occur for the following reasons:

  • body poisoning. As a result of the breakdown of alcohol in the body, poisons are formed that contribute to the emergence of toxins. Drinks such as rum, tequila, vermouth, whiskey are considered especially harmful in this regard, since, in addition to alcohol, they contain various impurities that put an additional burden on the liver;
  • body dehydration. Dehydration is caused by improper distribution of water in the body;
  • disruption of brain cells. This is caused by aceltadehyde, which appears as a result of the breakdown of alcohol in the body. On the second day after drinking, the nervous system becomes more vulnerable. A person can be annoyed by soft sounds, bright lights. He has “adrenaline longing”, that is, a feeling of shame or guilt for no reason.

Ways to avoid a hangover

In order not to suffer from a hangover the next morning after a fun feast, you should follow some rules:

  • it is recommended to eat foods rich in iodine two days before the feast (feijoa, sea ​​kale, seafood);
  • in the morning before the feast, drink choleretic drugs (rosehip syrup, choleretic collection No. 2);
  • drink an aspirin tablet a day before the feast;
  • take vitamin B6 12 and 4 hours before the feast;
  • You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Before this, you need to eat a little and drink activated charcoal, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight;
  • after a fair amount of alcohol, food will help with high content carbohydrates: pasta, rice, potatoes - which act as an absorbent. Protein foods will also help: meat, eggs, fish. With the help of it, the metabolism is normalized and the absorption of alcohol is slowed down. good option there will be cabbage soup, fish soup, pickle, broths, vegetable salads that can “start” the stomach. It is not recommended to eat fatty foods, as it overloads the liver, which is already under heavy stress from alcohol;
  • do not get carried away with sweets, as it enhances the absorption of alcohol;
  • during a feast, you should not “part” with alcohol, you should try to be distracted by dancing, chatting with friends, so that the interval between glasses is at least half an hour;
  • the main advice is not to mix alcoholic beverages, and in particular to lower the degree. With regards to drinks, a hangover from vodka occurs much less frequently than from whiskey, rum, champagne.

In the midst of a fun party, rarely anyone thinks about the consequences of excessive drinking. After a few hours, painful symptoms appear, which are not so easy to get rid of. IN summary learn what helps with a hangover and how to treat a dangerous syndrome.

Alcohol is a toxic substance that poisons the body

reference Information

Alcohol is a toxic substance that poisons the body when ingested. To get rid of the poison, all life support systems are included in the work. But the liver, which actively produces a special enzyme, takes the biggest blow.

Alcohol breaks down to rapidly excreted components. To improve the cleansing of the body, the metabolism is accelerated. Increased urination leads to dehydration, which manifests itself in the form of:

  • edema;
  • headache;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Reaction digestive system for ethanol is predictable. Vomiting and diarrhea are natural ways cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from accumulated toxins. Doctors are sure that the absence of alcohol rejection is an alarming signal for a person. Tolerance to alcoholic beverages is one of the signs of painful addiction.

The morning after drinking is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • discomfort in the region of the heart;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • weakness;
  • depression.

Drinkers prefer to treat like with like, that is, to drink a small dose of alcohol. The relief will last two to three hours, after which all the symptoms will return with renewed vigor. To avoid binge and break the vicious circle, it is worth having hangover cures on hand in advance.

Enema is one of the fastest and most radical methods of getting rid of poisons.

Preparatory stage

The main reason for poor health is poisoning with ethanol decay products. If you do not cleanse the digestive system, then all other activities will not help in full force. Remains of undigested alcohol, toxins and food negatively affect the general condition. The sooner you get rid of them, the easier they will work. medicines against a hangover.

physical cleansing

To remove poisons from the gastrointestinal tract, you need to use an enema. This is one of the fastest and most radical methods of getting rid of poisons. In severe alcohol poisoning, physical cleansing of the digestive system improves well-being and sobers up.

Don't drink too much alcohol, because leftover food accumulates a lot of toxins. With a hangover syndrome at home, a siphon high enema is used. The liquid from the apparatus penetrates deep into the intestines, washing out accumulated poisons and food. The procedure is carried out several times until the wash water is cleared.

