Homemade mayonnaise - step-by-step recipe. How to make mayonnaise at home with anchovies? Homemade mayonnaise recipes

Mayonnaise is a classic French sauce that is widely used in cooking all over the world. In our country, not a single holiday, feast or even just lunch is complete without it. It is used to season salads, nutritious sauces are prepared on its basis, it is used for meat and fish dishes, as well as a variety of vegetable rolls and pita bread, or simply spread on freshly baked bread. However, the mayonnaise sold in stores has little in common with the real French sauce that has earned such popularity. Now this is an incomprehensible, very fatty substance that contains harmful trans fats, artificial flavors, dyes, preservatives and carcinogens. Of course, such mayonnaise is not beneficial for the body and leads to obesity, and its taste qualities leave much to be desired.

Many people do not make mayonnaise on their own, believing that it is a very troublesome task that requires a lot of effort, time and ingredients. Mayonnaise is actually made from two main ingredients: fresh eggs and vegetable oil, and it only takes 10 minutes to prepare. In this article we will talk about nutritional value homemade mayonnaise, and also share his most popular recipes.

Nutritional value of homemade mayonnaise

The nutritional value of homemade mayonnaise is 274 kilocalories per 100 grams, that is, this product is quite high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.

Classic French mayonnaise is made from egg yolks or whole eggs and vegetable oil with the addition of lemon juice, salt and spices to taste. The main ingredients of mayonnaise contain a lot of animal and vegetable fats, which should be consumed in limited quantities. Eggs are rich in easily digestible protein and are very beneficial for the body, and vegetable oil improves digestion, elasticity of the skin and cell membranes, and ensures proper breakdown of proteins in the intestines.

Mayonnaise contains lemon juice, which improves digestion, contains many vitamins and fruit acids, and speeds up metabolism. Mustard, which is part of mayonnaise, effectively boosts immunity, improves blood circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

For those people who are watching their figure and are afraid of gaining weight, homemade mayonnaise can be consumed in small quantities and try to do this only in the first half of the day. To maintain a good figure, you can prepare mayonnaise based on olive oil, which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and promotes healthy weight loss.

It is important to know that homemade mayonnaise, which does not contain preservatives or chemicals, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days, so it is better to make it in small portions.

Recipe for making classic Provencal mayonnaise at home

To prepare the classic French mayonnaise “Provencal” you will need:

  • Egg yolks 2 pcs.;
  • Refined sunflower oil 150 ml;
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard powder ½ tsp;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar ½ tsp.
  1. Remove all ingredients from the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature. In order for the consistency of mayonnaise to be uniform and thick, all ingredients must be at the same temperature and be fresh. Otherwise, your mayonnaise may separate and be unsightly.
  2. Place the egg yolks in a bowl and add fine salt, sugar and mustard.
  3. Beat the yolks thoroughly with a mixer or whisk until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved and the yolks turn white.
  4. Whisking constantly, add one teaspoon of vegetable oil to the egg mixture and beat everything thoroughly.
  5. After the oil is well mixed with the yolks, add another tablespoon of oil and continue beating the mayonnaise with a mixer.
  6. Next, gradually pour in the remaining vegetable oil in a thin stream, constantly whisking the mayonnaise with a mixer or whisk. It is very important to introduce the oil gradually, otherwise the mayonnaise will separate.
  7. After you have added all the oil, beat the mayonnaise for a couple more minutes. You should have a thick, rich yellow consistency.
  8. At the very end, add lemon juice to the mayonnaise and beat it a little more. Homemade mayonnaise “Provencal” is ready! Transfer the finished mayonnaise to a clean glass or ceramic bowl and place in the refrigerator. It is ideal as a salad dressing and delicate sauce to vegetables, meat, fish and poultry.

