Appetizer Napoleon with mushrooms. Snack cake "Napoleon": fillings: many recipes

    We invite you to prepare original salad on ready-made puff pastries. The unusual combination of ingredients gives the salad an absolutely amazing taste. This savory snack cake will be the highlight of the holiday table and will be enjoyed by all guests without exception!


    Puff pastries Napoleon - 1 pack
    Chicken breast - 300 gr.
    Pineapples in own juice(rings or cut) - 1 jar
    Canned champignons (cut) - 1 jar
    Hard cheese - 150 gr.
    Mayonnaise - 200 gr.
    Vegetable oil for frying

    Step-by-step preparation with photos:
    Boil chicken breast in salted water.

  1. Place the next cake layer on top and also coat with mayonnaise. Cut the pineapples into small cubes and spread them in an even layer.
  2. Drain the liquid from the mushrooms and lightly fry in a frying pan. small quantity oils

    Then add another cake layer, mayonnaise and fried mushrooms. Season them lightly.

    Cover with the last layer of cake, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

    There is one small nuance left, so that the cakes are thoroughly soaked, we put the salad in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours. Salad ready!

  3. Bon appetit to you and your guests!

    Everyone loves cakes without exception, but we are used to it being exclusive sweet pastries. Actually this is not true. You can cook the well-known Napoleon not with custard, but with an interesting and satisfying filling. It works great as a snack and looks good and festive on the holiday table. This cake will pleasantly surprise guests and will not leave anyone indifferent. This appetizer is very easy to prepare!

    If you like to make dough and bake, bake the cakes at home, like a traditional Napoleon. You can use ordinary puff pastry. The most simple option will purchase ready-made cakes. This way you can save both time and effort.


    In addition to the filling given in the recipe, you can use others.

    1. Fish

    For fish lovers, it will be good to make a fish cake. One layer - any canned fish, the next - grated coarse grater cheese, third layer - grated eggs with finely chopped green onions. And then repeat. You can decorate the fish Napoleon with grated crab sticks and squid rings.

    2. Meat

    For those who love hearty meat recipes, the following option will do:

    1. The first layer is boiled meat with the addition of horseradish or mustard.
    2. The second is mushrooms overcooked with onions.
    3. The third is pickled onions.
    4. Sprinkle grated processed cheese on top and for more bright taste You can grate smoked cheese.

    3. Pate

    You can also use the simplest liver, meat or even fish pate, both home and purchased. Only in this case there is no need to coat the cakes with mayonnaise. You just need to mix the pate with mayonnaise and finely grated cheese, then ready-made mixture grease each cake.


    If desired, use homemade sauce instead of mayonnaise. For it you need to mix 20% sour cream with mustard and add a couple of drops lemon juice, salt.

    A good option for coating would be sour cream mixed with finely chopped dill and garlic. A good filling would be smoked chicken breast, grated sour apples, egg.

    This snack can be decorated in many ways, for example, sprinkle the top layer with grated whites or yolks and decorate with flowers. Flowers can be made from boiled carrots, fresh cucumber or tomato. Carefully lay out a chain around the perimeter green pea, alternating it with corn kernels. The simplest option is to sprinkle with any herbs and decorate with sliced ​​quail eggs.

    Be sure to please your loved ones with such an original birthday cake!

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The idea to make a snack cake "Napoleon" (from ready-made cakes or baked yourself) may seem ridiculous at first glance. They say somehow by default it is implied that if there is a cake, then it must be dessert. However, no one doubts that the same pies do not necessarily contain sweet filling. In addition, people forget that “Napoleonic” cakes themselves contain virtually no sugar. This means that it is quite possible to layer them with something tasty, but not sweet.

The easiest and fastest way to build a Napoleon snack cake is from ready-made cake layers. This should especially please those who are not very familiar with baking. And craftsmen cannot find time in their busy schedules to tinker with the dough. If you have ready-made cake layers, your task is simply to make a delicious filling.

