What is the best way to roast chicken. Fried chicken drumsticks with vegetables

Poultry dishes are very tasty and nutritious, although feathered meat is considered dietary. White meat contains a lot of protein, a group of different vitamins, minerals, and phosphorus. There are many different recipes written about how to fry chicken.

Chicken selection

In the market or in the store, it is better not to look closely at large carcasses, among them you can find a bird that was injected with antibiotics.

The breast is difficult to fry, it is better to stew it, and in fried it is dry and hard. To obtain tender meat and a crispy crust, the bird should be fried for 30 to 40 minutes.

The yellowness and bluish tint of the skin give out the great age of the feathered individual. In young chickens, the skin is light and pinkish, there is no white coating. Dryness and cleanliness of the skin indicate a good condition of the carcass.

You can check the quality by pressing on the meat. Dents straightening immediately are a positive sign. A characteristic strong smell indicates poor quality goods.

Preference is always better to give chilled meat. Freezing can distort reality, for example, when thawing, an unpleasant aroma will appear. Do not store the product for a long time. The sooner you send it to the kitchen, the better. In the refrigerator, it is advisable to keep the chicken parts in a container with temperature regime camera from 0 to "minus" 4 degrees.

How to fry in a pan

Fried chicken in a pan will decorate and festive table and weekday dinner. You can fry the bird using any oil: olive, corn, sunflower vegetable species or a piece of butter. The piquancy of the product will be added by frying on a mixture of oils, when the cream is mixed with vegetable.

Tip: Tastier and juicier meat is obtained if it is pre-marinated for 2 hours, add the spices you want or according to the recipe.

The pan must be hot, it is required to distribute oil over it so that its layer does not exceed 3 or 5 mm. The oil is heating up. As soon as bubbles appeared on its surface, or it began to crackle, chicken meat is laid out in a direction away from itself.

To obtain a beautiful crust, each side is fried. For these purposes, culinary tongs are useful, which will provide convenience when cooking, and will also allow you not to damage the meat.

Tip: First you need to fry the chicken on the side where the skin is missing or there is little of it.

Experienced cooks recommend turning the chicken three times, frying each side 2 times. At a temperature of elevated values, the chicken needs to be fried for 5 minutes, then the fire mode decreases, the size of the pieces of meat affects how much to fry at this stage, on average it will take about ten minutes, then one more turning of the meat is performed.

After another ten minutes, turn, sprinkling the necessary spices on top. You can use red pepper, turmeric, garlic, herbs or special spicy sets. If you fry meat with spices in oil, they will reveal all their flavor, essential oils dissolves most easily in hot fats. Food in spices can be fried for a maximum of five minutes.

In order for the brown crust to be present, the lid for the pan is not used. But in order to fry the meat, and for its juiciness, the lid will be required at the final stage of frying, when the chicken is already browned.

Tip: The skin of a bird can be eaten with meat, but it has a lot of fat, therefore, it is high in calories and unhealthy. People on a diet should refuse it, removing it before cooking meat.

in pieces

How much to fry a chicken depends on which of its parts is cooked, and what size the pieces are or is it a whole carcass. If you fry in pieces, it will take less time. Usually in this form they prepare an ingredient for Caesar. To add meat to a salad, it should be fried without oil.


To get a fragrant poultry roast, you need to fry the fillet in a hot frying pan, where there will be hot peeled vegetable oil.

The washed pieces are distributed in the pan, how much in this case you need to fry the fillet chicken, depends on how much large pieces, but no more than six or eight minutes, otherwise the product will be too dry. You need to fry each piece from all sides. At the end of the process, in a couple of minutes, crushed garlic cloves (a couple of pieces) are added to the meat, salt and pepper are added “by eye”. It is ideal to serve buckwheat, pickles, vegetable salads as a side dish.

Chicken legs

Without exception, all housewives are interested in how to properly fry chicken legs. Washed legs or whole thighs are completely rubbed with a mixture of salt and spices (a little cumin, coriander, black and red pepper powder). If you add turmeric, it will provide a golden color to the finished dish.

It takes about 15 minutes to fry the legs so that they are covered with a beautiful crust. The fire mode is set to strong. After obtaining a golden color, the fire decreases, water (250 ml) is added to the pan. The pan is covered. The product is cooked for another 25 minutes. Gentle mashed potatoes and vegetable salad will serve as an excellent side dish.

