Chamomile tea bags. How to prepare an infusion and decoction of chamomile

Tea, which is not tea at all - this is how you can describe a drink known since antiquity. Ancient scientists and healers actively used chamomile, and not the leaves, but the flowers of this plant, knowing about the amazing antibacterial, sedative and anti-inflammatory properties. To this day, chamomile is added to cosmetics, creams, healing ointments, it is used both externally and internally. At the same time, discussions on the benefits and harms of chamomile tea do not stop - after all, as you know, even the most valuable product in its composition can give an undesirable effect.

Chamomile tea: how to prepare it correctly?

Those who are going to improve their body with chamomile should be aware that this plant has several varieties. If you plan to harvest flowers yourself, you need to understand what the look you need looks like. Gather chamomile away from dusty roads and industrial productions. Picked flowers are dried in a bright room with good air circulation. Chamomile is best stored in paper packaging - an envelope or bag.

You can avoid mistakes in this whole process if you buy ready-made dry chamomile flowers at the pharmacy, and not in bags, but in bulk. Cooking chamomile tea for several recipes.

Option 1

1. Stir a couple of spoons of crushed inflorescences in a mug hot water and pour into a saucepan.

2. Prepare " water bath". Put a pan with chamomile on it and do not remove for 20-30 minutes.

3. Remove the drink from the stove and leave for about an hour. During this time it will cool down. Sweet lovers can add a little sugar or liquid honey.

Option 2

1. Pour a volume of powder equal to a teaspoon hot water(about a glass).

2. Close the pan with a tight lid and cover with a cotton cloth. Leave for half an hour.

3. Strain. The taste is also well complemented by honey or a slice of lemon. Chamomile goes well with other herbs: thyme, mint, lemon balm.

Chamomile tea: what are the benefits?

The benefits of chamomile tea are due to the high content of substances that are indispensable for the human body. Among them:


Essential oils;


Polyphenols of plant origin;

Natural antispasmodics glycosides;


Amino acids.

Chamomile tea is useful for a range of problems. It strengthens the body and has a medicinal effect. In particular:

1. With disorders of the nervous system. A cup of tea, drunk before bedtime, will make the rest more comfortable and calmer. Flavonoids, which in large numbers present in chamomile, help to cope with panic attacks and excessive anxiety.

2. With diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract. Chamomile components relieve inflammation on the mucous membranes, remove toxins. This is required by patients with gastritis and ulcers.

3. For digestive problems. Chamomile tea normalizes gas exchange and reduces flatulence.

4. When increased risk formations in the gallbladder. The drink helps to cope with the stagnation of bile.

5. With colds. This benefit of chamomile tea is perhaps the best known. It is not only drunk, but also used for rinsing. The decoction relieves inflammation and cures diseases of the oral cavity. If you bury it in the nose, then you can remove the swelling, for example, with hay fever. A compress of chamomile infusion helps to fight conjunctivitis. In order for the effect to be noticeable, chamomile therapy must continue for at least 5 days.

6. With menstrual pain. During the studies, it was found that in women who drank chamomile tea for two weeks, the amino acid glycine increased. It relieves spasms and reduces the negative manifestations of PMS.

7. With dermatological diseases. Skin problems - this is what chamomile copes with excellently - both in the form of an additional remedy, and as a decoction for lotions. You can even give chamomile tea to newborn babies, however, no more than half a glass a day.

8. When elevated level glucose in diabetics, liver disease, toothache and many other health problems, the benefits of chamomile tea are beyond doubt. If you just drink one glass in the morning, it will improve skin color and strengthen immunity.

Chamomile tea: what is the harm?

Despite the rich potential, drinking chamomile tea can be harmful. The main reason is the intolerance of this plant. Flower pollen is an allergen that persists even after drying. In allergy sufferers, it can cause various disorders - from intestinal to respiratory. Therefore, in the presence of such intolerance, it is better to refuse chamomile tea. Known and other undesirable effects.

1. Chamomile is able to thin the blood, so it should not be consumed by people taking anticoagulants (drugs that prevent blood from clotting).

2. The decoction has a pronounced diuretic effect, therefore it is incompatible with diuretics. Otherwise, the harm of chamomile tea is obvious - it is dehydration.

3. The combination of tea and sedatives is undesirable, since chamomile itself has a strong sedative property. An overdose causes a decrease in tone, depression of the nervous system, nausea and headache.

