How to cook samsa with puff pastry meat at home according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Samsa - step by step recipes for delicious triangles with meat

Hello dear readers! Today, the authors of the site decided to please you with an interesting, for some unusual, dish called samsa.

Let's first figure out what kind of dish it is, and then get acquainted with the samsa recipe. Samsa, or even in the people of samosa, is a type of triangular, round pie filled with minced meat and onions. Most often, pork or beef is used for filling, but some gourmets even prefer lamb. There are many variations in the preparation of samsa, in each country the dish is prepared in its own delicious way. In Russia and Ukraine, this dish is very popular; in the Crimea, you can often find this pie in small seaside cafes.

Let's proceed directly to the preparation of samsa.

We will need:

  • Meat - 500 grams (pork, beef, and preferably lamb);
  • Onion - 500 grams;
  • Spices - to taste;
  • Flour - 300 grams;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Butter- 100g.

First, we prepare the filling for samsa.

Peel the onion from the husk, wash and cut it into two or four parts, in the future we will still cut it in a meat grinder. Just like onions, we will cut the meat, if you have meat on the bone, be sure to separate (free) it from it.
When we have prepared onions and meat, we take a meat grinder and cut it all on a not very small nozzle. Optionally, you can also add a clove of garlic to the minced meat. You can also put butter through a meat grinder along with meat and onions.

Stir the minced meat with your hands to evenly distribute the chopped onion over it. Next, add spices to the chopped meat, which spices to use depends on your taste whims, but, as a rule, a little salt, black pepper and some seasoning for meat are enough.

Dough for samsa

For now, set the filling aside and start preparing the dough for samsa. In a sufficiently large bowl, for kneading the dough, break one egg, pour flour on top, add a little salt and add vegetable oil, and a little water, then mix everything thoroughly, if necessary, you can add more flour. The dough should not be too liquid. We continue to knead thoroughly already on the table, when the dough is ready, wrap it in a film and put it in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.
We take the dough out of the refrigerator again, knead it and cut it into small pieces about a little more than a matchbox.

Next, roll each piece with a rolling pin into a round cake with a thickness of about 5-7 millimeters. Now we put a spoonful of the filling in the cake and pinch the edges into a triangle. We will do all this with all the prepared dough.

Now take a baking sheet, grease it vegetable oil and lay out our pies. Next, we send the samsa to be cooked in the oven preheated to a temperature of 200 degrees for about twenty-five to thirty-five minutes.

After cooking, serve the samsa hot.

Samsa from lamb

As I mentioned that samsa is prepared from various kinds meat, now we will consider the recipe for making lamb samsa. Honestly, I like cooking this lamb dish the most, you ask why? I won't tell! Try to cook samsa from different types of meat, and you will understand everything yourself 🙂 .

How to cook lamb samsa

For cooking, we need the following, some already familiar ingredients:

  • Lamb - 650 grams;
  • Onions - 2 pieces:
  • Puff pastry - 1 piece (pack);
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • Sesame, cumin;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Oil - 1 piece;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Preparing samsa:

First, let's deal with the meat, we cut it with a sharp knife as small as possible. In the previous samsa recipe, we cut the meat with a meat grinder, but this time I want you to try cutting it with a knife and compare for yourself how it will be tastier, and be sure to tell me in the comments. Next, chop the onion, here it is standard, on small cubes. Now add our chopped onion to the meat, salt and pepper.

When the filling is ready, you can set it aside for now in the refrigerator, but now let's take a look at the dough. We will cut the dough into small flat cakes.

Let's roll out the dough. Put a little on each cake meat filling. We put the oven to warm up to 200 degrees.

We turn the cakes into a triangle.

For rouge on top, anoint with an egg, for this, take an egg, break it into a plate, add a little water, and with this mixture, with a brush, anoint our triangles on top. Also, do not forget to sprinkle the top with sesame seeds and cumin. Now put the samsa on a greased baking sheet and send it to the oven to bake. We will bake pies until golden brown - at a temperature of 200 ° for twenty-five minutes, then another fifteen minutes at a temperature of 175 °.

That's all samsa is ready, I hope you liked the recipe.

Bon Appetit!!!

Samsa - delicious fragrant pies that are cooked in countries Central Asia: in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, etc. They are very juicy and spicy, because they contain a lot of onions and spices. In ancient times, they were cooked in a tandoor, but in modern conditions they are baked in a gas or electric oven. In the above countries, every housewife knows how to cook samsa at home. And, believe me, they make them much tastier than those that can be tasted at catering points. Further in the article we will tell you how to cook homemade samsa according to classic recipe, and also describe several other ways to cook these delicious and original pies. So let's get started.

