Is it possible to eat sour soup, why? Recipes for sauerkraut cabbage soup for every taste.

Cabbage soup is traditional Russian dish, it is so familiar to all of us that when we mention domestic cuisine, it is cabbage soup that most often comes to mind. The recipe for cabbage soup in different regions of the country can vary greatly, but the basis of this dish is always cabbage. In this case, the cabbage can be fresh or pickled.

Attracts cabbage soup and lovers traditional cuisine, and supporters healthy eating, since the calorie content of cabbage soup is low, and vitamins and other useful substances they contain a lot. This perfect dish for those who are watching their weight, since the calorie content of cabbage soup allows them to be consumed in fairly large volumes, and this will help you lose weight without starving.

Useful properties of cabbage soup

Cabbage soup is very rich in vitamins and fiber. The large amount of cabbage and other vegetables in cabbage soup makes it an indispensable product for normalizing digestion. And given that the calorie content of cabbage soup is minimal, they will help you lose weight and improve digestion at the same time.

If you cook cabbage soup on meat broth, then their calorie content will be slightly higher, but they will be able to provide the body with fats and essential fat-soluble vitamins. Many vitamins can only be dissolved in fats, so due to separate power supply they are not fully absorbed, and cabbage soup will help their absorption. In addition, cabbage soup made from sauerkraut, which is also low in calories, will help you get required amount vitamin C in winter period.

Cabbage soup with sorrel or nettle is very useful. Calorie content fresh cabbage soup, prepared according to this recipe is very low, but they contain a lot of vitamins, which makes them one of best products for those who want to lose weight. Cabbage soup is easily digestible, perfectly satisfies hunger and does not overload the body at all, so if you want to be healthy, well-fed and vigorous, you should eat cabbage soup regularly.

Calorie content of cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

Preparing cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is not difficult, but it will take a little time. To prepare cabbage soup for eight servings you will need 2.5 liters of chicken broth (you can use any other), one carrot, one onion, 300 grams of cabbage, two tomatoes, three potatoes, a little garlic, salt, pepper and about 20 ml sunflower oil.

The recipe for cabbage soup has existed in Russia for many centuries; it has been prepared since cabbage was brought from Byzantium in the 9th century. Initially it was vegetarian dish, it was cooked with mushrooms or vegetable broth, but today we are looking at the calorie content of cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage in chicken broth and the recipe for their preparation.

To prepare tasty and healthy cabbage soup, we take chicken bouillon and bring to a boil, throw in the peeled and diced potatoes. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Pour oil into a frying pan and add carrots and onions, simmer for 10-15 minutes and throw into the pan with the broth with the potatoes. We also send finely shredded cabbage there.

When all the vegetables are almost ready, take the tomatoes and grind them, or grate them, and also pour them into the cabbage soup. After this, add salt and pepper to taste, add garlic and herbs if desired. In a couple of minutes the cabbage soup will be ready. The calorie content of fresh cabbage soup is only 54 kcal per 100 grams, which means that there will be no more than 250 kcal in a plate of cabbage soup. Therefore, the calorie content of fresh cabbage soup allows you to eat it calmly, without fear for your figure.

Making cabbage soup from sauerkraut is also very simple. To prepare six servings of cabbage soup you will need 2.5 liters of meat broth, one carrot, one onion, two potatoes, 300 gr. sauerkraut, approximately 20 ml sunflower oil, salt, Bay leaf, ground black pepper and dill to taste.

Since the basis of sour cabbage soup is sauerkraut, rich in vitamin C, they are simply an indispensable dish in winter cold. It's hearty and rich in vitamins The dish is low in calories, so it is suitable for those watching their weight.

Before preparing cabbage soup, you need to boil the broth. The calorie content of the sauerkraut cabbage soup also depends on the calorie content of the broth. If your health allows, you can cook thicker broth. We choose chicken broth with minimal calorie content. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, and then throw them into the boiling broth. Finely chop the onion and carrots and simmer in a frying pan.

While the potatoes are boiling in the broth and the onions and carrots are being fried, take the sauerkraut and set it to cook separately in a large quantities broth. The cooking time for cabbage depends solely on your taste preferences. If you want the cabbage to be soft, then you need to cook it for a long time, but for those who like it crispy, a few minutes will be enough.