Recipe for spicy mayonnaise with olive oil

To prepare spicy mayonnaise with olive oil you will need:

  • Chicken egg 1 pc.;
  • Refined sunflower oil 80 ml.;
  • Extra virgin olive oil 70 ml;
  • Lemon juice 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar.
  1. Remove all ingredients from the refrigerator, they should be the same room temperature.
  2. Beat the egg into a bowl, add salt, sugar and beat with an immersion blender or mixer until a thick foam forms.
  3. Gradually pour sunflower oil into the egg mixture in a thin stream, whisking continuously.
  4. After you have added all the sunflower oil, gradually pour in the olive oil. Beat the mayonnaise until you obtain a thick, homogeneous consistency. The more oil you add, the thicker and more nutritious the mayonnaise will be.
  5. Add lemon juice to thoroughly whipped mayonnaise and beat for a couple more minutes. Spicy and healthy homemade mayonnaise with olive oil is ready! Place it in a glass container and store it in the refrigerator. Use it for refueling vegetable salads, and also as gourmet sauce to many dishes.

Bon appetit!

Mayonnaise sauce has no equal in popularity. It was invented a long time ago and exact data about its origin is lost.

There is a version that the word “mayonnaise” itself comes from the French “moyey”, one of the outdated meanings of which is yolk.

A more popular assumption is that the sauce was invented during the siege of the French city of Mayon in order to diversify the menu of the besieged, who had only olive oil and eggs.

But, one way or another, today mayonnaise is one of the most popular sauces in the world.

The choice of industrially produced mayonnaise is huge. But it should be borne in mind that none of them (with all the variety of recipes) is prepared according to the classical model.

The explanation for this is very simple. Original sauce It is made from natural products that have little Therefore, “correct” mayonnaise can be stored for no longer than a week, even in the refrigerator. This circumstance forces producers to use preservatives when preparing this sauce, so that advertising does not claim this.

You can taste the real taste of this product only in a very expensive restaurant or by preparing it yourself.

Therefore, those who want to use it in their kitchen real sauce, must learn how to prepare mayonnaise at home.

Fortunately, its preparation cannot be called difficult or time-consuming. It is important to follow the technology exactly and use quality ingredients.

What you need to make mayonnaise at home.

Making mayonnaise at home will require the following products:

    2-3 fresh chicken yolks (preferably bright yellow, homemade)

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon sugar

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    1 cup vegetable oil (originally olive oil)

The oil added to mayonnaise must be refined.

In addition to the products listed, you will need a mixer (or blender) and a convenient bowl.

at home.

Mix the yolks, salt, sugar until homogeneous mass. With the mixer running, add to the mixture a large number of vegetable oil. Literally half a teaspoon. When the oil is confidently combined with the yolks, add the next half teaspoon of oil. We repeat the procedure, constantly ensuring that the mass is homogeneous. Towards the end of the procedure, the amount of oil added (but not the speed) can be increased slightly (up to a tablespoon). You should not pour oil into the sauce in a continuous stream; there is a great danger of ruining all your work.

At the end, add everything and mix thoroughly.

Subtleties that need to be taken into account when preparing mayonnaise at home.

    The butter and yolks should be at room temperature. If they are added additional ingredients, their temperature should not differ from the sauce.

    The more oil you can add to the sauce, the tastier the mayonnaise will be.

Mayonnaise sauce in finished form is a delicate creamy mass. By adding a small amount of ready-made mustard to it, we get an equally famous version of the sauce - “Provencal” mayonnaise.

How to add variety at home.

Taste finished product may be changed to suit our preferences. First of all, its main component - oil - may change. Olive oil is considered classic. Using other types will affect the final taste of the dish.

You can change the taste of mayonnaise using paprika, dried herbs, various peppers, mustard seeds and other spices.

Fans can add finely chopped vegetables (onions, garlic, cucumbers, fresh herbs) to the sauce. These components are cut into small pieces and combine with mayonnaise.

In any form, “live” mayonnaise, prepared from natural products, will turn into an excellent seasoning for salads, appetizers or hot dishes. But you should remember that the shelf life of this wonderful sauce does not exceed seven days. It is recommended to store mayonnaise in the refrigerator, glass or ceramic dishes with a tight-fitting lid.

