Recipe: Borscht with beef - Homemade. Borscht with beef

This version of the rich popular Ukrainian dish is the most beloved by most. Despite the fact that it will take a little more time to prepare, and it costs more. Beef gives the broth a unique, recognizable taste, and the meat in borscht is not lost, like chicken, and does not become tasteless and dry, like pork.

Prepare delicious borscht with beef according to this recipe with a photo and your children will eat the first course with the same pleasure as they gobble up the dessert.

Taste Info Borscht and cabbage soup


  • Potatoes – 500 g;
  • Beef on the bone – 450 g;
  • Onions – 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Beets – 1 pc.;
  • White cabbage – 200 g;
  • Tomato juice – 300 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp;
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook delicious borscht with beef

The first step is to prepare the beef broth. Rinse the piece of meat thoroughly and pour it cold water. Place the pan over medium heat. During the cooking process, be sure to remove the gray foam from the surface of the broth, otherwise it will turn out dirty and opaque. Cook the beef for 1.5 hours after boiling, then add it to it? onions and 1/3 carrots, cut into medium cubes. Cook with vegetables for another 30 minutes.

While the broth is cooking, prepare vegetable dressing for borscht. To do this, peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. In preheated vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the onion until soft and transparent. Chop the carrots into coarse grater and add to the pan with the onions. Then chop the beets in the same way and add to the roasted vegetables. Cook everything together over moderate heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent the vegetables from burning.

After this time, pour tomato juice into the pan with the vegetables, add salt, black ground pepper and simmer for another 10 minutes until a third of the liquid has evaporated. Instead of tomato juice you can add 1 tbsp. tomato paste and add a little water or broth from the pan into the pan. This will make the flavor and color of the dressing more intense.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Finely chop the cabbage with a sharp knife.

Meanwhile, the broth is ready. Remove the beef and cool the flesh for slicing. Remove the onion half and carrots from the pan. They can be finely chopped and added to the soup along with the dressing. Place the chopped potatoes into the pan.

The potatoes will cook for about 7-8 minutes after boiling. Then add to the pan white cabbage. Bring the borscht to a boil and cook for 5 minutes until the cabbage becomes completely soft.

Free the meat from bones and fat and cut into cubes. Place in the pan with the vegetables.

Spoon the pan dressing into the pan. Add salt to taste and cook for 5 minutes on the lowest heat. Before the end of cooking, add Bay leaf and a few peas of allspice.

Remove the pan with beef borscht from the heat and be sure to let it brew under a closed lid for 20 minutes. After this, remove the bay leaf and pour into plates.

Serve borscht in portions with sour cream, a clove of garlic and rye bread. Bon appetit!

Cooking tips:

  • The broth for soup will be tastier and more aromatic if you cook it on the bone. The best option for borscht there will be beef ribs. You can also cook the broth using beef shoulder. This will make it fattier and richer.
  • To make the borscht very rich in color and slightly sour, prepare the beets separately from other products. Grind it on a grater, then put it in a frying pan with a small amount vegetable oil. Add a little water or broth and simmer for 5 minutes. Then pour 1 tbsp into the pan. regular vinegar and stir well. Turn off the heat and immediately add to the soup. This technique allows you to give the borscht a very bright beetroot color that will not fade during cooking.

As you know, the birthplace of borscht is Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia. But it is prepared not only there, it is also a favorite first course in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria and Moldova.

It is prepared from a large amount of vegetables and meat. In some versions, mushrooms and beans are also added. But the main product that characterizes it is, of course, beets. It is this that makes its color red, rich and gives the broth its characteristic sweetish taste.

In different regions of Russia, and especially Ukraine, it is prepared differently. Therefore, a lot of recipes for its preparation have already accumulated. And this suggests that this first course is very respected, and for many it is generally the most delicious and favorite of the first courses.

I want to bring to your attention Ukrainian and Russian recipes today. So that those who love it can cook it as often as possible without repeating it!

My grandmother, when she cooked this delicious and aromatic dish I always said, “To make delicious borscht, you have to walk around it!” I was still small then, and did not quite understand the meaning of this statement. Now I’ve been cooking everything myself for a long time, and I know exactly what this expression means.

In order for everything to turn out tasty and correctly, you first need desire and time! Nothing worthwhile will come of neither without one nor the other. Therefore, stock up on them, as well as the necessary products, and we will prepare the most delicious first course of its kind.

And the first one we will have is the recipe that is prepared most often - this is a classic one!

We will need:

  • cabbage - 250-300 gr
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • beets - 2 medium pieces
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • lemon - 1/3 part (or vinegar 3% - tablespoon)
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • dried herbs - to taste
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • fresh dill, parsley, green onions, garlic - for sprinkling
  • sour cream


1. To prepare a delicious rich broth, you must take meat on the bone. If the bone is brain-shaped, it will be simply wonderful. You can also add a sugar pit. The difference is that the marrow ossicles contain the brain, while the sugar ossicles contain cartilage and connective tissue.

Both of them give a wonderful fat and make the bluebo especially tasty.

The meat is used depending on which one you like best. It turns out very tasty from beef and pork. So, for example, you can take a beef marrow bone, a piece beef meat and add rack of pork ribs. The taste will be simply divine.

2. The meat should be washed, put in a pan and filled with water. How to cook meat - there are two options. I will describe both of them, and you choose which one you like more.

Option 1. Pour water over the meat so that it is only slightly covered, and let it cook. Foam will appear throughout the boiling process and will need to be skimmed off constantly. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam and wait 3-4 minutes. Then we take out the meat and pour out the water.

The pan will need to be rinsed to remove any meat deposits; you can also rinse the meat. Then place the meat back in the pan and fill it with 2.5 liters of water. Ready borscht in this case you will get 3 liters. This makes about 6 good quality servings.

Option 2. Pour water over the meat, 2.5 liters at once. Place a saucepan with water and meat on the fire. During boiling, foam will appear and will need to be skimmed off constantly. As soon as the water boils, throw a pinch of salt into a pan of water; all the foam will float up, and it will be easier to remove it.

The transparency of the finished broth depends on how carefully you remove the foam. Therefore, this stage cannot be ignored. It is very important for both the taste and color of the future dish.

And I want to note that the second option is more preferable. In this case we do not pour healthy broth. But you will have to stand by the pan while foam forms for some time.

If you missed the moment, and the foam has already transformed into flakes, and the broth has been boiling for at least 10 minutes, then there is no need to pour out the broth. Just strain it through cheesecloth.

3. As soon as the water with the meat boils (in both cases), the heat will need to be reduced to a minimum and the meat should be cooked until fully cooked. I cook until the meat begins to completely come off the bone.