Recipe number 1. Samsa - delicious oriental triangles

The most important component of these sweets are onions, fat and spices. Thanks to these ingredients, the filling is juicy and fragrant. This is what distinguishes real samsa from ordinary meat pies. It is said that when biting into the crispy dough, scalding juice should flow out. So the question arises: "How to cook samsa at home in such a way that it turns out the way it should?" The recipe is quite simple, but you need to immediately warn that it is not for lazy people.

Required Products

For the test, you will need 200 grams of butter (margarine is possible), 200 g of sour cream, salt, 1 egg, baking powder, flour for hard dough.

For the filling, you need to buy half a kilogram of fatty meat (beef or lamb), onions - 2-3 pieces, salt, black and red peppers and cumin.

Cooking method

First, prepare the dough and leave it to rest while the filling is being prepared. So, the oil must be rubbed on coarse grater, gradually mixing it with flour, so that an oil-flour crumb is formed. Add baking powder and salt to sour cream, mix and combine with crumbs, knead the dough. It should turn out pretty steep so that it is convenient to fold the envelopes.

And now you can start stuffing. To do this, finely chop the meat and fat into cubes. In no case should you scroll it through a meat grinder. And the onion should be cut into half rings, not too finely. Mix meat, fat and onion with each other, pepper, add cumin and salt. Here is the filling ready. Before cooking samsa with meat, you will need to turn on the oven so that it warms up to a temperature of 200-210 degrees. Ready-made envelopes will need to be baked immediately.

We sculpt samsa

Divide the dough into balls the size of an egg. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the dough on it into cakes with a large male palm. In principle, they can be more or less. It depends on what kind of samsa you want to get. We spread the filling in the middle of the cake, put it in a triangular envelope, pinch the ends so that the juice does not leak out. Immediately put the products on a greased baking sheet and cover with a brush with a beaten egg. As a rule, 6-8 pies can be baked at a time. So you know how to cook samsa at home. As a result, it should turn out crispy, fragrant and lush.

Recipe number 2. Chicken samsa

Today, samsa is becoming popular, made not from beef or lamb, but from poultry meat. And the thing is that it is much more tender and cooks faster. We will tell you how to cook samsa with chicken according to the most delicious recipe later in the article. At the same time, not only the filling will be different here, but also the dough. Let's start cooking.

Required Ingredients

For the dough you will need one glass of cold water, 1 egg, 2-3 cups of flour, 100 g of margarine or butter and half a teaspoon of salt.

For the filling, you will need 3 meaty legs with fat, 3 onions, a set of spices for chicken.

How to cook samsa at home from chicken meat?

Cooking the dough

In a glass, break one egg, add salt, shake with a whisk and add water to the brim. Sift the flour with a slide, make a well and pour in the egg mixture. Knead the dough quickly. Melt the butter in the microwave until creamy. Roll out the dough very thinly on a floured board, grease it with butter and twist it into a tight roll. cover it up cling film and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, and preferably all night.

Cooking stuffing

Remove the chicken meat from the bones and finely chop with a very sharp knife. Cut the onion into cubes and mix with minced meat, add spices and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

We sculpt samsa

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and cut into 12 pieces. Pour a little flour on the table, put the dough with the cut side down and roll out until you get an absolutely round cake with a diameter of 15 cm. Put the filling in the center in the form of a triangle and smooth with a spoon. Cover it with dough so that you get a triangle. Pin sharp corner. Prepare 5 more pies, place them seam side down on a greasy baking sheet. Brush with egg and bake in a preheated oven until red. So you know how to cook puff samsa with chicken filling. In principle, one can also use ready-made puff pastry.

Recipe number 3. How to cook Uzbek samsa according to an old recipe?

No matter how skillfully we prepare these Central Asian pies from products bought in the supermarket, it will not turn out the same as it can be if you use homemade natural ingredients. In addition, samsa in the old days was baked in a clay tandoor. And this is a completely different flavor. The above dough recipe, in principle, is an instruction on how to cook Uzbek samsa. Only there, instead of butter for the layer, baked lamb or beef fat. That is, the dough itself, soaked in melted fat, is soft and tender, and the filling with the addition lamb tail with zira exudes a unique aroma, from which just salivating. As you understand, our city samsa next to this one, the real one, will always be the loser. However, in rare Uzbek restaurants in Moscow, you can still find the real, cooked according to the classic recipe, besides in the tandoor, samsa - “you will lick your fingers”. However, no matter how much you ask the master cook how to cook Uzbek samsa, she will never tell you all the secrets of cooking technology. So we have to be content with those recipes that can be found in the cookbook. By the way, there is one very interesting type of dietary samsa with greens, which girls and women who follow their figure will especially like. We present to your attention this original recipe.