A less radical remedy is provoking vomiting. If food with alcohol was taken at least three to four hours ago, then a more gentle procedure may help. Toxicologists recommend drinking at least one liter of water with soda, and then inducing vomiting. Repeat several times until the flushing fluid is clear.

What substance will save you from nausea and discomfort at home? With the syndrome, taking a mild laxative may help. A decoction of senna herb or a solution of sorbitol will speed up the removal of poisons from the digestive system. But the effectiveness of such remedies for a hangover is much inferior to enema and vomiting.

Activated carbon is an affordable and popular sorbent


Tablets, powders or gels, if they enter the stomach and intestines, quickly absorb toxic substances. When is the best time to use the product? The sooner a person takes the medicine, the less poison will enter the bloodstream.

Activated carbon is the most affordable and popular sorbent. To avoid hangover syndrome, a person can drink a plate of the drug before the first signs of poisoning appear. The black tablets are not as convenient as the gel. They perfectly absorb not only toxins and poisons, but also sleeping pills or narcotic substances. Remember: the remedy is washed down with a large amount of liquid.

In order to effectively recover from a hangover syndrome at home, you must always keep Enterosgel at hand. A modern sorbent quickly eliminates the remnants of undigested alcohol, and also prevents decay products from turning into poison. The drug is used when the first symptoms appear or immediately after drinking.

The drug prevents liver poisoning and destruction of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, "Enetrosgel" corrects dysbacteriosis that occurs due to the abuse of strong drinks. Three spoons of the drug will help improve the general condition and quickly remove the hangover.

Remember: the morning after drinking should not be started by absorbing all the sorbents that are at hand. Re-admission is performed no earlier than two hours later. Painkillers for a hangover are drunk after the entire cleansing procedure, otherwise coal or Eneterosgel will absorb the components of the medicine, which will significantly reduce the result.

Basic therapy

After the drunk has got rid of the breakdown products of alcohol in the digestive system, it is worth moving on to stopping the painful symptoms. The morning after drinking is accompanied by unpleasant manifestations that prevent the body from functioning normally.

Succinic acid enhances metabolism

Acceleration of metabolism

For relief to come quickly, you can speed up metabolic processes. The body itself will cope with the detoxification of poisons, it is enough just to "spur" it.

Succinic acid for a hangover is an additional tool that helps get rid of the syndrome. The substance is present in the human body, being an active participant in metabolism.

To improve the processing of toxins and poisons, as well as to alleviate the general condition, you can drink one tablet every 60 minutes. Remember: the drug irritates the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore daily dose should not exceed six pills. A tangible benefit from taking the remedy is noticed if used before the feast and in the morning. Remember: you need to take the substance after cleansing the digestive system with Enterosgel or activated charcoal.

How to improve the condition after drinking at home? Natural herbal medicines have a tonic and anti-stress effect on the human body. Morning with a hangover is characterized by a breakdown and a bad mood. A slight invigorating effect on the central nervous system makes you forget about fatigue. Can be used alcohol tincture one of the herbs

  • eleutherococcus;
  • echinacea;
  • ginseng.

Remember: the drug can invigorate, so do not take before bedtime. The recommended dose is 20 to 40 drops before meals. Increasing the rate will lead to increased pressure and insomnia.

Eleuthyrococcus tincture has a tonic and anti-stress effect

What else can you drink to help cure a hangover? Lemon acid from a hangover is an effective remedy that enhances metabolism. Fruit juice recommend squeezing into a glass boiled water and drink throughout the day. The liquid should not be taken by people with gastritis or stomach ulcers. An aggressive environment irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive system, so discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract will also be added to the unpleasant symptoms.

Lactic acid from a hangover can boost your metabolism, which will speed up the breakdown of toxic alcohol residues. Drinks are taken in small sips throughout the day. Liquid contains great amount B vitamins and beneficial animal proteins. It is best to relieve the syndrome with kefir or koumiss.

“The milk drink yogurt is a healing remedy for longevity and a solution to the question of how to treat a hangover. It is not for nothing that in the Caucasus he is certainly present at any feast. Matsoni can replace all other hangover cures.”

