Rancid butter what. How to get rid of the bad smell of butter

Much needed advice.
Burnt-on food can be saved by immediately transferring it to a clean pot, covering the pot with a paper towel, sprinkling salt on top, and continuing to cook.

Do not stir the burnt milk with a spoon, but as soon as it boils, pour it into another container.

The taste of burnt milk can be corrected if salt is added to it, and the vessel with milk is placed in cold water.

Burnt milk should be filtered through a clean white cloth, rinsing it thoroughly each time until the taste of bitterness disappears.

If the curd is very sour, mix it with equal amount fresh milk and leave for 1 hour. Then, throwing it on cheesecloth, put in a colander, let the milk drain and put the curd under the press. The curd will be fresh and tender.

To eliminate the acid in the curd, it is necessary to wrap it in gauze folded 2-3 times, squeeze it into a ball, twist the ends of the gauze, put the curd on a board, cover it with another board on top and keep it under moderate pressure for 2-3 hours.

Dried cheese should be put for a while in spoiled milk- it will become soft and fresh.

Old dried cheese will acquire a fresh taste and look if it lies down for some time in milk.

If the ghee has acquired an unpleasant odor, put a few chopped raw carrots in it.

Rancid butter must be poured cold water, add a teaspoon of baking soda and mix thoroughly. After draining the water, add a glass of milk for every kilogram of butter and melt.

You can also put a slice of bread in the butter while melting and leave it until it acquires a golden hue. This slice will absorb the bad smell of the oil.

Butter will not darken if you drop a few drops of vegetable oil into the pan beforehand.

To prevent the fat from turning black when frying the pies, put sliced ​​raw potatoes in it.

To destroy the unpleasant taste and smell characteristic of rancid fat, it is necessary to put 2 onions or 1-2 potatoes cut into pieces (per 1 kg of fat) into steamed fat and heat it for 1-1.5 hours, stirring occasionally. The foam is removed from the surface of the fat and filtered through a cloth.

To use the fats left over from frying or baking, cover them with cold water and boil. Water will remove all odors.

To give beef, lamb or pork fat the taste of butter, you need to cut it into pieces, put it in a saucepan and pour milk so that the fat is only covered by it. Put the saucepan on fire. When the milk boils well, you need to strain it. The resulting fat should be stored in a cold place.

To prevent sunflower oil from becoming rancid during storage, it is necessary to drain the sediment, add 1 teaspoon of salt and one bean grain crushed with a hammer (per 1 kg of oil).

You can also pour a little into a bottle of vegetable oil cold water. Let stand for a day or two. Carefully drain the clarified oil. Repeat a few more times. The sediment will thicken. It can be used in the preparation of vinaigrette, salads as a dressing.

If the mayonnaise that you cook yourself coagulates and cannot thicken, you need to take a new yolk in a separate bowl and add curdled mayonnaise instead of butter. After the mayonnaise is fixed, add required amount vegetable oil.

Frozen eggs can be thawed by soaking them in cold salt water for a long time.

To prevent eggs cracked during cooking, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar.

Beaten eggs can be boiled in salted water, wrapped in parchment paper.

To boil a cracked egg, you need to rub the cracks with lemon, carefully lower the egg into very hot, but not boiling water and leave for about ten minutes from the moment of boiling.

A soft-boiled egg will be fresh and tasty in a few days if it is again dipped in boiling water for 15-20 seconds before eating.

If the ham is a little dry and windy, put it in a bowl of cold milk for half an hour.

Gutted chicken, fish, do not throw away those pieces that got bile. Rub them well with salt and rinse with cold water - the bitterness will pass.

Herring strong salting soaked in cold water. Water is changed every 3 - 4 hours. Herring is soaked for 1 to 2 days, depending on its salinity and hardness.

To make strong salted herring juicier, after soaking, cut it and fill it with milk for 3-4 hours.

The taste of herring will improve if it is soaked in tea infusion.

If the lids are swollen on jars with canned tomatoes (pickled tomatoes, tomato puree, tomato paste), you need to put the contents in a saucepan, boil well, add salt (10 percent by weight of the product), transfer to clean jars and cork again.

Withered vegetable greens can be refreshed by putting them in cold water for an hour, to which add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar.

Frozen vegetables are thawed in cold water. After a few hours, this water is poured out and another, slightly salted, is poured.

The sweet taste of slightly frozen potatoes usually disappears if the potatoes are kept for 5-7 days at a temperature of plus 18-20 degrees.