Recipe number 4. Dietary samsa with herbs and eggs

You can make the dough the way you like it, but the one described in the second recipe is better because it uses less oil. But for the filling you need to take many varieties of greens. These are spinach, horse sorrel, mint, parsley, cilantro, quinoa, shepherd's purse, green onion, young shoots of garlic, dill, etc. All this must be thoroughly washed in warm water, then held under running water. cold water and finely chop. You also need to cut hard-boiled eggs into small cubes and mix with herbs. Pepper the filling, salt and add 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower oil. Then put it on the dough rolled into cakes (as described in recipe number 2). Form triangles and bake, after brushing them with an egg, in a heated oven at a temperature of 190-210 gr. Samsa with greens, of course, is not so juicy, but it is also very tasty and fragrant.


Until recently, we rarely heard about delicious triangular pies called samsa. However, in last years this Central Asian pastry has gained popularity throughout Russia and competed Tatar whites and pasties. Today, in the menu of various bistros and cafes, you can find the name of these pies. However, not all chefs cook them the way they should. If you want to understand what real homemade samsa is, then use one of the above recipes and try to cook it with my own hands. Believe me, there is nothing difficult in this. Cook with love, eat with pleasure. Good appetite.

The abundance of fillings and the richness of dough recipes allows you to find exactly the one that will appeal to everyone. Many will agree that they have had to buy this delicacy on the street more than once. But few people know that you can make this masterpiece with your own hands right in your kitchen. Let's take a look at a few simple recipes how to cook samsa on your own.

Samsa is a rounded, triangular or square envelope of unleavened (unsalted) dough with filling. As a rule, this appetizer is baked in a specific wood-fired brazier - a tandoor.

It will be extremely difficult to find such an oven for a special purpose in our country, but this does not mean at all that it is not possible to cook samsa at home. You can replace the tandoor with an ordinary gas or electric oven, especially since samsa in the oven is in no way inferior to that cooked in the tandoor.

The contents of this insipid envelope can be very diverse, depending on your creativity. It can be meat, fish, vegetable, cheese, bean, fruit or curd filling. But classic version Oriental meat pies are in the presence of onions, fat and a lot of spices. It is thanks to this combination of products that a very juicy and fragrant snack is obtained.. The dough can be purchased at the store or you can make your own at home.

How to make dough for samsa

The dough for making meat envelopes can be varied. This is already a matter of taste. You can cook unleavened according to the classic recipe, you can take a store-bought one, or you can make several options for homemade puff pastry. Do you want to cook dough for samsa in the oven with your own hands? Take advantage of a few suitable recipes.

Unleavened dough for samsa

To prepare the classic unleavened dough take 245 ml of warm water, place 20 ml of sunflower oil, a pinch of salt and 20 ml of vinegar there. Knead a stiff dough so that it detaches from the fingers. Leave it to rest for an hour.

During this time, the dough will absorb flour and become elastic enough to work with. Indeed, from this material it is necessary to form strong envelopes, which in no case should be unstuck during baking, so as not to lose their juicy filling.

Puff pastry at home

To make homemade puff pastry you will need more products than for classic fresh. But the taste of the dough speaks for itself. This is an indescribable, crispy product that can be savored without additional toppings. To prepare puff pastry, chop soft butter or margarine (245 grams) with flour (215 grams) and grind everything into small crumbs.

In a separate container, prepare a glass of warm water, pour 15 ml of vinegar and the same amount of vodka into it. Beat in one egg, salt and send to the butter-flour crumbs. Knead the dough and let it rest in the cold for about 45-60 minutes. This time you can do the stuffing.

The most delicious samsa recipes

To cook samsa deliciously, you need to use only the best cooking recipes. We offer you some of the most best recipes which you will see below. We hope you enjoy and leave your feedback, and maybe share your recipe.

Uzbek samsa - cooking secrets

Such delights Uzbek cuisine, as tandoor samsa fell in love with many in our country. Thanks to the Internet, today you can easily find out all the secrets of cooking this oriental concoction.

For the Uzbek samsa test:

  • flour (0.5 kg);
  • warm water (235 ml);
  • chicken egg (1 pc.);
  • fat tail fat or butter (105 grams);
  • a pinch of sesame seeds and salt.