Fish "Napoleon"

Most often, people prepare a snack cake “Napoleon” with canned food from ready-made cake layers - it turns out delicious, and the filling does not require a lot of work. You can get by with only preserved fish, but it’s much more interesting to supplement them with something else. The secret to the best cake like this is in the application. curd cheese type "Karat" with shrimps. It is better to take canned food in its own juice. Tuna, pink salmon, and saury are also suitable. The fish needs to be mashed with a fork along with the liquid. Three eggs - boil hard and grate coarsely. Boil a couple of medium-sized carrots too (do not overcook! They are too soft, spreading, they will spoil the taste), grate and mix with crushed garlic cloves and mayonnaise. Assembling “Napoleon” is carried out in the following sequence: the bottom cake is lightly greased with mayonnaise, half of the fish is evenly laid out on it. The second - without coating - is covered with carrots and garlic. The third is again mayonnaised and sprinkled with eggs. The remainder of the canned food is distributed over the fourth, and the fifth serves as a lid - it (and the sides) must be generously coated. The cake is wrapped in film, pressed down and soaked for at least two hours.

Various fillings

If you want more flavor richness, prepare a snack cake “Napoleon” with a can of ready-made cakes with this composition of ingredients. Take two cans - one with pink salmon in its juice, and the other with tuna in oil (it’s better to look for olive oil). Both fish are warmed up in different containers. Two hard-boiled eggs are rubbed mixed with two processed cheese. A clove of garlic is pressed in there and a bunch of onions are finely crumbled. The assembly will be three-layer, the cakes are coated with mayonnaise. Sequence: pink salmon - cheese-egg paste - tuna. After soaking, a simply wonderful snack cake “Napoleon” with a can of ready-made cakes awaits you: the appetizing result of your labors looks at you from the photo. Of course, you can take fish other than the one specified. The main thing is that one type is in oil, and the other is in its own juice.

Salmon cake

If you like the snack cake “Napoleon” made from ready-made cakes with fish, but are not attracted to the idea of ​​​​using canned ones, you can take 200 grams of lightly salted or smoked salmon. The fish must be freed from bones, finely chopped and mixed with chopped dill, grate three eggs and season with light mayonnaise with chopped green onions. To coat the cakes in this recipe, a soft filling is used. The filling alternates: put salmon on one cake, eggs on the other, and so on until both are finished. The top cake is generously spread with cheese and sprinkled with crumbs and herbs. You can eat in the morning.

Meat option

Snack cake“Napoleon” made from ready-made cakes does not have to be fishy. We suggest trying this recipe: take half a kilo minced meat and quickly fry it in butter. When it turns slightly brown, add the chopped onion, and after ten minutes, add chopped champignons (about a third of a kilogram). When the mushrooms produce good juice, add cubes bell pepper. When ready, season with salt, pepper, garlic and chopped herbs, mix and grind through a meat grinder. Next, three tablespoons of mayonnaise are poured in and the mass is kneaded. Assembling the cake is carried out on a greased baking sheet: minced meat is laid out on each cake layer, and thin slices of cheese are placed on it. The topmost cake is spread with mayonnaise and sprinkled with cheese - and the snack cake “Napoleon” from the prepared cakes is placed in the oven for a quarter of an hour. There is no need to wait until it is soaked - it is already ready for use immediately.

Chicken recipe

No less successful is the snack cake “Napoleon” made from ready-made cakes with chicken. For it, carrots and onions are fried separately (for 2 root vegetables - about five onions, it’s better to take more of them for juiciness), champignons (about half a kilogram) and chicken fillet. For greater homogeneity, you can grind all the finished components. Lay out the following on cakes greased with mayonnaise:

  • for the first - carrot and onion frying;
  • on the second - mushrooms with onions mixed in;
  • on the third - chicken (also with the addition of fried onions);
  • on the fourth - champignons again;
  • on the fifth - again onions and carrots.

The cake should stand in a pressed state for at least an hour. Then the weight is removed, the dish is decorated to the best of your imagination and sent to the refrigerator overnight for soaking.

Vegetarian "Napoleon"

In the spring various greens- just what a vitamin-starved body needs. A large red onion is finely crumbled and fried, then half a head of fresh cabbage and 400 grams of greens are added: beet tops, wild garlic, sorrel, spinach. All this will simmer for about twenty to half an hour. A couple of minutes before readiness, add chopped garlic cloves (three pieces) and a third of a kilogram cream cheese. The kneaded and cooled mixture is layered into layers, and the aromatic Napoleon snack cake made from ready-made cake layers is placed in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning all that remains is to decorate it.

