Candied fruits, berries and vegetables: benefits and harms to the body, tips for choosing and eating. Candied fruits, calories, benefits and dietary properties

Confectioners prepared the first fruits in sugar from citrus zest. Later, apples, pears, and berries began to be used in recipes. Finished products was completely natural. Now, dyes and preservatives are increasingly being added to factory-made fruit treats. Bright cubes - popular children's dessert, therefore, the benefits and harms of candied fruit is a question that needs to be studied.

What are candied fruits

From any fruits, vegetables and even nuts, a sugar-soaked treat is prepared. They are cut into small pieces and blanched for several minutes in sugar syrup. This manipulation is repeated several times. They are then dried in an oven or naturally. Sprinkle finished slices powdered sugar so they don't stick together.

This cooking method fresh fruit turns them into a confectionery product that contains nothing but sugar. Their beneficial properties are still preserved - candied fruits are not as harmful to the body as other desserts.

Types of candied fruit

Modern industrial technologies different from home. Thanks to this, new types of fruits in sugar appeared.

  1. Folding. After languishing in a solution of sugar with water, the fruits are filtered and sent to the oven. After drying, a hard crust appears on their surface.
  2. Candied. Prepared fruits are immersed for 6 hours in concentrated sugar syrup, cooled to 90 ° C. After they are dried at a temperature of + 35-40 ° C until the formation of a crust, glaze.
  3. Replicated. Fruits are dipped in sugar syrup for a few minutes and mixed. After that, drops of a sweet liquid stand out on their surface. So that it does not glass and evenly wraps each slice, fruits soaked in sugar syrup are sent to special dryers and simmered at a temperature of +50 ° C. After the finished product is blown with cold air.

Candied and printed are related to glazed types of candied fruits and differ only in production technology. Candied fruit produces a light and translucent glaze. They are considered more useful, as they are not boiled or dried at high temperatures. They do not lose their properties.

Important! Not all vegetables and fruits are suitable for making candied fruits, but only those with dense pulp, so there is no kiwi in sugar. Instead, they use unripe pineapple, generously seasoned with dyes and flavors.

Chemical composition and calorie content of candied fruits

As part of finished product except for the fruit itself icing sugar there should be no additional food additives. The bright color and chemical smell indicate the use in the production of dyes and flavors. Such candied fruits can cause irreparable harm to health.

Chemical composition of glazed fruits:

  • vitamins: A, B, C;
  • organic acids;
  • minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron.

All these substances are contained in very small quantities. The properties of vitamins and microelements are such that most of them are destroyed during heat treatment.

Nutritional value of candied fruits:

  • proteins - 0.41%;
  • fats - 0.08%;
  • carbohydrates - 99.51%;
  • calorie content - 322 kcal per 100 g.

It is clearly seen that this is a carbohydrate, high-calorie dessert. The glycemic index of candied fruits is 75 units. Carbohydrates from them are quickly absorbed into the blood, raising the level of sugar, contribute to obesity.

Important! The maximum value of the glycemic index is 100 units. Such an indicator for glucose.

A value of 75 units indicates that candied fruits and berries are also a confectionery product. Their use must be limited due to harm to health.

What are useful candied fruits

Candied fruit contains fiber. It is contained in fresh fruits and berries, it is not destroyed during processing. Its useful properties: improve bowel function, cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

Fruit prepared by glazing and drying naturally retains useful vitamins and micronutrients. Heat treatment kills vitamin C, while others - A and B are not afraid of boiling.

Carbohydrates are useful in large quantities for people engaged in heavy physical, mental work. Candied fruit is the perfect product for them. Patients during the recovery period are also shown enhanced nutrition.

Consume glazed fruits various types diseases is necessary only after consultation with your doctor. Only he can determine their benefit or harm to his patient.

Candied fruits are less caloric than sweets. People who adhere proper nutrition, nutritionists even recommend eating a small amount of them as a healthy snack.

Sweet tooth, unable to refuse the use of confectionery, you can replace them with fruits in glaze. The calorie content is low compared to sweets, but there are more benefits. Modern technologies preparation of glazed fruits allows you to save most of the useful properties candied fruits.