The Uzbek recipe for samsa dough is quite simple. Sift the flour, beat the water with the egg and salt in a cup, send it to the flour and form the dough. Cover with a sheet and soak for about 25 minutes. Then roll out a thin layer and anoint it liquid fat, fold several times, and then roll out again. Do this maneuver a couple of times and your dough for Uzbek samsa is ready. Twist a thin roll, cover with a cloth so that it does not dry out and refrigerate.

For filling:

  • kilogram of lamb pulp;
  • a pinch of zira;
  • half a kilo of onions;
  • chicken egg;
  • fat tail fat or oil (135 grams);
  • some pepper and salt.

Mince the meat exclusively with a knife, not with a meat grinder or blender. Chop the onion very finely and mix with crushed lamb. Add salt, egg, cumin and pepper. Knead everything thoroughly and proceed to the formation of envelopes.

To know how to sculpt samsa, take a cooled roll raw dough, cut a circle 1-2 centimeters thick. Stand it upright and press lightly with your hand, getting a flattened cake. You can use a rolling pin or press down with your hand to form a flat cake.

Place a piece of fat or butter in the middle of it, then distribute your filling and pinch the dough in such a way as to prevent air from entering during frying. When you turn your envelope over, the fat or oil should be on top of the meat.

Thus, it will melt when frying and spread throughout the filling, thereby making your pie juicy inside.

You can create as you wish. It can be rectangles, corners or ovals - this is already depending on the imagination of the master. Send to the oven on a form with baking paper, seam down, coat with yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Soak in the oven for about 43-53 minutes at 195-205 degrees. Ready samsa relishes both hot and cold.

Samsa from puff pastry with chicken

As you know, chicken meat is somewhat dry compared to lamb, pork or beef (its individual parts). Therefore, for the preparation of oriental tortillas with chicken meat, you need to choose not the fillet places of the carcass, but give preference to more juicy parts of the bird. So, to cook samsa with chicken meat, the following ingredients are needed.

For test:

  • kefir or katyk (155 ml);
  • butter, you can margarine (270 grams);
  • flour (285 grams);
  • chicken egg;
  • loose component for dough;
  • salt.

For minced meat:

  • chicken thighs (2 kg);
  • onion (half a kilo);
  • pepper, zira, sesame and salt;
  • cilantro and parsley;
  • cream butter (315 grams).

The recipe for samsa with puff pastry chicken is quite simple. To prepare the dough, cut the butter with flour into small chips. Separately, foam the egg with salt and send it to kefir or katyk (katyk is a Turkic fermented milk drink). Combine two masses, crumbs and kefir with an egg, and knead the dough. Roll out a few times and refrigerate until use.

To get a delicious and juicy samsa with chicken, separate the pulp from the frogs and chop sharp knife. Also chop the onion into meat-like pieces, chop the greens, sprinkle with salt and fragrant ingredients, and mix everything, together with the meat, vigorously.

The samsa formation system is the same. Roll out the dough, place a piece of the fat component inside (in our case, this is cream butter), there will be minced meat on top, and pinch the envelope as you like. Brush with water or oil and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Arrange your envelopes in the oven and bake for about 45-60 minutes at a low heat.

Samsa with pork meat and puff pastry

Many lovers pork meat appreciate oriental flat pies based on puff pastry. Compared to chicken, there shouldn't be any problem with the contents being too dry. Pork meat, due to the presence of small fatty layers, is perfect for stuffing puff envelopes. Do you want to cook tender and fragrant samsa with pork and puff pastry based on beer?

Then stock up on this set of products:

  • pork pulp (back or neck) - 1 kg;
  • onion (half a kilo);
  • white flour (660 grams);
  • a mixture of dry peppers;
  • beer (330 ml);
  • eggs (2 pcs.);
  • margarine (290 grams);
  • two pinches of salt.

For dough, chop margarine with flour and a pinch of salt. Then enter one egg into cold beer, beat and send to margarine crumbs. Knead the dough and you will smell the aroma inherent in beer-based dough. Set your dough aside, preferably in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, prepare the contents of your samsa. Pass the pulp of the pig through a meat grinder along with onions. Add egg, spices and a pinch of white salt. Take out the dough, stretch it into thin pieces and stuff with minced meat, carefully gluing the edges. Send to bake until golden brown.

Recipe for samsa with beef and egg

If, for some religious or health reasons, you have eliminated pig meat from your diet, you can easily replace it with beef. You can cook the dough for beef envelopes yourself, or you can take it ready-made in the store, only without yeast.