Vegetable "Napoleon"

Just decoration fast days! And for those who appreciate their figure, it won’t seem superfluous. Five eggplants should be cut into slices, salted and left for a quarter of an hour to remove excess water and bitterness. Then they are fried and placed in a colander or on a napkin to drain off excess oil. A bunch of herbs and three cloves of garlic are chopped and mixed into a tube of lung. Five tomatoes are cut into slices. Cheese - about a quarter of a kilogram - finely grated. The cakes are coated with mayonnaise; First, eggplants “bathed” in the dressing are laid out on each one, with mayonnaise tomatoes on top, and cheese on top. And so on for all the cakes, except for the “lid”: it is only greased and covered with cheese crumbs.

"Napoleon" with liver

And not only with her! If you don't skimp, you can get an exceptionally delicious dish. A third of a kilogram of offal - it is better to take chicken, it is more tender - is fried with chopped onions and small grated carrots. After seasoning with salt and spices, the liver and vegetables are passed through a blender. Two smoked chicken breasts, fresh cucumber and a handful of steamed prunes are cut into strips, seasoned with mayonnaise and kneaded. A little walnuts dry fried and crushed. The “pate” is spread on the bottom cake, the “salad” is placed on the next one - and so on until the cake is assembled. It is sprinkled with nuts on top and left to soak.

Try the Napoleon snack cake made from ready-made cake layers - the recipe with photos will help you decide on the choice of filling for it.

Ready-made puff pastries have many faces. If you miss them butter cream with boiled condensed milk - it will work if you prepare several types of fillings - from meat, mushrooms and vegetables - you will get a wonderful snack cake.

And if the meat is chicken, then fast chicken pie. Today we will make a no-bake chicken snack cake.


  • 1 package of ready-made Napoleon-type puff pastries
  • ½ boiled chicken breast
  • 200 g frozen champignons
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 large onion
  • 0.5 cups chicken broth
  • 10 g butter
  • vegetable oil for sautéing
  • 40 g hard cheese type Poshekhonsky or Dutch
  • 200 g mayonnaise

Making a snack cake

Peel and wash the onion. Finely chop the fourth part, cut the rest into larger pieces. Scroll the chicken pulp through a meat grinder. Sauté finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Add to pan butter, salt and minced meat. Mix the ingredients, pour in the broth and bring the filling to a boil. Simmer over low heat under a closed pan lid for 15-20 minutes. The minced chicken should be slightly dark in color.

Thaw the champignons, place in a colander and squeeze out the water well. Cut into small slices and fry in vegetable oil along with half of the remaining onion. Connect chicken filling with fried mushrooms.

Peel and wash the carrots, grate them on a coarse grater. Saute together with the second half of the onion.
Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Grind one into crumbs puff pastry: manually (using a potato masher) or in a blender.

Before placing the filling on the cakes, grease them on both sides with a thin layer of mayonnaise. After this, you can begin to assemble the pie, distributing the filling in piles on each layer.

Assemble the snack cake, sandwiching the cake layers with fillings in the following order: 1 cake layer - half minced chicken with mushrooms; 2 cake - layer grated cheese, sautéed vegetables; 3 cake – the second half of minced chicken with mushrooms. Cover the pie with the last crust and sprinkle crumbs on top.

Leave the dish at room temperature for 3-4 hours - so that the cakes are saturated with mayonnaise, then cut in portioned pieces and serve.

This snack cake with chicken, mushrooms and vegetables is very good accompanied with beer. Very satisfying and at the same time bright, appetizing, interesting. Almost a sandwich, but also lunch at the same time.

A shortbread snack cake can also be heated in microwave oven– It becomes even tastier when warm. And yet its main advantage is its ease of preparation.

Napoleon cake is known in different parts of the world. Thanks to culinary experiments, the cream was replaced with a salty filling, which made it possible to obtain a hearty and very tasty appetizer salad. What is important is that each person can experiment independently, adding or removing ingredients to get new option. Like sweet cake, the snack option needs to sit in the refrigerator for several hours to soak in.