Pharmaceutical preparations will help to save you from a hangover. Modern pharmaceuticals can offer drugs that speed up metabolism and relieve painful symptoms. One of the most simple ways to alleviate the consequences after vodka is Zorex. The active substance removes toxins from the body, and also protects the liver from the toxic breakdown products of alcohol.

Alka-Seltzer will quickly get rid of a headache


How to cure a headache at home? Remember: all drugs should be drunk two hours after the Enterosgel sorbent, otherwise the medicine will not alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Many drugs are incompatible with alcohol, so the syndrome is prohibited for use. We recommend that you carefully study the contraindications.

Alka-Seltzer is a well-known hangover remedy that has been used for over 80 years to get rid of headaches. The drug is based on three components:

  • aspirin;
  • soda;
  • lemon acid.

The effervescent structure of the medicine can easily penetrate the body and relieve discomfort quickly. If there is no drug at hand, then you need to drink Spazmalgon or Ibuprofen. Analgin and acetylsalicylic acid from a hangover are contraindicated, as they irritate the gastric mucosa.


In order for the liver to better cope with the breakdown of alcohol, you can help the body medicines. At home, it is recommended to use:

  • "Karsil";
  • "Enerliv";
  • "Essentiale Forte M".

When to receive funds? It is best to drink drugs after drinking or in the morning, when the first symptoms of poisoning make themselves felt. Be sure to read the instructions, as any medicine can cause allergies. Doctors recommend using Eneterosgel, which has mild hepatoprotective properties.

Panangin will help relieve heaviness in the chest

Help the heart

The diuretic effect of alcohol removes from the body useful trace elements. The result is discomfort in the region of the heart. How can you remove an unpleasant symptom? If the drunkard does not have cardiac diseases, then it is better to drink B vitamins and minerals (potassium, magnesium).

“Alcohol also destroys the vitamins in the body. With a hangover, replenishment of vitamin C is especially important. This vitamin is very active in binding and then neutralizing toxic agents. Take ascorbic acid several tablets or dragees.

A couple of tablets of drugs "Asparkam", "Panangin" by the end of the day can relieve heaviness in the chest. Remember: when there is a sharp pain in the heart and it is dark in the eyes, then it is better to call ambulance. An excess of alcohol will wake up dormant cardiac diseases, and self-medication at home is dangerous for the life of a drunkard.


The diuretic effect after vodka or beer leads to a violation of the circulation of fluid in the body. The result is bags under the eyes and swelling throughout the body. Do not rush to remove the unpleasant consequences with water: the body may not accept the incoming drinks and excrete them with the kidneys.

Means for a hangover are used two hours after Enterosgel. It is better to alleviate the syndrome with the Regidron pharmaceutical preparation, which will restore the water-alkaline balance, and also prevent the violation of fluid circulation in the plasma. IN last resort, doctors recommend drinking a weak solution of salt with soda or sodium mineral water.

Regidron will restore the water-alkaline balance

Cabbage or cucumber pickle- This is a folk remedy for a hangover, when it's bad and you need to escape from discomfort. The composition of the liquid includes succinic acid and vitamin C. A glass of "medicine" is drunk in small sips to relieve nausea and general weakness.


Bad mood and irritability over trifles can be removed with the help of natural sedatives. Remember: strong drugs are incompatible with alcohol, so doctors forbid taking it with a hangover. It is better to drink a tablet of valerian or 15 drops of motherwort, which will relieve depression.

You can drink sedative teas with natural herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm;
  • mint.

The drink should be taken after meals and two hours after the sorbent gel. At home, it is better to brew the drug in a thermos, and then during the day you can drink in small sips. Such a tool will remove irritability and facilitate the process of falling asleep in the evening.

The best cure for a hangover is controlling how much you drink. But if you went over yesterday, and it’s hard to get out of bed in the morning, then you can save yourself with the recommendations presented in our review.

A hangover is always accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as headache, swelling, increased nervous excitability. How to alleviate your condition on your own? What drugs help with a hangover, and what will advise ethnoscience?

How to get rid of a hangover at home

Hangover appears the day after. Ethyl alcohol is absorbed into the blood after just 15 minutes after it enters the body, but if you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, intoxication will come even faster.

Once in the blood, alcohol is converted into acetic acid, which begins to poison all cells and tissues. The duration of intoxication depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and individual features organism.