When the potatoes are cooked, throw the contents of the pan into the pan and boiled cabbage, salt. You cannot cook potatoes and cabbage together, as the potatoes will remain hard due to the acid. Cook everything together for a few more minutes and add spices and herbs. Such cabbage soup is served with sour cream.

Green cabbage soup– a powerful charge of the body with vitamins and microelements. For connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle, simplicity and benefits - there is nothing tastier green cabbage soup.

What could be healthier and tastier for the health of the body other than green cabbage soup? Only the same tasty and healthy green cabbage soup! Beautiful, aromatic green cabbage soup can be prepared in two versions - with meat broth and a vegetarian version - with vegetable broth. In the first version, the soup will be rich and satisfying. But I prefer lighter and healthier green cabbage soup, which can be cooked on vegetable broth or just on the water.

Green cabbage soup is a very suitable soup for feeding people in fast days following a diet to reduce

Ingredients for preparing green cabbage soup

  • Nettle 250 gr,
  • Sorrel 150 gr,
  • Green onions 2 bunches,
  • Potatoes 4 pcs.
  • Half chicken egg,
  • Vegetable broth,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Sour cream or homemade mayonnaise,
  • A bunch of parsley,
  • A bunch of dill,
  • Pepper mixture,

Cooking green cabbage soup

When preparing green cabbage soup, as you understand, rare wild plants are used in the autumn and winter. Therefore, if we don’t have any particular problems with preparing green cabbage soup in the spring and summer, then how can we prepare such tasty and certainly healthy green cabbage soup when there is no specific greenery for the soup? An assistant comes to our aid, which is in every apartment - a refrigerator!

Try in advance, when greens, sorrel, dill, celery have just appeared, to prepare them for future use by freezing them in freezer. Canned greens preserves its properties for a long time by freezing beneficial features. Let the greens in the refrigerator take their rightful place, but in the fall and winter, you can enjoy healthy, tasty green cabbage soup, remembering spring and summer, creating a great mood for yourself.

So, let's start preparing green cabbage soup. To do this, we sort out the nettles, rinse them in cold water, and cook until soft. Place the boiled nettle in a colander, grate it or pass it through a meat grinder. For green cabbage soup, we also sort out the sorrel, wash it, and cut the large leaves into smaller pieces. Chop green onions (you can use them) and simmer a little in vegetable oil.

In boiling water or just water (for those who want to taste more rich soup possible to use) omit the peeled and chopped sorrel. Cook in boiling green cabbage soup broth for 10 minutes. Then add to green cabbage soup into a saucepan with the resulting nettle puree. At the end of cooking, add fried onions, pepper and salt.

Serving green cabbage soup

Green cabbage soup is served hot, seasoned with sour cream or with half a boiled chicken egg, chopped dill and parsley. For fasting people and vegetarians, omit the egg.

Bon appetit!

Many rumors and myths on the topic of the benefits and harms of soups create misconceptions about the need for first (liquid) courses in the human diet.

Let's start with the benefits of soups for losing weight and maintaining weight.

Research by scientists proves that those who eat first courses every day lose weight more easily and effectively than people who do not have soups in their diet. However, the results of these studies can be questioned if it turns out that the people who took part in them drank little water, and the soups simply replenished the body's fluid needs. In any case, the soup is very a good product nutrition to create a feeling of satiety. First courses allow you not to increase your caloric intake. In this case, food density (saturation) can be reduced: the amount of nutrients will not be very large, but the volume of food will be sufficient. With the help of soup you can arrange fasting days, unless, of course, it is a meat soup and it does not contain a lot of fat.

To be fair, we can say that you can increase the volume of food intake and reduce its calorie content with the help of salads, fiber and bran (cabbage, carrots, apples, persimmons, bananas, bread with bran, adding fiber to food).

The health benefits of soups seem questionable.

You can often hear that people with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers) simply need to eat liquid. In fact, they require frequent, small and fractional feeding. In addition, at some stages of such diseases you cannot eat raw vegetables and fruits, because their juice has an irritating effect. Therefore, for some diseases of the stomach and intestines, soups are recommended, although, for example, you can bake an apple, stew carrots and cabbage.

