Mushroom soup from frozen chanterelles recipe. Dried chanterelle soup recipe

Required ingredients:

  • mushrooms (frozen chanterelles) – 500 g
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.
  • onion-1 PC
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • buckwheat– 3 tbsp. l.
  • greenery
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • Bay leaf

Frozen chanterelle soup can be prepared as per meat broth, and on the water. It depends on your family's preferences.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, you need to defrost the mushrooms, rinse them thoroughly, boil them for several minutes and drain the water.
  2. Pour fresh water over the boiled mushrooms and continue cooking.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes.
  4. Add potatoes to mushrooms.
  5. Pour a tablespoon of buckwheat into the pan.
  6. Peel the carrots and onions and chop them finely. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  7. Add the roast to the soup.
  8. Add all the necessary spices, salt, herbs.

Frozen chanterelle soup, a recipe for real gourmets

For those who like to surprise everyone with their culinary delights, we recommend preparing frozen chanterelle soup according to the following recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • frozen chanterelles – 500 g
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • pearl barley – 200 gr
  • celery root
  • green pea(fresh, canned) – 250 gr.
  • onions – 1 piece
  • garlic – 3 cloves
  • parsley
  • dill
  • carrots – 1 piece
  • bay leaf – 3 pieces
  • vegetable oil
  • allspice peas
  • sour cream

Cooking method:

  1. Thaw the mushrooms.
  2. Prepare all the ingredients for the soup: wash and finely chop the carrots, onions and celery, cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Fry mushrooms and onions.
  4. Boil the pearl barley, drain the water.
  5. Pour water into the pan, after it boils, add chopped celery, carrots and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Next, add the potatoes and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  7. Add to soup pearl barley and boiled mushrooms with onions.
  8. IN last resort add peas.
  9. Add spices, finely chopped garlic, pepper and bay leaf.
  10. Add greens (dill and parsley).

Once all the soup ingredients have been added, continue to simmer for 20 minutes until cooked through. Cover the pan with a lid and let the soup simmer for 10 minutes. Add sour cream to taste before serving.

Frozen chanterelle soup – wonderful dish for the whole family. There are a lot of options for preparing this soup and choosing exactly the one you like is quite simple!

Soup from dried mushrooms can be prepared from chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, etc. You can also add pickled or fresh champignons which will give him spicy taste.

Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms

You will need:

Bay leaf
- dried chanterelles – 50 g
- potatoes – 4 pcs.
- onion with carrots
- peppercorns
- salt, sour cream
- greenfinch
- wheat flour
- butter


Wash the fungi, pour a glass of boiling water over them, and leave for half an hour to steep. Pour water into the pan, put it on the fire, and start preparing the frying. Melt the butter, fry the chopped onion, grated carrots, add flour at the very end, fry for several minutes. Place the chanterelles, which have already swelled, into boiling water, add more more water, set to cook. After a quarter of an hour, throw in the diced potatoes. In 10 minutes. add salt, sprinkle with pepper, add the roast, a bay leaf and cook until the potatoes are fully cooked. As soon as the dish is infused, serve it with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

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Dried mushroom soup: recipe

Required Products:

Dried chanterelles – 30 g
- water – 2 liters
- different types of mushrooms – 295 g
- onion and carrot
- potatoes – 5 pcs.
- a few laurel leaves
- greenery
- pepper and salt
- sour cream – 245 g
- butter and vegetable oil

How to cook:

Cover the chanterelles with water and let stand for 20 minutes. Chop the onion, grate the carrots, fry them in one frying pan with vegetable oil and butter. Add sour cream at the end and continue to simmer for a few more minutes. Put the water on the fire, as soon as it boils, throw in the mushroom and potato pieces, add more water, let stand for about 15 minutes. Cut the salted or pickled mushrooms into pieces, put them in the soup, add the frying, pepper, spices, salt and herbs, leave some more for 3-4 minutes, and then turn off the heat.

What do you think?

