Delicious zucchini "Chili Rings" for the winter. Zucchini with chili ketchup - a step-by-step recipe with a photo for the winter without sterilization

Zucchini is the most virtuoso pretender of all vegetables. Marinate it in vinegar and oil with dill and garlic - you get a skillful fake for milk mushrooms. Well, one to one, if there is a dish with closed eyes, of course. A dozen or two cherry plums and a little sugar turn a neutral-tasting vegetable into "exotic" canned pineapples. So I took on board the property of zucchini to taste transformation, a handful of allspice, a couple of dill umbrellas, a little ketchup and other means of culinary expression to prepare an unusual and tasty snack. Pieces of vegetable absorb the aromas of spicy spices like a sponge, but even after long-term storage they remain crispy and juicy. I definitely recommend preparing zucchini with chili ketchup for the future (for the winter). Just a song, not a snack!

For preparation you will need:

Exit- 3 half-liter jars.

How to prepare zucchini with chili ketchup ("Torchin", "Heinz") for the winter:

I must say right away that overripe zucchini is not good. It is better to cook caviar or squash adjika from them. Young vegetables with a thin skin and soft small seeds inside are suitable. Wash them. Cut off the ends. The skin does not need to be removed. Cut the zucchini however you like. If the vegetables are small, you can chop them into circles 1-1.5 cm thick. Turn larger fruits into neat sticks. So there will be more of them in the jar.

Rinse half-liter or liter jars well inside and out. Dry upside down on a kitchen towel. At the bottom of each jar, put a dill umbrella, 2-3 peas of allspice and a piece of horseradish leaf. I do not add other spices, because chili ketchup already has an abundance of them, and marinated zucchini are spicy, spicy and fragrant. But if you use a mild store-bought or homemade sauce, you can put an additional whole peeled garlic clove, a small pinch of red hot pepper and a clove bud into jars. Also in some recipes I met bay leaf. But I didn't really like this idea.

Lay the chopped zucchini on top of the spices.

Prepare the chilli ketchup marinade. Pour clean drinking water into a saucepan.

Pour in the salt.

Add sugar. Put the saucepan on the stove. Wait for the liquid to boil. To make the sugar and salt dissolve faster, stir the water with a spoon.

Put ketchup in a saucepan. Needless to say, tomato sauce should be of high quality and tasty. I like the products of the brands "Torchin", "Heinz" or "Baysad" most of all. Better yet, use your own brand of sauce. There will certainly be no harmful additives in such a product. Stir in the marinade. Once it boils again, turn off the heat.

Pour in table vinegar.

Pour hot marinade over zucchini. The liquid should completely cover the vegetables and reach the edges of the rim of the jar. Sterilize the workpiece for 10-15 minutes. I like to sterilize preservation in the oven. Place the jars on the middle shelf of the COLD oven. Turn on the heat to 140-160 degrees. Once the oven has reached the desired temperature, time for 10-15 minutes. Then carefully remove the zucchini and roll up. You can also sterilize zucchini in a large pot of boiling water. Just make sure that the liquid does not seethe too much, otherwise the marinade will turn out to be cloudy. The sterilization time is counted from the moment the water boils.

Roll up jars of zucchini or seal them with twist-off lids. Turn the bottoms upside down (do not turn containers with screw caps). Wrap in a thick warm blanket. After 24-36 hours, remove the zucchini in chili ketchup until winter in a cool, dark place.

Although you can try a snack in 3-5 weeks. Zucchini are crispy, moderately spicy and very fragrant.

Bon appetit and good mood!

In winter, I was treated to a savory preserve of zucchini with the addition of chili ketchup. And since a huge number of them always grows, every summer the question arises of how to recycle them. After all, even lecho prepared for the winter are boring and you want new taste sensations.

I’m leafing through old books, looking on the Internet, but, as they say, it’s better to try once ... And it was according to the tried and tested recipe that I decided this year to marinate delicious zucchini with ketchup with sterilization. But since I’m too lazy to mess around for a long time, I found another option on how to cook spicy zucchini salads without sterilization.