Chamomile tea for pregnant and lactating mothers: benefits and harms

Chamomile is often the only curative and preventive agent that is allowed to be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Such tea calms the nerves, reduces pain, relieves depression, normalizes digestion, which is often disturbed in pregnant and lactating women. And this is not all the benefits of chamomile tea. He:

Reduces manifestations of toxicosis, in particular, relieves nausea;

Removes muscle spasms and pain in the abdomen;

Favorably affects digestion, removing bloating and increased gas formation;

It is a natural antiseptic, which allows you to cure inflammation or colds;

It is a source of calcium and magnesium, which are essential during pregnancy and lactation.

At the same time, one should always remember about the dangers of chamomile tea, which occurs when it is used improperly. So, you can't cook too much strong drink. It has been proven that chamomile increases the amount of the hormone estrogen in a woman's body, and its excessive excess can cause an abortion for early dates. Therefore, it is especially important not to abuse - do not drink tea in large quantities and do not do it all the time. The optimal serving is 1 cup every 2 days after prior consultation with a doctor. If, before pregnancy or childbirth, a woman noticed a manifestation of an allergy to chamomile flowers, it is also better to refuse their use. The negative reaction of the mother's body to external stimuli - allergens - can also affect the baby.

Chamomile tea: its benefits for weight loss

Among the other advantages already listed of this field plant, there is one more - extremely important. The benefits of chamomile tea in the fight against excess weight have already been proven. Losing a few kilograms in a month only thanks to the exceptional properties of the drink is not a myth, but a reality that has long been confirmed in practice.

1. With regular use, chamomile tea "cleanses" the body, removes toxins and toxins, and normalizes the process of assimilation of nutrients. As you know, it is this "garbage" that changes the figure of a person, disrupts digestion, forms excess fat deposits and improper distribution of nutrients.

2. Chamomile "knows how" to control appetite. This is due to the fact that drinking tea evens out glucose levels.

3. Calming properties drinks allow a person not to seek solace from stress in food, as is often the case. A cup of fragrant chamomile tea has a much more tangible effect. sedative effect than "jamming" of anxieties and worries with various sweets. As a result, there are no additional calories, which means a slim fit figure.

4. Chamomile removes excess fluid from the body. Along with it, "leave" and extra pounds.

Some secrets of drinking chamomile tea

1. Chamomile tea of ​​your own collection is especially useful for weight loss. If it is not possible to cook it yourself, you should buy only a clean collection without any additional ingredients.

2. You need to insist tea for at least 10 minutes, and preferably half an hour. During this time, the flowers will fully show their capabilities. Drink tea warm or cold.

3. Drink chamomile tea before meals. It stimulates the production of juice in the stomach. It activates digestion, reduces weight.

4. A cup of chamomile tea before bed will also be extremely useful. She will calm nervous system. Intermittent, restless sleep is not the best way affects the production of hormones. Hormonal changes are the most common cause of overweight. Chamomile tea should be drunk whenever there is a threat of stress or anxiety.

5. The tea itself is completely a problem. extra pounds won't solve. It is only an effective addition to other techniques and methods.

These are physical activity, sports and moderate food intake. Diet, preventive fasting and regular exercise are the key beautiful figure, and chamomile tea will only help along the way. As in all other cases, it can be eaten only by those who have no contraindications to this.

Medicinal plants are widely used in folk medicine. One of the most common and effective is chamomile. Its beneficial properties and contraindications have been known since ancient times. Before use, it is important to familiarize yourself with them in order to support the body, and not harm it. If everything is done correctly, then a healing infusion, decoction or tea will help to cope with a variety of problems.

Features of chamomile

These flowers with a yellow core and white petals are probably familiar to everyone. They are easy to buy at any pharmacy, or you can collect and dry them yourself. But you need to know that not every type of plant has useful qualities which make it an effective medicine. The most valuable is chamomile. It is rarely found in the wild, it has to be grown specially. It is much easier to find odorous chamomile. It is not recommended to confuse them, because only a pharmacy is suitable for internal use.

The composition of this plant cannot but surprise. All elements in it are perfectly balanced, which ensures maximum assimilation. It contains some vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium. Glycosides fatty acids, polysaccharides, flavonoids - all these components give the flower pro-inflammatory, soothing and other wonderful qualities.

