The best smoothie recipes from berries and fruits: delicious combinations. How to make a smoothie at home in a fruit blender for children, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, at night, for weight loss? Delicious and healthy smoothie recipes from fresh and frozen fruits and berries

Smoothies are thick drink, the main ingredients of which are berries and fruits chopped with a blender; sometimes ice, juice, milk, yogurt, nuts, honey, and even eggs are added to it. Today, there are many varieties of smoothies, among which everyone can choose what suits him (to his taste; depending on the goal pursued: weight loss, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, fast and tasty breakfast or lunch). As ingredients for smoothies, you can use your favorite fruits, berries, vegetables. And in ready drink all vitamins, microelements, as well as vegetable fibers are preserved unchanged, so the smoothie is not only pleasant to the taste, but also very useful.

Smoothies are fruit, vegetable, berry, fruit and berry, fruit and vegetable. In addition, among them are refreshing (without sugar), satiating (very thick), dessert (sweet), cold (with a high content of ice).

Refreshing smoothies are made from berries and fruits without added sugar (combining sour and sweet ingredients, for example, some berries and a banana). Such a drink is very useful because it does not contain sugar, and the banana included in its composition will allow long time not feel hungry.

Smoothie with banana, kiwi and pear - step by step recipe


Bananas - 1 pc.

Pears - 1 pc.

Kiwi - 2 - 3 pcs.

Powdered sugar - 20 g

Peach- Apple juice– 200 ml

Chocolate - 10 g

Cooking method:

For a cocktail, we need a ripe banana, kiwi and a juicy pear.

Peel the fruit and chop coarsely.

Use a blender to puree the fruit into a smooth puree.

Add to puree powdered sugar and juice to make it more liquid consistency. If you do not add juice, it will be delicious fruit puree that can be eaten with a spoon.

When serving, garnish the cocktail with grated chocolate or cinnamon.

Berry smoothie with banana

half a banana
frozen cherries (pitted) - 100 g
frozen strawberries - 100 g
cherry juice - 200 ml

Cooking method:

Peel banana, cut into small pieces. If used fresh berries, then they should first be frozen (after clearing the pits from the cherries). Place all ingredients in a blender, beat.

Saturating smoothies are very thick. The main ingredients for them are bananas, yogurt, cream, milk, sometimes some ice is added.

banana - 1 pc.
kefir - 2 cups
lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
honey - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

Peel the banana, cut into small pieces, transfer to a blender. Add lemon juice, kefir and honey. Shake (about 3 minutes).

Dessert smoothies are suitable for lovers of sweets, they are not low in calories, but they perfectly cheer up. For their preparation, sweet ingredients are used, sugar, honey, chocolate are added to them.

Sweet smoothie with fresh berries

fresh berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries) - 250 g
sugar - 2 tablespoons
powdered sugar - 50 g
vanillin - 1 teaspoon
milk - 150 ml
buttermilk - 300 ml
lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

Squeeze juice from berries. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Stir and pour into glasses. Beat the remaining sugar, vanillin, milk, buttermilk in a blender until foam forms. Pour into glasses.

Banana chocolate smoothie with cranberries

Banana chocolate smoothie also can't be named low calorie meal. However, adding fresh cranberries will make this delicacy much healthier.

banana - 1 pc.
cranberries - 50 g
kefir (or not sweet yogurt) - 1 cup
milk chocolate - 40 g

Cooking method:

Peel the banana, cut into small pieces, transfer to a blender. Add washed cranberries. Pour in kefir or unsweetened yogurt. Beat until formed homogeneous mass. Grate chocolate on a fine grater. Pour the fruit and berry mixture into a glass, sprinkle with chocolate on top. Banana chocolate smoothie can be garnished with a mint leaf and whole nuts.