Sweets from vegetables: pumpkins, beets, carrots contain less carbohydrates, but more fiber. They are healthier than their fruit variety.

Is it possible to eat candied fruit while losing weight

Due to the high concentration of sugar, this product can hardly be called dietary. The lowest calorie glazed fruit contains 216 kcal. For comparison, in chocolate - 500 kcal. Replacing sweets with candied fruits when losing weight will be correct and effective. The harm and benefits of candied fruits for the body are not comparable with the same indicators of confectionery.

Useful properties of candied fruits for weight loss

For weight loss, the following useful properties are significant:

  1. A person on a diet gets a problem with bowel movements. Coarse fiber, which is found in fruits, will cleanse the body gently and quickly.
  2. Dietary restrictions during weight loss can be harmful, leading to loss of vitamins and minerals. Some of them: A, B, PP, as well as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc - are stored in fruits and will usefully replace any useless confectionery. Trace elements contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, which is important for weight loss.
  3. A person who restricts his diet is more susceptible to respiratory diseases than those around him. Candied citruses and ginger help to strengthen the immune system, have the properties of natural antiseptics.
  4. Ginger and pineapple slices in syrup contribute to the breakdown of adipose tissue. This is the benefit of candied fruits for women, who, according to statistics, more often than men suffer from sweet addiction.

With a total caloric content of the diet of 1200–1400 kcal, no more than 50 g of candied fruits are eaten per day. They will only benefit: the absence of beriberi, loss of strength, stress associated with the restriction of carbohydrates. The harm from food abstinence is minimal.

At what age can candied fruits be given to a child

For children under 3 years of age, sweets can be harmful. Parents often forget about this threat and sweeten children's meals at an earlier age. The norm of sugar consumed for young children is 40 g per day.

Based on this, the child can eat no more than 2 tbsp. l. sweet fruits per day. But this is only after 3 years, it is better not to offer candied fruits to young children. Regarding the introduction of a new food product into the child's diet, a pediatrician's consultation is necessary.

How to use candied fruits without harm to health

The amount of carbohydrates in a person's daily diet should not exceed 50%. Depending on the lifestyle, work activity, desire to lose weight, this figure may be more or less.

Candied fruits, like any carbohydrate food, are best consumed in the morning. So calories are used up and do not settle fat on the sides. There are no restrictions for people engaged in heavy physical labor. Candied fruits will only bring benefits in the form of additional energy.

A fruit treat will become a full-fledged snack in the middle of the day. You can replace it with sweets and drink unsweetened tea. Nutritionists do not recommend using this product after 14-00. If evening training is not far off, a handful of candied fruits (20-30 g) will not hurt. One of the benefits is decreased appetite. Daily rate candied fruits should not exceed 50 g for losing weight and 100 g for everyone else.

Candied fruits in cooking

Confectioners use colorful pieces of fruit to decorate their products. At home, they are added to cereals, yogurts, ice cream. Candied fruit will give baked goods spicy taste and aroma. In the preparation of Easter cakes, candied fruits are used for decoration, they flavor the dough with them during kneading. Italian crispy cantucci biscuits are prepared only with a large amount of fruit and nut sweets.

How to cook candied fruit at home

Keep a candied treat for a long time own cooking it is forbidden. It should be cooked in small quantities. The easiest way to prepare candied fruits is from citrus peels, but you can also take slices. They are cut into medium-sized pieces so as not to fall apart. Then put in ice water for a few minutes.

Preparation of syrup: take 1 part of water and refined sugar, mix until it is completely dissolved. Chilled fruits are lowered into this liquid and the pan is put on a small fire. Boil them for an hour, without bringing to a boil. After the slices are thrown into a colander, the syrup is allowed to drain.

At this time, the oven is heated to 50 ° C, the baking sheet is covered with parchment paper. Pieces of boiled fruit are laid out on it in one layer. Leave to dry in the oven with the door open for 5 hours.

After this time, the cooled product is ready for use. The benefits of candied fruits prepared at home are natural. It is important to store them correctly: in a dry, dark place at a low temperature so that the fruits do not lose their properties.

How to distinguish natural candied fruit from a fake

Housewives who cook this delicacy at home know that fruits lose their color when cooked. Purchased dessert also should not be bright.