To fry the drumstick in a pan, you can use classic recipe when the chicken parts are rubbed with a mixture of salt, chicken seasoning and pepper. Separately, the onion crumbles and the carrot rubs coarsely. Vegetables are fried on a low setting. The drumsticks are laid out in hot oil, and fried in a strong mode. To vegetables with legs are poured boiled water(250 ml.), With the lid closed, stew until tender for half an hour.


Appetizing breaded bird turns out, how to fry chicken in this case is known to professionals. A frozen carcass or parts of a bird is thawed in a special mode in microwave oven either in cold water, holding the meat in it for about two hours.

You can cook a whole chicken in breadcrumbs. Can be used boiled chicken how to fry it depends on the recipe. The chicken is boiled and divided into portioned pieces, which are salted and peppered, then rolled in beaten eggs (you need 4 pcs.).

An incomplete glass of breadcrumbs is in a separate bowl, each part of the chicken is dipped in them, after which it is re-rolled in the egg mass. Pieces of meat in breadcrumbs are placed in hot oil in a frying pan, it is necessary to fry until a well-brown crust appears.

How to fry in the oven

How much to fry a chicken in the oven is determined by the type of cabinet, the mode and size of the carcass or pieces of meat. The included convector will speed up the process. For wings, drumsticks and thighs, the mode is usually set to 179 degrees, then 45 minutes is enough.


A juicy dish is obtained with mayonnaise. A whole chicken is rubbed inside and out with salt, ground pepper, aromatic herbs and spices from a bag for cooking chicken. 150 grams mayonnaise sauce mixed with six cloves of garlic, crushed in a garlic press. The chicken is rolled in the marinade mixture and aged at will, either three hours or the night before cooking.

On the sheet in which the oil is located, the carcass is laid out. Chicken with garlic will be fried in a heated cabinet for about an hour and a half.

Up your sleeve

In the oven in the sleeve, the bird is quickly fried from the inside. Meat in a preheated oven will cook for about an hour, if the carcass is small, it will take a little less than an hour and a half for a medium one, and about two hours for a large one.

in foil

A mode from 180 to 200 degrees is needed to fry the bird in foil in the oven. Salt is taken, the whole carcass is rubbed with it. You can make a sour cream sauce with curry, paprika and granulated garlic. The carcass will have to be cut a little, and in these places put the stuffing from the garlic plates. A couple more cloves are placed in the inside.

The carcass is dipped in the sauce, the composition is poured inside it. The chicken is wrapped in two layers of foil, the bird will languish in a heated cabinet for about two or two and a half hours, later the foil is carefully torn with a knife and the edges are turned away, put in the oven for 30 minutes to get a golden color.

Roasting on the grill

Pieces of poultry are distributed on the grate, any oil is used for lubrication. On coals, fillet pieces are cooked for about half an hour, if they are constantly turned over. For drumsticks, thighs and wings, the time increases to 45 minutes. The sauce using pickled garlic will be in perfect harmony with chicken skewers.

Grilled chicken

There are several ways to grill chicken. For example, a microwave oven has a grill mode. Chicken in any marinade is placed on a wire rack. Below is a plate for fat. The meat is cooked for 10 minutes, then a little water is poured into the plate, on the combi 2 mode, fry each side for 12 minutes.

In a slow cooker

You need to fry the chicken in a slow cooker, cutting it into pieces and getting rid of the fat. The meat is coated in salt and seasonings. You can not pour oil into the pan. Enough 35 min. on "Baking", and the dish is ready.

From a seemingly simple set of products, you can create a culinary masterpiece. After all, when simple meals the first, second and third are boring, you involuntarily want something special, unusual, with a new taste. In fact, having the same set of products, cooking something new for dinner is very simple. Properly selected spices, additional products in combination - and the same chicken will acquire new ones. taste qualities. By the way, about her. Chicken is the most inexpensive meat that is most often found on our table, so we will introduce you to a couple of recipes for cooking chicken in a pan.

Spices for fried chicken

The easiest way to diversify the taste of fried chicken is to add new spices. Properly selected, they are able to correctly reveal the taste of the dish, so before we cook the chicken in a pan, we will introduce you to the list perfectly. suitable spices.