Unsweetened vegetable smoothies great option for fast and light dinner(or lunch). This dish is great for vegetarians.

avocado (ripe) - 1 pc.
cucumber (fresh) - 1 pc.
garlic - 3 cloves
half a lemon
celery - 5 stalks
bunch of cilantro

Cooking method:

Wash the cucumber, remove the skin. Wash avocado, peel, remove pit. Peel the garlic. Squeeze juice from lemon. Put all ingredients into a blender. Beat until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Classic fruit smoothie

The hallmark of a cold smoothie is a large number of ice. This drink is perfect in summer, in hot weather. Prepare a cold smoothie based on fruits and berries.

orange (large and sweet) - 4 pcs.
grapefruit - 1 pc.
banana - 3 pcs.
handful of ice

Cooking method:

Wash the orange and grapefruit, cut in half, squeeze the juice. Peel bananas, cut into small pieces. Transfer all ingredients to a blender. Beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Fruits and vegetables in smoothies can be perfectly combined. Proof of this is a fruit and vegetable smoothie with pumpkin juice, which normalizes the digestive system.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie with pumpkin juice

banana - 1 pc.
tangerine - 1 pc.
apple - 1 pc.
pomegranate seeds - 30 g
pumpkin juice - 50 ml

Cooking method:

Banana peel, cut into large circles. Wash the apple, peel, remove the cores, chop. Peel the mandarin, divide into slices (if necessary, remove the seeds). Place all fruits in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour a little into a glass pumpkin juice. Gently fold the fruit mixture over the top. Garnish with pomegranate seeds.

Strawberry smoothie with yogurt

Quite often, yogurt is included in smoothies. Such a drink will become not only useful, but also very tasty, and if you use fat-free unsweetened yogurt, then it will not damage the figure at all.

strawberries - 7-8 berries
yogurt - 250 ml
a third of a glass of orange juice

Cooking method

If the strawberries are fresh, then they should be frozen by putting them in the freezer for 1 hour. freezer. frozen strawberries, yogurt, Orange juice transfer to a blender. Beat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Ready smoothies, if desired, can be decorated with strawberries.

Smoothie with oatmeal

Another recipe with yogurt is oatmeal smoothie. It's tasty, nutritious and healthy breakfast for the whole family. It is also very easy to prepare, although it takes a little longer because cereals should be poured with yogurt for a while so that they become soft.

oatmeal - 2 tablespoons
yogurt - 150 ml
mango - 1 pc.

Cooking method

Pour oatmeal with yogurt and leave for half an hour. Wash the mango, remove the skin, remove the stone. Transfer all ingredients to a blender and beat.

Smoothie combines pleasant taste and benefits for the body. Among other things, it is very quick and easy to prepare, and you can use what is at hand as ingredients. And this is very important in the modern pace of life. The only condition for making smoothies is the presence of a blender, since with the help of a mixer it is often impossible to achieve the much-needed uniform consistency. Of course, smoothies are sold in the store today. However, only by preparing it at home, you can be sure that it contains only fresh berries and fruits, you can control the amount of sugar by reducing it or eliminating it completely, experiment with the ingredients in search of your ideal taste.


Enjoy your meal!

A smoothie is not a drink, as most of us think, but a tasty, healthy, nutritious and at the same time low-calorie mixture (cocktail) made from various food components using a blender. A smoothie can be a complete lunch or dinner replacement, depending on the ingredients added to the mix. With the help of smoothies, you can easily throw off a couple extra pounds in just a week, while you will not experience hunger and constant irritability.


What is a smoothie and its effectiveness for weight loss

Literally from English "smooth" means soft, insinuating, gentle. England is considered its homeland, where it is widely used as a light snack or lunch by office workers. Smoothie is very hearty meal because it contains a large amount dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, cleansing it and improving digestion.

Smoothie is well digested, does not create a feeling of heaviness after itself, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, it is recommended even for those who have problems with the digestive system. A tasty and low-calorie smoothie is effective for weight loss, fully replacing dinner or lunch with it. To do this, when preparing it, you should mainly use fruits and vegetables (except for high-calorie bananas, grapes, etc., otherwise you can get the opposite effect), natural juices, as well as others low calorie foods. The desired result will be achieved quite quickly and without much effort. The puree-like consistency of the smoothie normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, saturates essential vitamins and useful substances, helps to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger for several hours, which prevents unnecessary snacks between main meals. As a result, you don't pass, but a small amount of calories consumed will allow you to painlessly lose weight.

Smoothies can be considered a tasty alternative to mouth-watering buns and chocolate, which we often cannot deny ourselves. When using this cocktail for weight loss, it is important to know a few things. Smoothies for weight loss, it is advisable to eat with a small spoon, and not drink, so the feeling of satiety will come faster, reducing appetite. For those who are losing weight, it is better to use it as a replacement for lunch or dinner, or both. On a smoothie diet, you can lose up to three kilograms per week. There are, of course, more strict diets when you need to eat exclusively smoothies and drink water in between. But this option is suitable for people with exceptional willpower. Not everyone can survive seven days on one cocktail, even if it is always different, it just gets boring. Therefore, such a diet is dangerous disruption.