Harm of soups (borscht, cabbage soup)

1. Liquid during meals dilutes gastric juice, which significantly impairs digestion.

2. Heat treatment dramatically reduces the amount of nutrients in food. All vitamins and biologically active substances die at a temperature of 57 degrees.

3. Warm meat or chicken broth, entering the body, is very quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver, due to its capacity, does not have time to process the large quantities of meat extracts contained in the broth. As a result, extracts in the form of unsplit poisons bypass the liver and begin their “journey” throughout the body, causing harm to many internal organs.

4. When cooking meat, various harmful chemicals pass into the broth, the main ones being creatine and creatinine. In addition, in our time, when raising animals for slaughter, to increase their weight, unpious farmers use various chemicals that accumulate in the meat and also harm the consumer. For the sake of example, here are the results of one interesting experiment: chicken carcass, in the cultivation of which the antibiotic tetracycline was used, was cooked for 30 minutes, as a result, traces of this chemical appeared on the muscles of the broiler, and after the next 30 minutes of cooking, the substance completely passed into the broth.

For reference:

Probably, now no one will tell the meaning of the word “restaurant” other than a place where they eat. But even before the Middle Ages, bones were boiled overnight in French taverns. The masters and masters ate meat and gave the bones to the servants. And from these bones they made a very rich broth, which, on the advice of doctors of that time, was given to wounded soldiers and people exhausted after illness.

In French the verb to restore is restaurant. And the restorative broth is a restaurant. After this, taverns that cooked bones and fed the poor and sick began to be called restaurants. Thus, initially a restaurant is not a place where gourmet food is eaten, but a place where the poor are fed.

From this historical information the following conclusions follow:

1. Bone broth was given to poor people, and it actually restores strength, but if you drink it every day for a long time, then it will do much more harm than good.

2. Bones were boiled and broth was made in those days when there were no animal feeds or antibiotics.

So, the dry residue: it is not advisable to eat soups, but if you really want to and not often, and even from vegetables, then you can.

1. You can cook soups (cabbage soup, borscht) using the second broth. The meat is cut into pieces of 100 grams and placed in cold water. Then bring to a boil and cook for about five minutes. Then this primary broth is drained and new cold water is poured in, which is brought to a boil, and in which you cook the meat and prepare the soup.

2. Cook meat or chicken broth. Then it cools, visible fat is removed from it and diluted with water in a ratio of two to one. So-called weak broth. The content of fat and extractives will be significantly less.

3. Can be boiled vegetable soup and add separately cooked meat to it.

A couple of recipes:

1. Three radishes per coarse grater. Put it on a plate rye crackers or diced and toasted bread. Add herbs: parsley, dill, celery, green onions. Mix everything and pour kvass. You can use classic or beet kvass. You can also add beetroot broth or water. Grate horseradish. Add salt to taste.

2. From rare meat you can prepare such a first dish as okroshka. You need to grate the radish, add boiled peeled potatoes, cut into cubes. Add salt and leave for an hour. After an hour, pour kvass or beetroot broth. Add greens.

Sauerkraut– a product obtained by lactic acid fermentation of shredded or chopped cabbage leaves. The role of preservatives is played by lactic acid and salt. Mustard oils with high content sulfur gives the product a specific taste and aroma, turning it into a healthy and tasty snack.

The birthplace of sauerkraut is China. There is archaeological evidence confirming that this dish began to be prepared in the Middle Kingdom almost 3 thousand years ago. Later, the simple technology of ripening cabbage was mastered in Korea and Central Europe. In Rus', this dish became widespread only in the middle of the 16th century.

Sauerkraut is an affordable and useful product. It is consumed as a snack or side dish, used for preparing salads, first courses or fillings for baked goods. IN folk medicine with the help of sauerkraut and the brine released from it, a wide variety of disturbances in the body’s functioning are corrected.

Traditional recipe for ripening cabbage

  • white cabbage – 5 kg;
  • sour apples – 4–5 pcs.;
  • carrots – 350–400 g;
  • table salt – 100 g;
  • cranberries and (or) lingonberries – 70–80 g.