Since ancient times, spices help to feel the taste of dishes, reveal their taste and aroma during cooking, saturate and emphasize, muffle and tint (turmeric can give the chicken an appetizing golden blush). For the correct preparation of a particular dish, it is important to know which seasonings and products are combined. In addition to the usual universal seasonings and pepper, you can add to the chicken:

  • Turmeric. This is one of the main components of universal seasonings, it has a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma, it is excellent for broth, sauce and marinade, it has a pleasant golden color.
  • Curry. Fine Sauce for chicken - creamy with curry. No less great with curry marinade. The seasoning has a stunning aroma, golden color, evokes the taste of Indian cuisine.
  • Coriander. Its seeds are universal, they are used in baking, frying, and broth. The taste of coriander is restrained, but specific. Whole seeds are often added to broths and marinade, and crushed into sauces or for other dishes. The meat is especially flavorful.
  • Oregano and marjoram. The taste and aroma of the dried leaves are very similar to each other, the dried ones have a very subtle aroma, but when cooked, it reveals itself in its full glory. Just one pinch before the end of cooking will add incredible flavor to your dish. Before preparing the marinade, herbs are best brewed like tea.
  • Rosemary. A little rosemary will give the cooked meat a taste of game, this is a pleasant bitterness and coniferous aroma. Combined with sauce wild berries chicken will be excellent. A small "but": rosemary does not go well with bay leaves.
  • thyme (or thyme). Used in both broth and marinade. Especially thyme is combined with chicken breast, sour cream sauce and vegetable garnish.
  • Garlic. The most familiar and very aromatic additive. Both the aroma and taste of garlic are fabulous, savory, suitable for any dish, when cooking chicken in a pan or in the oven, it is suitable for sauces and marinades, frying and stewing.

golden hen

The golden crust on the chicken is appetizing, so we will share with you a recipe on how to cook fried chicken in a frying pan with a delicious golden brown crust.

There are many ways to prepare such a crust, marinades help with this - with turmeric, with sour cream, rosemary. But one of the most mouth-watering options- from soy sauce.


To prepare the marinade, per kilogram of chicken legs you will need:

  • 3 art. l. honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. french mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • curry, salt and pepper to taste.

Melt the honey in the bath, but do not let it boil. Chop the garlic, add very finely chopped onion to taste, mix with the rest of the ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste.

Legs, washed and dried, generously grease with sauce and leave to lie down so that the chicken is saturated with flavors and aromas.

How to fry a chicken properly?

Properly pan-fried chicken is the key to success, so learn how to work with the pan correctly.

Heat it up and pour a good layer of vegetable oil. It should also warm up well.

In order for the chicken to turn out with a crispy golden crust, you need to fry the meat several times on both sides. A generous amount of oil will help prevent the chicken from burning.

When frying, do not cover the chicken with a lid, otherwise the crust will not turn out. You can cover the pan only after the appearance of a beautiful, golden appetizing crust.

Chicken with mushrooms

Chicken fillet goes well with mushrooms, especially porcini mushrooms or champignons, and with a fresh vegetable side dish it is delicious. light dinner.

To cook chicken with mushrooms in a pan, you will need a pound of chicken fillet, 10 champignons, onion, 200 ml of milk or cream, some spices.


Recipes for chicken in a pan with mushrooms are similar to each other, but this is the most gentle way of cooking.

Finely chop the onion and fry until golden brown v in large numbers butter. After the onion is cooked, put it in a separate plate, reserving the oil.

Coarsely chop the fillet and fry in the same oil until half cooked. Also take it out and send the mushrooms to the oil.

Due to the fact that the oil absorbs all the flavors of the products that were fried in it, the taste of the dish will be unique.

Send onion and meat to the fried mushrooms, add salt and spices, a little garlic.

Creamy sauce will emphasize the tenderness and juiciness of the dish. Heat milk or cream, stir to avoid lumps, add herbs. TO cooked meat add a little more butter, let it brew for 5-7 minutes and invite your family to the table.

You can emphasize the taste of chicken in a pan with a fresh side dish, such as red pepper, slices of tomatoes and cucumbers, also vegetable salad With butter.

Those who have tried chicken with champignons in a creamy sauce assure: more tender than dishes no. It is light, appetizing, the chicken is juicy, and vegetable garnish very handy.

Barbecue in a frying pan

There are a lot of recipes for chicken in sauce in a pan, but barbecue chicken does not compare to any of them.

The sauce seems complicated, but how fragrant it is, how delicious! You must try this recipe. For the sauce you will need:

  • tomato sauce- 1 glass;
  • butter- 50 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Worcestershire sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • medium onion;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • as well as spices to taste.