A smoothie diet should not last more than a week, as low-calorie shakes do not contain required amount proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are necessary for the full functioning of the body.

To consolidate the result of weight loss achieved by including smoothies in the diet, you must adhere to low-calorie food with fiber content, as well as drink plenty of clean water without gas. Also replace an afternoon snack or second breakfast with a smoothie. For the same purposes, the cocktail can be used as a fasting day.

Preparing to lose weight with a smoothie

To easily transfer the diet, it is important to properly prepare for it. To do this, a few days before the diet, reduce the caloric content of the diet (up to 1200 kcal) and the volume of portions consumed. It is best to eat porridge at this time, fresh vegetables and fruit, you can lean varieties boiled meat and fish. It is also necessary to drink at least two liters of clean water without gas per day. The number of meals per day should be at least four to five (approximately every 2-2.5 hours), but in small portions, while one of the meals should be replaced with freshly squeezed juice or just water.

During weight loss on smoothies, spicy, salty, sweet, fatty, fried, smoked foods, as well as convenience foods, canned food, caffeinated, alcoholic and carbonated drinks should be excluded.

During the diet, the total amount of liquid consumed (smoothies, water, juices) should not exceed three liters per day.

You should get out of the smoothie diet the right way. This should be done gradually, over two weeks, include solid foods in the diet and increase calories to 1500 calories. And, of course, drink more water during the day.

  • For a thicker smoothie, use more fruit (a frozen version is also good in winter).
  • If you mix sour and sweet varieties of fruits, you will get a richer and richer taste.
  • The basis of the cocktail can serve as low-fat kefir or natural yogurt, for sweetness, you can add a little natural honey.
  • Absolutely any juice can be used for a cocktail, it all depends on your taste, season and preferences.
  • In the finished cocktail, you can add a handful of your favorite nuts on top.
  • Do not use high-calorie additives like sherbet, cream, ice cream to make a cocktail.

How to make smoothies for weight loss

To mix the cocktail, the products should be washed in advance, peeled, removed the seeds and cut into halves. Mix effectively in equal proportion products of different density, for example, apple and orange. There should not be any sugar or its substitutes in smoothies!

Strict seven day smoothie diet

During the week, eat only smoothies 4-5 times, 1 glass (about 250 g at a time) per day after 2-2.5 hours.

3 day smoothie diet

Is more forgiving. It provides for the replacement of three meals with cocktails, in other meals you can eat cereals, boiled non-fat meat, vegetables, fat-free kefir.

Sample menu.

Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal on the water, a glass of apple juice.
Lunch: cocktail portion (250 g).
Dinner: boiled piece chicken fillet, a glass of broth from him.
afternoon tea: glass of smoothie.
Dinner: a cocktail of pre-cooked vegetables with the addition of a teaspoon olive oil and greenery.

Slimming Smoothie Recipes

Banana strawberry smoothie.

pulp ripe banana(you can use peach, apricot) - ½ part.
Fresh or frozen berries (blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) - 150 g.
Fat-free kefir or natural low-fat yogurt (1%) - 150 ml.
Low-fat cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.

Beat fruits and berries into a homogeneous mass with a blender, then add kefir, beat again and add cottage cheese at the end.

Video: Healthy and easy smoothie snack.

Apples with cinnamon for weight loss.

Large apple (pre-remove seeds) - 1 pc.
Skimmed milk - 150 ml.
Cinnamon powder - ½ tsp

Bake the apple in the oven, preheat the milk. Extract the pulp from the baked apple and combine it with milk in a blender, add cinnamon. You can use yogurt instead of milk in this recipe. Get a cold cocktail.

Vegetable smoothie.

Broccoli (inflorescences) - 150 g.
Dill - a small bunch.
Fat-free kefir - 150 ml.
Spicy herbs to taste.

Boil the cabbage for a few minutes, cool. In a blender, mix tender sprigs of dill, kefir, cabbage and, if desired, herbs.

Milk fruit smoothie.

Orange - 1 pc.

soy or skimmed milk- ½ cup.

Beat all the ingredients thoroughly in a blender, add chopped nuts or pumpkin seeds to the finished cocktail.

Video: smoothie recipe for weight loss.

Carrot peach smoothie with flax seeds.

