Homemade lemonade. Homemade drinks: homemade lemonade

Today we will talk about how to make delicious lemonade from any fruit in ordinary home conditions. The recipe for making lemonade almost always comes down to the same ingredients, the difference is only in the fruits used for taste.

Making carbonated lemonade

Apart from palatability, lemonade is carbonated and not carbonated. To make carbonated lemonade at home, you need to learn 2 main ways:

The first way is carbonation using a special siphon with carbon dioxide cartridges.

The second way is to use highly carbonated table water, which you can buy at the store.

Homemade carbonated lemonade can be made using a homemade siphon. Its design is simple, these are 2 plastic bottles connected hermetically with a tube.

In the first bottle you pour your lemonade, which needs to be carbonated, the tube in such lemonade should be lowered to the bottom.
Pour 1 cup into the second bottle baking soda and 1 cup table vinegar. Then tightly tighten the lids and wait 15 minutes, as a result of the reaction, carbon dioxide (bubbles) is released, which successfully make your lemonade carbonated.

The best homemade lemonade recipes

Lemonade for a big company

I want to start with a lemonade recipe that is different from most others. Since it will take a little longer to prepare than usual, but its advantage is that up to 10 liters of fresh juice can be made from 5 oranges.

Orange lemonade is very popular and delicious, to make this lemonade at home, you need to prepare:

1. Oranges - 5 pcs.
2. Sugar - 500-1000 grams.
3. Citric acid - 30 gr.
4. Water 7-10 liters.

Thoroughly wash the oranges in boiling water to wash off the wax and remove bitterness from them. Further, all oranges are set to 4-6 slices, it is not necessary to peel the peel, after which we put them in the freezer until completely frozen.

After freezing, the slices must be passed through a meat grinder, the resulting “minced meat” is poured with three liters of water and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

Next, you need to strain everything through a colander and cheesecloth several times to get rid of sediment and whole particles of orange. Then add sugar from 500-1000 grams to your taste and 30 grams of citric acid.

Mix everything thoroughly, you should get 3 liters of natural orange concentrate, which you dilute with water to your taste. I added another 3 liters of water and I got 6 liters of delicious orange juice. It remains for you to add ice or make lemonade carbonated according to the above method.

classic lemonade

Classic lemonade, this is lemonade made from lemon. Even a child can cook it, because its recipe is very simple and does not require special skills and a large number ingredients.


2-3 large lemons
100 gr. sugar (or sugar syrup)
1.2 liters of water
Ice cubes (if possible)

Before cooking, you need to prepare ice, pour boiled water into special square molds (any available forms will do) and send for 1 hour to freezer. Chilled lemonade will bring a brighter impression, and help to cope with the summer heat. Next, thoroughly wash 2-3 lemons, squeeze out the juice from them, which must be poured into a decanter. Add 100 gr. sugar and 200 grams of boiled water, mix thoroughly. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add another 1 liter of water to the concentrate we have received. Homemade lemonade from lemons is ready, serve it to the table with ice cubes.

Lemonade with mint

Homemade lemonade with mint will not only give you tremendous pleasure, but also benefit the body. Mint contains a number of vitamins: A, D, E, K and C, as well as a group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B5, B9). Everything beneficial features mints, are essential oil, which contains in excess: carotene, organic acids, betaine and of course menthol. To make Mint Lemonade, you will need:

1. Lemons 2-3 pcs.
2. Mint
3. Lime
4. Sugar 100 - 150 gr.
5. Water
6. Ice (in cubes if possible)
7. Decanter

The recipe for mint lemonade will amaze your friends and acquaintances, do not be afraid to improvise and you will succeed. And so let's get started...

It is necessary to carefully rub the lime zest with mint to get homogeneous mass(gruel). Next, you need to squeeze the juice of 2x - 3x lemons and lime (which we had left after we cut the zest from it), pour into a jug. Add there a small amount of water 200 - 300 grams and the pulp, which we got from mint and lime, mix thoroughly (you can use a blender). Add 1 - 2 liters of water (to taste) and decorate everything with freshly picked mint leaves, serve on the table with ice cubes.

Lemon orange lemonade

We highly recommend making lemonade at home, which contains both lemon and orange. It is cooked hot.
Do not worry, useful vitamins and minerals from such lemonade will not go anywhere, during cooking heat treatment will pass only the zest from the orange and lemon. Consider the required ingredients:

two huge oranges
two lemons
150 gr. Sahara
3 liters of boiled water

During the preparatory process, you will also need to make ice, then rinse the citrus fruits thoroughly under running water, peel them and remove the pits. Peeled fruits need to be crushed into gruel, using a blender or meat grinder (as you like), a juicer is also suitable. The resulting nectar is filtered through cheesecloth or fine calico.

The next step is to prepare the syrup. In a saucepan with boiling water (3 liters), brasam sliced ​​orange and lemon zest into medium pieces. Do not cook for more than 6 - 4 minutes, if you overdo the lemonade from oranges and lemon, it will be bitter. After cooling the water, add sugar and freshly squeezed fruit juice(strained). Add enough ice to the pitcher, garnish the glass with an orange slice and serve.

Lemonade with pear

Let's make homemade lemonade with pears and lemon. The so-called duchesse lemonade is very juicy and tasty.

In making homemade pear and lemon lemonade, the secret lies in the syrup that needs to be boiled. From the previous recipes, you learned how to make lemonade at home in a "cold" way. Now the recipe is changing dramatically, although the usefulness of the drink and its taste will remain the same. Required Ingredients:

Freshly squeezed pear juice 200 grams
Lemon juice 40 grams
Vanilla sugar
Sugar sand 100 gr.
Boiled water 1 liter

Now we are waiting for the most important part of lemonade-brewing - proper preparation syrup, this is very important. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the pear pulp, which we mix with granulated sugar and add a little water. It is necessary to cook this substance over low heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, and the syrup is given a small density (viscosity).

After cooling the boiled syrup, dilute it in water, mixing thoroughly, add lemon juice and ice. When serving, you can garnish with mint leaves, which will give the lemonade a wonderful aroma and freshness.

ginger lemonade

Having prepared homemade ginger lemonade, you will get not only a bunch of positive emotions, but also a delicious, and most importantly, healthy soft drink. In this plant, which takes its roots in western India, many beneficial vitamins and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and sodium, ginger also contains vitamins C, B2, B1, A. An indispensable product in the fight against microorganisms, increased immunity, has a beneficial effect on digestion.

To make ginger lemonade, you need the following ingredients:

Lemon - 2 pcs.
Ginger root 200 gr.
Honey 4 tablespoons
Boiled water 3 liters
Sugar 100 gr.

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, to which add the ginger root, grated on a fine grater. Squeeze the lemon juice manually or with a juicer, but finely chop the skins from the lemon and add to the same pan. Add 100 gr. sugar, and bring this consistency to a boil, and leave to cool. Only after complete cooling, this concentrate is diluted with two liters of water, after which we add lemon juice and honey. The resulting ginger lemonade, if desired, can be filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Before serving, decorate with mint leaves and add ice.

Definitely in moderation homemade lemonade, is of great benefit to human body. Lemonade is made from lemon, which has many beneficial trace elements: phosphorus, copper, calcium and a small amount of potassium. Also, in its composition, lemon juice has a huge amount of vitamins, such as: B1 and B2, P, D, and of course vitamin C.

Drinking lemonade is useful not only in summer heat to quench thirst, but also in the treatment of atherosclerosis, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (with a low level of acidity), lemonade also has antiseptic properties. Lemonade will become your assistant in high temperature and fever (to increase the body's water balance), poor appetite, colds and joint pain. Homemade lemonade is also recommended for use by pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy to reduce toxicosis in the body.

Speaking of homemade natural lemonade, there are restrictions in its use only for people with individual intolerance to citrus fruits (allergies, rashes, etc.) and people with hyperacidity stomach.

If we are talking about lemonade purchased in a store, do not forget that it contains the entire periodic table (dyes, enhance taste and smell, flavors, stabilizers, etc.), to make sure of this, you do not need special knowledge or experiments , just read the composition of the product on the package. Take a close look at the production date and expiration dates of lemonade and know what longer term the suitability of the product - the more preservatives and other chemicals there are. Do not use for people with a weak liver or kidneys, because they will be the first to take a chemical attack on themselves. Surplus production, unscrupulous manufacturers compensate for the quality of the initial raw materials from which lemonade is made, so we strongly recommend drinking only homemade lemonade.

And most importantly, making lemonade at home will help hone your culinary skills and diversify a hot day with simple lemonade recipes.

Store-bought soft drinks are useless, but homemade lemonades not only perfectly quench thirst in hot weather, but also enrich the body with essential nutrients and vitamins. This wonderful drink is loved by everyone!

An interesting story is the origin of lemonade, which, like many popular products, is considered the result of an accidental mistake. Back in the days of the Sun King at the French court, the cupbearer accidentally mixed up barrels of lemon juice and wine, but the king liked it so much new drink what's up with it light hand lemonade diluted with sparkling water became popular among the aristocracy. In Russia, lemonade appeared after it was brought by Peter I, and over time, the drink began to be consumed by all classes.

Benefits of homemade lemonade

Of course, we are not talking about factory-made drinks saturated with dyes and flavors, but about a natural tonic. The raw materials for homemade lemonade are the following main ingredients:

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • sparkling water;
  • sugar (if needed)

Mixed components saturate the human body with vitamins B1, B2, D, A, C, P, enrich with calcium, copper, potassium, ascorbic acid and phosphorus. Most main ingredient homemade lemonade is a lemon that is familiar to us for its antiseptic and bactericidal characteristics.

The healing effect of lemon extends to the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, metabolic disorders, scurvy, tonsillitis, vitamin deficiency and atherosclerosis. We figured out the usefulness of the drink, but how to make lemonade at home? This will be discussed in our article.

How to make lemonade

A unique tonic is very easy to make: even a child can easily master its preparation. There are many lemonade recipes, but we will give examples of the most popular and healthy ones. It is wonderful that homemade lemonade can be safely offered to children: the main thing is to first make sure that the kids are not allergic to citrus fruits.

Classic children's lemonade

Now we will tell you how to make lemonade at home from lemon, water and sugar. To prepare a drink, take 1 liter of water, 2 large lemons and 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Wash the lemon well under running water, sharp knife cut the zest and cut the fruit down the center. Then take a suitable container, put the chopped zest on the bottom and squeeze the lemon juice.

After adding sugar and boiling water, the container is closed with a lid and allowed to brew. Then the drink is cooled and served to the kids in beautiful cups. Do not forget that children love to be capricious, and therefore, during the preparation process, try not to get lemon stones and films that separate the slices into the liquid: they give the drink a bitter aftertaste.

family lemonade

For cooking, all the same products are taken: sugar, lemons and water, but in different proportions: 2 large lemons, 3 liters of water and 300 grams of granulated sugar. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the surface of citrus fruits, if possible, finely chop them, choosing seeds and films. Tip: In order not to lose precious juice when chopping, cut lemons in a plate, not on a cutting board!

In the meantime, put water in a saucepan on the stove and bring it to a boil, then pour in all the sugar and carefully put lemon slices. The drink should boil for 10 minutes, and then leave it to cool. Open the lid and put lemon zest or peel in lemonade, which will give the drink a spicy bitterness. It is recommended to serve it to the table with the addition of ice and mint sprigs.

How to make carbonated lemonade at home: recipe

The most popular is the option with the addition of sparkling water. We will now tell about it in more detail. To prepare the drink, take the following ingredients:

Put a container of water without gas on a small fire and add sugar there. Stirring constantly, wait for it to dissolve completely and cool the sweet water. Lemons are processed in a standard way: they are washed with a brush under warm running water and cut, after which the juice is squeezed out of them.

The resulting juice must be filtered, removing seeds and lemon films. Then add it to the sugar syrup and, stirring well, strain again. Important: carbonated chilled water is added to lemon sugar syrup before drinking to taste!

Lemonade from oranges and lemons for a large company

Take 2 oranges, 1 lemon, 4.5 liters of water and 300-350 gr. Sahara. To prepare a drink, preliminary procedures are necessary: ​​oranges are poured over with boiling water, and, putting in plastic bag sent to the freezer for at least 12 hours.

Frozen fruits are poured over with water and cut into 8 slices, and then passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender to a mushy state. The mass must be poured with 1.5 glasses of water and left to infuse for 15 minutes. The mixture is filtered, mixed with sugar, lemon juice and the remaining water. The result is almost 5 liters of delicious natural drink!

How to make lemonade from citric acid

If there is no lemon at home or someone in the family is allergic to citrus fruits, you can replace them with citric acid. In addition, "lemon" is often added as additional ingredient in sweet lemonades made from strawberries, pears or grapes. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, it just so happened that people call lemonade any homemade drink mixed with carbonated

So, take the following components:

  1. 4 tsp citric acid.
  2. 150 gr. granulated sugar.
  3. 1 large lemon or orange
  4. 2-3 liters of purified water.

Wash the fruit and carefully cut the zest from it, in no case capturing the white skin, which is bitter: it is removed separately and discarded. Then the orange or lemon is crushed as finely as possible and mixed with the zest.

Meanwhile, dissolve the sugar in the water and bring the syrup to a boil. It's time to pour the zest with lemon or orange here and boil for about 5 minutes. After the drink is ready, strain it well through cheesecloth or a sieve. At the end, add citric acid to the lemonade and shake the mixture thoroughly. Refrigerate and serve.

Remember that the proportions of lemonade components can be changed depending on personal preferences. To make the drink even tastier, you can add fruits to the glass: cherries, raspberries, strawberries. And in order for the lemonade to become effervescent, pour soda into each glass at the very tip of the knife. We told you how to make lemonade at home from citric acid, and now we bring to your attention a few simple recipes tonic drinks that carry real benefit health.

The most useful lemonades: recipes

A soft drink should be pleasant to the taste and attractive to the eye. appearance. But most importantly, it should be of practical use to the body. This is the kind of lemonade we suggest you make at home.

Recipe #1

First take care of the lemons: wash them and remove the zest. Ginger is peeled from the brown peel, then, together with the zest and pulp of the lemon, is passed through a meat grinder several times. In parallel, dissolve the sugar in heated water and pour the syrup into the twisted mixture: now let the mass infuse for 60 minutes.

Then the drink should be carefully strained and tasted: if there is too little sugar, add a spoonful and stir again. After that, feel free to put the drink in the refrigerator to cool. By the way, they store the leftovers of the drink in the same place. When serving lemonade, throw ice and mint leaves into the glass: this will further refresh the drink.

  • Useful tips: the squeezed zest left after cooking does not have to be thrown away! It is crushed with a blender or meat grinder, water with sugar and citric acid is added, and boiled over low heat until fragrant and delicious jam. From the rest lemon peel you can also make a decoction for rinsing the head with.

Recipe #2

The following recipe helps not only quench your thirst, but also burn extra fat which is so important for many people. The drink is called so: detox lemonade, that is, it not only tones up, but also gives vivacity. You need to take the following components:

  • 1 pinch of natural saffron threads;
  • 1 lime;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 liter of water.

The preparation is the most elementary: in any way available to you, squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, mix it with sugar and saffron threads. Let the mixture brew for 10 minutes, cool and drink to your health!

Recipe #3

Another wonderful recipe lemonade that helps keep slim figure. To prepare it, take about 1 liter of carbonated mineral water, 3 branches of basil, 2 large fresh cucumber, 2 lemons and a little sugar (to taste).

Grate one cucumber coarse grater and remove the juice, and cut the second into thin rings. Cut 1 lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of it, and also cut the second into rings. Put chopped citrus fruits and vegetables on the bottom of a lemonade container, pour in cucumber-lemon juice, add sugar or honey to taste and fill everything with water. At the end of the preparation, throw basil sprigs into the lemonade and let the drink brew and cool. When serving, fill glasses with ice cubes and pour in lemonade.

So, we have shared with you the most popular recipes festive and everyday lemonades. In the process of cooking, you can safely experiment by adding other fruits. Whatever version of lemonade you choose, you can be sure: everyone will like the drink!

When the thermometer is inexorably creeping up, and there is no saving breeze and clouds on the street, we begin to be thirsty. In such cases, it will come to the rescue and help refresh homemade lemonademade by yourself and chilled in the refrigerator.

Why exactly him? After all, stores provide a huge selection of this drink with the most different tastes. It’s worth starting with the fact that the very word “lemonade” evokes thoughts of childhood for many, it was at that happy time that we ran to vending machines with this carbonated drink and chose syrups to our liking. In those days, a huge amount of preservatives, all kinds of E and dyes were not added to lemonade, there was only sparkling water and syrup. Unfortunately, we cannot return childhood, but you can make homemade lemonade to taste the same as before, natural, tasty, with real lemons or oranges.

This is a tasty, healthy drink with huge amount vitamins. This is the rare case when we can treat ourselves to something tasty and healthy at the same time. How to make homemade lemonade? Classic variant This drink is made from freshly squeezed lemon juice, sugar and water, while the water can be used both carbonated and still. Sometimes mint leaves are added to lemonade, but you can diversify the taste of homemade lemonade with the help of berries or fruits, depending on the season. Lemonade will only benefit in taste if you add pieces of ice to it. The recipe for making homemade lemonade is unlikely to cause any difficulties, you just need to mix all the ingredients and choose the proportions to your liking.

To make homemade lemonade really tasty, you should follow a few simple rules. Yes, you can only use organic products. This means that if the juice of a lemon, orange or any other fruit is indicated in the recipe, then you need to squeeze this juice yourself. You can not use what is sold in tetra-packs or bottles in the store. If you decide to use carbonated water, then refuse to use mineral water, as a rule, it has a specific taste, which will definitely affect the lemonade. Read what is written on the water label, only the one that says "carbonated drinking water" will do. Despite the fact that the desire to drink lemonade arises in the heat, be careful with the addition of ice so as not to catch a cold in the throat. Do not forget that you are making homemade lemonade, which means pouring it over plastic bottles no need, it will look much better in a transparent jug, decorated with lemon slices and mint leaves.


220 gr. Sahara,
5-6 lemons
250 ml of water
1.5-2 liters. carbonated water.

Wash the lemons well, dry and squeeze the juice out of them. You should get 1 cup of lemon juice. Put sugar in a small saucepan, pour 250 ml of water over it and put on a small fire. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and set aside. Add lemon juice to the cooled syrup, mix well, and strain if desired. Before serving, add 1.5-2 liters of sparkling water. You can add more or less sparkling water, depending on how concentrated you want the flavor.

1 lemon
160 gr. Sahara,
2 l. water,
1.5 tbsp wine vinegar.

You can start preparing this lemonade right now, it can be stored for up to 2 months, and it takes as long as 10-11 days to prepare. Cut the lemon into slices and place in a jar, add sugar and vinegar to the lemon. Fill everything with water, while the water can be used filtered or purified, but in no case mineral. Cover the jar with a lid, leaving a small opening, and place in a warm, sunny place, such as a windowsill, for 7-8 days. Stir the drink every day, and don't let the smell of fermentation bother you. Then strain the drink, pour it into a bottle, filling it no more than 2/3, close the lid tightly and refrigerate for another 2-3 days. Ready lemonade is best stored at room temperature chilled with ice cubes before serving.

3 lemons
1 bunch of mint
½ st. Sahara,
3 liters of pure water.

Wash the lemons well and remove the zest from them. The zest must be removed carefully so as not to touch the white peel. Divide the lemons into slices, peel each slice from the films, then transfer the peeled slices to a deep bowl and crush well or chop in a blender. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add the zest, pulp and juice of the lemon, sugar and mint leaves. Simmer for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat and set aside. Ready drink strain if desired, serve lemonade over ice, garnished with fresh mint leaves.

4 oranges
2 grapefruits
¼ st. Sahara,
200 ml. water,
500 ml. soda water,
3-4 sprigs of mint

Pour 200 ml of water into a small saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. Stir constantly until the sugar dissolves, then remove the syrup from the heat. Set aside half an orange and a quarter grapefruit. Pour the syrup into a jug, squeeze the juice from the fruit there, peel the remaining part of the orange and grapefruit from the films and cut into small pieces, add to the jug. Also add mint leaves, ice and sparkling water. Mix well and serve immediately.

½ st. freshly squeezed lime juice
2/3 st. freshly squeezed lemon juice,
1/3 st. maple syrup,
½ tsp minced fresh ginger,
8 art. water,

Refrigerate all ingredients. Mix lime juice, lemon juice and maple syrup, add ginger and mix thoroughly. Pour over ice and fill with water. Water can be used both carbonated and still.

1 bunch of tarragon (tarragon)
10 tsp Sahara,
2 limes
1 lemon
1 l. soda water,

Rinse the tarragon, chop it and grind it in a blender. Add sugar to the tarragon puree and mix well. Cut the lemon and lime into slices, add to the tarragon. Pour everything with sparkling water, mix vigorously and leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Strain the finished lemonade and serve in glasses filled with ice cubes.

4 tbsp. black currant,
½ st. Sahara,
1 lemon
1.5 l. carbonated water.

Grind the currants with a blender, add sugar to the currant puree and mix thoroughly. At this stage, it is worth trying the puree, if it turned out not sweet enough, then add sugar to your liking. Transfer the puree to a saucepan, add the lemon juice and sparkling water, stir and strain into a pitcher. Serve with ice.

How cool it will be to get a jug of cold, delicious, natural homemade lemonade out of the refrigerator on a hot summer day! Indulge in this pleasure, stock up on recipes, make homemade lemonade and enjoy the taste and benefits of this drink every summer day!

Cold evening. And now you need to think about how to survive the heat. Are you not hot? Well, summer is still ahead :) Someone prefers kvass, someone likes mineral water or still water. But there is a better way.

The older generation remembers the time when every family made lemonade with their own hands. It was sold in stores, but your own is better! family recipes passed down from grandfather to grandson. The drink differed in composition, proportions, taste, but there was one common feature.

The drink instantly quenched thirst, did not contain a single gram of chemistry. But lots of vitamins! On the blog pages we discussed different drinks. Mostly alcoholic. I don’t feel like drinking in the heat or even with ice :) And lemonade is the very thing. We offer several simple recipes for a delicious and healthy drink.

Do-it-yourself orange lemonade - Fanta

The taste of "Fanta" is familiar to everyone, but somehow you don't want to buy it in the store - there is no need for extra preservatives. But there is a sure remedy…make the unforgettable taste yourself. Do you think it's difficult, it won't work? You are wrong. The recipe is surprisingly simple.

What you need:

  • Two large oranges;
  • Three tangerines;
  • Lemon;
  • 600-700 milliliters of ordinary water;
  • 500 milliliters of mineral water with gas;
  • Sugar to taste.

Naturally, wash the fruit thoroughly. The recipe uses zest, and we do not need bacteria and dirt. Now we perform simple actions:

  • Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemon. Be careful. Only the yellow part of the peel is needed. White residues are bitter, so remove them and throw them away;
  • Squeeze the juice from the pulp of the lemon. In any convenient way;
  • Now it's the turn of oranges - first we remove the zest, then we squeeze the juice;
  • Place the zest in a saucepan with a capacity of 2-3 liters, add sugar and juice. Putting on fire, pour boiling water. Do not boil longer than 1-2 minutes;
  • Leave the syrup to cool and infuse for 3-4 hours;
  • Strain the cooled syrup. We prepare a mixture with mineral water in a ratio of 1 to 1. You can prepare lemonade right away, but the syrup will easily wait in the wings separately from soda.

Homemade lemonade ginger recipe

Historically, Russians make compotes and kvass. Other nations have their own drinks. For example, Americans love lemonade. Buy it and make it yourself. Moreover, the recipes are simple, and the drink tastes good and is very refreshing. The ginger recipe is one of the favorites in the States. Preparing is surprisingly easy. Cooking ingredients:

  • Half a liter of water;
  • Two tablespoons of honey, preferably fresh, not sugared;
  • Two tablespoons of freshly ground ginger;
  • Half a liter of cold sparkling water;
  • Juice from five lemons.

INTERESTING. Initially, lemonade was made from lemon juice and water, not always carbonated. The drink got its name in the 17th century. Popularity for lemonade came in the 19th century. It was then that the synthesis of citric acid was developed, which made it possible to do cheap drink. The first trademark was "Lemon's Superior Sparkling Ginger Ale" in 1833. Literally - an excellent sparkling ale made from lemon and ginger.


  • You will need a 2-3 liter pot. Pour water, put honey and ginger;
  • Put on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil. We take it off the fire. We let it brew and cool down. Now you need to strain the solution from the remnants of ginger. You can use a fine strainer or gauze;
  • You can drink. Fans of "pop" add soda and lemon juice.

lavender lemonade

Let's just say it's not for everyone. Lavender flowers have a specific aroma that does not cause associations with food or drink. Nevertheless, it turns out well. The fair sex especially likes this lemonade :) We are preparing the following:

  • Half a liter of water;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of lavender flowers;
  • Cold water milliliters 300-400;
  • five lemons;
  • Ice cubes.

The preparation is similar to the previous recipe:

  • Pour water into a two-liter saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. The sand must completely dissolve;
  • Remove the pan from the stove and add dried flowers. Lavender is infused for about an hour. Now we are filtering. The syrup should be transparent, without admixture of flowers;
  • Dilute lemonade cold water Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and ice.

FUN FACT. Perfumers claim that a touch of lavender helps relieve anxiety, irritation, and feelings of dissatisfaction. Lavender flowers are used to create medicinal decoctions. Each recipe is aimed at fighting against a specific disease.

mint lemonade

One of the most popular herbs in cooking. Sauces, salads, side dishes, meat dishes and drinks in many countries are prepared with the addition of peppermint. Leaves improve the aroma of lemonade, make the taste of the drink refreshing. For cooking you will need:

  • bundle fresh leaves mint. We take more, we do not regret;
  • Juice from six lemons;
  • Zest of three lemons;
  • Sugar syrup - water and sugar are taken in a ratio of 1 to 1;
  • Half a liter of soda.

Finished like this:

  • Mint leaves need to be crushed. You can use a rolling pin or a mortar and pestle;
  • If there is no ready-made syrup, we do it;
  • You can mix the components of lemonade directly in a jug. First, mix the juice, syrup, zest and mint. Then add soda;
  • Put the lemonade in the fridge.

LITTLE ADVICE. 1. Lemonade is drunk cold, so either a lot of ice or a freezer. But focus on your teeth and throat. Quenching your thirst is not worth a sick leave. 2. Someone likes very sweet drinks, others not so much, serve sour to the third. Make medium sweet lemonade. Who needs it, add sugar to a glass.

When considering lemonade recipes, special attention should be paid to the so-called national drinks. Lemonades are popular in many countries. The recipe is simple and the taste is amazing. Notes national flavor make these drinks delicious.

In many cases, the recipes have changed, but the excellent taste and ability to withstand heat have remained unchanged. We recommend paying attention to this lemonade.

How to make homemade Turkish lemonade

Connoisseurs and lovers national cuisine claim that the Turks make the best lemonade. Like it or not, everyone decides for himself. But it's worth a try, especially since the recipe is simple. To prepare a delicious Turkish drink you will need:

  • A glass of boiled water;
  • 100-150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Two lemons;
  • A glass of mint. Branches must be tamped. You can take less mint, then the taste will turn out not so rich.

The process itself is no more difficult than in other recipes. The main thing is to thoroughly wash the lemons and mint. If you choose imported fruits, we advise you to wash the surface in hot water with a brush. Often, the fruits are not only treated with chemicals, but also covered with a layer of wax. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Place the peeled zest in a small saucepan, add sugar and water. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat;
  • Add mint to the syrup. Close the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for an hour or an hour and a half.
  • The final product is obtained by mixing equal parts of water, ice and syrup. You can add lemon juice to taste.

Fans of culinary experiments can be advised to replace mint with tarragon, and lemon with lime. It will turn out an interesting, tart and refreshing drink. That's just tarragon is worth taking a little less than mint :)

mexican lemonade

Don't drink alcohol or don't like tequila? Then homemade Mexican lemonade is what you need. What is needed for this:

  • 20-30 grapes. Preferably pitted.
  • Kiwi - one piece;
  • Half a liter of apple juice;
  • Cup crushed ice.

It's hard to come up with something simpler than this recipe. Washed grapes, peeled kiwi and juice are placed in a blender. Two minutes at medium speed - the lemonade is ready. We collect half a glass of ice and add the resulting mixture.

INTERESTING. Lemonade can be prepared not only from fruits and herbs, but also vegetables. Using vegetables from our own beds, we get a delicious and healthy drink. For cooking, you can use: sorrel, cucumbers, Bell pepper, carrot. Interesting drink obtained from barley. The main advantage of the drink is the ability to use different ingredients and show creativity.

Greek homemade lemonade recipe

The Greeks are close to us in spirit and attitude to the world around us. It is not surprising that Greek homemade lemonade was also enjoyed by the inhabitants of Russia. take:

  • Heel of lemons;
  • A glass of granulated sugar;
  • Boiled water.

Do not forget to wash the lemons well and proceed:

  • Cut the lemons into thin slices directly with the peel;
  • Place half of the chopped fruit in a bowl or saucepan. Fall asleep with half the sugar;
  • Manually crush the lemons as much as we can. The resulting juice is filtered into a bottle or jar;
  • Add remaining lemons and sugar. We continue to squeeze the juice;
  • Fill the bottle to the top with water and chill in the refrigerator.

Italian berry mix

The hot nature of the inhabitants of Italy leaves no room classic recipes, so local chefs are true masters of their craft. And their lemonade will “rock you”! Italians prefer sweet drinks to all other drinks. We prepare the following products:

  • A glass of any fruit syrup;
  • 100-150 grams of fruit and berry mixture. You can take one fruit or berries;
  • Zest from half a lemon;
  • Liter of boiling water;
  • Sugar to taste.

The beauty of this recipe is how easy it is to prepare despite the unusual base. Getting Started:

  • Combine syrup and zest. Mix thoroughly;
  • We pour boiling water. Mix;
  • Add fruits or berries. We give half an hour to brew;
  • Cool in the refrigerator;
  • When consumed, you can add a little crushed ice.

Spicy homemade lemonade

This recipe is truly unique - it will warm you in winter cold and refresh in the summer heat. It is difficult to believe in the universality of the drink, nevertheless it is true. We encourage you to try it and see for yourself. We take:

  • Nutmeg and cinnamon on the tip of a knife;
  • 5-7 peas of allspice;
  • 5-7 pieces of cloves;
  • a tablespoon of dried peppermint;
  • a teaspoon of ginger;
  • A couple of lemons;
  • Sugar and lemon acid taste;
  • 2 pieces of cardamom;
  • Four liters of water.

We put the water on the fire and start:

  • Cut the washed lemons and squeeze the juice into a pot of water. We also send the pulp and peel there;
  • Add grated ginger and crushed peppercorns;
  • We break the cloves and send them to the pan;
  • We throw cinnamon and nutmeg;
  • Now it's time to put in the mint;
  • Sugar and citric acid are put to taste. Can be made sour or sweeter;
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes. We close the lid. Let it brew for an hour;
  • We filter and cool. You can not wait. Add crushed ice and drink.

In winter, you should not cool it - serve it like tea, hot. The lemonade tastes amazing. The effect resembles mulled wine or sbiten.

How to drink lemonade

The presence of heat is not necessary :) The drink is tasty on its own, so lemonade can be drunk at any time of the year. Only in summer it needs to be cooled, but not in cold weather. There are no hard and fast recommendations for place, time or events. Lemonade is suitable for lonely contemplation of the moon in the country, parties with friends or trips.

There must be a thermos on the farm. Not? Stock up on a small model, a liter or a half. And you will be happy! By the way, lemonade tastes better with bubbles. There are two ways to get effervescent magic: dilute it with cold mineral water or pass it through a household siphon. It's up to you which way to choose.

Lemonade is refreshing soft drink used for cooling in hot weather. Previously, it was made only from lemon juice, sugar and water. And now it is produced in industrial scale with the addition of other berries and fruits. There are 2 types of lemonade: non-carbonated and carbonated.

Making lemonade at home does not require much effort. Usually it is made non-carbonated. To make lemonade at home you need: lemon zest, it is better to insist it on alcohol, saffron or turmeric (used as a dye), sugar, lemon juice. Mix everything and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Serve chilled with a couple of ice cubes.

There are also many easier recipes that do not require refrigeration. There are recipes in which sugar is boiled in water until it is completely dissolved, then lemon juice and more water are added, and at the end they must be cooled. You can add all kinds of herbs and spices to it, so that there is an unforgettable aroma and taste.

classic lemonade

Removes thirst well, very tasty and contains no preservatives. All children and adults are delighted with it.


  • Lemon slice, for garnish.
  • 1.2 liters of water.
  • 0.5 cups of sugar.
  • 300 milliliters of lemon juice.

Preparing classic lemonade

  1. Pour lemon juice, sugar and two hundred milliliters of water into a container.
  2. Stir until sugar dissolves.
  3. Add another liter of water.
  4. You can garnish with a circle of lemon and throw in plenty of ice.

homemade lemonade

This recipe uses carbonated water, so the drink is very tasty and refined.


  • 250 milliliters of non-carbonated water.
  • 2 liters of sparkling water.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • 250 milliliters of lemon juice.

Making homemade lemonade

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and pour 250 milliliters still water and stir over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Then wait until it cools down and add lemon juice.
  3. Before serving, you should add soda water (if you want, you can add less than 250 milliliters).
  4. Serve chilled.

Turkish lemonade

It contains a lot of vitamin C, it refreshes well and removes thirst. In this recipe, it is not boiled and because of this, all useful properties are preserved in it. The preparation is quite simple, and the taste is simply amazing.


  • Lemon wedge, for garnish.
  • Mint.
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar.
  • 7 lemons.
  • 5 liters of cool drinking water.

Making Turkish Lemonade

  1. Rinse the lemons well as they are used with the zest. Cut into pieces.
  2. Pour these pieces and a little mint into the mixer, as well as a little sugar.
  3. Grind and then fill with water (cool).
  4. Put everything in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. Strain the next day.
  6. Serve chilled, you can garnish with mint and lemon wedges.

Lemonade with blackcurrant

This is an excellent non-alcoholic refreshing drink, very relevant in the season.


  • Water still or carbonated.
  • Juice from 2 lemons.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • 4 liters of blackcurrant.

Blackcurrant lemonade preparation

  1. Pour one glass of water over blackcurrants and boil until soft. For now, do not add sugar.
  2. Strain everything and now add sugar. Heat until sugar dissolves. After that, pour everything into a bottle.
  3. To ¼ of this syrup, add the same amount of water (you can 2 times more, as you like), which you mix with lemon juice in advance.

mint lemonade

A very tasty and refreshing drink with a subtle mint flavor. Perfect for a hot summer…


  • Several mint leaves.
  • 50 milligrams of sugar syrup.
  • 350 milliliters of carbonated mineral water.
  • 100 milliliters of lemon juice.

Making mint lemonade

  1. In one container, add sugar syrup and lemon juice, mix everything well.
  2. Then add sparkling water and finely chopped mint leaves.
  3. Garnish with lemon slices and pour over ice.

tropical lemonade

Lemonade with the addition of ginger ale, apricot and pineapple juice.


  • Mint, lime and lemon slices, for garnish.
  • 100 milligrams of lime juice.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • 600 milliliters of water.
  • 500 ml ginger ale.
  • 300 milliliters of apricot nectar.
  • 300 milliliters of pineapple juice.
  • 150 milliliters of lemon juice.

Making tropical lemonade

  1. Add water and sugar to one container, heat and mix so that the sugar dissolves.
  2. Cool down.
  3. Add all other ingredients and mix well.
  4. Serve chilled. Garnish with mint, lime or lemon slices and pour over ice.

ginger lemonade

With the help of ginger, the drink turns out to be originally burning.


  • Lemon slices, for garnish.
  • 15 pieces of ginger root.
  • 3.5 liters of water.
  • 3 cups of sugar.
  • 1 liter of lemon juice.

Making ginger lemonade

  1. Add water, ginger and sugar to the pan. Heat while stirring, when the sugar dissolves, you can remove from heat.
  2. Then add freshly squeezed lemon juice and wait about 15 minutes.
  3. Take out the ginger.
  4. Put the resulting drink in the refrigerator for an hour.
  5. Serve with lemon slices and ice.

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