Dried porcini mushroom soup.

Wash 190 g of dried porcini mushrooms and pour a glass of boiling water over them. 295 g fresh mushrooms chop into thin slices. Chop 3 onions and fry in oil until they turn golden. Put 50 g butter, dried and fresh mushrooms, fry the total mass for 10 minutes. It is better to fry them in a saucepan so that you can immediately pour water into it. Add 3 tablespoons wheat flour, fry for two minutes and pour in water, 1.5 liters of milk and a glass of cream one by one. Be sure to stir the mixture to get rid of lumps. You can stir the mixture with a whisk. Cover the container with a lid. As soon as the mixture boils, simmer for another 20 minutes.

Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms recipe.

Grind 200 g of dried chanterelles into powder or flour. Chop celery root and one onion and fry in oil. Add boiled vegetables to the water, add mushroom flour, add spices, cook for exactly 15 minutes. Pour the soup into bowls, add half a chopped boiled egg, lemon drop and chopped greens.

Dried mushroom soup photo:

Recipe with cheese.

You will need:

Onion head
- dried mushrooms – 90 g
- potato
- vermicelli – 90 g
- carrot
- salt
- processed cheese – 1.5 tablespoons

Cooking steps:

Sort out the dry mushrooms and soak for an hour. Change the water several times during soaking. Cook the mushrooms for about 40 minutes, and then remove them with a slotted spoon and finely chop them. Salt the water in which they were boiled, add diced potatoes, cook for another 10 minutes. Fry the chopped onion for several minutes, add the mushrooms, and cook for 10 minutes with constant stirring. Add mushrooms and onions. Throw in the vermicelli and continue cooking until it's done. Add the processed cheese, stir until it dissolves completely, turn off the stove, cover with a lid, and let sit for 5 minutes.

Recipe with beans.


Medium potato – 4 pcs.
- white beans- one glass
- parsley root – 2 pcs.
- a couple of large spoons of butter
- laurel leaf – 2 pcs.
- a glass of sour cream
- carrots – 2 pcs.
- large onion head
- a pair of garlic cloves
- celery
- 3 liters of water
- salt
- seasonings to taste

Cooking steps:

Soak the dry mushrooms and beans separately overnight, and cook until fully cooked in the morning. Chop the peeled potatoes into small pieces and fry them until partially cooked. sunflower oil. Place in a saucepan with boiling water, pour in the mushroom broth, add salt, and reduce the heat to low. Grate parsley root, celery and carrots, simmer in a hot frying pan, and transfer to a cooking container. Add chopped garlic and continue cooking for about 15 minutes. Place half of the boiled beans in a blender, pour in a little liquid from the soup, a few pieces of potatoes, chop, place in shared dish. Chop the chopped onion, simmer in vegetable oil, combine with porcini mushrooms, and fry for another minute. Add a glass of sour cream, sprinkle with spices, boil for no more than a minute, remove the bay leaf. When serving, place two tablespoons of boiled beans in each plate, pour in the soup and add herbs.

Cherry tomatoes differ from their larger counterparts not only in the small size of their berries. Many cherry varieties are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato taste. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual Exotic fruits. In this article I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits with unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but you’re amazed at how different the petunias of the past are from the many-sided hybrids of today! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods; in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

All summer residents are concerned about the question of how to grow healthy seedlings in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender cutlets from chicken breast It’s easy to prepare with champignons according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to prepare juicy and tender cutlets, this is wrong! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is a bit dry. But if you add cream to the chicken fillet, White bread and mushrooms and onions will turn out amazing delicious cutlets, which will appeal to both children and adults. During mushroom season, try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

It is impossible to imagine a beautiful garden that blooms throughout the season without perennials. These flowers do not require as much attention as annuals, they are frost-resistant, and only sometimes need a little shelter for the winter. Different types perennials do not bloom at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5–2 months. In this article we suggest recalling the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

Seeds of poor germination are a common occurrence for Russian market. Normally, cabbage germination should be at least 60%. It is often written on seed bags that the germination rate is almost 100%, although in practice it is good if at least 30% of the seeds germinate from such a package. This is why it is so important to choose the right supplier. In this article we will look at varieties and hybrids white cabbage, who deservedly received the love of gardeners.