Under the influence ethyl alcohol red blood cells begin to form blood clots, which complicates blood circulation.

As a result, the characteristic symptoms of a hangover appear:

  • headache;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • hand tremor;
  • red spots on the arms.

At the same time, alcohol causes intoxication of the brain, a person begins to experience anxiety, becomes irritable.

From the side of the stomach, intestines and liver, the following symptoms are observed:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dry mouth;
  • thirst.

Basic Rules

Hangover treatment includes internal cleansing of the body, restoration of the central nervous system, as well as replenishment of lost substances: fluids, vitamins, proteins.

First of all, it is necessary to cleanse the body, but not with the help of vomiting. Activated charcoal is often used to remove toxins. In order to calm the nerves, glycine is usually used.

The hallmarks of a hangover are dry mouth and unbearable thirst. To restore the lost fluid, you will need a lot of water, tea or juices.

Dealing with the consequences alcohol intoxication, the body consumes a lot of proteins, so with a hangover you need to eat more hard cheeses, fish, nuts, meat. Since alcohol leaches vitamins from the body, it is recommended to take vitamin B and 3-4 daily doses of ascorbic acid in the morning after a feast.

Elimination of toxins

The main cause of hangover syndrome is intoxication. Toxic substances are most quickly excreted in a physical way - with the help of an enema, but at home this is not always convenient.

Another option is to take adsorbents, among which the most common are:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Polyphepan.
  • Lignosor.
  • Liferan.

The drugs are taken 1.5 hours before meals. From natural remedies, freshly squeezed slightly accelerates the elimination of toxins lemon juice diluted with water 1:1.

In case of severe intoxication, it is useful to sweat in a bath, sauna, take a hot bath or a contrast shower. Immediately after the removal of toxic substances, physical condition will be relieved, consciousness will become clear.

Elimination of dehydration

Alcohol severely dehydrates the body, resulting in an unquenchable thirst. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you drink plenty of water.

Due to dehydration, the salt-electrolyte balance is disturbed in the body. To restore it, you should drink a glass of brine or mineral water, which will help relieve dehydration after a hangover at home.

In order to restore fluid balance and remove retained water from the body, you can combine drinking plenty of fluids with taking diuretics.

Normalization of the nervous system

After cleansing the body and eliminating dehydration, it is necessary to normalize the functions of the central nervous system. For this, doctors recommend using glycine - inexpensive and effective remedy. It should be taken 5 times a day at intervals of 1 hour, holding it behind the cheek or under the tongue.

In addition to glycine, a positive effect on heart function is exerted by:

  • Panangin.
  • Mexidol.
  • Picamilon.
  • Pantogam.

To speed up recovery, you can drink special hangover remedies - they contribute to accelerated withdrawal breakdown products of alcohol from the body.

"Water procedures"

At home, a cool shower helps to cope with the signs of a hangover. Hot water will only worsen the mood, and cool - will cause vasoconstriction, resulting in a headache.

Also, a cold compress on the forehead saves from a headache. It can be made from ice wrapped in a towel. After half an hour, under the influence of cold, the vessels of the brain will narrow, and the head will stop hurting.


Gymnastic exercises can bring relief even with a severe hangover syndrome. It is recommended to do:

  • stretching;
  • head turns;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • breathing exercises.

In the morning after a feast, even the thought of physical activity may seem unbearable, but a slight stretching of stiff muscles will improve blood circulation and saturate the body with oxygen.

One of the most effective methods getting rid of a hangover syndrome is breathing exercises. It is better to perform it at the same time as taking a contrast shower.

Take a slow and very deep breath for at least 6 seconds. Hold your breath for a moment and exhale slowly. Just a few approaches will significantly alleviate the severity of symptoms.

Alcohol causes dehydration, so drinking plenty of water will be the first answer to the question of how to treat a hangover at home. Juices, herbal and rosehip decoctions, tea with lemon, mineral water- these drinks restore the balance of fluids, and also saturate the body with vitamins. However strong tea and coffee should be drunk with caution - they can increase pressure.

It also helps with hangover symptoms. fermented milk drinks and milk. They contribute to the active removal of toxins and various harmful substances from the body.