Saute chopped onion and garlic in melted butter. Add other ingredients, bring to a boil. Add salt, paprika and other spices of your choice to taste. Stir well and let the spices open up, leave the sauce on low heat for another 15 minutes.

Wings are especially delicious in this sauce, but drumsticks and thighs are no less appetizing. Rinse the meat, pat dry and coat generously with sauce.

Put the chicken in hot oil and fry several times on different sides. When frying, you can add a little more garlic. Chicken in a pan or in the oven with barbecue sauce tastes like grilled, delicious.

On the Internet, barbecue chicken in a pan responds positively, assuring that the chicken turns out to be fragrant, fragrant, with a glossy crust.


Delicious full dinner in a frying pan - pilaf with chicken. A properly cooked dish, even in a frying pan, will taste no worse than in a cauldron, no less fragrant and juicy.

For this we need:

  • chicken fillet- 400 g;
  • rice - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • as well as salt, vegetable oil, all-purpose pilaf seasoning, or a combination of your favorite spices.

Wash the breast and cut. Coarsely chop the onion and fry until golden brown and add the meat. While the chicken is frying in a pan, grate the carrots on coarse grater or cut into rings. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for five minutes.

Add spices: barberry, cumin (cumin), pepper, salt and turmeric. Be careful with salt, you won’t be able to fix salted pilaf. Leave to simmer for 20-25 minutes.

Rinse the rice several times until clear water flows from it. Pour the meat over them, but do not mix. Pour water one and a half to two centimeters above the rice and simmer under the lid for 15 minutes.

Finely chop the garlic and add to the pilaf, simmer for another 10 minutes until the water is completely gone.

Bon Appetit!

Here's how to cook chicken in a pan. A simple ingredient proper cooking able to become yours best dish.

Cook with pleasure, experimenting with new recipes.

It would seem - what could be easier than just frying a chicken. Do not bake, do not cook, do not stew, namely, fry. On a frying pan.

Yes, so that with a golden crispy crust.

In order for everything to turn out as well as possible, and we would not have killed the chicken - there are certain nuances that would be worth mentioning.

So, in order to quality fry chicken in a pan you will need:

  • Hen. Whole or separate parts - in this case not the point is important. If the chicken is whole, you need to cut it into portions. Chicken thighs were used here.
  • Butter. Gram 40-50.
  • Garlic. 1 clove.
  • Salt.
  • Freshly ground black pepper.

fry chicken.

Two main nuances when preparing delicious fried chicken:

  1. The chicken is fried over very low heat.
  2. The chicken is fried in butter. It's creamy, not vegetable. This allows you to achieve an absolutely wonderful taste and smell - vegetable oil will never give such an aroma.

Melt the butter in a heavy heavy bottomed pan over low heat. Do not let the oil get too hot and start to change color. Just melted, just starting to heat up - it's time to lay out the chicken.

Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper and place in hot oil.

There, without peeling, just pressing down with the plane of the knife, put a clove of garlic.

Once again I will repeat. Heating should not be strong at all. By doing this, we achieve two things - we prevent the burning of butter, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the chicken has time to warm up completely, respectively, and cook from the inside, without using a lid.

Fry the chicken until golden brown While one side is fried - do not touch the chicken pieces. When the chicken is fried until golden brown - turn over. And fry the other side. It already makes sense to reduce the fire even more and warm the chicken on the weakest heat until it is fully cooked.

To make the crust golden and crispy, do not cover the pan with a lid - it is better to play with heat so as not to burn the chicken and at the same time not leave it raw inside.

We pierce a piece of chicken with a toothpick in the thickest place. If clear juice comes out of the chicken, then everything is ready. If the toothpick is dry, it means a little overexposed.

Today, our gastronomic weapon, which will amaze everyone who tries it, will be chicken in a pan, cooked in the best culinary traditions. We follow the tips and recommendations of the presented recipes and get bright compositions from delicious, healthy and mouth-watering dishes.

Even if in our strategic reserve"It turned out to be only two or three ingredients, nothing prevents you from getting a great meal from fried meat birds.

Grocery list:

Chicken or its parts (wings, legs, legs) - 500 g;
vegetable oil;
salt pepper, spices, other spices.

The main rule of the culinary specialist is to use only fresh and high-quality products.