Ripe peach pulp - 2 pcs.
Carrot juice - ½ cup.
Flax seeds (grind in a coffee grinder) - 1 tsp.

Blend all ingredients into a puree in a blender.

Festive smoothie for weight loss.

Ripe banana pulp - ½ part.
Frozen or fresh strawberries- 6 pcs.
1% yogurt - ½ cup.
Freshly squeezed orange juice - ½ cup
Pre-crushed flaxseeds - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass and beat with a blender. Add ice cubes to the finished cocktail.

Smoothie "Slimness"

Grapefruit - 2 pcs.
Mandarin - 4 pcs.
Ripe banana pulp - 1 pc.
Low fat strawberry yogurt - 1 cup
Rustic honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Ice cubes.

Blend all ingredients in a blender, add ice cubes.

Citrus smoothie.

Orange - 1 piece.
Grapefruit - 1 pc.
Apple - 2 pcs.
Ripe banana pulp - ½ pc.
Lemon or lime - ½ part.
Grated ginger - 1 pinch.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass, add grated ginger to the finished cocktail.

Banana smoothie.

Freshly squeezed orange juice - ½ cup
Ripe banana pulp - 1 pc.
Apple - 1 pc.
Yoghurt 1% - 200 g.
Ice cubes.

Blend everything with a blender and add ice cubes.

Strawberry smoothie.

Chilled blueberries or strawberries - 100 g.
Skimmed milk - ½ cup.
Low fat yogurt - ¼ cup
Natural village honey - 2 tsp.
Ice cubes - 2-3 pcs.

First, beat the berries with yogurt, gradually add milk, at the end add honey and ice.

Spinach smoothie.

Spinach greens - 2 cups.
Skimmed milk - 1 cup.
Frozen banana pulp - 2 pcs.
Ice cubes - 2 pcs.

Whip all the ingredients thoroughly into a puree mass, add ice.

Useful smoothie.

Flax seeds - 2 tbsp. l.
Any berries - 200 g.
Powdered stevia - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the ingredients in a blender.

"Almond Chocolate"

Almonds - 30 g.
Water - 100 ml.
Strawberries (you can any other berry to taste) - 200 g.
Cocoa powder - 1 tsp

Soak nuts in water and leave overnight. In the morning, transfer the nuts and other components to a blender with high power and beat.

Delicious and nutritious smoothies for weight loss will be effective and in a pleasant way lose excess weight and maintain normal weight.

The diet has contraindications, so before implementing it, you should consult a doctor.


  1. Disease and various disorders of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the components of the cocktail.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at the stage of exacerbation.
  4. Ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.

These smoothies based on yogurt and fruits will help boost immunity in the winter.

1. Apple smoothie with yogurt

Ingredients: cinnamon - 0.5 tsp, apples - 150 g, natural yogurt - 200 g, honey - 1.5 tsp.

Wash apples, peel and seeds and grate. Add cinnamon, yogurt and honey to them. If sweet yogurt is used, it is not necessary to add honey so that the smoothie is not very sweet. In a blender, beat these ingredients until everything turns into a homogeneous texture. Pour into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

2. Pineapple-mango smoothie

Ingredients: mango - 1 pc., pineapple - 0.5 pcs., ice - 1 cup, banana - 0.5 pcs., vanilla yogurt - 170 ml, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon, milk - 0.5 cup.

Place ice cubes in a blender. Pour in the yogurt. Add half a banana there, cut into slices. Cut half of the pineapple into cubes and also lay in the blender bowl. Peel the mango, cut into cubes and add to the same place. Finally, add some honey to the blender bowl. Following the honey - a little vanilla extract. And the last ingredient, milk, also add to the blender bowl. Beat everything until smooth.

3. Smoothie with persimmon and bananas

Ingredients: persimmon - 2 pcs., banana - 2 pcs., orange - 1 pc., natural yogurt - 8 tbsp. spoons.

Peel the persimmon and put it in a blender. Squeeze juice from an orange. Mix all ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into glasses. Garnish with an orange or tangerine slice.

4. Banana blueberry smoothie

Ingredients: banana - 1 pc., fresh blueberries - 1 cup, natural yogurt - 120 ml.

Wash blueberries. Banana cut. Prepare yogurt. Combine all ingredients with a blender until smooth. Pour into glasses.

5. Drink with kiwi

Ingredients: kiwi - 4 pcs., banana - 1 pc., yogurt - 100 ml, grapefruit juice - 100 ml.

