Apple wine from carrion. Easy Apple Wine Recipe

Two apple trees in a summer cottage - an occasion for reflection on what to do with the harvest.

For jams, jams and juice, twenty or thirty kilograms of apples are enough to provide for a family of four. apple preparations for the autumn-winter season.

What to do with the rest of the apples? Variety " White filling"Gives, on average, 70-100 kg of apples per season, "Antonovka" - up to 150 kg.

However, the storage period apple jam and the juice is small, but the wine good quality the older, the better. Apples are not grapes, but among their fruit crops biochemical composition considered one of the best materials for winemaking. If you have your own wine material, apple wine - good way crop processing. This does not require special equipment - just a few large-volume bottles complete with water seals. V last resort, you can do with ordinary medical gloves. Well, of course, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of the basics of home fruit winemaking.

Wine from apples without pressing - basic technological principles

A good homemade wine must first be thought through, and one must begin with an assessment of the fruit material. Among the many varieties of apples, some have a sweet taste, others are sour, and others are slightly tart (wild varieties). These nuances are important for drawing up a bouquet of future wine; the further work order depends on them. The correct composition of the taste of wine begins at the stage of collecting and sorting the fruits. Wine made from one variety of apples most often loses in taste to wines in which several varieties are used for preparation.

To make a must from sour apples water needs to be added to neutralize the acid. To increase the volume of the must from apples with a lower juice content, topping up with water is also required. But, juice diluted with water will not give a good, rich taste and aroma to wine. What can be done in this case? When preparing fruits for the preparation of must (or pulp), select apples of several varieties that meet the following criteria:

juiciness- it is clear that the volume of future wine depends on the amount of natural juice. Juiciness, to some extent, depends on the degree of maturity, and it, in turn, affects the sugar and acid content. It turns out a vicious circle. True, there are varieties that have a denser and low-juicy pulp. It is for such fruits that the method of obtaining juice by preliminary fermentation - the best way.

Astringency of taste- although this quality is least of all inherent in apples, a tart taste is still present in winter and wild varieties. The characteristic astringent taste indicates the presence of tannin in the fruits, a substance that is necessary to clarify the wine, increase its shelf life and durability.

All stages of the preparation of apple wine consist of:

Collection and sorting of fruits,

Getting juice or wine material,

Wort preparation,

His fermentation

direct fermentation,

Removal from sediment, clarification and tanization,

Exposure, pouring and subsequent care during storage.

The most time-consuming process, many consider obtaining juice. On the one hand, squeezing juice is not difficult if you have a press and a juicer. But if there is no electricity in the country for objective reasons, then a press and a juicer will not help, and in this case, making wine from apples without pressing, from pulp is the only way out. To do this, the collected and sorted fruits are cut, after which they are placed in a large container and sprinkled with sugar. That is, instead of juice, pulp is prepared, as is the case with berry wine material, from which it is difficult to squeeze juice. This method of obtaining apple juice is beneficial, because the entire fruit material is used in the process of making wine.

It should be noted that after picking apples, they do not need to be washed. On the surface of the fruit live " wild yeast”, which will begin the process of making wine. But it is desirable to pick apples in dry and sunny weather so that there are no drops of dew or rain on the fruits. If the apples are collected from the ground, then they must be wiped with a dry cloth.

For faster juice separation, apples are cut into small pieces, at the same time removing the core with stones, cutting out places of damage from the fetus (rot, scab, wormholes). After cutting, the pieces of fruit are sprinkled with sugar and left for fermentation - at this stage, the yeast on the surface of the fruit begins to work, accelerating the separation of juice, without which it will still not be possible to start making wine. Otherwise, you will have to add water to the pulp, that is, dilute natural juice, which, of course, will worsen the quality of the future wine.

When the pulp becomes loose, soft, and will be easy to knead and compact, it must be transferred to a bottle, add the right amount of sugar. Stir sugar until completely dissolved. Install a water seal and place the bottle where there is no direct sunlight, drafts, and the constant natural air temperature during the entire fermentation period will be 18-23 ° C. Fill the bottle to ¾ of the volume, leaving free space for the foam, which will rise to the surface in the phase of the most active fermentation - in the first 7-10 days.

The next phase of fermentation is more moderate. At this time, less foam forms on the surface of the bottle, with smaller bubbles, and inside the bottle it becomes noticeable how the solid particles of the fruit begin to gradually separate from the fermented juice. After about a month, a thick layer will begin to settle at the bottom of the bottle and a quiet phase of fermentation will begin, after which wine yeast, having done their job, they will gradually begin to settle to the bottom, to the surface of the thick remaining in the bottle with the wort. Yeasts that have processed sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide will no longer have enough oxygen and nutrition, and they will gradually begin to die off. At this time, the wine must be poured so that the bitterness formed as a result of the decay of fungi is not transferred to future wine. It is important not to miss this moment in order to remove the thick from the bottle, along with dying fungi. Of course, squeezing the pulp is much easier than juice from fresh apples, but this somewhat slows down the fermentation of wine.

Pour the wine through a gauze filter. Prepare a clean and dry bucket, place a filter on it and pour the contents of the bottle. The sediment remaining in the gauze can be squeezed out into a bucket, but only if the gauze is rolled up in several layers to prevent solid particles from seeping through it. Next, the bottle must be thoroughly washed, dried and the future wine returned to it. At this point, it is advisable to add sugar if you plan to cook strong or dessert wine, since for such varieties of wines, sugar must be added in parts. In addition, the addition of sugar again activates fermentation, which can be caused by the removal of the pulp. If the must fermentation is stopped, there is always a risk of infecting it with acetic bacteria.

Now we come to the question of sugar and wine yeast. This topic is very voluminous, and one can talk about the role of sugar in the vital activity of yeast for a very long time. Therefore, we remember only the most important theses.

Yeast- living microorganisms, therefore, behave accordingly, although not consciously, obeying instincts. When they settle in favorable conditions, where there is food, air, they have enough energy and the temperature is comfortable, microorganisms begin to multiply. Like all life on the planet, yeast needs to create conditions for healthy competition. That is, if sugar is in excess for a certain number of microorganisms, then they will behave very sluggishly - why rush if there is enough for everyone? If you pour out all the sugar at once, then the yeast will doze lazily, and alcohol will not begin to form soon.