Cooking method:

1. We process the chicken over the burner fire, wash it thoroughly and remove the insides. Many authors advise to separate and discard the tail, but for some it is a favorite part of the dish. In this case, we cut out the “wen”, include it in the composition of the dish.
2. Cut the chicken between the fillet fragments into portions, salt and pepper them. Sprinkle pieces of poultry with your favorite spices and spices, leave for an hour in this form.
3. Pour into the pan vegetable fat and warm it up well. How to do it right, we will find out a little later.
4. We spread the chicken in a hot composition and fry over high heat (2 minutes). Turn the pieces over after the formation of a golden crust. Reduce the intensity of heating, continue the process until the meat is ready.
Although the recipe presented is called the simplest, take my word for it, you do not need to be a cooking guru to master the more complex methods of cooking chicken in a pan.

In creamy sauce

No less pleasure will bring poultry meat, decorated in a delicate and velvety cream sauce. You don't even need a garnish!

Product set:

Bulbs - 2 pcs.;
chicken fillet - 500 g;
garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
fresh cream - 250 ml;
homemade sour cream- 150 g;
a small bunch of green feathers;
cheese - 100 g;
vegetable oil - 50 g;
salt pepper.

Cooking order:

1. We clean the fillet from films, blot it with paper towels and cut into small pieces of approximately the same size.
2. Heat vegetable fat in a pan (you can add butter) and fry the meat for up to 5 minutes over medium heat.
3. Add finely chopped onion to the container, let it go until it becomes transparent, then put garlic, salt and pepper cut into small cubes to it.
4. After 2 minutes, pour in the cream and add sour cream, mix the ingredients of the dish well and simmer over low heat. At the end of the process, place the chopped onion feather and grated shavings hard cheese. After 5 minutes, the chicken in a creamy sauce is ready.
Serve with a meal fresh bread with crispy crust. We break off a solid chunk, dip in tender gravy, with pleasure we send it into the mouth along with your favorite piece of chicken. Fantastic!

Cooking with vegetables

Today, we are increasingly turning to cooking not only delicious, but also healthy food. Chicken with vegetables is perfect!

Composition of ingredients:

Small bird carcass - 600 g;
tomato paste - 30 g;
carrots - 3 pcs.;
onion turnip - 2 pcs.;
potatoes - 5 pcs.;
flour - 50 g;
butter - 30 g;
broth - 200 ml;
salt, pepper, aromatic herbs.

Cooking process:

1. Divide the chicken into portions and fry them for 10 minutes in a saucepan with pre-dissolved butter. Turn the pieces over when they turn golden.
2. We clean and wash vegetables. We cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into circles, finely chop the onion. If desired, add the fruit of sweet pepper. Put the vegetables in a bowl with chicken and fry until golden brown.
3. Place the sifted flour, salt, pepper, spices and tomato paste. We mix the products well and after a minute pour in the hot broth. We continue to work with a spatula, connecting all the components of the dish. Too thick composition is diluted a small amount liquid, adjust the consistency of the sauce according to personal preferences.
4. Reduce the intensity of heating to a minimum and simmer the food for 20 minutes.
Serve hot chicken with vegetables, sprinkle each serving with fresh herbs.

How to fry chicken in a pan with a crust?

To obtain the desired "crispy" effect, use any parts of the bird, except for the breast. This excellent dietary meat is dry for frying.

Grocery list:

Chicken legs (you can wings, legs, other parts of the carcass) - 300 g;
fragrant seasoning - from ½ tsp;
vegetable oil;
half a lemon;
salt, pepper, herbs.

Cooking method:

1. Leave the frozen meat in the evening on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Forgotten - no problem! Immerse the ice pack with the product in water, but do not allow liquid to get inside. Very soon, the chicken will thaw and become ready for use.
2. We certainly wash the meat, arrange an audit for feathers, fine hairs and remnants of the insides.
3. We combine in a bowl the juice from half a lemon, a spoonful of oil, pepper and herbs, selected to taste. Don't add salt yet! We coat the chicken pieces with the resulting composition and leave in the bag for 2 - 3 hours.
4. Heat the oil in a frying pan. We spread the chicken in hot fat, salt and pour in the drained marinade. Fry for 2 minutes in a closed form over high heat.
5. Next, reduce the flame of the burner to an average heating level and open the dishes. Fry the meat for 5 minutes on each side and continue the cooking process over low heat until the product is ready.
The dish turned out amazing - a real "firebird" with a golden crust!

Cooking option in sour cream

We include in the culinary finds a dish that does not leave the top popular dishes. And that, of course, is chicken in sour cream.