All gardeners strive to obtain fresh, environmentally friendly and aromatic vegetables from their gardens. Relatives happily accept the food home cooking from your own potatoes, tomatoes and salads. But there is a way to show off your culinary skills to even greater effect. To do this, you should try to grow several aromatic plants that will add new tastes and aromas to your dishes. What greens in the garden can be considered the best from a culinary point of view?

Radish salad with egg and mayonnaise, which I made from Chinese radish. This radish is often called Loba radish in our stores. The outside of the vegetable is covered with a light green peel, and when cut open there is pink flesh that looks exotic. When preparing, it was decided to focus on the smell and taste of the vegetable and make a traditional salad. It turned out very tasty, we didn’t detect any “nutty” notes, but it was nice to eat in winter light spring salad

The graceful perfection of shining white flowers on tall stalks and huge shiny dark leaves of Eucharis give it the appearance of a classic star. In indoor culture, this is one of the most famous bulbous plants. Few plants cause so much controversy. Some eucharis bloom and delight with absolutely no effort, while others do not produce more than two leaves for many years and seem stunted. It is very difficult to classify the Amazon lily as an unpretentious plant.

Kefir pizza pancakes - delicious pancakes with mushrooms, olives and mortadella, easy to prepare in less than half an hour. You don't always have time to cook yeast dough and turn on the oven, and sometimes you want to eat a slice of pizza without leaving home. In order not to go to the nearest pizzeria, wise housewives came up with this recipe. Pancakes like pizza are a great idea for quick dinner or breakfast. We use sausage, cheese, olives, tomatoes, and mushrooms as filling.

Growing vegetables at home is quite a feasible task. The main thing is desire and a little patience. Most greens and vegetables can be successfully grown on a city balcony or kitchen windowsill. There are advantages here compared to growing in open ground: in such conditions your plants are protected from low temperatures, many diseases and pests. And if your loggia or balcony is glazed and insulated, then you can practically grow vegetables all year round

We grow many vegetable and flower crops using seedlings, which allows us to get an earlier harvest. But create ideal conditions very difficult: lack of sunlight for plants, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other reasons often lead to depletion and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because they are the most sensitive to adverse factors

Frozen chanterelle soup is a frequent guest on the dinner table. Cooking this mushroom soup won't take much time. Frozen chanterelles cook quickly enough without losing their aroma and color.

Soups with frozen chanterelles can be cooked in vegetable, chicken or meat broth. A wonderful taste is obtained by adding cream, milk or processed cheese.

To make the soup more nutritious, add noodles or vermicelli, pearl barley or rice. Puree soups have a special and unique taste.

Helps highlight the aroma of mushrooms fresh herbs, seasonings and bay leaf.

To improve taste and appearance Add sour cream to the soup and garnish with a slice of lemon.

Before freezing, chanterelles must be boiled until tender. If you haven't done this, cook the mushrooms for at least 40 minutes after defrosting.

How to make frozen chanterelle soup - 16 varieties

Filling your home with the aromas of summer is very simple: prepare soup with frozen bright and elegant chanterelles. It turns out to be a real summer soup! Your family will be absolutely delighted!


  • frozen chanterelles - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • butter - 30 g
  • black peppercorns
  • dill
  • bay leaf
  • salt.


Thaw the chanterelles. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry in oil with the addition of thawed mushrooms.

Place the fried mushrooms into a pan of boiling water and add the chopped potatoes. Add spices. Cook until the potatoes are ready.

Serve with sour cream and chopped dill.

This one has absolutely amazing taste. mushroom soup. Be sure to prepare!


  • frozen chanterelles - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • processed liquid cheese - 2 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper
  • butter - 30 g
  • greenery
  • salt.