And for the filling, take:

  • beef pulp (635 grams);
  • parsley;
  • eggs (7 pcs.);
  • spices (basil, pepper, etc.);
  • mayonnaise (115 grams);
  • salt.

Samsa from ready-made puff pastry is done very quickly. Chop the beef finely or chop with a meat grinder along with onions. Add one egg, dry herbs, salt and mayonnaise to the minced meat. Eggs (6 pcs.) Boil hard boiled and cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients and your filling is ready. Take 515 grams of puff pastry, roll it out and cut into squares.

In each of them, distribute a spoonful of the filling, pinch the sides and bake. If you want to give the shape of a triangle to your pastries, then roll out the circles and pinch three sides, brush with butter on top and bake without turning over. This will help to prevent leakage of liquid released from the meat during frying. So your fragrant envelopes will look like boats.

Sweet and salty samsa with pumpkin

As you know, pumpkin is a valuable storehouse of various vitamins and minerals. It can lie for a very long time, retaining freshness, and without losing its main advantages. This is very convenient when it is winter and many fruits and vegetables are not always available. And pumpkin can be cooked both in sweet dishes and using in salty snacks.

The recipe for making samsa at home with the addition of pumpkin as a sweet filling is as easy as shelling pears. To properly and tasty cook samsa, the dough is made on the basis of sour goat milk. But if there is none, you can replace it with any other yogurt.

Sweet samsa with pumpkin

We offer you a recipe for samsa at home with sweet stuffing, and its preparation requires the following products:

  • goat curdled milk (265 ml);
  • pumpkin (665 grams);
  • one apple;
  • sugar (90 grams);
  • starch (9 gamma);
  • sunflower oil (65 ml);
  • a pinch of soda and salt;
  • flour (how much will absorb).

So, extinguish the soda in yogurt, add salt, sunflower oil and sift the flour. Make a smooth dough and cover it with a sheet from weathering. Grate pumpkin with large holes, do the same with an apple. Add sugar and starch to the grated pumpkin-apple mixture. Form envelopes with pumpkin and coat with sunflower oil, sprinkle with sugar on top. Send your sweet samsa to bake at low heat for about 37-43 minutes.

By the way, instead of pumpkin, you can try to put chopped walnuts with honey. This is a completely different dish, but the taste is truly unique. Any puff pastry will do.

Salted samsa with pumpkin

Prepare the dough for salted samsa with pumpkin in the same way as for sweet. This is very convenient when you can cook two at the same time. different dishes using the same basis.

And for the filling, prepare:

  • pumpkin (660 grams);
  • onions (2 pcs.);
  • suneli hops (a pinch);
  • lamb fat (45 grams);
  • cream butter (1 pack);
  • a pinch of sugar and salt;
  • dry thyme and marjoram.

Divide the onion into thin half rings and sauté for lamb fat. Peel the pumpkin from everything superfluous (seeds, peel and fibers), chop into small cubes, and send to the onion to sauté. Sprinkle onion with pumpkin, sugar, dry herbs, suneli hops and salt. Saute until half cooked over high heat, remembering to stir.

Roll out the dough, put a piece of cold butter, spread a spoonful of the cooled filling on top and wrap it to your liking. Closed envelopes can be anointed with egg or milk and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Send the samsa with orange filling to bake on a medium flame.

Samsa with cheese for breakfast

In addition to meat and vegetable fillings, great solution for breakfast there will be puff pastry samsa with cheese. Perfect for this pickled cheeses, such as suluguni, Adyghe, homemade cheese and so on. The dough can be bought at the supermarket, or you can make it yourself. The main thing is that it be puff.

And preparing samsa at home with cheese is very simple. If there's ready dough, then it remains to fill it with grated cheese, shape it into envelopes and put it in the oven. If desired, you can supplement the taste of cheese with various spices or herbs, this is already a matter of your taste preferences.

Delicious samsa with fish

Most likely, the recipe for samsa with fish has already been invented in our time, and hardly by oriental culinary specialists. This is probably the brainchild of our sophisticated compatriots. But this is completely unimportant, since the taste of this delicacy is not inferior to its relatives, cooked with meat filling.

So, to prepare samsa with fish, take:

  • fillet of any fish without bones (760 grams);
  • onions (3 pcs.);
  • hard cheese (315 grams);
  • puff pastry (515 grams);
  • mayonnaise (190 grams);
  • salt.