Throughout the entire time, it is necessary that the broth boils quite a bit, just gurgles slightly. Active vigorous boiling will make the broth cloudy and tasteless.

4. As soon as the meat is ready, you need to remove it from the pan and strain the broth so that there is no small bones.

5. Then cut the meat into pieces and place it back into the broth, bring it to a boil and you can slowly add all the other ingredients.

6. While we were cooking the meat, we can cut and prepare all the vegetables.

7. Cut the onion into cubes or thin half rings.

Grate carrots and parsley or parsnip root to Korean carrots or cut into thin strips.

8. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the onion in it. As soon as the onion begins to brown slightly, pour half a glass into the pan boiled water, and simmer the onion until the water evaporates. The onion will become translucent and you won't be able to find it in the soup.

9. Add carrots and parsnip or parsley root, fry them with onions for 3-4 minutes, if you grate them. Or a little longer if cut into strips. In both cases, the carrots should soften slightly.

10. Add sugar and flour, mix. Flour will be released during frying light nutty smell, and the sugar will slightly caramelize the carrots.

However, sugar can also be added to beets.

Add a piece butter. If you have melted butter, then it is best to sauté vegetables on it. But if not, then just add a piece of butter, the soup will have a very pleasant aroma and taste.

You can also add dried herbs - dill, parsley. Simmer for 3-4 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave for a while.

11. Cut the cabbage into thin strips. Cut it thinner, so it will taste better and also cook faster. After all, you know that vegetables should not be cooked for too long to avoid loss of vitamins.

Do not try to cut the potatoes right away so that they do not darken. Clean it and put it in water, when the time comes to put it in the broth, we’ll cut it.

Chop the garlic. To do this, crush it with the back of a knife on the board. And then chop finely. Chop the greens as finely as possible.

Don't throw away the long garlic stick. It can come in handy if someone suddenly has a runny nose. If you set this stick on fire, extinguish the fire, and inhale the smoke that comes from the stick through one or the other nostril, then the runny nose will go away. And if you do this several times a day, you can even cure it.

12. Beets can be prepared using one of four options, which I will offer you a little later. It must either be boiled, fried, baked, or cut fresh (details below, in a special chapter).

I decided to cut the beets into thin strips. You need to squeeze lemon juice on it (you can pour vinegar on it) and fry it in the remaining oil.

Add tomato paste or tomato sauce. Or you can add a fresh tomato; to do this, make a cross-shaped cut on it, pour boiling water over it for 4-5 minutes, remove the skin and cut it into small cubes.

13. And so, the broth is ready, the meat is removed from the bone, chopped and sent back to the broth. Let's continue cooking.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is what kind of cabbage we use. If this autumn cabbage, then it is most likely tough. Now they are growing some special ones durum varieties, which can be stored for a long time, but the leaves of such cabbage are hard and even difficult to ferment.

If the cabbage is spring, early, then its leaves are thin and tender.

So in the first case, add cabbage to the broth and cook it for 15 minutes. Then add potatoes.

14. If the cabbage is early, with tender thin leaves, then add potatoes and cabbage at the same time. Potatoes can be cut into either small strips or cubes.

Along with adding vegetables, you will need to add salt to the broth. We didn't do this before because the salt could draw all the juice out of the meat, and the meat would turn out tough and tasteless.

In general, it is believed that in order to get tasty meat, you need to salt it at the end of cooking. And if we want to get delicious broth, then you need to salt it at the beginning of cooking.

Therefore, there is debate on this matter: when is it better to add salt? I usually salt exactly as I described, that is, when I add vegetables to the broth.

15. Cook for 15 minutes, then add carrots, onions and white roots, and let it boil. Cook for 5 minutes.

16. Add beetroot dressing, chopped garlic and bay leaf. Cook for 5 minutes, add ground black pepper to taste and cook for another 2 minutes.

17. Turn off the heat, add fresh herbs and cover tightly with a lid.

18. Leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.

19. Then pour it into plates, sprinkle fresh dill and season with sour cream.

20. Eat with pleasure!

Now I’ll tell you how you can cook beets in one of four ways.

How to cook borscht with beets so that it is red

Of course, everyone wants to cook a dish with a rich, bright color. But not everyone succeeds. How to cook it so that it always turns out beautiful, dark red or burgundy?

The first thing you need is to choose ripe, burgundy beets. If the beets are red, then the borscht naturally will not turn out a rich burgundy color, but will appear faded.

It is also necessary to properly prepare and lay beets, and as I said above, there are four ways to do this.

1. Cut the beets into thin strips and simmer them in a small amount of oil or fat with tomato and vinegar. On three-liter saucepan and for about 1 - 2 beets, it is enough to add 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar or 1 tablespoon of 3%. Tomato paste also contains acid, and it will also help keep the beets dark and the broth bright and beautiful.

2. Beets can be peeled and boiled whole; vinegar should be added to the water during cooking. When the beets are ready, cool them and cut into strips. Add it 10 minutes before the end of cooking along with sautéed vegetables.

3. Beets can be boiled in their skins, then peeled and grated. Sprinkle with the juice of 1/2 - 1/3 lemon and add to the soup along with sautéed vegetables 10 minutes before readiness.

4. Beets can be baked in the oven or microwave. Then also grate, sprinkle with lemon juice or vinegar and then add to the pan, also 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

I usually use the second or third method. So, in my opinion, the taste of the finished dish is more delicious, and the color is more saturated and bright.

However, there is another way to prepare beets, which may be useful to us for the next recipe. Unfortunately, I don’t always use it, but it’s simply necessary to write about it.

Pickled beets - a delicious dressing

In the old days, my grandmother always fermented beets; I was still very little then, but I remember it. Having already grown up and started cooking, I asked my mother how my grandmother did it, and my mother gave me the recipe. She also said that pickled beets were used not only for first courses, but also vinaigrettes and other salads and appetizers were prepared with it.

Borscht with pickled beets turns out to be quite special and has a very pleasant taste. And fermenting it is easy and simple.

  1. Take as many beets as you want to ferment, peel them and cut them in any of the known ways. It all depends on how you are going to use it in the future.
  2. Place the beets in the jar quite tightly, leaving, however, space for the brine, which should cover the beets by 5-6 cm.
  3. Prepare the brine. To prepare it, boil water and add salt to it at the rate of 0.5 liters of water - 25 grams of salt (less than a tablespoon). Let the brine cool completely and pour it over the beets.
  4. Place a weight and place a deep plate under the jar.
  5. Leave the beets to ferment. The fermentation time may vary. Minimum 5 days, maximum 12 days.
  6. During fermentation, foam will form, which will need to be skimmed off. Excess juice will also leak out, which will also be formed during the fermentation process.
  7. It is believed that the fermentation process is complete when foam stops being released. This depends on the ambient temperature.
  8. When the foam stops releasing, the jar can be placed in the refrigerator. And use it as needed.