How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise? How to make sure that the sauce does not separate and beats well, so that it turns out thick and homogeneous? It’s very simple - you just need a blender, following the order of adding the ingredients and just 5 minutes of your time. Today you will learn how to make mayonnaise using a blender at home - step by step recipe and strict adherence to the advice guarantee results the first time!

Why is homemade sauce better than store bought?

Mayonnaise prepared by yourself differs from store-bought mayonnaise in its natural taste, special tenderness and lightness. Due to thickeners and starch, the purchased product is more viscous, its consistency is denser and heavier.

Homemade mayonnaise:

  1. Natural and safe - contains only natural products, without flavor enhancers, “eats” and other chemicals;
  2. Quick to prepare - it will take literally 5 minutes, that is, less time than a trip to the store will take;
  3. Unique - its taste and consistency can be changed by each housewife at her own discretion.

It is better to prepare mayonnaise yourself, then you will definitely be sure of its composition and harmlessness to the body. And don’t worry about the shelf life - the sauce will last perfectly in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days (than fresh eggs, those longer term storage).

Blender or whisk?

Making homemade mayonnaise using a blender is a pleasure! Just a couple of button presses and thick sauce can already be used for dressing all kinds of salads, as a marinade or a base for preparing more complex dishes. Of course, you can also achieve the desired result manually, but you will have to spend much more time working hard with a whisk.

Another thing is a blender. It will eliminate the need to stir food for a long time and persistently until smooth, whitened and thickened, and splashes will not fly throughout the kitchen. Even the simplest model, not equipped with high speeds and special attachments, will do. If there is no bowl for an immersion blender, then you can use other dishes - tumbler or a container of small diameter, narrow and tall, with sides. It is very important that the “leg” of the device grips most of the dishes, then everything will whip up quickly and 100% will not separate.

Choose high-quality and always fresh products. Chicken eggs must be selected, from a trusted manufacturer, and must be fresh. For classic mayonnaise It is customary to take only the yolk. But at home, it’s quite possible to use a whole egg, so that later you don’t have to think about where to put the remaining whites.

Mustard can be any kind, hot or mild, smooth or grains. It is more convenient to use a ready-made product. Although some recipes add mustard powder, previously diluted with a couple of teaspoons of cold boiled water.

Lemon juice is ideal for cooking homemade sauce. It gives it a special taste and pleasant aroma, whitens it. If you suddenly don’t have lemon in the refrigerator, you can replace it with table, apple or wine vinegar - the amount is selected individually, some of the vinegar can be poured onto initial stage, and the rest at the very end of cooking, adjusting the acid to your taste. As a standard, 0.5 to 1 tsp is added to 1 egg. vinegar.

It is best to use vegetable oil as the main component, which must be refined and odorless. Olive oil has a special taste, so if you decide to add it to the sauce, use it not as a base, but in a mix with sunflower oil: the ratio per 150 ml of sunflower is 50 ml of olive. Then the mayonnaise will not be too sharp, with a barely noticeable, noble bitterness in the aftertaste.

Three rules for delicious mayonnaise

  1. Good mayonnaise can only be made from foods at room temperature, so be sure to remove everything you need from the refrigerator in advance.
  2. Do not disturb the order of adding the products: first beat in the egg with salt, sugar, mustard, then pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice and add butter at the very end.
  3. Always add vegetable oil in small portions and only into a well-beaten egg mixture, then the mayonnaise will not separate.

The thickness of mayonnaise does not depend on the number of eggs, but on how much vegetable oil you pour into it. The more oil you add, the thicker the sauce will end up. If you “overdid it” and the mayonnaise turned out to be too thick, you can dilute it with 2-3 teaspoons of boiled water.


  • selected chicken egg 1 pc.
  • table mustard 1 tsp.
  • sugar 1 tsp. incomplete
  • table salt 1/3 tsp.
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.
  • refined vegetable oil 200 ml

How to make mayonnaise with a blender at home

  1. Products should be warm, at room temperature. I wash a large egg warm soap solution to remove the risk of salmonella infection. I beat it into the blender bowl (or into another narrow and tall container).