If you have any doubts when buying, you can take 10–20 grams of candied fruit for a sample. At home, dip them in hot water and mix. If they don't dissolve, they have fruit in them. The liquid in the glass should not turn into a bright color. Red or green water indicates the use of chemical dyes.


The benefits and harms of candied fruits lie in their composition and method of preparation. Everyone can eat such fruits, but in small quantities. High-quality purchased, or home-made, they will replace harmful sweets. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice and get a healthy, natural dessert.

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The light hand of the French, around the 17th century, turned cooking into a real creative process, making the meal an elegant skill of a sophisticated aesthete ...

It was from those time immemorial that the world began to learn more and more refined and savory dishes, which, of course, should include surprisingly tasty and varied candied fruit. At its core, these are the most natural fruits, berries, vegetables, as well as citrus fruits that have undergone special processing. In order for them to retain their shape, they are soaked in water, boiled, and then rolled in granulated sugar, after which this product is sent to the oven, where it acquires the very taste qualities that each of us knows about. According to classical technology, it is necessary to store candied fruit in a sealed glass jar. And you can serve such a delicacy to the table both as an independent dessert, and as a savory addition to ice cream, cake, soufflé or jelly. It should be said that candied fruit have gained a special reputation as a filler for puffs, muffins and all kinds of rolls.

Candied fruits, calorie content and composition of the product

A variety of raw materials has become a guarantee that the description of the composition of candied fruits is a very difficult process. Of course, they have a significant sugar content, but the main components directly depend on which fruit or vegetable they were made from. This is what determines the vitamin composition of the dessert. However, it should be understood that heat treatment and banal boiling makes this product much less useful than the original material.

As for the calorie content, it is quite large, due to the increased concentration of sugar. On average, this is approximately 215 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. I would like to note that this indicator is not the highest among other desserts. For example, 100 grams of such a confectionery masterpiece as chocolate contains more than 500 hard-to-burn kilocalories, which you will probably have to work out in one of the fitness clubs.

However, deciding to treat yourself, it would seem, useful candied fruit, you should be careful. After all, thanks to the pleasant delicate taste and natural "origin", there is a huge risk of oversaturation with this delicacy. Light and melting in the mouth fruit makes you try it again and again. As a result, you can eat much more than planned. Can a real lady afford such a thing? Certainly not!

Candied fruits, useful and medicinal properties

How do you think, candied fruit Is it a harmful or beneficial product? If you think logically, then such a candied dessert may well lead to obesity. But on the other hand, there are people for whom hard physical labor, requiring a significant expenditure of energy, is an everyday reality. Exactly at this case the value of candied fruit is difficult to overestimate. Thus, we can conclude that high energy value is a useful property of candied fruit, but only if the norm is followed.

It should also be said that candied fruits have some more “useful” advantages that are not inherent in other confectionery products:

  • Fruits and vegetables, which are the progenitor of this product, fill it with fiber, which is known to improve digestion and cleanse the body of dangerous pests such as waste or toxins. Therefore, making your choice in favor of this dessert, it is quite possible to strengthen your health.
  • The heat treatment that candied fruits undergo does not at all deprive the raw material of its vitamin composition. Sometimes "shrinkage" even increases utility. For example, orange, lemon, apple, pear, watermelon, plum, apricot and candied carrots are full of vitamins A, B, C, PP, which, being boiled in sugar, getting into the body, still nourish it with everything necessary.
  • In addition to vitamins, candied fruit enrich a person with all kinds of trace elements. They are full of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and even sodium. At the same time, they help to normalize the metabolism and fill the body with such an important element as potassium, which in turn is responsible for the water balance of the body.

As for the use of candied fruit in a medicinal sense, the most important rule of any doctor works here: “Do no harm!”. After all, this delicacy, having the most excellent taste, is much more useful and safe than chocolates and sweets.

Candied ginger, or one made from citrus peels, is a natural antiseptic and contains a lot of vitamins. That is why doctors recommend adding them to the diet in winter period years when all kinds of viral infections are raging, and there is a risk of an influenza epidemic. So, at the first symptoms of a cold, do not forget to drop by the store for a jar of healthy goodies.