Peel the kiwi and half a banana, put in a bowl. Pour in yogurt, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and beat in a blender.

6. Grapefruit drink

Ingredients: grapefruit - 1 pc., natural yogurt - 125 ml, powdered sugar with vanilla - 1 tbsp. spoon, cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.

Peel the grapefruit, divide into slices and carefully release from the films. Transfer to a blender. Add cinnamon, vanilla flavored icing sugar and natural yogurt. Grind in a blender and pour into glasses.

7. Chocolate Shake with Mint Rim

Ingredients: chocolate yogurt - 400 ml, ice - 50 g, milk - 200 ml, chocolate syrup - 3 tbsp. spoons, lollipops - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Put yogurt, ice, milk and chocolate syrup into a blender. Bring to a homogeneous mass. Moisten the rims of the glasses and dip them in crushed candies, then lightly sprinkle the rims with chocolate syrup and then you can pour the cocktail.

8. Banana coctail with mocha

Ingredients: vanilla yogurt low content fat - 150 g, brewed coffee - 200 ml, banana - 2 pcs., cocoa powder - 4 teaspoons, ice cubes - 4 pcs.

Peel bananas, cut into pieces and place in a blender. Pour coffee, cocoa there, pour yogurt and throw ice. Grind it all until a homogeneous mass. Pour the cocktail into a glass and garnish with a cherry.

Ingredients: banana - 1 pc., frozen strawberries - 100 g, cranberries - 50 g, bran - 100 g (50 g - grind, 50 g - leave ready-made), yogurt without additives - 400 ml.

Grind bran with calcium and cranberries in a blender. Pour frozen strawberries and chopped banana into a blender and beat. It is very important not to use sugar when preparing a banana-strawberry cocktail, because then the calorie content of the cocktail will increase, and such a dessert is no longer dietary. Add ground bran with calcium and cranberries and yogurt to a blender. Beat again for 2 minutes. Pour into glasses.

Ingredients: yogurt - 200 ml, blueberries - 50 g, milk - 50 ml, sugar - to taste.

Mix yogurt, sugar and milk with a blender. Add blueberries and beat well again. The cocktail can be decorated with chocolate or blueberries.

11. Yogurt shake with oatmeal and cottage cheese

Ingredients: natural yogurt - 200 ml, ripe bananas - 1 pc., fat-free cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons, oatmeal - 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp, vanilla - 1 g, fresh mint - 1 pc.

Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. Bananas must first be peeled and broken into pieces. small pieces. Strip the leaves from the mint and tear into pieces. Pour into cups or glasses. You can decorate with a sprig of mint and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

12. Pear elixir

Ingredients: pear - 1 pc., plain yogurt - 60 ml, fresh mint - to taste, lime slice.

Cut the pear into pieces (you can pre-peel). Pour over yogurt. Put a few mint leaves in a small lime wedge. Put all the ingredients in a blender, squeeze the lime juice and beat for two minutes.

Hello friends! 🙋🏻

Despite the fact that this recipe is quite simple, the smoothie with apple and yogurt is very tender and tasty. It improves digestion, normalizes metabolic processes in the body and improves immunity.

It is important that apples 🍎 must be consumed daily by absolutely everyone - as healthy people and suffering various diseases. Please note that the longer the fruit is stored, the less vitamins and useful substances remains in them. Therefore, it is important to consume as fresh fruits as possible and, of course, eat them raw. That way you get the most out of them.


(for 2-3 servings)

  • 2 sweet red apples
  • 300 ml. natural yogurt (can be replaced with soy)
  • 1 st. l. honey or
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon

How to cook

  1. Preparing apples. First, wash the fruit thoroughly. Peel them off. Remove the stem. By the way, you can leave the seeds and add them to a smoothie, so it will turn out even more useful. For convenience, cut the apples into arbitrary pieces.
  2. Mix the ingredients and grind them in a blender. Pour the apple slices into a blender. Add some ground cinnamon for flavor and a spoon liquid honey for sweetness. It is necessary to act quickly so that the fruit does not darken. Grind all the ingredients for the apple smoothie into a puree mass.
  3. Add yogurt. Now open the lid and pour natural yogurt into the resulting mixture. I prefer to cook it myself from a special sourdough. However, regular classic or Greek yogurt from a trusted manufacturer that you are sure of is suitable for this recipe.
  4. Whisk the ingredients together. Beat again until smooth and soft texture. It is necessary that the pieces of fruit are completely crushed and combined with the rest of the products.
  5. We serve and taste. Immediately after making the apple smoothie, pour into suitable dishes. Add straws to make the cocktail easier to drink. You can decorate the glass with mint leaves, a cinnamon stick or an apple slice sprinkled with lemon juice to keep it from turning black.