  • Cabbage is cut into long noodle-like pieces, carrots into thin strips, and apples into large slices.
  • The resulting mass is sprinkled with salt, mixed with berries and poured into a wooden tub scalded with boiling water.
  • The mixture is compacted tightly and pressed down with pressure.
  • Fermentation of cabbage lasts 5 days at a temperature of about 20 °C. During this period, the released foam is regularly removed and the compacted mixture is pierced daily with a sharp wooden stick.
  • On days 5–6, the tub of sauerkraut is transferred to a cool place.
  • The dish is ready after 1.5–2 weeks.

Rules for selecting and storing sauerkraut

Sauerkraut can be purchased at the store or market. When choosing this product, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Before purchasing sauerkraut in a store, you should carefully read the label on the package. The product should not contain vinegar essence, lemon juice or citric acid.
  • High-quality sauerkraut has a pronounced sour-salty taste, white color (sometimes with a pinkish-golden tint) and a pleasant aroma of pickles. From purchasing products that have musty or other bad smell, grey colour or dark spots, it is better to abstain.
  • Sauerkraut should be firm and crispy. If the product does not crisp, it means that the technology for its preparation has been violated.
  • Most vitamins are retained in coarsely chopped cabbage leaves.
  • The brine should have a viscous, slightly slimy consistency.

You need to store cabbage in the dark at a temperature of about 0 °C: in the heat the product begins to ferment vigorously, and in the cold it freezes and loses its properties. nutritional properties. For storage it is better to use wooden, ceramic or glass containers.

Nutritional value of the product

100 g of sauerkraut contains the following nutrients:

  • proteins – 1.511 g;
  • fats – 0.092 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.179 g;
  • dietary fiber – 3.891 g;
  • water – 87.414 g;
  • ash – 0.816 g.

Digestible carbohydrates in 100 g of product are sugar (4.998 g), starch and dextrins (0.181 g).

Vitamins in sauerkraut

Sauerkraut contains a whole complex of vitamins. When consumed, 100 g of this product enters the gastrointestinal tract:

  • retinol equivalent (A) – 598.744 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) – 0.027 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) – 0.038 mg;
  • pantothenate (B5) – 0.179 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) – 0.074 mg;
  • folate (B9) – 8.816 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) – 38.064 mg;
  • alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol equivalent (E) – 0.166 mg;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) – 0.966 mg.

Sauerkraut also contains biotin - vitamin B7 or H. The concentration of this compound is 0.094 mcg per 100 g of product.

Calorie content of the dish

The energy value of 100 g of sauerkraut is 26.813 kcal. A teaspoon of this snack contains 2.741 kcal, a tablespoon – 7.819 kcal, and a glass – 41.147 kcal.

Useful elements in sauerkraut

Microelements in 100 g of sauerkraut:

  • zinc – 0.376 mg;
  • iodine – 2.805 mcg;
  • aluminum – 492.819 mcg;
  • chromium – 4.572 mcg;
  • manganese – 0.164 mg;
  • rubidium – 5.544 mcg;
  • molybdenum – 12.063 mcg;
  • cobalt – 2.966 mcg;
  • boron – 197.806 mcg;
  • lithium – 0.377 mcg;
  • nickel – 14.083 mcg;
  • fluorine – 12.173 mcg;
  • vanadium – 6.371 mcg;
  • copper – 81.293 mcg;
  • iron – 0.794 mg.

Macronutrients per 100 gram serving:

  • sodium – 21.793 mg;
  • potassium – 283.361 mg;
  • chlorine – 1243.578 mg;
  • sulfur – 34.579 mg;
  • calcium – 49.721 mg;
  • phosphorus – 29.732 mg;
  • magnesium – 16.244 mg.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