How does it affect the body

The health benefits of chamomile are that it effectively treats many diseases. First of all, these are respiratory viral diseases, including influenza, as well as tonsillitis. Flower decoctions are taken internally to support the immune system and help the body cope with the infection. Chamomile with honey in such cases is especially effective. It is also recommended to gargle to relieve pain and inflammation.

Chamomile has a beneficial effect on digestion. It helps the stomach, gently stimulates the production of gastric juice. If you are concerned about discomfort in the intestines, then it is worth introducing chamomile tea into the diet. This will help relieve pain in gastritis and colitis, reduce spasms. The plant relieves diarrhea and bloating. The liver, kidneys and gallbladder also improve their work.

A wonderful flower is valued because of its positive effect on the brain and nervous system. The plant calms and relaxes, as a result of its intake, sleep becomes stronger, it is easier to cope with stress and bad mood. Chamomile has an anticonvulsant effect, so it is often included in the composition of appropriate remedies aimed at treating serious diseases.

This plant is of value female body. Decoctions and infusions help to normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce pain. They also help relieve inflammation in the urinary tract.

Chamomile is suitable for external use. It can be seen in various cosmetics for skin and hair care. It is considered hypoallergenic, which is especially important for children's cosmetics. It is allowed to use products with this plant in the composition even for the smallest, for example, to combat diaper rash in infants.

Application and contraindications

In order for chamomile to have a healing effect, it is used in different ways.

  • In the form of infusion, tea or decoction is taken orally. This method helps with diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract and gynecological problems. It is also allowed to drink chamomile as a sedative.
  • Outwardly. For skin diseases and allergic reactions in the form of itchy spots, baths and lotions are made. They also help with insect bites.
  • As a rinse. This method is used for toothache, gum disease, stomatitis and sore throat.
  • In the form of a douche. It is used by women for gynecological problems.
  • Enemas. Help with hemorrhoids and spasms.

Like any medicinal plant Despite all the benefits for the body, chamomile can cause harm. A contraindication is individual intolerance, due to which red spots and a rash appear on the body. With caution, you need to treat the flower with a disease such as anacid gastritis.

It is impossible to abuse infusions and other means from this plant. As a result, the condition can worsen significantly: nausea, dizziness, headaches will appear, irritability will increase. If there is a suspicion that chamomile affects in this way, then it should be discarded.

The plant promotes blood thinning. Therefore, if there are problems with clotting, then you need to consult a doctor. Chamomile is not recommended when taking blood thinners.

The benefits and harms for women in position are evaluated individually in each case. During this period, medicinal plants must be handled very carefully. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive and genitourinary system. But at the same time, it stimulates the production of hormones that can provoke uterine contractions and miscarriage. So it is better to refuse its use. If you really want to, then you can drink weak chamomile tea, but only in limited quantities.

Infusion and decoction of chamomile

It is not enough to know how chamomile is useful, it is necessary to use it correctly. Use the flower alone or in combination with other herbs to enhance the effect. In order for all the healing qualities to manifest, the plant is exposed to high temperatures. At the same time, it is not recommended to boil it on an open fire, since a significant part of the important elements will be destroyed.

The easiest way to prepare an infusion of chamomile. To do this, pour a large spoonful of plant mass with boiling water and let stand for 30 minutes. Strain before use to remove flower particles.

You can also make a decoction. With this method of preparation, chamomile will give everything useful material. You can not put on an open fire, you need to use a water bath. Raw materials are placed in a container and poured ten times large quantity water. Then bring to a boil, and after 20 minutes remove from the stove. Let stand for 30 minutes, strain before use. It is allowed to make a stronger broth, reducing the amount of water. If necessary, dilute it with water before drinking.

To speed up recovery from a cold, you can do inhalations with chamomile. To do this, you need to brew flowers and breathe steam. It is only necessary to remember that inhalation is contraindicated at elevated temperatures.

It is also possible to obtain funds by boiling. Only this process should not last long, just a couple of minutes, otherwise the main part of the valuable substances will be lost. It is optimal to use a water bath to avoid this.

Chamomile tea preparation

After a busy day, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea. Its benefits and harms lie in a special effect on the body. The drink helps to calm down, guarantees a restful sleep. True, it is not worth combining it with other sedative drugs. Another plus of drinking this tea is that it has a beneficial effect on digestive system, relieves heaviness in the stomach after fatty foods. It is not difficult to make it - you need to pour dried flowers with boiling water and let stand for a while. To improve the taste, add honey.