Recipe for making salad crusts

Can be purchased in the store now ready sheets and immediately start preparing the salad. There are also puff pastry pieces that you just need to roll out and bake in the oven. Many housewives do not trust store-bought options and prefer to cook everything with their own hands. There are many different recipes, let's look at one of the simplest ones.

  1. beat the egg with salt, and then combine with flour and replace the batter;
  2. roll out, grease soft margarine, fold in several layers and put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes;
  3. cut the dough into small portions and roll them into layers of the desired size and bake at 180 degrees.

Recipe for Napoleon salad with salmon cakes

Many people love red fish because this ingredient gives the dish an original salty taste. This great option for the festive table.

  • Cakes – 4-5 pcs.;
  • Cream cheese – 250 g;
  • Lightly salted salmon – 220 g;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Low-fat mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Green onions, dill.
  1. if desired, the salmon can be smoked, which will only improve its taste;
  2. boil the eggs hard, peel and grate;
  3. combine them with chopped onions and sauce;
  4. each cake should be greased with cheese, and lay out the filling one by one: chopped small cube salmon mixed with dill, and eggs with onions;
  5. Sprinkle the top layer with cheese and crumbs;
  6. put the cake in the refrigerator for a day or at least for a couple of hours.

Recipe for Napoleon salad with smoked chicken

Another option that is very popular. Smoked chicken adds piquancy and originality to the dish.

  1. This salad is prepared without any crust. Chop the breast into small cubes and place on a plate in the shape of a circle. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise;
  2. the next layer is finely chopped onion. If you don't like its taste, you can marinate it. There is more sauce on top;
  3. take the cheese, grate it and put it in the salad. Don't forget the sauce;
  4. then comes a peeled and coarsely grated apple and mayonnaise;
  5. the last layer is chopped eggs. Apply the sauce not only on top, but also on the side of the cake;
  6. Break up the crackers to create crumbs. You can put them in a bag and beat them with a rolling pin several times;
  7. Sprinkle crumbs all over the salad. Leave to soak in the refrigerator for a while.

Recipe for appetizer salad Napoleon with mushrooms and chicken

The tasty dish is quite satisfying and can be prepared for any holiday table and for a regular dinner.

  • Cakes – 5 pcs.;
  • Honey mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • Onions – 4 pcs.;
  • Fillet – 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 400 g.
  1. It is best to use medium fat mayonnaise. Select a dish according to the shape of the cakes;
  2. Boil the fillet in salted water and cut into small cubes. Mushrooms can be used either pickled or raw;
  3. in the second case, they should be fried and then cut into small pieces;
  4. Cut the onion into cubes and fry it until golden brown. The same cooking It’s worth doing with carrots;
  5. boil the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater;
  6. place the crust, brush it with mayonnaise, lay out the mushrooms, add the next crust and coat with sauce;
  7. It's time for the onions, on which you need to put the next cake. Coat thoroughly with the sauce and lay out the fillet, the next layer is carrots;
  8. All that remains is to put the last cake, brush with sauce and sprinkle with egg;
  9. The cake needs to be left overnight so that it is thoroughly soaked.

How to prepare Napoleon salad with canned food?

More economical option, because the canned fish It's inexpensive. The taste of the dish is in no way inferior to the previous versions.

  1. peel the onion and carrots, chop and fry in oil until golden brown;
  2. grate the eggs, separate the sardines from the oil and mash well with a fork;
  3. Lay out the crust, brush it well with sauce and add half the fish. Cover with the next layer, again with mayonnaise and onions and carrots, just leave a little;
  4. next layer, sauce with most of the eggs. Again, crust, sauce and fish;
  5. there is the last layer left, which needs to be greased with mayonnaise and the remaining filling should be placed on it: onions with carrots, mushrooms and eggs;
  6. minimum amount of impregnation – 8 hours.

Vegetarian snack cake

For people who limit themselves in food, it is very difficult to choose dishes for themselves. You can prepare a vegetarian Napoleon that will satisfy your taste needs.