Bon appetit and good mood! ☺️

Smoothie recipes from berries and fruits with milk, cocoa, coffee.

Fitonies and healthy eating are in fashion now, which is why a variety of healthy drinks vegetables and fruits are gaining popularity. With the help of smoothies, you can satisfy your hunger and saturate the body with minerals and vitamins. This is an excellent addition to protein foods to keep the body in good shape.

it basic recipe which can be used while on a diet. Despite the fact that the banana contains a lot of carbohydrates and sugars, this fruit is different high content potassium and minerals. It is very useful to drink this drink instead of breakfast.


  • 50 g grated chocolate
  • 2 bananas
  • 230 ml milk
  • 20 ml honey


  • Peel the fruit from the skin and load into the blender bowl. It can be submersible type or with knives inside
  • Turn on the device for 30 seconds and turn exotic fruits into a homogeneous substance
  • Add honey and puree for another 10 seconds. Pour milk over everything chocolate chips and turn on the device for 10 s

Adults have a small amount of enzymes in the stomach that break down milk. That is why after taking milkshakes and drinks, bloating and diarrhea can be observed. If you stick healthy eating, make a smoothie without milk.


  • 2 bananas
  • A handful of strawberries
  • 210 ml kefir
  • 10 g flax seed


  • Peel exotic fruits from the skin, and tear off the tails from strawberries
  • Pour the fruit into the blender cup and turn into a homogeneous mixture for 20 seconds
  • Enter kefir without turning off the blender and continue to average 10 s
  • Turn off the machine and pour in the flax seeds. Before serving, turn on the blender so that the seeds are not at the bottom.

This is a great drink that does not contain milk and will help quench your thirst in summer.


  • 1 peach
  • 2 kiwi
  • 2 bananas
  • 100 ml water
  • 50 m apple juice
  • Sugar


  • At high speeds using sharp knives crush a handful of ice in a blender
  • Add fruit to the bowl and puree for 30 seconds. Pour in the juice from the apple, add sugar and peeled peach
  • Average in the apparatus for 10 s and pour into glasses

it diet option, which can be safely consumed at night. The drink is low in calories and will help you fall asleep.


  • handful of blueberries
  • handful of grapes
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 250 g cherries
  • Sugar
  • 100 ml mineral water
  • Cinnamon


  • Wash the berries, remove the stones from the cherry, and separate the grapes from the branches
  • Load the berries into the bowl of the machine and puree for 10 seconds. Add ice and puree 10 more seconds
  • Enter sugar and cinnamon. Turn into a homogeneous substance again
  • Dilute your drink with mineral water

it great option for those who love a healthy lifestyle. Green vegetables contain vitamins. In addition, they are low in calories.


  • bunch of greenery
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 avocado


  • Peel and puree avocados and cucumbers
  • Enter a bunch of parsley, after cutting off the tails
  • Puree 10 seconds and pour into glasses

This is one of the options milkshake. The difference is that there are more strawberries in this drink.


  • 200 g strawberries
  • 60 g ice cream
  • 10 g sugar
  • 100 ml yogurt


  • Sort the berries and remove the tails. Pour the raw materials into the blender bowl and puree for 10 seconds
  • Add ice cream and sugar. Start the machine again for 15 seconds
  • Add yogurt and beat until smooth

Highly unusual recipe, which in our country hardly anyone will cook. This is due to the high cost of coconut. But if you are vacationing in exotic countries, use the recipe.


  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 2 bananas
  • 10 g granulated sugar
  • 150 ml kefir


  • Peel the bananas and throw in a blender
  • Puree for 15 seconds and sweeten
  • Enter kefir in a thin stream and pour in coconut milk
  • Whisk a little until smooth.

The drink can be prepared using frozen or fresh berries. The drink contains milk.


  • 250 g berries
  • 150 ml milk
  • 50 g ice cream
  • 10 g sugar


  • Grind the berries in the cup of the device and add ice cream
  • Pour sugar and average 10 s
  • Pour in sugar and pour in milk, put the device back into operation mode for 15 s
  • Berries do not need to be thawed before dipping in a blender.