  • Sauerkraut - dietary product, having a low energy value. People looking to lose weight can add this snack to their diet without worrying about the consequences.
  • The brine released when cabbage is fermented has laxative properties. In order to cope with prolonged constipation, it is enough to drink half a glass of this remedy before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Sauerkraut - accessible source ascorbic acid and other vitamins. Regular inclusion of this dish in the diet reduces the likelihood of developing colds, hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency, and increases the overall tone of the body and its ability to resist infections.
  • Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of antioxidant compounds that neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, slow down the aging of the body and reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.
  • The brine released during lactic acid fermentation of cabbage leaves helps women cope with toxicosis during pregnancy. In order to get rid of nausea, it is enough to drink 3 tablespoons of this remedy every morning.
  • Cabbage fermented without sweeteners contains a complex of substances that reduce blood sugar concentrations.
  • With regular consumption of fermented cabbage leaves, the composition of the intestinal microflora is normalized, the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract increases, and the risk of developing disorders in the digestive system is reduced.
  • Sauerkraut is rich in compounds that help increase bone density and prevent the development of osteoporosis.
  • Substances entering the body when consuming this product help accelerate lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
  • Vitamin A and other compounds present in fermented cabbage leaves help improve vision and protect the visual system during increased eye strain.
  • Women who regularly include sauerkraut in their diet are more able to tolerate the manifestations of menopausal syndrome.
  • Fermented cabbage leaves are an effective detoxifying agent. By eating 150 g of this product per day, you can speed up the removal of toxins, poisons, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances from the body.
  • Group B vitamins, which sauerkraut is rich in, strengthen nervous system. People who constantly have this dish in their diet rarely suffer from neuroses, depression, insomnia, or sudden mood swings.
  • Iron and other nutrients contained in fermented cabbage leaves improve the process of hematopoiesis. Therefore, this dish is recommended for people suffering from anemia.
  • Substances present in sauerkraut help increase potency, improve the composition of ejaculate and reduce the risk of developing dysfunction genitourinary system in men.
  • In folk medicine, sauerkraut is used to combat hemorrhoids. The product is ground in a mortar, the resulting pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the inflamed site for 2-3 hours.
  • The substances present in sauerkraut help remove excess cholesterol from the body, give elasticity and strength to the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries, strengthen the heart muscle, and regulate the heart rate. Thanks to this, people who include this dish in their menu every day reduce the risk of developing arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and other cardiac diseases.
  • Scientific research suggests that sauerkraut has antihistamine properties. People who consume this product daily reduce the risk of developing allergic reactions and attacks of bronchial asthma.
  • The juice released when cabbage leaves are fermented has analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditional healers advise rinsing the mouth with this remedy for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis and stomatitis.
  • For congestion in the gallbladder, it is useful to drink cabbage brine, half diluted tomato juice. The product should be taken one third of a glass 25 minutes before breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • Sauerkraut contains a complex of compounds that improve the condition of nails and hair, giving them a healthy shine and accelerating their growth.
  • In folk medicine, sauerkraut brine is used to treat superficial burns. A sterile cloth soaked in this product is applied to the affected area. The lotion is changed every 20 minutes.
  • The juice that is released when cabbage leaves are pickled is effective remedy from a hangover.

Cosmetic properties of sauerkraut

  • A mask is prepared from fermented cabbage leaves, cleansing and whitening the skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles. The product is squeezed out, crushed in a blender and applied in a thin layer to problem areas. After 40 minutes, the cabbage mass is washed off, and any moisturizer is applied to the treated skin.
  • Sauerkraut brine is an effective remedy for acne. Soak sterile gauze with the liquid and apply it to problem areas for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily.
  • A mask is prepared from sauerkraut that regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrows enlarged pores and blocks the spread of inflammatory processes to too much extent. oily skin. The product (4 tablespoons) is crushed in a blender, combined with beaten egg white and 4 teaspoons potato starch. The mass is thoroughly mixed and distributed over the skin. After 25 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.
  • Sauerkraut can be the basis for preparing a mask that moisturizes dry and sensitive skin. The product (3 tablespoons) is pureed, combined with egg yolk and olive oil(1.5 teaspoons). The resulting mass is whipped and distributed over problem skin. After 35 minutes, the composition is washed off with cool water.
  • The juice released when cabbage leaves are fermented helps strengthen hair follicles and slow down excessive hair loss. For cooking remedy½ cup of brine is combined with 1.5 teaspoons of honey, stirred and heated to 40 °C. The resulting composition is rubbed into the scalp in a circular motion and left for 40 minutes. The procedure is carried out once every 8–9 days.