Fish fillet (pollock, salmon, pelengas, etc.) cut into long pieces (3-4 centimeters) and salt. Chop the onion into thin half rings. Roll out the dough, cut into squares, grease with mayonnaise, put the fish slices on top, distribute the onion half rings and rub the cheese.

Pinch the edges so that there is a hole for the steam from the boiling fish and onion juice to escape. If this is not done, then there is a risk of liquid escaping through the bursting bottom of the envelope, then you definitely cannot avoid burning your product and subsequently dryness. Bake your samsa with fish in the oven at low heat for about 35-45 minutes.

Given the variety of samsa recipes on the Internet, you can easily get confused and confused, not daring to try to cook this pastry yourself at home. Based on these recipes, we recommend trying all of the above methods of cooking samsa in order. This yummy is sure to please you in any of your interpretations. Good appetite.

We twist the beef through a meat grinder. The stuffing should be a little oily. If there is not enough fat in it, a special fat tail should be added. You can either twist it into minced meat, or then add a piece to each serving. If you still chose the second option, then the pieces of fat need to be boiled for several minutes so that they do not melt during baking.

We clean the onion. Don't cut too small. Add it to the mince and mix. Also follows chopped meat salt, pepper and add cumin crushed in hands or a pusher. This is the main seasoning in samsa. However, you can add other favorite seasonings for flavor if you wish.

The dough can be used as a purchased puff, yeast, or cook it yourself. In order to knead the dough yourself, break one egg into a glass. Add water to the brim and a tablespoon of vegetable oil there. Pour the liquid into the mixture of flour and yeast, knead the dough. In this state, it should lie down for 30 minutes. Next, roll out the dough into a large layer and grease with melted margarine. We fold the layer in half and again grease with margarine. We do this procedure several times. Then we send it to the refrigerator for another half an hour. Homemade puff pastry for samsa is ready. Roll out the resulting dough not too thin, about 2-3 mm thick.

In order for the baking to turn out the same, cut out circles from the layer using a glass with a wide neck or a large bowl. From the waste, we roll out the layer again and cut it out in the same way.

Put minced meat on each circle. Try to have as much of it as possible in the filling, because the dough will rise, and the meat, on the contrary, will decrease.

Tightly glue the edges and form triangular patty. You can choose any shape, but traditional homemade samsa is in the form of a closed triangle. Lay seam side down on a baking sheet. It must first be lubricated with vegetable oil.

Lubricate each blank with a beaten egg so that the samsa turns out to be ruddy.

Sesame seeds, which need to be sprinkled on top, will also be appropriate. baked in the oven for about 40 minutes. The temperature should be around 180-200 degrees.

Gently bake pastries from the baking sheet using a special spatula. As you can see, samsa at home is very easy to prepare!

Serve best in combination with delicious fruit compote or hot tea. Bon Appetit!

Hello dear subscribers and guests of the blog! Today I share with you the secrets of Asian meat dish such as samsa. Or as they say samosa, sambusa, sambusak, somsa.

What is it and what nationality is it? The answer is very simple, this miracle appeared in Asian countries, now it is popular wherever possible. For example, here in Russia, they sell it in any kiosk where they make shawarma and other fast foods.

To put it simply, this dish is like our Russian pies, only triangular in shape, and of course distinctive feature is the filling.

It can be lamb, beef, pork, and finally chicken. Which one do you love more? The filling is always present great amount Luke. Traditionally, samsa was baked in a tandoor, but now they bake it even in the oven, even in a frying pan. As always, there are a lot of options.

Speaking of shape, it is not necessary to make a triangle, you can use round or oval shapes. Or you can turn on your imagination and do something interesting, for example:

E if you want to try different variants this meat dish, you must first choose the test option. I don’t give special recommendations on this matter, just see what kind of food you have in the refrigerator. Agree, because you can always cook not only according to one recipe, but try a dozen, and then, for sure, you will find for yourself the most favorite and very tasty one. I love puff pastry the most, don't you? 🙂 Consider different types, go)))

Delicious dough recipe for puff samsa

Real samosa, of course, is made from puff pastry, which you can make yourself, or you can buy in a store. I usually buy as it is simpler and lighter.

We will need:

  • premium flour - 1 kg
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • butter - 200 g
  • drinking water - 400 g
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Take a clean bowl, pour into it hot water and add butter, but not all, but about 160 g. Stir so that the butter dissolves.

Important! If the butter is not melted, put the container on the stove and heat.

2. Add eggs to butter mixture. Salt. Add flour, stirring gradually. Should be a firm dough

Important! The egg should be added to the cooled mixture.