Candied fruits for weight loss

It may be surprising, but candied fruit and the truth can help in such a laborious matter as losing weight. After all, most people who are overweight use a large number of all kinds of sweets. But if we look at the calorie table with one eye, we will see that this dessert has almost the lowest energy value, relative to other similar desserts.

As a rule, during any diet, a person receives up to 1500 kcal in his daily diet. Agree, 30-40 grams of tasty and useful product they certainly fit into this picture. In addition, such sweetness will protect the losing weight from possible stress that may result from the rejection of favorite foods. BUT candied fruit from pineapples, thanks to special substances, they will completely help break down adipose tissue, making the desired result more and more realistic.

Another problem that a person may encounter while following a diet is beriberi. However, if you supplement the daily diet with candied fruits, the body will receive all the necessary components, which will improve the general condition and give a healthy appearance.

Candied fruits, criteria for the right choice

Going to the store for candied fruit, you need to be extremely careful and careful. After all, a low-quality product will not only not bring any benefit, it can be said with confidence that it will harm. Do you and I need this? Of course not, so let's figure out how to choose the right tasty and healthy candied fruit?

Candied fruit of natural origin will never look as bright as its colored counterpart. Its color scheme will be somewhat dimmer than the original raw material. The bright, unnatural color of candied fruits indicates that an artificial dye was used in the process of boiling the syrup. Taste qualities it will not spoil, but it will not add health benefits.

Very often, not entirely conscientious sellers assure that green candied fruit was made from kiwi. In fact, this is nothing more than a colored pineapple core. This exotic fruit is honestly sold in the form of soft candied rings, but the hard core, which is of little value, is tinted and used to make a cheaper product - supposedly candied mango and kiwi.

And now carefully: in order to check candied fruits, you need to press the package if juice has been released - candied fruit prepared in violation of classical production technology. The same can be said about an overly hard product, which is a solid lump of sugar.

Experts say that the factory packaging in this case can somehow serve as a kind of guarantee of quality. So buying this delicacy by weight is not recommended, because you can get a contaminated product, and by the way, washing candied fruit are not subject.

If you doubt the quality of the purchased product, take a small amount of candied fruits and place them in a container with boiling water. Colored water will be a sign of a fake. Such a product, due to the content of various essences and dyes in it, can do great harm to your body. Therefore, you can reasonably return it to the store, while leaving a huge complaint. It also happens that candied fruit completely dissolves in hot water, this suggests that it was too sugary. This situation is not as critical as the previous one, but the use of such a product is also not recommended.

Girls are always trying to get in shape. To do this, they use various kinds of diets. However, in order to achieve the optimal effect, it is necessary to give up sweet and starchy foods. But doctors do not recommend keeping yourself in a very rigid and harsh framework. A little, but you can relax. At least sometimes you need to pamper yourself. Of course you shouldn't eat. chocolate candies boxes, and chocolate bars - bars. You can find a great substitute for sweets - candied fruit. In their use, it is also worth observing the measure. Of course, useful properties candied fruit they have little, since berries and fruits cooked in sugar syrup completely lose the original complex of vitamins that they contained.

popular delicacy

One of the oldest delicacies. This also includes dried fruits. These sweets have been known since ancient times. They enjoyed wide popularity in the East, in Russia, and also in Western Europe. They were also very useful, for example, in the East these dried fruits were the most common way to preserve the crop, especially if the climate was very hot and the weather was dry. However, in Europe, such a delicacy was exotic, which was brought by merchants from Asia. They were eaten only by high-ranking officials, rulers and nobles.

Brightness and beauty

These are fruits, berries, and sometimes vegetables that are boiled in sugar syrup. Then they simply separate from it and dry a little. Quality candied fruits should contain at least 80% solids. The fact that they look like jam should immediately alert. A single lump of candied fruit is a marriage, it does not need to be purchased, much less eaten. If these dried fruits have a paler color, then there is little chance that dyes have been added to them. They must have the color of the product from which they are made. The brightness of candied fruits is usually given colorants, which are added to the syrup directly during cooking. The taste of the product does not change, but the health benefits are not added either.