Delicious homemade recipe for real Ukrainian borscht

In Ukraine, this is the main first course and it is prepared in a variety of different ways. variety of recipes. Every housewife has her own little secrets and tricks for preparing it. And everyone can do this rich dish that you don't have to eat anything at all.

You can write entire books of recipes about Ukrainian borscht, and the recipes themselves can be collected anywhere - on the street, on the bus, on a bench in the park. Having talked somewhere when meeting with some woman, and started talking about this topic, everyone will be happy to share the recipe.

This recipe can be prepared from fresh cabbage, or from sauerkraut. Previously, they often made it from fermented vegetables, because they fermented it every year. Now all year round for sale fresh cabbage, so we mostly cook from fresh.

We will need:

  • beef on the bone (you can add a little pork) - 600 gr
  • lard - 100 gr
  • cabbage - 250-300 gr
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • parsley or parsnip root - 50 g
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • beets - 2 medium pieces
  • tomato - 1 pc. or tomato paste
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • or vinegar 9% - half a teaspoon
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • spices - to taste
  • dried herbs - to taste
  • red bitter Bell pepper- taste
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • ghee - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh dill, parsley, garlic - to taste
  • sour cream - for the finished dish


1. Prepare the meat in the same way as in the previous recipe. Take brain or sugar bone, brisket. You can take only beef, or you can take half beef and pork. But the presence of seeds is a must; only thanks to them can you cook a tasty “strong” broth.

My aunt cooked borscht very tasty, and when we came to visit her, we always asked her to cook it. She never refused, and always cooked with pleasure. But one day she went to Israel to visit relatives. And they asked to cook it their own signature dish. We took her to the local market so she could buy some necessary products.

She bought the freshest vegetables, herbs and spices without difficulty. But here's the meat!!! There were no bones sold at the market!!! The dish was in danger. I no longer remember how this situation was resolved, and whether she cooked her signature dish that day, but this story was told for a long time and was perceived by everyone with great surprise.

And so, bones are a must, just like in jellied meat! They contain gelling agents that will allow you to cook a very strong and thick broth!

2. Pour cold water over the meat so that it barely covers it. Bring to a boil, skimming foam occasionally. Let it boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then you need to remove the meat, drain the water, and rinse the pan to remove any meat scum.

3. Then pour again cold water, and put meat in it. The volume of water with meat should be 3 liters. Let the water boil again, there will be quite a bit of foam. Remove it, reduce the heat after the water has boiled and cook over very low heat for 2 - 2.5 hours. At the same time, the water should only gurgle slightly, and in no case should it boil. Otherwise, the broth will turn out cloudy and tasteless.

4. An hour after boiling, add one peeled onion and hot capsicum, either a piece or a whole pepper. Depending on how bitter it is. You can also add a whole bell pepper, if you cook it in the summer season.

40 minutes before the meat is ready, put two whole peeled potatoes into the broth.

Onion, Bulgarian and hot peppers We will later throw it away and grind the potatoes into puree.

In Ukrainian red soup, the spoon must stand, and potatoes will help us with this. Plus, it will make the broth even thicker, richer and more delicious!

5. While our broth is cooking, let’s prepare the vegetables.

6. Cut the onion into small cubes or small half rings.

Cut the carrots and parsley or parsnip root into strips. Prepare tomatoes or tomato paste. If you use fresh tomatoes, then make a cut on them and pour boiling water over them for 5 minutes, then remove the skin and cut the tomatoes into cubes.

7. Heat 2 tablespoons of melted butter in a frying pan, add onion to it and simmer a little until soft. There is no need to make the fire high so that the oil does not start to burn.

8. Add carrots cut into strips and white roots. Also add spices to the pan that you will use for flavor and aroma. Add 3-4 tablespoons of broth from the pan and simmer a little.

9. After the broth has boiled, add flour and lightly fry it until a slight nutty smell appears, 1-2 minutes. Then turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid to allow the contents to simmer.

10. Separately, prepare the beets. To do this, cut it into small strips and lightly fry it in the remaining melted butter in a separate frying pan. Don’t even fry it anymore, but simmer it. Add tomatoes or tomato paste to the beets, as well as sugar and vinegar, and a little broth from the pan. Simmer over very low heat.

However, you can also use pickled beets, or beets prepared in one of the four methods already described.

11. Cut the cabbage into thin strips, peel the remaining potatoes and put them in water for the time being.

12. When the meat comes off the bone easily, remove it from the broth. Let's also take out the onion and red pepper, you can throw them away. Let's take out the potatoes separately, they haven't boiled yet and that's good.

13. Strain the broth to get rid of small bones, if any remain in it. Put the broth on the fire again and put the whole potatoes into it again.

14. Add cabbage and potatoes in the same way as in the previous recipe. If the cabbage is spring, then first add the remaining potatoes, which you can cut as you like, but usually they are cut into cubes, it just so happens.

That is, we now use potatoes in two forms - one, sliced, and in a saucepan they are also boiled in their whole form (we will later grind them into puree).

If the cabbage is autumn, then add it first, and after 15 minutes the chopped potatoes. Salt the broth with vegetables to taste.

15. Also add the meat, freed from bones and cut into pieces. If you used brisket, you can leave the ribs on the bone and, when serving, put both the rib and the meat on a plate.

17. Take out the potatoes that have been boiled whole and mash them into puree if they are not yet boiled.

18. Add the roasted beets and cook for another 5-7 minutes over low heat so as not to lose the beautiful rich color.

19. Let's do the highlight Ukrainian borscht- preparation of lard. It can be used both at home and store bought. Lard is often used, which is well seasoned with pepper. We cut the lard into pieces, chop the garlic as finely as possible, cut the greens that you want. And we grind all this in a mortar into a homogeneous mass.

20. Add the resulting mixture to the pan, add 1 or 2 bay leaves, and pepper to taste. Try to see if there is enough salt. Wait until it boils and immediately turn off the heat.

21. Wrap in a towel and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

22. After this time, pour hot soup on plates, season with sour cream and chopped fresh herbs.

Traditional Ukrainian dish served with garlic dumplings. Dumplings are small round buns. They are preparing from yeast dough. Garlic gravy is made from crushed garlic with the addition of salt, water and vegetable oil.

Our real Ukrainian borscht is ready! It’s so aromatic and delicious that it just blows your mind! No one remains indifferent to him after dinner. They say that on the second and even on the third day it becomes even tastier. On the third day, as a rule, there is never any leftover, because they always eat it with additives. But on the second day it happens that it remains! But I can’t say whether it’s tastier or not than the first one - because both are tasty!