List of components:

Ghee - 20 g;
onion turnip - 5 pcs.;
chicken - 1.5 kg;
thick sour cream - 300 g;
carrots - 3 pcs.;
flour - 60 g;
salt, red pepper (hot).
In the Caucasus, this is hearty and extremely tasty dish called "gedlibzhe" and served with millet pasta, replacing bread. Take 3 cups of water per glass of cereal. Cook porridge without salt until the liquid evaporates. At the end, add a pinch of semolina and constantly stir the composition until a thick consistency is obtained, as well as the separation of the mass from the walls of the dish. We turn its contents onto a plate and give it the shape of a hemisphere.

Cooking chicken in sour cream:

1. Divide the bird into portions, which we spread in a large and deep frying pan. Quickly fry the pieces in ghee until bright brown.
2. We remove the chicken from the dishes, in its place we place the onion peeled and chopped into large cubes, as well as the carrots chopped into strips.
3. Pass the vegetables until soft and combine them with flour. We heat the products for 2 minutes, then add sour cream.
4. Thoroughly mix the composition, simmer for another 5 minutes and return the chicken parts to the pan. They must be completely immersed in the sauce. We simmer the dish on a quiet fire until the meat is ready.
Serve the chicken directly in the pan. On a separate dish, we present pasta cut into portions. Try it - you will never regret it!

Poultry fried in soy sauce

Asian cuisines add a lot of variety to our diet. Habitual honey or mayonnaise, most often used in traditional cooking chicken in a pan, successfully replaced the soy sauce.

List of ingredients:

Eggs - 2 pcs.;
chicken legs- 10 pieces.;
soy sauce - 10 g;
vegetable oil (20 ml) and butter (20 g);
mustard, tomato paste - 30 g each;
pepper, salt.

Step by step preparation:

1. We wet the clean parts of the carcass with paper napkins, pour black soy sauce distributing it throughout the product. Leave the pieces of the bird in this state for 20 minutes.
2. We attach tomato paste and mustard to the marinade, lubricate the product well with an additional composition.
3. After half an hour, we proceed to the next stage of preparation. We heat both types of oil in a frying pan, fry the legs on all sides until a delicious crust appears.
The chicken in soy sauce turned out to be especially tasty, fragrant in an oriental way, very juicy and attractive.

Chicken fillet in batter in a pan

You can cook tender poultry meat in dough not only from fillets. Shanks, wings or legs look very appetizing.

Composition of products:

Garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
chicken fillet - 400 g;
egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
milk - 100 ml;
flour - 90 g;
vegetable oil;
salt pepper.

Features of cooking chicken in batter:

1. Cut the poultry fillet into portions, rub with chopped garlic.
2. Pour warm milk into a small bowl, dilute flour in it, add salt and yolks. Stir vigorously to break up any lumps. We get a dough that resembles thick sour cream in consistency.

3. We heat vegetable fat in a pan. Doing it right by keeping best qualities products used for cooking.

Pour in a layer of oil 1.5 cm thick, heat over medium heat, avoiding boiling. After 2 minutes, the composition will brighten, a light, slightly visible smoke will appear. Such a product does not smoke, does not burn, does not harm our digestion.
4. Dip each piece of meat in the prepared batter and put it in the calcined oil. Fry until golden brown.
We place the finished chicken fillet on a dish with a paper napkin. The role of a side dish will successfully cope with fried potato wedges and fresh herbs. Separately serve tomato sauce.

Classic julienne with chicken and mushrooms

Absolute hit holiday menu, Sunday gatherings with friends, romantic meetings.

List of ingredients:

Fresh cream - 300 ml;
champignons - 400 g;
butter - 20 g;
chicken fillet - 400 g;
flour (preferably wheat) - 60 g;
onion - 2 pcs.;
cheese - 250 g.

Cooking method:

1. Boil poultry meat. For flavor, place a piece of carrot, a few peppercorns, a bay leaf and a sprig of greens in the broth. Grind the cooled fillet into cubes.
2. Peeled mushrooms are chopped into thin strips and fried in butter. Add finely chopped onion and continue heat treatment products until they are ready.
3. Attach the fillet pieces, salt and pepper, mix the composition well and turn off the heat.
4. Sift the flour into a dry frying pan and lightly fry, pour the cream into it. Season the sauce with salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Lay out the mushrooms chicken meat, again interfere with the components of the dish and set it aside from the fire.
We lay out the food in cocotte bowls, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for half an hour in the oven at t 180 ° C. Serve the classic julienne with chicken and mushrooms hot.