The strength of the wine depends on the amount of sugar, and the rate of its introduction depends on the desired strength of the wine. We add 20 g to the sugar contained in the fruit juice to increase the strength by one degree. For example, for wine with a strength of 18%, you need to add 180 g of sugar for every liter of must. That is, for 10 liters of wort it is necessary to pour 1.8 kg. We divide this amount into 2-3 parts so that the yeast works better. You need to add sugar as the fermentation process slows down, after about 7-10 days. The rate of fermentation will depend on temperature regime.

The critical temperature at which yeast slows down is 14°C. If the must accidentally cools to this temperature, then you can still correct the situation - just the wine will ferment longer. It will not be possible to save the wine if the temperature drops to 8 ° C. In the same way, the process slows down when the temperature rises. As little as 2°C above 23°C significantly reduces yeast activity, and at higher values ​​the yeast will die.

About yeast. For wine, it is better to buy special wine yeast, or use prepared sourdough: pour 200 g of raisins with warm water (0.5-0.7 l), and leave warm for 3-5 days. A jar of starter must be tied with a double layer of gauze to provide air access and, at the same time, block access to foreign bacteria. For the preparation of sourdough, you can use raspberries and strawberries, last year's jam. Do not use baker's yeast.

Good news: for apple wine, yeast can be omitted, because to start fermentation, they most often have enough of those that live on the surface of the fruit. Of course, if the pulp stands motionless, does not bubble, and the wine material does not exude a characteristic smell, then the addition of yeast is still necessary.

After the sediment has fallen to the bottom and in the absence of visible bubbles of carbon dioxide in the bottle, fermentation can be considered complete. Young wine must be poured again to remove solid suspensions. At the same time, after removal from the sediment, tanization is performed. Tannic acid is added to young wine to improve its quality. After tanning, the wine is poured again, sweetened if necessary, and the bottle is placed in a cool room for maturation, during which the care and supervision of young wine continues.

apple wine good quality can be obtained 3.5-4 months after stopping fermentation.

1. Dry apple wine without pressing


    Apples, sour (forest or carrion) 6.3 kg

    Sugar 1.15 kg

Cooking technology:

The fruits are harvested and prepared by cutting small cubes or thin slices, removing damaged parts, stalks and core. After they are sprinkled with sugar and left in a non-oxidizing dish for fermentation. The bucket is covered with a towel. After the appearance of a characteristic sour smell, the pulp is crushed with a blender or kneaded to a puree-like mass.

The pulp is transferred to a clean bottle (10 l). The bottle is set for fermentation at 18-23°C. A rubber medical glove is put on the neck, with a pierced finger. In the process of fermentation, it will inflate, and the signal about the end of fermentation will be its deflated or even drawn into the neck shape.

After that, the wine is removed from the sediment. Insert the hose into the neck, lowering its end 2 cm above the level of the thick, and insert the other end into a clean dish. Pump the wine by creating a vacuum in the hose.

Wash and dry the bottle (dishes for storing wine must be sterile). Pour the wine into a bottle, and transfer it to a cool room. Repeat the transfusion after two weeks. Pour the wine into bottles and seal them.

2. Wine from apples without juice - cider



- sour 2 kg

– sweet 8 kg

– tart 2 kg

    Sugar 2.3 kg


The preparation of fruits and the entire process of making wine until the last removal from the sediment are identical to the technology of recipe No. 1. Before bottling the wine, add 10% sugar of the total volume and dissolve it. It is necessary to pour cider into champagne bottles, without adding 7-8 cm to the edge of the neck. Seal the bottles tightly and fasten the corks with wire or twine. Store at a temperature not exceeding 14°C, in a horizontal position.

3. Strong table wine from apples without pressing


    Sweet and sour apples (good, garden variety) 12.5 kg

    Sugar 2.2 kg

Cooking order:

The preparation of raw materials and pulp is exactly the same as the description of recipe No. 1, until the first removal from the sediment, but at the same time, half of the sugar taken is initially added. After filtering the must, after 21-30 days from the start of fermentation, the second part of sugar is added, the wine is poured into a bottle, sealed, and fermentation continues until it stops completely and precipitates. Then the process is repeated again: clarification, aging and pouring, bottling and storage.

4. Strong blended wine from apples without juice


    Sweet apples 13 kg

    Sugar 750 g

    Tannic acid 1.5 g

    Wine stone 1.0 g

    Pear wine, semi-sweet 0.7 l

Operating procedure:

Preparation of wine material is carried out in full accordance with previous recipes. Then, the fermented pulp with sugar and cream of tartar is placed in a bottle and closed with a water seal. After fermentation and filtration, the thick wine is clarified by adding diluted tannic acid. It is again removed from the sediment, poured into a clean container, and blended with pear wine. After mixing young apple and pear wine, the bottle is moved to a cool place for storage. If necessary, the wine is again removed from the sediment and poured. After 3 months, the wine is poured into prepared containers.

5. Dessert wine from apples without pressing


    Apple pulp 11.5 kg

    Sugar 2.3 kg

    Tannin 1.2 g

    Tartaric acid 5 g

Cooking order:

The fermented pulp, to which 800 g of sugar and tartar have already been added, is transferred to a prepared bottle (15 l). The rest of the sugar is added during the fermentation process in equal parts: after removing the grounds (after 3 weeks), and after another 10 days. After the end of fermentation, the wine is removed from the sediment, and a solution of tannin is added. After waiting for clarification, the wine is again removed from the sediment and poured. After 2 months, the wine is sweetened if necessary, aged for another 1-1.5 months and bottled.

6. Liquor wine from apples without juice


    Ripe sweet apples 9 kg

    Sugar 5.6 kg

    Wine stone 8 g

    Acid, tannic 2.5 g


Half of the required amount of sugar is added to the finished young wine after clarification with tannin. Sugar is dissolved in a small volume of warmed wine and added to the total mass, in the form of syrup. Liquor wine is mixed and aged in a bottle until a bouquet is formed, at least 60 days, after which it is bottled and sealed.

    The average sugar content of apples is about 10%, that is, for 1 kg of apple pulp, there are approximately 100 g of fruit sugar. Use this indicator to obtain wine from apples without pressing the desired strength.

    The highest amount of tannin is found in apples. winter varieties and in forest (wild) fruits.

    From carrion and unripe apples it will turn out sour wine, with a rough taste, but dry and table wines are suitable for culinary purposes - for sauces, marinades.