However, you can try it yourself! After all, this dish is worth preparing and eating!

By the way, you can serve it in a bread plate. See how to do this, and at the same time you can see how the Ukrainian version is prepared.

I specifically wrote these two recipes in very, very detail so that I could use their basic rules to prepare other versions of the dish. Therefore, I will not describe the following recipes with such care, but will only focus on the main features and stages of their preparation.

Siberian recipe with meatballs and beans

We will need:

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • beets -2-3 pcs
  • potatoes -3 pcs
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 2 - 3 cloves
  • beef broth - 2.5 liters
  • vinegar 3% - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • beans - 1/4 cup
  • bay leaf - 1 - pieces
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • parsley
  • sour cream - for serving

For the meatballs:

  • minced meat - 200 g (any, mixed)
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • water - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Soak the beans in cold water for 5 - 6 hours in advance. Then boil them until tender without adding salt.

2. Cut onion (1 head) into small cubes, carrots into strips.

3. Fry the onion in a thick-walled frying pan or saucepan, then add the carrots, pour in two or three tablespoons of broth and simmer until the carrots are soft.

4. Finely chop the beets into strips and put them to simmer in another frying pan. Add tomato paste, sugar, vinegar and a little broth. Simmer for 10 minutes with the lid closed. Then transfer the stewed carrots into the beets, turn off the heat and cover with a lid.

5. Finely chop the cabbage and cut the potatoes into strips. You can use both fresh and sauerkraut.

If you cook borscht from sauerkraut, then it must first be stewed in a small amount of broth or water. The extinguishing time can be 1 -1.5 hours. Then add it along with the broth in which it was stewed.

6. Bring the meat broth to a boil. Place cabbage, potatoes and boiled beans. Add salt to taste. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

7. While the vegetables are cooking, cut the remaining onion into cubes as small as possible and place in the prepared minced meat, add salt and pepper to taste, water and beat in the egg. Mix everything until smooth and form small meatballs.

8. Add them to the broth, cook for 7 minutes.

9. Then add the sauteed vegetables, wait until the broth boils and cook for another 7 minutes, at a very low boil, so that the beets do not lose their color.

10. Chop the garlic as finely as possible, chop the parsley finely. Add them and the bay leaf to the pan, let it boil and turn off. Cover the pan with a lid, wrap it in a towel and let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

11.Pour the hot red soup into bowls, season with fresh herbs and sour cream. Enjoy eating!

I would like to add that I cook this version without meat broth. Vegetables give great flavor to the broth even without meat. But we also add meatballs, so you can deviate a little from the rules and simply cook with meatballs in water.

And as an option, you can cook it with Uzbek chickpeas. Prepare it in the same way as this option, only the peas need to be soaked in large quantity time.

It is clear that such borscht probably cannot be called Siberian, but as an option - take note. It turns out very thick and tasty.

Moscow borscht with meat, sausages and smoked pork

When we visited Moscow in our youth, we always tried to get this dish either in a canteen or in a cafe - and it always seemed especially tasty to me. I didn’t know what made him special then, I just liked him. I don’t dare to say now what I liked more - the dish itself, or its name, which was associated with the capital of our Motherland. I liked everything Moscow back then!

Now I have already figured out what the features of this recipe are, and of course I already like the recipe itself, which I share with you with great pleasure.

We will need:

  • smoked pork bones with skin - 200 g
  • boiled beef meat - 100 g
  • ham or ham - 100 g
  • sausages - 2 pcs
  • fresh or pickled cabbage - 300 g
  • beets - 2-3 pcs
  • carrots 1 - 2 pcs
  • onion - 1 - 2 pcs
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 3% - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • fresh herbs
  • sour cream - for serving


1. Boil meat broth with the addition of smoked bones and skin. You can use, for example, brisket, or shank, or other parts that have bone and skin.

2. Cut the onion into thin half rings, carrots and beets into strips. Finely chop the cabbage into strips.

3. Saute, as in previous recipes, separately onions with carrots, and separately beets with tomato paste and adding vinegar.

4. First place the cabbage in the prepared broth and boil it for 15 - 20 minutes until done. The time depends on the type of cabbage and how finely you chop it.

5. Add carrot and beetroot dressing, cook for another 5 - 7 minutes. Then pepper, add bay leaf, let it boil and turn off the heat. Close the lid and let it brew.

6. Cut the boiled beef, ham, and sausages into small pieces or strips. Or you can cut the ham into strips, boiled beef in large layers, and sausages in circles.

7. Pour the soup into bowls, place pieces of meat and sausages on top.

As you may have noticed, it is cooked with smoked pork meats and when ready, it has a very pleasant smell. And the abundance of meat makes it a favorite dish of many people! No flour is added to it.

It is prepared without potatoes, but served with potato cheesecakes. Or you can serve it with small unsweetened garlic buns, in Ukraine they are called pampushki.

Boyar borscht with beef, pork and chicken, stewed in the oven in pots

We will need:

  • meat bones - 600 - 800 gr
  • beef - 200 gr
  • pork - 200 gr
  • chicken – 200 gr
  • lard - 80 gr
  • beets - 2-3 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp
  • vegetable or ghee - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 3% - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Bay leaf
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • sour cream, fresh herbs for serving.


1. Pour water over the meat bones and cook broth from them. Cook it over very low heat for a long time, about 3 hours, so that it becomes “strong” and rich.

Strain the finished broth, as it may contain fragments of chopped bones. Add salt to taste.

2. Cut the beets, carrots and cabbage into thin strips, and the onion into thin half rings or small cubes.

3. Also cut beef, pork and chicken into medium-sized strips.

4. Sauté the onion in half the oil, add the carrots and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Then add flour, fry lightly, add a little broth and simmer for another 5 minutes.

5. Stew the beets in the remaining oil, add sugar, simmer for 2-3 minutes in a closed container, then pour in half the vinegar, stir, add tomato paste, a little broth and the remaining vinegar. Simmer with the lid closed until the beets are ready.

6. Grind lard with salt and garlic.

7. Prepare clay pots and place all the ingredients in them, leaving room for the broth. Add broth, bay leaf and ground black pepper.

8. Place in a preheated oven. Simmer for 30-40 minutes.

9. Turn off the gas and leave the pots in the oven for another 20-30 minutes.

10. Serve with chopped fresh herbs and sour cream. And in the old days, such a dish was also served with crumbly buckwheat porridge.

And the next option is prepared with just one chicken.

Poltava chicken borscht with dumplings

According to this recipe, it can be prepared from both chicken and goose. Choose meat according to your taste. And today I’m preparing it from chicken meat.