Excess sugar

Many girls are constantly wondering if it is possible to use candied fruit during diets. Nutritionists blame these dried fruits for being high in sugar. In this they are, of course, right. However, you can still benefit from them. They contain fiber, which is necessary for better digestion, as well as vitamins and beneficial to the body trace elements. Therefore, it is best to replace sweets with candied fruits. For example, this product is very useful for children, as it allows you to save your baby's teeth, while sweets cause tooth decay.

Green but not kiwi

Often the question arises of what, for example, candied greens are made of. Sellers will almost always answer that from kiwi. However, do not believe them, as this is just a painted pineapple. And to be more precise, then its inner part, that is, the core. Dried pineapples are sold in the form of soft and delicious rings, and the hard core is just perfect for making candied fruits.

Candied fruits can be made not only from fruits, berries, but also vegetables. Turnips, carrots, pumpkins and beets are excellent root crops for the production of dried fruits. However, the situation is more complicated with vegetables. They are quite difficult to dry after boiling in sweet syrup. Therefore, manufacturers have their own solution to this problem. They pour chocolate over them. Thus, a kind of chocolate candy is obtained with useful stuffing which are perfectly safe to give to children.

If earlier it was exclusively citrus fruits, now it can be apples, and pears, and carrots, and pumpkins, and all the rest Exotic fruits. Candied fruits for weight loss can play a positive role, especially for those who cannot live without sweets.

In this case, in comparison with other confectionery sweets, these sweets become more advantageous and useful in the struggle for slim figure. The main thing is to know the measure in everything!

Multi-colored sweet cubes are a favorite treat for both children and adults. They often decorate various desserts: from cakes to ice cream and jelly.

Depending on which fruit or berry the candied fruit is made from, one or another vitamin and mineral will be present. At the same time, the quantitative composition useful substances due to heat treatment, it can decrease, but also increase, since their density increases during boiling.

Therefore, replacing sweets, cakes and chocolates that are harmful to the figure with candied fruits will be very effective. The main thing is to know the measure in everything and not get carried away when eating this light and tasty delicacy.

For children, this will be the best replacement for sweets and chocolates, which often cause allergies. For all, without exception, candied fruits will become good source quick and easy energy needed for mental and physical activity.

In addition, in comparison with other confectionery products, candied fruits have a certain list of useful properties:

  • Since candied fruits are made from fruits, they contain fiber which does not evaporate anywhere when sugared, which we really need to help the intestines cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.
  • Vitamins (A, B, C, PP) and minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, etc.) are also preserved in candied fruits. Let them be a little less after heat treatment than in a fresh product, but still much more than in any confectionery, which, apart from fats, carbohydrates and a sea of ​​​​calories, contain nothing.

These useful trace elements necessary for a person to have a good metabolism and maintain acid-base and water balance.

  • Candied ginger and citrus fruits are rich in natural antiseptics, which beneficially strengthen the immune system. Therefore, eat them yourself and give them to your family at the first sign of a cold.
  • Candied fruits also have a positive effect on the skin and hair. Often in oriental baths they are used to cleanse and protonate the skin.
  • Therefore, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, they can be used for weight loss. They will greatly help out those with a sweet tooth who do not want to part with a portion of sweets for a single day.

    If you look at the calorie table, then among the entire "confectionery" this product is the most harmless and low-calorie. Therefore, every losing weight person can afford 40-50 grams of this type of delicacy, given that his daily portion of calories should not exceed 1200-1400 kcal.

    In addition, with weight loss, dieters often experience not only stress, but also beriberi, loss of strength, drowsiness, apathy and irritation due to a lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the body.

    And finally, let's say that when choosing candied fruits, pay attention not to those that look bright and presentable, but to less natural and light types. The brighter the candied fruit, the
    there are more artificial dyes in it, which our body does not need at all.

    Do you seriously think that you can lose weight with high-calorie foods that you replace sweets with? That is, you change a high-explosive bomb for a hand grenade. It explodes weaker and does not kill all life within a radius of 100 m, but only you. Do you feel better about it?

    The high calorie content of this sweet is combined with a huge glycemic index. 75 - this figure suggests that when eating candied fruit, blood sugar rises only 25% more slowly than if you ate pure glucose powder.