Zucchini with chili ketchup Torchin for the winter in liter jars

Prepare liter jars in the amount of 4 pieces. Since we will subject the preservation to sterilization, you can simply rinse with soda, rinse and dry. In the country, I dry in the sun.


  • Zucchini - 2.5 kg
  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Ketchup chili Torchin - pack
  • Water - 6 tbsp.


Rinse the vegetables from dirt, remove the ponytails. If the zucchini is young, then it is not necessary to remove the skin. If you are already old, then it is better to remove it, it becomes very rough with age.

Cut into rings along with the core. Remove seeds from older specimens. In order to get more of them into the jar, chop into pieces.

Put in liter jars. Just the amount indicated in the recipe for 4 pieces should be enough.

Prepare the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt.

Squeeze out all the ketchup from the pack. Stir, bring to a boil and add vinegar.

Hold in a state of seething for 3-4 minutes and pour into jars with vegetables.

Cover with boiled lids and arrange a water bath for them. After boiling, keep on fire for 10 minutes and roll up.

Cool under a blanket for a day. Then send for winter storage. You can try in a month.

Zucchini with chili ketchup and Krasnodar sauce without sterilization

By mixing two sauces into one, we get a pleasant sweet and sour taste of the finished product.

You will need:

  • Zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 50 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Salt - 1 tbsp (without a slide)
  • Sunflower oil - 75 g
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 g
  • Chili ketchup - 1 pack (300 g)
  • Sauce Krasnodar - 250 g
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.


We take small zucchini, wash off dirt and, without removing the skin, cut into circles 5-7 mm thick.

Grate carrots for Korean carrots. If it doesn't exist, use the regular one.

We combine vegetables in a saucepan, pour in chili sauce and Krasnodar. We also send sugar, salt, sunflower oil there.

We release the hot pepper from the seeds and grind it in a combine (or finely with a knife). We ship with all products.

Mix well, put on fire, bring to a boil and keep in this state with constant stirring for about 30 minutes.

5 minutes before the end of the process, pour vinegar and garlic squeezed through a press.

We lay out the finished salad in jars and roll it up. Banks are better to take half-liter.

3. Video recipe for cooking zucchini in chili ketchup

In this story, all stages are described in detail. Suitable for those who prefer to see with their own eyes or for novice housewives who are still new to everything.

A marinade prepared with chili ketchup is also suitable for preserving cucumbers and tomatoes. Good luck!

with chili ketchup for the winter without sterilization, it turns out that the vegetable is not cooked before seaming. That is, it is immediately put into a jar and marinated there, the jar itself is sterilized. But in the end, the zucchini does not boil soft, it turns out strong and crispy.

Zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter without sterilization, recipe for 1 liter

In order for zucchini according to this recipe to turn out crispy and have a balanced taste, it is very important to adhere to the amount of ingredients that are given in this material. Of course, if the bank is taken more or less, then you need to increase or decrease the amount of vegetables, spices and additional products accordingly.

What will be required:
1. One kilogram of zucchini (great if you can find two medium-sized young zucchini);
2. One and a half glasses of water;
3. One and a half tablespoons of any brand of chili ketchup;
4. A teaspoon of salt;
5. A quarter cup of sugar and the same amount of vinegar;
6. Four peas of fragrant and the same amount of black pepper;
7. Several bay leaves;
8. You can optionally take half of the carrots and onions, these vegetables are used to improve the taste and appearance, although the preparation will turn out great without adding these products to it.

You need to take young zucchini so that they are dense inside and the seeds are still small. If the zucchini is bought in a store, it is recommended to peel them, but you can not do this. As for the form of cutting vegetables for this blank, it can be any. Alternatively, you can cut the zucchini into small cubes, circles, thin quarters, whichever you like best.

Carrots and onions, as already noted in the list of ingredients, play a decorative rather than a taste role for this preparation. However, they are also delicious. If you use these products, then you need to cut the carrot into a circle, and the onion into half rings.