We will need:

  • chicken meat - 600 gr
  • lard - lard - 50 g
  • rendered pork lard - 50 g
  • cabbage - 250 - 300 gr
  • beets - 2 pieces
  • carrots - 1 piece
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 - 3 pieces
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • parsley or celery root - 50 g
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vinegar 3% - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Bay leaf
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste

For dumplings:

  • flour - 60 gr
  • egg - 1/2 pcs
  • water - 100 ml


1. Boil the chicken and cook chicken bouillon. Cook it over very low heat so that the broth does not become cloudy.

2. Cut the carrots and parsley root into thin strips. Onion - thin half rings or small cubes. Fry onions, carrots and chopped parsley root in fat. Add a little broth and simmer until done.

3. Cut the beets into strips, sprinkle with vinegar, place in a frying pan along with crushed lard and garlic and heat thoroughly.

4. Add tomato paste and sugar, simmer in a frying pan until half cooked.

5. Remove the chicken from the broth and strain the broth if necessary. Add salt to taste.

6. Add diced potatoes and finely shredded cabbage to the broth, cook for 15 minutes.

7. Add carrots and onions, boned and cut chicken meat, cook for 5 minutes.

8. Then add beetroot dressing and cook for another 5 minutes. Add bay leaf and pepper to taste.

9. Turn off the heat and let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

10. Prepare dumplings during this time. To do this, boil water, add 1/3 of the flour, stir well and remove from heat.

11. After the dough has cooled, add the egg and remaining flour. Mix the dough well with a spoon.

12. Use a tablespoon to scoop out the dough and place it in boiling salted water and cook until done.

13. Serve the borscht by pouring it into plates, laying out the dumplings, sprinkling with fresh chopped herbs and seasoning with sour cream.

This dish can be easily eaten without bread; dumplings can easily replace it.

Kuban recipe with baked pork belly (peritoneum)

And now I want to bring to your attention one more unusual recipe. What is unusual about it is that the food is fried in a way that is not entirely familiar to us. The lard that we add is ground together with garlic, herbs and mustard. Density is achieved by boiled and grated potatoes.

In addition, along with the soup, baked belly or peritoneum is served in the oven, which is stuffed with garlic and sprinkled with spices, pepper and mustard. And sweet buns made from shortcrust pastry are also served.

I think that this recipe is unknown to many and will seem interesting.

Borscht with smelts in Pskov style

Yes, yes... don't be surprised! Everyone's favorite dish can be prepared not only with meat, but also with fish!

We will need:

  • smelt or smelt (dried) - 150 g
  • sauerkraut – 300 gr
  • beets - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • parsley root - 0.5 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vinegar 3% - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • Bay leaf
  • fresh herbs, sour cream - for dressing


1. Boil dried smelt or smelt and drain in a colander. Strain the broth, and we will cook it in it.

2. Boil the beets in their skins, then cool, peel and cut into thin strips. Sprinkle it with vinegar and stir.

3. Cut the onion, carrots and parsley root into strips and sauté in 2 tbsp. spoons of oil. Add sugar, tomato paste and a little broth. Simmer until done.

4. We will use sauerkraut. Therefore, you will need to pour a small amount of broth over it, add a tablespoon of oil and simmer for 1.5 - 2 hours, stirring occasionally and adding broth if necessary.

5. Place cabbage in the smelt broth and bring to a boil. Add carrot dressing and beets. Salt and pepper to taste, add bay leaf. Cook for 5-7 minutes.

6. Then turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew.

7. Ready dish pour into plates, season with chopped herbs, add smelt and sour cream.

8. Eat with pleasure!

Or you can cook it with smelt and cabbage soup. We will cook it exactly the same way, only without adding beets.

There are many more cooking options. For example, fasting has now begun and many will observe it and will not eat meat. In this case, you can cook Lenten option. This recipe is already on the pages of my blog. And you can check out his recipe

Of course, we can’t cover all the recipes in one article. Therefore, I will continue to search in the future interesting recipes, try to cook according to them. And then I will share them with you, maybe you will like something too!

I hope that today’s selection will be interesting for you and the material useful. And you can cook the kind of borscht you want!

After all, as it turns out, you can cook it from any meat, as well as poultry and even fish! In addition to the traditional cabbage, carrots and beets, you can add beans or mushrooms. Today we did not touch upon them with our attention, but if you want to add mushrooms, you can safely do so.

Dried mushrooms must first be boiled and then added along with cabbage. Fresh mushrooms add before adding vegetables, bring to a boil and skim off the foam, and then add all the ingredients in accordance with the recipe.

It should also be remembered that potatoes are always placed in the broth either before the cabbage, if it is fresh from spring, or after, if it is firm from autumn. With sauerkraut better potatoes do not use, or add cabbage only after the potatoes are cooked.

Beets with vinegar and tomato paste should also be added only after the potatoes are cooked, otherwise they will turn out tough and tasteless.

But the rest seems to be clear and understandable! I wish that the borscht cooked by you always turns out thick, rich, aromatic and tasty. And also so that it is always bright and beautiful!

Bon appetit!

Borscht with meat should definitely appear on the home kitchen table from time to time. So bright, satisfying, aromatic, full of flavors, and with big piece the most tender meat.

At any time of the year, borscht with meat is relevant. It can be served cool in summer and hot in winter. Yes, have a bite with garlic and rye bread, and season the borscht itself with sour cream. In order for the meat in the borscht to be tender and soft, and for the broth itself to be aromatic and rich, the meat broth should be cooked for quite a long time, about an hour and a half. Knowing this and not having so much time left to prepare lunch or dinner, meat broth for borscht can always be prepared in advance. For example, a day before the desired moment.

I would like to note that with the beginning of the new summer season, and, consequently, with the appearance of young vegetables, from which I prepared this borscht, this dish acquires even more rich flavor shades. I decided to cut the carrots and beets into strips and thanks to this simple trick, the usual borscht with meat began to sparkle with new colors. I also add a spoonful of sugar to the borscht at the stage of preparing the dressing. This allows you to achieve very interesting taste, which I can literally describe as: sweet-sour-salty. In general, words cannot express everything, and to try this wonderful borscht with meat you just need to cook it. And I will be happy to tell you and show you how to do this.


  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 400 g pork
  • 1 medium beet
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 onion
  • 1.5 cups shredded cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • Bay leaf
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • salt to taste (0.3-0.4 tablespoons)
  • ground pepper to taste
  • black peppercorns (4-5 peas)
  • fresh herbs

Borscht with meat, step-by-step recipe with photos

To prepare this recipe for borscht with meat, I used a piece of boneless pork weighing about 400 g. You can take pork with a bone (for example, ribs). And weight doesn’t play a role here. Even a small piece of meat will make excellent borscht.