  2. I add salt and sugar. You will need 1 large pinch of salt, 1 small teaspoon of sugar.

  3. I put ready-made mustard from a jar - I add 1 heaped teaspoon. If you are cooking for the first time, then first add 0.5 spoons, especially if the mustard is strong, and you can add the rest at the very end of cooking, adjusting to your taste.

  4. I place the immersion machine in the bowl so that the blender rests properly on the bottom. For what? When he beats, he will “pull” down the entire mixture from above, turning it into a homogeneous emulsion.

  5. I start beating the mixture at low speed. All components will combine and a soft foam will form.

  6. I add lemon juice (or vinegar, but in smaller quantities). You can squeeze the lemon directly into the bowl, as long as there are no seeds in it. Beat again on low speed to combine the lemon juice with the other ingredients.

  7. As you can see in the photo, the amount of foam will increase, covering almost the entire blender stem. This means you can gradually add vegetable oil.

  8. Little by little, literally 1 tablespoon at a time, I pour in the oil, without ceasing to work with the blender. As soon as a portion of butter has combined with the beaten egg mixture, add the next one and so on until the sauce thickens - in general the process will take no more than 2 minutes.
  9. I transfer the finished sauce to a gravy boat or a clean jar with a lid. Before serving, it is advisable to place the mayonnaise in the refrigerator to cool, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

This is the easiest homemade mayonnaise recipe. You can use a blender to prepare it with all sorts of additives: garlic, pepper, olives, capers, and so on. Experiment and you will be pleasantly surprised how delicious homemade mayonnaise can turn out. Enjoy your meal!

It is almost impossible to overestimate the popularity of mayonnaise sauce. Well, really, how can you imagine festive feast without delicious salads, generously seasoned with mayonnaise? And in our daily menu, most of us use this delicious sauce with great pleasure. And despite all the groans of nutritionists, there is nothing wrong with this. It's just a matter of which sauce can really be called mayonnaise. Unfortunately, almost anyone store-bought mayonnaise, prepared in industrial conditions, is not mayonnaise. In beautiful packages, we are most often offered a dubious mixture of thickeners, stabilizers, flavoring additives, preservatives, etc. But real mayonnaise consists only of vegetable oils, egg yolks, lemon juice or vinegar and a small amount of seasonings. Sounds completely different, doesn't it? And the taste is very different. Real mayonnaise, a wonderful invention of French chefs, is really very tasty, delicate, nice sauce, which is ideal for many cold and even some hot dishes. But you can taste real mayonnaise only by preparing it yourself. That is why today we invite you to learn and remember with us how to prepare mayonnaise at home.

The traditional mayonnaise sauce recipe is very simple. This is a water-fat emulsion consisting of 80% vegetable fats, 15 - 19% fresh egg yolks, a spoonful of vinegar and seasonings to taste, depending on what dish this mayonnaise will be served with. The preparation of this sauce itself is also not fraught with any special difficulties. You just need a little patience and accuracy. But the result always literally amazes those who cook and try real homemade mayonnaise for the first time. The tenderness and taste of homemade mayonnaise are so different from the taste of the usual store-bought sauce that from now on you will definitely want to make your own mayonnaise more and more often, truly delighting your loved ones delicious dishes, shaded and complemented by the taste of the present French sauce. And if you apply a little imagination, you can easily create a whole palette of different sauces that are ideal for each specific salad, for each dish that you prepare. It's enough to add a little spicy vegetables or herbs, spices and herbs, and your mayonnaise will sparkle with a hundred new shades of taste and aroma; Just change the recipe a little by adding yogurt, lemon juice or even water, and the rich sauce will become much lighter, more delicate and less caloric.

And yet, despite all its apparent simplicity, preparing mayonnaise requires knowledge of small culinary tricks and secrets that will help you avoid typical mistakes and will not allow this tasty and delicate sauce to be spoiled.

Today “Culinary Eden” has carefully collected and recorded for you all the most important tips And culinary secrets, thanks to which even completely inexperienced housewives can easily understand how to prepare mayonnaise at home.

1. First of all, a few words about what kitchenware you will need to make homemade mayonnaise. The easiest way to prepare mayonnaise is using a mixer or blender. But it should be borne in mind that such mayonnaise usually turns out to be somewhat coarser than a sauce prepared by hand. If you want to prepare real mayonnaise according to all the rules, then you will definitely need a not too wide, but deep non-metallic dish. It is best to prepare mayonnaise in glass or porcelain containers. The bad thing about metal glasses or bowls is that acids added during cooking will certainly oxidize the metal, which can give your sauce an unpleasant aftertaste. In addition, you will need a good whisk for whipping and a convenient bowl with a thin spout so that you can carefully pour in the oil in as thin a stream as possible.

2. The basis of mayonnaise sauce is vegetable oils. And the choice of these oils must be approached with special care. The main part of the oil fraction of mayonnaise should be high-quality refined deodorized oils. Before you start making your sauce, be sure to smell and taste a drop of the oil. Remember that even slightly rancid oil or oil that has even the slightest hint of a foreign odor is completely unsuitable for making your sauce. Good oil for mayonnaise it should be crystal clear, absolutely odorless. In addition to the base deodorized oil, you can add a small amount of flavored oil to your sauce. Olive oil is most often used for this. Choose the best, highest quality extra virgin olive oil, but add very little of it, literally one tablespoon per 100 ml. base oil. Too much olive oil will not make your mayonnaise tastier; on the contrary, it will spoil it, giving the sauce an unpleasant bitterness.

3. The second most important ingredient in real homemade mayonnaise is, of course, fresh egg yolks. And here your choice should not only be careful, but also extremely careful, because you will add the yolks to mayonnaise raw. This means that you must be completely confident that both the chickens and the eggs themselves have passed the toughest test. veterinary control and are definitely not contaminated with salmonella. Of course, eggs from domestic chickens are much more tastier than eggs store-bought And yet, do not hesitate to ask for veterinary certificates from sellers at the market or in farms. Not just the taste of your sauce depends on it, your health depends on it. Be sure to check the freshness of the eggs you purchase. Fill a deep saucepan with water and immerse the eggs in it: immediately select the floating eggs - their freshness is already in great doubt. Break each egg and separate the yolk into a separate bowl, check its freshness by examining and smelling it, and only then transfer it to the rest of the prepared yolks.

4. And yet sometimes the desire to cook as much as possible delicious mayonnaise conquers all our fears, and we buy eggs from a familiar village grandmother. Of course, in this case there is no question of any veterinary certificates, and we simply hope that the eggs from the village chicken will not only be very tasty, but also completely safe. In this case, it won’t hurt to protect yourself and your family not only with hope, but also with a little culinary cunning. Separate the yolks from the whites, mix them with a small amount water and lemon juice or vinegar, place in a small saucepan, arm yourself with a kitchen thermometer and heat the yolks in a water bath to 65°C, stirring and grinding constantly. Watch carefully so that the yolks do not begin to curl and thicken. Once the temperature reaches 65°, immediately remove the saucepan from the water bath and immerse in cool water.

5. The third essential component of mayonnaise is acid. This can be freshly squeezed and filtered lemon juice or vinegar. Not only does the acid help make the sauce emulsion more stable, it also serves as a natural preservative that will allow you to store your mayonnaise for several days. The most delicate and delicate taste is obtained from mayonnaise prepared with lemon juice. If you prefer a sauce similar to the store-bought “Provencal”, then you can safely use vinegar. Natural apple or white wine vinegar is best, however, a drop of fragrant balsamic or red wine vinegar It doesn’t hurt either, giving your sauce a special touch of aroma and homemade charm. But from using white table vinegar or divorced vinegar essence It's better to refuse altogether. Such vinegar will give your mayonnaise a too coarse, pungent smell, which will overwhelm not only the taste of the sauce itself, but also of the dish seasoned with such a sauce.