Chamomile tea and other herbs have a more pronounced effect. You can prepare a useful tool according to one of the following recipes.

  • A drink with mint has a calming effect and prevents the formation of gallstones. To do this, mix a small spoonful of crushed plants and pour a cup of boiling water.
  • Melissa tea has a positive effect on the nervous and respiratory systems. They make it in the same way as a drink with mint.
  • In order to reduce your appetite, you can try mixing the following herbs: chamomile, and.

Chamomile for women

Chamomile tea helps improve women Health. It can be drunk to normalize the menstrual cycle. Douches are very popular. With this tool, you will be able to cope with common problems.

  • Thrush. A decoction of chamomile quickly removes itching, while not causing dryness of the mucosa.
  • Erosion. In the first stages, it is often possible to remove erosion without any other means, only with the help of douching.
  • Cystitis. If you combine chamomile baths and douching, then the inflammatory process will stop and relief will come soon.

Before the procedure, you must consult with your doctor. In severe cases, natural remedies are not enough, drug treatment is indispensable. Decoctions of chamomile can be used as an aid.

A decoction for douching is prepared as follows: two large spoons of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water and placed on fire. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. Cool and strain before use. Then the agent is poured into a syringe, take a comfortable position, for example, in a bath and proceed directly to the procedure. It will take about a quarter of an hour.

Benefits for children

Often chamomile is used to care for babies. The first bathing, when the umbilical wound is still healing, is recommended to be carried out by adding an infusion of this herb to the water. It will not allow the inflammatory process to develop, will contribute to faster healing. It also helps with other common problems - diaper dermatitis and diaper rash.

Make an infusion like this: one large spoon dried inflorescences pour a liter of boiling water, cover the container and insist until the plant particles settle at the bottom. Then be sure to filter and add to bathing water. Before lowering the baby into it, check the temperature. Such a bath will not only relieve inflammation, remove redness and relieve itching, but also have a calming effect on the nervous system of the baby, improve sleep.

Chamomile tea is also given to children, but not earlier than three months, so as not to provoke an allergy. The tool helps to improve digestion. It is used for colds, which are accompanied by redness of the throat and cough. But be sure to first show the child to the doctor.

Use in cosmetology

Another area of ​​​​application of chamomile is cosmetology. To improve the condition of the skin, you need to take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant. It has anti-inflammatory properties and cleanses the skin well. You just need to soak a cotton pad in the infusion and wipe your face. The procedure should be repeated twice a day.

Chamomile also helps fight eye fatigue and dark circles. To do this, you need to make compresses: lower the cotton pads into the infusion and place them on your eyes for a quarter of an hour.

A decoction of chamomile is good for rinsing hair. They will become shinier and stronger. In addition, the tool helps to normalize the sebaceous glands on the scalp. Thanks to this, the strands will stay fresh longer, less greasy.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant healing properties oh which our ancestors also knew the benefits for the body. Indications for its use are very different, because it helps to cope with many problems. You just need to remember about contraindications.

Chamomile tea is a taste well known to everyone. Surely we all remember how, in childhood, mother or grandmother brewed it in the kitchen and literally forced us to drink this “wonderful drink”, assuring us of its incredible benefits. Is it really? What are the benefits and harms of chamomile tea? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Indeed, a decoction of chamomile has healing properties and that is why you can drink it from the first days of life. Chamomile tea is a real salvation for young mothers, because babies should not take medicines, and chamomile is able to neutralize inflammatory processes of a different nature and strengthen the natural immunity of the baby's body. And, nevertheless, at present, more and more often people have a question about what are the real properties of chamomile tea and is it as useful as our grandmothers told us?

Benefit and harm

Of course, a decoction of chamomile has a certain positive effect on the human body. First of all, it is necessary to mention that it has antiseptic properties, and this benefit of chamomile tea is priceless, that is regular use a decoction of this plant helps to stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it can also be used externally.

Note: healing baths are very useful, which must be taken twice a week in order for the skin to become even and smooth, without signs of an inflammatory process.

It is very effective to use ice cubes from this tea, which you need to wipe your face every morning in order to return the skin to a fresh and blooming appearance. Regular rubbing with such cubes in just a few weeks will relieve inflammation on the skin, and also prevent the appearance of acne.