With a very severe hangover syndrome, an old, good recipe is recommended, namely a pickle from under cucumbers or sauerkraut, because the salt in it will retain fluid in the body. This will allow you to quickly cope with the symptoms of dehydration.

To get drunk, drinking a certain amount of alcohol in the morning, doctors categorically forbid. With withdrawal syndrome, this will cause a rise in mood and a surge of strength, with a hangover - the same, but with the onset of intoxication. In addition, normally in the morning a person should respond to alcohol with a gag reflex. Otherwise, there is alcoholism, which requires treatment, and in the first place - the rejection of alcohol.

In order to escape from a hangover at home, you need to eat well to restore the body's strength. The amount of servings is not important - it depends on the appetite.

If a person is very hungry, he can have a hearty breakfast. It is advisable to eat more greens, including parsley. This herb is a storehouse of vitamins necessary for the body, and also eliminates the smell of fumes.

Good for eliminating hangover symptoms meat broths. If there is no feeling of hunger at all, it is recommended to eat at least a little sauerkraut, as it activates digestion and helps to quickly remove all symptoms.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine offers a lot of remedies for a hangover. Most common recipes are based on honey and herbs that can be prepared at home.

Hangovers are often treated with enemas. chamomile decoction. During the procedure, the body is cleansed, freed from toxins and harmful substances in the intestines, due to which the human condition improves dramatically.

The therapeutic effect of a hangover syndrome has a glass of warm milk with the addition of a pinch of black ground pepper and 2 tsp. castor oil.

Good help from hangover symptoms teas with various additives. Green with honey accelerates the elimination of toxins. From such a drink, sweating increases, which indicates the release of decomposition products of ethyl alcohol through the skin.

It is also useful for a hangover to drink black tea with rosemary - it restores vegetative functions and eliminates nausea. Mint-chamomile decoction helps to cope with stomach irritation.

Hangover attacks are also treated with low-fat chicken broth. It soothes the stomach and eliminates headaches, which is why it is rightfully considered the best hangover remedy.

Video about folk remedies hangover cure:

How to forget about a hangover

The best hangover prevention is to avoid alcohol. If this is not possible, there is one common recipe for preventing painful symptoms in the morning. About an hour before the feast, you should drink a sorbent, and then eat something. A full stomach is less aggressively affected by alcohol.

However, in no case should you eat sweets before drinking alcohol. Such combinations exacerbate the destructive effect of alcohol, and the person loses control over his own behavior even faster.

Another important rule is not to mix different types alcohol. Otherwise, the head will split in the morning.

The video tells about which hangover cure is the best:

A hangover is not the best state of the body. Usually it is unknown to those who do not drink alcohol at all, but everyone else - and this is 90 percent - at least once felt its heaviness. In the morning after an excessively taken dose of alcohol, you can feel terrible nausea, severe headache, weakness and body aches, jumps in temperature and blood pressure. Moreover, all these conditions can occur not only in the case of admission a large number alcohol, but also in very small doses.

In these difficult moments, everyone thinks only about how to quickly get rid of a hangover? Fortunately, there are many ways to solve this problem. They are different in character and direction, in terms of their effect on the body, but their goal is the same - to overcome the hangover syndrome and restore the viability of the poor organism. Below are the various methods of getting rid of this ailment, and for sure you can choose from them the most optimal and most acceptable for yourself.

How to get rid of a hangover at home:

  1. You need to get rid of toxins in the body. With physical excretion, an enema and gastric lavage are used. But this is not always comfortable and convenient (for example, if you are visiting), so you need to resort to chemistry - drink a lot at once - a lot of pills activated carbon(based on: one piece per ten kilograms of your weight) or medicines based on lignin - mixtures of Lignosorb, Liferan, or Polyphepan (three tablespoons twice every two hours, drink them each time at least 200-300 ml of water).