    Sour varieties of apples contain up to 2%. This acidity is not suitable for must preparation, and in order not to add water, use a mixture of sour and sweet varieties of apples, in a ratio of 1: 2.

    With a lack of tannin in apples, add to the pulp oak leaves or bark (20g per liter of must).

Apples make very good table, dessert and liqueur wines, which everyone can cook with their own hands. In financial terms, apple wine is one of the most inexpensive. At the same time, having successfully selected the composition, you can get an interesting bouquet. The winemaking technology for making apple alcohol has its own secrets and subtleties.

Cooking features

Decided to make wine from apples at home? Then you should know some of the nuances, without taking into account which you are unlikely to get something worthwhile.

  • Varieties of apples differ in sugar content and acidity, have different ripening times. Unsweetened apples with high acidity, including wild game, are more suitable for table wines. Non-acidic apples with high sugar content are suitable for making dessert wines. There are also sweet and sour varieties that are considered universal. From summer and overripe apples, wines quickly deteriorate, but from the fruits of autumn and winter varieties, drinks are stored remarkably. Antonovka is an excellent representative of late-ripening apples. Unripe carrion is suitable only for dry wines. The best bouquet is obtained from a combination of 2-3 parts of tart sweet fruits and 1-2 parts of sour.
  • The quality of raw materials is critical. Apples should be good, not wormy and without rot. If spoiled and damaged areas come across, they must be cut out before making wine, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the taste of the drink. It is also desirable to remove the cores with bones.
  • Apples do not need to be washed. Dust and light dirt can be removed with a dry cloth or a piece of clean cloth. For the fermentation of wine, yeast-like fungi are needed that live on the surface of the fruit, and after washing they may not remain there.
  • To make must, apples must be crushed to get the maximum amount of juice. It is best to use a juicer. However, if there is none, you will have to manually rub the fruits on a grater or twist them in a meat grinder.
  • In order for the juice to ferment and separate well from the pulp, it is better to keep the chopped apple mass warm, not forgetting to stir it two or three times a day with a wooden spoon. This is done to avoid souring and to spread the yeast evenly.
  • To make it easier to press the pulp, the wort can be kept in the cold a few hours before (optional) or remove its top layer with a spatula (if a lot). You can squeeze it with your hands through gauze.
  • All ingredients from the recipes must be added before being placed in the apple juice fermentation tank. At first, it is better to add only half of the sugar, the rest in portions later. Such a scheme is required if sweet varieties of apples are used. Too much sugar can stop fermentation.
  • Apple wine, like other wines, must ferment without contact with air, while freely emitting the resulting carbon dioxide somewhere. Such an opportunity can be provided by a purchased or home-made device - a water seal or a simple medical glove with a small hole in the finger.
  • When fermentation is over, young wine must be poured into another container for settling. At this point, you can add more sugar to taste. But in this case, the drink should stand under the water seal for another week. To raise the strength and better preserve the wine, you can add a little alcohol or vodka (2-15% of the volume of wine). After that, the container must be tightly sealed. The clarification of the wine will indicate its maturation. At this stage, it can be bottled.

With strict observance of the technology of preparation, competent selection of varieties, wine from apples will turn out to be very tasty. Its golden color and pronounced, but unobtrusive, apple flavor will surely appeal to every connoisseur of alcoholic beverages.

Traditional or classic recipe

This recipe allows even beginners in winemaking to make good homemade wine from apples. For him, it is desirable to use universal sweet and sour varieties. Some winemakers believe that juice should be diluted with water, while others are against it. If the apples are sour, then adding a small amount of water (no more than 1/3 of the juice volume) is justified. You decide.

Composition and proportions:

  • 10 kilograms of unwashed apples;
  • 2 liters of water (optional)
  • 1.6 kilograms of sugar.


Sort unwashed apples, if necessary, wipe them with a dry cloth. Cut the fruits into slices, remove the cores with stones and stalks, cut off the damaged areas. Then the pieces of apples must be crushed to a homogeneous mushy mass in any way convenient for you.

Pour applesauce into an enameled bucket or a large saucepan, cover with a cloth (a piece of clean gauze) and place for 3 days in a warm, sunny room. Two or three times a day, the fermented mass must be mixed.

After three days, you need to collect and squeeze out the pulp that has surfaced, strain the resulting juice and pour it into a fermentation container of a suitable size. Dissolve 800 grams of sugar in water and pour the sugar syrup into the juice. Put on a water seal. Place the container in a dark room.

After four days, you need to remove the water seal and, using a long hose, drain 500 ml of wort. Add 400 grams of granulated sugar to it and mix thoroughly. After its complete dissolution, pour the liquid back into the fermentation tank and reinstall the water seal. After another four days, the described process should be repeated.

The must ferments well at a temperature of 18–24 °C. The process itself usually takes 1-2 months. If the water seal has stopped gurgling, then the wort is no longer fermenting. It happens that this moment does not come for a long time. Then, on the 50th day, the wort must be drained from the sediment into a clean container and again put under a water seal until the end of fermentation. It will end very quickly.

Pour young apple wine into another container, close with a regular lid and transfer to a cool place where it will settle for 3-6 months. After two weeks, the drink will need to be removed from the sediment. Periodically repeat this procedure until the wine is completely clarified. Then the ripened wine can be poured into bottles. As a result, you get table homemade wine from apples with a strength of 10-12 degrees.

fortified wine recipe

Raisins will help speed up fermentation. On its surface, as well as on apple peel, there are wild yeasts. By adding vodka (diluted ethyl alcohol or purified moonshine) the overall degree of the drink will rise. The shelf life of the wine will also increase, however, the organoleptic properties will suffer a little. In particular, the taste will become tougher.


  • 6 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 200 grams of unwashed raisins;
  • 100 milliliters of vodka.


Sort the unwashed apples, cut into pieces and remove the cores. Grind to a mushy state and pour into enamel pan. Put the dish covered with gauze in a warm place for three days.

Strain the must and squeeze out the pulp. Add 1.5 kilograms of sugar to apple juice. Stir the wort and pour into a clean fermentation tank. Install a water seal. After three weeks, add the rest of the sugar (500 grams).

When fermentation is completed, you need to drain the apple wine from the sediment, add vodka and pour into another container. Close it tightly and put it in the basement for further purification and ripening of the drink.