What is useful chamomile tea, in addition to anti-inflammatory effects on the body? Chamomile helps to normalize blood sugar, and also reduces nervous tension in the body. If you drink the drink regularly, then soon you will feel that your health is improving, nervous tension subsides, and your health becomes not just good, but excellent.

Chamomile tea has a rather specific taste that not everyone likes. However, do not think that the benefits of chamomile tea will come only if it is used in pure form, since the decoction will not lose its healing properties even if consumed with other drinks, such as black or green tea. Do not forget that chamomile has a sedative effect on the human nervous system, so it can be taken as a sedative drug.

However, one should take into account the fact that drinking a drink simultaneously with sedatives of chemical origin can cause irreparable harm to the body, therefore, before doing this, you should think carefully, and even better, consult a specialist.

Cooking method

Preparing chamomile tea is quite simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • it can only be brewed from chamomile flowers;
  • if you collect chamomile yourself, then do not forget that this can only be done in ecologically clean areas;
  • if you buy it at a pharmacy, then it is advisable to do it in the form of a placer, and not filter bags.

The cooking process itself is very simple: take two tablespoons of dried and crushed flowers chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water, soak for steam bath for 20 minutes, after which, after letting the broth brew for 45 minutes, strain the tea thoroughly and cool. Everything, the tea is ready and it can be consumed, moreover, there are no contraindications to the use of chamomile tea.

Chamomile calms the nerves and has a mild sedative effect. It is used for stress, strong excitement, uncontrolled nervous excitement, as well as involuntary muscle tension to relax them. At the same time, both chamomile tea and water infusion soothe, while alcohol tincture does not always have an unambiguous calming effect, since the alcohol contained in the preparation acts very individually, and some people invigorate more than chamomile soothes them.

Chamomile calms the nerves due to the active chemical components in its composition: chamazulene, matricine, apiin. In addition, apiin and apigenin help to relax smooth muscles, due to which chamomile preparations are used as antispasmodics. The faint aroma of chamomile indoors is also known to be calming and has a mild hypnotic effect, this is used to combat insomnia.

The calming effect of chamomile is average in strength. It will not help with serious disorders of the nervous system, it or chamomile tea should not be used to replace strong sedatives when there are indications for their use. Basically, as a sedative, it is used for occasional temporary anxiety, stress and psychological shocks, obsessive thoughts, in the complex therapy of insomnia, but only in cases where serious pathologies of the nervous system are not found in the patient.

A collection of mint, lemon balm and chamomile is considered a significantly more effective sedative than pure chamomile.

Many herbs used in traditional medicine have a much more pronounced calming effect than chamomile. Among them:

  • Valerian;
  • Mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Thyme;
  • Blooming Sally.

As a rule, chamomile, as a sedative, is used as part of complex therapy, either with other herbs as part of fees, or with pharmaceutical preparations. Its independent use for the purpose of calming can be shown relatively rarely.

Chamomile is not recommended to drink to calm pregnant women and people prone to diarrhea. When breastfeeding for the mother, it is allowed, although occasionally they talk about possible side effects it is usually very light for a child.

It is important to remember that the essential little chamomile, on the contrary, has a pronounced stimulating effect, stimulates the nervous system and can even cause a headache.

Which chamomile preparations soothe the most?

As a sedative, chamomile tea with the addition of St. John's wort, mint and lemon balm is most often used. At the same time, pure chamomile tea itself can have a slight sedative effect, it is good to drink it before bedtime.

The most effective is natural tea made from dried chamomile flowers. Various teas with the addition of a plant extract, for example, manufactured by Hipp or Curtis, are less effective, since, in fact, the active components of flowers in them are much less than in natural plant materials.

Chamomile water infusion also calms the nerves. Its disadvantage is long cooking time. During the time that this drug is infused, you can cook and drink tea several times, while the calming effect will be almost identical.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol tincture of chamomile for calming. Alcohol invigorates many people, and given the weak calming effect of chamomile, this tonic effect may be stronger. And in general, preparations for alcohol are not useful.

It is also known to use dried chamomile flowers to relax the muscles. To do this, dry flowers are simply poured into a pillow, and a person sleeps on it.

Can children be given chamomile to calm them down?