Contraindications and harms of sauerkraut

  • Excessive consumption of sauerkraut can cause bloating, active gas formation, and diarrhea.
  • Substances present in fermented cabbage leaves slow down the absorption of iodine. People at risk for diseases thyroid gland, you should consult your doctor before including this snack on your menu.
  • Sauerkraut - a dish with increased content salt. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension, gout and edema should limit their consumption of this product.
  • Sauerkraut is contraindicated in case of excessive acidity of gastric juice, severe diseases of the kidneys and pancreas, gastritis, and in the presence of stones in the gall bladder.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend including this snack in the diet of children under 5 years of age.

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Greedy man: how to recognize and what to do? Foam appears when the soup has already gone sour! If the soup is sour, it smells, why heat it, everything is clear here. And don’t put barley in soups, I beg you! If the soup turns sour, it means the fermentation process has begun. I would not risk doing anything with such soup, it could be dangerous to health. But the taste of the soup changes so that there is no doubt maybe soup soured

We got into an argument. What does sour soup look like? For me, first of all, it's the smell. And for my opponent, this is the foam that appears when you heat the soup. This soup is generally dangerous to eat! Although, some are trying to revive it, they think that it’s worth boiling it and everything is fine.

You can save the soup if you boil it, but this is only if it just starts to smell wrong, and if it already stinks or foam has appeared, it’s better not to risk it! As a child it was very convenient, you don’t want to eat and say that it stinks sour...

What to do if it goes sour...

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Foam appears when the soup has already gone sour! But the taste of the soup changes so much that there can be no doubt - the soup has gone sour. Sometimes while the soup is cold, it is not clear that it has gone bad. I think few people will continue to eat spoiled soup after the first spoon, even if it has boiled and all the bacteria in it have died. Moreover, the soup can smell not only sour, but also simply change the smell - which means it has spoiled.

Stir soups only with dry utensils, since when rinsing, one drop is enough tap water so that the soup turns sour. Stir soups only with dry cutlery. This is how it turns out: we are preparing delicious soup half a day, and then, due to inattention or chronic absent-mindedness, we forget to put it in the refrigerator. It would seem that there is only one way out - pour it out quickly and far away, before this unbearable smell fills the entire home.

For me, sour soup is primarily a smell. If it smells sharp, then everything needs to be poured out.

If you pour...

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I put the greens at the end, turn off the stove and it infuses under the lid, I even leave it on the stove, it doesn’t turn sour. Why boil, because all the vitamins will go away. It’s hard to say why this happens to you, but it’s not from normal fresh products exactly. You can assume that it is very hot in your house and the soup begins to sour already during the cooling process, then you really need to try to cool it faster and put it in the refrigerator. Soups that boil for two hours will not be healthy, I even cook borscht for minutes 40-50, no more, I add vegetables last (I hate boiled cabbage like snot, I like it better with a little crunch.) If I’ve ever had something turn sour, it was only because I forgot to put it in the refrigerator on time, although this It happens rarely, but that's it...

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You will need

Cold water; - table vinegar; - earthenware.


The soup should contain boneless meat. The greens must first be washed and dried, only then can they be added to the soup. For borscht, you can use the method with table vinegar. A few drops table vinegar will help reduce the risk of the soup going sour.

After preparing soups, you can leave the required amount, and cool the rest using the sink (bathtub) and cold water. need to fill the bathtub or sink cold water And...

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Perhaps you are pouring it into another pan... for me it only turns sour in this case...
You don't need to cook the meat any longer...
do you top it with sour cream right in the pan? Sometimes recipes recommend adding it right at the end of cooking - in this case you need to cook the soup at once...

if all the ingredients are well cooked, it shouldn’t turn sour, especially so quickly... perhaps you add garlic at the very end, without heating it - it also provokes sourness...

In general, check the refrigerator. Moreover, it’s new - at one time everything was sour, there was warm stuff in the refrigerator - it turned out that I overloaded the refrigerator door, and it moved down, the refrigerator light stopped turning off - it was heating up a lot. Or the mode is very weak...