Mayonnaise with garlic

The proposed cooking method is suitable for the most inexperienced housewife, allowing you to quickly and tasty fry chicken in a pan.

Required Components:

High-quality mayonnaise - 100 g;
curry seasoning - 2 tsp;
chicken - up to 1.5 kg;
vegetable oil - 30 ml;
garlic cloves - 7 pcs.;
pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and cut the bird, cut into portions. For aesthetic reasons, many cooks prefer not to use the wing knuckles, as well as the skin from the breast. But many families especially love these parts of the product, therefore, in this matter, make a decision according to your tastes and preferences.
2. Place the chicken in a deep bowl, season with mayonnaise, chopped garlic, curry spice mixture, pepper and salt. We leave the bird for an hour in the refrigerator to “enjoy” the combined aromas.
3. Put the pieces in the pan, pour in drinking water, half immersing the product in the liquid, cook for about 30 minutes over medium heat.
In half an hour of active heating, the broth will safely boil away, and the chicken will be fried to a delicious golden color.
Our gastronomic "armada" is in constant readiness. With such powerful support, the chicken in the pan will win any culinary battle!

The chicken is a versatile bird. Its meat can be marinated, stewed, fried, boiled, and in any form it will be delicious. Also a huge advantage is dietary benefit- this meat has a minimum of calories and a maximum of useful proteins and vitamins.

Fried chicken in a pan

The main secret is the use of spices. It is they who allow you to eat not just fried meat for dinner, but a tasty and spicy dish.

Fried potatoes with chicken legs

The simplest and quick lunch It's potatoes with chicken. These two products are in every home and it will not be difficult to cook them. The main thing here is not to overeat, because the dish is so tasty that this can easily happen.


  • chicken legs - 1 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.6-0.7 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 20 gr;
  • onion bulb - medium head;
  • a pinch of salt (to taste);
  • red and black ground pepper - 5 gr each;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • spices for chicken - 10 gr.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Calories: 320 kcal.

  1. Defrost chicken legs, rinse well and marinate in mayonnaise, salt and chicken spices. As spices for chicken, you can take already ready mix or make your own using suneli hops, marjoram, oregano and peppers;
  2. Leave the chicken in the marinade for half an hour and prepare the vegetables in the meantime;
  3. Peel and wash potatoes;
  4. Cut the onion into thin rings or half rings, at your own discretion;
  5. Pour half the vegetable oil into a heated pan. It should warm up well;
  6. Cut the potatoes into slices, but they should not be too thick (they will fry for a long time and remain damp) or thin (they will burn quickly). The optimal thickness of one piece is 1 cm;
  7. Fry the potatoes like this: on high heat and without a lid, do not touch it for the first 5 minutes so that it warms up well, then stir and leave for another 5 minutes. As soon as the potatoes become soft and acquire a yellow tint - salt, add ground peppers, onion rings and cover for another 5 minutes. Then stir again and fry until tender without removing the lid;
  8. Using another pan, heat the remaining vegetable oil and lay out the chicken legs;
  9. On a quick fire, bring the chicken to an appetizing crust, then reduce the fire and fry under the lid;
  10. Check the chicken for readiness - carefully make an incision and look at the color of the juice, if it is transparent, the meat is ready;
  11. Lay out portions of potatoes and legs. Bon Appetit!

Fried chicken fillet pieces

It is chicken fillet that is often used when compiling the menu. proper nutrition or diets because it contains minimal amount fats and maximum protein. When cooking, it is important not to overdry the meat, because then it will completely lose its delicate taste and become very dry and hard.

  • 1 kilo chicken fillet;
  • 1 glass of lemon juice;
  • 10 gr dry basil;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary;
  • 10 gr marjoram, cumin, oregano and paprika.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calories: 200 calories.

  1. Cut the breasts into medium pieces (5-10 cm);
  2. Put the meat in a deep bowl, and mix all the spices in a smaller one, lemon juice and oil. Mix well;
  3. Pour the marinade over the meat and mix well. It is necessary that each piece be covered with its dense layer;
  4. Cover the bowl tightly with a lid or pack in cling film and marinate in a cool place for 15-20 minutes;
  5. Heat the pan over medium heat, do not pour oil, since the marinade already contains it. It would be great to use a special grill pan for meat, but you can get by with a regular one;
  6. Put the chicken pieces and fry, stirring until golden brown;
  7. Serve hot with any side dish.