Chamomile is equally effective in calming nerves in both adults and children, and therefore it can be used in cases where a child needs to be calmed a little.

Teething is a common cause of anxiety and crying in infants. In this case, they can and should be given chamomile to calm them down.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the child is worried for a reason. His screams, inability to fall asleep, frequent awakenings, rapid arousal are often signs of certain diseases or normal physiological pain. It’s dangerous to give a child chamomile just to calm him down without dealing with the cause of anxiety - there is a risk of missing the onset of the disease.

Therefore, giving a child chamomile as a sedative is possible only in cases where the cause of his anxiety and arousal is known, and appropriate measures have been taken to eliminate this cause. Chamomile in this case is used only as a means of auxiliary, symptomatic therapy.

For example, chamomile tea is given to a 2-3-month-old baby for colic - in this situation, the remedy helps to reduce abdominal pain and soothes the child. Later, chamomile can be given as a sedative when the child is teething, various diseases associated with pain in the throat, head or abdomen.

It is important to remember that chamomile is contraindicated in case of a tendency to diarrhea. If the child often has digestive disorders, it is better to give him other drugs as a sedative.

Does chamomile soothe the skin?

Chamomile is good for soothing irritated skin. In particular, bites of various insects (especially blood-sucking ones - bedbugs, mosquitoes, horseflies), rashes in case of allergic reactions, mechanical abrasions and chemical irritations are often treated with drugs with it. In this case, by the way, chamomile has no contraindications and can be applied topically almost always. Alcohol tincture it is more effective for skin treatment than chamomile tea or water infusion.

Many herbs that grow in fields, gardens, have a wide range of useful properties. Each plant at correct application can help solve health problems. From the article you will learn about such a plant as chamomile - medicinal properties and contraindications, the use of medicines, recipes for preparing flowers for colds with a photo, its properties, composition.

Chamomile officinalis

Herb chamomile officinalis (pharmacy) is an annual plant that grows up to 35 cm in height. Grass can be found near roads, between rye crops, or on grassy slopes. It is distinguished by its curved baskets, which are shaped like skittles. The leaves of the plant are small. Find out more about a plant like chamomile - useful medicinal properties and contraindications.

Biochemical composition

  • matrixes;
  • phytosterols;
  • matricaria;
  • phenolcarboxylic acid;
  • cholines;
  • mucus;
  • gum;
  • luteolin;
  • kaempferol;
  • apigenin;
  • other micro and macro elements.

Useful properties of chamomile

The benefit of chamomile is that it can be used as an antiseptic. Essential oil and flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory effect, a therapeutic effect on the smooth muscles of the bile ducts, in diseases of the intestines, blood vessels. Grass renders positive influence on the intestinal tract, thereby improving the digestion of food, stimulating appetite. When combined with a plant with yarrow, calendula, St. John's wort, you can enhance the antiseptic, wound healing, antispasmodic effect.

What does chamomile cure?

The plant helps with various diseases. Some mothers use the herb to treat dysbacteriosis and colic in the newborn. The plant is often used in folk medicine due to its medicinal properties. Healing herbs treat diseases in gynecology, ophthalmology. Herbs are used to treat colds, skin rashes. The diseases that can be cured are described below. healing drink.

Chamomile in gynecology

Women turn to a doctor in gynecology with problems that are associated with inflammation of the female reproductive system. It can be caused by staphylococci, fungi, tubercle bacillus. They enter the body of a woman through sexual intercourse or during hygiene procedures, gynecological examination or surgery (douching). It is recommended to use the plant for pain during menstruation, with cystitis. For diseases of the eyes, gastrointestinal tract, skin, colds, chamomile is also used - the medicinal properties and contraindications for these diseases are described below.

In ophthalmology

Chamomile is used to treat eye diseases: conjunctivitis, lacrimation, barley, inflammation. The use of the plant in cosmetology is common: the herb is used to soothe tired, reddened eyelids. Folk recipes describe a lot of chamomile ointments, compresses that relieve inflammation, burning sensation after sunburn. The herb is used to wash boils, ulcers or purulent wounds.


The plant has anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, analgesic properties, which helps to improve the patient's condition during a cold. The herb is used for inhalations and tinctures for bronchitis, tracheitis. The plant promotes expectoration, and essential oils have antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects that contribute to the elimination of pathogenic organisms. The herb is used for sore throat, flu, and decoctions from plant baskets eliminate sore throats.