Thaw the mushrooms and place them in boiling water. Add some salt. After 15 minutes, add the diced potatoes.

Chop the onion and carrots and fry in butter. When the potatoes are ready, add the fried potatoes and cheese to the soup. Stir and bring to a boil.

Let the soup brew and serve.

Pamper your family with a hearty, aromatic and delicious soup. Even children will be delighted with this first dish!


  • frozen chanterelles - 300 g
  • shallots - 40 g
  • cream -70 ml
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • olive oil - 50 g
  • thyme
  • parsley
  • pepper
  • salt.


Thaw the chanterelles and fry them on olive oil until ready. Pour in the cream, add chopped garlic, shallots and simmer for a few more minutes.

Grind the soup in a blender. Add chopped parsley and dill. Garnish with thyme.

This simple chanterelle soup has a great aroma and excellent taste. taste qualities. Maximum pleasure and minimal cooking time - the dream of any housewife.


  • frozen chanterelles - 500 g
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • frying oil
  • pepper
  • salt.


Chop the onion and carrots. Thaw the mushrooms.

Fry the onion with the addition of carrots and mushrooms. Place the roast into boiling water.

Cut the potatoes into pieces and place in a saucepan. Salt and add spices.

Cook until the potatoes are ready. Serve with sour cream.

The delicate taste of this soup will pleasantly surprise absolutely everyone: both adults and children.


  • frozen chanterelles - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • cream - 100 ml
  • butter
  • black pepper
  • parsley
  • pepper
  • salt.


Chop the onion. Grate one potato. Cut the remaining potatoes into cubes.

Fry the mushrooms in oil with the addition of onions and grated potatoes.

Add potato cubes to a pot of boiling water and cook until tender. Place the roasted mushrooms in a saucepan and simmer for a few minutes. Pour in the cream. Salt and add pepper.

Pour into plates and garnish with herbs.

Chili peppers give the soup a spicy, spicy taste. A delicate aroma The chanterelles will win the hearts of all those present.


  • frozen chanterelles - 300 g
  • potatoes - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • frying oil
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • chicken bouillon
  • processed cheese - 200 g
  • pepper
  • salt.


Cut onions, carrots, potatoes and mushrooms into cubes. Fry the onion in oil with the gradual addition of carrots, mushrooms and potatoes.

Pour boiling broth over all ingredients and cook until potatoes are done.

Add melted cheese and finely chopped chili pepper. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

A nutritious creamy soup made from frozen chanterelles with the addition of shrimp can surprise even gourmets. Be sure to prepare it.


  • frozen chanterelles -700 g
  • potatoes - 500 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • shrimp - 300 g
  • spices
  • salt.


Chop the onion, place in a slow cooker and fry with the addition of chopped carrots in the “Baking” mode.

Add thawed chanterelles and sliced ​​potatoes to the onion. Salt and add spices to taste. Cook in the “Stew” mode for one hour.

Beat all ingredients with a blender. Keep in the “Baking” mode for five minutes.

Boil shrimp and add to ready soup- puree.

If you buy frozen mushrooms in a store, make sure they are stored correctly: there should be no snow or water in the package.

Tasty, inexpensive and satisfying. What else do you need for a good family dinner?


  • frozen chanterelles - 450 g
  • potatoes - 750 g
  • leek - 1 pc.
  • rice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable broth
  • vegetable oil
  • parsley
  • dill
  • pepper
  • salt.


Thaw the chanterelles. Cut the leek lengthwise and slice thinly. Pour oil into a saucepan and fry the leek.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and place in a saucepan. Pour in the broth. Add chanterelles and washed rice.

Add salt and season with spices. Cook until potatoes and rice are done.

Serve with black bread croutons.

The soup according to this recipe is rich, juicy, aromatic and very satisfying.


  • frozen chanterelles - 400 g
  • chicken fillet - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • butter - 50 g
  • pepper
  • salt.