3. Now cut it into 6-8 pieces. It might even work out more. Roll each part into a large cake.

Important! Roll out very thinly, and the pieces should all be roughly the same.

Important! Butter and vegetable oil must be mixed together in advance.

5. Wrap all the cakes in a roll, flagellum. Then cut into pieces about 0.5 cm. Each piece will have to be rolled into a circle. Next add the filling and bake.

Important! After you wrap the dough in a roll, send it to the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

Important! If you want your samsa to be Uzbek, then replace the butter with fat tail fat when you grease the cakes together.

A simple recipe for making dough for samsa

Such a miracle will work for any hostess, even for a beginner. Use this description and you will succeed!

We will need:

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 500 g
  • kefir - 150 g
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • salt - a pinch to taste
  • soda - a pinch

Cooking method:

1. Take egg and break it in a bowl. If you have small eggs, such as C2, then you can safely break 2 testicles. Salt.

Important! Because kefir is fermented milk product, then the soda itself will be extinguished in it.

3. Add the resulting mixture to the flour, and start kneading.

4. Such an elastic dough should turn out, leave it to rest for 30 minutes, and then start sculpting sweets.

Homemade Uzbek dough on sour cream

The option is simple, and even without eggs))

We will need:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • butter - 100 g
  • sour cream - 0.5 tbsp.
  • soda - a pinch

Cooking method:

1. In sour cream, extinguish the soda. That is, just add soda to sour cream and it will extinguish itself.

2. Melt the butter in a water bath or microwave. Add to sour cream.

Instant margarine dough

Do you want to learn how to do this? Then these step-by-step actions will help you.

We will need:

  • margarine - 80 g
  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream or kefir - 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch
  • soda - a pinch

Cooking method:

1. Add soda to sour cream, mix. Next, beat in the egg and add salt. Melt the margarine and add to it. Stir.

Important! Melted margarine should be added cold.

2. Add flour and knead. When the dough is ready, it should not turn out sticky and elastic, put it aside to rest, covering it with a cup so that it does not dry out, at least for 40 minutes. Then make a sausage out of the dough, cut it into pieces and form your favorite meat dish.

Important! Always take sifted flour so that it is saturated with oxygen!

Yeast milk dough - the easiest option

We will need:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • drinking water - 1 tbsp. maybe a little less

Cooking method:

1. Warm up a little milk, add yeast, sugar and salt there. Wait 5 minutes, the yeast should be taken with a cap.

2. After stirring well, add water, broken egg, vegetable oil. Stir. Add flour and knead the dough. It should be elastic, and delightfully tender in texture. After kneading, it should rest for 40 minutes under a cup.

Important! If you have time, then leave it to rest for 1.5 hours.

Unleavened dough for samsa

The simplest option that is easy to cook at home.

We will need:

  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

V cold water put salt and egg. Stir. Add flour and knead the dough, it looks like dumplings. Is not it? Give ready dough stand warm under a towel for about 1 hour. And then use it for its intended purpose.

Here is another version of the test, which you can watch in this YouTube video:

Samsa with meat from crispy puff pastry

Many people have a question: “How to sculpt with a triangle beautifully and neatly asian dish? In that step by step description you will just know. 😆 Nothing complicated, everything is ingeniously simple.

We will need:

  • any puff pastry, store-bought or own production- 1 kg
  • beef or lamb meat - 500-800 g
  • onion - 5 pcs.
  • salt, pepper, favorite spices
  • sesame

Cooking method:

1. Make the dough yourself according to any option that you like from the options described above in this article. It is best to take the puff option.

2. For the filling, prepare the meat, cut thinly into small pieces, or make minced meat out of it by passing it through a meat grinder. Onion cut into half rings.

3. Move everything, pepper, salt to taste. The filling is ready!

4. Now roll out such small circles from the dough. Place a filling on each circle.

5. Form the correct triangular shape of the samsa.

6. Proceed as shown in the figure.

7. And you will definitely get such an envelope.

If you want, in more detail and step by step with a photo, find out the recipe for this most delicious and the best option subscribe to my newsletter and stay up to date with the coolest culinary masterpieces! 🙂

8. Put the envelopes on a greased baking sheet and send to the oven to bake until golden brown. Top with egg yolk.

Important! They are baked very quickly, because the dough is puff, do not watch!

Serve with strong tea or lemonade. Happy discoveries!

Samsa with chicken

This type is the most popular in Russia, usually such a gourmet is sold in kiosks and tents in our city. And you can make such a beauty yourself, no worse, and even better, because at home, you always know what lies there from the ingredients.

