Homemade tarragon lemonade. Cooking tarragon lemonade at home

Tarragon is a highly carbonated soft drink made from the tarragon plant. Judging by GOST, then it also includes sweeteners, water, and From such ingredients, at least it was made in the past Soviet times, and many people remember this green drink with a pungent aroma and pleasant taste. But in our time, it is unlikely that manufacturers adhere to the old standards. In order not to risk your health, you can completely cook homemade tarragon, the recipe of which is quite simple.

The main component of this drink is the tarragon plant, which grows everywhere in our area. In summer it's fresh you can find yourself or buy in the market. The tarragon recipe does not require many ingredients, tarragon, sugar, lemon and water will be enough. To begin with, a bunch of tarragon must be washed and rid of the lower branches. The remaining leaves are cut into 3-4 cm pieces, placed in an earthenware jug and poured with boiling water. Add sugar, you should not feel sorry for it: 6-7 tablespoons of granulated sugar are taken for each liter of water. A few hours later, a drink with a characteristic in green he'll be ready. You can add a little to it lemon juice. The drink is served chilled.

But this is not the only tarragon recipe suitable for cooking at home. For example, if you take 100 g of tarragon, 2-3 limes, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 700 ml of water, you can get a delicious soft drink. The grass is crushed in a blender, to which chopped small pieces lime and half sugar. The resulting mixture is transferred to a saucepan and poured with boiling water. The infusion is covered with a lid and placed in a cool place overnight. In the morning, you can add the remaining sugar to the drink, mix and strain. This is how concentrated tarragon is obtained. advises to store in the refrigerator and dilute with mineral water to taste before use.

If you take a bunch of tarragon, 7 tablespoons of sugar, 300 ml of water, 5 tablespoons of lemon juice and soda, you can also get a similar concentrate. This tarragon recipe starts with the available sugar and water. Next, tarragon greens need to be folded into a decanter and pour a third of the volume with hot syrup. If necessary, tarragon can be tamped with a spoon so that the liquid covers it completely. The mixture should be infused for at least a few hours. When the syrup has cooled, the decanter with it can be put in the refrigerator. After insisting, it must be filtered, add lemon juice to it and mix. Lemonade should be drunk cold, diluted

The following tarragon recipe calls for 30 grams of fresh tarragon, one lime and lemon, 100 grams of sugar, and 4 fresh or frozen strawberries. First, 1.5 liters of water is boiled, the fire is turned off, and tarragon is added to the boiling water. Then cover the container with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, the lime and lemon are cut into slices, from which the bones are removed, the tails are cut off the strawberries. All fruits are put in a bowl and kneaded with a pusher. The resulting mass is added to the infusion of tarragon, mixed and covered with a lid. After cooling, it can be put in the refrigerator for the night, and in the morning all that remains is to strain the finished tarragon.

Author and founder of the project "site" - culinary portal about simple and delicious food. With the help of the site unites all lovers homemade food. Sharing with other food bloggers delicious recipes with detailed step by step description. She loves to cook and translates her culinary knowledge into recipes. Every day he tries to make this project even more convenient and interesting. Mom of Anya and Kirill.

  • Recipe author: Olesya Fisenko
  • After cooking, you will receive
  • Time for preparing:


  • 1 bunch of tarragon
  • 1/2 piece lemon
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 l. water

Cooking method

    Delicious, cooling homemade lemonade based on tarragon. That's what will help quench your thirst and remember the taste of childhood! To make lemonade, you will need warm water(boil and cool slightly) and blend (lemonade base). The blend consists of sugar, tarragon and lemon (lime). While the water is boiling and cooling, thoroughly rinse the tarragon (tarragon). You can separate the leaves from the stems, since the stems do not play a big role in lemonade, but they are very good as a seasoning for meat.

    tarragon put in a container, add two tablespoons of sugar and knead well so that the leaves release juice. Squeeze juice from 1/4 of a lemon or lime and stir the blend. Put it in a decanter or jar, pour warm water. Lemonade should cool completely, then it should be put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (or better all night).

    Before submitting to homemade lemonade you can cut a few slices of lemon or lime and add ice.

    Enjoy your meal!

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  • 1 liter of water
    70 g sugar
    Large bunch of tarragon
    2 limes

    What to do:

    Let's cook first sugar syrup. It's simple: we take water and sugar (preferably cane, brown) in a ratio of one to one (for 70 g of sugar - the same amount of water). Boil the future syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool down. By the way, you can make more syrup, with a margin - it is suitable not only for lemonade, but also for some cocktails (experiment!).

    Now we divide the tarragon (another name is tarragon) into two unequal parts. B about the last one - we put it in a saucepan (not in the one with syrup, but in any other), add a little water - literally a cup - and begin to intensively knead with a mortar. The task is to squeeze as much juice out of the plant as possible.

    Another way to get fragrant juice from a plant is to boil mashed tarragon in a small amount water.

    Leaves that gave everything useful material, throw away without regret. True, before parting, I recommend making sure that you really squeezed everything to the last drop. As a result, only concentrated juice should remain in the pan.

    Cut the limes into slices. Pour the syrup into a saucepan with juice. Add the remaining grass leaves and fill it all with a liter of water. Stir until the syrup comes into full contact with the rest of the lemonade participants.

    Ready! Serve the drink chilled, preferably with ice.

    Prepare ingredients for homemade lemonade"Tarhun".

    Wash the tarragon greens and shake off excess water (I soaked the tarragon greens in a bowl of cold water for 15 minutes).

    Coarsely chop the tarragon, place in a blender bowl, add sugar.

    And grind.

    Transfer the crushed tarragon with sugar to a glass bowl or saucepan and pour 1 cup boiling water.
    Let it brew for 40 minutes. Thanks to hot water the aroma of tarragon will open well and the taste will become more saturated and bright.

    Strain the cooled tarragon infusion through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, folded in 3-4 layers, and squeeze well.

    Add lemon juice to the herbal infusion.
    Pour in sparkling water and mix well (adjust the amount of sparkling water to your liking).

    I just strained the infusion through a sieve and did not pay attention to the fact that there were a few grains of crushed tarragon greens left in the infusion. You can strain more thoroughly if you want a smooth lemonade texture without any greenery.

    It turned out a wonderful refreshing Tarragon lemonade, which we easily and simply prepared at home.

    It remains only to cool it in the refrigerator or serve immediately, but add a little ice when serving.

    Bon appetit and good mood!