Thaw the chanterelles. Cut the chicken fillet and potatoes into pieces, chop the onion.

Salt the chicken fillet and fry. Place in a saucepan of boiling water.

Fry the onions and mushrooms and add them to the chicken. Add potatoes to soup and cook until tender.

Pepper and salt to taste.

Adds a spicy taste to the soup smoked sausage. Beans make the soup hearty, and mushrooms fill the dish with a unique aroma.


  • frozen chanterelles - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • boiled white beans - 100 g
  • smoked sausage - 100 g
  • olive oil
  • tomato sauce
  • chicken bouillon
  • black pepper
  • parsley
  • garlic
  • pepper
  • salt.


Thaw the mushrooms. Chop the onion and garlic and fry in oil with the gradual addition of mushrooms.

Add chicken broth and tomato sauce. Boil a little and add the beans.

Cook until tender and add chopped herbs to the soup.

The soup will have an unusual taste when you add turnips. Try it, it's very tasty!


  • frozen chanterelles - 400 g
  • turnip - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • dill
  • green onion
  • onion - 1 onion
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp.
  • black peppercorns
  • vegetable oil
  • salt.


Thaw the mushrooms.

Prepare vegetables: cut turnips and potatoes into slices, carrots into slices, onions into cubes.

Place chanterelles and potatoes in a saucepan of boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes.

Fry the onions with carrots and turnips and put the frying in a saucepan and cook until the potatoes are ready.

Add salt, pepper and mustard. Serve with chopped dill.

This aromatic soup Housewives will like it, as it will not take up much of their time: the soup is prepared in one pan. There are no complications, and the taste of the soup is simply amazing!


  • frozen chanterelles - 300g
  • cauliflower - 1 small head
  • bacon - 200g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • salt.


Thaw the chanterelles. Disassemble into inflorescences cauliflower. Fry thinly sliced ​​bacon with chopped onion in oil in a saucepan. Add mushrooms. Add some salt and pepper. Pour in the broth and cook for 10 minutes.

Add the cauliflower to the soup and cook for another 10 minutes.

Serve hot.

Oh, what a flavor this soup has! You will not regret if you cook soup according to this recipe for lunch.


  • frozen chanterelles - 400 g
  • smoked ribs- 200 g
  • smoked meat - 200 g
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • pearl barley - 100 g
  • black pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • salt.


Fill the pearl barley with water to swell. Thaw the chanterelles.

In a cast iron fry finely chopped onion with grated carrots. Add smoked ribs and smoked meat, cut into pieces.

Place mushrooms and pearl barley into the pan. Pour in broth. Salt and add spices.

Cook until all ingredients are fully cooked.

This soup can be stewed in the oven in pots. It turns out very tasty!

This soup has a special taste! And all this thanks to pumpkin and additional spices.


  • frozen chanterelles - 450 g
  • pumpkin - 150 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • butter
  • dried ginger
  • dried cumin
  • black ground pepper
  • cinnamon
  • allspice
  • Cayenne pepper
  • gin - 2 tsp.
  • cream - 120 g
  • dry white wine -120ml
  • salt.


Thaw the mushrooms. Cut the pumpkin, garlic and onion into pieces.

Fry the onion in oil with the addition of garlic, mushrooms and pumpkin.

Place the roast in a pan of boiling water. Pour in gin and white wine. Cook for 10 minutes. Pour in the cream and add all the spices.

A simple and mild-tasting soup - great option for lunch.


  • frozen chanterelles - 300 g
  • chicken leg- 1 PC.
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 200 gr
  • greenery
  • pepper.


Boil the leg and separate the meat from the bone. Fry the onion with the addition of defrosted mushrooms.

Knead a stiff dough from eggs and flour. Roll out and cut the noodles.

Place chopped potatoes and grated carrots into the boiling broth. Cook for 10 minutes.

Add mushrooms with onions and noodles to the soup. Add salt and cook until the potatoes are ready. Pour in sour cream.