Now take a clean and dry liter jar, put pepper and bay leaf on its bottom. Next, send a few circles of carrots and onions to the jar, fill the jar with zucchini, pressing them down to fit more. Because, in the process of sterilization and pickling, the total volume of zucchini will become smaller and this must be kept in mind right away.

The moment of preparing the marinade comes, for this, put salt and sugar, ketchup, vinegar and one and a half glasses of water in a saucepan. Put everything on the stove and stir over low heat. Ketchup will disperse slowly, in order to speed up this process, you can take a fork or even a whisk and beat the marinade actively to get a uniform consistency. Boil.

Take a clean tablespoon and put in a jar (this is necessary so that the jars do not burst from the high temperature of the marinade). Pour marinade into jars with a thin stream to the very neck. Now you will need to sterilize the jars with marinade and zucchini for 7 minutes in boiling water. It remains to roll up the jars with clean lids, wrap them with a key and turn them over, cover with a blanket so that they cool. After that, as the jars cool down, they can be transferred for long-term storage to a regular pantry.

Pickle zucchini with chili ketchup for your family for the winter! Slightly spicy and crispy, they are quite suitable for meat dishes, a plate of spaghetti, serve as an appetizer for alcoholic drinks. Such zucchini has a dense texture, with a delicate tomato flavor, but there is no obvious taste of ketchup. If desired, the chili tomato sauce can be replaced with a more restrained paprika ketchup or kebab sauce. But for the thrill of sensations, it is better to use chili.

Required products:

  • milky ripeness of zucchini - 1 - 5 kg;
  • 1/3 cup chili or other hot ketchup
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 80 g of apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 glasses of purified drinking water.

This recipe for the winter is designed for 1.5 liters of preservation. It is optimal to preserve such a blank in jars of 0.5 liters, in extreme cases - one liter each. A serving from such a container is quickly consumed.

Note! It is inconvenient to lay out the resulting salad in jars of different heights (1 l and 0.5 l), because during sterilization it is necessary to pour water into the pan to boil them at different levels.

The preservation of zucchini begins with the preparation of vegetables. They are washed and cut into rings of 0.5 mm. Banks must be sterilized over steam, and the lids are boiled in water for 15 minutes. Black peppercorns (5 pieces each) are thrown into each of the jars and zucchini is placed to the top. A jar prepared in this way is filled with drinking water at a temperature room to determine the exact volume for preparing the marinade.

To create a gravy, water is poured into a container of a suitable size and the ingredients indicated in the recipe are added: salt, vinegar, sugar, chili sauce. Everything is mixed and put on the stove until the liquid boils. After that, the solution is boiled for about 4 - 5 minutes, and then the boiling marinade is poured into filled jars and covered with lids.

Marinated zucchini is placed in a container for further sterilization. To prevent the glass from bursting during heating, it is recommended to put a cotton cloth or a terry towel on the bottom of the pan, and then fill the pan with hot water and place the filled jars in it.

As the recipes recommend, after the water boils, half-liter jars are sterilized for 10 minutes. If it is necessary to sterilize jars of 1 liter in size, then they should stand in boiling water for about a quarter of an hour.

Then hot jars of zucchini with chili ketchup are carefully removed from a pot of boiling water (it is advisable to have a special device), turned over and covered with a woolen blanket. Cooled cans are stored in the basement. It is advisable to try pickled zucchini with chili ketchup after 2 to 3 months. During this time, the marinade will soak the zucchini completely.

Some recipes say that such salads are preserved for the winter without sterilization. It is enough to pour a jar of zucchini three times with marinade from a boiling pan, and then roll it up tightly.

Zucchini with Korean seasoning for carrots

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 kg of unripe zucchini;
  • 280 ml of spicy tomato ketchup;
  • regular tomato ketchup - 250 ml;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • 5 g seasoning for Korean carrots;
  • 1 incomplete glass of refined sunflower oil;
  • sugar - 170 g;
  • 2 small heads of garlic.

Zucchini cut into large cubes. All the ingredients are mixed in a large container, but the garlic is added later. Zucchini is stewed for about half an hour after the contents of the pan boil. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, grated garlic is added to the container with zucchini.