Fill the pan with water, in my case it turned out to be 2.5 liters of water. Place a thoroughly washed piece of meat, a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns in cold water. Place the pan on the stove. Bring the water to a boil and reduce the heat to low. Cook the meat broth under a loosely closed lid for 1.5 hours, depending on the size of the piece of pork (what larger piece, the longer the broth cooks).

When the meat broth is ready, remove the bay leaf and peppercorns.

Preparing vegetable dressing for borscht with meat. To do this, peel the carrots and beets and cut the vegetables into small strips. You can also simplify this task for yourself and grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater.

We peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into strips, but larger ones. Immediately after cutting, place the potatoes into boiling meat broth.

Heat the frying pan and add a little sunflower oil, literally two tablespoons. Fry the beets and carrots until tender for about 3-5 minutes over medium heat, then add two tablespoons of tomato paste and a level tablespoon of sugar, as well as very finely chopped onion, to the vegetables. Cook the vegetable fry for another 3 minutes, then add the vegetable dressing to the pan with the rest of the ingredients.

Cook the borscht with meat for 20 minutes from the moment you add the potatoes and vegetables, then chop the cabbage (I used young cabbage in this recipe for borscht with meat) and also add it to the borscht.

We continue to cook the borscht with meat for another 15 minutes, after which we add salt and pepper to taste, and also season with fresh, finely chopped herbs.

The ideal option would be to let the borscht with meat brew under a tightly closed lid for 15-20 minutes, after which it will become even tastier. A piece of pork should be caught from the borscht and cut into portioned pieces, and then return the meat to the borscht.

Liquid meals are simply necessary for humans. Cold or hot soups, borscht, solyanka or kharcho - there are a lot of broth-based products.

Delicious borscht also has several cooking options. Every housewife has her own secrets that are unknown to other cooks. That is why in each family the taste and composition of this dish differ significantly. Let's consider detailed instructions, classic with photos is presented in this article.

Meat selection and preparation

The soup can be made from pork or beef, poultry or rabbit. However correct borscht always has a basis. Still, it is better to give preference to beef tenderloin when preparing it.

When buying meat, pay attention to the presence of bones in it. It is she who will help you prepare a rich broth and subsequently delicious borscht. The meat should not be dry. The product should “play” in your palm. Sniff the selected piece. The smell should not be pungent or unpleasant. There should be small layers of fat in the meat tenderloin. This is necessary so that after cooking the product does not become hard.

If necessary, ask the seller to cut the meat into pieces of a certain size; most meat markets provide this service for a fee. You can also purchase an already processed product in the form of a goulash preparation. In this case, you need to take care of purchasing a separate bone.

Making the broth

It is necessary to thoroughly wash the meat before. The classic recipe with meat involves long-term cooking of the product. Place the processed product in a saucepan with a thick bottom and fill with water room temperature. The volume of the cookware depends on the desired amount of the prepared product. Do not choose small pans as a large number of the ingredients may simply not fit there. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil.

Any foam that rises to the surface during cooking must be carefully removed. After the first removal of the plaque, you need to salt the broth and, if necessary, add peppercorns. Cook the meat until it becomes soft. After cooking, remove the bone and proceed to further adding to the soup.

Recipe for borscht dressing

While the broth is cooking, you can not waste time, but prepare the necessary ingredients for dressing. You will need the following components:

  • half a head of cabbage;
  • two small carrots;
  • one medium-sized onion;
  • beets in the amount of two pieces;
  • herbs to taste: parsley or dill;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • medium-sized potatoes in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • three tablespoons of tomato paste or one tomato.

Cooking cabbage

With meat) always implies the presence of cabbage. You need to remove the top leaves from it, and then start chopping the product. Cut a small piece of the vegetable from the side and cut it into thin strips. Repeat the procedure with the next part. In this way you should process about half of a small head of cabbage.

Next, you need to take a deep frying pan and put the shredded cabbage in it. Add some olive oil and simmer under the lid closed for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the tomato mixture. To do this, peel the tomato by first placing it in boiling water for half a minute. Cut the vegetable into small cubes and add to the pan. You can also use regular tomato paste. In this case, just put it in the cabbage. Stir the product and simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes. After this, transfer the resulting tomato mixture into a separate bowl.

Carrots and onions

At the next stage of preparing the Borscht dish, the step-by-step recipe involves processing onions and carrots.

Peel the onion and cut it into small pieces. Place the product in a preheated frying pan with oil and fry until golden brown. During this time, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add them to the onions. Saute the vegetables for another 5 minutes with the lid open, stirring constantly. After that, put them in a common bowl with the cabbage.

Beetroot and garlic

This product is perhaps one of the main ones that borscht contains. Step by step recipe indicates that the beets need to be peeled, rinsed under running water and grated on a coarse grater.

The processing of this ingredient differs from the others in that it is not fried or sautéed.

Next, you need to peel the garlic and cut it into tiny cubes. If you have a device for processing it, then it is better to use it. Add the ingredient to the grated beets and set aside.


Take 5 medium sized potatoes and peel them. Best choice for borscht classic potatoes. It contains required amount starch, which prevents potato pieces from falling apart.

Cut into small squares or strips and soak in cold water.

Assembling borscht (classic recipe with meat)

When the broth with meat is ready, add cabbage, carrots and onions. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and cook until they boil again.

After this, you need to add also stir the broth and cook it for another 15 minutes over low heat. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the soup does not “run away”. To do this, do not use high heat and stir the dish as often as possible.

When the time indicated in the instructions has expired, you can put next ingredient- potato. To do this, drain the liquid from it and carefully transfer the pieces into the broth. Cook the soup for another 10 minutes after the next boil.

Finishing touches

When the potatoes are cooked and soft, add finely chopped dill or parsley to the broth. You can also add a few bay leaves. This maneuver will give the dish a special alluring aroma.

There is one more point that must be taken into account when preparing the Borscht dish. The classic recipe with meat indicates the need for the broth to infuse. To do this, you need to wait for the dish to cool down and put it in the refrigerator. The product can be consumed only after a few hours, or better yet, after a day. In this case you will receive delicious soup with the softest tender meat.


The dish must be served with sour cream. It will only complement your borscht and make it even more delicious. Some families prefer to eat borscht with mayonnaise. This option is also possible, but it already differs from the classic recipe.

It is also necessary to serve the soup with regular sliced ​​bread or prepare bread that goes perfectly with this liquid dish.


Now you know how to cook borscht (classic recipe). You can see a photo of the prepared dish in this article.