You can clarify young wine by pouring it into a clean container as a 2–3 cm sediment accumulates. After a few months, a drink with a strength of 14-16 degrees can be bottled.

apple and pear juice recipe

To get dessert wine, you need sweet varieties of apples. Pears will give the drink an interesting flavor, and raisins will enhance and speed up fermentation.


  • 15 kilograms of sweet apples;
  • 1 kilogram of pears;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 250 grams of raisins.


Squeeze juice from apples and pears on a juicer, add unwashed raisins to it. Pour the juice into a 15-liter enameled bucket, which then needs to be covered with a piece of gauze and set in a warm place for 3 days. The fermentation process will begin. Several times a day, fermented juice should be stirred with a wooden spatula.

After the specified time has passed, the liquid must be filtered, add half a kilogram of sugar, pour into a fermentation container, and install a water seal. After five days, add 300 grams of granulated sugar, after another four days - the rest. When fermentation is complete, drain the wine, strain and pour into a clean container. Install it in a cool place. After the wine from apple juice has cleared, we bottle the drink.

The strength of this dessert wine can reach 15-16 degrees. After a year of storage, its taste will resemble port wine. Due to its sweetness and pleasant apple-pear aroma, ladies will surely appreciate this drink.

Recipe for spiced wine with raisin sourdough

The apples, according to the recipe, will be thermally affected, causing the wild yeast to die. Without yeast, the wort will not ferment. Therefore, raisin sourdough is needed.


  • 3 kilograms of sweet and sour apples;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon.


The sourdough must be prepared in advance. To do this, mix unwashed raisins in a cup with 50 ml of warm water and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Put it on the windowsill and cover with a gauze napkin. It will be ready in 2-3 days.

Pour prepared and chopped apples with water, add spices and cook over low heat until they become soft. After cooling, rub the apple mass through a sieve. Add it to the starter and leave to ferment for three days.

Strain, add sugar and pour into a glass jar under a water seal. When fermentation is complete, drain into a clean jar and close tightly. Periodically drain the wine from apple raw materials from the sediment. When it clears, pour into bottles. The drink will turn out gentle with the aroma of apples and cinnamon.

Homemade wine is no worse than factory wine. It is not difficult to make it, the main thing is to follow the described cooking technology and not violate the proportions indicated in the recipes. Care must be taken in the selection of raw materials. And remember, the most delicious wine comes from late-ripening apples.

In a fruitful year, the abundance of apples pleases gardeners with a wealth of supplies, and avid winemakers are already looking forward to fresh, fragrant apple wine! This juicy and delicious fruit good in any way.

Apple jams, preserves, confitures are waiting in the wings on the shelves. A variety of compotes, juices and fruit drinks from apples are prepared for several years ahead. Apple pies are included in the daily menu.

But perhaps The best way process valuable vitamin raw materials - make homemade wine from apples. The simplest recipe for wine made from apple juice will use the entire ripe harvest and will not allow these tasty, fragrant and beneficial fruits.

Harvested for future use, apple wine can be stored for a long time, while the bouquet of the drink reveals new fruity notes and acquires an extraordinary richness of taste.

Healthy homemade apple wine: how to make?

First of all, you need to decide on the taste of the future alcoholic drink. If you like sweeter apple wine, then in this case you need to take ripe fruits of late varieties, in which sugar is the most. Otherwise, fruits with pronounced sour taste. But the most optimal is to mix sour and sweet fruits in the required proportion. Production of alcohol fruit drink does not tolerate haste, it needs a thoughtful and serious approach.

So, we begin the preparation of the future king of parties.

- take unwashed apples in any quantity. Fruits should not be washed, because natural yeast is on their surface. If fruits collected from the ground are used for the drink, then it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth. Apple core and seeds must be removed.
- grind fruits in any way possible - using a food processor, blender, on a grater, through a meat grinder.
- received applesauce leave at room temperature for one day in an open container.
- Stir every hour.
- remove a dense thick crust from the top of the apple mass and again leave it for a day.
- repeat the operation.
- squeeze the remaining softer fraction of the puree, pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl.
- add granulated sugar in a proportion of 250 grams per liter of apple juice and water at the rate of 150 grams per liter.
- Stir the liquid vigorously until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in it.
- pour into a glass, enameled or plastic container with
- put the bottle of wine in a dark place with room temperature.
- the fermentation process takes about one and a half months, its completion is signaled by the absence of carbon dioxide bubbles.
- homemade apple wine is ready, let it stand for about a week.
- after the specified period, young wine from apples is removed from the sediment.
- we place the bottle with the drink on the table, under it we install another dry and clean container.
- using a hose, carefully, without shaking the sediment, pour the homemade product into a new dish.

Your own apple wine is ready! But still it would be better to let the drink brew and ripen, having previously clarified it. To do this, it is placed in a cool and dark place for a couple of months. Then the procedure for removing from the sediment is repeated again.

If a lot of fruits have ripened and the volume of production of a home-made alcoholic drink is also significant, care should be taken that the wine from apples does not deteriorate. To do this, a container of alcohol is placed in a tank, jug or large pot of water and heated to a temperature of 70 degrees. After that, it is slowly cooled and put on subsequent ripening.

Fragrant and light wine, produced at home, has a bewitching amber color and is distinguished wide variety flavors depending on the type of fruit used. Delicate delicate apple wine is a drink for any occasion and celebration!

Very often, after harvesting, there is a lot of fruit left. Carrion, slightly rotten or spoiled apples - most often the fate of staying right in the garden concerns these particular fruits. If you could not harvest the entire crop, make compotes and jams from it, or are simply already tired of homemade preparations, you have a great opportunity to prepare a delicious homemade drink.

Apples are a very juicy and fragrant fruit that has a great taste. That is why apples are very popular among winemakers. cooking recipes various drinks a lot, so you have a great chance to make wine for every taste.

How to make homemade apple wine

The original recipe for wine made from apples and pears will definitely appeal to lovers of sweet and aromatic drinks. To prepare it you will need:

  • Apple juice - 6 l
  • Pear juice - 700 ml
  • Sugar - 550 g
  • Raisins - 110 g

Pour apple cider vinegar into a large glass bottle pear juice, pour sugar and put unwashed raisins. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave for 30-40 minutes at room temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved. Close the neck of the bottle with several layers of gauze and put in a dark and warm place for fermentation for about 10-14 days. Wine at home from apples ferments quite actively, so use good capacious containers and fill them with must no more than two-thirds.