At the end of boiling, put the salad in jars and sterilize. Then the canned food is hermetically sealed with lids and placed under a blanket to cool completely. When the preservation temperature is equal to the air temperature, the workpiece can be taken away for storage.

Zucchini salad "Lick your fingers"

Zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter according to this cooking method is not flavored with spices. You can use only the usual composition of the ingredients for the marinade. The result is quite tasty zucchini rings with chili for the winter. Such a blank called “You will lick your fingers” will look great even on the table on a holiday.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 zucchini or zucchini;
  • 250 g of drinking water;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley;
  • 1/3 cup spicy tomato ketchup;
  • 2 dessert spoons of sugar;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 6 - 10 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 50 g of wine or table vinegar.

This amount of ingredients is enough to prepare a 700-gram jar of canned zucchini.

Wash the zucchini under running water and cut into rings 1 cm thick. Fill a sterile jar with pepper sprinkled on the bottom with chopped vegetables. It is advisable to lay them close to each other.

For the marinade, only purified drinking water should be used. It is advisable to take liquid from a well or well, and not from a tap. Water, ketchup, sugar and salt are placed in a saucepan. Everything boils for about 3 minutes. During this time, salt crystals and sugar should completely dissolve.

This recipe for the winter says that after this time, vinegar is added to the marinade, and the brine is brought to a boil again. After the zucchini, marinade is poured from a boiling saucepan, and a sprig of parsley is placed on top. Sterilize jars in boiling water for 8 minutes, then tightly close with a sterilized lid. Then canned zucchini with chili ketchup is covered with a terry towel, and after cooling, the seam is placed in a pantry for storage.

Cucumbers canned with ketchup, with which housewives surprised their guests a couple of years ago, have now become quite a familiar dish, but few people close zucchini according to a similar recipe. Depending on the sauce used, you can adjust the spiciness of the finished snack, the common thing is crunch and aroma. Try to cook zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter, believe me, you will not regret it.

It is not only the sauce that matters, but also the quality of the fruits themselves. It is best to choose young ones so that the seeds are not yet formed inside, so that you do not have to peel the peel.


  • young zucchini, not large - 2 pieces;
  • chili ketchup - 1 heaping tablespoon;
  • allspice in peas - 2 pieces;
  • basil - to taste;
  • ground salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • table vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons
  • water.
  • From the specified amount of products, a half-liter jar of canned zucchini is obtained.

Zucchini with chili ketchup for the winter recipe with photo:

Any variety of zucchini is suitable for this recipe. It can be green, yellow fruits and even squash. The main condition is freshness. It is clear that when picking zucchini in your garden, there will be no questions about quality, but when buying on the market or in a store, you should pay attention to

Season. Zucchini should be purchased from late May to mid-July. Previously, the fruits do not have any benefits and in most cases are treated with pesticides and special growth stimulants, and later they are simply useless, and they are difficult to process, because. have a thick skin and a large number of hard seeds inside;

When the fruit was plucked. 12 hours after harvesting, zucchini lose their abilities and become simply useless. You can tell freshness by the tail. Small droplets should remain on it, if it is dry or wilted, the fruit is not fresh;

Size and weight. The optimal parameters are 300 gr and 15-20 cm length. Larger fruits are considered overripe.

Of course, zucchini should have a smooth peel of a uniform shade without spots and dents, as well as a light aroma characteristic of a vegetable.

Rinse the zucchini with running water, cut off the tails, if there are scratches, cracks, small spots, they should be carefully cut with a knife.

After the vegetable should be cut. Plenty of shredding options. You can grind rings, cubes, straws, you can even grate. The main thing is that they are the same size and marinated at the same time.

Zucchini immediately decompose into pre-sterilized jars. The lids must also not be forgotten to be thoroughly washed and boiled or held for several minutes over the steam.

In a small saucepan, dilute 200 ml of water and ketchup, add salt, spices and basil. If you want to use greens, it is better to give preference to dry. So the jars are better stored.

Bring the marinade to a boil over low heat.

Pour jars of zucchini with boiling marinade, add vinegar. Roll up.