Such a dish will become excellent option for lunch or dinner. The aromatic hot broth will warm you up in cold, stormy weather.

Borscht can also be prepared for any celebration, especially if it is held in national traditions. Prepare the dish with pleasure, following the described instructions. In this case, you will achieve the desired result and receive well-deserved praise from your loved ones and guests.

Borscht is the first thing many of us think of when we hear the word soup. One of the most popular soups, which are found in both Russian and Ukrainian cuisine, as well as the cuisine of many Eastern European countries. Although there are differences in recipes and names, the most important thing they always have in common is the main vegetable ingredient is beets. Whether it’s delicious borscht with meat or lean, with cabbage or beans, the right red borscht will always be with beets. This is what makes him special and loved.

We always associate borscht with a home-cooked dinner, mother or grandmother in the kitchen, and the unique aromas of meat and vegetables. I know a lot of people whose favorite soup is borscht. And I can understand their feelings. By the way, every family has its own tricks and peculiarities of preparing delicious borscht. Some add pepper, some lemon juice, vegetables are placed in different sequences, tomatoes and spices, garlic, dumplings, lard. It's varied and can make your head spin.

Just recently I talked about the version of borscht, and in this article I want to turn to borscht with meat, my favorite. And I think that many will agree with me.

The easiest recipe for making borscht with beef

First of all, I want to tell you how to cook delicious borscht with meat on beef broth. Beef meat is lean, tasty and healthy, rich in iron and proteins, and also contains B vitamins. Broths that are cooked from meat with bones are especially successful. Of course, you don’t need to boil one bone, but if you have a piece of meat with a small bone, the broth will definitely turn out excellent, thick and rich, but not greasy. Therefore, borscht with beef can be considered a safe dish for your figure, the main thing is not to use too much vegetable oil when preparing the frying.

For borscht you will need:

  • beef - 400-500 g (possibly with a bone),
  • beets - 1 large (or 2 small),
  • cabbage - 300 grams,
  • potatoes - 3-4 pieces,
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces,
  • onions - 1 piece,
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons without top,
  • garlic and herbs to taste,
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs,
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • salt, peppercorns.


1. Delicious borscht with meat always starts with preparing the broth. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the piece of meat, remove any broken bones and put it to cook over medium heat. During the cooking process, be sure to constantly skim any foam that appears from the surface of the water. If you don’t remove it, the broth will be cloudy and not tasty. Foam is a protein that is released from meat when heated. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to medium or slightly lower so that there is no active boiling, but only rare bubbles. This way the beef will almost simmer in the water and you will get a very tasty broth. Cooking can take anywhere from two to three hours, depending on what part of the carcass you used. Check for doneness by checking the tenderness of the meat.

2. When the meat becomes soft, you can remove it from the pan to cool. A little later, cut it into small pieces that will be convenient to eat. In the meantime, we will start adding vegetables. Peel potatoes, beets and carrots. Immediately cut the potatoes into cubes and place in a pan of boiling water. The fire can now be increased. Boil the potatoes for 10 minutes.

3. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the cabbage into thin strips. Don’t make it too long; the pieces should fit in a tablespoon so that it’s easy to eat. ready soup. Put the cabbage to cook 10 minutes after the potatoes. And cook for another 10 minutes.

If you have autumn or winter cabbage, it takes longer to cook and is tougher. In this case, it can be placed with or in front of the potatoes.

4. At this time, put a frying pan on the fire with a small amount of vegetable oil. Finely chop the onion and pour it into the frying pan. Fry the onion until it becomes transparent and just starts to turn a little golden.

5. The next vegetable also goes into frying in a frying pan. This will be a carrot; it needs to be grated on a coarse grater. Do this in advance so that while you are grating it, the onions do not overcook. Add the grated carrots to the onions and continue sautéing, stirring constantly. The carrots and onions should become soft, but not browned. A fried crust will ruin the taste of the soup.

6. When the carrots soften a little and change color, it’s time to add the grated beets and tomato paste. They need to be added together because beets, when cooked, begin to lose their rich burgundy-red color, and the acid contained in tomato paste prevents this process and fixes the color. Some cooks add vinegar or vinegar to the soup to fix the color. citric acid, but this time we’ll make do with tomato paste.

7. Mix the vegetables well with the tomato paste and reduce the heat under the frying pan. Now cook over low heat until the beets soften a little. You can cover with a lid and lightly simmer the vegetables.

8. While the roast is stewing, check the potatoes and cabbage. Use a spoon to catch a piece of vegetables and try to cut them with a knife; if it cuts easily and does not crunch, then they are ready. It's time to return the boiled meat, cut into pieces, into the preparing borscht.

9. The vegetables are cooked, the frying is ready. It's time to connect them. Transfer the roast to the boiling broth with vegetables and stir thoroughly. Cook for another 5-7 minutes. Salt the borscht to taste, add a bay leaf and, if desired, a few peppercorns. Then turn off the stove, cover the soup with a lid and leave it to steep for 15-20 minutes.

10. If you want to add flavor to our delicious borscht with meat, then finely chop fresh herbs and garlic. Add to soup and stir. You can add herbs and garlic to the plates when serving.

Well, our beef borscht is ready. You can pour it into plates, add sour cream or herbs to taste. Get fresh Rye bread and call everyone to the table.

Bon appetit!

Borscht with pork ribs - step-by-step recipe

If I choose what to cook delicious borscht with meat from, then in second place after beef I will have pork ribs. But not smoked, as we use for, but raw. We will cook a good one out of them hearty broth for borscht, it will be correct and rich, because ribs consist of meat and bone, and the bone, as you know, is the best friend of a tasty broth.

You will need:

  • pork ribs - up to 1 kg,
  • beets - 1 piece (large),
  • potatoes - 3-4 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • onion - 1 piece,
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons,
  • cabbage - 250-300 grams (1/4 head of cabbage),
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • greens to taste,
  • Bay leaf,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


1. Pork ribs rinse thoroughly under running water. Then divide into pieces, cutting between the rib bones to leave one rib per piece. Ribs that are too long can be cut in half, but then be sure to rinse the meat again so that no bone fragments remain. Heat a frying pan and fry the ribs on both sides until lightly browned for 5 minutes. After this, pour water into the pan and let them cook for about 1 hour. Lightly fried meat will give the broth a golden color and a pleasant taste.

2. While the meat is cooking, you can prepare all the vegetables. The cabbage is peeled from the top leaves and chopped into small strips. Peel the potatoes and cover with cold water to prevent them from darkening. Peel the beets and carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Chop the onion into small squares. Peel the garlic and chop finely.