Serve with chopped herbs.

This soup is for real gourmets. Treat your loved ones to a real restaurant dish.


  • frozen chanterelles - 400 g
  • bacon - 100 g
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • without yeast puff pastry- 300 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • celery - 2 stalks
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • cognac - 60 ml
  • white wine - 200 ml
  • heavy cream - 300 ml
  • ground white pepper

Unusual taste has chanterelle soup, which can be quite successfully prepared at home. Compared to the popular and more affordable porcini mushrooms, chanterelles are small in size, but they are more tender and tastier. We can say that these mushrooms have a fruity smell and floral taste. They are recommended to be served with wild boar meat, fish or pheasant. Their original taste should be combined with duck, beef and even venison. It is the mushroom soup made from chanterelles that will please not only adults, but also little gourmets.

Fresh chanterelles are perfect for making aromatic mushroom soup.

How to prepare delicious and aromatic soup?

To successfully prepare this dish, you can use brandy and a small amount of saffron You need to prepare: 6 cups of goose, chicken or duck broth, 2 chopped shallots, 6 tbsp. l. butter, half a cup heavy cream, 2 tbsp. l. flour, salt, 450 grams of mushrooms, 3 yolks, ¼ tsp. saffron

Veloute can be made from goose, but then the soup will be greasy.

First you need to prepare the veloute. The broth should be heated over low heat. In a separate pan, heat the butter. Then you need to pour the hot broth into this mass and cook for about 20 minutes over low heat.

While the velouté is preparing, you need to make a mushroom base for it. You need to chop the onion and chanterelles, and then simmer them over low heat. Be sure to add a pinch of salt to this mixture.

The onion should become transparent, and the liquid released from the mushrooms should completely evaporate.

Then the saffron should be added to the brandy and poured all this into the mushrooms. You need to cook this mixture until alcoholic drink will not evaporate. Separately, beat the yolks with cream and add to the mushrooms. Boil the soup for 10 minutes. Can ready dish Grind with a blender and garnish with herbs when serving.

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Making delicious chanterelle soup

In order to pamper your beloved relatives and friends with a delicious dish, you should pay attention to creamy chanterelle soup, which can be quite successfully prepared in any kitchen. For this you will need: 2 carrots, half a kilo of chanterelles, 2 cloves of garlic, 4 potatoes, 2.5 liters of water or chicken broth, 1 onion, salt, peppercorns, herbs, bay leaf and cloves.

Garlic is best added at the end of cooking, then it will give the soup a unique aroma.

Before preparing a delicious and original cream soup, you need to thoroughly rinse the mushrooms. After that, they are cut and boiled for 5 minutes, drained in a colander and drained. Then the slightly cooked chanterelles are placed in a pan and poured with chicken broth, which is added with salt and brought to a boil. Next, reduce the heat and, covering the pan with a lid, cook for 10 minutes, adding cloves, bay leaves and pepper.

Pre-peeled potatoes should be cut into not too large cubes. Chop the peeled onion and chop the carrots. If you have enough time, you can sauté carrots and onions in a separate frying pan in chicken fat or melted butter.

Then you need to add potatoes to the pan with the boiling chanterelles. Then pour in the sauté and boil for 2 minutes. The finished soup, which has cooled slightly, must be ground using a blender. After pouring the soup into bowls, sprinkle it with chopped herbs and garlic. You can season the cream soup with sour cream.

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How to prepare aromatic puree soup with mushrooms?

No less interesting is the recipe with which you can cook great dish. Original and tasty soup Chanterelle puree will conquer even the most sophisticated gourmets. For this dish you need to take: 2 tablespoons of flour, 500 grams fresh chanterelles, salt, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 glass of heavy cream, 2 eggs, 2 onions, 5 glasses of homemade milk.

Dried chanterelles must first be soaked in water for several hours.

Fresh mushrooms need to be carefully sorted, all debris removed, the lower part of the legs cut off, rinsed in water and passed through a meat grinder. Then you need to put main ingredient into a saucepan, add a tablespoon of butter and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes.