After the end of fermentation, strain the liquid and pour into a dry, clean bottle. Close it again with a cork and put in a cool place for aging and clarification. Before making apple wine, prepare enough clean dishes so that you have a place to pour the drink. Then pour the finished wine into bottles, close tightly with corks and keep in a dark and cool place for at least 1 year.

Recipe for making apple wine at home

The classic recipe for apple wine will appeal to all lovers of homemade drinks. If you have a good harvest, you have a great opportunity to make delicious fruit wine.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 6 cups

Before making homemade apple wine, the fruit will need to be crushed. Cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the core with stones, chop well - scroll in a meat grinder, in a blender or grate.

To make homemade wine from apples, you can take any kind of fruit - to your taste. Optionally, you can take several sweet and sour varieties - this will make the drink even more fragrant and fragrant.

Place the pulp in a glass bottle, add half the sugar and mix. Close the neck of the bottle with a cork and leave for fermentation for several days in a warm place.

Then drain the fermented juice, and squeeze the pulp and discard. Add the remaining sugar to the resulting juice and mix. Close the bottle with the wort with a cork with a water seal and leave to ferment in a warm place for about 1 month.

After the end of fermentation, drain, filter and pour into clean, dry bottles. Close tightly with lids and store in a dark, cool place for at least 2-3 months. Sweet apple wine can be stored in a cool place for several years.

How to make strong homemade wine from sweet and sour apples

The recipe for homemade apple wine will appeal to all lovers of strong aromatic drinks. Fortified wine From fresh and dried fruits, it is prepared very simply, but it turns out incredibly tasty. To prepare it, you will need to take:

  • Apples (fresh or dry)
  • Sugar
  • yeast sourdough
  • Alcohol

Before you put wine from apples, you should prepare a yeast starter. For one liter of apple must, you will need to take 300 ml of finished sourdough. Preparing it is very simple - you need to dilute the yeast in warm water and put it in a warm place for several hours. When the yeast melts well and the first signs of fermentation appear on the surface, the starter can be considered ready.

For a recipe house wine from apples, the following proportions should be adhered to:

  • Water - 800 ml per 1 kg of apples
  • Sugar - 250 ml per 1 kg of apples
  • Alcohol 96% - 300 ml per 1 liter of must

Apples need to take sour and sweet varieties in approximately the same amount and add approximately dry fruits to them. 100 g dried apples- per 1 kg fresh. Put apples in a convenient bowl or basin, cut into several pieces, select the core and pour water. Heat the mixture to 60 degrees and leave in a warm place for 2 days.

Strain the prepared wort through gauze, squeeze the pulp well and pour the strained infusion into a glass jar or barrel.

Pour the starter into the apple mixture, mix well, close the lid with a water seal and put in a warm place for fermentation. When the drink ferments, it will need to be filtered, poured into a clean container, pour the required amount of alcohol into it and close tightly. Leave the wine in a cool place for 14 days. strong wine from apples you can try.

Recipe for making wine from apple compote

Wine made from apple compote - excellent flavored drink, which can be prepared from a simple homemade preparation. If you want to treat yourself to a delicious flavored drink, you don't have to use fresh fruits. To make wine you will need to take:

  • Apples - 10 kg
  • Compote - 3 l
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg

Before making wine from apples, they need to be sorted out well so that there is no rot, dirt and damage from falling. Wipe fresh apples with a cloth, cut them into several pieces to cut out the middle with seeds. Squeeze juice from prepared fruits - this can be done using a meat grinder or juicer. Drain the juice into a large saucepan and mix with compote.

To make homemade wine from apples, you can take not only compote, but also ready jam. To do this, it is diluted with warm water and also mixed with fresh juice.

Pour half the sugar into the apple mixture and put it in a warm place to ferment. After about 3 days, when the must ferments well, it will need to be poured into a glass jar and tightly closed with a cotton stopper. Leave the jar with the wort for another 3-4 days warm, after which the cork will need to be removed and the lid with a water seal put on.

According to this recipe, apple wine should ferment well for a week, after which the remaining sugar is added to it.

Usually the fermentation of the wort under a water lock lasts 11-12 days. Transfer the jar of wort to a cool place and leave until the fermentation is complete for a month and a half. Strain the finished wine, carefully drain from the sediment and pour into clean bottles. Put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or move them to the cellar.

This completes the preparation of homemade apple wine. It remains only to wait a few months, and you can try this divine drink.

A simple recipe for apple wine and its fermentation at home

The easiest recipe for apple wine is perfect for beginner winemakers. If you are just starting to comprehend the basics of this amazing art, you will need some simple ways to prepare alcoholic beverages.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • apples not washed
  • Sugar - according to the number of apples 1 glass per liter of juice
  • Water - 150 ml per liter of juice

Before making wine from apples, you will not need to wash the fruits you have collected. If they are lightly soiled, simply brush them with a dry brush or gently remove the dirt with a cloth to avoid removing wild yeast from the surface.

The number of apples can be anything, and sugar and water can be calculated later, when you grind the fruits into puree. Cut each apple into several pieces, remove the core with seeds and stalks and chop them with a blender or meat grinder.

Transfer the resulting puree to a convenient enamel pan and leave for a day in a warm place.

To make the mixture start to turn sour, stir it regularly - once every hour is enough. After a day, it will be necessary to remove a dense crust formed from the pulp from the surface and leave the puree for another day. The next day, the mixture can be filtered - squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Pour the resulting juice into a separate clean bowl - a jar or an enamel pan.

Count sugar and water by the amount of juice. For a liter of fruit liquid, you will need to take 250 g of sugar and 150 ml of water. Add the required amount, mix and pour into a convenient container for fermentation.

If you are using a saucepan, close the lid with a water seal. If there is no water seal, simply pour the wort into glass bottles and close them with rubber gloves. Pull a glove over the neck of each jar and make one small puncture in your finger with a needle or pin.

During the fermentation of apple wine, carbon dioxide will escape through this small hole. The glove will inflate and it will not be difficult for you to follow the cooking process. Transfer the wort bottle to a dark place at room temperature and leave for a week.

Young apple wine at home can ferment faster, so do not forget to keep an eye on the glove.

After 6-7 days, remove the wine from the sediment - carefully pour the drink into a clean bowl using a rubber hose or straw. Try not to touch the sediment that has fallen to the bottom.

Close the purified wine with lids and put it in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator for two to three months.