If the potatoes are frozen, before boiling, dip them for a minute in cold water, and then in boiling water, adding a little vinegar to it.

Old potatoes will not turn black when boiled if a little is added to the water. wine vinegar, and it will become much tastier if a little sugar is added to the water in which it is boiled.

Slightly frozen onions, if thawed slowly at a temperature of 3-5 ° C, retain the properties of fresh onions.

Frozen onions can be eaten without defrosting - its taste will not change from this.

Very sour sauerkraut, it is better not to rinse, as this will lose vitamins. Before cooking, it should be squeezed out and sugar or fresh cabbage added to taste.

Moldy pickles, mushrooms should be washed with salt water, transferred to a clean bowl and poured over with freshly cooked more strong brine. You can do the same with pickled apples.

If the pickled mushrooms start to mold, then they must be sorted out, the spoiled ones removed, and the rest washed and poured with freshly cooked marinade, and sunflower oil on top.

If the mustard is dry, add a little vinegar, sugar to it and mix.

You can also restore the freshness of hardened mustard, if you add to it gradually, in drops, a little white wine.

Potatoes will help fix the oversalted sauce. Five minutes before serving, put a raw potato and a piece of sugar into the sauce.

damp dried mushrooms are dried in the oven or oven, but this leads to a loss of flavor.

If the foam has sunk to the bottom of the pot while cooking the broth, pour in a glass of cold water and the foam will rise to the surface.

If the pickle is not sharp enough, boiled, strained cucumber pickle is added to it.

You can refresh stale bread. If a loaf of stale bread is sprinkled with water and placed in the oven for 3-5 minutes at a temperature of 150-160 ° C, then the bread will again acquire the properties of fresh.

Stale bread can be refreshed by pouring a little water into the pan, put a grate on the bottom (the water should be below the level of the grate), and sliced ​​stale bread on it, cover with a lid and put on fire, and after 5-12 minutes after the water boils, remove the pan from the heat. But you need to eat such bread right away, because after 2-3 hours it will become stale again.

If there is a lack of salt or sugar in the test, they must be dissolved additionally in in large numbers water and mix well with the dough.

To correct the oversalted dough, knead a new portion without salt and combine with the oversalted mass; also correct the dough, which turned out to be too sweet.

If the biscuit or cake is burnt, you need to let it cool, then remove the burnt layer with a grater or knife and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Estuary zest will lose bitterness if kept in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Shriveled apples regain their original appearance when placed in cold water for several hours.

Excessively dry and tasteless walnuts you can return the original quality if, without removing the shell, hold them for 5-6 days in lightly salted water.

Dried fruits may become damp, or bugs may appear in them. Dried fruits are freed from moisture by drying at 55-60 ° C in the oven, and you can get rid of bugs by freezing them for a week with further drying in the oven.

Cloudy jelly can be lightened egg white. To do this, mix the protein with cold water, pour into the heated jelly, bring to a boil, remove from heat, strain and leave to gradually lighten.

If bubbles of gas or foam appear in the jam, smelling of alcohol, then you need to add 1/2 cup of sugar to liter jar and boil for 10 minutes on low heat.

Put the stale coffee beans in a dry saucepan and, stirring constantly, hold for several minutes over high heat so that the beans are slightly roasted. This treatment will bring back the aroma of the coffee.

Raw coffee beans that have been kept in a closed box for a long time have lost their aroma. It can be restored if the grains are placed in cold water for 10 minutes and then immediately dried in the oven.

If your coffee has "run away" and lost its taste and aroma, immediately remove the coffee pot from the heat and pour a teaspoon of cold water into it. Taste and smell will be restored.

Good afternoon, dear hostesses! Today I will tell you how to remove the bitterness of the oil if the spoiled product is in your kitchen. I use different types vegetable fats, and therefore my methods of resuscitation also differ from each other.

The product changes its taste in my summer, when I defrost the refrigerator, and for a long time the fat is in excess heat. And it happens that I overlook the store and see trouble only at home - not all distributors sell a quality product and comply with storage conditions.

In this case, I have a proven set of rescue measures:

  • if you need to keep a piece of butter out of the fridge for a few days, dip it in a jar of cold, salted water.
  • you need to change it every day;
  • to take away bad taste, melt it in a saucepan along with a slice of bread. When heated, the wheat hunk will absorb an unpleasant smell and taste, it must be thrown away, and melted fat strain through several layers of cheesecloth into a sterilized, dry storage container. The same effect is given by slices of fresh green apples;
  • melt the rancid product in a heavy-bottomed container and mix it with crushed birch charcoal. Then send the dishes to a warm place for a day, protecting from direct sunlight with a towel. Then strain through a thick linen cloth and use for baking. If the fat is frozen, you can melt it again before straining.

I advise, if there is not much oil, it is better to throw it away - bitterness is often a sign of the rapid growth of harmful microorganisms in the product.

This defect has unrefined product, which was either made from bad seeds, or stood in the light for a long time and oxidized. In case of damage from ultraviolet radiation, the oil must be thrown away unequivocally or used to care for shoes - shoes cannot be poisoned by free radicals.

If a fresh product has an unpleasant taste, the situation can be corrected in the following ways:

  • pound dry in a mortar into powder and pour into a jar with a golden product. Send the container for a week in a dark, cool place, shake it from time to time. Before using, strain the oil, and boldly season salads with it - the bitterness will go away;
  • handful of good sunflower seeds fry to a pleasant taste, grind together with the husk and pour into the oil. Infuse, as with beans, for about a week in the cellar. Then strain and refrigerate;
  • heat the product in a cauldron almost to a boil, put a few onions cut in half there, and fry until a pleasant color and smell of vegetables. Refrigerate at room temperature and store in the refrigerator.

Remember that even the right product can taste bitter if it is overheated.

A product for everyone, some Middle Eastern dishes benefit precisely from this type of vegetable fat. The thing is that bitterness has the most useful view olive oil - first pressing.

The whole trouble is that scammers are on the alert and the market is simply overflowing with low-quality fakes of a popular product.

Most commonly used by supporters healthy nutrition, the so-called pp-shniks. Called to replenish stocks omega fatty acids in an organism exhausted by diets or diseases.

It is always bitter, so a spoiled product can only be distinguished from a good one visually - improper storage makes linseed oil cloudy due to the oxidation process triggered by excess heat and direct sunlight.

It can be added to salads, strongly diluted with others. vegetable fat so that the unpleasant taste does not spoil the impression of. In no case should you cook on it - the product turns from medicine into poison. Therefore, before you remove the bitterness of the oil, check its expiration date and quality.

Here is such a “fat story” we got today.

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Vegetable oils are included in the daily diet of every person. They are produced from various crops and have their own characteristics. The choice of a product that is available in species abundance for sale, everyone makes himself, based on taste preferences.

It is not always possible to use it quickly and, after standing for more due date, it can acquire new qualities - a change in color and taste. A product with a bitter taste raises doubts among housewives about the advisability of its further use. Why is oil bitter and is it normal?

There are types herbal products, having a slight bitterness initially, and those that receive it in the oxidation process. To substances that have a spicy bitterness during taste palette, are well-known and in demand among the population, linseed and olive oils. They are a worthy competitor to the usual sunflower oil.

From flax seeds

Flaxseed oil is useful when used in food and medicine, but is specific in taste. natural bitterness in a small amount testifies to its quality, but does not contribute to the use in undiluted form.

For dressing salads, it is used in a mixture with sunflower or olive oils, in proportion 1/2. Taste bitterness is due high content beneficial acids beneficial for human body. It can not be fried in order to avoid the complete loss of useful properties.

Regular intake of a flaxseed product in food contributes to:

  • prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pressure normalization;
  • support for visual function;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • improving the condition of the hair and skin;
  • reducing the risk of cancer.

The substance is rich in lanolin, folic, fatty acid. It is useful for combating overweight, the formation and development of the fetus during pregnancy. It's not worth it to abuse it, it's enough daily allowance in one teaspoon. Strong bitterness indicates its spoilage as a result of oxidation.

from the olive

Olive oil has been known for a long time. This is an important component recipes And cosmetics. A sore throat and a feeling of bitterness indicate the presence useful substances. Olive oil is a storehouse of antioxidants:

  • relieves inflammation of the organs;
  • slows down the aging process of the body;
  • improves cardiac activity;
  • protects against free radicals;
  • strengthens blood vessels.

Taste saturation indicates the amount of flavonoids, determined by the variety of olives, the method of production, the conditions of conservation. A quality product is impossible without the presence of a slight bitterness, which is not felt at all in salads.

The color differences are a consequence of the way the olives are processed. The refined product is purified, increasing its shelf life, but reducing its usefulness, and the unrefined product is not processed in any way. It is valuable for the preservation best qualities but specific in taste and smell. This is a natural product that can be of different colors depending on the extraction and variety. The presence of a dark color and sediment, coupled with bitterness, does not give grounds to consider it spoiled.

Destroyed or not?

Corruption can be judged by the signs that appeared in the process of use. For example, the color, taste and texture have changed.

How to prevent damage:

  • do not use after the expiration date;
  • choose a dark, cool place for storage;
  • uncorked, do not save for a long time.

The oily substance is well preserved in a dark container. Kinds of herbal products with natural bitterness are not recommended to be stored for a long time due to loss of useful qualities. Do not use it for frying again - it is harmful. Remember, the presence of herbal ingredients in the daily menu will improve appearance, health and mood.

Get rid of bad smell butter very simple.

You need to take rancid butter, go to the garbage cans and, without any regret, throw it away. If it emits such a smell, then it has deteriorated and the only way to get rid of it is in this way. It is not suitable for any purpose, it will only bring harm. It is not recommended to feed to pets, they digestive system not ready for such a "delicacy".

Spoiled butter should not be eaten!

I didn't have to deal with rancid smell of oil, but musty - yes. A yellow coating is also familiar.

Our grandmothers were not rich enough to throw away the product. The most reliable way to "reanimate" the supporting oil is to melt it and boil it.

This is done in an ordinary saucepan, over low heat until completely dissolved, boiling and boiling, and then completely cooled. Three "substrates" are formed in the saucepan. White foam - remove it. Vodichka, "casein" - drain it. And a small lump of oil grains. There may be an unpleasant odor during the process, but it should eventually go away. The product undergoes a kind of disinfection during heat treatment.

If a lot of oil accidentally accumulates in the house and you doubt that you can save it, melt it right away. Drain the casein. Remaining product, natural melted butter can be stored in the refrigerator much longer.

Butter melted at home is a peculiar product. Some people like it, some don't. But it's worth a try. A penny saves a ruble.


How to fix rancid oil.

If butter, after lying in the refrigerator for a while, has acquired a rancid taste and smell, do not rush to throw it away, there are several proven ways to deal with this problem.

1) Rinse the butter bar in cold boiled water, then salt a little. After these steps, the oil must be immersed in carrot juice for a while. carrot juice absorbs unpleasant odors and gives the oil a delicate and refined taste.

2) Washing in a soda solution will help rid the oil of a rancid smell. To prepare the solution, you need to mix one glass of water and one teaspoon of baking soda. After that, the oil must be washed well with clean water and a little salt.

3) Soak the butter briefly in fresh milk, then mash and salt. natural fresh milk dissolves butyric acid, which is found in excess in rancid oil, and removes the stale smell and unpleasant taste from the product. After this procedure, the oil is recommended to be thoroughly rinsed in cold water.

4) Melt rancid butter in a pan with a small piece of black bread. Bread will absorb bitterness and unpleasant smell, after hardening you can again pleasant taste butter.

5) You can restore the old taste of butter in this way: melt the butter in a pan, adding finely chopped Antonov apples to it. After that, strain the oil with apples, beat hot. The oil recovered in this way will lose its bitter taste and unpleasant odor.

Butter- concentrated milk fat, for the manufacture of which cream was used. To make this product, the cream must be whipped. It is very important that the fat content of the final product should not be less than 82.5%. There are many varieties of butter, for example, sweet butter, chocolate or with different fillers.

How to choose the best dairy product and how to store it?

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing butter is packaging. It is best to choose the product that will be wrapped in foil, because in this state it retains the maximum amount of nutrients. When reading the composition, pay attention to what is in it. should not contain vegetable fats because this component translates milk product from the category of natural to the category of spreads. In addition, it is worth giving preference to oil that is produced according to GOST, and not according to technical specifications (TU). A low price can also indicate low quality. Cheapness, as a rule, is achieved by replacing dairy components with vegetable ones. It is also advisable to buy a product of well-known manufacturers who value their name and reputation. Although this item is not at all a guarantee of quality. However, even following this simple recommendations by choice, you can still stumble upon a fake, so we will tell you how to determine the quality of butter at home.

First of all, find the answer to the question: "does butter freeze in the refrigerator and crumble"! For a high-quality natural product, the answer must be positive.

Excessive softness indicates only impurities vegetable oils. A really high-quality product should not contain them. The second indicator that indicates the naturalness of the oil is the absence of stickiness. Natural product has a fairly high percentage of fat, so it will not leave marks on the packaging. In addition, pay attention to its color. It should not be too saturated, because this will be evidence of the addition of a dye called beta-carotene to it.

A simple home test that will help determine whether butter is real and natural is as follows: dissolve a tablespoon of the desired product in 200 ml of water (1 cup). When completely dissolved, no sediment should fall to the bottom. The water in the glass should acquire a uniform white color.

As for the storage conditions for butter, it should be kept either in the refrigerator or in a dark place, the main thing is that the temperature should not exceed 12 degrees. It should also be noted that this product has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors, so look near what, you put the oil in the refrigerator.

If you bought a large amount of oil, then the excess is best stored in the freezer. On fresh air the product must be in an opaque oiler.

The expiration date of the product must be indicated on the packaging. In general, the shelf life of high-quality butter should not exceed 10 days when packaged in parchment and 20 days when packaged in foil. Freezer allows you to increase the shelf life up to 2 months.

If you are interested in the question of how to understand that the butter has gone bad, then everything is very simple. Firstly, it becomes more saturated in color, and also acquires a rather unpleasant odor. As for the taste, it becomes bitter. However, rancid butter can still be corrected.

How to fix rancid butter?

There are many recipes for reviving butter:

If you do not whip the butter when melting it, then it will simply become melted.

Best of all, the "reanimated" dairy product is suitable for use in recipes for preparing a variety of pastries!

Beneficial features

Milk fat has the ability to be quickly absorbed by the body, which in turn gives a person the necessary energy. In general, it is advised to include this product in the diet for people with digestive problems. So, for example, it is necessary to use it for people suffering from frequent constipation, because it has a mild laxative property.

Cholesterol in butter has useful properties for the body, so it is simply necessary for the formation of active substances and hormones. In addition, the fats of this dairy product are needed for the emergence of new cells, especially such compounds are needed in nerve tissues and the brain.

Butter contains oleic acid, which has a positive effect on the balance of "good" and "bad" cholesterol in the blood, and it also increases the overall balance of blood lipids.

There is vitamin A in this product, which is necessary for vision and bones, and it also improves activity. immune system and development of eggs. It also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, vitamin A helps ulcers heal faster, so it is recommended to use butter for various kinds of ulcers and gastritis.

Use in cooking

Very often, butter is used to make sandwiches, as it improves and softens the taste of, for example, sausages, red caviar, fish, cheese, etc. In addition, it is put in various hot dishes and baked goods: cereals, pies, pasta etc. Butter is also used for frying, only in this case it should be borne in mind that it loses all its benefits.

Application in cosmetology

In addition to the fact that butter is used in many cooking recipes and traditional medicine It has found its application also in cosmetology. So, for example, you can use it to moisturize dry skin. To do this, you just need to apply it on the skin and leave it to be absorbed for 20 minutes, and then rinse warm water. This dairy product is also included in the formulation of home cosmetics. It is used in various masks and creams. By the way, positive reviews butter has received in the fight against wrinkles of the skin around the eyes. IN this case it is used as in pure form and as part of an eye cream.

Excellent butter moisturizes hair. Therefore, it is applied as a mask for 20 minutes, and then washed off. In this case, this dairy product can be used both in pure form and mixed with any other oils.

If you don’t like the taste of butter that is sold in stores or you don’t like its quality, then you can easily make it at home. To do this, you need to take a liter heavy cream to be placed in enamelware. After that, start kneading them with your hand, as if you were kneading dough. After a few minutes, you will notice that the cream becomes grainy, and there is liquid - "buttermilk" left in the dishes. Next, the resulting oil must be thoroughly squeezed and formed into the required size piece. You can add herbs, garlic and other ingredients to the oil at your discretion.

The benefits of butter and treatment

The benefits of butter are quite widely used in traditional medicine recipes. For example, in diseases respiratory tract it is recommended to eat up to 70 g of the product daily. By the way, it is also recommended to use it when coughing! In addition, therapeutic mixtures can be prepared from butter, which will help strengthen the immune system, increase the protective functions of the body and destroy viruses.

Harm of butter and contraindications

Butter can be harmful to people who are allergic to cow's milk, and therefore they need to exclude it from their diet. If you eat this product in large quantities, then you can provoke the development of atherosclerosis and problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, blockage of blood vessels may occur.

The calorie content of butter is quite large (748 kilocalories per 100 grams), so people who are watching their figure and suffering from obesity should not abuse this product. For the same reason This product should be avoided by people with diabetes..