To get rid of poisons in the body, some foods can help. For example:

  • lemon juice mixed with water, you can add a spoonful of honey to it
  • ordinary kvass
  • kit fermented milk products from milk and kefir to curdled milk
  • brine from jars where pickled cucumbers or cabbage
  1. In the fight against dehydration great helper becomes water. But it should not be taken internally, but used externally: in the form of a contrast shower, bath, steam room in a bath or sauna. There is another folk wisdom: we drink mineral water and diuretics at the same time.
  2. To restore the functioning of the nervous system, glycine is considered the best drug (one tablet every hour - up to five times). From medicines, excellent help to the heart - vascular system will provide "Mexidol". However, it is quite possible to replace it with milk or beer without alcohol content.
  3. To overcome the hangover syndrome and prevent it, medicine has created many special drugs, for example:
  • "Enetrosgel" - take it before going to bed and after waking up, 3 tablespoons with mineral water
  • Tincture of "peppermint" - in the morning, on an empty stomach. Paul - dilute the caps of the tincture with 100 g of cold water and drink.
  • "Limonar", "Pentalgin" or "Zorex"
  • "Alcoseltzer" - before bedtime and in the morning
  • vitamin C - as much as possible
  • "Aspirin" - 2 tablets at bedtime or in the morning (you can add 1 tablet of "Analgin" to them)
  • "Paracetamol" - 1 tablet, activated charcoal (5 tablets), vitamin C dragees (at least 5 pieces) - drink before bed
  • "Validol" (put under the tongue) in a heavy morning will eliminate nausea, and "citromon" will relieve a headache

Video on how to get rid of a hangover

  1. From the means of physical influence, from which it will become much easier for you, you can determine:
  • before going to bed, ventilate the room and leave the window open - and you will sleep better, and you will sober up faster, and the hangover will be easier. If you add physical activity to this, for example, a walk, it will be just wonderful.
  • a long good sleep (about 10 hours) will give rest and strength to the body
  • a cool shower (not ice cold) will invigorate
  • energy drink in the form of coffee, tea (strong and natural) will give you a boost of energy, overcoming drowsiness and lethargy
  • an ice compress applied to the head will "calm" the pain
  • bath with ethers (lavender and rosemary, water temperature - about 37 ° C, intake time 15 minutes) will accelerate the removal of poisons
  • sauna (2-3 visits to the steam room for 5 minutes) will cleanse the cells of toxins
  • gymnastics (physical exercises) will saturate the cells with oxygen and give tone
  • breathing exercises (inhale slowly, hold your breath, exhale slowly) will start the brain centers
  • self-massage of the face, neck, head, rub the ears with the palms
  • a hearty breakfast (a fried egg with greens or at least sauerkraut along with pickle) activates the stomach and removes the decay products of alcohol
  • do not smoke in the morning if you feel hangover symptoms - they will intensify several times!
  1. From folk methods to get rid of a hangover, your best helpers will be:
  • mineral water in large quantities with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • wild rose berries brewed in the form of tea, or its decoction
  • 200-300 ml of water with one teaspoon of honey dissolved in it
  • cucumber or cabbage pickle
  • milk, kefir or yogurt
  • teas with the addition of mint or lemon balm; green; with chamomile; from dandelion and rosemary (one teaspoon per 200 g of boiling water); with lemon
  • raw cocktail chicken egg and 150 g tomato juice with pepper and salt
  • chewing a piece of willow bark, a bunch of parsley, cardamom or cumin seeds
  • rubbing the temporal region with lemon and lotion to it from lemon peels
  • circles of peeled raw potatoes fix in the forehead and temples
  • chicory drink
  • natural juice, preferably orange
  • coca-cola (its action is not clear, but it helps to overcome the severity of a hangover)
  • 2-3 servings of ice cream ice cream
  • rich meat broth with herbs and garlic

There are, of course, situations when “non-alcoholic” remedies for a hangover syndrome help little, which is why the word “hangover” exists. Just do not forget that drinking alcohol in the morning after a party cannot be turned into a new feast, and this method is by no means acceptable if you need to drive or go to work. If the situation for drinking alcohol is acceptable for you, then use the following methods:

  • eat a plate of borscht or cabbage soup twice, while taking no more than 50 grams of alcohol at each of these times
  • drink no more than half a liter of the lightest beer
  • make yourself a simplified version of the English Queen's cocktail "": mix 50 grams of vodka with 150 g of tomato juice

The best cure for a hangover is to prevent it. There are a few simple rules for this:

  • do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach
  • before drinking, drink a standard pack of activated charcoal (two hours before the event), or a couple of Festal capsules, or 30 grams strong alcohol(for 5 hours), or raw egg
  • eat jelly, jelly, aspic dishes, as well as rice, pasta, boiled potatoes. Fish and meat will also be good. Fatty and sweet is better not to eat
  • take breaks between "glasses" at least 30 minutes - dance, or rather sing (it will get rid of alcohol fumes in the stomach)
  • don't mix different kinds alcohol, alcoholic cocktails drink no more than one serving. If this is not possible, increase the degree (from light alcoholic drinks to strong ones)
  • if you have to drink a lot - drink better glasses in one gulp, without savoring
  • try not to smoke during the feast

Interesting ways to get rid of a hangover in antiquity:

  • Ancient Rome: raw owl eggs
  • England: wine infused with eels or frogs
  • Germany: Pickled Herring with Onions
  • Europe in the 19th century: a glass of warm milk, where a tablespoon of soot was bred

If you have taken all measures to prevent a hangover, and in the morning none of the methods described above helped you overcome it, immediately contact a medical institution to help you, as the consequences of alcohol poisoning can be extremely severe.

It is well known that before seeking help from a doctor, our patients try to cope with the consequences of excessive drinking on their own and find the right one. They are on the move different ways. And some of them can lead to sad consequences. We decided to tell you how you can do it safely and what not to do.

Do you want to know more about hangover cure?

Hangover syndrome is a phenomenon caused by intoxication due to the decomposition of alcohol and the effect of its metabolites on the body. Its appearance depends on the speed with which the body copes with alcohol. This rate is approximately 50 ml of vodka per hour. The process of fermentation of alcohol in the human body is not the same. In a woman's body, for example, the breakdown of alcohol is slower than in a man's body, since usually the female liver is smaller in size, but it lends itself in the same way as the male one. The more time the body has at its disposal, the more alcohol it can "utilize" before it reaches the brain. Under normal conditions, the “processing” of alcohol by the body occurs within 15–90 minutes after ingestion. If alcohol enters an empty stomach, its absorption into all tissues of the body is faster. The most quickly “utilized” drinks containing 20-30% alcohol; a higher concentration of alcohol irritates the stomach and slows down the rate of processing.

A hangover is a whole complex of problems that occur the day after drinking too much alcohol. The main complaints are a throbbing headache, nausea, vomiting, as well as dry mouth and intense thirst, chills are replaced by a feeling of heat. Perhaps dizziness, rise or fall in blood pressure, often there is a heartbeat and "interruptions" in the heart. Characterized by weakness, depressed mood, guilt. In such cases, people are ready to use any means, what helps with a hangover and relieves at least some of the unpleasant symptoms.

Effect of alcohol on the heart. Myths and reality.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Cardiologist Kizyavka German Ivanovich

Many people, including our patients, believe that alcohol has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. There is an opinion that alcohol dissolves fats in the blood and even "treats" atherosclerosis. We asked German Ivanovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of Cardio-Resuscitation at one of the leading Moscow hospitals, to explain this to us...

The right way to deal with a hangover

1. Most best hangover cure, which is time-tested - brine or pickle cabbage, cucumber, tomato. In the classic picture of the Russian hangover, it is not by chance that there is sauerkraut, daily cabbage soup and cucumber pickle. It is these products that relieve the painful sensations of a hangover - depression, muscle weakness and heart failure, as they help restore electrolyte balance in the body. But unfortunately, get out of a hangover this way is not always possible.

2. Drink more water. It may not be very pleasant, but it is necessary. You need to know that alcohol dehydrates the body. Hence the dry mouth. Therefore, let's make up for losses, but avoid everything tonic (strong tea, coffee) and carbonated (even "mineral water").

3. Eat. If you want, of course. The diet is simple: soup (shchi, chicken bouillon), Can mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, it will be useful vegetable salad with tomatoes. Bananas will help restore your stomach. If you can’t even look at bananas, go back to step 2.

4. Kefir and milk? Why not? Drink. But don't get carried away. Kefir is not recommended to take more than half a liter. These drinks have the ability to give you strength and energy.

5. If you are able to walk, but doing something serious interferes hangover cure best to go to fresh air. small exercise stress and the freshness of the park will help to process and remove toxins from the body faster.