6. Having understood the theory, it’s time to move on to practice! Let's try to make real homemade mayonnaise in a traditional way manually. Remove from the refrigerator in advance and let all the sauce ingredients come to room temperature! Place two chicken yolks in a glass bowl, add 2 tbsp. spoons of ready-made table mustard, a pinch of salt and a pinch of black pepper. Whisk thoroughly until a smooth, homogeneous mass is formed. Continuing to beat, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, pouring it in a very thin stream. Stir everything again until smooth. While continuing to whisk the sauce, take a bowl with 350 ml in your other hand. vegetable oil and start adding it literally drop by drop, whisking constantly. Do not rush or pour in a lot of oil at once - the sauce will immediately break up into fractions and you will have to start all over again. If you did everything correctly, then after whipping all the butter and yolks will turn into a homogeneous thick emulsion. Add another tablespoon of lemon juice or aromatic vinegar to the sauce and stir thoroughly. Your sauce is ready!

7. Too difficult for the first time? No problem. Let's arm ourselves with a countertop blender and prepare a simpler version of homemade mayonnaise. Place two chicken or seven quail yolks into a blender bowl. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, 2 tbsp. tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar, ½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon black pepper. Scroll everything together for just a couple of seconds at maximum speed. In a separate bowl, mix 250 gr. deodorized sunflower oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Pour the oil in a thin stream through the hole in the blender lid, constantly blending at high speed. The position of the blender blades and high whipping speed will allow you to get excellent homemade mayonnaise without extra effort, in just 10 seconds.

8. Want to add some charm to your snacks? oriental cuisine? Offer them spicy homemade mayonnaise. Place one egg along with the white plus another yolk into the blender bowl. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon liquid honey, 1 teaspoon curry powder, ½ teaspoon salt. Scroll everything together for a couple of seconds. Mix 250 gr. deodorized sunflower oil, 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of toasted sesame oil. Turn on the blender at maximum speed and pour the oil mixture through the hole in the lid in a thin stream. Beat for another 10 seconds and your spicy mayonnaise is ready.

9. Perfect for salads and appetizers with fish and seafood light green mayonnaise. Finely chop the parsley and dill leaves in advance, so that together you get about two tablespoons of greens. Place two yolks, 1 tbsp in a blender bowl. a spoonful of mustard, 2 tbsp. tablespoons lemon juice, ½ teaspoon lemon zest, ½ teaspoon salt and a pinch of white pepper. Whisk everything together for a couple of seconds. Mix 250 gr. deodorized sunflower oil and 50 gr. cold pressed olive oil. Turn the blender on high and pour the oil in a thin stream through the hole in the blender lid. Scroll for 10 seconds. Then add 50 gr. low-fat yogurt and chopped herbs. Scroll everything together for a couple more seconds.

10. Of course, it is best to prepare mayonnaise immediately before use and in such an amount that will be used immediately. But lack of time most often forces us to prepare a certain amount of mayonnaise in advance, for several days at once. In this case, the finished sauce must be stabilized so that the emulsion does not break down into its components after a couple of hours. It's not at all difficult to do this. It is enough to pour one tablespoon into the already prepared sauce. hot water and immediately stir thoroughly. This simple technique will make the sauce emulsion much denser and more stable. This mayonnaise can be safely stored in a tightly closed jar placed in the refrigerator. The shelf life of homemade mayonnaise should not exceed two to three days. And here the point is not even that the sauce may deteriorate, but that during this time the mayonnaise will already lose both the tenderness of its aroma and the delicacy of its taste.

Well, on the pages of “Culinary Eden” you can always find even more original ideas and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to make mayonnaise at home.

Mayonnaise sauce can add flavor to any dish. Mayonnaise is classic version salad dressings. Homemade mayonnaise has original taste and does not contain harmful preservatives, like the store-bought version. There are several ways to prepare it at home. But to obtain a uniform consistency and balance of spices, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the specified recipe, as well as strictly follow the cooking instructions.