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Today's soup simply cannot ferment after standing in a warm place. It will only take a very long time to cool down, and it also takes time for the bacteria to pick up and time for it to multiply. So no offense, but somewhere you didn’t pay attention to cleanliness. Since not all toxins are decomposed by boiling, and not even all bacteria die immediately, I wouldn’t risk throwing it away.
If you really need to eat, and all your money has gone to the Internet (well... anything can happen), then boil for at least 10 minutes. Sour taste doesn't say anything. The acid formed during fermentation during boiling may not decompose, and it is impossible to be poisoned by it.
And remember:
1) Food can only be kept out of the refrigerator in one case - it is still hot. (above 43 degrees)
2) Majority food poisoning began with the words “what’s in the fridge for him!”
So pay closer attention to the products. And then there was a question just recently - a man has lard in his refrigerator...

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Only these cabbage soup, it seems, are not soup at all)
Sour cabbage soup in Russia

What is Russia without cabbage soup? The same as Egypt without the pyramids! Lomonosov in Marburg dreamed of being surrounded by them. Fonvizin threw away the dirty napkins of the Italian catering with disgust, marveled and yearned for Lenten cabbage soup. Peter I, Alexander III, and Nicholas II did not hesitate to admit that they preferred cabbage soup to all dishes. Suvorov, in addition to his militaristic aphorism, is also memorable for his peaceful maxim. Fulfilling orders, Russian soldiers in Godforsaken France, during breaks in battles with Napoleon, cooked cabbage soup from grape leaves. The true passion of His Serene Highness Prince Grigory Potemkin of Tauride has always been sour cabbage soup. It is known for certain that during military campaigns and other travels, His Serene Highness invariably carried with him bottles of cold sour cabbage soup. Cabbage soup successfully replaced kvass and sbiten for him. Potemkin was sure that cabbage soup had and healing properties. It is not for nothing that, among his other reforms of the Russian army, directed against the order, Potemkin approved...

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Nobody likes when food goes to waste, because it took a lot of time or money to prepare it, if the food is purchased. No matter how hard you try, it’s hard to keep track of everything in the summer heat, especially since the last thing you want to be in is the kitchen. If an apple begins to rot, you can trim it and continue to take the vitamins, but what if the soup is sour, and you only prepared it last night?

This is how it happens: we cook a delicious soup for half a day, and then, due to inattention or chronic absent-mindedness, we forget to put it in the refrigerator. It would seem that there is only one way out - pour it out quickly and far away, before this unbearable smell fills the entire home. Perhaps this is the simplest of all options, and your body will thank you.

If you pour out the sour soup and your hand doesn’t flinch, you can boil it. This method is effective if the dish has just begun to deteriorate and has not yet become covered with hissing bubbles. If they do exist, it’s really better to cook something else. The second sign that the soup...

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Every housewife faces the problem of soups going sour. Especially in summer time Soups turn sour quite quickly. You can find out how to prevent soups from turning sour in the article.

How to reduce the risk of sour soups

To keep the soup from turning sour as much as possible you will need:

Cold water; table vinegar; clay dishes.

The souring of soups directly depends on the ingredients included. Foods and vegetables such as tomatoes - tomato paste, garlic, sauerkraut (salted) cabbage, semolina, millet, rice, flour products, can help speed up the souring process of soups. Therefore, you need to add as little as possible or not at all these products when preparing soups.

The soup should contain boneless meat. The greens must first be washed and dried, only then can they be added to the soup. For borscht, you can use the method with table vinegar. A few drops of table vinegar will help reduce the risk of souring...

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Pour out yesterday's soup, or Is it possible to eat spoiled food?

The military past of our grandmothers also affects our way of life. We are used to finishing everything that is on our plate, we cannot throw away food and carefully clean off spots of rot on fruits and vegetables. How harmless are such habits for our health?

Savings come first

“Just think - part of the orange has spoiled, and a piece of cheese has become covered with an unpleasant-smelling coating. Throw out the rotten slices, cut off the edges of the cheese, and eat everything left at once,” we think, regretting the money spent on food and cursing the deceiving sellers who slipped us a stale orange. What do we achieve with such savings?

It turns out that the right decision would be to part with the stale product without the slightest regret. If only we knew what harm “slightly” rotten vegetables and three-day borscht cause to the body!

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