  • Cakes – 5 pcs.;
  • Red onion – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Cream cheese – 350 g;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Various greens – 350 g;
  • Young cabbage - 0.5 heads.
  1. To make this cake, chop the onion and fry it until golden brown, then add shredded cabbage and herbs, which you can choose depending on your own preferences. By the way, the more greens, the tastier and more aromatic the dish will be;
  2. add salt, pepper and cook over low heat;
  3. a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic and grated cheese;
  4. mix everything well, brush all layers with filling and place them on top of each other;
  5. leave the cake to soak for 14 hours.

How to cook Napoleon with eggplants?

This Napoleon salad recipe can be enjoyed by vegetarians as well as vegetable lovers. The cake turns out very tasty and satisfying.

  1. Cut the eggplants into rings, the thickness of which should not be more than 1 cm. Salt everything and leave for 15 minutes. after the time has passed, remove the resulting juice and fry until golden brown;
  2. after that, place the eggplants on paper napkins so that they absorb excess oil;
  3. take the greens, garlic and finely chop them, mix with mayonnaise. Cut the tomatoes into half-centimeter rings. Grate the cheese on a fine grater;
  4. Now place the first cake on the chosen dish, brush it with sauce, lay out the eggplants and again the sauce. Then tomatoes, sauce and cheese;
  5. after that, add the next layer and repeat the filling, etc.;
  6. Lubricate the top layer with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese and decorate with herbs. This recipe for salad with Napoleon cakes makes for a rather savory dish.

Thanks to the recipes above, you now know what to serve festive table. Original dish will not only surprise your guests, but they will also definitely like it. Get ready that after the feast they will ask you for the recipe for such a cake.

Recipe for a festive snack cake “Napoleon” with mushrooms. This recipe uses ready-made puff pastry, but you can make homemade puff pastry if you prefer. This snack cake doesn't take much time to prepare and the results are simply delicious! Delicate puff pastry and potato and mushroom filling with the addition of cream and cheese - it’s very tasty and satisfying! This snack cake-pie will undoubtedly appeal to men and lovers of savory pastries!


  • Puff pastry without yeast 500 g
  • Potatoes 500 g
  • Mushrooms (preferably fresh) 400 g
  • Onion 200 g
  • Cream 20% fat 150 ml
  • Hard cheese 250 g
  • Dried parsley (or fresh) 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper to taste


Frozen puff pastry must first be thawed at room temperature for three hours.

  1. Let's prepare the filling.
    Place finely chopped onion in a frying pan with vegetable oil.
  2. Fry until transparent.
  3. Finely chop the mushrooms.
    If you use frozen mushrooms, first defrost them and drain all the liquid.
  4. Add mushrooms to onions.
    Salt and pepper.
  5. Fry, covered, until the mushrooms are soft (about 10 minutes).
    When the mushrooms are ready, add dried parsley.
  6. Stir and remove from heat.
  7. Peel and boil the potatoes.
    I cooked in a slow cooker on the “Steam” mode for 25 minutes.
  8. Mash the finished potatoes into a puree.
  9. Heat the cream (I heat it in the microwave for about 1.5 minutes) until hot.
    Pour cream into mashed potatoes.
  10. Mix well.
    You can use an immersion blender to achieve a smoother, creamier texture.
  11. Add fried mushrooms with onion.
  12. Mix well.
    Add salt if necessary.
    The filling is ready.
  13. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  14. Divide the puff pastry into 3 equal parts.
    Dust the table with flour.
    Roll out one part to the size of the baking sheet.
  15. Place the crust on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
    Prick with a fork to prevent the cake from puffing up too much.
  16. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 8-10 minutes until light golden brown.
    Bake the remaining 2 cakes in the same way.
  17. Do not remove the finished third cake from the baking sheet.
    Immediately spoon half of the filling onto the crust.
  18. Sprinkle with 1/3 of the grated cheese.
  19. Cover with the second cake layer.
    Place the remaining filling.
    Sprinkle with half of the remaining cheese.
  20. Cover with the third cake layer on top.
  21. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
  22. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes.
  23. Cut the finished Napoleon snack cake sharp knife into portioned pieces.
    Serve warm, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!