After this, you need to pour in a glass of purified water and bring to a boil. The onion must be peeled, cut into small cubes, placed in the bottom of a deep soup pan and fried in a small amount of butter. Then add flour stewed mushrooms and pour preheated milk over everything. Cook like this milk soup needed for 20 minutes.

Separately, you need to stir 2 yolks together with the cream. At the end of cooking, add salt to the soup and season it with the creamy egg mixture. Only after this can you pour the puree soup into plates and be sure to sprinkle with herbs.

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How to cook chicken soup with mushrooms?

Incredibly delicious chicken soup with chanterelles will delight you with its taste and unique aroma.

To prepare it you need to take: onion, 1 chicken soup set, 8 potatoes, 1 carrot, salt, 20 grams of butter, 100 grams of chanterelles.

First you need to cook chicken broth. Separately, peel the potatoes, cut them and place them in the boiling broth. Then we clean and three carrots, fry together with pre-cut onions until golden brown. It should be noted that this dish can be quite successfully prepared from frozen mushrooms, which need to be thoroughly fried. In the broth where the potatoes are boiled, you need to add fried onions and carrots, and then chanterelles. Chicken soup must be brought to a boil. After it has cooled a little, you need to add a small amount of chopped herbs.

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Cooking an unusual chanterelle soup

In a slow cooker you can quickly and easily prepare delicious mushroom soup.

A simple recipe to help you make soup from... dried chanterelles, many housewives should know. After all, this particular dish can decorate the dinner table and bring a lot of pleasure to loved ones.

To prepare it you need to take: 2 leeks, 3 handfuls of dried chanterelles, 150 grams of hard grated cheese, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 4 medium-sized potatoes, dry spices, 1 carrot, herbs, 2 liters of water, 40 ml of sherry, 2 tablespoons of butter.

You need to soak the dried chanterelles in water for about 2 hours. cold water and then boil them for 20 minutes. Then remove the chanterelles from the broth and place the potatoes and spices cut into small cubes into it. In a frying pan, sauté carrots cut into short strips and leeks cut into rings, using a small amount of butter and vegetable oil.

Then you should add the mushrooms and simmer them over low heat for 8 minutes. Only after the potatoes are almost cooked, add the sauteed sauce to the pan with the future soup and cook for another 10 minutes. You can pour very tasty mushroom soup into plates and pour pre-chopped greens and chopped hard cheese. It is allowed to add a small amount of milk cream to this dish. This soup should be served with a bitter alcoholic drink. For example, it could be Madeira, mountain ash or gin.

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How to make cheese soup with chanterelles?

If the carrots are fresh, it will be enough to simply wash them well.

Fragrant cheese soup with mushrooms is an incredibly satisfying and tasty dish. To prepare it successfully you can use various recipes. However, the most interesting thing is the French cheese soup. You need to take: 200 grams chicken fillet, 800 grams of potatoes, dill, 400 grams of processed cheese, salt, 350 grams of champignons, 1 onion, pepper, 1 carrot, vegetable oil.

Chicken meat must be poured with 3 liters of water and boiled. The meat should be removed from the broth and cut into pieces. Peel the carrots, potatoes and onions and wash them thoroughly. Grate the carrots, cut the potatoes into cubes, and finely chop the onion. Cut the washed mushrooms in half.

The meat broth must be brought to a boil and the potatoes added to it. At this time, fry the onion in vegetable oil until transparent, add the carrots and fry the vegetables for 3 minutes. Then add champignons to this mixture. Fry them until all the liquid has evaporated.

Add champignons and pre-chopped meat to the boiling broth. The already prepared soup needs to be salted and peppered. And only after this can you season the dish with melted cheese and mix thoroughly so that the soup turns out without lumps. Immediately before serving, cheese soup with chanterelles should be sprinkled with dill. It is best to serve this dish with crackers or croutons.