    Heat treatment reduces the usefulness of all plant products. Firstly, the amount of thermolabile vitamins decreases (and boiling will not help here), and, secondly, some substances change their structure under the influence of temperature and are easier to digest. And that means better postponing.

    People resort to a variety of diets in order to get their bodies in shape.

    In this case, the amount of sweets consumed is limited or removed altogether. However, for effective weight loss, it is not recommended to strictly limit yourself in food.

    Otherwise, the body can go into storage mode, which will further complicate the process of losing weight.

    To maintain shape, it is enough to replace high-calorie sweets (chocolate, sweets) with easily digestible ones (dried fruits, candied fruits).

    Benefit and harm

    Candied fruits are pieces of berries and fruits boiled in sugar syrup and dried in the oven. Initially, the product was produced only from citrus crops, but today the range has significantly diversified.

    Some manufacturers supply candied nuts to the market.

    Each product contains the same set of valuable trace elements and vitamins as in the used fruit (berry). The usefulness of candied fruits is slightly reduced due to the presence of a large amount of sugar in the composition and heat treatment.

    However, the benefit to the body from the consumption of the product will be much higher than from sweets and other sweets.

    Interesting fact! The most useful are candied fruits made from oranges, apples, plums, pears.

    A properly prepared product contains a complex of vitamins C, A, B, which contribute to the speedy weight loss by removing harmful substances and toxins from the intestines.

    A delicacy made from fruit peel contains a large amount of pectins, which accelerate intestinal motility. Another important property sweets - replenishment of energy spent as a result of heavy mental and physical exertion, as well as after diseases.

    Candied fruits are included in the diet aimed at preventing oncological processes in the intestines.

    Not in all cases, treats can be beneficial. With the abuse of hemlock, containing a large amount of glucose, it will not be possible to lose weight.

    Contraindications for the consumption of candied fruit:

    • diabetes;
    • allergy to sugar or fruits;
    • obesity.

    Important! It is necessary to remember about the possible development of allergic reactions to candied fruits, if there is an individual intolerance to the berry or fruit from which they are made.

    The most useful for weight loss

    The best candied fruits for shedding extra pounds are ginger and pineapple. The ingredients from which the delicacy is made contain components that destroy adipose tissue.

    This food option is considered ideal for people who cannot live a day without sweets.

    Candied ginger and pineapple are suitable for regular consumption due to their low calorie content compared to other types of product (210 kcal per 100g).

    Ginger sweets help weight loss due to the content of fenel-like components that speed up metabolism. Candied pineapple also contributes to the reset excess weight thanks to plant enzymes that burn fat.

    Expert opinion

    Nutritionists advise following several principles when choosing candied fruit for a diet:

    1. Choose candied fruits of light shades without smell. This product is considered the most natural. The color of sweets should not be too bright. Manufacturers to improve the external characteristics of the product add chemical dyes which give it rich hues.
    2. Pay attention to the absence of sticking between individual pieces of fruit. Also, the delicacy should not have a too hard structure. This indicator indicates improper storage of the product or the expiration of its shelf life.

    The opinion of nutritionist Kristina Lobanova

    Candied fruits, like dried fruits, are high in calories. Therefore, losing weight people can consume food only in a limited amount - no more than 40-60 g per day. It is good if the delicacy is eaten before 2 o'clock in the afternoon: this way it is better absorbed by the body.

    When choosing candied fruits, it is necessary to pay attention that they include minimal amount flavorings and sugar.

    The opinion of a nutritionist Anatoly Volkov

    I advise you to include candied fruit in the diet during the diet only to those people who are additionally engaged physical activity. The product contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, beta-carotene and tocophenol. When asked whether it is possible to eat candied fruits with a diet, experts answer positively. The product is allowed to be included in the menu for weight loss. However, you need to consume it in a limited amount, because sugar is used in the production process of the delicacy.

    Ginger and pineapple products are considered the most effective for weight loss. They contain fewer calories compared to other candied fruits (216 per 100g). The action of these varieties of delicacies is based on the acceleration of metabolism and the burning of fatty tissues.

    Before buying a product, experts recommend paying attention to its composition. Unacceptable ingredients are flavors, dyes and other chemical compounds. You should not eat more than 60 g of candied fruits per day, otherwise they can harm the figure.