Chamomile for the intestines

Chamomile flowers are taken for intestinal diseases. Use enemas or infusions to cleanse the intestines. With colitis, plant components improve the functioning of the digestive tract, reduce the inflammatory process, and normalize the activity of the gallbladder. In addition, medicinal herbs:

  • helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • used to treat gastritis;
  • improves the secretion of the digestive glands;
  • reduces fermentation processes in the body;
  • eliminates pain.

Skin diseases

In adolescence, adolescents suffer from acne and pimples, which may not leave the skin of the face for a long time. One of the common uses of chamomile is masks, solutions for acne and pimples. The use of a plant for skin diseases for a cosmetic effect:

  • chamomile decoction - to cleanse the skin of the face and contaminated pores;
  • steam chamomile baths - from a rash;
  • chamomile oil - for eczema, dermatitis and diathesis.

Traditional medicine recipes

In order to treat yourself with a medicinal collection, you must first prepare it. To do this, you need to collect herbs, separate the leaves, stems, flowers, petals, and then dry. Dried collection is suitable for the preparation of decoctions, tinctures, teas, lotions. If it is not possible to collect a plant, a package of medicinal chamomile can be inexpensively bought at a pharmacy. The following are recipes medicines.

Chamomile decoction

To prepare a decoction from a plant, fresh or dried flowers are needed. Chamomile infusion can be taken not only by adults. Chamomile for children is also useful, especially for newborns. A decoction of chamomile can have an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. It is successfully used to heal wounds on the body. In a warm decoction, plants bathe babies to soothe them:

  1. Before bathing a child, to prepare a bath, pour 1 tablespoon of mint, 1 tablespoon of inflorescences with 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. The vessel is covered with a lid and, when the flowers and leaves are at the bottom, the infusion is passed through gauze.
  3. Pour into the bath.

The plant is used for colds, disease prevention in the cold season. Below are a few folk recipes uses of medicinal chamomile:

  • Recipe number 1. Take a spoonful of raw chamomile, pour boiling water in a cup. Cover the vessel with a lid, leave for an hour. The decoction is ready. Take inside.
  • Recipe number 2. Pour a spoonful of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Need to take more plants and less water. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes. Pass the decoction through cheesecloth. Consume as needed.
  • Recipe number 3. To prepare decoctions, take dry inflorescences of the plant - pour the mixture with a glass of water. To put on slow fire, after boiling - remove.


The plant is part of many preparations and is one of the cheapest means to support immunity. medicinal tea from chamomile helps:

  • cleanse the liver;
  • with the prostate;
  • eliminate heavy menstruation, which are accompanied by pain;
  • relax, eliminate nervous tic;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes inside;
  • get rid of headaches or migraines;
  • protect the body from viruses.

In the treatment of influenza in children, which is accompanied by a high fever with an uncommitted cough, the child is given 1 teaspoon of tea before meals (the mixture is poured with boiling water). To sweeten the tea, add a teaspoon of honey to it. The easiest way to make tea is described below:

  • take ½ tablespoon of herbal collection;
  • pour inflorescences with boiling water;
  • insist about 25 minutes.

Camomile tea

With warm infusion, you help the body cope with diseases, spasms. Before use, it is recommended to pay attention to contraindications before the procedure. To gargle with a cough or sore throat, you need to prepare a tincture of alcohol. To prepare the infusion: take vodka or alcohol (1 l), pour 5 tablespoons of a mixture of leaves and flowers of the plant, insist the mixture for 31 days in a dark place.

To get rid of intestinal inflammation, mix a mixture of herbs (dry chamomile, St. Express the infusion, take a glass three times a day. For pain in the stomach or gastritis, mix 10 grams of dried plant with a glass of boiling water, leave for a day. Then it can be taken 4 times a day.


In some cases, you can not take herbal infusions, they can harm the body. Chamomile has serious contraindications to consider:

  • anacid gastritis;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • diarrhea;
  • low acidity of gastric juice.

It is not recommended to drink chamomile infusion or tea with drugs that have diuretic properties: the plant increases this effect. Take chamomile with caution in diseases of the kidneys, bladder. Do not take the herb if you are allergic to it. In some cases, the plant can cause weakness, insomnia, or vice versa, drowsiness, headache, diarrhea.


Photo of pharmacy chamomile