Homemade apple wine can be stored for several months, but no more than six. Without additional pasteurization, the wine will begin to turn sour, and all your work will be in vain.

To prevent this from happening, when making a large amount of the drink, it will need to be pasteurized. To do this, a container of alcohol is placed in a tank or a large pot of water, and heated over medium heat to a temperature of 70 degrees, turn off the fire and leave it on the stove. The wine should cool slowly, after which it can be put to ripen in a cool place.

Recipe for homemade apple juice wine

The recipe for wine from apple juice will be useful for owners own garden. In the presence of a large number of apples, many gardeners save the harvest by processing the fruits for juice. If you are already tired of doing homework healthy drink, try to make a simple, not very tasty wine.
Homemade apple juice wine is made only from a fresh drink made from harvested fruits. Do not use store-bought juice - you will only waste your energy and precious time.

Harvested apples do not need to be washed - just wipe them with a soft cloth in places of severe contamination. Sort through the fruits - do not use rotten parts and core with stones. if you love spicy taste slight bitterness, then the seeds can be left, if you are preparing a sweet wine, try to choose them well.

Grind prepared apples with a meat grinder, blender, juicer, or simply grate them. Strain the resulting mass well through cheesecloth, keeping the amount of juice as much as possible. Squeezing the juice will not be easy, but your efforts will not be in vain. Place the apple mass in a container with a wide large neck - it can be a saucepan or a large basin. Put the juice in a warm place for three days - during this time, the pulp should appear on the surface, which you could not take away during filtering.

On the third day, remove the pulp from the surface, pour the juice into large glass jars.

Homemade apple wine from juice can be made in three types: dry, semi-sweet and dessert. By varying the amount of sugar you add to the wort, you can make several variations of this wonderful drink at once.

You can add sugar to it or not add it - to taste, close tightly with a water seal and leave to ferment. When the mash ferments, the drink will need to be carefully drained from the sediment and poured into bottles or jars. Close the drink tightly - pour up to the bark. Leave the wine in a cool place for 30-40 days, then open and strain again. Pour back into clean jars and close tightly with lids.

Put the finished wine from apple juice to ripen in a cool place for several months. When the drink matures, you can enjoy its amazing mild taste.

How to make homemade apple wine from jam

Apple jam wine is a delicious, light and fragrant drink. It is very easy to make at home, even if you do not have fresh apples. For this purpose, you can use jam, cooked in the usual way.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Apple jam - 1 can (1 liter)
  • Rice - 1 cup
  • Fresh yeast - 20 g

Into clean three-liter jar put a jar of jam and add unwashed rice. Add fresh yeast and add warm water - you need to pour just below the line of the can's shoulders. Stir, put a rubber glove on the neck of the jar and secure it tightly to the jar. Make a puncture in the glove with a needle and put the wort to ferment in a dark and warm place.

As a result of the fermentation of the must, you will get a great young wine. When there is sediment at the bottom of the jar, and the drink itself becomes more transparent, it's time to pour the wine into other clean jars.

Homemade wine from apple jam can be sweetened - add a little sugar to it and pour it into small jars or bottles. Add sugar no more than 1 tablespoon per liter of liquid, otherwise the drink will be very strong and will resemble liquor more than wine. After adding sugar, leave the wine for a few more days in a cool place, after which you can taste amazing aromatic wine. If you do not add sugar, let the drink rest for a few hours in the refrigerator and start tasting.

Dry Apple Wine Ingredients

Wine from dried apples turns out no worse than from fresh fruits. It has great taste and aroma. Due to the fact that with proper drying, the taste and aroma are not only preserved, but also become more concentrated, some winemakers prefer to make a drink from just such raw materials.

If you want to try making this drink, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Dried apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 12 cups
  • Water - 8 l
  • Yeast - 20 g

Making homemade wine from dried apples with your own hands

Making apple wine from dried fruits begins with the fact that you will need to soak them a little.

Pour dry apples into an enameled pan or jar and pour a small amount warm water. Leave them for a few hours so that they absorb a little liquid. After that, they can be crushed using a conventional meat grinder or blender.

Pour half the sugar into the puree and pour boiling water over and leave to cool completely. The prepared concentrated mixture will need to be filtered and poured into a glass jar.

Dilute the remaining sugar with warm water, add yeast and put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. When the yeast dissolves and the first signs of fermentation appear on the surface, pour the starter into the apple infusion.

It is very important that there is no air in the wort, for this, close the jar with a lid or put on a rubber glove. Install a water seal on the lid, if you use a glove - make one small puncture in it. If the hole is very large, instead of wine you may end up with a bite so that the must does not oxidize, the hole must be strained with a needle or pin - do not cut with scissors!

When the must has fermented, drain the young wine from the sediment and strain. Pour it into clean bottles, close tightly and let it rest for several hours in the refrigerator.

Dry apple wine is ready - try it and enjoy the amazing and rich taste of this drink.

Recipe for homemade apple wine from juice without yeast

Homemade apple wines can be prepared with or without yeast. If you re-subordinate the natural taste of drinks, then this recipe is designed specifically for you. Prepare the following ingredients:

For berry yeast:

  • raisins - 100 g

For wine:

  • apple juice - 5 liters
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg

Before making wine from apples, you will need to make a starter. Grind the raisins and fill it with warm water. Put the mixture in a warm place for 2-3 days - when the mixture ferments well, you can start preparing apples.

Do not wash the fruits - immediately cut into several parts, remove the seed boxes and grind with a juicer, meat grinder or blender, if you do a small amount of drink, you can just grate the apples. This method of extracting juice is quite laborious, so it is not suitable for everyone.

Apple wine without yeast is prepared on natural sourdough. That is why, it can be drunk even when hyperacidity. Of course, the amount of alcoholic drink will need to be limited, but you can enjoy a pleasant aromatic drink without worrying about your health.

We squeeze the juice well, pour it into a glass jar or a large enameled pan with a lid. Take a liter of juice and mix with two glasses of sugar. When the sugar dissolves, add the sweetened juice to the total and pour in the prepared sourdough.

Close the wort container with a lid, but not tightly, or cover the neck of the jar with a piece of gauze or cloth. Leave the wort in a warm place for 5 days, then strain, remove the pulp and pour into a clean jar. Close the jar with a lid with a water seal and leave to ferment for another 2 weeks. When fermentation is over, drain the drink from the sediment, strain and pour into clean bottles.