Chicken in garlic

You can use any chicken parts in this recipe. The brisket is especially good garlic sauce, but you can take drumsticks or wings - the whole chicken goes well with this sauce.


  • chicken - 700 gr;
  • sour cream - 200 r;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • butter - 80 gr;
  • a pinch of pepper and salt;
  • flour - 100 gr;
  • hard cheese - 50 gr (you can not add);
  • greens - ½ bunch.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 280 kcal.

  1. Wash the chicken well with running water and dry slightly;
  2. Grate with salt and pepper, leave for a couple of minutes while the sauce is preparing;
  3. Melt the butter ahead of time. In a saucepan over low heat, heat the flour and gently pour the oil into it, stirring constantly;
  4. Grind the garlic on a fine grater or a special press;
  5. Mix garlic with sour cream and send to a saucepan;
  6. Constantly stir the sauce so that flour lumps do not form there;
  7. Bring the sauce to a boil;
  8. Heat the oil in a second frying pan and put the chicken on it;
  9. Fry until light brown, but do not bring to readiness;
  10. As soon as the sauce boils in a saucepan, add greens and spices to it, as well as grated cheese;
  11. Pour the sauce over the chicken and simmer everything together until the meat is ready;
  12. Serve with vegetables or side dish.

Chicken thighs in a pan

Japanese cuisine even from simple ingredients can make a masterpiece. Ordinary chicken thighs turn with the help of simple manipulations into the most delicious dish in the world.


  • thighs - 600 gr;
  • red wine (dry) - 6-8 tbsp. l;
  • soy sauce - 6-8 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 50 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • clove of garlic;
  • several stalks of green onions;
  • fried sesame - 1 tbsp. l;
  • a piece of ginger 1 cm thick.

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Calories: 206 calories.

  1. Heat the wine in a saucepan and bring it to a boil;
  2. Mix sugar with soy sauce and add it to the saucepan;
  3. Wash the thighs, cut off the skin and fat, and then cut them into small pieces;
  4. In a frying pan (you can use a wok if you have one), heat the oil and put the chicken on it;
  5. Fry the meat, stirring constantly for 6-8 minutes;
  6. Remove excess fat with paper towels. Wash the pan from oil;
  7. Mix the sauce with chicken and fry over high heat until it thickens;
  8. As soon as the chicken is covered with a thick layer of sauce and becomes glossy, you can add chopped garlic with ginger to it;
  9. Put the meat on a plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds and green onions(shredded).

How to cook chicken drumstick

If the usual simple fried chicken is already boring, you can cook it with delicious sauce from white wine. Having tried this dish once, it is unlikely that there will be strength to deny yourself it the next time.

  • shins - 4 pcs.;
  • white wine - 6 tbsp. l;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • salt and freshly ground pepper to taste;
  • dry Provence herbs - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 30 gr;
  • wheat flour - 60 gr.

Cooking time:

Calories: 230 calories.

  1. Shanks wash and dry;
  2. Put the chicken in a deep bowl, sprinkle with herbs, salt and pepper on top;
  3. Add the wine to the chicken and stir well so that it is completely in the marinade;
  4. Leave the meat to marinate under the film for 60 minutes in the refrigerator;
  5. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to the flour;
  6. After the time allotted for marinating, get the chicken and bread it in flour;
  7. In a hot and olive oiled frying pan, fry the shanks for 5 minutes;
  8. As soon as a crust appears, reduce the heat and continue to fry, turning until cooked;
  9. At this time, melt the butter in a saucepan, do not allow it to burn, it just needs to warm up evenly;
  10. Add flour and the remaining marinade to the butter;
  11. Boil the sauce for 8 minutes, stirring;
  12. Then add salt, herbs and pepper to the marinade to taste;
  13. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it brew under the lid;
  14. Serve drumsticks with sauce for any side dish.

To make chicken meat especially tasty, you should take note useful tips while preparing it:

  1. It is preferable to marinate the fillet in a liquid marinade, because due to the lack of fat during cooking, it turns out to be too dry;
  2. You can also add juiciness using onions;
  3. The chicken will be very tasty if marinated in sour cream, kefir, wine, lemon or garlic marinade;
  4. The use of olive oil will help reduce calories. You can fry chicken without oil at all - just add a little water to the pan;
  5. Meat must be defrosted room temperature by flooding it with warm water.

Applying this knowledge, you can cook the same product in different ways every time so that it will never get bored!