Tangerines contain substances that improve metabolism. That's why tangerine drinks help you lose weight.


  • 2 tangerines
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 5 heel leaves
  • 100 ml apple juice


  • Peel citrus fruits from peels and immerse in the apparatus, sorting into slices
  • Beat for 40 seconds, and then add honey with crushed ice
  • Enter mint leaves and apple juice, turn on the device again for 15 seconds

In addition to apples, the drink contains carrots. It needs to be boiled first.


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • 2 apples
  • Sugar
  • Mineral water


  • Boil carrots and cut them into pieces
  • Peel the apples, no need to remove the skin
  • Peel grapefruit and divide into slices
  • Immerse fruits and vegetables in a blender and puree for 35 seconds
  • Enter sugar and dilute the drink with mineral water

If it’s winter outside and it’s hard to find fresh berries, you can use frozen ones.


  • 100 g currants, raspberries and strawberries
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 10 g sugar
  • 100 ml milk


  • Grind all the berries in a blender without defrosting them
  • Enter milk and sugar as well as crushed ice
  • Puree 30 seconds and pour into glasses

Delicious drink with piquant taste. The composition contains banana and kefir.


  • 1 banana
  • A handful of currant berries
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 1 tsp minced ginger root
  • Sugar
  • 100 ml kefir


  • Turn fruits and berries into a homogeneous substance in a blender
  • Enter crushed ice, kefir and sugar, puree again for 10 s
  • Enter crushed ginger and drink immediately

Very thick and satisfying smoothie with cottage cheese.


  • 100 g baby cottage cheese
  • 1 banana
  • 1 persimmon
  • 100 ml milk


  • Turn the ice into a cold crumb and enter the banana
  • Remove the skin from the persimmon and send it after the banana
  • Introduce cottage cheese and turn products into a homogeneous substance
  • Add milk and put the machine back into operation mode for 10 s

A very satisfying drink that can replace one of the meals.


  • 20 g oatmeal
  • 1 banana
  • handful of strawberries
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • 100 ml milk


  • Puree strawberry banana and add cinnamon
  • In a dry blender, turn the flakes into powder and pour milk for 10 minutes
  • Pour the milk mixture over the fruit and average 10 s

It's lightweight summer drink which perfectly refreshes and saturates with vitamins


  • 1 orange
  • 100 g fresh or canned pineapple
  • A handful of crushed ice
  • Sugar
  • Mineral water


  • Peel oranges and cut into slices
  • Enter pineapple and puree 15 -35 s
  • Add crushed ice and mineral water

A savory drink that can be used as a snack due to its low calorie content.


  • 2 pears
  • Lemon juice
  • 100 ml thick yogurt
  • Sugar


  • Remove the peel from the pear and squeeze the juice from the lemon
  • Puree pear with lemon and add yogurt
  • Add sugar and turn on the machine for 15 seconds

Cranberries are very useful berry for babies. With its help, you can prepare delicious and healthy drinks for children.


  • 1 banana
  • 50 g ice cream
  • handful of cranberries
  • Sugar
  • crushed ice
  • 150 ml yogurt
  • spoon of cocoa


  • Turn a banana with berries into a smooth puree
  • Enter ice cream and crushed ice
  • Pour sugar, pounded with cocoa powder
  • Pour in the yogurt and blend

Milk smoothies are very popular, as the combination of milk and fruit is very successful. Fruit vitamins in combination with milk minerals saturate the body with useful substances.


  • 1 banana
  • half mango
  • 1 peach
  • handful of strawberries
  • 100 ml milk
  • 50 g ice cream
  • Sugar


  • Peel the banana from the skin, and the strawberries from the tails
  • Remove the skin from the peach and put everything into a blender
  • Puree 20 seconds and add sugar, ice cream and milk
  • Add mango pieces and again average 20s

Smoothies are made with freshly brewed coffee. It adds spice to the drink.


  • 150 ml coffee
  • 50 g ice cream
  • 1 banana
  • Cinnamon


  • Peel the banana and toss it into the bowl along with the ice cream
  • Enter honey and cinnamon and puree for 20 seconds
  • Add coffee and blend some more

As you can see, smoothies are a great option to saturate the child's body with vitamins, even if he does not really like to eat fruits. In addition, it is a way to lose weight.

VIDEO: The benefits of smoothies