Homemade apple wine can be tasted immediately, but it is better to let it brew a little and ripen in a cool place.

Recipe for making homemade apple wine (with video)

This recipe for making wine from apples does not require special knowledge or skills, so it is ideal for beginner winemakers. Fortified wine is prepared very simply and much faster than other apple drinks. You will need:

  • Apples - 10 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Vodka - 150 ml

Homemade apple wines are the most popular among winemakers. This is due not only to the fact that apples are the most affordable raw material that is easy to find almost anywhere in the world. These fruits have surprisingly juicy pulp and excellent taste, which does not change as a result of fermentation, but also becomes even more saturated and fragrant.

Apples must be sorted, washed well, cut in half and cut out the middle. Grind them with a meat grinder or blender. Then you need to add two kilograms of sugar and raisins to this mixture. Mix everything well and transfer to a clean glass bottle. The neck of the bottle must be closed with a lid with a water seal or a rubber glove, which must be carefully fixed on the neck of the bottle. Don't let air in, or the wine will turn into vinegar.

Leave the container with the wort to ferment for three weeks at room temperature. After this time, the liquid should be filtered and poured into another clean bottle. Add 1 cup of sugar, stir and leave to ferment for another 7 days. Strain the drink and pour in the vodka. Mix the wine well, pour into clean prepared bottles, close tightly and move them to a cool place.

Watch the video of homemade apple wine - it will help you learn how to cook a wonderful alcoholic drink with your own hands.

How to make homemade apple wine from fermented juice

Wine from fermented apple juice is very fragrant and fragrant. For cooking strong drink you will need:

  • Apple juice - 6 l
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Vodka - 600 g
  • Raisins - 50 g

According to this recipe, apple juice wine will be ready in two weeks, so you will always have the opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones with a wonderful drink.

Pour the juice into a convenient jar or enamel pan, pour some of the sugar into it and mix well.

When the juice absorbs all the sugar well, you can add the second part and mix well again. Leave the sweetened juice warm for fermentation, if it is slow, add a little unwashed raisins to the juice. Fermentation of the must in the heat lasts about 5-7 days, after which the juice will need to be filtered and poured into glass jars. Pour in the required amount of good vodka and leave at room temperature for another 5 days.

This apple juice wine recipe can be used to make a less strong drink. If you don't want to add vodka, just add a little more sugar and let the wine mature for 1-2 months in a cool place.

Strain the fortified wine and pour into bottles and put in a cool place to rest for a few days. Wine from apple juice can be drunk immediately - pour it into a beautiful decanter and invite friends.

Recipe for making homemade apple wine

Making wine from apples is a very interesting and exciting process. You can not only learn how to make a delicious and fragrant drink, but also get a lot of pleasant emotions. Becoming a real winemaker is not easy, but if you try once, you are unlikely to stop.

Wine at home from apples is prepared from simple and affordable ingredients:

  • Apples - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 700 g
  • Water - 2 l
  • Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l

Before making homemade apple wine, prepare a convenient saucepan and put the collected fruit in it.

Apples must be washed - fill them with water and rinse lightly. Then they need to be cut into small slices and poured into a bowl or a convenient pan. Add water, cinnamon to the apples and put on medium heat. Cook until the apples are soft. We grind the fruit mass through a sieve, transfer it to a jar and put it on fermentation. After three days of fermentation, the wort must be filtered and sugar added. Stir the young wine, pour into glass bottles and close tightly. Let the wine stand for 1-2 days and filter again.

Fill clean bottles with the drink, close tightly and leave to mature in a cool place.

Now you know how to make wine from apples and you can cook it to your taste. You can change the amount of sugar and apples by adding various spices and spices to your taste.

Homemade apple wine recipe and how to store it

The recipe for making apple wine with orange flavor will surely appeal to lovers of original mixed drinks. Delicious wine with a delicate citrus scent will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Apples - 10 kg
  • Oranges - 6 pcs
  • Water - 5 l
  • Sugar - 3 kg

To make wine from apples with oranges, you can take fruits of any variety. Wash the fruit well, cut and remove the seeds. Cut into small pieces and transfer to a convenient bowl. Add 1 kg of sugar, stir and cover with water. Stir the mixture well again and cover with a thick cloth. Put the must in a warm place for 5 days.

It is not difficult to make wine from apples with your own hands, but it is very important to let it ripen. The time and correctness of insisting will depend not only appearance drink - it should be transparent and have a beautiful orange color, but also its taste.

When the wort begins to ferment, drain the liquid through a sieve and squeeze the pulp well through cheesecloth. Put the remaining sugar in it, stir and wait until it dissolves, add wine yeast or a few pieces of raisins and grated oranges along with juice.

Close the wort with a water lock and put it in a warm place to ferment. After the end of the fermentation process, carefully drain the wine, trying not to mix the sediment, strain and soak in a sealed container for another 3 days. When the wine rests, strain it again, bottle it.

Before storing apple wine, place the drink bottles in a horizontal position.

How to make apple wine at home and how to clarify it

Making apple wine is simple, but at the same time, difficult process. Its complexity lies in the fact that it will be very difficult to wait for the drink to be ready. Ideally, the wine should be left to mature for 6 months, but prepared according to this recipe, you can taste it in a month.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 10 kg
  • Sugar - 3 kg
  • Water - 3 l
  • Wine yeast or a few raisins

Before making apple wine, you do not need to wash the fruit - this will help speed up the fermentation process. Apples of any variety or mixture of apples different varieties cut into not very large pieces. Add 1 kg of granulated sugar to the crushed mass, pour in water and keep for 5 days in a warm place. Strain the juice released during this time, do not forget to squeeze out the apple pulp.

Add the remaining granulated sugar to the resulting wort. Stir well, add wine yeast or raisins, close the lid with a water seal and put the mash in a warm place. Keep the drink until the end of fermentation. After that, the wine must be removed from the sediment, kept for 2 days in a cool place and once again poured into a clean bowl. Strain carefully and pour into clean bottles. If you want the drink to be transparent, it will need to be clarified.

Before clarifying apple wine, prepare gelatin and soak it in water for a day. During this time, the water will need to be changed several times. The swollen gelatin is poured with a glass of wine, mixed well until completely dissolved and diluted with another 3-4 glasses of wine. Mix well and pour into a container with ready drink. After 14 days, it is carefully removed from the sediment and poured into bottles for storage.