3. Once the meat is cooked, remove it from the pan and set it aside. We'll add it back to the soup later once the vegetables are cooked.

4. Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the boiling broth to cook for 5-7 minutes.

5. Try the cabbage; if it is tough from the late varieties, then put it to cook 10 minutes after the potatoes. If it is young summer cabbage, then add the cabbage after frying and cook for only 7-10 minutes.

7. Place the onion in a frying pan with heated oil and fry it until soft, then add the carrots and beets. Mix everything well and reduce the heating temperature. Simmer the vegetables over medium heat, stirring for 10 minutes.

8. Add tomato paste to the frying, stir and fry for another 5 minutes. Tomato paste will give vegetables a red color and a characteristic smell. It is important not to turn up the heat, otherwise everything will be overcooked and tasteless.

9. By the time the cabbage and potatoes in the pan are ready to fry, they should become softer. Add the roast to the soup and stir. Cook for another 10 minutes over low heat until it is just bubbling rather than actively simmering. After this, you can add garlic and herbs. Salt and pepper the soup, add bay leaf.

10. Taste all the vegetables, they should be ready and soft. After this, remove the pan from the heat, return the pork ribs to the borscht and cover with a lid. Let the soup brew for 25-30 minutes. During this time, it will cool down a little and become saturated with the aromas and tastes of all the ingredients.

You can serve it to the table!

Ukrainian borscht with pork and beans - video recipe

Since we are considering the most delicious ways If you cook borscht with meat, you shouldn’t lose sight of Ukrainian borscht. He is in mandatory preparing for meat broth and with pieces of meat. To this we will also add bell peppers and beans, these are the important ingredients of Ukrainian borscht. The right recipe preparation will help you make real tasty borscht, and in order not to make any mistakes, it is best to watch a very detailed and visual video. Don't forget to prepare an appetizer of lard with garlic and add a spoonful of sour cream. Consolidation!

Delicious borscht with meat and vegetables - step by step recipe

It would seem that what can be added to borscht with meat to make it even tastier, besides the standard set of vegetables or beans, as in the Ukrainian borscht recipe. It turns out that celery root and parsnips will help us greatly enrich the taste. These roots are not so difficult to find, and besides, many of us grow them in our own gardens. I suggest you cook borscht according to this recipe, and then evaluate the difference. Believe me, you will love this option too.

You will need:

  • pork or beef with bone - 1-1.3 kg,
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • beets - 1 piece,
  • parsnip - 1 piece,
  • celery stalks - 2 pieces,
  • onions - 2 pcs.,
  • Bell pepper- 1/2 pcs (or small),
  • tomatoes - 400 grams (canned in their own juice),
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • spicy adjika - 1 teaspoon,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • ground coriander - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs,
  • vegetable oil 2-3 tablespoons,
  • salt and black pepper to taste.


1. Delicious borscht with meat starts with meat. Take pieces with bones for cooking. It can be either beef or pork, the only difference will be in the time the meat is cooked. Beef cooks for about 2-2.5 hours, pork - 1-1.5 hours. Rinse the meat under running cold water to remove any bone fragments, then place in a saucepan and cover with cold water. This is important, under no circumstances hot. Now put it on the stove and cook. As it boils, gray foam will appear, which must be removed so that the broth is clear.

2. As soon as the meat boils, place two celery stalks and one small onion without peel into the pan. Continue cooking the meat until fully cooked.

3. While the broth is cooking, you need to prepare everything vegetable ingredients. Peel beets, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and onions. Grate the carrots, beets and parsnips. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Cut the sweet pepper into thin strips. Cut the onion into squares or quarter rings. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes and cover them with cold water to prevent them from darkening.

Tomatoes also need to be prepared in advance if you have fresh ones. They need to be doused with boiling water and the skin removed. Then grate or grind with a blender at low speed into a paste.

4. When the meat is cooked, remove the onion and celery stalks from the broth. They were needed only for the taste and aroma of the broth. Now you can throw them away.

5. Remove the meat from the pan as well. Let it cool slightly, then separate the seeds and cut the rest into small pieces.

6. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat and add the onion first. Fry it for literally 2 minutes.

7. Now add the grated carrots and fry for another 2-3 minutes, stirring.

8. Bell peppers go into the pan next. Continue sautéing vegetables for another 2 minutes.

9. Now add the grated beets. Reduce heat to low and simmer vegetables for 5 minutes.

10. After five minutes of simmering, add the tomatoes in their juice along with the juice (or fresh grated ones) and tomato paste. Mix everything well.

11. Add aromatic and delicious spices. Ground coriander, adjika and a spoonful of sugar. Stir everything and continue to simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes.

12. Now return the chopped meat and potato cubes to the broth.

13. Immediately add the white parsnip root. If you don’t have it, it’s not a big deal, you can cook without it, the broth will just have a slightly different taste. Add two bay leaves and cook further. As soon as it boils, remove the foam that appears, now the potatoes will produce it. After boiling, cook for 5-7 minutes until the potatoes are half cooked.

14. Fish out the bay leaf and add the cabbage. Cabbage should be cooked depending on how firm the variety is. The young one cooks very quickly, and the late one winter cabbage should simmer for at least 10 minutes. It is best to try the cabbage raw, and then when boiling, to understand when it is ready.

15. When the cabbage is almost ready, add the fry and cook at low simmer with small bubbles for another 5 minutes. Now you can add garlic to make the delicious borscht with meat even more aromatic.

16. Now add finely chopped greens. Cover with a lid and leave to steep for 20-25 minutes. The borscht will not lose its temperature, but at the same time it will be wonderfully saturated with aromas.

Well, our delicious borscht with pork is ready and different vegetables. It's time to serve. Don't forget the sour cream and fresh bread. Have a nice lunch with your family!

Navy borscht - delicious video recipe with meat broth and smoked meats

Finally, I can’t help but mention this delicious recipe borscht with meat. Navy borscht is prepared not only with boiled meat and in broth, but also with the addition of aromatic ruddy smoked meats. Have you already imagined this taste and smell? For lovers of smoked meats, this borscht is just a godsend, believe me, I’m one of them. Classic borscht Of course, there is no competition, but this is a variety worthy of it.

For cooking you will need products already known to us; you could see their list at the very beginning of the article in the recipe for borscht with beef. But in addition to meat on the bone, from which we will cook a hearty broth, they will also take part in the preparation: smoked ribs or knuckle. Beets, cabbage, carrots, potatoes - all these favorite vegetables are in place.

Watch the video recipe and cook delicious borscht with meat navy style!

When you write recipes like this delicious dishes, it's very difficult to stop. And it’s even harder not to run to cook them. I don’t know about you, but I’m running to cook borscht! Until next time and cook delicious food!