Homemade mayonnaise classic recipe

Traditional mayonnaise sauce prepared on the basis of eggs and vegetable oil. To prepare 200 ml. For the finished product you will need the following ingredients:

  • clarified olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • ready mustard – 1 tsp;
  • sugar and salt - ½ tsp each;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Advice. The ingredients should be at room temperature before mixing. It is best to take olive oil, since sunflower oil may not taste well with many foods. Chicken eggs must be fresh. Domestic eggs have a brighter yolk. If you use it to make mayonnaise, the sauce will take on a beautiful color.

  • Mayonnaise can be prepared with a regular whisk. When blending the ingredients in a blender, the sauce will be over-blended, so only use it on low speed.
  • Prepare a large container for beating products.
  • Separate the yolks from the whites and place them in a container. Add salt, sugar and mustard to them.
  • Wash the lemon, cut in half and squeeze the juice into the mixture. Use only freshly squeezed juice, as it disappears quickly.
  • Mix the ingredients well with a whisk.
  • When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add oil in a thin stream or in small portions. But don't stop whisking.

  • There is no need to rush at this stage. Carefully monitor the condition of the yolks. When the first portion of butter is completely absorbed into the yolk, only then add the next portion. The mixture will begin to acquire the consistency of mayonnaise. Keep stirring with the whisk.

  • When you have poured in all the oil, whisk the mayonnaise thoroughly and taste it. Add spices if necessary.

  • Homemade mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator after preparation for no longer than one week. Therefore, prepare a strictly defined portion. It's better to cook fresh sauce than ruining the taste of a dish with a missing product. Moreover, it takes 5-7 minutes to prepare.

Homemade mayonnaise recipe without eggs

For those who are afraid to use raw eggs for food, there is a recipe for mayonnaise sauce without them. The basis of this mayonnaise will be milk with clarified butter.

For the recipe you will need the following products:

  • warm milk – 70 ml;
  • olive oil – 0.5 tbsp;
  • mustard with lemon juice - 2 tsp each;
  • salt – ½ tsp.


  • Measure everything necessary ingredients and leave it on the table. Prepare a mixing bowl. When the products reach the same temperature, start preparing mayonnaise. First pour in the milk.

  • Add butter on top. Use only refined vegetable oil, as the unrefined product has a specific taste.

  • Using a blender, mix the mixture well. Within a few seconds the mass will begin to thicken.

  • First add salt, then add mustard. Stir mayonnaise. Lastly, pour in the lemon juice. The milk will not curdle, since the protein has already combined with the butter.

  • Then use only a spoon or whisk to mix the ingredients. The blender will make the mixture too dense.
  • You can also add chopped herbs with garlic or any other spices to the finished sauce.

Homemade mayonnaise recipe

Some dishes require a lean dressing that does not contain eggs or dairy in the recipe. This mayonnaise is prepared on the basis of flour. It can be anything and not just wheat.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • premium flour - 1 tbsp. (200 gr.);
  • warm water – 600 ml;
  • purified vegetable oil – 8 tbsp. l.;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice and mustard - 3 tbsp each. l.;
  • sugar and salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sift the flour and pour into the prepared container.
  • First rub it with a little water. This way you will avoid lumps in the mixture.
  • Then add the rest of the liquid and mix thoroughly.
  • Place on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring the mixture constantly.

  • Separately, mix all other ingredients until white.
  • Add the cooled flour mixture to the spices in small portions and then blend with a blender.

  • You can add seasonings and salt to your taste.
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous, the mayonnaise sauce is ready.

Homemade mayonnaise with sour cream

if you love creamy taste the sauce, then prepare it with sour cream. For mayonnaise, choose it with a high fat content so that the mass turns out thick.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • fat sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mixture of peppers and turmeric - 1 tsp each;
  • pink salt– 2 gr.;
  • other spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Transfer the sour cream from the package into a deep plate, add spices and mix well. It is best to grind the peppercorns before adding them to the sauce. This makes the aroma and taste more intense.

  • Turmeric will make the sauce similar in color to mayonnaise, and pink salt will give the mixture an eggy taste. After each addition of spices, stir the sour cream thoroughly.