Making homemade apple wine

Making homemade apple wine will help you process leftover fruit after harvest. Fruits that are not suitable for compotes and fresh storage do not need to be thrown away - make a delicious drink for yourself.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 cup per liter of juice
  • Water - 2/3 cup per liter of juice

To make homemade wine from apples, you can take ripe fruits that have deteriorated a little or have already begun to rot. Cut off any damaged parts, put the rest in a large bowl or basin. Do not wash apples, they contain wild yeast.

Apples can be rubbed on a grater or scrolled through a meat grinder - you get applesauce. It must be left for 3 days in an open container. Carefully remove the pulp that has floated to the surface, and pour the liquid into a jar or a large enameled pan.

Before making apple wine, prepare a few clean jars and a water-tight lid. If your household does not have this, take a regular rubber glove. During fermentation, air must not enter the must, otherwise you will end up with vinegar instead of wine.

Pour the squeezed juice into a fermentation tank, add sugar and water - calculate the amount in relation to the resulting juice. We put the jar in a dark place with a temperature of 18 - 25 degrees and leave until the complete cessation of fermentation. A sediment will form at the bottom, which will need to be drained. Strain the drink carefully, pour it into clean bottles and close tightly. Leave the wine in a cool place to ripen for 3-4 weeks.

Ingredients: 10 kg of apples, 1 kg of sugar.
Cooking method. Ripe apples of different varieties are washed well, passed through a meat grinder, then put under a press. Squeezed juice (it will turn out about 6 liters of juice) is filtered and poured into a prepared container.

We add sugar, close the water seal and leave to ferment for several weeks.

At the end of fermentation, the wine is carefully removed from the sediment, if necessary, clarified and bottled.

Ingredients: 2 kg of apples, 500 g of sugar, 2 liters of water, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of vanillin.
Cooking method. Wash apples, cut small pieces, put in a saucepan and fill with water. Add cinnamon, vanilla and cook until the apples are soft. Then we wipe the apples through a sieve, put the puree in a glass container, leave it for fermentation.

At the end of the fermentation process, the wine is carefully drained from the sediment, clarified in any convenient way, and sugar is added.

Pour the finished wine into bottles and store in a dark, cool place.

Apple wine with cinnamon

Ingredients: 2 kg apples, 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon, 500 g sugar, 2 liters of water.
Cooking method. My apples, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add water, cinnamon and put on fire. Cook apples over low heat until soft. After that we wipe apple pulp through a sieve, transfer to a glass dish, cover with gauze or a linen napkin and set to ferment for several days.

When the fermentation process is completed, we filter the drink, pour it into a bottle, add sugar, close the lid with a water seal and leave it for fermentation. At the end of the fermentation process, we drain the wine from the sediment, bottle it and cork tightly.

Winemaker's advice: A home winemaker must carefully control all stages of wine maturation, the temperature of the room where the fermentation process of the drink takes place, and strictly follow the recommendations on technology and recipes. Failure to follow these simple rules can result in a spoiled product in the end, which will resemble vinegar, not wine.

Classic apple wine

Ingredients: 12 kg of apples, sugar (100 g per 1 liter of juice).
Cooking method. Wash apples of different varieties and degrees of maturity, remove the core and damaged areas, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder.

The resulting mass is placed in a glass bottle, the neck of the dishes is tied with gauze and put in a warm place for 2-4 days.

When the pulp floats, drain the juice that stands out in the lower part, squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth or linen. The resulting juice is poured into a glass container, add sugar, close the lid with a water seal and leave for active fermentation for 3-4 weeks.

Then we let it mature for another 15-25 days. The finished wine is carefully drained from the sediment and bottled.

Ingredients: 6 kg of apples of sour and sweet varieties in equal proportions, 2 kg of sugar, 6-7 liters of water, 1 liter of vodka.
Cooking method. My apples, cut, squeeze the juice with a press or juicer.

The resulting juice is poured into a glass dish with a capacity of about 10 liters. Dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 hour. The resulting syrup is cooled to a temperature of 35-40 ° C, added to apple juice.

We close the dishes loosely and put in a cool place for 8 days. Then pour in vodka, cork tightly and leave for 3 months in a cool place.

The finished wine is carefully drained from the sediment and bottled.

Apple rowan wine

Ingredients: 6.3 liters of apple juice, 700 ml of rowan juice, 200 g of raisins, 2.5 kg of sugar, 5 liters of water.
Cooking method. To prepare the starter, put the raisins in a glass container with a volume of 500 ml, pour 3/4 of the volume with boiled water. We close the container with a cotton plug or tie it with a thick cloth and put it in a warm place. After 3-4 days, the sourdough will be ready.

Combine apple and rowan juices, add sugar, mix. Pour in 5 liters of water, add the starter and leave to ferment in a warm, dark place for 7-10 days.

The result is a light, dry wine. To increase the strength, alcohol can be added to it at the rate of 500 ml per 10 liters of wine. After mixing with alcohol, we infuse the wine for 7-9 days, then filter and bottle.

Ingredients: 7 liters of apple juice, 1.5 liters of red currant juice, 2.2 kg of sugar, 800 ml of water.
Cooking method. Mix apple and currant juice Add water and half the amount of sugar. Pour the mixture into a fermentation container, fill it no more than 2/3 of the volume so that the wort does not overflow during fermentation.

Fermentation should take place at room temperature for 25-35 days. When the fermentation process is completed, we remove the wine from the sediment, pour it into another container and leave for 30 days at room temperature.

The wine is again drained, filtered, bottled and stored in a cool place.

Wine from Ranet apples with cinnamon

Ingredients: 2 kg of Ranet apples, 12 g of cinnamon, 500 g of sugar, 2 liters of water.
Cooking method. My Ranet apples, finely chopped, put in a saucepan and pour with water. Add cinnamon and simmer over low heat until the apples are soft.

We wipe the apple mass through a sieve and leave to ferment in a warm place. When the puree begins to ferment, add sugar, mix, close the container with a lid with a water seal and leave it to ferment the mass.

The finished wine is removed from the sediment, filtered, filtered and bottled.

Ingredients: 1 kg of quince, 10 liters of clarified grape juice.
Cooking method.
We clean the quince from the skin and core, cut into small pieces, pour grape juice and insist for 1 month.

Then the wine is bottled, tightly corked and stored in a cool room.