We will need:

  • butter - 200 g
  • flour - 500 g
  • cold water - 200 ml
  • salt in the dough - 1 tsp
  • chicken thighs - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • sesame
  • egg yolk for brushing

Cooking method:

1. Chop the butter with a knife or grate. Mix it with flour.

Important! Butter must be chilled, not from the freezer.

2. Add cold water and salt. Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator, covered with cling film for 1 hour.

3. In the meantime, prepare the filling, crumble the chicken meat into pieces.

4. Finely chop the onion with a kitchen knife, you can even grate it on a coarse grater.

5. Mix the onion and chicken meat together, salt and pepper.

6. After the time has elapsed, cut these bars from the dough.

7. Roll each bar into a round layer and place the filling on it.

8. Fold like this to make a triangle.

9. The triangular shape looks just great.

10. The final stage, turn over to the other side and brush the surface with egg yolk, do not forget to sprinkle with sesame seeds.

11. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 40-50 minutes, pull out as the triangles are ruddy and fried, so crispy and delicious to look at! Bon Appetit! Serve them for an afternoon snack or dinner. And you can cook them and take them with you on a picnic, or take your child to school.

For this pastry, you can cook any salad, for example, Greek)))

Recipe for homemade samsa with minced meat in the oven

The option with minced meat is no worse than with chicken. Try to cook, especially since I described its preparation below. 🙂 Buy the dough for this option at the store.

We will need:

  • ready-made puff pastry - 4 plastic
  • minced beef + pork - 500 g
  • onion - 3 pcs.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt and pepper
  • sesame

Cooking method:

1. Remove the finished dough from the freezer. Be sure to read the instructions on the reverse side before use.

2. Cut each layer into squares. Lay out the mince filling. The filling is done in this way, salt and pepper the minced meat, cut the onion into cubes and add to the meat. Mix everything.

3. Now make these triangles, brush them on top with a beaten egg. Beat the egg with a regular fork. Place these beauties on a greased baking sheet or put special baking paper. Sprinkle with sesame seeds if you like.

4. Put them in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Bake until you see that the crust has turned brown.

Samsa with chicken and puff pastry potatoes

This unusual option, so apart from chicken meat it will also contain cheese and potatoes. I love experiments, this one was a success! The dish disappeared from the plate almost immediately, my gullets were devastated quickly! 😆

We will need:

  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • butter - 100 g


  • chicken meat -200 g
  • potatoes - 200 g
  • cheese -50 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Pour water into the bowl, break one egg into it, salt, you will need 1 tsp of salt. Add butter and vegetable oil. Gradually add flour and form a dough. Leave it to rest for 40 minutes.

Important! Butter must first be melted.

2. Cut the chicken meat very finely into cubes, grate the cheese on a fine grater, cut the onion into cubes, salt all the ingredients and mix together.

3. Using a rolling pin, roll out small cakes. The dough for this must first be rolled into a sausage and cut into pieces with a knife. Place a filling on each cake. Give the shape of the cake, preferably triangular.

4. Bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees until a beautiful savory crust.

Delicious yeast dough samsa - a simple recipe

Cooking at home samsa in Tatar style, based on yeast dough you will definitely like it. Of course, cooking in 5 minutes will not work, but the result will be amazing.

We will need:

  • flour - 0.5 kg
  • water - 250 ml
  • pressed yeast - 20 g
  • salt for dough - 1 tsp
  • any meat - 300 g
  • potatoes - 200 g
  • onion - 2 heads
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • meat broth - 50 ml

Cooking method:

1. Make yeast dough, for this in warm water add pressed yeast, dissolve them. Add salt. Next, add flour and knead the dough. Put him up.

2. After that, make koloboks from the dough, roll each kolobok into a circle, put the filling on it, this is diced meat and diced potatoes, sprinkle with cubes on top onion. Salt and pepper, you can sprinkle a little curry.

3. Form the pies into a triangular shape, but leave a hole in the middle.

4. Put this dish in the oven to bake for 30-40 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees. After that, take out the triangles and right while they are still on the baking sheet, add 1 tsp of broth to the middle of the hole, for juiciness. Place them back in the oven and bake until nicely browned.

Important! Don't forget to grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil!

Samsa from ready-made puff pastry. Video presentation

This option is the fastest and easiest, you don’t need to mess with the dough, you can buy it at any store and it will take a little time and you will already be sitting and drinking tea with these meaty treats. I propose to watch the master class in this video from YouTube: